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作者 王立军 余海群 +6 位作者 谭晋鹏 汪明 刘耀鹏 李星语 夏兵 余文华 崔明芝 《钢结构(中英文)》 2024年第10期84-89,共6页
中国抗震设计起步较晚,但在经历了几次重大地震后,通过吸收国外经验和自主研究,逐步建立了完整的抗震设计体系,其中也体现在钢结构领域。目前,我国钢结构抗震设计采用“三水准、两阶段”的设计方法,并已发展出基于性能的抗震设计理念。... 中国抗震设计起步较晚,但在经历了几次重大地震后,通过吸收国外经验和自主研究,逐步建立了完整的抗震设计体系,其中也体现在钢结构领域。目前,我国钢结构抗震设计采用“三水准、两阶段”的设计方法,并已发展出基于性能的抗震设计理念。本文梳理了国内外建筑钢结构抗震设计的历史演进和最新进展,分别从我国钢结构抗震技术的历史发展过程、当前主流技术和对该领域技术的未来展望三个不同角度全面阐述了我国在钢结构抗震设计领域从无到有、从落后到逐步与世界接轨的发展过程。同时对不同时期国外发达国家在相关技术上的主要突破进行了简要概述。通过对比可见,我国钢结构抗震设计技术在过去的几十年内得到了快速的发展,但同时也论述了我国尚存的不足。最后,对我国未来在钢结构抗震相关技术和规范的发展方向给出了明确的建议。 展开更多
关键词 抗震设计体系 钢结构抗震设计 三水准、两阶段 基于性能的抗震设计
作者 周洁 李文浩 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2023年第2期137-140,共4页
在建筑工程项目与建设中,受地震灾害因素的影响,建筑项目建设施工中对工程项目的抗震性能比较的重视。钢结构是建筑工程中一种十分重要的建造形式。相比于钢筋混凝土结构,钢结构的抗震性能更为优秀、强度更高,单位建造面积重量更轻等优... 在建筑工程项目与建设中,受地震灾害因素的影响,建筑项目建设施工中对工程项目的抗震性能比较的重视。钢结构是建筑工程中一种十分重要的建造形式。相比于钢筋混凝土结构,钢结构的抗震性能更为优秀、强度更高,单位建造面积重量更轻等优点,因此钢结构在大型厂房、桥梁、高层建筑物设计中得到广泛使用。所以,建筑工程项目钢结构设计过程中,一定要结构抗震设计加以重视起来,明确钢结构抗震设计的要点,提升建筑物的抗震性能,减少因地震灾害而带来了财产损失与人员伤亡。基于此,文章对工程钢结构抗震设计要点进行了深入的探索和研究。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工程 钢结构抗震设计 设计要点
作者 莫嘉俊 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2023年第9期127-130,共4页
地震是一种破坏性极大的自然灾害,它可以对建筑结构造成毁灭性的影响。抗震钢结构的设计在建筑工程中起着至关重要的作用。随着工程建设技术的发展,抗震钢结构的理论、方法与实践不断地被完善和提高。本文首先介绍了抗震钢结构设计中的... 地震是一种破坏性极大的自然灾害,它可以对建筑结构造成毁灭性的影响。抗震钢结构的设计在建筑工程中起着至关重要的作用。随着工程建设技术的发展,抗震钢结构的理论、方法与实践不断地被完善和提高。本文首先介绍了抗震钢结构设计中的基本概念和原则,然后详细阐述了其理论和方法。最后,结合实际工程案例,探讨了抗震钢结构设计中存在的问题和发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 抗震结构 设计 理论 方法 实践
作者 姜金泉 孙陈晨 徐文敏 《建筑施工》 2020年第7期1178-1180,共3页
基于海外工程抗震钢结构制作需要采用美标的现状,对美标AISC341-10,AWS D1.1及AWSD1.8抗震焊接规范要求进行研究。从材料要求、过焊孔开设、引熄弧板、焊接工艺、焊工资质等方面对抗震钢结构的加工要点进行了整理,以确保在以美标进行产... 基于海外工程抗震钢结构制作需要采用美标的现状,对美标AISC341-10,AWS D1.1及AWSD1.8抗震焊接规范要求进行研究。从材料要求、过焊孔开设、引熄弧板、焊接工艺、焊工资质等方面对抗震钢结构的加工要点进行了整理,以确保在以美标进行产品加工时,钢结构质量能满足规范要求。所积累的经验可供类似项目借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 抗震结构 美标抗震规范 制作要点 工艺要点
论抗震钢框架梁柱刚性连接的极限受弯承载力设计 被引量:2
作者 陈炯 《钢结构》 2008年第11期40-46,53,共8页
梁柱刚性连接的极限承载力是保证强震作用下抗震钢框架安全性的关键要素之一。以H形截面梁柱的刚性连接为例,讨论其极限受弯承载力设计问题。首先,通过对《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)与欧洲规范以及日本相关规范的对比分析,指出... 梁柱刚性连接的极限承载力是保证强震作用下抗震钢框架安全性的关键要素之一。以H形截面梁柱的刚性连接为例,讨论其极限受弯承载力设计问题。首先,通过对《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)与欧洲规范以及日本相关规范的对比分析,指出:期望在遭受强烈地震作用下梁端截面形成塑性铰的钢框架,"规范"(GB50011-2001)的梁柱连接系数,至少不比欧洲规范的低,一般也不会低于日本规范的。对于梁截面较高或采用高强结构钢(Q345及以上级别钢)情况,甚至要高于日本规范的。同时指出,连接系数应随钢号而变化,采用定值连接系数不合理。进而,讨论了梁端潜在塑性铰区域的长度,对于钢柱伸出短梁段的梁端梁-梁拼接,给出其避开梁端塑性区设定拼接位置的计算式。最后,建议梁柱连接极限承载力计算应计入腹板连接贡献的受弯承载力。对于混合连接(WUF-B),腹板连接贡献的极限受弯承载力应取其焊接、高强度螺栓连接两者中的较小值,并推荐了相应的连接系数值。 展开更多
关键词 抗震结构 梁柱刚性连接 极限受弯承载力 连接系数
考虑裂纹扩展的钢框架节点性能研究 被引量:2
作者 成维佳 李维滨 左媛 《钢结构》 2018年第9期24-29,共6页
为研究考虑裂纹扩展的钢框架节点抗震性能、断裂性能的优劣,选用3种构造形式的焊接节点在不同加载制度下对节点的破坏模式、承载力退化程度、变形及延性比、耗能等多项抗震性能指标以及等效塑性应变、应力三轴度、开裂指数等多项断裂性... 为研究考虑裂纹扩展的钢框架节点抗震性能、断裂性能的优劣,选用3种构造形式的焊接节点在不同加载制度下对节点的破坏模式、承载力退化程度、变形及延性比、耗能等多项抗震性能指标以及等效塑性应变、应力三轴度、开裂指数等多项断裂性能指标进行比较分析。研究表明:相较于其他节点,H-H型节点抗震性能最佳,但由于焊趾位置应力集中使之最易开裂;加载制度对节点承载力退化及断裂破坏有直接影响。 展开更多
关键词 钢结构抗震 裂纹扩展 3种构造形式节点 抗震性能 开裂指数
抗震焊接接头在模拟地震循环载荷作用下累积损伤的研究 被引量:1
作者 李杰 张玉凤 +1 位作者 霍立兴 王东坡 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期452-455,共4页
根据抗震钢结构焊接接头在地震循环载荷作用下的累积损伤模型,采用大型有限元软件ANSYS,对建筑钢结构中比较常见的Q235H型梁柱焊接接头和"狗骨式"焊接接头,在模拟地震循环载荷作用下进行了弹塑性有限元分析(FEA).以损伤指数... 根据抗震钢结构焊接接头在地震循环载荷作用下的累积损伤模型,采用大型有限元软件ANSYS,对建筑钢结构中比较常见的Q235H型梁柱焊接接头和"狗骨式"焊接接头,在模拟地震循环载荷作用下进行了弹塑性有限元分析(FEA).以损伤指数作为焊接节点在地震作用下损伤程度的衡量指标,计算了不同形式的焊接节点在模拟地震循环载荷作用下的损伤指数.结果表明,在循环载荷作用下,"狗骨式"焊接接头的损伤程度低于普通焊接接头. 展开更多
关键词 抗震焊接接头 模拟地震循环载荷 累积损伤 弹塑性有限元分析 损伤指数 抗震结构
作者 冯庆栋 《林业科技情报》 2014年第1期34-35,共2页
关键词 房屋抗震能力 抗震概念设计 抗震结构体系 钢结构抗震 剪力墙抗震 比较
作者 吴琴容 《科技与企业》 2014年第14期277-277,共1页
千百年来,人们很难对地震的来临做出准确无误的预测,所以,当地震迅猛到来时致使人们手足无措,同时建筑物产生裂缝,严重时发生倾斜倒塌,最终造成巨大的人员伤亡,影响到人们的正常生活,扰乱了社会原本的秩序,给国家带来了不可挽回的经济... 千百年来,人们很难对地震的来临做出准确无误的预测,所以,当地震迅猛到来时致使人们手足无措,同时建筑物产生裂缝,严重时发生倾斜倒塌,最终造成巨大的人员伤亡,影响到人们的正常生活,扰乱了社会原本的秩序,给国家带来了不可挽回的经济损失。虽然地震是无法制止的,但是随着科技的发展,采取有效的措施可以在很大程度上减小地震带来的损失,由此可见,研究建筑物的抗震设计是非常重要的。 展开更多
关键词 砌体结构 筋混凝土 结构抗震设计
Analysis on seismic performance of a new type of joint in steel structures 被引量:1
作者 Li Xiaodong Ma Guangtian Yan Yinji 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第3期290-298,共9页
To examine the seismic performance of a newly fabricated weakened joint at the beam end position,four groups of energy-consuming steel plates with different weakening depths and thicknesses were subjected to horizonta... To examine the seismic performance of a newly fabricated weakened joint at the beam end position,four groups of energy-consuming steel plates with different weakening depths and thicknesses were subjected to horizontal cyclic reciprocating loading tests on beam ends.The tests were designed to evaluate the beams'hysteresis curve,skeleton curve,bearing capacity degradation curve,stiffness degradation curve,and ductility and the nodes'energy dissipation capacity.The test results show that a newly fabricated joint will not undergo brittle damage when the beam-column joint is welded at a displacement of 105 mm.Thus,the hysteresis curve will show an inverse S shape,and an obvious slip phenomenon will occur,which is mainly due to splicing.The diameter of the bolt connecting the slab to the beam flange is slightly smaller than the aperture.Due to the existence of slippage,the skeleton curve has no evident yield point.The joint ductility coefficient is less than 3.0,and the initial rotational stiffness of the joint is also small.The buckling of the splicing panel causes a rapid decrease in the joint bearing capacity.The main approaches,appropriately reducing the weakening depth and increasing the thickness of the splicing plate,can delay the occurrence of buckling and improve the ductility of the joint. 展开更多
关键词 steel structure energy-dissipating members weakened joint seismic performance cyclic loading tests
Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Tall Building with Steel Transfer Trusses Located at a Higher Level
作者 刘劲松 裘涛 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2008年第2期181-183,共3页
Based on a shaking table experiment of 1 :25 scale frame-shearwall structure model with steel transfer trusses,the dynamic characteristics,seismic responses in elastic and elastic-plastic phases with de- structive for... Based on a shaking table experiment of 1 :25 scale frame-shearwall structure model with steel transfer trusses,the dynamic characteristics,seismic responses in elastic and elastic-plastic phases with de- structive forms of the structure were studied.It was observed that cracks were developed with earthquake wave acceleration increasing,but no severe crack was developed in the structure during the experiment.In the seismic responses caused by artificial wave,site wave and E1 Centro wave,that caused by the artificial wave is the most intense one.Displacement angle between steel transfer trusses is large,which means the transfer stories might be weak.However,the seismic performance of the steel transfer trusses is good and the overall structure can satisfy seismic fortification requirements in the region of intensity 6. 展开更多
关键词 steel transfer trusses transfer stories model experiment shaking table
Assessment of the Seismic Behavior of the Reinforced Concrete Structures Based on the Probabilities
作者 Mohsen Javan Pour Panam Zarfam 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第2期154-162,共9页
This paper presents an analytical foundation for probability-based formats for seismic design and assessment of structures. These formats are designed to be suitable for code and guideline implementation. The framewor... This paper presents an analytical foundation for probability-based formats for seismic design and assessment of structures. These formats are designed to be suitable for code and guideline implementation. The framework rests on non-linear, static seismic analysis. The formats can be used to ensure that the structural seismic design can be expected to satisfy specified probabilistic performance objectives, and perhaps (more novel) that it does so with a desired, guaranteed degree of confidence. Performance objectives are presumed to be expressed as the annual probability of exceeding a structural performance level. Structural performance levels are in turn defined as specified structural parameters (e.g., ductility, strength, maximum drift ratio, etc.) reaching a structural limit state (e.g. onset of yield, collapse, etc.). The degree of confidence in meeting the specified performance objective may be quantified through the upper confidence bound on the (uncertain) probability. In order to make such statements, aleatory (random) uncertainty and epistemic (knowledge limited) uncertainty must be distinguished. The single seismic design foundation can be formatted into the alternative conventional design methods such as LRFD design and fragility-hazard design. Versions of the new developments reported here are already in place in recently completed seismic guidelines. 展开更多
关键词 NON-LINEAR PROBABILITY performance SEISMIC uncertainty.
Research on the direct damage-based seismic design method of RC frame structures
作者 Lanfang LUO Jing XU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期65-67,共3页
Based on the existing research, this paper presents an innovative methodology to realize direct damage-based seismic design for RC frame structures by mobilizing ESDOF theory and the damage-based strength reduction fa... Based on the existing research, this paper presents an innovative methodology to realize direct damage-based seismic design for RC frame structures by mobilizing ESDOF theory and the damage-based strength reduction factor(RD factor). A design example is then followed to verify this method. 展开更多
关键词 Reinforced concrete frame structures Direct damage-based seismic design Damage-based inelastic response spectrum
Structural Design of Philippine Arena
作者 Jong Soo Kim Hyun Hee Ryu +1 位作者 Duck-Won Cho Keum Jung Song 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第4期405-416,共12页
The Philippine Arena Project is a large domed roof structure. The arena volume is significant, with 227 m x 179 m ellipse shaped space standing, which is the largest non-column arena in the world. Reinforced concrete ... The Philippine Arena Project is a large domed roof structure. The arena volume is significant, with 227 m x 179 m ellipse shaped space standing, which is the largest non-column arena in the world. Reinforced concrete is used for the bowl structure and main seismic resisting system is considered as dual system. For the structure above Level 04, steel rakers and columns are applied. To identify seismic resisting performance of steel structure, push over analysis had been carried out. Pre-cast concrete plank is planned for arena seating to meet constructing ability. The roof structure is grid type space frame. Tension trusses are located under the space frame for overall stability of roof structure. Wind tunnel test had been conducted to evaluate accurate wind pressure for both structure and cladding design. LRB (lead rubber bearing) is located under the roof structure to reduce seismic force delivered from sub-structure. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial structure space frame ARENA DOME ISOLATOR lead rubber bearing.
Research on Seismic Reliability and Damage of Reinforced Concrete Frame
作者 Xin WANG ding LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期90-92,共3页
This paper first introduces the basic principle of seismic risk analysis, and then put forward the basic concept of structures global seismic fragility, aiming at the existing problems of traditional analysis method, ... This paper first introduces the basic principle of seismic risk analysis, and then put forward the basic concept of structures global seismic fragility, aiming at the existing problems of traditional analysis method, combined the method of analytical approximation degree of structure reliability with Performance-Based Seismic Design (PBSD), put forward the analysis method of structural reliability and the performance of the global seismic fragility, are calculated by using the finite element reliability method of structures global seismic fragility. Taking the maximum interlamination relative deformation as indicators of overall performance, we analyze seismic fragility of five storey RC frame structure, rendering the seismic fragility curves corresponding to different performance requirements and different earthquake action. 展开更多
关键词 Reinforced concrete frame structure VULNERABILITY RELIABILITY
The Effects of Cross Sectional Dimensions on the Behavior of L-Shaped RC Structural Members
作者 Mehmet Hasnalbant Cemal Eyyubov 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第12期1355-1363,共9页
The behavior of L-Shaped RC (reinforced concrete) shear walls was investigated in the Erciyes University Earthquake Investigation Laboratory under the influence of constant axial load together with reversed cyclic l... The behavior of L-Shaped RC (reinforced concrete) shear walls was investigated in the Erciyes University Earthquake Investigation Laboratory under the influence of constant axial load together with reversed cyclic lateral load. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cross sectional dimensions on the behavior of L-shaped structural members and to assess their earthquake performance. In order to investigate L-shaped RC structural members, the special experiment setup and four type of 1/2 scaled specimens which have different aspect ratio were constructed. The specimens were loaded in line with the major principal axes direction laterally. Axial load ratio was 0.1 and cross section height to thickness ratios were' 3:1, 5:1, 8:1, 10:1. Cross section thickness was 120 mm which corresponds to (360:120), (600:120), (960:120), (1,200:120) wall legs cross sectional dimensions in mm. The specimens height was 1,500 mm, together with upper and lower slabs overall height was 2,000 mm. Concrete compression strength was 30 N/mm2, steel yield stress 420 N/mm2 and vertical reinforcement ratio was 1% for all specimens. According to the test results, the specimen of which the aspect ratio is 3 (360:120) has shown column behavior, the specimen of which the aspect ratio is 5 (600:120) has shown slender wall behavior and last two specimens of which the aspect ratios are 8 (960:120) and 10 (1,200:120) have shown squat wall behavior. When considering the cracking patterns and hysteretic behavior, since the aspect ratio 8, the specimens show flexure-shear interaction behavior and prone to brittle failure. 展开更多
关键词 Shear wall reinforced concrete L-shaped DUCTILITY stiffness.
Seismic Safety of RC Framed Buildings Designed According to Modern Codes
作者 Juan Carlos Vielma Barbat Alex Oiler Sergio 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第7期567-575,共9页
In order to ensure that a structure does not collapse when subjected to the action of strong ground motions, modern codes include prescriptions in order to guarantee the ductile behavior of the elements and of the who... In order to ensure that a structure does not collapse when subjected to the action of strong ground motions, modern codes include prescriptions in order to guarantee the ductile behavior of the elements and of the whole structure. Obviously, it would be of special importance for the designer to know during the design process the extent of damage that the structure will suffer under the seismic action specified by the design spectrum and also the probability of occurrence of different states of behavior. The incremental nonlinear static analysis procedure used in this paper allows formulating a new, simplified, seismic damage index and damage thresholds associated with five limit states. The seismic behavior of a set of regular reinforced concrete buildings designed according to the EC-2/EC-8 prescriptions for a high seismic hazard level is then studied using the proposed damage index and damage states. Fragility curves and damage probability matrices corresponding to the performance point are calculated for the studied buildings. The obtained results show that the collapse damage state is not reached in the buildings designed according to the prescriptions of EC-2/EC-8 and also that the damage does not exceed the irreparable damage limit state. 展开更多
关键词 Non linear analysis limit states OVERSTRENGTH DUCTILITY redundancy.
Seismic failure mode improvement of RC frame structure based on multiple lateral load patterns of pushover analyses 被引量:14
作者 BAI JiuLin OU JinPing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第11期2825-2833,共9页
The structural failure under severe ground motions is primarily caused by their unreasonable seismic failure mode (SFM). This paper provides a methodology aiming at the SFM improvement of reinforced concrete frame str... The structural failure under severe ground motions is primarily caused by their unreasonable seismic failure mode (SFM). This paper provides a methodology aiming at the SFM improvement of reinforced concrete frame structure. An RC frame is modeled and three types of failure criterion are defined as the premise of SFM. Static pushover analysis is adopted to identify the SFM. The dominant failure modes and failure paths of the structure are obtained in three lateral load patterns (inverted trian- gular distribution, uniform distribution and adaptive distribution). Based on the pushover analysis, the sequential failure of components and the probability of the occurrence of plastic hinges are determined. By this, weak components of the structure are detected and herein are strengthened. The project cost of the proposed strengthening strategy increases by 2.4%. Capacity spectrum method is used to study the performance of the strengthening structure. Pushover analysis is conducted again to present the improvement of strength and ductility. Lateral drift and local response through IDA are also studied to indicate that the strengthening of some columns and beams can improve the SFM to enhance the seismic capacity of structure. 展开更多
关键词 seismic failure modes (SFM) IMPROVEMENT failure path PUSHOVER incremental dynamic analysis (IDA)
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