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钛酸铝/氧化铝复合材料的制备及其抗铝液浸渗性能 被引量:1
作者 李明忠 胡勇 +2 位作者 陈斐 沈强 张联盟 《现代技术陶瓷》 CAS 2009年第2期3-6,11,共5页
以Al2O3,TiO2,MgO和Fe2O3粉末为起始原料制备出不同氧化铝含量的钛酸铝/氧化铝复合材料;通过考察浸于熔融铝液中试样断面显微结构和特征元素分布研究了复合材料抗铝液浸渗性能。研究表明,反应烧结得到的是含5%MgTi2O5(质量分数)和1%Fe2T... 以Al2O3,TiO2,MgO和Fe2O3粉末为起始原料制备出不同氧化铝含量的钛酸铝/氧化铝复合材料;通过考察浸于熔融铝液中试样断面显微结构和特征元素分布研究了复合材料抗铝液浸渗性能。研究表明,反应烧结得到的是含5%MgTi2O5(质量分数)和1%Fe2TiO5(质量分数)的钛酸铝复合固溶体与氧化铝组成的复合材料,复合材料的烧结致密度随试样中氧化铝含量的增加而增加。高钛酸铝含量的钛酸铝/氧化铝复合材料具有良好的抗铝浸渗性能。 展开更多
关键词 钛酸铝/氧化铝复合材料 反应烧结 浸渗性能
氧化铝颗粒增强铝基复合材料无压浸渗过程的探索研究 被引量:2
作者 颜悦 彭应国 张少卿 《航空材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 1997年第3期22-25,共4页
关键词 铝/氧化铝 复合材料 无压浸渗 电阻法
带冷喷Al/Al_2O_3涂层的20号碳钢管道在保温层下的腐蚀行为 被引量:6
作者 白小敏 唐建群 +1 位作者 吕晓亮 巩建鸣 《腐蚀与防护》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第1期11-16,共6页
采用浸泡试验模拟涂层管道在保温层下的腐蚀,并通过腐蚀失重法、宏观腐蚀形貌和显微结构观察以及微区成分分析,研究了80℃时,在0.01%(质量分数,下同)NaCl、0.1%NaCl以及1%NaCl溶液中,三种涂层(喷涂粉末分别为100%Al、70%Al+30%Al_2O_3和... 采用浸泡试验模拟涂层管道在保温层下的腐蚀,并通过腐蚀失重法、宏观腐蚀形貌和显微结构观察以及微区成分分析,研究了80℃时,在0.01%(质量分数,下同)NaCl、0.1%NaCl以及1%NaCl溶液中,三种涂层(喷涂粉末分别为100%Al、70%Al+30%Al_2O_3和50%Al+50%Al_2O_3)对20号碳钢管道的防护作用。结果表明:当碳钢管道表面冷喷Al/Al_2O_3涂层后,管道具有较好的抗保温层下腐蚀性能。且当喷涂粉末为纯铝粉时,涂层的耐蚀性最好,加入陶瓷相Al_2O_3后,涂层的沉积厚度与强度均提高,但腐蚀保护效率存在一定程度的下降。综合考虑涂层的耐蚀性和强度,喷涂粉末为70%Al+30%Al_2O_3时所得到涂层最适于工程上使用。 展开更多
关键词 保温层下腐蚀 冷喷涂 铝/氧化铝涂层 NACL溶液
Nd-Fe-B永磁材料氢脆过程及Al+Al_2O_3阻氢涂层研究 被引量:2
作者 张万里 彭斌 +2 位作者 蒋洪川 张文旭 杨仕清 《中国稀土学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期380-383,共4页
从材料保护的角度出发,在分析了Nd Fe B永磁材料的氢脆过程及氢脆的特点后,用RF磁控溅射制备一定厚度的Al薄膜并在一定条件下进行氧化处理,得到了Al+Al2O3复合涂层。用SEM和XRD分析了涂层形貌和组成,并用高压气相充氢的方式测试了涂层... 从材料保护的角度出发,在分析了Nd Fe B永磁材料的氢脆过程及氢脆的特点后,用RF磁控溅射制备一定厚度的Al薄膜并在一定条件下进行氧化处理,得到了Al+Al2O3复合涂层。用SEM和XRD分析了涂层形貌和组成,并用高压气相充氢的方式测试了涂层的阻氢性能。研究表明,厚度为8.0μm复合涂层的阻氢性能为:在10MPa的H2环境中(25℃),阻氢时间达65min,且对磁体的磁性能无不良影响。 展开更多
关键词 金属材料 ND-FE-B永磁材料 氢脆 铝/氧化铝涂层 阻氢性能 稀土
原位还原法制备Al/Al_2O_3复合材料的力学性质及反应动力学 被引量:1
作者 李光强 张林楠 +2 位作者 彭其春 都兴红 隋智通 《材料与冶金学报》 CAS 2003年第3期193-199,共7页
以石英为先驱体,以液态铝为还原剂,在1073~1523 K的温度范围内对原位生成铝/氧化铝复合材料进行了研究,对获得的复合材料的物理和机械性能做了测定,并对材料显微结构进行了观测和分析.在1473K制备的铝/氧化铝复合材料密度为2.95g/cm3,... 以石英为先驱体,以液态铝为还原剂,在1073~1523 K的温度范围内对原位生成铝/氧化铝复合材料进行了研究,对获得的复合材料的物理和机械性能做了测定,并对材料显微结构进行了观测和分析.在1473K制备的铝/氧化铝复合材料密度为2.95g/cm3,最大弹性模量为130 GPa,最大三点抗弯强度为580 MPa,最大拉伸强度为268 MPa,洛氏硬度为86.产物铝/氧化铝复合材料的形状与作为先驱体的二氧化硅的形状几乎一致.讨论了反应过程的动力学. 展开更多
关键词 铝/氧化铝 原位生成复合材料 置换反应 动力学
Al/Al_2O_3多层膜的表面和界面的分析研究 被引量:13
作者 薛钰芝 Martin A Green 《真空科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期73-76,共4页
用热蒸发沉积和自然氧化及加热法制备纳米量级的Al/Al2 O3薄膜和多层膜。用X射线光电子谱仪 (XPS)和透射电镜 (TEM)对样品进行检测。XPS实验说明自然氧化的Al2 O3膜层厚在 2~ 5nm。Al/Al2 O3薄膜及多层膜的O与Al的原子浓度比为 1 4 3~... 用热蒸发沉积和自然氧化及加热法制备纳米量级的Al/Al2 O3薄膜和多层膜。用X射线光电子谱仪 (XPS)和透射电镜 (TEM)对样品进行检测。XPS实验说明自然氧化的Al2 O3膜层厚在 2~ 5nm。Al/Al2 O3薄膜及多层膜的O与Al的原子浓度比为 1 4 3~ 1 85。Ar离子刻蚀的XPS实验结果 (刻蚀速率为 0 0 9nm/s)说明 :2个对层的Al/Al2 O3多层膜截面样品具有周期性结构。TEM观察到了 5个对层的Al/Al2 O3多层膜的层状态结构 ,其周期为 4nm。由此说明 ,热蒸发及自然氧化法是制备纳米量级的Al/Al2 展开更多
关键词 Al/Al2O3多层膜 表面分析 显微分析 铝/氧化铝 太阳能电池 热蒸发沉积 自然氧化 材料
烧结气氛对Al/Al_2O_3陶瓷基复合材料组成与性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 汤文明 郑治祥 +1 位作者 丁厚福 吕珺 《理化检验(物理分册)》 CAS 1998年第3期9-11,共3页
介绍了一种新型的Al/Al_2O_3陶瓷基复合材料。讨论了该材料的烧结机理,研究了烧结气氛对该材料性能的影响。结果表明,助烧剂的合理选择是实现Al/Al_2O_3陶瓷基复合材料在1000℃烧结的关键,助烧剂的粘-塑性流动是材料的主要烧结机理。氢... 介绍了一种新型的Al/Al_2O_3陶瓷基复合材料。讨论了该材料的烧结机理,研究了烧结气氛对该材料性能的影响。结果表明,助烧剂的合理选择是实现Al/Al_2O_3陶瓷基复合材料在1000℃烧结的关键,助烧剂的粘-塑性流动是材料的主要烧结机理。氢气气氛改变了助烧剂的有效成分,降低了该材料的烧结性能,从而不利于材料物理性能和力学性能的提高。在Al/Al_2O_3陶瓷基复合材料的制造过程中,选择空气气氛是合适的。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷基 复合材料 助烧剂 烧结气氛 铝/氧化铝
作者 薛建明 赵渭江 WolfGK 《核技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期16-20,共5页
利用离子束辅助沉积的方法在CK45号钢和AlTi合金的基体上制备了具有不同厚度Al层或Al_2O_3层的Al/Al_2O_3双层膜系统。Al与Al_2O_3层之间是厚度为100nm的梯度界面层。利用电化学方法测量了样品在近... 利用离子束辅助沉积的方法在CK45号钢和AlTi合金的基体上制备了具有不同厚度Al层或Al_2O_3层的Al/Al_2O_3双层膜系统。Al与Al_2O_3层之间是厚度为100nm的梯度界面层。利用电化学方法测量了样品在近中性水溶液中耐腐蚀性能。实验中还测量了样品的表面硬度和耐摩擦性能,研究了双层膜系统中Al或Al_2O_3层厚度变化对样品物理性质和化学性质的影响。 展开更多
关键词 离子束辅助沉积 抗腐蚀 铝/氧化铝膜层
Extraction of aluminum from alumina by disproportionation process of AlCl in vacuum 被引量:3
作者 冯月斌 郁青春 +1 位作者 杨斌 戴永年 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第9期2781-2785,共5页
The extraction conditions of aluminum by the disproportionation process of A1C1 in vacuum were investigated using alumina and graphite as raw materials, including reaction temperature, pre-reaction and condenser struc... The extraction conditions of aluminum by the disproportionation process of A1C1 in vacuum were investigated using alumina and graphite as raw materials, including reaction temperature, pre-reaction and condenser structure. The results show that the extent of the reaction between alumina and carbon increases with increasing reaction temperature at 1643-1843 K; however, the extraction rate of aluminum increases firstly, and reaches the highest at 1743 K, and then decreases with rise in reaction temperature. The pre-reaction of alumina and carbon increases the extraction rate of aluminum. The impurities C, AlaC3 and A1203 in the aluminum product are reduced with reducing the contact surface of the aluminum with CO and with decreasing the condensation temperature, depending on the structure of the condenser. 展开更多
Thermodynamics study on leaching process of gibbsitic bauxite by hydrochloric acid 被引量:4
作者 赵爱春 刘燕 +2 位作者 张廷安 吕国志 豆志河 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期266-270,共5页
For the low-grade gibbsitic bauxite,the leaching rate of alumina is very low during the Bayer process.The acid leaching method is attracting more attention,and the hydrochloric acid leaching was developed rapidly.The ... For the low-grade gibbsitic bauxite,the leaching rate of alumina is very low during the Bayer process.The acid leaching method is attracting more attention,and the hydrochloric acid leaching was developed rapidly.The mineral composition and chemical composition were investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis and semi-quantitative analysis.The thermodynamics of leaching process was analyzed.The results show that the major minerals in the bauxite are gibbsite,secondly goethite and quartz,anatase and so on.The acid leaching reactions of the bauxite would be thermodynamically easy and completed.Under the conditions that ore granularity is less than-55 μm,the L/S ratio is 100:7,and the leaching temperature is 373-383 K,the leaching time is 120 min and the concentration of HCl is 10%,both the leaching rates of Al and Fe are over 95%.The main composition of leaching slag is SiO2 which is easy for comprehensive utilization. 展开更多
关键词 ALUMINA BAUXITE gibbsitic bauxite acid leaching THERMODYNAMICS
Analysis and modeling of alumina dissolution based on heat and mass transfer 被引量:3
作者 詹水清 李茂 +2 位作者 周孑民 杨建红 周益文 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1648-1656,共9页
A comprehensive heat and mass transfer model of dissolution process of non-agglomerated and agglomerated alumina particles was established in an aluminum reduction cell. An appropriate finite difference method was use... A comprehensive heat and mass transfer model of dissolution process of non-agglomerated and agglomerated alumina particles was established in an aluminum reduction cell. An appropriate finite difference method was used to calculate the size dissolution rate, dissolution time and mass of alumina dissolved employing commercial software and custom algorithm based on the shrinking sphere assumption. The effects of some convection and thermal condition parameters on the dissolution process were studied. The calculated results show that the decrease of alumina content or the increase of alumina diffusion coefficient is beneficial for the increase of size dissolution rate and the decrease of dissolution time of non-agglomerated particles. The increase of bath superheat or alumina preheating temperature results in the increase of size dissolution rate and the decrease of dissolution time of agglomerated particles. The calculated dissolution curve of alumina(mass fraction of alumina dissolved) for a 300 k A aluminum reduction cell is in well accordance with the experimental results. The analysis shows that the dissolution process of alumina can be divided into two distinct stages: the fast dissolution stage of non-agglomerated particles and the slow dissolution stage of agglomerated particles, with the dissolution time in the order of 10 and 100 s, respectively. The agglomerated particles were identified to be the most important factor limiting the dissolution process. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum reduction cell alumina particles dissolution process heat and mass transfer finite difference method
Effect of citric acid on microstructure and electrochemical characteristics of high voltage anodized alumina film formed on etched Al Foils 被引量:5
作者 班朝磊 何业东 邵鑫 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第1期133-138,共6页
Aluminum capacitor foils with a tunnel etch structure were reacted with boiling water and then anodized at 530 V in boric acid solution or boric acid+citric acid mixed solution.The microstructure and crystallinity of... Aluminum capacitor foils with a tunnel etch structure were reacted with boiling water and then anodized at 530 V in boric acid solution or boric acid+citric acid mixed solution.The microstructure and crystallinity of the resulting anodized film were examined by TEM and XRD.The special capacitance,resistance and withstanding voltage of the film were explored with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS),LCR meter and small-current charging.The results show that the high voltage anodized oxide film consists of an inner layer with high crystallinity and an outer layer with low crystallinity.However,the crystallinity of the film formed in boric acid+citric acid mixed solution is higher than that of the film formed in only boric acid solution,leading to an increase in film's field strength and special capacitance.Meanwhile,there are more defects from phase transformation in the out layer of the film formed in boric acid+citric acid mixed solution than in that of film formed in only boric acid solution,leading to a decrease in film's resistance and withstanding voltage. 展开更多
关键词 citric acid anodized oxide film Al foil Al electrolytic capacitor electrochemical performance
Secondary reaction mechanism of leaching process of calcium aluminate slag 被引量:4
作者 孙会兰 王波 +2 位作者 张建新 宗书凤 刘佳佳 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1334-1340,共7页
SiO2 in calcium aluminate slag exists in the form of γ-2CaO·SiO2 which is more stable than β-2CaO·SiO2. However, it is decomposed by sodium carbonate solution during leaching process, leading to the second... SiO2 in calcium aluminate slag exists in the form of γ-2CaO·SiO2 which is more stable than β-2CaO·SiO2. However, it is decomposed by sodium carbonate solution during leaching process, leading to the secondary reaction. The extent of secondary reaction and reaction mechanism of calcium aluminate slag were studied using XRD. The results show that the decomposition rate of γ-2CaO·SiO2 increases with the increase in leaching time and sodium carbonate concentration. The main products of secondary reaction are the mixture of hydrogarnet and sodium hydrate alumina-silicate. SiO2 concentration rises firstly and then drops with the increase of leaching temperature. XRD results indicate that the stable product of secondary reaction at low temperature is hydrogarnet. But hydrogarnet is transformed into sodium hydrate alumina-silicate at high temperature. 展开更多
关键词 calcium aluminate slag secondary reaction ALUMINA LEACHING
Effect of Na_2O on alumina leaching property and phase transformation of MgO-containing calcium aluminate slags 被引量:5
作者 王波 孙会兰 +1 位作者 国栋 张学政 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第12期2752-2757,共6页
In order to remove or reduce the negative effect of MgO in calcium aluminate slags, the method of adding Na2O into calcium aluminate slags was studied and its effect on leaching mechanism was also analyzed. The result... In order to remove or reduce the negative effect of MgO in calcium aluminate slags, the method of adding Na2O into calcium aluminate slags was studied and its effect on leaching mechanism was also analyzed. The results show that the alumina leaching efficiency of the calcium aluminate slag increases from 68.73% to 80.86% with Na2O content increasing from 0 to 4% when MgO content is 3%. The XRD results show that the quaternary compound C20A13M3S3 disappears when Na2O content increases to 4%. The addition of Na2O cannot remove the negative effect of MgO on leachability completely. XRD and EDS results indicate that Na2O can come into the lattice of 12CaO·7Al2O3 and promote the formation of 12CaO·7Al2O3 展开更多
关键词 calcium aluminate slag NA2O MgO phase transformation alumina leaching
Influence of oxidation heat on hard anodic film of aluminum alloy 被引量:5
作者 魏晓伟 陈朝英 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2707-2712,共6页
The special experimental device and sulfuric acid electrolyte were adopted to study the influence of anodic oxidation heat on hard anodic film for 2024 aluminum alloy. Compared with the oxidation heat transferred to t... The special experimental device and sulfuric acid electrolyte were adopted to study the influence of anodic oxidation heat on hard anodic film for 2024 aluminum alloy. Compared with the oxidation heat transferred to the electrolyte through anodic film, the heat transferred to the coolant through aluminum substrate is more beneficial to the growth of anodic film. The film forming speed, film thickness, density and hardness are significantly increased as the degree of undercooling of the coolant increases. The degree of undercooling of the coolant, which is necessary for the growth of anodic film, is related to the degree of undercooling of the electrolyte, thickness of aluminum substrate, thickness of anodic film, natural parameters of bubble covering and current density. The microstructure and performance of the oxidation film could be controlled by the temperature of the coolant. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy 2024 aluminum alloy oxidation heat sulfuric acid electrolyte hard anodic oxidation anodic film
Variation of soda content in fine alumina trihydrate by seeded precipitation 被引量:2
作者 刘桂华 王鹏 +4 位作者 齐天贵 李小斌 田侣 周秋生 彭志宏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期243-249,共7页
High soda content in fine alumina trihydrate(ATH) limits its application and increases the soda consumption. The variation of soda content in the fine ATH by seeded precipitation was determined by detection of elect... High soda content in fine alumina trihydrate(ATH) limits its application and increases the soda consumption. The variation of soda content in the fine ATH by seeded precipitation was determined by detection of electric conductivity of solution, soda content in ATH, measurement of particle size distribution and microscopic analysis. The results show that high concentration of sodium aluminate solution, ground circulative seed, low temperature or fast initial precipitation rate increases the soda content in ATH. Soda mainly exists in lattice soda and less soda in desilication product (DSP) exists in the fine ATH precipitated from sodium aluminate solution with concentration of Al2O3 (ρAl2O3) more than 160 g/L and mass ratio of alumina to silica (μSiO2) of 400, and lattice soda decreases with increasing initial precipitation temperature, aging seed, and low precipitation rate and precipitation time. Results also imply that -+ 4)Na Al(OH ion-pair influences lattice soda content in ATH on the basis of electric conductivity variation. 展开更多
关键词 alumina trihydrate seeded precipitation soda content lattice soda sodium aluminate solution
Preparation and mechanical properties of in situ Al_2O_3/Al composites by adding NH_4AlO(OH)HCO_3
作者 姜澜 崔焱洲 +2 位作者 史玉娟 丁友东 袁芳兰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第10期2181-2185,共5页
Aluminium matrix composite reinforced by Al2O3 particles was produced by adding NH4AlO(OH)HCO3 into molten aluminum.The mechanical properties and wear behavior of the as-fabricated composites were studied.The result... Aluminium matrix composite reinforced by Al2O3 particles was produced by adding NH4AlO(OH)HCO3 into molten aluminum.The mechanical properties and wear behavior of the as-fabricated composites were studied.The results show that during stirring γ-Al2O3 particles were formed via decomposition reaction of NH4AlO(OH)HCO3,and the distribution of Al2O3 particles is more uniform in the matrix aluminum than directly added Al2O3 into molten aluminum.The density and the hardness values of the as-fabricated composites increase with increasing the particle volume fraction,while the tensile strength of the composites decreases with increasing the volume fraction of the Al2O3 particles.The wear rate of the composites decreases with increasing the volume fraction of the particle and loading.The in situ formed Al2O3/Al composite by adding NH4AlO(OH)HCO3 shows more superior mechanical and wear behaviors than that prepared by directly adding Al2O3 particles. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum matrix composite NH4AlO(OH)HCO3 A12O3 particles microstructure HARDNESS tensile strength wear behavior
Wetting of pure aluminium on graphite,SiC and Al_2O_3 in aluminium filtration 被引量:5
作者 包萨日娜 唐恺 +2 位作者 Anne KVITHYLD Thorvald ENGH Merete TANGSTAD 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期1930-1938,共9页
The wettability of pure aluminium on filter materials and on inclusions is believed to be an important factor affecting the filtration of aluminium. The contact angles of molten aluminium on alumina, SiC and graphite ... The wettability of pure aluminium on filter materials and on inclusions is believed to be an important factor affecting the filtration of aluminium. The contact angles of molten aluminium on alumina, SiC and graphite were measured under 10-8 bar high vacuum in the temperature range of 1000-1300 °C. To describe the wetting behaviour of the Al on ceramic at lower temperatures used in filtration and casting aluminium, a semi-empirical calculation was employed. The calculated contact angles at 700 °C were around 97° for alumina, 92° for vitreous graphite, 126° for single- and poly-crystal graphite, and 79° for single crystal SiC, respectively. This indicates that aluminium does not wet alumina or graphite (or Al4C3) around the casting temperature, but wets SiC at this temperature. Thus a priming height is required for aluminium to infiltrate an alumina filter. Increasing temperature can also improve the wettability of Al on ceramic. 展开更多
关键词 WETTABILITY contact angle aluminium ALUMINA SIC GRAPHITE
Preparation of Al2O3 nanowires on 7YSZ thermal barrier coatings against CMAS corrosion 被引量:7
作者 Xiao-feng ZHANG Shao-peng NIU +5 位作者 Zi-qian DENG Min LIU Hong LI Chun-ming DENG Chang-guang DENG Ke-song ZHOU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期2362-2370,共9页
The commonly-employed material for thermal barrier coatings(TBCs)is 7 wt.%Y2O3 ZrO2(7YSZ),generally deposited by electron beam-physical vapor deposition(EB-PVD).Due to the increasing demand for higher operating temper... The commonly-employed material for thermal barrier coatings(TBCs)is 7 wt.%Y2O3 ZrO2(7YSZ),generally deposited by electron beam-physical vapor deposition(EB-PVD).Due to the increasing demand for higher operating temperature in aero-derivative gas turbines,a lot of effort has been made to prevent the premature failure of columnar 7YSZ TBCs,which is induced by the microstructure degradation,sintering and spallation after the deposition of infiltrated siliceous mineral(consisting of calcium magnesium aluminum silicate(CaO MgO Al2O3 SiO2,i.e.,CMAS)).A new method called Al-modification for columnar 7YSZ TBCs against CMAS corrosion was present.The Al film was magnetron-sputtered on the surface of the columnar 7YSZ TBCs,followed by performing vacuum heat treatment of the Al-deposited TBCs.During the heat treatment,the molten Al reacted with ZrO2 to formα-Al2O3 overlay that effectively hindered CMAS infiltration.Moreover,the Al film could evaporate and re-nucleate,leading to the generation of Al2O3 nanowires,which further restrained the moving of molten CMAS. 展开更多
关键词 thermal barrier coating CMAS corrosion Al-modification Al2O3 nanowires
Role of hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide in aluminium hydroxide precipitation from sodium aluminate solution 被引量:3
作者 N.K.SAHU C.K.SARANGI +4 位作者 B.DASH B.C.TRIPATHY B.K.SATPATHY D.MEYRICK I.N.BHATTACHARYA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期615-621,共7页
Aluminium hydroxide precipitation from synthetic sodium aluminate solution was studied in the presence of hydrazine or hydrogen peroxide. The addition of low concentration of hydrazine is found to be effective, while ... Aluminium hydroxide precipitation from synthetic sodium aluminate solution was studied in the presence of hydrazine or hydrogen peroxide. The addition of low concentration of hydrazine is found to be effective, while higher amount of hydrogen peroxide is required to generate similar effect. XRD data confirm the product phase to be gibbsitic by nature. The scanning electron micrographs (SEM) show that agglomerated products form in the presence of hydrazine while fine discrete particles are produced with hydrogen peroxide. The probable mechanism of precipitation in the presence of hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 aluminium hydroxide HYDRAZINE hydrogen peroxide sodium aluminate PRECIPITATION
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