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杭长客专引入鹰潭枢纽方案分析 被引量:3
作者 赵志敏 郑欣 《交通科技与经济》 2011年第2期14-17,共4页
通过对鹰潭铁路枢纽地理位置及现状的分析,在杭长(杭州-长沙)客专引入后,指出枢纽急待解决的问题。充分结合拟建工程,根据对预测运量及组织运输的分析,对枢纽总图规划进行研究,提出三个可选方案,优化比选后认为在城市北侧设新站的方案... 通过对鹰潭铁路枢纽地理位置及现状的分析,在杭长(杭州-长沙)客专引入后,指出枢纽急待解决的问题。充分结合拟建工程,根据对预测运量及组织运输的分析,对枢纽总图规划进行研究,提出三个可选方案,优化比选后认为在城市北侧设新站的方案为最佳方案,并对此方案进行进一步说明。 展开更多
关键词 长客 鹰潭枢纽 方案研究 规划
作者 白晓莉 赵巍 曲金龙 《企业管理》 北大核心 2014年第6期22-24,共3页
关键词 长客股份 流程变革 企业信息化
作者 王莹 《科技与企业》 2014年第22期53-53,共1页
国内配置管理的相关管理方法处在起步阶段。该管理理念的应用范围,大多集中在软件产品的数据管理领域,但对于制造业中,设计产品的配置管理也发挥着同样着重要作用。本文通过对长客的配置管理平台应用过程中得到的经验进行深入分析,并得... 国内配置管理的相关管理方法处在起步阶段。该管理理念的应用范围,大多集中在软件产品的数据管理领域,但对于制造业中,设计产品的配置管理也发挥着同样着重要作用。本文通过对长客的配置管理平台应用过程中得到的经验进行深入分析,并得出结论和建议供参考。 展开更多
关键词 长客SAP 配置管理
《都市快轨交通》 2008年第3期31-31,共1页
关键词 轻轨车辆 奥运地铁 长客股份公司 城轨车辆 运用车 北京
筑梦新时代 长客再出发
作者 柳絮 《新长征》 2019年第5期15-17,共3页
中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司前身是长春客车厂,始建于1954年,是国家'一五'期间的156个重点建设项目之一,2002年3月改制为股份公司,是中国轨道交通行业的摇篮和发源地。伴随共和国成长的脚步,长客已成为我国最大的铁路客车和... 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司前身是长春客车厂,始建于1954年,是国家'一五'期间的156个重点建设项目之一,2002年3月改制为股份公司,是中国轨道交通行业的摇篮和发源地。伴随共和国成长的脚步,长客已成为我国最大的铁路客车和城市轨道车辆的研发、制造和出口基地,也是目前世界上年生产轨道客车数量最大的制造工厂。 展开更多
关键词 轨道交通 行业 轨道 中车 客车 城市轨道 长客
作者 肖飞飞 《新长征》 2017年第12期24-25,共2页
关键词 长客 一路 轨道交通装备 世界级企业 产业转型升级 交通建设 区域基础设施 习近平 动车组 产能过剩
《铁道车辆》 2004年第9期6-6,共1页
关键词 深圳地铁 铝合金 地铁客车 长春长客庞巴迪轨道车辆有限公司 设计特点
作者 熊燕舞 杨玲 《运输经理世界》 2006年第10期76-76,共1页
  比起北京六里桥长途客运站和上海长途客运总站,秦皇岛长途客运站略显寒酸,从西侧入口进去,露天的广场上紧紧巴巴地挤靠着10余辆长途客车,连过道都停靠着大巴.记者不禁想到,2008年,秦皇岛做为奥运会足球比赛的分赛场,运输游客和观众...   比起北京六里桥长途客运站和上海长途客运总站,秦皇岛长途客运站略显寒酸,从西侧入口进去,露天的广场上紧紧巴巴地挤靠着10余辆长途客车,连过道都停靠着大巴.记者不禁想到,2008年,秦皇岛做为奥运会足球比赛的分赛场,运输游客和观众的压力不可小视………… 展开更多
关键词 龙腾 商机 游客 长客 客运班线 长途汽车站
作者 谭强 《商界》 2005年第5期50-53,共4页
关键词 胡利平 长客旅行社 杭州市 企业家 “F”计划 犯罪活动 人生观
作者 龙育才 《机车电传动》 北大核心 2004年第4期69-69,共1页
关键词 深圳地铁 地铁列车 长客-庞巴迪轨道车辆有限公司 设计速度 接触网 车辆配置
奋进成就辉煌 创新铸就丰碑
作者 娄彦君 《企业管理》 北大核心 2012年第S1期68-71,共4页
娄彦君,男,汉族,1966年生人,中共党员,现任长春轨道客车装备有限责任公司董事长兼总经理,1989年毕业于北方交通大学,教授级高级工程师。历任长春客车厂修车分厂技术科科长、修车分厂厂长、长春客车厂副厂长兼总工程师、长春轨道客车装... 娄彦君,男,汉族,1966年生人,中共党员,现任长春轨道客车装备有限责任公司董事长兼总经理,1989年毕业于北方交通大学,教授级高级工程师。历任长春客车厂修车分厂技术科科长、修车分厂厂长、长春客车厂副厂长兼总工程师、长春轨道客车装备有限责任公司董事长兼总经理等职务,先后荣获了全国先进生产力优秀人物奖、吉林省五一劳动奖章、长春市劳动模范、中国北车集团公司优秀共产党员。 展开更多
关键词 精益管理 长客 装备公司 企业 企业管理 轨道客车 长春客车厂 旅客列车 铁路客车 丰碑 创新
作者 张维庆 王峰 戴建明 《企业管理》 北大核心 2012年第S1期376-382,共7页
一、企业概况中国北车集团长春市国凯模具设备修造有限责任公司(以下简称"国凯公司"),是中国北车集团长春轨道客车装备有限责任公司的全资子公司。该公司成立于2001年12月,前身为原长春客车厂工具车间和修机车间,现有员工244... 一、企业概况中国北车集团长春市国凯模具设备修造有限责任公司(以下简称"国凯公司"),是中国北车集团长春轨道客车装备有限责任公司的全资子公司。该公司成立于2001年12月,前身为原长春客车厂工具车间和修机车间,现有员工244名,厂房面积11000m2,公司采用最先进的正版进口加工软件,拥有进口先进数控加工设备30余台套、其他设备155台套,净资产1.1亿元,主要从事高速铁路动车组、轨道车辆零部件制造和工业模具、工艺装备、清洁能源设备零部件的制造。 展开更多
关键词 市场脉搏 工具车间 长春客车厂 刀具 轨道客车 全面精益管理 产品订单 股份公司 长客 销售收入 工艺文件标准化 工序集中 员工队伍 中国北车集团 工艺布局 标准化作业 企业 企业管理
《机械工程师》 2008年第12期1-3,共3页
关键词 长客 股份公司 广州 广东 地铁客车 水泥设备 建筑材料工业 水泥工业 点击
《福建质量技术监督》 2017年第11期59-59,共1页
该车是国内首批具有完全自主知识产权的美标地铁车,它将首先运营在美国波士顿市,相比那里运营几十年的"老爷车",这批地铁车辆将极大改善美国乘客的出行体验。地铁出口美国对我国相关行业甚至国家制造业有重大意义。美国波士顿是一个... 该车是国内首批具有完全自主知识产权的美标地铁车,它将首先运营在美国波士顿市,相比那里运营几十年的"老爷车",这批地铁车辆将极大改善美国乘客的出行体验。地铁出口美国对我国相关行业甚至国家制造业有重大意义。美国波士顿是一个拥有百年地铁历史的城市,那里的市场标准对产品要求十分苛刻,经过努力,中车长客股份公司按照美国客户的标准提供了中国解决方案,也就是说按照美国标准进行设计,但知识产权完全掌握在中国人手中。 展开更多
关键词 地铁 中国制造 美国标准 自主知识产权 国家制造业 美国客户 波士顿市 长客 美标 产品要求
作者 张芳 《江苏交通》 2002年第9期18-18,共1页
关键词 土地 合资合作 企业 企业管理 联动 劳动关系 社会关系 南京市 长客 客运 江海 货运 货物运输 资产
培育新理念 打造新品牌
作者 孙书慧 《新长征》 2007年第10期61-61,共1页
当前铁路建设的快速发展和城市轨道车辆市场的迅速崛起.为长客股份公司提供了难得的发展机遇。温家宝总理在今年2月视察长客股份公司时,对我们寄予厚望,他说,长客股份公司要成为中国的西门子、中国的阿尔斯通。为此,我们明确地提... 当前铁路建设的快速发展和城市轨道车辆市场的迅速崛起.为长客股份公司提供了难得的发展机遇。温家宝总理在今年2月视察长客股份公司时,对我们寄予厚望,他说,长客股份公司要成为中国的西门子、中国的阿尔斯通。为此,我们明确地提出“培育精细品质、打造民族品牌”的核心理念。这一核心理念的提出。抓住了建设一流企业的核心问题,抓住了企业发展的主要矛盾,为企业真正迈向世界一流奠定了认识基础。 展开更多
关键词 品牌培育 长客股份公司 一流企业 温家宝总理 车辆市场 城市轨道 铁路建设
Vail’s Story Retold: Applications of John Steinbeck’s Realistic Prose to Reconstructing Growth and Change of a Colorado High Mountain Town
作者 Rudi Hartmann 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第9期481-496,共16页
Vail, a ski area in Colorado established in 1962, has undergone many changes since its inception. How to explain the growth of an ever expanding urban corridor (“Vail Valley”) in the Colorado High Country, with co... Vail, a ski area in Colorado established in 1962, has undergone many changes since its inception. How to explain the growth of an ever expanding urban corridor (“Vail Valley”) in the Colorado High Country, with considerable implications for the social and built-up environment and the surrounding wilderness? It is argued here that Steinbeck’s writings – as laid out, for instance, in Cannery Row - could offer a strategy to reconstruct the events and developments that transformed the Vail ski resort destination over the past decades. Eight chapters lay out major themes of the Vail Story, from “Vail before Vail” to “Vail after Vail.” Quotations from Steinbeck’s novels and from other writers in the analysis of his works introduce a given theme. The discussion of the beginnings of the ski area and the town, the staging of Vail mega sports events like three world alpine ski championships and the changing directions and policies of the ski corporation result in a narrative closely aligned with the style of Steinbeck’s realistic prose. 展开更多
关键词 Vail Colorado High Country John Steinbeck APPLICATIONS story telling
Travel Motivation of Domestic Tourists to the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Northeastern China: A Comparative Study 被引量:1
作者 GU Xiao-ping Bernard J LEWIS +5 位作者 LI Yan-quan YU Da-pao ZHOU Li ZHOU Wang-ming WU Sheng-nan DAI Li-min 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期1582-1597,共16页
This article seeks to develop a fuller understanding of the social and attraction motives of domestic tourists who visit the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve(CMBR) in Northeastern China. To do so, ecotourists are c... This article seeks to develop a fuller understanding of the social and attraction motives of domestic tourists who visit the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve(CMBR) in Northeastern China. To do so, ecotourists are compared to general travelers visiting this area. A questionnaire was employed to collect data on visitor characteristics and motivations, responses to which were then analyzed via descriptive statistics, T-tests and principal component factor analysis. Results showed that 16% of the visitors to this area were classified as ecotourists, while the remainder general travelers. Five motivations displayed significant differences(P<0.05) between these two types of tourists. Three social motives – boosting self-confidence, feeling at home away from home and being together with family – and two attraction motives – indoor sports and viewing unique landscapes of the CMBR(crater lake, waterfall, gorge and hot spring) – were significantly more important for general travelers(P<0.05); while two social motives of experiencing the tranquility of the natural setting and the natural beauty of the landscape were relatively more important for ecotourists(P<0.1). Results suggest that ecotourists have distinct and complicated attraction and social motives compared to general travelers visiting the CMBR. Results have useful implications for researchers interested in tourist motivations and behavior, as well as for managers who wish to focus their marketing strategies more effectively. National Park of South Africa. Uysal et al.(1994) assessed the travel motives of Australian tourists to U.S. national parks and nature areas and formed five groupings including ‘relaxation/hobbies', ‘novelty', ‘enhancement of kinship relationship', ‘escape', and ‘prestige'. Tao et al.(2004) analyzed motivations of Asian tourists travelling to Taiwan's Taroko National Park using a self-defined approach and found that the most significant benefits sought by self-defined ecotourists are ‘learning about nature' and ‘participating in recreation activities'. Beh and Bruyere(2007) analyzed visitor motivations in three Kenyan national reserves, identifying the three most prominent kinds of tourists as escapers, learners and spiritualists. Pan and Ryan(2007) used factor analysis to reveal five motivational dimensions –‘relaxation', ‘social needs', ‘a sense of belonging', ‘mastery skills', and ‘intellectual needs' – of visitors to the Pirongia Forest Park in New Zealand. Kruger and Saayman(2010) did a comparative study on travel motivations of tourists to Kruger and Tsitsikamma National Parks in South Africa and found that common motives of tourists were ‘escape and relaxation' as well as ‘knowledge seeking', ‘nostalgia' and ‘park attributes'. Despite these efforts, on an overall basis past literature on why visitors travel to national parks and nature areas is still rather limited. In China, a number of empirical studies on tourist motivations have been conducted since the early 1990s(Chen and Miao 2006; Dong 2011; Huang et al. 2011; Jeffrey and Xie 1994; Lu 1997; Ma et al. 2013; Zhang 2012). Some studies have focused on motivations of visitors to nature reserves(Li 2007), geological parks(Chen and Qiao 2010), world heritage sites(Su et al. 2005), and seismic memorial sites(Tang 2014). However, most previous research findings on tourist motivations are not comparable, reflecting the fact that visitors to different parks have quite different motives due to the attributes of particular destinations, the geographic locations of these parks, types of available activities, marketing strategies, and the complexity of travel motives(Chen and Qiao 2010; Pan and Ryan 2007). While it is true that certain motivations were shared in varying degrees by most tourists to these places – i.e., ‘appreciating natural landscapes', ‘family and education', ‘social needs', and ‘perceived prestige of visit' – most previous research has not focused on natural settings as destinations. Thus travel motivations of tourists to these areas must be further explored and clarified in relation to impacts on particular natural areas and patterns of market segmentation. As one of the earliest and largest natural reserves established in China, the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve(CMBR) has long been a draw not only for domestic tourists but also for international visitors, and tourism to the area has been growing steadily since 1980. With the number of visitors to the reserve having climbed to 2.44 million in 2010(Statistical Communiqué of the Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone of Jilin Province 2011), it has become imperative for local government officials and reserve wardens to understand tourists' desires and interests when identifying tourism development opportunities. However, the existing literature still suffers from a lack of empirical studies that investigate why people travel to the CMBR and whether tourist motives differ between groups such as ecotourists and general travelers. The target population for this study consists of domestic visitors to the CMBR. The goals of this research include:(1) to identify the social and attraction motives of domestic tourists that influence decisions to visit the CMBR;(2) to explore whether there are any differences between the motivations of these two types of tourists; and(3) to provide some useful management implications for local government and tourism marketers. 展开更多
关键词 Social motives Attraction motives Tourist behavior Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve
A customized extended warranty policy with heterogeneous usage rate and purchasing date
作者 Zhang Hongqi Zhao Jiabin Su Chun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第2期220-226,共7页
To increase customers'satisfaction and promote product's competitiveness,a customized extended warranty(EW)policy is proposed,where the diversities in both the usage rate and purchase date are considered.The m... To increase customers'satisfaction and promote product's competitiveness,a customized extended warranty(EW)policy is proposed,where the diversities in both the usage rate and purchase date are considered.The marginal approach is applied to describe the product's two-dimensional failure in terms of age and usage,respectively.Moreover,minimal repair is adopted to restore the failure,and the virtual age method is applied to depict the effect of preventive maintenance(PM).On this basis,an optimization model is established to minimize the maintenance cost and warranty cost from the manufacturer's view,and multiple factors are taken into account,including the PM's intensity and its period,and EW's interval,etc.A numerical case study is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.The results show that by considering the product's usage rate and the purchasing date of EW,the number of failures as well as the cost of maintenance and warranty can be reduced effectively. 展开更多
关键词 customization two-dimensional extended warranty preventive maintenance usage rate purchasing date warranty cost
《铁道机车与动车》 2023年第5期I0004-I0006,共3页
中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司(以下简称长客股份公司)前身长春客车厂始建于1954年,是国家“一五”期间重点建设项目之一。2002年3月改制为股份公司,现注册资本(总股本)为58亿元(股),中国中车持股93.54%。... 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司(以下简称长客股份公司)前身长春客车厂始建于1954年,是国家“一五”期间重点建设项目之一。2002年3月改制为股份公司,现注册资本(总股本)为58亿元(股),中国中车持股93.54%。一、企业规模长客股份公司是我国知名的轨道客车研发、制造、检修及出口基地,是中国地铁、动车组的摇篮。 展开更多
关键词 长春客车厂 重点建设项目 中国中车 轨道客车 总股本 “一五”期间 长客股份 注册资本
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