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作者 林梅村 《丝绸之路》 2016年第19期25-28,共4页
中国与欧、亚、非三大洲很早就开始发生接触,相互影响,相互交流,但是东西方之间的交往路线却一直没有概括性名称。1877年,柏林大学教授李希霍芬在他的地理学名作《中国》一书中首次提出“Seidenstrassen”(丝绸之路)一名。丝绸之路的... 中国与欧、亚、非三大洲很早就开始发生接触,相互影响,相互交流,但是东西方之间的交往路线却一直没有概括性名称。1877年,柏林大学教授李希霍芬在他的地理学名作《中国》一书中首次提出“Seidenstrassen”(丝绸之路)一名。丝绸之路的开辟,归功于张骞通西域。公元前126年,张骞历尽艰辛,从中亚大夏(今阿富汗西北)返回长安。汉武帝从张骞那里了解到葱岭(今帕米尔)以西居然还有如此广阔富饶的西方世界,于是不惜动用数十万人在中国西部修长城,并在敦煌西部设玉门关和阳关。 展开更多
关键词 龙城飞将 边塞诗 李希霍芬 柏林大学 羌胡 有翼神兽 燕支山 裴矩 突厥鲁尼文 门枢
作者 马成俊 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 1988年第2期91-95,共5页
列宁在阅读并研究了一些民间文学作品之后,意味深长地说:“……要知道啊,根据这些材料是可以写山很好的,关于人民的憧憬和期望的研究论文的。……这种真实的人民创作,在我们今天,研究人民的心理的时候,是非常必需和重要的”,的确,在今天... 列宁在阅读并研究了一些民间文学作品之后,意味深长地说:“……要知道啊,根据这些材料是可以写山很好的,关于人民的憧憬和期望的研究论文的。……这种真实的人民创作,在我们今天,研究人民的心理的时候,是非常必需和重要的”,的确,在今天,我们研究民族的心理、思想(尤其是历史上没有文字记载的少数民族的)审美观等方面,“民间文艺才是最真实,最可贵的第一手材料”。 展开更多
关键词 美学思考 美学理想 阿里玛 蟒古斯 英雄史诗 美学价值 阳刚之美 美感享受 滑稽可笑 门枢
作者 刘峰 《山东农机化》 1998年第9期26-26,共1页
关键词 闹钟 电子门 门枢 晶体管 振铃开关 电线 端接 正极 两条线 一条线
作者 邹存毅 《小学教学研究》 1991年第5期8-8,共1页
贵刊1990年第十期刊登了《“推门”之我见》一文。笔者认为作者是根据南方的情况提出的,而忽略了北方的实际情况。在北方,由于冬季寒冷;为了御寒,古式房屋建筑中,设有“板门”和“风门”。“板门”用厚木板制成,安于门枢内侧。作用有二... 贵刊1990年第十期刊登了《“推门”之我见》一文。笔者认为作者是根据南方的情况提出的,而忽略了北方的实际情况。在北方,由于冬季寒冷;为了御寒,古式房屋建筑中,设有“板门”和“风门”。“板门”用厚木板制成,安于门枢内侧。作用有二:其一,用来御寒,夏季可摘下存放起来(因较笨重,开关费力)。其二,用来防坏人入室。古建筑院落之门,多属此类。“风门”装于门框外,木料较轻,制作讲究美观,既遮风挡雨,还装饰房屋。 展开更多
关键词 门枢 房屋建筑 遮风挡雨 门刀 社会秩序
作者 潘丹宁 《中国减灾》 2013年第3X期48-49,共2页
"锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。"唐代诗人李绅这首流传千古的诗《悯农》,经久不衰的原因正在于它能时时刻刻提醒人们节约粮食。然而,在生活中有几人能铭记这首诗,又有几人能继承并厉行"勤俭节约"... "锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。"唐代诗人李绅这首流传千古的诗《悯农》,经久不衰的原因正在于它能时时刻刻提醒人们节约粮食。然而,在生活中有几人能铭记这首诗,又有几人能继承并厉行"勤俭节约"这种美德呢?在经济高速发展的今天,许多人似乎都忘记了勤俭节约,甚至有人觉得勤俭节约阻碍了经济的发展。不过,自中央出台"八项规定"、"六项禁令"以来,铺张浪费之风已有所遏制。不少饭馆推出"光盘行动":点菜提醒、中餐西吃、吃不完打包带走等。特别是跨入2013年以来,全国各地林林总总的"厉行勤俭节约、反对铺张浪费"之风更是在进一步深入人心。相映成趣的是,近年来不少出版物早已从各个角度不断地审视" 展开更多
关键词 节约粮食 悯农 人能 流传千古 锄禾 门枢 企业政策 人类社会 增长利润 道光皇帝
西郊九号 出门,在家
作者 梁观 《餐饮世界》 2015年第11期66-67,共2页
"西郊九号"位于上海西郊的一处繁华地段,门外就是一条城市主干道。可是推门入内,随着门枢转动,在身后悄然合掩,一城的市声喧哗尽数被挡在门外。步入屋内,走进房间,这里没有许多酒店的大厅大堂,都是以小屋为主,楼是小楼,屋是小屋,不为... "西郊九号"位于上海西郊的一处繁华地段,门外就是一条城市主干道。可是推门入内,随着门枢转动,在身后悄然合掩,一城的市声喧哗尽数被挡在门外。步入屋内,走进房间,这里没有许多酒店的大厅大堂,都是以小屋为主,楼是小楼,屋是小屋,不为豪贵,只为亲切。"西郊九号"就是这样的处所,让那些常年在外的商旅人士出了门,到这里,走进家。 展开更多
关键词 门枢 食材 饮食习惯 辽参 口耳相传 鸡粉 资料输入 吊汤 炉水 放足
作者 和舜典 《民族工作》 1994年第8期47-48,共2页
关键词 文物保护单位 夯筑 城寨 门枢 烧杀抢掠 德碑 外来入侵 天然屏障 农历春节 人畜饮水
Correlation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Sialic Acid with Various Enzymes in Patients with Meningitis
作者 Nawal Abdullah Murtadha 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第3期118-122,共5页
Meningitis is often associated with cerebral compromise which may be responsible for neurological squeal in nearly half of the survivors. Little is known about the mechanisms of Central Nervous System (CNS) involvem... Meningitis is often associated with cerebral compromise which may be responsible for neurological squeal in nearly half of the survivors. Little is known about the mechanisms of Central Nervous System (CNS) involvement in bacterial meningitis. The present study was undertaken to assess the changes in biochemical parameters including glucose, protein, Sialic Acid (SA) and various enzymes like Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Creatine Kinase (CK), Gamma Glutamyltranspeptidase 7 (GGTP) and Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) have been determined in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) of the meningitis patients (n = 26) and compared with control subjects (n = 26). Total Protein, CK, SA (P 〈 0.02), AST (P 〈 0.001) and ALT (P 〈 0.0001) of meningitis patients were significantly higher, whereas, glucose (P 〈 0.05) and Gamma Glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) (P 〈 0.01 and P 〈 0.05, respectively) were significantly lower than those of the controls. This study suggests that loss of integrity of brain-CSF barriers, sialic acid and enzyme profiles may contribute to the severity and neurological complications of meningitis. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebrospinal fluids MENINGITIS Sialic Acid.
《刘梁碑残石》金石僧六舟跋本——嘉道时期“传拓”技艺的巅峰之作 被引量:2
作者 仲威 《艺术品》 2016年第4期82-83,共2页
笔者不曾看出六舟"颖拓"之"痕迹",或称"破绽",依然宛若碑拓一般,但笔者还是宁可信其有,不可信其无,并将其视为金石僧六舟传拓之代表作,进而推誉为嘉道时期"传拓"技艺的巅峰之作。《刘梁碑残石》东汉光和四年(181)三月十五日... 笔者不曾看出六舟"颖拓"之"痕迹",或称"破绽",依然宛若碑拓一般,但笔者还是宁可信其有,不可信其无,并将其视为金石僧六舟传拓之代表作,进而推誉为嘉道时期"传拓"技艺的巅峰之作。《刘梁碑残石》东汉光和四年(181)三月十五日刻立。清嘉庆三年(1798),徐方在安阳县丰乐镇西门豹祠内访得此碑之残石,已被凿为建筑构建,中央有穿孔,以供插入门枢,成为西门豹祠门两边的门关,后又移至孔庙,现存安阳文化馆。此拓本为六舟达受旧藏,后转赠给潘祖荫之父潘曾绶,拓本上亦存有潘祖荫(伯寅)藏印。红楼收藏。拓本为卷轴装,作横批样式。画芯宽87厘米, 展开更多
关键词 残石 石僧 传拓 刘梁 嘉道 西门豹祠 颖拓 清嘉庆 门枢 达受
作者 李晓钟 《边疆考古研究》 2005年第1期143-156,共14页
石台子山城是1978文物复查期间在沈阳地区发现的一座高句丽时期的山城。地理位置位于辽宁省沈阳市东北部35公里的辉山自然风景保护区内,棋盘山水库的东北部的蒲河左岸。棋盘山水库在辽河水系浑河支流的蒲河上游所建。辉山属于长白山山... 石台子山城是1978文物复查期间在沈阳地区发现的一座高句丽时期的山城。地理位置位于辽宁省沈阳市东北部35公里的辉山自然风景保护区内,棋盘山水库的东北部的蒲河左岸。棋盘山水库在辽河水系浑河支流的蒲河上游所建。辉山属于长白山山脉吉林哈达岭西部边缘的丘陵山地,呈掎角之势探入辽河平原,其西、南北侧为辽河平原,东侧为辽东山地。山城经纬度为东经123°41′17″,北纬41°57′8″(图一)。 展开更多
关键词 句丽 岭西部 棋盘山 辉山 门枢 辽河平原 辽河水系 楔形 文化性质 探沟
梁孝王墓地宫的建筑艺术 被引量:4
作者 刘永信 《中原文物》 1984年第2期84-87,共4页
越来越多的考古材料告诉我们:汉代的建筑物(指石祠、石阙和砖、石墓)上保留有大量的画像、雕塑艺术品,同时在汉画(指壁画、画像石、画像砖)和汉塑(指墓中明器)中也可以看到丰富的建筑图象,这为探讨和了解汉代的建筑艺术提供了直观的文... 越来越多的考古材料告诉我们:汉代的建筑物(指石祠、石阙和砖、石墓)上保留有大量的画像、雕塑艺术品,同时在汉画(指壁画、画像石、画像砖)和汉塑(指墓中明器)中也可以看到丰富的建筑图象,这为探讨和了解汉代的建筑艺术提供了直观的文物资料。可是,有的汉画作品因其材料关系未能保存下来,也有的建筑形式因封闭严密而未被发现,位于永城县境内的梁孝王墓地宫就是一例。 展开更多
关键词 梁孝王 壁画 画像石 汉画 画像砖 考古材料 文物 建筑艺术 门枢 宫殿
作者 铁舞 《诗刊》 北大核心 1998年第12期56-56,共1页
关键词 音乐 火苗 金属的 地中 门枢 极地 道路 离开 落叶 上升
作者 玛波 《民族文学》 1992年第10期53-59,共7页
两扇木板门的拉绳里穿一根竹杆横挡在门枢上,就算"锁门"了。迈迈从学校回到家,把竹杆抽掉,门就自动地开了。她一进门就抬头看圆柱上的挂钩,铜炮枪和麻线包都不在,就知道三哥腊散又上山打猎去了,她把书包放在她那间只有放假或... 两扇木板门的拉绳里穿一根竹杆横挡在门枢上,就算"锁门"了。迈迈从学校回到家,把竹杆抽掉,门就自动地开了。她一进门就抬头看圆柱上的挂钩,铜炮枪和麻线包都不在,就知道三哥腊散又上山打猎去了,她把书包放在她那间只有放假或周末才回来睡觉的空荡荡的小屋里,想到厨房看看三哥是否给她留下些干巴什么的。迈迈一推开厨房门,在火塘里自由自在地洗着灰操的黑白黄鸡们,吓得没命地往亮处飞,迈迈吃了很多灰。 展开更多
关键词 门枢 竹杆 给你 兄弟俩 包都 跑出去 爬起来 买东西 就这样 我爱你
作者 刘畅 《建材与装修情报》 2009年第1期26-27,共2页
关键词 两房两厅 儿童房 主卧 储藏空间 踢脚线 时尚个性 门套 开式 圣开 门枢
作者 偊飞 《流行歌曲(下半月)》 2006年第9期62-64,共3页
哥哥给我的爱,像流水,柔美凄凉;又像冬日里的阳光格外温暖。然而我却失去了它,失去了它我才懂得珍惜。如今,光阴如流水般从我手中逝去,带走了哥哥的一切和我的爱。我伤了哥哥的心,人的一生有的错误可以弥补;有的错,要背负一辈子,就像我... 哥哥给我的爱,像流水,柔美凄凉;又像冬日里的阳光格外温暖。然而我却失去了它,失去了它我才懂得珍惜。如今,光阴如流水般从我手中逝去,带走了哥哥的一切和我的爱。我伤了哥哥的心,人的一生有的错误可以弥补;有的错,要背负一辈子,就像我伤了哥哥的心一群,是要背负一辈子的,因为哥哥他不给我弥补的机会。他带着破碎的心离开了我,去了另一个孤独的世界。 展开更多
关键词 对你说 这个世界 音像店 对我说 一只手 天都 人说 人能 不知道 门枢
作者 胡月强 《时代文学(下半月)》 2011年第12期72-73,共2页
钱钟书先生《围城》所言,婚姻好比一座围城,城外的人急不可耐想挤进来,城里的人千方百计想挣出去。无独有偶,人生何不如此,现实生活中,城里人留恋农村,农村人向往城里,大凡凡夫俗子都有同感。脱离农村,转眼在城里生活了二十余年,儿时对... 钱钟书先生《围城》所言,婚姻好比一座围城,城外的人急不可耐想挤进来,城里的人千方百计想挣出去。无独有偶,人生何不如此,现实生活中,城里人留恋农村,农村人向往城里,大凡凡夫俗子都有同感。脱离农村,转眼在城里生活了二十余年,儿时对城里的憧憬和城里人的羡慕,现早已厌倦,对一切的一切仿佛都失去了热情,有一种"不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中"的感觉。倒是记忆中,在农村的一景一物记忆犹新,弥足亲切。 展开更多
关键词 只缘身在此山中 《围城》 钱钟书先生 相貌堂堂 透不过气来 无从考证 生产队长 鸣蛙 门枢 历尽沧桑
作者 俞文祝 《幼儿教育》 1993年第5期23-23,共1页
教育孩子要不要来点幽默,我的回答是肯定的,这里不妨先举个生活中的实例。一天,中班小朋友辰辰上幼儿园迟了,当他妈妈把他送到班里时,他使劲抓住教室的门框不愿进门。正在上课的尹老师见状,笑了笑,说:“我知道俞辰最喜欢班里的门框了!来... 教育孩子要不要来点幽默,我的回答是肯定的,这里不妨先举个生活中的实例。一天,中班小朋友辰辰上幼儿园迟了,当他妈妈把他送到班里时,他使劲抓住教室的门框不愿进门。正在上课的尹老师见状,笑了笑,说:“我知道俞辰最喜欢班里的门框了!来,进来吧。”就这一句话,把想撒娇而又未能撒娇的辰辰给逗乐了。于是,他笑嘻嘻地走到了自己的座位上。可见,对孩子来点幽默,是有利于对孩子进行教育的。有时候, 展开更多
关键词 门枢 指导思想
Literature review and application experience of needling the Belt Vessel for low back pain
作者 LI Han ZHENG Han +2 位作者 ZHANG Jianming ZHANG Jianbin ZHANG Kaiwei 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第1期87-90,共4页
Objective:To explore the feasibility of needling the Belt Vessel(BV)for low back pain.Methods:The relevant literature was systematically reviewed;the relationship between the BV and low back pain was illustrated;the c... Objective:To explore the feasibility of needling the Belt Vessel(BV)for low back pain.Methods:The relevant literature was systematically reviewed;the relationship between the BV and low back pain was illustrated;the clinical features of BV-related low back pain as well as the key points of acupoint selection in treatment were summarized,and the efficacy of needling the BV for treating low back pain was observed.Results:The BV is closely related to low back pain.The main clinical manifestations of BV-related low back pain include sagging distension in the low back,enlarged abdomen,and pain radiating to the groin.The main acupoints for treating low back pain via needling the BV include Mingmen(GV4),Wushu(GB27)and Ashi points near the transverse process of the third lumbar spine.Needling the BV can swiftly and effectively relieve both the low back pain and associated symptoms.Conclusion:Needling the BV can effectively alleviate the typical BV-related low back pain. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Belt Vessel Intervertebral Disc Displacement Low Back Pain Point Mingmen(GV4) Wushu(GB27) Points ASHI
Study on the angle of needling Yamen (GV 15) in atlanto-axial dislocation patients
作者 Zhou Jun Zhao Fan-ying +6 位作者 Li Wen-hao Xiong Zhen-cheng Yi Ping Yang Feng Tang Xiang-sheng Tan Ming-sheng Yang Yan-ping 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2019年第3期141-146,共6页
Objective: To compare the risk angle and safety angle of n eedli ng Ya me n (GV 15) betwee n the atla nto-axial dislocati on (AAD) patients and healthy subjects. Methods: A total of 177 AAD patients diagnosed and trea... Objective: To compare the risk angle and safety angle of n eedli ng Ya me n (GV 15) betwee n the atla nto-axial dislocati on (AAD) patients and healthy subjects. Methods: A total of 177 AAD patients diagnosed and treated at the Center of Upper Cervical Vertebra of Beijing Chin a-Japa n Frie ndship Hospital betwee n January 2010 and January 2018 were in eluded in the AAD group. Ano ther 207 healthy subjects were included in the normal group. There were totally 191 males and 193 females. The MRI sean was performed for the cervical vertebrae to measure the risk angle and safety angle of acup un cture at Ya me n (GV 15) on the sagittal image. Results: In the AAD group, the risk angle was (13.14±3.99)° and the relative safety angle was (10.31±3.23)° for the perpendicular needling, while the oblique needling risk angle was (9.09±3.09)° for the male;the risk angle was (12.12±2.74)° and the relative safety angle was (10.56±2.09)° for the perpendicular needling, while the oblique needling risk angle was (9.70±2.95)° for the female. In the normal group, the risk angle was (7.89±1.59)° and the relative safety angle was (10.21±3.55)° for the perpendicular needling, while the oblique needling risk angle was (16.07±1.77)° for the male;the risk angle was (6.93±1.45)° and the relative safety angle was (10.70±2.94)° for the perpendicular needling, while the oblique needling risk angle was (14.89±2.18)° for the female. The perpendicular needling risk angles for the males and females in the AAD group were larger than those in the normal group, and the differences were statistically significant (both P<0.01);for the inner-group comparison, there was no sigrHficant difference in the perpendicular needling risk angle between the male and the female in the AAD group (P>0.05);however, the perpendicular needling risk angle for the male was larger than the female, and the differenee was statistically significant in the normal group (P<0.01). There were no sign讦icant differences in the relative safety angle for both the male and the female between the AAD group and the normal group (both P>0.05). For the inner-group comparison, there was no sign讦icant differenee in the relative safety angle between the male and the female (P>0.05). The oblique needling risk angles for both the males and females were smaller in the AAD group than those in the normal group, and the differences were statistically sign讦icant (both P<0.01);the oblique needling risk angle for the male was not significantly different from that for the female in the AAD group (P>0.05);in the normal group, the oblique needling risk angle for the male was larger than that for the female, and the differenee was statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: Un der the AAD condition, the risk angle and safety angle of acup un cture at Ya me n (GV 15) cha nge significantly, perpe ndicular n eedli ng should be better if performed slightly lower tha n the horiz on tai di recti on, and the oblique needling should be safer across the occipital foramen toward the occipital bone. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Point Yamen (GV 15) Atlanto-axial Joint Joint Dislocations Research on Acupoints Needling Direction Safety
Cross-talk between NMDA and GABA_A receptors in cultured neurons of the rat inferior colliculus 被引量:9
作者 CONG DanNi TANG ZhengQuan +3 位作者 LI LongZhu HUANG YiNa WANG Jun CHEN Lin 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第6期560-566,共7页
Neuronal ion channels of different types often do not function independently but will inhibit or potentiate the activity of other types of channels,a process called cross-talk.The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA r... Neuronal ion channels of different types often do not function independently but will inhibit or potentiate the activity of other types of channels,a process called cross-talk.The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA receptor) and the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABAA receptor) are important excitatory and inhibitory receptors in the central nervous system,respectively.Currently,cross-talk between the NMDA receptor and the GABAA receptor,particularly in the central auditory system,is not well understood.In the present study,we investigated functional interactions between the NMDA receptor and the GABAA receptor using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques in cultured neurons from the inferior colliculus,which is an important nucleus in the central auditory system.We found that the currents induced by aspartate at 100 μmol L-1 were suppressed by the pre-perfusion of GABA at 100 μmol L-1,indicating cross-inhibition of NMDA receptors by activation of GABAA receptors.Moreover,we found that the currents induced by GABA at 100 μmol L-1 (IGABA) were not suppressed by the pre-perfusion of 100 μmol L-1 aspartate,but those induced by GABA at 3 μmol L-1 were suppressed,indicating concentration-dependent cross-inhibition of GABAA receptors by activation of NMDA receptors.In addition,inhibition of IGABA by aspartate was not affected by blockade of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels with CdCl2 in a solution that contained Ca2+,however,CdCl2 effectively attenuated the inhibition of IGABA by aspartate when it was perfused in a solution that contained Ba2+ instead of Ca2+ or a solution that contained Ca2+ and 10 mmol L-1 BAPTA,a membrane-permeable Ca2+ chelator,suggesting that this inhibition is mediated by Ca2+ influx through NMDA receptors,rather than voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels.Finally,KN-62,a potent inhibitor of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII),reduced the inhibition of IGABA by aspartate,indicating the involvement of CaMKII in this cross-inhibition.Our study demonstrates a functional interaction between NMDA and GABAA receptors in the inferior colliculus of rats.The presence of cross-talk between these receptors suggests that the mechanisms underlying information processing in the central auditory system may be more complex than previously believed. 展开更多
关键词 inferior colliculus N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor whole-cell patch-clamp CROSS-TALK
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