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小切口Dewar手术治疗肩锁关节脱位和锁骨远端骨折的术后康复 被引量:11
作者 王军 刘晓慧 +2 位作者 崔青 韩建荣 许营民 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期790-792,共3页
[目的]探讨小切口Dewar手术治疗急性RockwoodⅢ型肩锁关节脱位和NeerⅡ型锁骨远端骨折的术后康复锻炼方法。[方法]对小切口Dewar手术治疗的20例RockwoodⅢ型肩锁关节脱位和12例NeerⅡ型锁骨远端骨折患者,采用系统的术后康复程序进行功... [目的]探讨小切口Dewar手术治疗急性RockwoodⅢ型肩锁关节脱位和NeerⅡ型锁骨远端骨折的术后康复锻炼方法。[方法]对小切口Dewar手术治疗的20例RockwoodⅢ型肩锁关节脱位和12例NeerⅡ型锁骨远端骨折患者,采用系统的术后康复程序进行功能锻炼。包括:第1阶段(术后0~4周):患肢其余关节被动至主动活动。第2阶段(术后5~8周)无痛肩关节活动度练习。第3阶段(术后8周以后):患肩无痛全范围关节活动。对照组25例患者根据疼痛耐受程度自行锻炼。[结果]术后3~5个月X线片显示:肩锁关节脱位或锁骨远端骨折均良好愈合。术后5个月对患肩的康复情况,包括各方向活动度以及UCLA肩关节评分进行评定。结果显示:患肩内旋、外旋、后伸两组均无显著性差异,P>0.05;前屈上举、外展上举康复组均优于对照组,分别为P<0.01、P<0.05,UCLA评分康复组优于对照组,P<0.05。[结论]系统的康复锻炼是保证治疗达到最佳效果的重要因素,是小切口Dewar手术治疗肩锁关节脱位和锁骨远端骨折术后患肩得到尽早康复,恢复日常生活和工作的重要前提。 展开更多
关键词 小切口 Dewar于术 肩锁关市脱位 锁骨远端骨折 康复
髋关节置换术患者出院后关节功能康复水平及影响因素研究 被引量:40
作者 李东文 徐燕 《护理学报》 2008年第8期7-10,共4页
目的描述髋关节置换术患者出院后关节功能恢复状况,探讨髋关节置换术患者出院后关节功能康复的影响因素。方法2006年9月—2007年5月以目的抽样的方法选择了某医院关节外科中心行髋关节置换术后出院的患者共90例,实际随访79例。应用文献... 目的描述髋关节置换术患者出院后关节功能恢复状况,探讨髋关节置换术患者出院后关节功能康复的影响因素。方法2006年9月—2007年5月以目的抽样的方法选择了某医院关节外科中心行髋关节置换术后出院的患者共90例,实际随访79例。应用文献研究及定量研究的方法,通过专业医务人员对某医院79例髋关节置换术后出院后患者实施调查,采用Harris髋关节功能评分量表评估置换术后髋关节功能。采用CES-D流行病学调查用抑郁量表、社会支持量表、家庭康复需求调查表评估影响因素。采用一般描述性统计t、检验、方差分析、Pearson积差相关等处理分析结果。结果髋关节置换术后患者出院后关节功能恢复较差,关节功能评分差的比例达到了44%。影响髋关节置换术后关节功能的因素主要包括患者的年龄、受教育水平、术后并发症、康复锻炼计划、每天康复锻炼时间、抑郁程度、家庭康复需求满足程度。结论髋关节置换术后患者家庭康复水平较低,出院后不能完全有效地进行各种康复运动,患者对家庭康复存在较大的需求,应积极开展家庭康复,促进患者功能恢复。 展开更多
关键词 髋关节置换术 关市功能 Harris髋关节功能评分量表 康复护理
睡虎地秦简“关市律”辨正 被引量:25
作者 陈松长 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期16-20,共5页
睡虎地秦简中的"关市律"仅一条律文,自其公布以来,从没有人质疑过。本文借助新发现的岳麓秦简和张家山汉简中与其内容基本相同律文的校勘和比对分析,发现这条所谓"关市律"的简文有明显的抄错、抄漏之处,而所谓"... 睡虎地秦简中的"关市律"仅一条律文,自其公布以来,从没有人质疑过。本文借助新发现的岳麓秦简和张家山汉简中与其内容基本相同律文的校勘和比对分析,发现这条所谓"关市律"的简文有明显的抄错、抄漏之处,而所谓"关市律"的律文,其实应该是"金布律"的内容,其所以题署为"关市",很可能是抄手误记所至。 展开更多
关键词 睡虎地秦简 关市律 岳麓秦简 金布律
后金食盐获取方式变迁及其影响 被引量:1
作者 高志超 冯璐 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第3期44-48,共5页
萨尔浒之战前后,后金食盐获取方式经历了由仰给于外,到自产于内的发展历程。经过这一发展历程,后金在实现食盐这一基本生活资料自给自足的同时,也维持了社会的稳定。与此同时,后金统治层通过向归附的蒙古各部提供食盐,强化了满蒙联盟的... 萨尔浒之战前后,后金食盐获取方式经历了由仰给于外,到自产于内的发展历程。经过这一发展历程,后金在实现食盐这一基本生活资料自给自足的同时,也维持了社会的稳定。与此同时,后金统治层通过向归附的蒙古各部提供食盐,强化了满蒙联盟的经济基础,加强了归附各部对其经济的依赖。后金食盐获取方式的变迁,是影响辽东局势走向的重要要素之一。 展开更多
关键词 食盐 关市 贸易 抚赏
楚国赋税制度综议 被引量:1
作者 刘玉堂 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第6期82-88,共7页
楚国的赋税制度,主要包括军赋、田税、地租、户口税和关市税等几种形式。楚国的军赋以加强国家军事实力为目的,田赋则以增强国家经济实力为旨归。楚国的地租制度一开始便与中原诸夏不尽相同,至战国中期已成为新兴地主阶级向农民转嫁自... 楚国的赋税制度,主要包括军赋、田税、地租、户口税和关市税等几种形式。楚国的军赋以加强国家军事实力为目的,田赋则以增强国家经济实力为旨归。楚国的地租制度一开始便与中原诸夏不尽相同,至战国中期已成为新兴地主阶级向农民转嫁自己沉重赋税负荷的重要手段。楚国的户口税是以户为征税单位,以口为收税标准。楚国关市税的特点是向巨商大贾倾斜,这是楚国为刺激商品经济的发展而采取的让利政策。 展开更多
关键词 楚国 军赋 田税 地租 户口税 关市税
作者 刘玉堂 李文琪 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第9期18-21,共4页
"关市"应是官府设立,包括"官府市"和"作务市",县官必须在令史的监督之下方可进行与手工业和商业贸易有关的活动,否则将予以处罚。"受钱"应该是一种偶然性不定期的收入,在岳麓秦简中"受钱... "关市"应是官府设立,包括"官府市"和"作务市",县官必须在令史的监督之下方可进行与手工业和商业贸易有关的活动,否则将予以处罚。"受钱"应该是一种偶然性不定期的收入,在岳麓秦简中"受钱入缿"应该与定期收取的"稍入钱"并列,都属于"缿钱"收取的不同类别。"市者"一是平民,也有可能是参与交易者,二是官员,可能为"令史",或为市场上的人。 展开更多
关键词 睡虎地秦简 关市律 关市 受钱 市者
对古丝路上贸易的估价 被引量:1
作者 齐陈骏 《兰州商学院学报》 1992年第3期24-30,共7页
古代横贯欧亚的陆路通道被形象地称为“丝绸之路”后,有人由此作出一系列推论,以为此条通道是一条以丝绸贸易为主的商路,中原王朝为出口丝绸而要打通商路等等。本文从古代汉唐王朝的经济状况,“凿空”通道的历史背景,汉唐经营西域的目... 古代横贯欧亚的陆路通道被形象地称为“丝绸之路”后,有人由此作出一系列推论,以为此条通道是一条以丝绸贸易为主的商路,中原王朝为出口丝绸而要打通商路等等。本文从古代汉唐王朝的经济状况,“凿空”通道的历史背景,汉唐经营西域的目的、效益等各个方面,论证了通道开拓与贸易无关,汉唐亦无大宗丝绸出口,“凿空”与经营西域都出于政治、军事目的。古代丝路的主要功绩不在于商业贸易,而在于促进了民族融合,增强了中国与西方各国人民的友谊。 展开更多
关键词 唐王朝 中原王朝 西域地区 陆路通道 商业贸易 西汉王朝 西域图记 汉匈战争 关市令 《大唐西域记》
China’s Local Government Debts and Bond Market:Clarification and Policy Choice~
作者 王国刚 《China Economist》 2015年第2期60-80,共21页
The surge in China's local government debt has made various sectors of society pay closer attention to the situation. First of all, four types of debt relations must be clarified: the relationship between asset and ... The surge in China's local government debt has made various sectors of society pay closer attention to the situation. First of all, four types of debt relations must be clarified: the relationship between asset and non-asset debt, the difference between long- term and short-term debt, the difference between debt in the form of bonds and debt in the form of bank loans, and the difference between debt listed in government budgets and other government debt. The development of long-term bonds is a fairly good choice for China to upgrade its consumption structure, accelerate urbanization, transform its economic development patterns, and meanwhile, to alleviate the mismatch between the financial powers of local governments and their administrative responsibilities. 展开更多
关键词 debt relations long-term bonds market development
秦汉的特种市场 被引量:3
作者 高维刚 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2008年第1期9-13,共5页
关键词 特种市场 关市 军市 宫市
匈奴史二题 被引量:1
作者 莫任南 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1992年第2期33-40,共8页
匈奴游牧奴隶制的特点是什么?与古希腊、罗马的奴隶制比较后,得见有四:其一,奴隶进行流动性、分散性的劳动,目标在于生产直接生活资料,其二,社会劳动主要由平民负担,匈奴只负担一部分,奴隶劳动不排斥自由民劳动,社会上没有出现游民无产... 匈奴游牧奴隶制的特点是什么?与古希腊、罗马的奴隶制比较后,得见有四:其一,奴隶进行流动性、分散性的劳动,目标在于生产直接生活资料,其二,社会劳动主要由平民负担,匈奴只负担一部分,奴隶劳动不排斥自由民劳动,社会上没有出现游民无产者,其三,匈奴一直没有产生过奴役本族人的债务奴隶;其四,相对来说,匈奴奴隶所受的剥削压迫要缓和一些,奴隶的社会地位可变性也较大。汉禁关市,不许互商是匈奴侵扰中原的原因,这一观点缺乏根据,难以成立。 展开更多
关键词 匈奴 奴隶制 关市 侵扰
Spatial Autocorrelation and Localization of Urban Development 被引量:2
作者 LIU Jisheng CHEN Yanguang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期34-39,共6页
A nonlinear analysis of urban evolution is made by using of spatial autocorrelation theory. A first-order nonlinear autoregression model based on Clark’s negative exponential model is proposed to show urban populatio... A nonlinear analysis of urban evolution is made by using of spatial autocorrelation theory. A first-order nonlinear autoregression model based on Clark’s negative exponential model is proposed to show urban population density. The new method and model are applied to Hangzhou City, China, as an example. The average distance of population activities, the auto-correlation coefficient of urban population density, and the auto-regressive function values all show trends of gradual increase from 1964 to 2000, but there always is a sharp first-order cutoff in the partial auto- correlations. These results indicate that urban development is a process of localization. The discovery of urban locality is significant to improve the cellular-automata-based urban simulation of modeling spatial complexity. 展开更多
关键词 urban population density nonlinear spatial autocorrelation Clark's law LOCALIZATION Hangzhou City
《天圣令·关市令》译注稿 被引量:2
作者 中国社会科学院历史研究所《天圣令》读书班 《中国古代法律文献研究》 2015年第1期244-264,共21页
“关市”为令篇之名始见于晋《泰始令》,列于第12篇;在《唐六典》所见《开元令》篇目中,“关市”列于第22篇;《天圣令》残卷所存《关市令》被标为第25卷,存有宋令18条、唐令9条。本稿以《天圣令·关市令》为译注对象,注释字... “关市”为令篇之名始见于晋《泰始令》,列于第12篇;在《唐六典》所见《开元令》篇目中,“关市”列于第22篇;《天圣令》残卷所存《关市令》被标为第25卷,存有宋令18条、唐令9条。本稿以《天圣令·关市令》为译注对象,注释字词、阐释制度、明晰流变、翻译文句,是继《(天圣令·赋役令)译注稿》、《(天圣令·仓库令)译注稿》、《(天圣令·厩牧令)译注稿》之后,中国社会科学院历史研究所《天圣令》读书班所推出的第四种集体研读成果。 展开更多
关键词 天圣令 关市令 译注
Evolution of Jobs-housing Spatial Relationship in Beijing Metropolitan Area:A Job Accessibility Perspective 被引量:11
作者 HAN Huiran YANG Chengfeng +2 位作者 WANG Enru SONG Jinping ZHANG Meng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期375-388,共14页
With the urban expansion and economic restructuring, the jobs-housing relationship has become an important issue in studies on urban spatial structure. This paper employed a job accessibility model, which is an evalua... With the urban expansion and economic restructuring, the jobs-housing relationship has become an important issue in studies on urban spatial structure. This paper employed a job accessibility model, which is an evaluation instrument to measure the jobs-housing relationship in Beijing Metropolitan Area from a job accessibility perspective. The results indicate that the population in the central city is declining, whereas the population in the suburbs is consistently growing and forming new population centers. However, the distribution pattern of employment is still highly centralized. Job accessibility varies in different locations, but the inner-city areas(within the Third Ring road) have seen improved job accessibility over time while job accessibility in the suburbs(especially outside the Fourth Ring road) has decreased, and this has led it to become a primary area of residential and employment mismatch. At the same time, the new towns in the outer suburbs have not yet demonstrated great potential to attract more jobs. In addition we find that, to some extent, urban planning changes the jobs-housing relationship, but a polycentric urban spatial structure is not yet evident. The floating population and related housing policy also affect the jobs-housing relationship. We propose some measures to resolve the spatial mismatch as well as some future research directions. 展开更多
关键词 jobs-housing relationship job accessibility spatial mismatch population density employment density Beijing Metropoli-tan Area
作者 彭建洪 《韶关学院学报》 2001年第4期71-75,共5页
住房金融业已成为直接影响韶关市房地产业发展的重要因素。阐述韶关市住房金融业务发展的现状 ,分析韶关市发展住房金融的有利条件和存在的主要问题 。
关键词 住房金融 抵押贷款 金融工具 韵关市 商品房价格 资金来源 利率
作者 大西磨希子 赵晶(校) 《中国古代法律文献研究》 2018年第1期244-282,共39页
丝绸与金银器等唐朝的华美之物陆续传入日本,而唐令明确禁止这些物品出境,因此它们应是作为回赐品,由正式朝贡使即遣唐使带回日本的。关于遣唐使及唐文化的传入研究,目前虽已有多方面的成果积累,但包含禁物在内的唐物经由何种程序被带... 丝绸与金银器等唐朝的华美之物陆续传入日本,而唐令明确禁止这些物品出境,因此它们应是作为回赐品,由正式朝贡使即遣唐使带回日本的。关于遣唐使及唐文化的传入研究,目前虽已有多方面的成果积累,但包含禁物在内的唐物经由何种程序被带回日本这一问题,仍未被充分探讨。尤其是唐代佛教美术品的传入及其途径,迄今无人关注。因此,本文首先根据《天圣令·关市令》对以往复原《唐关市令》的条文顺序提出不同看法,其次探讨与唐代佛教美术品传入日本相关的部分条文,借此考察唐朝官方的勘查程序与遣唐使出京时路过的关隘所在。 展开更多
关键词 天圣令 关市令 遣唐使 关津
Use of Cataract Surgery in Urban Beijing: a Post Screening Follow-up of the Elderly with Visual Impairment due to Age-related Cataract 被引量:5
作者 Xue-tao Ren Torkel Snellingen +7 位作者 Hong Gu Sawitri Assanangkornchai Yan-hong Zou Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong Apiradee Lim Wei Jia Xi-pu Liu Ning-pu Liu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2015年第1期1-6,共6页
Objective To understand the perception for the use of cataract surgical services in a population acceptors and non-acceptors of cataract surgery in urban Beijing. Methods From a community-based screening program a to... Objective To understand the perception for the use of cataract surgical services in a population acceptors and non-acceptors of cataract surgery in urban Beijing. Methods From a community-based screening program a total of 158 patients with presenting visual acuity of less than 6/18 on either eye due to age-related cataract were informed about the possibility of surgical treatment. These patients were interviewed and re-examined 36 to 46 months after initial screening. The main reasons for not accepting surgery were obtained using a questionnaire. Vision function and vision-related quality of life scores were assessed in those who received and did not receive surgery. Results At the follow-up examination 116 of the 158 patients were available and 36 (31.0%) had undergone cataract surgery. Cases who chose surgery had higher education level than those who did not seek surgery (OR=2.64, 95% CI: 1.08-6.63, P=0.02). There were no significant differences in vision function (P=0.11) or quality of life scores (P=0.16) between the surgery group and the non-surgery group. Main reasons for not having surgery included no perceived need (50.0%), feeling of being "too old" (19.2%), and worry about the quality of surgery (9.6%). Cost was seeking surgery. cited by 1 (1.9%) subject as the main reason for not 展开更多
关键词 cataract surgery UTILIZATION urban Beijing
Changing Concepts of City and Urban Planning Practices in Guangzhou(1949–2010): An Approach to Sustainable Urban Development 被引量:2
作者 XUE Desheng HUANG Gengzhi +1 位作者 GUAN Jingwen LIN Jiarong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期607-619,共13页
By focusing on Guangzhou, this paper examines how different concepts of city in terms of urban-rural relationships are shaped in transforming China since 1949, and explores how they influence the way in which urban pl... By focusing on Guangzhou, this paper examines how different concepts of city in terms of urban-rural relationships are shaped in transforming China since 1949, and explores how they influence the way in which urban planning are practiced. In the pre-reform era, the city was defined as a productive space under the system of urban-rural segregation established for securing rapid industrialization. Urban planning was thus only concerned with the development of urban areas. In the 1980 s and 1990 s after the reform, institutional change and economic transformation mobilized the urban-rural linkages. The development of suburban areas was then considered by urban planning, but this consideration was a passive response to urban problems such as population explosion and water resources protection. Since the new millennium, the agenda for sustainable development and problems of uneven urban-rural development have called for the development of urban-rural integration. In this context, the city is conceptualized as a complex of mountain, city, river, farmland and sea, reconstructing the ideology of urban-rural division in defining urban development. Urban planning has therefore sought in an active way to develop a sustainable city embracing rural and natural elements, and to balance economic growth and environmental protection. It is argued that developing the concept of city as a complex of urban and rural elements contributes to the urban planning for sustainable urban development, while this conceptualization relies on the recognition of the integrated urban-rural relationship. 展开更多
关键词 urban-rural relationship concept of city urban planning sustainable urban development GUANGZHOU
Grey-relation Analysis of Traffic System and Urbanization in Jilin Province of China 被引量:2
作者 Xiang Wei Wang Yu +1 位作者 Li Ning Zhu Qingwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第3期216-221,共6页
It has been long believed there should be some relations between traffic system and urbanization,but the in-teraction between them,especially on the regional level,has been not in consideration due to the difficulty i... It has been long believed there should be some relations between traffic system and urbanization,but the in-teraction between them,especially on the regional level,has been not in consideration due to the difficulty in quantitative analysis.Based on the development of Jilin Province during 1981-2003,the paper analyzed the relation with the grey-relation model which was adjusted to fit specific problem,and came to some conclusions.Firstly,there exists ob-vious and strong correlation between traffic system and urbanization.Secondly,urbanization responds to the develop-ment of traffic system mainly on the level of urbanization,such as population and developed area,however,less on urbanization quality.Thirdly,traffic system influences urbanization as a whole except for several peculiar factors,which means we should optimize the whole traffic system to promote urbanization.Based on those conclusions,the paper illustrated the mechanism of traffic system,promoting urbanization scale and urbanization quality. 展开更多
关键词 traffic system URBANIZATION grey-relation analysis Jilin Province
Using Multi-destination ZTCM to Evaluate the Recreational Values of Cultural Sights:an Application to Jiayuguan,China
作者 Zheng Fang Chen Tian +1 位作者 Hou Ying Wang Nai'ang 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第1期88-96,共9页
This study explained the importance of environmental protection in tourism development and illustrated the relationship between recreational resource valuation and environmental consideration.We compare different mode... This study explained the importance of environmental protection in tourism development and illustrated the relationship between recreational resource valuation and environmental consideration.We compare different models of travel cost method and reiterates long-time existing problems of multi-destination and treats of time opportunity cost(TOC).Taking Jiayuguan's cultural sights as an example,we establish an updated method called multidestination zonal tourism cost method to evaluate the recreational values(RVs) of selected three cultural sights.We divide trip packages of Jiayuguan's tourists into 11 portfolios.Each portfolio can be seen as a separate commodity,and each commodity has its own demand curve.According to demand curves we can calculate consumer surplus(CS) of different portfolios of tourist destinations and later we sum up the total travel costs(including travel expenditure and TOC) and CS to come to the RVs of each portfolio.We then apply suitable proportions to calculate the RVs between different destinations in the portfolio.In the end,we add up all the RVs calculated for the objective destination.Using this method,we draw conclusions that Jiayuguan's RV in 2006 includes national and international values,summing up to 738.4762 million yuan.The tourist expenditure,CS and TOC of Jiayuguan is proportionating 62.96,32.28 and 4.76%,respectively.This study is also an example of non-market valuation of cultural tourism resources. 展开更多
关键词 recreational value zonal tourism cost method multidestination Jiayuguan
作者 牛來穎 《隋唐辽宋金元史论丛》 2014年第1期95-102,共8页
一唐代過所的研究,以礪波護《唐代の過所と公驗》〔1〕、程喜霖《唐代過所研究》〔2〕最爲集中。《天聖令》發現以後,孟彦弘〔3〕、李全德〔4〕的研究可謂更上一層,圍繞令條以及釋解,對過所申請勘驗的過程細節予以進一步探索。近來在讀... 一唐代過所的研究,以礪波護《唐代の過所と公驗》〔1〕、程喜霖《唐代過所研究》〔2〕最爲集中。《天聖令》發現以後,孟彦弘〔3〕、李全德〔4〕的研究可謂更上一層,圍繞令條以及釋解,對過所申請勘驗的過程細節予以進一步探索。近來在讀書班讀《關市令》時,筆者曾經就其中宋2、宋3、宋6條中相關聯的問題一併提出討論並作推論,以抛磚引玉。《關市令》宋2、宋3、宋6均涉及過所的勘過,先移録如下:宋2條: 展开更多
关键词 研究 過程 天聖 關市 過所
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