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作者 刘德民 浦正义 +3 位作者 黄锦山 邵俊琦 程炎勋 李致伟 《矿产与地质》 2018年第2期314-320,共7页
铁胆石是极具观赏价值的玩石新宠,在中国仅有滇东北会泽县驾车乡等少数地方产出。驾车乡的铁胆石产于下寒武统筇竹寺组黑色炭质页岩、炭质泥质粉砂岩中。其实质为富含黄铁矿晶体的碳酸盐岩结核体,在围岩中分布极不均匀,多呈黑色、灰黑... 铁胆石是极具观赏价值的玩石新宠,在中国仅有滇东北会泽县驾车乡等少数地方产出。驾车乡的铁胆石产于下寒武统筇竹寺组黑色炭质页岩、炭质泥质粉砂岩中。其实质为富含黄铁矿晶体的碳酸盐岩结核体,在围岩中分布极不均匀,多呈黑色、灰黑色中带浅铜黄色;大小不一,形态各异,具有沉积层理及定向排列特征,主要成分为黄铁矿、方解石、白云石以及泥质、碳酸质胶结物。铁胆石形成于水体较深、水动力较弱的还原环境,经历元素富集、黄铁矿形成,岩石固结、结核体形成以及差异风化、铁胆石显露三个阶段;前两个阶段在较深海水、热液和生物作用参与下,形成了较坚硬固结的原生铁胆石;后一阶段经差异性风化剥蚀和搬运而形成次生铁胆石。 展开更多
关键词 铁胆 产出特征 成因分析 会泽地区 滇东北
作者 百川 《书法》 2003年第11期63-64,共2页
黄道周(一五八五——一六四六),字幼玄,一字螭若,号石斋,福建漳州人,天启二年(一六二二)进士,改庶吉士,授编修,为经筵展书官,福王时官礼部尚书,明亡后被清兵执于金陵,不屈死。黄道周以名节闻于当时,时人称为石斋先生,工书善画,真、草、... 黄道周(一五八五——一六四六),字幼玄,一字螭若,号石斋,福建漳州人,天启二年(一六二二)进士,改庶吉士,授编修,为经筵展书官,福王时官礼部尚书,明亡后被清兵执于金陵,不屈死。黄道周以名节闻于当时,时人称为石斋先生,工书善画,真、草、隶兼擅,秦祖永《桐阴论画》说他:“行草笔意离奇超妙,深得二王神髓。”有《黄漳浦集》,其中有《书品论》一篇,为论书之作,又题作《墨池偶谈》。 展开更多
关键词 黄道周 石斋 品论 铁胆 漳州人
作者 醉红 《花木盆景(下半月)》 2007年第2期56-56,共1页
关键词 锣鼓 铁胆 鼓架 配件
Effects of Boron, Zinc, and Iron on the Gentiopicroside Content and Yield of Gentian 被引量:9
作者 YU Cai-Lian LUO Sheng-Guo +1 位作者 PENG Xian-Long LIU Yuan-Ying 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期210-214,共5页
A field experiment of 2-year-old gentian (Gentiana manshurica Kitag.) with application of boron (B), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) in Taikang County, Heilongjiang Province, was conducted to study the effects of the... A field experiment of 2-year-old gentian (Gentiana manshurica Kitag.) with application of boron (B), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) in Taikang County, Heilongjiang Province, was conducted to study the effects of the three microelements on gentiopicroside content in the roots of gentian, uptake of these elements, and root dry weight as well as the ratio of root dry weight to fresh weight. Zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, and borax were split sprinkled on 2-year-old gentian on June 26, July 18, and August 25, 2002, with sprinkling water taken as a control. Compared with the control, applying B significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) the gentiopicroside content by 7.9%, and there was a highly significant increase of 22.4% (P 〈 0.01) in the root dry weight. Meanwhile, B content in the shoots of gentian gradually increased from the vegetative to the harvesting period, while Fe decreased at first and then increased. Fc treatment increased the gentiopicroside content only by 4.0% and the content was slightly decreased by the Zn treatment (3.1%) as compared to the control. The three microelements had different effects on the gentiopicroside content and appropriate microelement application could increase active ingredient content of gentian. 展开更多
Effect of hepatic iron concentration reduction on hepatic fibrosis and damage in rats with cholestatic liver disease
作者 Gil Peretz Gabriela Link +2 位作者 Orit Pappo Rafael Bruck Zvi Ackerman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期240-245,共6页
AIM: TO assess the effect of iron reduction after phlebotomy in rats with "normal" hepatic iron concentration (HIC) on the progression of hepatic fibrosis, as a result of bile duct ligation (BDL). METHODS: Rat... AIM: TO assess the effect of iron reduction after phlebotomy in rats with "normal" hepatic iron concentration (HIC) on the progression of hepatic fibrosis, as a result of bile duct ligation (BDL). METHODS: Rats underwent phlebotomy before or after sham operation or BDL. Animals undergone only BDL or sham operation served as controls. Two weeks after surgery, indices of hepatic damage and fibrosis were evaluated. RESULTS: Phlebotomy lowered HIC. Phlebotomy after BDL was associated with body weight increase, lower hepatic weight, less portal hypertension, less periportal necrosis, less portal inflammation, lower hepatic activity index score and higher albumin levels. On the other hand, phlebotomy before BDL was associated with body weight decrease and hepatic activity index score increase. Phlebotomy after sham operation was not associated with any hepatic or systemic adverse effects. CONCLUSION: Reduction of HIC after induction of liver damage may have beneficial effects in BDL rats. However, iron deficiency could induce impairment of liver function and may make the liver more susceptible to insults like BDL. 展开更多
关键词 IRON PHLEBOTOMY Bile duct ligation Hepatic activity index Rat.
A Decreased Responsiveness of Platelet to Nitric Oxide in Cholesterol-Fed Rabbits
作者 SUNJing ZHANGAi-xia LUOChun-xia WANGWei SUNYong-jun ZHUDong-ya 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第3期117-120,共4页
Objective:To determine whether endothelial dysfunction leads to an abnormal responsiveness of platelet to nitric oxide(NO)during the development of atherosclerosis. Methods:Rabbits were fed a 1% cholesterol chow for ... Objective:To determine whether endothelial dysfunction leads to an abnormal responsiveness of platelet to nitric oxide(NO)during the development of atherosclerosis. Methods:Rabbits were fed a 1% cholesterol chow for 12 weeks to induce atherosclerosis.Serum NOx levels and the responsiveness of platelet to NO donor SNP were determined every 4 weeks during maintaining on a chow containing 1% cholesterol.The measurement of serum lipids and the examination of morphological feature and endothelial-dependent relaxation of aorta were performed after 12 weeks of cholesterol diet. Results:Cholesterol diet significantly increased serum levels of cholesterol and LDL,caused a remarkable platelet hyperaggregability,and produced an evident endothelial dysfunction as indicated by the diminished vasorelaxation induced by acetylcholine and endothelial cell lesion as exhibited by scanning electron microscope examination.The percentage of inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation by NO donor SNP was significantly smaller in cholesterol chow group than that in normal chow group although no significant difference in serum NOx levels between normal and cholesterol chow group was observed throughout the development of atherosclerosis. Conclusion:The present study suggests that the endothelial dysfunction caused by enhanced serum cholesterol and LDL levels induces a decreased responsiveness of platelet to NO. 展开更多
关键词 atherosclerosis endothelial dysfunction nitric oxide platelet aggregation LDL CHOLESTEROL
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