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作者 裴作升 刘秀珍 《北京生物医学工程》 2005年第2期134-134,146,共2页
本文介绍一种脑电图银管电极氯化装置 ,电路系交直流电两用 ,并运用物理和化学方法对银管电极进行氯化。它的特点是 :省时、省力、操作方便、电极无任何副作用、实用性强 ,从根本上改变了传统式的电极氯化方法 ,在临床应用中效果良好。
关键词 银管电极 脑电图 氯化装置 临床应用
银管进氧的质谱分析 被引量:1
作者 郭太良 王敏 高怀蓉 《电子科学学刊》 CSCD 1989年第6期661-665,共5页
关键词 银管 质谱分析 氧气纯化
作者 李相民 侯洵 +1 位作者 程军 王存让 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 1996年第3期212-216,共5页
本文描述了银管进氧系统的结构及使用方法.并针对光电阴极的激活工艺指出了该结构存在的主要问题,即有杂质气体的引入和较长的时间响应.这对光电阴极的激活是十分不利的.为此改进了银管进氧系统的结构,采用纯氧气流保护银管的措施和适... 本文描述了银管进氧系统的结构及使用方法.并针对光电阴极的激活工艺指出了该结构存在的主要问题,即有杂质气体的引入和较长的时间响应.这对光电阴极的激活是十分不利的.为此改进了银管进氧系统的结构,采用纯氧气流保护银管的措施和适当的使用方法,从而获得了高纯氧、可控制的氧气压和极短的时间延迟,满足了光电阴极激活工艺的要求. 展开更多
关键词 银管 质谱仪 真空系统 光电阴极
N个网银统一管 智能网银管家好盈
作者 赵之谦 《计算机与网络》 2015年第21期35-35,共1页
登陆和使用网银很麻烦,又要浏览器控件又要U盾驱动,特别是老年人根本就不会用。拥有很多银行卡,有建行的、工行的、农行的,要管理查询它们还得逐个登陆不同的网银来进行操作,真是麻烦。现在好了,你可以请一个智能网银管家来帮你忙,它就... 登陆和使用网银很麻烦,又要浏览器控件又要U盾驱动,特别是老年人根本就不会用。拥有很多银行卡,有建行的、工行的、农行的,要管理查询它们还得逐个登陆不同的网银来进行操作,真是麻烦。现在好了,你可以请一个智能网银管家来帮你忙,它就是好盈,它可以帮你实现网银操作的简单化,还能帮你对多家网银数据进行统一的管理。 展开更多
关键词 银管 智能网 业务操作 国内主流 通知存款 金融管理 定银 驱动程序 用款计划 傻瓜式
作者 裴作昇 刘秀珍 《医用放射技术杂志》 2004年第4期51-52,共2页
关键词 脑电图 银管电极 电极氯化 装置 临床应用 检验
Cu-Ag复合合金丝的制备 被引量:3
作者 刘希云 马晓霞 +3 位作者 范红 田晓丹 李洪磊 杜晋峰 《黄金》 CAS 2017年第8期4-7,15,共5页
采用铜芯-银管复合技术探索了Cu-Ag复合合金丝的制备工艺,试验观察了Cu-Ag复合合金丝的表面形貌和界面结构,结果表明这种制备工艺是可行的。分析了Cu-Ag复合合金丝拉拔过程中产生断裂问题的原因,主要是纯银可拉性不强及市售银管表面质... 采用铜芯-银管复合技术探索了Cu-Ag复合合金丝的制备工艺,试验观察了Cu-Ag复合合金丝的表面形貌和界面结构,结果表明这种制备工艺是可行的。分析了Cu-Ag复合合金丝拉拔过程中产生断裂问题的原因,主要是纯银可拉性不强及市售银管表面质量较差,并对未来工作重点进行规划。该复合工艺拟取代镀层工艺,为Cu-Au复合合金丝及Ag-Au复合合金丝的制备提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 铜芯 银管 复合技术 复合合金丝 制备
《大众数码》 2008年第1期28-28,共1页
健身钢管舞钢管舞健身房的新宠目前在欧美国家钢管舞俱乐部已非常盛行,伦敦的健身房里,钢管舞已经取代普拉提和瑜伽课程,成为新的热潮,英国人还专门为普通学员设计了便携式钢管。而现在这股热潮已侵袭到整个亚洲——日本、韩国,直到中国... 健身钢管舞钢管舞健身房的新宠目前在欧美国家钢管舞俱乐部已非常盛行,伦敦的健身房里,钢管舞已经取代普拉提和瑜伽课程,成为新的热潮,英国人还专门为普通学员设计了便携式钢管。而现在这股热潮已侵袭到整个亚洲——日本、韩国,直到中国,在北京、上海的白领女性中更形成暴热的话题。 展开更多
关键词 钢管舞 普拉提 白领女性 暴热 中更 银管 一曰
作者 李春鸿 《稀土信息》 1992年第2期7-7,共1页
关键词 熔融法 中稀土 临界电流密度 材料种类 银管 粉末烧结 世界科学 春鸿
作者 滑辰龙 《古建园林技术》 1992年第1期56-57,6,共3页
河东大地自古以来人杰地灵,在这深厚的黄土文化中盛开着一支艺术奇葩——吕氏琉璃。中国的琉璃起源于何时有待考证,考古上发现最早的是宝鸡市西周(公元前十一世纪)墓葬里的琉璃珠和琉璃管,琉璃最早大量施用于建筑是大同北魏时的宫殿。... 河东大地自古以来人杰地灵,在这深厚的黄土文化中盛开着一支艺术奇葩——吕氏琉璃。中国的琉璃起源于何时有待考证,考古上发现最早的是宝鸡市西周(公元前十一世纪)墓葬里的琉璃珠和琉璃管,琉璃最早大量施用于建筑是大同北魏时的宫殿。山西琉璃一直比较发达,这一点可反映在我省历代古建筑屋顶的琉璃构件上。在长期的封建社会里。 展开更多
关键词 黄土文化 艺术奇葩 建筑屋顶 永济普救寺 制陶业 文物工作 河津县 光绪二十三年 银管 房地局
作者 陈根深 《中国农业银行武汉管理干部学院学报》 1994年第4期60-61,共2页
农业银行实行资产负债比例管理的难点与对策陈根深一资产负债比例管理是国际商业银行最基本的通用管理方式。目前在我国专业银行还处于试点阶段,从试点行以及我国商业银行实行资产负债比例管理的情况看,资产负债比例管理的确比信贷规... 农业银行实行资产负债比例管理的难点与对策陈根深一资产负债比例管理是国际商业银行最基本的通用管理方式。目前在我国专业银行还处于试点阶段,从试点行以及我国商业银行实行资产负债比例管理的情况看,资产负债比例管理的确比信贷规模计划管理具有更大的优越性,能够有... 展开更多
关键词 负债比例 国际商业银行 试点行 贴现市场 银管 通用管理 信用贷款 陈根 宏观调控手段 计划管理
作者 邓建华 《时代金融》 2009年第1X期23-25,共3页
关键词 有效银行监管 审慎监管 业务风险 风险管理 监管目标 分业监管 混业经营模式 基础银行 银行内部管理 银管
Electrochemical Behavior and Specific Capacitance of Polyaniline/Silver Nanoparticle/Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Composites 被引量:1
作者 李嘉 张迪 +1 位作者 郭金宝 魏杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期718-724,I0004,共8页
In this work, we fabricated the polyaniline/silver nanoparticle/multi-walled carbon nanotube (PANI/Ag/MWCNT) composites by in situ polymerization of aniline on the wall of Ag/MWCNTs with different aniline to Ag/MWCN... In this work, we fabricated the polyaniline/silver nanoparticle/multi-walled carbon nanotube (PANI/Ag/MWCNT) composites by in situ polymerization of aniline on the wall of Ag/MWCNTs with different aniline to Ag/MWCNT mass ratios. The chemical structure of the ternary composites was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Xray diffraction, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscope and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy were used to observe the morphology of the ternary composites. The results showed that the polyaniline PANI layer was prepared successfully and it covered Ag/MWCNTs completely. In addition, Ag nanoparticles between the MWCNT core and the PANI layer existed in the form of elemental crystal, which could contribute to the electrochemical performance of the composites. Then we prepared the composite electrodes and studied their electrochemical behaviors in 1 mol/L KOH. It was found that these composite electrodes had very low impedance, and exhibited lower resistance, higher electrochemical activity, and better cyclic stability compared with pure PANI electrode. Particularly, when the mass ratio of aniline to Ag/MWCNTs was 5:5, the composite electrode displayed a small equivalent series resistance (0.23 Ω) and low interfacial charge transfer resistance (〈0.25 Ω), as well as 160 F/g of the maximum specific capacitance at a current density of 0.25 A/g in KOH solution. We could conclude that the composite material had potential applications as cathode materials for lithium batteries and supercapacitors. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon nanotubes Silver nanoparticles POLYANILINE Electrochemical behaviors
《北京市人民政府公报》 2008年第22期74-79,共6页
京地税计[2008]244号各区、县地方税务局、各分局:现将《北京市地方税务局待缴库税款收缴管理暂行办法》印发给你们,请依照执行。附件:1.××地税局××税务所票据登记簿(略) 2.票据收单(略) 3.××地税局×... 京地税计[2008]244号各区、县地方税务局、各分局:现将《北京市地方税务局待缴库税款收缴管理暂行办法》印发给你们,请依照执行。附件:1.××地税局××税务所票据登记簿(略) 2.票据收单(略) 3.××地税局××税务所代缴库税款备查账(略) 4.××地税局代缴库税款余额对账表(略) 展开更多
关键词 地方税务局 缴库 暂行办法 征收机关 收款人 银管 国家税务总局 营业管理部 地税局 管理办法
浅议我国网上银行的金融监管 被引量:2
作者 王薇 宋威 《甘肃科技纵横》 2009年第1期108-108,共1页
网上银行作为21世纪一种新兴的金融业,其低廉的成本和广阔的前景,已越来越得到人们的重视。货币数字化和网络支付体系已经成为当今银行业的操作基础。随着信息化的飞速发展,网上银行在带给人们优质、快捷、全面服务的同时,这种以信息流... 网上银行作为21世纪一种新兴的金融业,其低廉的成本和广阔的前景,已越来越得到人们的重视。货币数字化和网络支付体系已经成为当今银行业的操作基础。随着信息化的飞速发展,网上银行在带给人们优质、快捷、全面服务的同时,这种以信息流为主的模式,也对实施金融监管提出了强有力的挑战。本文从网上银行的特征及我国网上银行的发展现状出发,深入分析我国网上银行发展对金融监管的冲击,并提出适时地金融监管对策。 展开更多
关键词 网上银行 金融监管 风险管理
Effect of Lonicerae Flos extracts on reflux esophagitis with antioxidant activity 被引量:20
作者 Sae-Kwang Ku Bu-Il Seo +5 位作者 Ji-Ha Park Gyu-Yeol Park Young-Bae Seo Jae-Soo Kim Hyeung-Sik Lee Seong-Soo Roh 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第38期4799-4805,共7页
AIM: To observe the effects of traditional antiinflammatory medicine Lonicerae FIos (LF) on rat reflux esophagitis (RE) induced by pylorus and forestomach ligation compared with the well-known proton antioxidant,... AIM: To observe the effects of traditional antiinflammatory medicine Lonicerae FIos (LF) on rat reflux esophagitis (RE) induced by pylorus and forestomach ligation compared with the well-known proton antioxidant, α-tocopherol. METHODS: Rats were pretreated with three different dosages of LF (500, 250 and 125 mg/kg) orally, once a day for 14 d before pylorus and forestomach ligation. Nine hours after pylorus and forestomach ligation, changes to the stomach and esophagus lesion areas, gastric volumes, acid and pepsin outputs, antioxidant effects, esophageal lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), malondialdehyde (MDA), myeloperoxidase and glutathione (GSH) levels, and collagen contents (marker of flexibility) were observed on the esophageal and fundic histopathology. The results were compared with an α-tocopherol (once orally, 1 h before operation, 30 mg/kg) treated group in which the effects on RE were already confirmed.RESULTS: Pylorus and forestomach ligations caused marked increases of gross esophageal and gastric mucosa lesion areas, which corresponded with histopathological changes. In addition, increases of esophageal lipid peroxidation, decreases of SOD, CAT, and GSH-free radical scavengers, increases of collagen were observed. However, these pylorus and forestomach ligation induced RE were dose-dependently inhibited by treatment of 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg of LF extract, mediated by antioxidant effects. RE at 250 mg/kg showed similar effects α-tocopherol. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that antioxidant effects of LF could attenuate the severity of RE and prevent the esophageal mucosal damage, and validate its therapeutic use in esophageal reflux disease. 展开更多
关键词 Reflux esophagitis TOCOPHEROL LoniceraeFlos Antioxidant MYELOPEROXIDASE Pylorus and forestomach ligations
Auditor Reputation, Audit Opinion, and Eamings Management: Evidence From French Banking Industry 被引量:1
作者 Manel Hadriche 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第7期341-352,共12页
The aim of this research is to study the impact of auditor reputation and audit opinion on earnings management in French banks. This article used a sample of 162 French banks over the period from 2005 to 2012. By usin... The aim of this research is to study the impact of auditor reputation and audit opinion on earnings management in French banks. This article used a sample of 162 French banks over the period from 2005 to 2012. By using three different tests (loss-avoidance, just-meeting-or-beating prior year's earnings, and abnormal loan loss provision), the findings of this paper show that both high auditor reputation and qualified audit opinion constrain earnings management to avoid loss or to just meet or beat prior year's earnings in banks. In separate tests related to earnings management through abnormal loan loss provisions, the paper also finds that high auditor reputation constrains earnings management. Qualified audit opinion has a negative but non-significant effect on abnormal loan loss provisions. 展开更多
关键词 audit opinion auditor reputation earnings benchmarks earnings management loan loss provisions
New Basle Capital Agreement and Risk Management of China's Banking Industry 被引量:1
作者 Lixin Ye 《Chinese Business Review》 2005年第2期28-33,59,共7页
Adjustment of Basle Capital Agreement will influence the risk management and capital arrangement demand of the banks with different scales, operation level and environment. It will have widespread and profound effect ... Adjustment of Basle Capital Agreement will influence the risk management and capital arrangement demand of the banks with different scales, operation level and environment. It will have widespread and profound effect on the competition strength of every country's banks in the global market. Starting with illustration of the present cond(tion of risk management in China's banks, the paper analyzes the major problems existing in the risk management system of China's banking industry, then puts forward some clues and suggestions to improve and better the risk management system of China's banking industry. 展开更多
关键词 new Basle Capital Agreement risk management system China's banking industry
Research Risk Factors and Management Competence of Vietnam Commercial Banks from 2006-2020
作者 Pham Duc Trung 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第8期401-405,共5页
Banks are various credit institutions that perform all bank activities and other business activities. According to the nature and objectives of operation, types of banks include all the commercial banks, development b... Banks are various credit institutions that perform all bank activities and other business activities. According to the nature and objectives of operation, types of banks include all the commercial banks, development banks, investment banks, policy banks, joint stock banks and other types of banks. 展开更多
关键词 RISK risk management commercial banks of Vietnam.
Investment Strategy of the Temasek Holdings
作者 Martin Vozar Jozef Komomik 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第7期607-619,共13页
Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are generally known as investment funds owned by national governments and financed by the country's foreign currency reserves (dollar, euro, and yen), often through their central ban... Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are generally known as investment funds owned by national governments and financed by the country's foreign currency reserves (dollar, euro, and yen), often through their central banks or via direct investments. The study investigated the investment strategy of the Temasek Holdings as one of the most successful SWFs which is owned by the government of Singapore. Temasek Holdings was founded in 1974 to manage part of the government's revenues. Present turbulent times create a big pressure on healthy investment strategy of the SWFs. But total shareholder return for Temasek since its inception in 1974 has been a healthy 17% compounded annually. The main objective of the paper is to focus on the role of the Temasek Holdings as a company managed on commercial principles with an aim to achieve long-term sustainable returns. The study also analyzed Temasek Holdings'investment strategy. The study provides answers to questions like: why Temasek is of the most successful SWFs and what is the fund risk management? Another part of the paper compares investment strategy of the Temasek Holdings with other SWFs. The study has been conducted mainly on the basis of literature survey, secondary information and with using various web sites and research paper. The analysis has been also based on disclosures appearing in the Temasek annual reports over the period from 2008 to 2010. 展开更多
关键词 sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) TEMASEK STRATEGY investment portfolio asset under management
Bank Development and Papers' Automatically Generated Functions of Photoshop Course
《International English Education Research》 2014年第1期24-27,共4页
The system uses B / S mode and ASP as the web-based support and connects with the SQL Server 2005 database, which realizes the automatic and manual assessment of Photoshop course exam management operations. At the sam... The system uses B / S mode and ASP as the web-based support and connects with the SQL Server 2005 database, which realizes the automatic and manual assessment of Photoshop course exam management operations. At the same time, it will be able to generate paper reference to test the difficulty levels of papers. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTOSHOP EXAM Generate test paper ASP
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