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长江生态系统的形成及其保护——Ⅱ.长江生态系统的保护与立法 被引量:2
作者 龙华 《湖北农学院学报》 2003年第4期271-274,共4页
长江生态系统在形成之后,必须维持与其系统相适应的人口增长、资源利用、能源供应、环境改善、经济发展等的对策与措施,并适时反馈给生态系统,形成整个系统的反馈机制,这就要求对长江生态系统进行统一立法和综合治理。在进行长江流域经... 长江生态系统在形成之后,必须维持与其系统相适应的人口增长、资源利用、能源供应、环境改善、经济发展等的对策与措施,并适时反馈给生态系统,形成整个系统的反馈机制,这就要求对长江生态系统进行统一立法和综合治理。在进行长江流域经济发展规划和部署时,应充分利用长江生态系统的特点,将长江生态系统视为一个自然生态和经济系统的整体,进行宏观调控,采取生态平衡措施,保护长江生态环境,使经济发展建立在生物学和生态学基础上,才能保证长江生态系统的稳定性与持续性。正确认识对长江生态系统进行统一立法和综合治理的必然性与必要性,才能实现长江流域社会和经济发展的协调性和可持续性。 展开更多
关键词 长江生态系统 生态形成 生态保护 立法 资源利用 能源供应 自然生态 经济系统 生物学 生态
院士曹文宣谈长江生态系统 长江无鱼可捕
作者 吴铭 陶摘 《渔业致富指南》 2014年第3期21-26,共6页
关键词 长江生态系统 9377 院士 3472
长江河流-泛滥平原生态系统面临的威胁与整体保护对策 被引量:34
作者 王洪铸 刘学勤 王海军 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第S01期157-182,共26页
长江中下游河流-泛滥平原是中国乃至世界最重要的生态系统之一,但正面临着多重的严重威胁。因此,迫切需要修复和保护这一至关重要的生态系统。文章全面系统地综述了长江河流-泛滥平原系统的生态研究进展,进而提出了整体修复与保护对策... 长江中下游河流-泛滥平原是中国乃至世界最重要的生态系统之一,但正面临着多重的严重威胁。因此,迫切需要修复和保护这一至关重要的生态系统。文章全面系统地综述了长江河流-泛滥平原系统的生态研究进展,进而提出了整体修复与保护对策。首先,介绍了河流景观生态系统与水文连通性的基本概念和研究进展。然后,回顾了长江河流-泛滥平原的历史,概述环境与资源现状。2300万年前,长江贯通三峡东流,形成统一的大河。中下游泛滥平原星罗棋布河溪、湖泊(现有面积15770 km^2)和湿地,孕育出独特而复杂的淡水生物群落,为我国最重要的淡水渔业基地。第三,指出长江河流-泛滥平原生态系统面临四大威胁:(1)栖息地丧失,包括河流渠道化、湖泊面积锐减(19世纪50年代后减少了约10000 km^2)、湖滨带退化和过度采砂;(2)水文情势和水文连通改变,包括建成的4.7万座梯级水库、大多数湖泊以闸坝与干流阻隔;(3)水体污染,包括富营养化、重金属、有机污染物和微塑料;(4)生物资源过度利用,包括过度捕捞和高强度围栏养殖。第四,系统阐明江湖水文连通度与湖泊生态系统的关系:(1)江湖阻隔是湖泊富营养化的重要原因之一;(2)大型植物和底栖动物的物种多样性、生物量和生产量在一定程度的江湖水文连通度下达到最大;(3)阻隔导致各生态类群的鱼类物种多样性下降、天然鱼苗资源枯竭;(4)阻隔导致湖泊底层食物网结构简化,营养基础更加依赖有机碎屑。江湖阻隔的作用机制是:(1)阻碍湖泊与河流的水沙和营养传输,扰乱周期性水文波动,阻断或延滞生物的交流和生长过程;(2)削弱自然水文地貌过程,降低生境的时空异质性;(3)终止或减弱水文干扰作用。最后,提出了修复与保护对策。由于长江河流-泛滥平原是一个不可分割的巨系统,故必须在水系尺度上实施多样性整体保护战略。通过建立鱼类累积种数-面积关系模型,估算通江湖泊的最小保护面积,约为14400 km^2。因此,至少需要8900 km^2阻隔湖泊恢复通江,而闸坝生态水文调度是最现实的途径。基于生物的生态水文需求研究,提出如下调度措施:(1)恢复阻隔湖泊春季低水位,促进植物萌发;控制春夏水位上涨速率,保证水生植物正常生长。(2)在4—9月适时开闸,恢复幼鱼洄游入湖通道;11—12月适时开闸,恢复成鱼入江洄游通道。 展开更多
关键词 长江河流-泛滥平原生态系统 多重威胁 江湖阻隔生态效应 整体修复与保护 生态水文调度
作者 马传栋 《山东社会科学》 2000年第5期126-126,共1页
关键词 长江地区生态系统与可持续发展》 书评
作者 阮红志 《区域治理》 2020年第12期19-19,共1页
随着绿色生态理念以及生态大保护思想的持续深入,我国长江流域水生态系统的治理得到了越来越多的关注,然而,由于长江流域在保护以及开发之间不够平衡,导致长江流域水生态功能以及结构受到损伤。因此,文章首先对水生态系统做简单介绍;其... 随着绿色生态理念以及生态大保护思想的持续深入,我国长江流域水生态系统的治理得到了越来越多的关注,然而,由于长江流域在保护以及开发之间不够平衡,导致长江流域水生态功能以及结构受到损伤。因此,文章首先对水生态系统做简单介绍;其次,对长江流域水生态系统治理存在的问题展开深入分析;最后,提出生态大保护背景下长江流域水生态系统治理的具体对策。 展开更多
关键词 生态大保护背景 长江流域水生态系统 突出问题 对策研究
“碳中和”压力下长江生态修复工程的实施路径研究 被引量:1
作者 车轩 《渔业现代化》 CSCD 2023年第1期1-8,共8页
工程建设和经济发展通过栖息地均质化、生境碎片化等累积效应对长江生态系统产生深远影响,作为反馈,生物多样性的降低正在危及生态稳定的可持续性和生态系统的服务功能,从而威胁人类自身安全。为实现“碳中和”目标,未来8年内长江上游... 工程建设和经济发展通过栖息地均质化、生境碎片化等累积效应对长江生态系统产生深远影响,作为反馈,生物多样性的降低正在危及生态稳定的可持续性和生态系统的服务功能,从而威胁人类自身安全。为实现“碳中和”目标,未来8年内长江上游的水电工程将迎来大规模建设期,由于长江生物多样性密集分布区与水能资源丰富区高度重叠,生态恢复面临的挑战将更加复杂严峻。“生态修复”与“碳中和”是中国的两大可持续发展目标,协同水生态安全与长江经济带绿色发展是近年来政府努力的目标,研究实现途径成为亟待解决的科学问题。本研究通过综述基础生态学、河流工程学、保护生态学、生态恢复动力学等领域在水生生物栖息地修复中的研究进展,提出了实施长江生态系统修复的“连通性恢复(Reconnection)、微生境修复(Restoration)、物种池构建(Rehabitation)、功能性恢复(Recovery)、生态再平衡(Rebalance)”的5R路径,为精准开展全流域、多尺度的科技创新和成果应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 长江生态系统 生态修复工程 鱼类栖息地 实施路径 碳中和
作者 时金松 《中国集体经济》 2014年第29期69-72,共4页
自然而客观的长江就在那里,但人们眼中的长江总在变化,有人认为长江很健康,有人认为长江处在亚健康状态,也有人认为长江生态系统处于崩溃状态. 国家正在推行生态文明建设,近期又推出长江经济带发展的国家战略,长江开发和利用步伐日益加... 自然而客观的长江就在那里,但人们眼中的长江总在变化,有人认为长江很健康,有人认为长江处在亚健康状态,也有人认为长江生态系统处于崩溃状态. 国家正在推行生态文明建设,近期又推出长江经济带发展的国家战略,长江开发和利用步伐日益加强加快,长江水资源及生态系统面临巨大压力.“如何在长江开展生态文明建设,促进人水和谐,保障国家及长江流域可持续发展,需要我们深思.”陈进副院长说. 展开更多
关键词 生态文明建设 院长 资源 长江 长江生态系统
《渔业致富指南》 2022年第10期7-8,共2页
关键词 长江江豚 科学考察 流域性 禁渔 长江生态系统 系统调查
作者 吴溪 《海洋世界》 2007年第10期10-19,共10页
关键词 白鳍豚 长江生态系统 种群 功能性灭绝
《初中生之友》 2023年第7期4-9,共6页
导语赣江是江西最大的河流,也是长江主要支流之一。长江江豚是长江生态系统的指示性旗舰物种,被列入世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录,堪称“水中大熊猫”。江豚因其大大的脑袋、小小的眼晴,加之微微上翘的嘴角,被誉为长江的“微笑天... 导语赣江是江西最大的河流,也是长江主要支流之一。长江江豚是长江生态系统的指示性旗舰物种,被列入世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录,堪称“水中大熊猫”。江豚因其大大的脑袋、小小的眼晴,加之微微上翘的嘴角,被誉为长江的“微笑天使”。江豚广泛分布于长江中下游干流以及与之相通的鄱阳湖,其种群状况是反映长江生命健康的指标,是长江生命力的最真实体现。 展开更多
关键词 指示性 世界自然保护联盟 长江江豚 红色名录 濒危物种 大熊猫 长江生态系统 鄱阳湖
Study of phytoplankton community in the channel from Dongting Lake to Changjiang River, China 被引量:1
作者 魏印心 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期178-185,共8页
Phytoplankton cell density, biomass, chl-α concentration and their seasonal fluctuations at five stations in the channel between Dongting Lake and the Changjiang (Yangtze) River were studied from May 1995 to Decemb... Phytoplankton cell density, biomass, chl-α concentration and their seasonal fluctuations at five stations in the channel between Dongting Lake and the Changjiang (Yangtze) River were studied from May 1995 to December 1997. The seasonal fluctuations had two peaks in a year in general. The annual patterns of total cell density and biomass indicated that diatoms contributed more than 70 percent of the total biomass (except from June to October) during the investigation period. Twenty-one dominant species contributed about 60--80 percent of the biomass in various months. The cell density, biomass and seasonal fluctuation were similar at Stations 1-4, but at Station 5 connected directly with the Changjiang River, the annual mean values (127.34×10^4cells/L and 0.46 mg/L in 1996, 41.98×10^4ceUs/L and 0.2 mg/L in 1997 respectively) were lower than those ( 195.92× 10^4 cells/L and 0.5 mg/L in 1996, 132.96 ×10^4 cells/L and 0.57 mg/L in 1997 respectively) at Station 1-4; and the curve of the seasonal fluctuation sometimes did not coincide with those at Stations 1-4. Based on criteria for evaluating trophic status, the dominant species, annual average cell density values of 114.86× 10^4-179.57× 10^4 cells/L, biomass of 0.48-0.5 mg/L, chl-αconcentration of 0.42-0.51 μg/L respectively recorded at five stations in 1996 and 1997, and values associated with the physico-chemical properties of the waterbody indicated that the water in the channel could be characterized as oligo-mesotrophic. 展开更多
关键词 phytoplankton community cell density BIOMASS seasonal fluctuation Dongting Lake
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Diffusive Fluxes Across the Sediment-Water Interface in Estuarine and Coastal Tidal Flats 被引量:2
作者 刘敏 侯立军 +3 位作者 许世远 张斌亮 欧冬妮 刘巧梅 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2002年第1期34-41,共8页
Nitrogen and phosphorus contents are analyzed in the overlying waters and pore waters taken from the Changjiang Estuary and Shanghai coastal tidal flats in this study. In addition, the diffusion fluxes of nitrogen and... Nitrogen and phosphorus contents are analyzed in the overlying waters and pore waters taken from the Changjiang Estuary and Shanghai coastal tidal flats in this study. In addition, the diffusion fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus across the sediment-water interface in tidal flats are estimated according to the nutrient concentration gradients at the interface. It has been indicated that the concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and dissolved phosphorus in overlying waters range from 0.0082-2.56, 0.03-0.58, 0.69-5.38 and 0.035-0.53 mg/L, respectively, while 0.0025 - 1.35 mg /L for NH^-N, 0. 0055 ~0.20mg/L for NO2-N, 0.61-1.14 mg/L for NO3-N and 0.11~0.53mg/L for DP insurface pore waters.The findings have revealed that ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and dissolved phosphorus diffusionfluxes across the sediment-water interface are between -0.024~0.99, -0.39~ -0.0019, -3.09--0.12 and -0.48- 0.12 ug/ (cm.d ) respectively, showing that the sediment in tidal flats is the source of phosphorus and an important sink for nitrogen in the waters. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen and phosphorus diffusion fluxes pore waters sediment-water interface the Changjiang Estuary and coastal area
An Experimental Study on Major Element Release from the Sediments in the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary
作者 GUO Yanwei YANG Shouye 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期417-424,共8页
With the enhanced warming and acidification of global ocean, whether and to what extent the naturally-weathered flu- vial sediment into the sea can release elements and thus influence the geochemical process and ecosy... With the enhanced warming and acidification of global ocean, whether and to what extent the naturally-weathered flu- vial sediment into the sea can release elements and thus influence the geochemical process and ecosystem of global ocean remain to be resolved. In this contribution, an experimental study was carried out to examine the release rates of major elements (Ca, K, Mg and AI) from the surface sediments in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary under the pH values of 4.0, 6.0 and 7.0. The two stud- ied sediments consist primarily of quartz, plagioclase, calcite and clay minerals, with the BET (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller) surface areas of 61.7m2g-1 and 23.1 m2g-1. Major elements of Ca, K, Mg and A1 show different release rates under different solution pH values. With the decreasing solution pH, the release rates of Ca and K increase obviously, while the release rates of Mg and A1 in- crease with the initial solution pH varying from 6.0 to 7.0. The different release rates of these elements are closely related to the original mineral composition of the sediments and the reaction kinetics. Based on the experimental observation, quartz and clay min- erals that have low dissolution rates may dominate the major element release to the aqueous phase. This study reveals that the en- hancing ocean acidification could cause considerable release of major elements from natural terrigenous sediments into the ambient marine environment, which has to be considered carefully in the future study on global change. 展开更多
关键词 Changiiang Estuary major elements release rate pH value SEDIMENT
作者 刘娟 《社会与公益》 2023年第5期68-70,共3页
近日,在长江武汉段,武汉渔政部门拍摄到了今年以来出现在武汉段的最大江豚群。江豚是长江水生态系统的“风向标”,成群的江豚证明长江十年禁渔工作已经取得明显效果,长江生态系统的多样性有了明显改善。在江豚群重回长江的背后,凝聚着... 近日,在长江武汉段,武汉渔政部门拍摄到了今年以来出现在武汉段的最大江豚群。江豚是长江水生态系统的“风向标”,成群的江豚证明长江十年禁渔工作已经取得明显效果,长江生态系统的多样性有了明显改善。在江豚群重回长江的背后,凝聚着社会各界的共同努力,其中有一家企业为此付出良多,她就是安踏集团。 展开更多
关键词 渔政部门 生态系统 江豚 公益活动 长江生态系统 多样性 风向标
作者 刘娟 《社会与公益》 2022年第7期38-40,共3页
近日,在长江武汉段,武汉渔政部门拍摄到了今年以来出现在武汉段的最大江豚群。江豚是长江水生态系统的“风向标”,成群的江豚证明长江十年禁渔工作已经取得明显效果,长江生态系统的多样性有了明显改善。在江豚群重回长江的背后,凝聚着... 近日,在长江武汉段,武汉渔政部门拍摄到了今年以来出现在武汉段的最大江豚群。江豚是长江水生态系统的“风向标”,成群的江豚证明长江十年禁渔工作已经取得明显效果,长江生态系统的多样性有了明显改善。在江豚群重回长江的背后,凝聚着社会各界的共同努力,其中有一家企业为此付出良多,她就是安踏集团。 展开更多
关键词 渔政部门 生态系统 江豚 公益活动 长江生态系统 多样性 风向标
Carbon isotopic composition of Early Triassic marine carbonates, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China 被引量:18
作者 HUANG SiJing HUANG KeKe +1 位作者 LÜ Jie LAN YeFang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期2026-2038,共13页
As the interval following the biggest Phanerozoic mass extinction at the end of Permian, the Early Triassic is characterized by an immature, poorly functioned ecosystem.The effects of these extreme environmental condi... As the interval following the biggest Phanerozoic mass extinction at the end of Permian, the Early Triassic is characterized by an immature, poorly functioned ecosystem.The effects of these extreme environmental conditions can be mirrored by the changes in the δ13C record of marine carbonates.However, the details about the carbon isotopic composition and evolution of the Early Triassic seawater remain poorly understood.A dataset of new δ13C and δ18O values as well as selected major and trace element data (including concentrations of CaO, MgO, Mn, and Sr) was obtained from 113 marine carbonate samples collected in Eastern Sichuan Basin.The isotopic and elemental data are used to evaluate effects of thermochemical sulfate reduction on δ13C.The δ13C values of a few samples affected by thermochemical sulfate reduction were corrected.By combining carbonate δ13C results in our investigated sections, we constructed a composite curve of the Lower Triassic.The results reveal a δ13C anomaly of carbonate rocks throughout the Early Triassic, accompanied by some rapid jumps and falls, such as those from approximately -2‰ to the extremely high value of 8‰ within a period of about 5 Ma.The Early Triassic δ13C profile derived from Eastern Sichuan Basin shows a close correspondence with Guandao section in Guizhou Province, whereas it yields an excursion pattern differing from Chaohu section in Anhui Province of the Lower Yangtze region (with the δ13C value from the minimum around -6‰ to the maximum near 4‰).The higher δ13C values and the positive carbon isotope excursions in the Lower Triassic from Eastern Sichuan Basin were most likely a consequence of the principal environmental change that may include: (1) the barren land surface due to the absence of vegetation, (2) the loss of diverse marine invertebrate groups and marine carbonates, (3) the thriving of bacteria, algae and methanogenus in ocean ecosystems, and (4) the local effect of the repositories of isotopically light carbon occurred in the form of methane hydrates.This process ended at the Early-Middle Triassic boundary, which indicates that the biotic recovery started at the end of the Lower Triassic.The terrestrial vegetation and marine invertebrates, as the regulators for carbon cycle, are irreplaceable and demand strong protections. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern Sichuan Basin Early Triassic carbon isotope ecological destruction and reconstruction
A Brief Introduction to a Major Project——The Physical-Chemical Processes in the Lower Atmosphere and Their Interaction with the Ecological System over the Yangtze Delta
作者 Luo Yunfeng Zhou Xiaogang 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2005年第2期42-44,共3页
With rapid industrialization and agricultural modernization in the past two decades, the Yangtze Delta Region in China has been one of the regions in the world most influenced by human activity. How has the economic d... With rapid industrialization and agricultural modernization in the past two decades, the Yangtze Delta Region in China has been one of the regions in the world most influenced by human activity. How has the economic development impacted on ecosystem, environment, agriculture and regional climate in this region ? What are the mechanisms of the interactive processes and feedbacks? What will be the future changes under different development scenarlos? These are questions of critical importance to sustain the rate of social and economic development. A Major Project, The Physical-Chemical Processes in the Lower Atmosphere and Their Interaction with the Ecological System over Yangtze Delta, as one of the Ninth Five-Year Major Programs (1996-2000) funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC, just focused on those questions. Under the leadership of Prof. Zhou Xiuji, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences this project has made significant achievements and great progress in answering the above questions. 展开更多
关键词 Major Project the Yangtze Delta region ecological system research results
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