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作者 贠文俊 贠晶 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2019年第9期76-77,共2页
长美是以自交系BM-9-5为母本,以自交系CYJ-6-1为父本选育而成的辣椒一代杂种。早熟,果实长羊角形,果色绿,果长25~32 cm,果肩宽2.2~2.6 cm,单果质量45 g左右;辣味中等;对辣椒疫病的田间抗性强于对照陇椒2号,每667 m^2产量3 900 kg左右。... 长美是以自交系BM-9-5为母本,以自交系CYJ-6-1为父本选育而成的辣椒一代杂种。早熟,果实长羊角形,果色绿,果长25~32 cm,果肩宽2.2~2.6 cm,单果质量45 g左右;辣味中等;对辣椒疫病的田间抗性强于对照陇椒2号,每667 m^2产量3 900 kg左右。适宜在我国北方各地区冬春茬日光温室、春季大棚及露地种植。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒 长美 一代杂种
作者 陈心启 罗毅波 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期147-150,共4页
讨论了长距美冠兰Eulophiadabia及其近缘种的分类与命名问题。Eulophiadabia的基名BletiaDabia乃是D .Don(1 82 5 )合法发表的最早名称 ,尽管D .Don的“Dabia”很可能是在袭用Hamilton的“du bia”时拼写上的笔误。为了避免进一步的混... 讨论了长距美冠兰Eulophiadabia及其近缘种的分类与命名问题。Eulophiadabia的基名BletiaDabia乃是D .Don(1 82 5 )合法发表的最早名称 ,尽管D .Don的“Dabia”很可能是在袭用Hamilton的“du bia”时拼写上的笔误。为了避免进一步的混乱 ,明智的做法是接受Don拼写的加词 ,而避开其语源上的麻烦。在分类方面 ,可以接受Hooker(1 890 )将EulophiacampestrisLindl.、E .rupestrisLindl.、E .ramentaceaLindl.与BletiaDabiaD .Don予以合并的观点 ,以及Deva&Naithani(1 986 )将EulophiahormusjiiDuthie并入E .dabia的做法。此外 ,本文还将Eulophiaturkestanica (Litw .)Schltr.和E .faberiRolfe也归并入Eulophiadabia。因此 ,长距美冠兰是一个广布种 ,自土库曼东部经塔吉克、阿富汗东部、巴基斯坦、克什米尔地区、印度北部、尼泊尔、锡金、不丹、缅甸北部直到中国 (云南西南部、四川中部到东部、贵州西南部和江苏 ) ,海拔在 40 0~ 2 3 0 展开更多
关键词 冠兰 E.turkestanica E.faberi 异名 近缘种 兰科
作者 新章 立早 《农业科技与信息》 2003年第6期24-24,共1页
油菜换代新品种——超级油菜“美日长荚王”,是湖北省武穴市农作物良种研究所采用美国油菜王999的优选单株与日本长荚王杂交后,再采用定向培育而成。在保留了原日本长荚王优点的同时,综合了美国油王999着荚密,籽粒多的特点。具有植株高... 油菜换代新品种——超级油菜“美日长荚王”,是湖北省武穴市农作物良种研究所采用美国油菜王999的优选单株与日本长荚王杂交后,再采用定向培育而成。在保留了原日本长荚王优点的同时,综合了美国油王999着荚密,籽粒多的特点。具有植株高大、分枝多而结荚密,抗病及抗倒伏能力强。荚长18厘米。 展开更多
关键词 超级油菜 荚王品种 选育 特征特性 栽培要点
作者 黄洁萍 《玉林师范学院学报》 2022年第5期84-90,共7页
东亚同文会副会长长冈护美是日本明治时期知名的政治家、教育家。1901年5月至7月,长冈护美前往上海参加同文书院开院典礼、考察长江沿岸城市的教育情形,并向刘坤一和张之洞献上《北京回銮、满洲开放案》和《变法事宜八篇三十条》。通过... 东亚同文会副会长长冈护美是日本明治时期知名的政治家、教育家。1901年5月至7月,长冈护美前往上海参加同文书院开院典礼、考察长江沿岸城市的教育情形,并向刘坤一和张之洞献上《北京回銮、满洲开放案》和《变法事宜八篇三十条》。通过访华,长冈护美在某种程度上目睹了清末新政为东亚同文会带来的广阔事业前景,从此更加活跃于对华教育领域。长冈护美的教育活动既促进了中国新式教育的发展,又带有明确的政治目的,体现了晚清日本对华教育的复杂性。 展开更多
关键词 冈护 清末新政 东亚同文会 教育交流
作者 王文召 《农村科技开发》 2002年第11期20-20,共1页
黑美长茄极早熟、高产、耐寒、抗病性强、商品性极佳,深受农民喜爱。该品种属高秧长茄类型,分枝多,前、后期产量均很高,适合保护地及露地栽培。果实长棒形,直而粗,果长30~35厘米,果皮紫黑色,果皮薄,子少,果肉细嫩,不易老,口感好。若利... 黑美长茄极早熟、高产、耐寒、抗病性强、商品性极佳,深受农民喜爱。该品种属高秧长茄类型,分枝多,前、后期产量均很高,适合保护地及露地栽培。果实长棒形,直而粗,果长30~35厘米,果皮紫黑色,果皮薄,子少,果肉细嫩,不易老,口感好。若利用拱圆形中、小棚进行黑美长茄春早熟栽培。 展开更多
关键词 茬口安排 浸种催芽 整地做畦 定植 肥水管理 周年种植技术
《农业科技通讯》 2005年第6期51-51,共1页
该品种是采用美国油菜王999的优选单株与日本长荚王杂交后,再采用定向培育而成。在保留了原日本长荚王优点的同时,综合了美国油王999着荚密,籽多而结荚密,抗病及抗倒伏能力强。荚长18厘米,最长达22厘米,每荚着粒44—46粒,多者达5... 该品种是采用美国油菜王999的优选单株与日本长荚王杂交后,再采用定向培育而成。在保留了原日本长荚王优点的同时,综合了美国油王999着荚密,籽多而结荚密,抗病及抗倒伏能力强。荚长18厘米,最长达22厘米,每荚着粒44—46粒,多者达58粒,是普通品种油菜荚粒数的2倍以上。千粒重可达5克,属特大粒型油菜新品种。产量比我国油菜王“中油821”翻1倍以上,亩产一般达700-800斤,高产近1000斤。生育期比中油821短4~5天,适合油、稻,稻三熟制作早熟油菜栽培。耐寒力强,在黄淮流域栽培比秦油一号早熟12~15天,有利于播种花生、大豆、玉米等作物,可育苗移栽,时间同当地普通油菜品种。 展开更多
关键词 油菜 荚王品种 选育 品种特性 产量表现 栽培要点
作者 段鹏跃 《农村新技术》 2004年第3期29-29,共1页
该品种是采用美国油王999的优选单株与日本长荚王杂交后,再采用定向培育而成。在保留了原日本长荚王优点的同时,综合了美国油王999着荚密、籽粒多的特点。该品种植株高大,分枝多而结英密,抗病及抗倒伏能力强,能在菌核病暴发的大灾... 该品种是采用美国油王999的优选单株与日本长荚王杂交后,再采用定向培育而成。在保留了原日本长荚王优点的同时,综合了美国油王999着荚密、籽粒多的特点。该品种植株高大,分枝多而结英密,抗病及抗倒伏能力强,能在菌核病暴发的大灾之年奇迹般的获得丰收。 展开更多
关键词 超级油菜 荚王品种 选育 特征特性 栽培要点 适宜地区
作者 郑法 《社会科学论坛》 2005年第5期158-159,共2页
2005年4月1-2日,由教育部高等学校法学学科教育指导委员会与美国法学院协会共同举办、中国政法大学承办的“2005年中美法学院院(校)长会议”在北京隆重举行。本次会议旨在探讨和研究两国在法学教育领域共同关心的问题,并在中美两国法... 2005年4月1-2日,由教育部高等学校法学学科教育指导委员会与美国法学院协会共同举办、中国政法大学承办的“2005年中美法学院院(校)长会议”在北京隆重举行。本次会议旨在探讨和研究两国在法学教育领域共同关心的问题,并在中美两国法学院校之间建立更加广泛和密切的联系, 展开更多
关键词 “中法学院院(校)会议” 北京 法学教育 法学课程 教育体制
以美育德:美学实用化在大学德育中的作用与实现 被引量:5
作者 王云涛 《河南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期144-147,共4页
在大学德育实施中,运用以美育德的桥梁作用,从德育的角度发掘美育的道德教育价值,有助于当代大学生的全面发展,提升大学德育层次,增强大学德育的实效。在以美育德的实践活动中要防止用德育"包办"美育、一概抹杀理论灌输、无... 在大学德育实施中,运用以美育德的桥梁作用,从德育的角度发掘美育的道德教育价值,有助于当代大学生的全面发展,提升大学德育层次,增强大学德育的实效。在以美育德的实践活动中要防止用德育"包办"美育、一概抹杀理论灌输、无视针对性、急于求成和急功近利等各种误区。大力拓展德育资源,加强对审美实践各环节的德育指导,紧密结合大学生的思想生活和社会实际,并将之贯穿于素质教育的全过程,实现德育与美育在育人目标、育人内容等方面的统合,达到德美相长,共同育人。 展开更多
关键词 大学德育 育德
美托洛尔治疗扩张型心肌病16例疗效观察 被引量:1
作者 余宗法 李慧娟 《铁道医学》 1995年第2期85-86,共2页
34例扩张型心肌病(DCCM)患者分两组,18例常规治疗作对照,16例美托洛尔加常规治疗;美托洛尔治疗3、6、12个月,心功能分级及左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)与治疗前比明显改善(P<0.0005;P<0.05)... 34例扩张型心肌病(DCCM)患者分两组,18例常规治疗作对照,16例美托洛尔加常规治疗;美托洛尔治疗3、6、12个月,心功能分级及左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)与治疗前比明显改善(P<0.0005;P<0.05);随访4年,美托洛尔组4年生存率高于对照组(P<0.05).提示长期美托尔加常规治疗,能改善DCCM的心功能、缩小LVEDD,并可延长患者的生存期。 展开更多
关键词 洛尔 扩张型 心肌病 药物疗法 疗效
作者 杨太有 李仲辉 范念斯 《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期154-157,共4页
对沟鲹骨骼系统的特征进行了观察,并比较其与蓝圆鲹、美长吻鲹、游鳍叶鲹及镰鳍裸胸鲹等4种鲹科鱼类的差别,结果表明,它们脑颅上的上筛骨、侧筛骨、犁骨、额骨、眶下骨、蝶耳骨、翼耳骨和上耳骨等,咽颅上的前上颌骨、腭骨、舌颌骨、尾... 对沟鲹骨骼系统的特征进行了观察,并比较其与蓝圆鲹、美长吻鲹、游鳍叶鲹及镰鳍裸胸鲹等4种鲹科鱼类的差别,结果表明,它们脑颅上的上筛骨、侧筛骨、犁骨、额骨、眶下骨、蝶耳骨、翼耳骨和上耳骨等,咽颅上的前上颌骨、腭骨、舌颌骨、尾舌骨、鳃盖骨和上枕骨等;肩带上的主后颞骨、后颞骨、上匙骨、后匙骨等均有明显的差异,其中某些特征可能是属间或种间的鉴别依据. 展开更多
关键词 沟鲹 蓝圆鲹 吻鲹 游鳍叶鲹 镰鳍裸胸鲹 骨骼系统
Coal bursts in the deep longwall mines of the United States 被引量:21
作者 Christopher Mark 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第1期1-9,共9页
Coal bursts involve the sudden, violent ejection of coal or rock into the mine workings. They are a particular hazard because they typically occur without warning. During the past 2 years three US coal miners were kil... Coal bursts involve the sudden, violent ejection of coal or rock into the mine workings. They are a particular hazard because they typically occur without warning. During the past 2 years three US coal miners were killed in two coal bursts, following a 6-year period during which there were zero burst fatalities. This paper puts the US experience in the context of worldwide research into coal bursts. It focuses on two major longwall mining coalfields which have struggled with bursts for decades. The Utah experience displays many of the "classic" burst characteristics, including deep cover, strong roof and floor rock, and a direct association between bursts and mining activity. In Colorado, the longwalls of the North Fork Valley (NFV) also work at great depth, but their roof and floor strengths are moderate, and most bursts have occurred during entry development or in headgates, bleeders, or other outby locations. The NFV bursts also are more likely to be associated with geologic structures and large magnitude seismic events. The paper provides a detailed case history to illustrate the experience in each of these coalfields. The paper closes with a brief discussion of how US longwalls have managed the burst risk. 展开更多
关键词 Underground mining COAL BURST LONGWALL Strata control
PCR Detection and Sequence Analysis of Duck Circovirus in Sick Muscovy Ducks 被引量:7
作者 Shi-jin JIANG Xing-xiao ZHANG +5 位作者 Shao-ning LIU Yu WANG Yi-bo KONG Xiu-li WEI Ya-ni SUN Qin ZHAO 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期265-271,共7页
The duck circovirus (DuCV) infection in sick ducks from Fujian Province was investigated. The liver samples of 43 sick Muscovy ducks with infectious serositis were collected from 12 duck farms in Fujian Province Bas... The duck circovirus (DuCV) infection in sick ducks from Fujian Province was investigated. The liver samples of 43 sick Muscovy ducks with infectious serositis were collected from 12 duck farms in Fujian Province Based on the published sequences of DuCV, two primers were designed for the detection of DuCV and four pairs of primers were designed to amplify four overlapping fragments that cover the complete genome of DuCV. The specific PCR products were amplified from positive samples. The fragments were then cloned into pMD18-T vector and sequenced, and the full length genomic sequence of the FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was obtained. PCR analysis showed that the proportion of ducks which were positive for circovirus was 79% and 10 out of the 12 farms were positive. Sequence analysis showed that the complete genome of DuCV-FJ0601 was 1988 bp and possessed features common to the family Circoviridae which included a stem-loop structure and the Rep protein motifs. Homology analysis showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV had 97.3%-97.5% nucleotide sequence identity to all the four Taiwan isolates (TC1/2002, TC2/2002, TC3/2002, TC4/2002), 82.9% identity to the America (33753-52) isolate and 82.3% identity to the Germany isolate. Phylogenetic analysis with Clustal W, however, showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was on a common branch with Taiwan isolates, and Germany and America isolates belonged to the other branch. 展开更多
关键词 Duck Circovirus (DuCV) PCR Full length genome Sequence analysis
作者 张秀荣 张保才 +3 位作者 刘峥 刘亮希 孙俞洪 任丽 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第10期178-180,共3页
“辣美长”是以自交系LJ61-6为母本,自交系LJ095-2为父本配制而成的早熟辣椒一代杂交种。果实线形,果长30~35cm,果径1.8~2.0cm,单果质量35~40g,果肉厚0.2~0.3cm,青熟果绿色,老熟果鲜红色,色泽亮,商品性状优良,味辣,口感好;平均产量为52.... “辣美长”是以自交系LJ61-6为母本,自交系LJ095-2为父本配制而成的早熟辣椒一代杂交种。果实线形,果长30~35cm,果径1.8~2.0cm,单果质量35~40g,果肉厚0.2~0.3cm,青熟果绿色,老熟果鲜红色,色泽亮,商品性状优良,味辣,口感好;平均产量为52.5t·hm-2以上,适宜春秋保护地和露地栽培。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒 “辣 杂交 育种
Impact of IL28B and OAS gene family polymorphisms on interferon treatment response in Caucasian children chronically infected with hepatitis B virus 被引量:8
作者 Krzysztof Domagalski Malgorzata Pawlowska +4 位作者 Agnieszka Zalesna Malgorzata Pilarczyk Pawel Rajewski Waldemar Halota Andrzej Tretyn 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第41期9186-9195,共10页
AIM To investigate the impact of IL28 B and OAS gene polymorphisms on interferon treatment responses in children with chronic hepatitis B.METHODS We enrolled 52 children(between the ages of 4 and 18) with hepatitis B ... AIM To investigate the impact of IL28 B and OAS gene polymorphisms on interferon treatment responses in children with chronic hepatitis B.METHODS We enrolled 52 children(between the ages of 4 and 18) with hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B(CHB), who were treated with pegylated interferon alfa for 48 wk. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the OAS1(rs1131476), OAS2(rs1293747),OAS3(rs2072136), OASL(rs10849829) and IL28B(rs12979860, rs12980275 and rs8099917) genes were studied to examine their associations with responses to IFN treatment in paediatric patients. We adopted two criteria for the therapeutic response, achieving an hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA level < 2000 IU/m L and normalization of ALT activity(< 40 IU/L). To perform the analyses, we compared the patients in terms of achieving a partial response(PR) and a complete response(CR) upon measurement at the 24-wk posttreatment follow-up. RESULTS The PR and CR rates were 80.8% and 42.3%, respectively. Factors such as age, gender and liver histology had no impact on the type of response(partial or complete). A statistically significant relationship between higher baseline HBV DNA and ALT activity levels and lower rates of PR and CR was shown(P < 0.05). The allele association analysis revealed that only the IL-28 B rs12979860(C vs T) and IL28 B rs12980275(A vs G) markers significantly affected the achievement of PR(P = 0.021, OR = 3.3, 95%CI: 1.2-9.2 and P = 0.014, OR = 3.7, 95%CI: 1.3-10.1, respectively). However, in the genotype analysis, only IL-28 B rs12980275 was significantly associated with PR(AA vs AG-GG, P = 0.014, OR = 10.9, 95%CI: 1.3-93.9). The association analysis for CR showed that the TT genotype of IL28 B rs12979860 was present only in the no-CR group(P = 0.033) and the AA genotype of OASL rs10849829 was significantly more frequent in the noCR group(P = 0.044, OR = 0.26, 95%CI: 0.07-0.88). The haplotype analysis revealed significant associations between PR and CR and OAS haplotype(P = 0.0002 and P = 0.001, respectively), but no association with IL28 B haplotype was observed.CONCLUSION IL28 B and OAS polymorphisms are associated with different clinical outcomes in CHB children treated with interferon. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic hepatitis B IL28B OAS Singlenucleotide polymorphisms IFN therapy CHILDREN
Breeding Status, Nesting Densities & Diet Trends of Two Endangered California Least Tern Colonies
作者 David L. Riensche Meredith L. Elliott Susan H. Euing 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第10期1135-1145,共11页
The California least tern (Sternula antillarum browni) is an endangered species. The two largest colonies of this bird species in the San Francisco Bay, California, USA, are located 23 km apart at Alameda Point and ... The California least tern (Sternula antillarum browni) is an endangered species. The two largest colonies of this bird species in the San Francisco Bay, California, USA, are located 23 km apart at Alameda Point and Hayward Regional Shoreline. The Alameda Point colony, on the former Naval Air Station, Alameda, has grown at an average rate of 9.2% per year since its discovery in 1976 and has a nesting density ranging from 1-153 nests per ha. Long-term breeding success at Alameda has averaged 0.86 fledglings per breeding pair. Least tems began appearing in 2003, at an island in Hayward enhanced with substrate mediums and social attraction devices. Successful breeding attempts have been observed at the Hayward colony since 2006. The Hayward colony has grown at an average rate of 51.5% per year, has a nesting density ranging from 33-333 nests per ha and long-term breeding success average of 0.87 fledglings per breeding pair. Dropped fish have been collected from both colonies, and silversides (family Atherinopsidae) are the dominant prey. Alameda terns forage on a greater variety of species than the Hayward terns. The regression results indicate the importance of Northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) to the breeding success of the Alameda colony. 展开更多
关键词 California least tern endangered species breeding status nesting densities diet trends.
Top 10 Largest Companies in the World
《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2015年第3期56-56,共1页
The world’s 500 largest companies generated US$31.2trillion in revenues in 2014,up 0.49 percent year-on-year,while their profits declined 14.76 percent year-on-year to US$1.67 trillion A total of 106 Chinese companie... The world’s 500 largest companies generated US$31.2trillion in revenues in 2014,up 0.49 percent year-on-year,while their profits declined 14.76 percent year-on-year to US$1.67 trillion A total of 106 Chinese companies made it into this year’s Fortune Global 500 list,up from 100 in 2014, according to the annual ranking released in late July 2015. 展开更多
关键词 companies trillion Fortune declined refiner CNPC revenue producer Petroleum giant
Responses of Halophyte Salicornia bigelovii to Different Forms of Nitrogen Source 被引量:4
作者 N. KUDO H. FUJIYAMA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期311-317,共7页
Salt-affected soils are agricultural and environmental problems on a global scale. Plants suffer from saline stresses in these soils and show nitrogen (N) deficiency symptoms. However, halophytes grow soundly under ... Salt-affected soils are agricultural and environmental problems on a global scale. Plants suffer from saline stresses in these soils and show nitrogen (N) deficiency symptoms. However, halophytes grow soundly under saline conditions. In order to clarify the N nutrition of the halophyte Salicornia bigelovii, it was grown at several N levels (1, 2, 3, and 4 mmol L-1), supplied in the form of NO3 or ammonium (NH4+), under high NaCl conditions (200 mmol L-l). NH4^+- fed plants showed better growth than NO3-fed plants at 1-3 mmol L-1N, and plants in both treatments showed the same growth at 4 mmol L-1 N. Nitrogen contents in NO3-fed plants increased with the N concentrations in solution; competitive inhibition of NO3- absorption by Cl- was observed under lower N conditions. In addition, shoot dry weight was significantly correlated only with shoot N content. Therefore, growth of NO3-fed plants was regulated by N absorption. In contrast, N contents of shoots in NH4+-fed plants did not change with N concentration. Shoot Na content decreased with increasing N concentration, while K content increased. Dry weight was highly correlated only with K content in NH4+-fed plants. These observations indicated that growth of NH4+-fed plants was mainly regulated by K absorption. 展开更多
关键词 cation absorption nitrogen nutrition plant growth saline stress
Discovery of the Exquisite Meaning of the Word “chudu” in Chinese Poetry of the Adherents of a Former Dynasty
作者 CAI Jin-fang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1329-1341,共13页
The word “chudu” comes from Qu Yuan’s Li Sao “huang lan kui yu chu du xi, zhao ci yu yi jia ming”. The original meaning was the day of birth. After the Song Dynasty, the literati began to use it to refer to birth... The word “chudu” comes from Qu Yuan’s Li Sao “huang lan kui yu chu du xi, zhao ci yu yi jia ming”. The original meaning was the day of birth. After the Song Dynasty, the literati began to use it to refer to birthdays. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, they had been calling their birthdays “chudu” once they celebrated it and they were so keen on birthday celebrations. Gu Yanwu pointed out that the word “chudu” only fits “the old ministers (or the exiled ministers) who lamented the crash of the Yingcapital of the country of “Chu” such as Qu Yuan. At the same time, its use in Huang Zongxi’s and Wang Fuzhi’s birthday poems is also consistent with this context. The unique situation and mood of the adherents led them to be close to Qu Yuan and Wen Tianxiang, which bestowed “chudu” the special meaning. It is very suitable for the ministers who suffered the crash of their Dynasties or those who were exiled distantly to express their feelings about the old dynasties and old friends. After these people, Chen Yinke consciously acknowledged this layer of interpreting “chudu” and used it, which has not only enriched the connotation of “chudu”, but also extended its cultural life. From Qu Yuan to Wen Tianxiang, until Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi, and then to Chen Yinke, we can take a glimpse of the spiritual world of the Chinese adherents of Dynasties. 展开更多
关键词 chudu ADHERENTS Qu Yuan Gu Yanwu Chen Yinke
作者 包润发 陈见清 +3 位作者 杜舟 孙寒星 张翔 夏蓉 《Medical Bulletin of Shanghai Jiaotong University》 CAS 2010年第2期84-88,共5页
Il existe des régions qui ont une forme triangulaire dans la région du cou.Ces triangles sont formés par des vaisseaux,des muscles ou des os.Ils sont importants en anatomie topographique et sont des par... Il existe des régions qui ont une forme triangulaire dans la région du cou.Ces triangles sont formés par des vaisseaux,des muscles ou des os.Ils sont importants en anatomie topographique et sont des parties essentielles dans le corps humain.Donc il est necessaire de bien apprendre les compositions de ces triangles et ses significations cliniques.En principe,les triangles du cou sont faits de 2 régions(divisés par le muscle sterno-cléido-mastodien).Tous ces triangles du cou sont très utiles en clinique.Quelques-uns sont les signes pour trouver les vaisseaux ou les nerfs en opération,soit sont les positions de paracentèse,soit sont pour observer l'évolution de maladie.Si on les matrise bien,on peut diminuer l'hémorragie en opration et découvrir des cancers ou maladies le plus tt possible ce qui est très important pour traitement. 展开更多
关键词 triangles du cou applications cliniques anatomie topographique
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