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作者 司兆敏 王鸣琴 +2 位作者 杜玲珍 陕方 金肇熙 《眼科研究》 CSCD 1995年第1期16-18,共3页
纯铁片植入45只兔眼玻璃体,1天~12周取出。火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定房水、玻璃体Fe、Cu、Zn含量。铁植入后,房水、玻璃体Fe值增高,玻璃体Cu值增高;玻璃体Zn值低于正常,且对照组单纯穿通伤玻璃体Zn值亦较正... 纯铁片植入45只兔眼玻璃体,1天~12周取出。火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定房水、玻璃体Fe、Cu、Zn含量。铁植入后,房水、玻璃体Fe值增高,玻璃体Cu值增高;玻璃体Zn值低于正常,且对照组单纯穿通伤玻璃体Zn值亦较正常低。铁取出后10周,房水、玻璃体Fe值下降,但铁存留8~12周组玻璃体Fe、Cu值仍较高。探讨了铁异物存留时间及其取出后与房水、玻璃体Fe、Cu、Zn值的关系和机理。 展开更多
关键词 眼内异物 铁异物 玻璃体 房水 眼球
作者 宥永胜 沈丽君 +4 位作者 秦华 高潮 范巍 刘洋 陈亦棋 《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》 2011年第2期77-81,138,共6页
目的通过兔眼电生理检查及房水、玻璃体铁离子浓度的检测,评估后极部巩膜层间铁异物植入对兔眼生理生化的影响。方法选取健康成年日本大耳白兔12只,随机分成两组。以右眼为对照眼,左眼为实验眼。制备2.0mm×1.0mm×0.2mm中碳铁... 目的通过兔眼电生理检查及房水、玻璃体铁离子浓度的检测,评估后极部巩膜层间铁异物植入对兔眼生理生化的影响。方法选取健康成年日本大耳白兔12只,随机分成两组。以右眼为对照眼,左眼为实验眼。制备2.0mm×1.0mm×0.2mm中碳铁片,经眶路植入兔左眼后极部巩膜板层内。第一组植入无锈中碳铁片,第二组植入有锈中碳铁片。分别在植入前1周及术后1周、2周、1个月、3个月,对双眼进行闪光视网膜电流图(F-ERG)和闪光视觉诱发电位(F-VEP)检查。在实验结束处死前,抽取兔眼房水和玻璃体并设置空白对照,检测其中的铁离子浓度。运用统计软件SPSS16.0,采用方差分析,对检测结果进行统计分析。结果暗视F-ERG混合反应a波振幅不同时间点之间比较差异无统计学意义(F=1.885,P=0.129),不同处理组之间比较差异也无统计学意义(F=1.188,P=0.340);b波振幅差异无统计学意义(时间因素F=2.73,P=0.064;处理因素F=1.114,P=0.367);F-VEPN1波潜时(时间因素F=1.605,P=0.263;处理因素F=1.556,P=0.314)、P1波潜时(时间因素F=2.329,P=0.092;处理因素F=2.186,P=0.103)差异均无统计学意义。房水铁离子浓度各组差异有统计学意义(F=3.791,P=0.022),其中有锈铁片组与空白对照组比较差异有统计学意义(t=3.32,P=0.004)。玻璃体铁离子浓度各组差异有统计学意义(F=3.694,P=0.023),其中有锈铁片组与空白对照组(t=2.84,P=0.01)、无锈铁片组与空白对照组(t=3.23,P=0.005)比较差异有统计学意义。结论在3个月实验期内,兔眼后极部巩膜层间细小铁异物无论氧化与否,均没有对视网膜视神经造成明确的电生理改变,但房水、玻璃体铁离子浓度较铁异物植入前有明显升高。 展开更多
关键词 巩膜层间铁异物 电生理检查 离子浓度 兔眼
作者 徐金爱 《基层医学论坛》 2009年第8期284-284,共1页
1病例资料 患儿,男,8岁,因误吞吸铁石2块(呈梭球状)2月余,采取多种方法无效而住院手术。X线及B超提示:右下腹可见2块吸铁石贴在一起,拟在氯胺酮麻醉下行异物取出术。术前肌注东莨菪碱0.2g、安定5mg,进入手术室后肌注氯胺酮100mg,... 1病例资料 患儿,男,8岁,因误吞吸铁石2块(呈梭球状)2月余,采取多种方法无效而住院手术。X线及B超提示:右下腹可见2块吸铁石贴在一起,拟在氯胺酮麻醉下行异物取出术。术前肌注东莨菪碱0.2g、安定5mg,进入手术室后肌注氯胺酮100mg,以0.1%氯胺酮+安定10g静滴维持麻醉状态。 展开更多
关键词 手术取出 铁异物 肌注东莨菪碱 氯胺酮麻醉 肠腔 异物取出术 入手术室后 病例资料
小儿消化道多磁铁异物二例 被引量:4
作者 张世伟 张浩然 +5 位作者 刘家旭 曲志博 鞠春成 周鑫 马计超 孙清政 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期939-941,共3页
例1男,5岁11个月,因"阵发性腹痛伴呕吐无便1 d"入院。入院查体:腹部平坦,未见胃肠型及胃蠕动波,全腹软,右下腹部偏中有压痛;腹部X线立位平片提示"不完全性肠梗阻,消化道异物"。经与家长共同反复追问病史,患儿承认约... 例1男,5岁11个月,因"阵发性腹痛伴呕吐无便1 d"入院。入院查体:腹部平坦,未见胃肠型及胃蠕动波,全腹软,右下腹部偏中有压痛;腹部X线立位平片提示"不完全性肠梗阻,消化道异物"。经与家长共同反复追问病史,患儿承认约在10 d前有磁铁吞入史,吞入的为可粘附临时车牌的强力磁铁,吞入个数说不清,将腹部X线正侧位片与实物仔细对照,确定为3枚磁铁吸附一体(图1)。一天后复查X线片,异物位置无变化,遂行剖腹探查术,术中发现于右下腹空肠、中位小肠及乙状结肠末端聚集并粘连,可触及金属异物位于此聚集肠管中,各肠管间炎性粘连,分离粘连肠管,见紧密吸附的磁铁已将夹在其间的肠壁及系膜压迫成坏死、菲薄、透明的薄膜样结构,其边缘已与正常组织大部分分离,造成肠壁圆形缺损(图2)。 展开更多
关键词 消化道异物 铁异物 X线正侧位片 不完全性肠梗阻 阵发性腹痛 小儿 炎性粘连 入院查体
儿童呼吸道梭形磁铁异物经支气管镜成功取出一例 被引量:1
作者 柯铿坚 刘大波 +1 位作者 黄振云 许家健 《中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期848-848,共1页
患儿男,6岁,因误吸磁铁3d于2013年7月10日收入院.患儿3d前玩耍梭形磁铁时将磁铁掷出,磁铁撞击瓷砖墙壁后弹回飞入患儿口中并误吸,当即出现呼吸困难、喘气表现,无神志不清,拍背后缓解,偶有喘气、咳嗽,无呼吸困难、发绀等.外院X线片示右... 患儿男,6岁,因误吸磁铁3d于2013年7月10日收入院.患儿3d前玩耍梭形磁铁时将磁铁掷出,磁铁撞击瓷砖墙壁后弹回飞入患儿口中并误吸,当即出现呼吸困难、喘气表现,无神志不清,拍背后缓解,偶有喘气、咳嗽,无呼吸困难、发绀等.外院X线片示右侧支气管异物(图1).查体:右肺呼吸音明显减低,未闻及哕音.诊断:右支气管异物. 展开更多
关键词 经支气管镜 梭形 铁异物 呼吸道 支气管异物 儿童 呼吸困难 神志不清
作者 田艳明 乔磊 +3 位作者 李鹏 闫希冬 杨胜 杨英 《中华眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期924-924,共1页
患者男性,24岁,维吾尔族,因右眼外伤后视力下降伴视野缺损3d至解放军第四七四医院就诊.2014年4月11日患者敲击铁器时,一铁屑异物溅起击伤右眼,于2013年4月15日以右眼眶异物收入院.既往身体健康.入院后检查可见患者右眼内侧眉弓皮肤有一... 患者男性,24岁,维吾尔族,因右眼外伤后视力下降伴视野缺损3d至解放军第四七四医院就诊.2014年4月11日患者敲击铁器时,一铁屑异物溅起击伤右眼,于2013年4月15日以右眼眶异物收入院.既往身体健康.入院后检查可见患者右眼内侧眉弓皮肤有一不规则伤口(白箭头),斜行长约0.5mm,已经闭合(图1).视力,右眼:0.6,左眼:1.0;右眼内侧结膜下淤血,眼表未见伤口,瞳孔双侧等大等圆,自然光下3 mm.直接间接对光反应灵敏,眼底检查未见异常.CT检查提示眶深部接触视神经异物(图2),视野检查上半侧视野及颞侧部分视野缺失(图3).诊断:右眼眶深部异物;右眼视神经挫伤. 展开更多
关键词 眶深部异物 视神经挫伤 铁异物 视功能 取出后 右眼眶异物 视力下降 CT检查
作者 程敬亮 姜曦 +3 位作者 游浩凌 齐云秋 任翠萍 李天晓 《河南医科大学学报》 1998年第2期28-31,共4页
为探讨眼内铁磁性异物MRI时的移动性,对9枚铁屑(0.2mm×0.2mm×0.1mm~4mm×3mm×3mm)进行了体外实验,对10枚铁屑(0.2mm×0.1mm×0.1mm~3.5mm×... 为探讨眼内铁磁性异物MRI时的移动性,对9枚铁屑(0.2mm×0.2mm×0.1mm~4mm×3mm×3mm)进行了体外实验,对10枚铁屑(0.2mm×0.1mm×0.1mm~3.5mm×3mm×3mm)进行了体内实验。体外实验将铁屑放入盛有兔眼玻璃体的透明玻璃瓶中,体内实验将异物置入5只兔的10眼玻璃体内。MRI使用SiemensImpact1.0TMR机。体内实验MRI前后经检眼镜和CT观察异物移动情况,并拍摄X线平片。结果:体外实验发现仅1枚最小铁屑(0.2mm×0.2mm×0.1mm)未见移动,其他8枚均见异物向主磁场方向移动。体内实验3枚小于0.3mm×0.3mm×0.2mm铁屑未见移动,大于0.4mm×0.3mm×0.2mm的7枚铁屑均见移动,但并未导致视网膜损伤。MRI均发现铁异物周围有大于异物数十倍的金属伪迹;小于0.4mm×0.3mm×0.2mm的4枚铁屑X线平片均未显示。结果提示:眼内铁磁性异物移动性与异物大小有关,异物愈大愈易移动;X线平片不能显示的眼内铁异物在1. 展开更多
关键词 异物 磁共振成像 磁性异物
作者 司兆敏 王鸣琴 《眼底病》 CSCD 1990年第1期10-12,共3页
关键词 铁异物 视网膜色素 扫描电镜
无线电能传输系统中铁磁性金属异物对DD/BP磁耦合机构的影响研究 被引量:5
作者 周润棠 杜贵平 沈栋 《电子测量技术》 北大核心 2021年第17期19-25,共7页
铁磁性金属异物是无线电能传输系统在实际运行中常见的干扰物之一,其通过影响磁耦合机构的电气参数间接影响无线电能传输系统的输出特性。DD/BP结构作为电动汽车无线电能传输系统最常见的磁耦合机构类型,本文将以其为例通过磁场模型分... 铁磁性金属异物是无线电能传输系统在实际运行中常见的干扰物之一,其通过影响磁耦合机构的电气参数间接影响无线电能传输系统的输出特性。DD/BP结构作为电动汽车无线电能传输系统最常见的磁耦合机构类型,本文将以其为例通过磁场模型分析铁磁性金属异物对DD/BP磁耦合机构的线圈自感和线圈间互感的影响,通过磁理论的分析说明不同位置的铁磁性金属异物对DD/BP磁耦合机构的影响,借助Maxwell构建DD/BP磁耦合机构电磁仿真模型,在模型中不同垂直位置和水平位置加入铁磁性金属,来证实理论推导的正确性。仿真结果表明铁磁性金属异物处于DD/BP线圈两侧时会增大线圈自感和线圈间互感,而处于两D线圈交界处时会增大线圈自感并减小线圈间互感;在垂直方向上铁磁性金属异物越靠近线圈对相应线圈的自感的影响越大,越靠近任意线圈对线圈间的互感影响越大。 展开更多
关键词 无线电能传输 DD/BP磁耦合机构 磁性金属异物 电磁仿真
Attention Mechanism-Based Method for Intrusion Target Recognition in Railway
作者 SHI Jiang BAI Dingyuan +2 位作者 GUO Baoqing WANG Yao RUAN Tao 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第4期541-554,共14页
The detection of foreign object intrusion is crucial for ensuring the safety of railway operations.To address challenges such as low efficiency,suboptimal detection accuracy,and slow detection speed inherent in conven... The detection of foreign object intrusion is crucial for ensuring the safety of railway operations.To address challenges such as low efficiency,suboptimal detection accuracy,and slow detection speed inherent in conventional comprehensive video monitoring systems for railways,a railway foreign object intrusion recognition and detection system is conceived and implemented using edge computing and deep learning technologies.In a bid to raise detection accuracy,the convolutional block attention module(CBAM),including spatial and channel attention modules,is seamlessly integrated into the YOLOv5 model,giving rise to the CBAM-YOLOv5 model.Furthermore,the distance intersection-over-union_non-maximum suppression(DIo U_NMS)algorithm is employed in lieu of the weighted nonmaximum suppression algorithm,resulting in improved detection performance for intrusive targets.To accelerate detection speed,the model undergoes pruning based on the batch normalization(BN)layer,and Tensor RT inference acceleration techniques are employed,culminating in the successful deployment of the algorithm on edge devices.The CBAM-YOLOv5 model exhibits a notable 2.1%enhancement in detection accuracy when evaluated on a selfconstructed railway dataset,achieving 95.0%for mean average precision(m AP).Furthermore,the inference speed on edge devices attains a commendable 15 frame/s. 展开更多
关键词 foreign object detection railway protection edge computing spatial attention module channel attention module
作者 卫玉彩 《河北医学院学报》 1994年第4期244-245,共2页
眼球铁质沉着症随访观察卫玉彩附属二院眼科(050000)关键词眼球;异物;铁质沉着眼内含铁异物存留致眼球铁质沉着症40例患者,随访结果报告如下.亚临床进料40例均系男性,受伤年龄l~58岁,异物在眼内存留时间40天~... 眼球铁质沉着症随访观察卫玉彩附属二院眼科(050000)关键词眼球;异物;铁质沉着眼内含铁异物存留致眼球铁质沉着症40例患者,随访结果报告如下.亚临床进料40例均系男性,受伤年龄l~58岁,异物在眼内存留时间40天~10年,平均22个月。随访时间50... 展开更多
关键词 眼球 铁异物 质沉着 化学损伤 眼组织损伤
A Discovery of Anomozamites with Reproductive Organs 被引量:2
作者 郑少林 张立军 巩恩普 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第6期667-672,共6页
Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) Zheng et Zhang comb. nov. is a characteristic Bennettitalean plant in Middle Jurassic flora. Only one specimen was collected from Haifanggou Formation (Middle Jurassic) in ... Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) Zheng et Zhang comb. nov. is a characteristic Bennettitalean plant in Middle Jurassic flora. Only one specimen was collected from Haifanggou Formation (Middle Jurassic) in Daohugou village, Shantou town, Ningcheng County, Nei Mongol Autonomous Region, China. The stem of plant is slender and repeatedly branches as a dichasial system with a fertile shoot in the fork, forming equal and widely divergent branches, on the branches born with the fronds of Anomozamites type. Its reproductive organs consists of some microsporophylls and a few of the bracteoid small leaves (or receptacular leaves). Some scattered bracteoid leaves and microsporophylls were formerly considered by Pan as dicots. Since then, they were proposed to be a non-committal genus Pankuangia and described them as P. haifanggouensis by Kimura et al. In this study, we discover that these bracteoid small leaves and microsporophylls should be of Anomozamites. This discovery provides strong evidence for the 'Pankuangia' determination of the taxonomical position. 展开更多
关键词 Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) comb. nov. reproductive organ Nei Mongol Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation
Abnormal Secondary Growth and Histochemical Localization of Alkaloids in Root System of Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz.
作者 祁建钊 郭继元 徐青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1313-1317,共5页
[Objective] The purpose of this study was to clarify the structure,growth pattern and histochemical localization of alkaloids in root system of Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz.[Method] Paraffin sectioning and histochemistr... [Objective] The purpose of this study was to clarify the structure,growth pattern and histochemical localization of alkaloids in root system of Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz.[Method] Paraffin sectioning and histochemistry were employed for performing the analysis in this study.[Result] The root system of Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz.consists of taproot,lateral root and adventitious root.The primary structure of root system is normal,but secondary structure shows abnormal.The cambium and the extra cambium of taproot form a "U"-shaped secondary vascular bundle and tertiary bundle in abnormal secondary structure.The sieve tube group is made of little sieve tube group which is differentiated from primary phloem and cambium.Meanwhile,the secondary xylem in tuberous root also appears to be a "U" shape.Parenchyma cells of secondary phloem occupy most of the tuberous root.The sieve tube group of tuberous root is mainly differentiated from parenchyma cell of secondary phloem.[Conclusion] The difference in abnormal secondary structure of taproot and tuberous root are attributed to their varied cambium compose and activity pattern.Alkaloids are mainly accumulated in parenchyma cell of the inside cortex and between bundle in taproot,while parenchyma of secondary phloem and pith in tuberous root. 展开更多
关键词 Aconitum flavum Hand. - Mazz. Root system Abnormal secondary growth ALKALOIDS Histochemical localization
Biodegradation of ethylthionocarbamates by a mixed culture of iron-reducing bacteria enriched from tailings dam sediments 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Shao-hua SUN Yan XIONG Ling 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期1612-1618,共7页
Ethylthionocarbamates (ETC), which is the most widely used as collectors in the flotation of sulfide, is known to cause serious pollution to soil and groundwater. The potential biodegradation of ETC was evaluated b... Ethylthionocarbamates (ETC), which is the most widely used as collectors in the flotation of sulfide, is known to cause serious pollution to soil and groundwater. The potential biodegradation of ETC was evaluated by applying a mixed culture of iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) enriched from tailings dam sediments. The results showed that ETC can be degraded by IRB coupled to Fe(III) reduction, both of which can be increased in the presence of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). Moreover, Fe(III)-EDTA was found to be a more favorable terminal electron acceptor compared to α-Fe2O3, e.g., within 30 d, 72% of ETC was degraded when α-Fe2O3+AQDS was applied, while it is 82.67% when Fe(III)-EDTA+AQDS is added. The dynamic models indicated that the kETC degradation was decreased in the order of Fe(III)-EDTA+AQDS〉α-Fe2O3+AQDS〉Fe(III)-EDTA〉α-Fe2O3, with the corresponding maximum biodegradation rates being 2.6, 2.45, 2.4 and 2.0 mg/(L·d), respectively, and positive parallel correlations could be observed between kFe(III) and kETC. These findings demonstrate that IRB has a good application prospect in flotation wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 ethylthionocarbamates BIODEGRADATION iron-reducing bacteria anthraquinone-2 6-disulfonate
作者 LIU Xianfan YANG Zhengxi +3 位作者 LIU Jiaduo ZHANG Chengjiang WU Dechao LI Youguo 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 2003年第1期81-90,共10页
Ultramafic hypoxenoliths found in the alkali-rich porphyry in the Liuhe Village, Heqing, Yunnan, China, are of great significance in understanding the origin and evolution of the porphyry. This paper discusses the min... Ultramafic hypoxenoliths found in the alkali-rich porphyry in the Liuhe Village, Heqing, Yunnan, China, are of great significance in understanding the origin and evolution of the porphyry. This paper discusses the mineralogical features of the hypoxenoliths. It shows that the xenoliths are characterized by the upper mantle rocks modified to certain extent by the enriched mantle fluid metasomatism in the mantle environment, with the enriched mantle property of low-degree partial melting. This constitutes the important mineralogical evidence for the petrogenesis and mineralization of alkali-rich porphyry. 展开更多
关键词 alkali-rich porphyry deep-source xenoliths enriched mantle low-degree partial melting mineralogical characteristics
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