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长果种黄麻DNA的提取及SRAP分子标记体系的建立 被引量:3
作者 陈晖 陈美霞 +6 位作者 陈艳萍 危成林 廖英明 陈富成 陶爱芬 徐建堂 祁建民 《福建农业学报》 CAS 2011年第5期705-710,共6页
以宽叶长果和甜麻杂交产生的F2代为材料,研究长果种黄麻DNA的提取方法和SRAP分子标记技术中的主要影响因素(包括模板DNA浓度、Mg2+浓度、Taq DNA聚合酶浓度、dNTPs浓度及上下游引物浓度)。最终建立了适于长果种黄麻DNA提取的CTAB法与SRA... 以宽叶长果和甜麻杂交产生的F2代为材料,研究长果种黄麻DNA的提取方法和SRAP分子标记技术中的主要影响因素(包括模板DNA浓度、Mg2+浓度、Taq DNA聚合酶浓度、dNTPs浓度及上下游引物浓度)。最终建立了适于长果种黄麻DNA提取的CTAB法与SRAP-PCR反应体系(25μL):模板DNA 100ng,引物浓度0.48μmol.L-1,Mg2+浓度2.8mmol.L-1,dNTPs浓度0.35mmol.L-1,Taq DNA聚合酶0.7U。 展开更多
关键词 长果种黄麻 DNA提取 SRAP 反应体系优化
南宁引种长果种黄麻的适应性及其效益分析 被引量:1
作者 赵洪涛 黄其椿 +3 位作者 赵艳红 叶陧 唐兴富 李初英 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期1502-1507,共6页
以09C黄繁-9、09C黄繁-13、黄麻179(CK1)、黄麻831、福黄麻1号、福黄麻2号、福黄麻3号、梅峰4号(CK2)、闽黄麻1号共9个长果种黄麻品种为供试材料,在广西南宁种植,研究其生长发育、农艺性状、经济性状及产出效益。结果表明:每公顷福黄麻... 以09C黄繁-9、09C黄繁-13、黄麻179(CK1)、黄麻831、福黄麻1号、福黄麻2号、福黄麻3号、梅峰4号(CK2)、闽黄麻1号共9个长果种黄麻品种为供试材料,在广西南宁种植,研究其生长发育、农艺性状、经济性状及产出效益。结果表明:每公顷福黄麻1号的鲜茎重及干皮重最高,分别为30 059.67和3885.40,闽黄麻1号干骨产量最高达到7865.33 kg,福黄麻2号纤维产量最高为2 618.03 kg,此外,通过投入与产出分析表明福黄麻1号具有最大的经济效益,每公顷纯收入为34 705.29元,适合在广西南宁推广种植。 展开更多
关键词 长果种黄麻 发育 产量性状 效益
长果种黄麻资源高产种质的筛选 被引量:2
作者 程新奇 肖瑞芝 +1 位作者 余隆其 孙家曾 《中国麻作》 北大核心 1992年第4期7-11,共5页
本文研究了90份长果种黄麻资源性状鉴定资料。通过对这些品种主要性状表现及其相互关系的分析,以产量影响因子直接贡献大小构成判别方程对综合性状的优劣进行判断。以单株生产力和综合判别指标对鉴定长果种资源进行筛选,筛选出9份单株... 本文研究了90份长果种黄麻资源性状鉴定资料。通过对这些品种主要性状表现及其相互关系的分析,以产量影响因子直接贡献大小构成判别方程对综合性状的优劣进行判断。以单株生产力和综合判别指标对鉴定长果种资源进行筛选,筛选出9份单株生产力高,综合性状好的高产种质依次是:89—7(404029)、湘黄麻1号、耳朵叶、宽叶长果、巴麻72—3、浙麻2号、长果134,巴麻73—1和台南红皮,其单株生产力平均值15.12g,较全部资源品种(?)=9.88高5.14g,平均高出51.52%。 展开更多
关键词 黄麻 长果种黄麻 产量
长果种黄麻主要亲本数量性状遗传变异与多元分析 被引量:2
作者 龚友才 郭安平 《中国麻作》 北大核心 1992年第4期1-7,共7页
本文研究了近年来国内各育种单位选育、从国外引进以及从长江流域地方品种中选出的主要亲本材料数量性状的遗传变异。根据这些性状的表型、遗传型方差与协方差,估算了各数量性状的遗传力、遗传变异系数、遗传进度、相对遗传进度和遗传... 本文研究了近年来国内各育种单位选育、从国外引进以及从长江流域地方品种中选出的主要亲本材料数量性状的遗传变异。根据这些性状的表型、遗传型方差与协方差,估算了各数量性状的遗传力、遗传变异系数、遗传进度、相对遗传进度和遗传相关系数,并进行了遗传通径分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。试验结果表明,在黄麻长果种亲本材料自然群体中,纤维强力、株高、分枝高等性状具有较高的遗传变异系数和遗传力,并具有中等大小的遗传进度,当代选择效果较好。而株高、分枝高与单株干皮重的遗传相关系数较大,因此根据株高、分枝高选择在下代的预期效果较明显。通径分析表明,对单株干皮产量直接影响能力最大的是株高,其次是分枝高、茎粗,其它性状影响较小。主成分分析则认为第一主成分的特征向量主要由纤维细度因子提供,第一主成分越大,株高、茎粗皮厚值亦越大,单株干皮重值就越高。聚类分析将44份品种分为七大类群。这种主要亲本性状的遗传变异研究与分析为长果种黄麻系统选育以及杂交育种的亲本选配提供了主要理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 长果种黄麻 遗传变异 数量性状
黄麻长果种和圆果种的起源与分布 被引量:3
作者 唐守伟 《中国麻作》 北大核心 1993年第3期13-15,共3页
关键词 长果种 黄麻 起源 遗传变异
1987—1989年全国黄麻长果种新品种区域试验总结 被引量:1
作者 郭安平 龚友才 《中国麻作》 北大核心 1990年第4期14-18,共5页
为了鉴定近年来全国各育种单位新选育的黄麻长果种新品种的生产潜力、品种特性和适应性,为新品种的生产推广提供科学依据,在中国农业科学院麻类研究所的主持下,从1987年开始,在长江流域麻区的浙江、湖南、湖北3省5个点连续进行了3年新... 为了鉴定近年来全国各育种单位新选育的黄麻长果种新品种的生产潜力、品种特性和适应性,为新品种的生产推广提供科学依据,在中国农业科学院麻类研究所的主持下,从1987年开始,在长江流域麻区的浙江、湖南、湖北3省5个点连续进行了3年新品种区域试验。 展开更多
关键词 黄麻 长果种黄麻 区域试验
长果种黄麻品种主要农艺性状与单株产量关系的分析 被引量:5
作者 郭安平 龚友才 《中国麻作》 1988年第4期13-18,共6页
本文对长果种黄麻品种的8个主要性状进行了表型相关分析,就7个主要农艺性状和产量的关系作了多元回归分析,并计算了性状对产量的通径系数。通过七元回归分析知道,在诸多性状中,以单株干重对产量的贡献最大,其次为出麻率。进而只就5个能... 本文对长果种黄麻品种的8个主要性状进行了表型相关分析,就7个主要农艺性状和产量的关系作了多元回归分析,并计算了性状对产量的通径系数。通过七元回归分析知道,在诸多性状中,以单株干重对产量的贡献最大,其次为出麻率。进而只就5个能目测到的性状对产量进行多元回归分析,发现茎粗和株高对产量的作用较大。在高产育种上,可将提高麻株的茎粗、株高和出麻率作为主攻目标。生产上可根据麻株茎粗和株高两个性状的生长发育规律来制定高产栽培技术措施. 展开更多
关键词 长果种黄麻 农艺性状 单株产量 表型相关分析
作者 S.K.Chaudhury 程新奇 《中国麻作》 北大核心 1992年第1期47-48,共2页
纤维强力是黄麻品质的一个重要参数,高强力纤维可纺高强度的麻纱和织品。强力遗传研究资料有助于育种家制定有效的育种方案,改进黄麻纤维品质,但这方面的资料还很缺乏,本试验就长果种黄麻纤维强力的遗传进行了研究。材料与方法试验的6... 纤维强力是黄麻品质的一个重要参数,高强力纤维可纺高强度的麻纱和织品。强力遗传研究资料有助于育种家制定有效的育种方案,改进黄麻纤维品质,但这方面的资料还很缺乏,本试验就长果种黄麻纤维强力的遗传进行了研究。材料与方法试验的6个长果种品种为‘Saly—out’、‘TJ6’、‘Sudan Green’、‘IR1’、 展开更多
关键词 黄麻 长果种黄麻 纤维 遗传
作者 余隆其 孙家曾 何广文 《中国麻作》 1979年第2期1-4,共4页
长果种黄麻新品种070-36是我所1970-1976年通过杂交选育而成。叶卵园形是其显著的植物学特征。1977—1978年在13个点试验,最高单产952斤,比对照广丰长果增产16.34%。1978年在湖南南县立新大队基点示范种植21亩,平均单产熟麻350斤... 长果种黄麻新品种070-36是我所1970-1976年通过杂交选育而成。叶卵园形是其显著的植物学特征。1977—1978年在13个点试验,最高单产952斤,比对照广丰长果增产16.34%。1978年在湖南南县立新大队基点示范种植21亩,平均单产熟麻350斤,比对照广丰长果增产21.9%。现将选育经过、特征特性,多点试验和生产示范鉴定结果整理如下。 展开更多
关键词 长果种黄麻 070-36品 选育 特征特性 栽培要点
作者 S.Gopalakrishan S.Saha 黄培坤 《中国麻作》 1979年第2期34-35,共2页
对长果种黄麻品种JRO-632、JRO-7835、JR-878、JRO-5408、IR—1、苏丹青茎和园果种黄麻品种JRC-212、JRC-5854、JRC-7447、JRC-412、JRC-206、EC-41338的叶比重(叶比重:叶干重/单位叶面积)气孔数和叶片中光合组织分布的差异进行研究... 对长果种黄麻品种JRO-632、JRO-7835、JR-878、JRO-5408、IR—1、苏丹青茎和园果种黄麻品种JRC-212、JRC-5854、JRC-7447、JRC-412、JRC-206、EC-41338的叶比重(叶比重:叶干重/单位叶面积)气孔数和叶片中光合组织分布的差异进行研究,由于品种及麻株大小不同,黄麻叶比重差异显著,一般说来,长果种黄麻比圆果种黄麻的叶比重大些,麻株生长前期的叶比重大些, 展开更多
关键词 长果种黄麻 黄麻 叶片 生物学性状 光合作用
中国育成黄麻主要品种间的亲缘关系分析 被引量:4
作者 张加强 陈常理 +1 位作者 骆霞虹 金关荣 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第20期4008-4020,共13页
【目的】探讨新中国成立以来中国育成黄麻主要品种间的亲缘关系和遗传多样性。【方法】选用1949年以来,在中国有一定的推广面积和具有清晰系谱关系资料记录,以引进或育成的20个长果种和40个圆果种黄麻品种为供试材料,采用亲缘系数与聚... 【目的】探讨新中国成立以来中国育成黄麻主要品种间的亲缘关系和遗传多样性。【方法】选用1949年以来,在中国有一定的推广面积和具有清晰系谱关系资料记录,以引进或育成的20个长果种和40个圆果种黄麻品种为供试材料,采用亲缘系数与聚类分析的方法,对中国60多年来黄麻生产上历经6次品种更替的主要品种间进行亲缘关系和遗传多样性分析。【结果】在长果黄麻中,20份供试品种共组成190对组合,31.58%存在亲缘关系,COP总和为38.5625,平均为0.0964,表明2/3的品种在系谱上的遗传关系较少;在圆果黄麻中,40份供试品种共组成780对组合,其中50.26%存在亲缘关系,COP平均为0.1179,表明50%的圆果品种存在亲缘关系,有近一半的品种亲缘关系相对较远。圆果黄麻品种间的亲缘关系比长果品种间的遗传相似性更高。聚类分析较直观地反映了新中国成立以来中国育成黄麻主要品种间的亲缘关系和品种演变特点。20份供试长果黄麻品种在欧式距离值0.95处,聚为5个类群。其中,2个国外引进品种各自聚为一个类群,其余18个品种分别以翠绿、广丰长果、巴长4号、马里野生长果等优势亲本聚为不同的大类群与亚类群。40份供试圆果黄麻品种在欧式距离值0.90处,聚为6个类群,除了2个地方品种各自聚为一个类群外,其余38个品种分别以D154、琼山、粤圆1号、卢滨圆果、选46等优势亲本聚为不同的大类群与亚类群。共祖先度分析表明,翠绿、广丰长果、宽叶长果、巴长4号等品种在新中国成立以来中国长果黄麻育种中利用价值很高;D154、卢滨圆果、粤圆1号、JRC-212、选46等品种是对中国圆果黄麻培育贡献较大的骨干亲本。【结论】在黄麻育种中,利用较多的资源是广丰长果、宽叶长果、粤圆1和早期引进的D154、JRC-212等少数骨干亲本,而近年引进的品种资源相对较少,由此导致现有黄麻品种遗传基础狭窄。在以后的育种工作中需加强黄麻种质资源的挖掘和引进,以提高黄麻品种的遗传多样性。 展开更多
关键词 黄麻 长果种 亲缘系数 共祖先度 遗传多样性
作者 程新奇 王文龙 黎宇 《常德师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第3期71-73,共3页
观察了 10个黄麻圆果种 (Corchoruscapsularis)和 4个黄麻长果种 (C .olitorus)选系材料在不同光周期处理下的开花习性。方差分析表明各材料对光周期的反应存在显著差异 ,在 12 .5小时光周期下 ,圆果种材料IJO/MC812 2和长果种材料IJO/X... 观察了 10个黄麻圆果种 (Corchoruscapsularis)和 4个黄麻长果种 (C .olitorus)选系材料在不同光周期处理下的开花习性。方差分析表明各材料对光周期的反应存在显著差异 ,在 12 .5小时光周期下 ,圆果种材料IJO/MC812 2和长果种材料IJO/X/ 0 87的开花天数明显较长 ,而且在 12 .5小时、13 .0小时和 13 .5小时三种光周期处理下的变幅较小。这一结果表明 ,IJO/MC812 2和IJO/X/ 0 87可作亲本材料用于黄麻品种改良以选育对日长广适应的新品种。 展开更多
关键词 黄麻 光周期 开花期 开发习性 长果种
Study on Grafting and Cultivation of ‘Spartan'Blueberry
作者 徐呈祥 郭峰 刘丽莉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2335-2340,2344,共7页
The results of grafting improvement and cultivation trials in the Yangtze River Delta of China showed that the rootstock cultivar had a great influence on plant growth and development, fruit yield and quality of "Spa... The results of grafting improvement and cultivation trials in the Yangtze River Delta of China showed that the rootstock cultivar had a great influence on plant growth and development, fruit yield and quality of "Spartan" blueberry. Among the seven rootstock-scion combinations, the northern highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivar "Croaton'-'Spartan' combination showed well-healed graft unions, large branch amount, early fruit bearing, high yield, excellent fruit quality and almost no tillers. As a kind of rootstock, "Croaton' was better than non-grafted 'Spartan' and the two rabbiteye blueberry cultivars 'Premier' and 'Gardenblue'. The grafting pattern showed no significant stimulating effect on the plant growth and development, fruit yield and quality of 'Spartan' blueberry in this area, but the overall performance of greenwood cleft grafting was better than that of inlaid bud grafting. Suitable rootstock cultivar and grafting pattern significantly improve plant arowth and development, fruit vield and aualitv of 'Spartan' blueberry. 展开更多
关键词 SUBTROPICS Northern highbush blueberry Rootstock cultivar Growth anddevelopment Fruit production
Dynamic Changes in the Calcium Content of Several Apple Cultivars During the Growing Season 被引量:2
作者 ZHENG Wei-wei YOU Chun-xiang DU Zhong-jun ZHAI Heng 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2006年第12期933-937,共5页
Dynamic changes in calcium content were investigated in eight apple cultivars. The results showed that the calcium concentration in leaves and shoots increased with fruit development. The cultivars displayed only a sm... Dynamic changes in calcium content were investigated in eight apple cultivars. The results showed that the calcium concentration in leaves and shoots increased with fruit development. The cultivars displayed only a small difference in the calcium concentration during the early stage of development, the difference became very significant at the late stage of development, especially in shoots. In shoots, for example, calcium content was highest in Starkrimson (19 638.6 mg kg-1) and lowest in Fuji (8 751.3 mg kg-1). Calcium concentration was highest in young fruits and was found to decrease with the growth of fruit, and was characterized by a dramatic drop at the rapid expansion stage. There was a significant difference among cultivars. Young Starkrimson fruits contained the highest calcium concentration of 506.52 mg kg-1 among cultivars tested, followed by Pink Lady and Fuji. The calcium concentration in mature fruits from high to low is as follows: Starkrimson, Sansa, Pink Lady, Senshu, Gala, Fuji, Red General and New Century. In this study, it was found that eight cultivars continuously assimilated calcium during the whole growing season, especially at the young stage when fruit took up 35-46% of total calcium. The calcium content in fruitlets was low in all cultivars; in the expansion stage, there was rapid absorption of about 30% of total calcium, whereas in the ripening fruit, content of calcium was reduced. The calcium accumulation increased with fruit growth in stalk, similar to that in fruit. 展开更多
Effects of Intercropping with Weeds on Growth and Zinc Uptake by Fruit Maize Seedlings
作者 任纬 石军 +2 位作者 严康 秦家友 陈翠莲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2792-2796,2799,共6页
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of intercropping with Echinochloacrusgali, Polygonumorientale, Conyzacanadensis and Senecioscan-dens on growth and zinc uptake of fruit maize seedlings. The results ... A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of intercropping with Echinochloacrusgali, Polygonumorientale, Conyzacanadensis and Senecioscan-dens on growth and zinc uptake of fruit maize seedlings. The results showed that intercropping with E. crusgali_and C. canadensis increased root, stem and sheath, leaf and aboveground part biomasses of fruit maize seedlings, increased above-ground part biomasses of fruit maize seedlings by 58.89% and 8.76%, respectively;but intercropping with P. orientale and S. scandens decreased the biomass of fruit maize seedlings. Compared with monoculture, intercropping with E. crusgali_and C. canadensis also enhanced the chlorophyl and carotenoid contents of fruit maize seedlings, and intercropping with P. orientale_and S. scandens decreased them. On zinc uptake, intercropping with E. crusgali_and C. canadensis_enhanced the zinc contents in roots, stems and sheaths, leaves and aboveground part of fruit maize seedlings, enhanced by 1.24% and 3.89% in aboveground part; intercropping with P. orientale_and S. scandens decreased zinc contents in fruit maize seedlings. There-fore, intercropping with E. crusgali_and C. canadensis could promote the growth and zinc uptake of fruit maize seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 Fruit maize WEED lntercropping Zinc GROWTH
Investigation on the Seasonal Trend of Fruit Markets in Changsha,Hunan Province
作者 Cai Jinshu,Peng Difei,Peng Juncai,Yi Chun,and Wang Zhongyan Hunan Horticultural Research Institute,Changsha 410125,China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2001年第2期4-7,共4页
This investigation on the seasonal trend of fruit markets in Changsha indicated that the fruit varieties on the market in Changsha were abundant,up to 49 varieties;seasonal fresh fruits were continuously provided arou... This investigation on the seasonal trend of fruit markets in Changsha indicated that the fruit varieties on the market in Changsha were abundant,up to 49 varieties;seasonal fresh fruits were continuously provided around the year;most fruits were domestic produce from all over the country,and about 3996 of the varieties were imported mainly from southeast Asia,America,New Zealand and Brazil;the imported fruits and a few kinds of domestic fruits were higher in the quality grades than most domestic fruits,which accounted for approximately half of the total fruit volume;and fruit prices varied markedly with fruit varieties,quality grades and time of marketing.In a word,the Hunan fruit industry must increase fruit quality and diversity in order to achieve a favourable position in the strong international competition. 展开更多
关键词 fruit markets seasonal trend Changsha
Influence of the Number of Reserved Fruit on Fruit-bearing Branch of Early-maturing Citrus unshiu Marc. on Fruit Growth and Development
作者 周光萍 金方伦 +5 位作者 万敏 黎明 杨李娟 敖学熙 韩成敏 徐琼 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期238-242,共5页
In order to provide theoretical references for early-maturing Citrus unshiu Marc. in terms of fruit thinning, timely fertilization and harvesting, as wel as for for-mulation of of Early-maturing Citrus unshiu Marc. Cu... In order to provide theoretical references for early-maturing Citrus unshiu Marc. in terms of fruit thinning, timely fertilization and harvesting, as wel as for for-mulation of of Early-maturing Citrus unshiu Marc. Cultivation Technique Standards in Guizhou Province, the dynamic changes of fruit longitudinal diameter and trans-verse diameter of 11-year-old and 12-year-old early maturing Citrus unshiu Marc. were tested in two consecutive years and the effects of single-fruit bearing branch on fruit growth and development were compared. The results showed annual varia-tion of longitudinal and transverse diameter of the fruit in Guizhou grew faster at the beginning and then slowed down gradual y, maintaining a slow-growth period after October; the growth curve final y was flat in mature stage. General y, the growth and development stage of fruit showed four growth peaks, showing an in-creasing S-shape curve and fruit net increase also had four growth peaks with a double S-shape curve. Specifical y, longitudinal diameters growth alternated with transverse diameter growth and the former proved much stronger. In terms of ef-fects of single-fruit bearing branch on longitudinal and transverse diameter growth, the number of reserved fruits had direct effects on the growth, net increase of weight, time of growth peak, fluctuation and the number of growth peak. The growth and development, and quality of fruits in the treatments with two or three fruits re-served on single fruit-bearing branch proved better compared with the control with four left fruits. It suggested that early June and early July are the best time for fer-tilization of early-maturing Citrus unshiu Marc. in Guizhou Pprovince and would have better effect if combined with foliage spraying. The suitable harvest time is in the end of October. The preferred number of reserved fruit on single fruit-bearing branch is 2-3. In actual production, the implementation of flower and fruit thinning should also takes tree age, balance of tree vigor, strength of fruit bearing branch, alternate bearing phenomenon and other factors into consideration. 展开更多
关键词 Citrus unshiu Marc. Early-maturing cultivar FRUIT Growth and develop-ment Fruit-bearing branch The number of reserved fruit
Morphogenic Variability of Some Autochthonous Plum Cultivars in the Region of North Montenegro
作者 Gordana Sebek 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第6期414-419,共6页
Plum is the major fruit species in the area of North Montenegro. Over a long period of growing in this region, autochthonous cultivars adapted, and have been achieving satisfactory results, despite poor growing condit... Plum is the major fruit species in the area of North Montenegro. Over a long period of growing in this region, autochthonous cultivars adapted, and have been achieving satisfactory results, despite poor growing conditions. A study conducted over a period of three years in a North Montenegro region included in situ identification of autochthonous plum cultivars. Observation and recording of their phenological and pomological traits were performed using International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) and International union for the Protection of New Varieties of plants (UPOV) methodologies. Eighteen cultivars derived from Prunusdomestica L. and two cultivars derived from P. insititia L. were identified. Flowering started between March 26th and April 12th and fruit ripening between 13th of July (Petrovaca) and 18th September (Trnovaca). Fruit weight ranged from 6.65 g ± 0.235 g to 53.88 g ± 0.654 g respectively and stone weight from 0.16 g ±0.003 g to 2.20 g ± 0.711 g. The cultivars were classified as being extremely small in terms of fruit size, except for cvs Crvenadurgulja (big fruit size). Rounded fruit shape and light green ground color were dominant. Skin color ranged from amber to black. Yellow green was a dominant flesh color and medium flesh firmness predominated. The fruits of the above cultivars could be processed, particularly into plum brandy, or they could be used fresh or dried. The selected plum cultivars can be used in breeding programmes, as rootstocks as well as in further disease related systematic studies under field and laboratory conditions. 展开更多
关键词 FRUIT genetic bases GERMPLASM Prunusdomestica L. Prunusinsititia L..
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