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南极长城站地区湖泊沉积岩芯的^(210)Pb分布特征 被引量:2
作者 赵烨 徐翠华 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期140-142,共3页
报道了南极长城站地区湖泊沉积柱样中^(210)Pb比活度的测量结果:附加^(210)Pb比活度随深度的增加呈典型的指数衰减分布,指出了^(210)Pb测年法在本区应用的可行性和该湖泊的沉积速率((0.072±0.0... 报道了南极长城站地区湖泊沉积柱样中^(210)Pb比活度的测量结果:附加^(210)Pb比活度随深度的增加呈典型的指数衰减分布,指出了^(210)Pb测年法在本区应用的可行性和该湖泊的沉积速率((0.072±0.018)cm·a^(-1)),并讨论了大气核试验对南极环境中210Pb沉降量的影响。 展开更多
关键词 南极 长城地区 湖泊 沉积岩芯 铅210 比活度
南极长城站地区粘土矿物的空间分布规律与成因探讨 被引量:2
作者 李锋 李天杰 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 1997年第4期294-298,共5页
对南极长城站地区粘土矿物的空间分布与某些元素的地球化学行为之间的相关关系给予了较为详细的研究,并从地球化学方面探讨了粘土矿物的成因。研究表明,Ca和Mg元素是高岭石生成的主要控制因子,高岭石的空间分布是两者共同作用的... 对南极长城站地区粘土矿物的空间分布与某些元素的地球化学行为之间的相关关系给予了较为详细的研究,并从地球化学方面探讨了粘土矿物的成因。研究表明,Ca和Mg元素是高岭石生成的主要控制因子,高岭石的空间分布是两者共同作用的结果。Si、Ca、Mg和Fe元素的地球化学行为与蒙脱石在空间上的含量变化有明显的相关关系。Si元素对蒙脱石的生成起到了较大的作用。 展开更多
关键词 南极 长城地区 粘土矿物 空间分布 矿物成因
南极长城站地区环境演变的生物地球化学研究——古降水的复原与末次冰盖消退时间的推断 被引量:1
作者 赵俊琳 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 1989年第3期52-60,共9页
作者在南极地区近代环境的研究中提出了一种新的研究方法——利用生物地球化学指示元素来研究古环境的变迁。通过研究南极长城站地区西湖底沉积物丛其所含的植物残体、复原了约4000年来的年平均降水量的变化,推断了末次冰盖从本区消退... 作者在南极地区近代环境的研究中提出了一种新的研究方法——利用生物地球化学指示元素来研究古环境的变迁。通过研究南极长城站地区西湖底沉积物丛其所含的植物残体、复原了约4000年来的年平均降水量的变化,推断了末次冰盖从本区消退的时间为3500年前。研究南极地区近代环境的演变对解决全球性环境演变是不可缺少的内容。 展开更多
关键词 环境演变 南极长城地区 生物地球化学 古降水量 未次冰盖
作者 蒋定生 黄国俊 刘梅 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 1992年第2期40-49,共10页
陕、蒙、晋长城沿线地区,具典型的大陆性气候,旱灾频繁,风蚀水蚀严重,农业生产低而不稳。本文通过资料分析,论证了林网田在防风固沙,保护耕地资源,增加土壤水分,改善农田小气候方面的显著效益,并对林网(乔木林网和灌木林网)的营造规格... 陕、蒙、晋长城沿线地区,具典型的大陆性气候,旱灾频繁,风蚀水蚀严重,农业生产低而不稳。本文通过资料分析,论证了林网田在防风固沙,保护耕地资源,增加土壤水分,改善农田小气候方面的显著效益,并对林网(乔木林网和灌木林网)的营造规格进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 长城沿线地区 沙尘暴 林网田效益
南极长城站地区气象要素的中期振荡特征 被引量:3
作者 陆龙骅 卞林根 张永萍 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 1989年第4期12-20,共9页
本文用多维谱分析的方法研究了1985年1月-1987年12月南极长城站地面气象要素的谱特征。该地区的气象要素与北半球一样,也普遍存在3-5天、准一周、准二周和3-4周振荡周期。在长城站所在的乔治王岛地区,从地面到平流层中下部,气压系统都... 本文用多维谱分析的方法研究了1985年1月-1987年12月南极长城站地面气象要素的谱特征。该地区的气象要素与北半球一样,也普遍存在3-5天、准一周、准二周和3-4周振荡周期。在长城站所在的乔治王岛地区,从地面到平流层中下部,气压系统都存在着显著的准二周振荡,这种振荡是由上往下传播的。无论冬、夏季,准二周和准一周振荡都是由西往东传播的,而扰动的南北传播方向则与季节及振荡周期长度有关。南极地区的中期振荡特征与500hPa极地涡旋的活动和强度变化有密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 南极 长城地区 气象要素 多维谱分析 中期振荡 极地气旋
作者 刘千禧 《运城学院学报》 2023年第4期46-51,共6页
明代山西长城沿线地区,地处农牧交错带,自然环境与民族构成复杂,蒙汉民族以长城为界南北对峙,边墙以南以农耕经济为主,边墙以北则以粗放型的游牧经济为主,双方经济具有天然的互补性。明代山西长城沿线地区蒙汉民族贸易,深受明蒙关系的影... 明代山西长城沿线地区,地处农牧交错带,自然环境与民族构成复杂,蒙汉民族以长城为界南北对峙,边墙以南以农耕经济为主,边墙以北则以粗放型的游牧经济为主,双方经济具有天然的互补性。明代山西长城沿线地区蒙汉民族贸易,深受明蒙关系的影响,以“隆庆和议”为界,呈现出明显的阶段性特点,隆庆和议以前蒙汉贸易交流主要通过朝贡贸易与边境早期马市进行,并不适应日益扩大的蒙汉贸易,给明政府带来庞大财政负担;隆庆和议后蒙汉贸易由政府主导的朝贡贸易发展为更加自由的互市贸易,民市、小市、月市等民间贸易市场逐渐占据蒙汉贸易主体地位,交易范围扩展,贸易规模扩大,贸易商品与形式更加丰富。 展开更多
关键词 明代 长城沿线地区 蒙汉民族贸易 马市 民间贸易
南极长城站区松散沉积物的粒度特征及环境意义 被引量:11
作者 刘耕年 崔之久 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期30-38,共9页
南极长城站区地表松散沉积物按成因分为冰碛、冰缘沉积、冲积、湖积和海岸沉积。对其部分沉积的3.52mm以下粒度分析表明,其粒度特征有明显的差别,能很好地反映其形成过程和环境特征。按冰缘沉积、冰碛、冲积和海岸沉积的次序,... 南极长城站区地表松散沉积物按成因分为冰碛、冰缘沉积、冲积、湖积和海岸沉积。对其部分沉积的3.52mm以下粒度分析表明,其粒度特征有明显的差别,能很好地反映其形成过程和环境特征。按冰缘沉积、冰碛、冲积和海岸沉积的次序,其粒度组成中砂粒级的含量增加,粉砂和粘土的含量减少;分选性由分选差变为分选较差和分选好;平均粒径分别落在极细砂、细砂、中砂和粗砂粒级;偏度由极正偏变为近对称。粒度参数散点图中各种沉积物的分布有明显的区别。粒度频率曲线的差别能很好地反映沉积物各自的形成过程特点。而冲积和海岸沉积服从正态概率分布,其累积图表现为直线形;冰缘沉积和冰碛服从罗辛概率分布。 展开更多
关键词 南极 沉积 粒度 环境 长城地区 沉积物
康熙《皇舆全览图》长城以南地区绘制精度的空间分异 被引量:10
作者 韩昭庆 杨霄 +1 位作者 刘敏 何国璠 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期25-33,205-206,共11页
清朝康熙年间由官方主持,传教士指导实测,并结合地方文献编绘而成的《皇舆全览图》是中国与世界地图史上的鸿篇巨制,也是我国三百年前完成的一套地理国情普查资料。由于很难准确考证当时实测点的坐标,前人有关《皇舆全览图》测绘精度的... 清朝康熙年间由官方主持,传教士指导实测,并结合地方文献编绘而成的《皇舆全览图》是中国与世界地图史上的鸿篇巨制,也是我国三百年前完成的一套地理国情普查资料。由于很难准确考证当时实测点的坐标,前人有关《皇舆全览图》测绘精度的结论值得商榷。本文另辟蹊径,利用ArcGIS软件对《中华帝国全志》法文书中收录的37幅《皇舆全览图》进行数字化后,得到一套校正数据点,基于该套数据点坐标(校正值)与该书后所载641个地理坐标(原值)进行对比,分析《皇舆全览图》长城以南地区绘制精度的空间分异。长城以南15省中除陕西与河南以外,各省绘制精度差别不明显,相对精度比较高;但亦存在地区差异,其中山东、江南及贵州的准确度最高,河南与陕西的最低。此外,还分析了各省绘制精度异同的原因。 展开更多
关键词 康熙《皇舆全览图》 相对精度 GIS数字化 长城以南地区
评拉铁摩尔《中国的亚洲内陆边疆》 被引量:1
作者 岑丽春 《中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期37-44,共8页
在本书评中,作者首先结合拉铁摩尔的个人生平和当代史学思潮,对影响拉氏学说的因素进行了简单归纳。其次,对《中国的亚洲内陆边疆》一书的重要观点进行了总结和评论:一,更宽广的视野与更客观的立场。拉氏打破传统史学的局限,将游牧社会... 在本书评中,作者首先结合拉铁摩尔的个人生平和当代史学思潮,对影响拉氏学说的因素进行了简单归纳。其次,对《中国的亚洲内陆边疆》一书的重要观点进行了总结和评论:一,更宽广的视野与更客观的立场。拉氏打破传统史学的局限,将游牧社会与农耕社会视为共同发展的一对,从而也跃出了汉族中心史观。二,突出边疆地域的重要性。拉氏对"边疆"进行了重新定义,并且对长城地域的广阔、不稳定的社会特性,及其在两种社会的发展进程中的重要作用进行了精辟的分析,从而提出独到的"贮存地"说。尽管书中依然存在着一些局限性,比如视中国农耕社会为均质化等,此书仍不失为海外中国边疆史地研究的杰作之一。 展开更多
关键词 拉铁摩尔 边疆史 长城地区
长城以北地区金墓初探 被引量:3
作者 董新林 《北方文物》 北大核心 2014年第3期34-39,共6页
在金墓分期和分区的基础上,根据墓碑、墓志等碑铭资料,结合丧葬习俗的不同特点等,可初步将长城以北地区的金墓识别为女真人墓葬、汉人墓葬(包括汉族人和契丹族人墓葬等)和族属待定的墓葬三类。并对女真人丧葬特征和汉人丧葬特点进行了... 在金墓分期和分区的基础上,根据墓碑、墓志等碑铭资料,结合丧葬习俗的不同特点等,可初步将长城以北地区的金墓识别为女真人墓葬、汉人墓葬(包括汉族人和契丹族人墓葬等)和族属待定的墓葬三类。并对女真人丧葬特征和汉人丧葬特点进行了初步归纳,为认识族属待定的金墓提供了参考线索。 展开更多
关键词 金代 女真人墓 汉人墓 葬俗 长城以北地区
A Study on Snowstorm Weather in Coastal Area of Western Antarctic 被引量:3
作者 黄耀荣 薛振和 许淙 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2003年第1期24-31,共8页
In this paper, based on the observational data of 1995 in the Chinese Antarctic Great Wall Station the snowstorm is studied synoptically. It is found that there are two kinds of snowstorms with different physical char... In this paper, based on the observational data of 1995 in the Chinese Antarctic Great Wall Station the snowstorm is studied synoptically. It is found that there are two kinds of snowstorms with different physical characteristics and that the happening of snowstorm is always accompanied by a near-ground level inversion layer. The function of the inversion layer is analyzed, too. It is indicated that the strong ESE-wind type snowstorm is mainly caused by katabatic wind and gradient wind together. This idea is new and different from the general concept that there is no katabatic wind in the western Antarctic area. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal area of west Antarctic snowstorm weather inversion layer
明代“九边”述要 被引量:1
作者 邓沛 《中国方域(行政区划与地名)》 1997年第6期33-33,共1页
关键词 明代 九边 地名 长城沿边地区
Revisiting and Rethinking Regional Urbanization in Changjiang River Delta,China 被引量:5
作者 YANG Shangguang Mark Yaolin WANG WANG Chunlan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期617-625,共9页
China is entering a critical and accelerating phase of urbanization.As one of the most urbanized regions in China,the Changjiang(Yangtze)River Delta has experienced dramatic urbanization and urban transformation.Howev... China is entering a critical and accelerating phase of urbanization.As one of the most urbanized regions in China,the Changjiang(Yangtze)River Delta has experienced dramatic urbanization and urban transformation.However,in the recent years,many changes have taken place in this region and there is limited attention to the regional urbanization path evolution,its problems and the way to solve these problems.Therefore,we should revisit the urbanization process in the Changjiang River Delta again.In this paper,we revisited urbanization paths of the Changjiang River Delta by data analysis,influence factors of urbanization by the Gray Relational Analysis,and major challenges to urbanization of the Changjiang River Delta by theoretical considerations.We found that the urbanization of the Changjiang River Delta had experienced several stages of large-scale spatial and urban system restructuring.Within the Changjiang River Delta,Shanghai,Zhejiang and Jiangshu had experienced different urbanization path with local characteristics.But with their development model gradually converging,their urbanization model is also converging.We also found that the major influence factors affecting the Changjiang River Delta urbanization were dynamic change and urbanization was driven by different key factors in different socio-economic development stages.Meanwhile,the Changjiang River Delta urbanization is facing many problems such as existing institutional arrangements,including the hukou(household registration)system and others which can not meet the needs of current socioeconomic development and urbanization.Therefore,it is imperative to promote institutional innovation and adopt a new urbanization development strategy for the sake of the orderly and sustainable urbanization development in the Changjiang River Delta. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION local characteristics influence factors major challenges Changjiang (Yangtze) River delta China
Application of Multi-agent Models to Urban Expansion in Medium and Small Cities: A Case Study in Fuyang City,Zhejiang Province,China 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Jing WANG Ke +3 位作者 SONG Gengxin ZHANG Zhongchu CHEN Xinming YU Zhoulu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期754-764,共11页
In this study, three-phase satellite images were used to define rules for the allocation of time and space in construction land resources based on a complex adaptive system and game theory. The decision behavior and r... In this study, three-phase satellite images were used to define rules for the allocation of time and space in construction land resources based on a complex adaptive system and game theory. The decision behavior and rules of government agent, enterprise agent and resident agent in construction land growth were explored. A distinctive and dynamic simulation model of construction land growth was built, which integrated multi-agent, GIS technology and RS data and described the interaction among influencing agents, Taking Fuyang City in the Changjiang River Delta as an example, an assessment process for the remote sensing data in construction land and scenario planning was constructed. Repast and ArcGIS were used as simulation platforms. A simulation of the spatial pattern in land-use planning and the setting of scenario planning were conducted by using the incomplete active game, which was based on different natural, social and economic levels. Through this model, a simulation of urban planning space and decision-making for Fuyang City was created. Relevant non-structured problems arising from urban planning management could be identified, and the process and logic of urban planning spatial decision-making could thus be improved. Cell-by-cell comparison showed that the simulation accuracy was over 72%. This model has great potential for use by government and town planners in decision support and technique support in the policy-making process. 展开更多
关键词 multi-agent system medium and small cities urban expansion game theory Fuyang City
Benzo[a]pyrene and Phenanthrene in Municipal Sludge from the Yangtze River Delta, China
作者 SHEN Rong-Yan LUO Yong-Ming +5 位作者 FENG Sheng ZHANG Gang-Ya WU Long-Hua LI Zhen-Gao TENG Ying P. CHRISTIE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期523-531,共9页
To evaluate the contaminated conditions of benzo[alpyrene (B[a]P) and phenanthrene (PA) in sludge and to ascertain whether B[a]P limit for land application of sludge exists, the contents of B[a]P and PA in 46 slud... To evaluate the contaminated conditions of benzo[alpyrene (B[a]P) and phenanthrene (PA) in sludge and to ascertain whether B[a]P limit for land application of sludge exists, the contents of B[a]P and PA in 46 sludge samples from 15 cities in the Yangtze River Delta area of China were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a fluorescence detector after ultrasonic extraction and silica gel cleanup. B[a]P contents ranged from non-detectable to 1.693 mg kg^-1 dry weight (DW), averaged 0.402 mg kg^-1 DW, and were 〈 1.0 mg kg^-1 DW in most of the sludge samples. PA was found in all the sludge samples analyzed; its contents ranged between 0.028 and 1.355 mg kg^-1 DW, with an average value of 0.298 mg kg^-1 DW. Most of the sludge samples contained 〈 0.5 mg kg^-1 DW PA. All 46 municipal sludge samples analyzed in this study showed B[a]P contents 〈 3.0 mg kg^-1 DW, which is the limit value for sludge applied to agricultural lands in China. The contents and distributions of B[a]P and PA in municipal sludge were related to sludge types, sources and treatment technologies, along with the physical and chemical properties of these pollutants. 展开更多
关键词 BENZO[A]PYRENE municipal sludge organic pollutants PHENANTHRENE Yangtze River Delta
China's Land Carrying Capacity Based on Man-grain Relationships 被引量:1
作者 Feng Zhiming Zhang Weike Yang Yanzhao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第4期51-58,共8页
With population growth and increasing pressure on land resources,land carrying capacity(LCC) and food safety have been attracting great attention worldwide.From the point of man-grain relationship and by establishing ... With population growth and increasing pressure on land resources,land carrying capacity(LCC) and food safety have been attracting great attention worldwide.From the point of man-grain relationship and by establishing LCC and land carrying capacity index(LCCI) models,this article firstly analyzes the spatial-temporal dynamics of LCC of China from 1949 to 2005 at county,provincial and national levels.Choosing 2005 as a representative year,this article then evaluates the LCC of 264 pastoral regions(semipastoral regions),663 urban regions and 592 poverty stricken regions of the country.The results show that:(1) from 1949 to 2005,with the increase of grain production,the LCC of China has been improved conspicuously,but due to the rapid population growth,the production can only maintain a low level grain consumption;(2) over the past 25 years(1980-2005),the number of population overloading provinces decreased from 23 to 15 and the mangrain relationship has been improved gradually,but there were more overloading provinces than surplus provinces in China;(3) at county level,there were 1572 overloading counties in 1980 accounting for 68.26% of the total counties of the country and where were 649 million people lived,while in 1990,2000 and 2005,the number of overloading counties were 1066,1133 and 1087 respectively,which shows that the man-grain relationship has been improved obviously during the past 25 years;as for spatial distribution,the surplus counties were mainly concentrated in agriculture developed regions,such as Northeast Plain,North China Plain,middle and lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Plain,and overloading counties were mainly located in regions with poor natural environment and low grain production capacity,such as Northwest China,Tibetan Plateau and Loess Plateau and economically developed urban regions,such as Beijing,Tianjin and Shanghai;(4) animal husbandry improved greatly the LCC of pastoral and semi-pastoral regions,while urban regions were overloading for increasing population pressure and more than half of poverty stricken regions were overloading due to critical natural environment and poor economic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 POPULATION GRAIN land carrying capacity land carrying capacity index China
明长城防御工事保护与修复方法探讨——以河北徐流口长城为例 被引量:2
作者 徐凌玉 李严 杨慧 《建筑学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第S01期188-193,共6页
为了科学有效减缓明长城遗产的破坏速度,探讨其保护与修复技术,选取河北唐山徐流口地区长城为例,对其整体性保护理念以及具体修复方法进行实际探讨。对具体地段长城防御工事的历史与现状进行区域分析、建筑测绘以及详细的保护评估分析,... 为了科学有效减缓明长城遗产的破坏速度,探讨其保护与修复技术,选取河北唐山徐流口地区长城为例,对其整体性保护理念以及具体修复方法进行实际探讨。对具体地段长城防御工事的历史与现状进行区域分析、建筑测绘以及详细的保护评估分析,基于分析结果进行最终的保护修复策略的制定与修复方法的探讨。希望以此为今后的长城保护修复工作提供一定的理论支持与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 长城防御工事 徐流口地区长城 残损分析 保护评估 保护修复
作者 王慧燕 王海英 《大自然》 2009年第4期11-13,共3页
到过南极中国长城站的人们也许会淡忘了企鹅,但是永远不会忘记那片如绿草地般的地衣世界。南极长城站地区的气温几乎终年都在零度以下,即使是最温暖的1月份,其平均气温也只有1.5℃。该地区的显花植物仅有4种,而且很难见到。以地衣... 到过南极中国长城站的人们也许会淡忘了企鹅,但是永远不会忘记那片如绿草地般的地衣世界。南极长城站地区的气温几乎终年都在零度以下,即使是最温暖的1月份,其平均气温也只有1.5℃。该地区的显花植物仅有4种,而且很难见到。以地衣和苔藓为主的植被占据了长城站区面积的99.9%以上,其中地衣占据了绝大部分。站区绿茵般的植被不是由草本植物组成,而主要是由枝状地衣——南极松萝构成, 展开更多
关键词 地衣 南极 长城地区 平均气温 显花植物 植物组成 站区 植被
作者 陆斌 《旅游时代》 2003年第11期50-53,共4页
8月27日,“昔日战地记者——今日和平行者”,著名战地记者唐师曾自驾车,从北京经由太原,到达西安,开始“新唐僧取经”大型公益活动。唐师曾,单人从西安出发,单车沿盛唐玄奘法师西行的路线,翻越数座地球上知名的高山——包括喜马拉雅山,... 8月27日,“昔日战地记者——今日和平行者”,著名战地记者唐师曾自驾车,从北京经由太原,到达西安,开始“新唐僧取经”大型公益活动。唐师曾,单人从西安出发,单车沿盛唐玄奘法师西行的路线,翻越数座地球上知名的高山——包括喜马拉雅山,横穿欧亚大陆腹地,经巴基斯坦等国最终到达印度,历经夏、秋、冬三季。此行将以纪实的手法,反映古老道路变化,强调文化多元化,使沿线人民相互了解,倡导“和平、环保”,提醒世界关注古老文明,保护人类共同遗产。 本刊记者对他的这次行动进行了专访。 展开更多
关键词 唐僧取经 伊拉克 战地记者 海湾战争 新华社 问题青年 自驾车 南极长城地区 著作权 众生平等
Spatial expansion and potential of construction land use in the Yangtze River Delta 被引量:6
作者 王振波 方创琳 张晓瑞 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第7期851-864,共14页
Based on remote sensing data of the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) in the years of 1991, 2001 and 2008, the paper built an index system of land use potential restraint factors in YRD, according to geological condition, terr... Based on remote sensing data of the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) in the years of 1991, 2001 and 2008, the paper built an index system of land use potential restraint factors in YRD, according to geological condition, terrain condition, water area, natural reserve area and basic farmland, and evaluated construction land potential based on the platform of GIS spatial analysis model. The results showed that:(1) the construction land increased rapidly since 1991 and reached 24,951.21 km2 in 2008, or 21.27% of the total area. Among all the cities in the YRD, Shanghai took the greatest percentage, followed by Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Spatially, areas where government departments are located became the growth center of construction land. Prefecture-level cities were the fastest growth region and the changing trend showed circle layered characteristics and significant increase with Shanghai and Suzhou as the core.(2) The higher the quality of construction land potentials(CLP), the smaller the number of CLP units. High sensitive area accounted for the largest percentage(40.14%) among all types of constraint regions and this was followed by medium sensitive region(31.53%) of the whole region.(3) The comprehensive CLP in the YRD was 24,989.65 km2, or 21.76% of the total YRD. The land use potential showed spatial distribution imbalance. CLP of Zhejiang was obviously larger than that of Jiangsu. CLP was insufficient in regional central city. Moreover, CLP in the YRD formed a circle layered spatial pattern that increasingly expanded centered in prefecture-level cities. Low potential area expanded from north to south. High potential area was mainly located in south YRD. Areas with zero potential in the YRD formed a northwest-southeast "Y-shaped" spatial pattern in north Hangzhou Bay.(4) CLP per capita in YRD was 0.045 ha/person and also unevenly distributed. Some 25.57% of the study units at county level nearly had no construction land and 8.24% of the units had CLP per capita below the national average level. CLP per capita in less than 25% of the county-level units was larger than the YRD average level, which were mainly located in Zhejiang. Therefore, research on the construction potential area in YRD was favorable for analysis of the development status and potential space of this region under the background of rapid urbanization and industrialization. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze River Delta construction land use potential zoning spatial expansion
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