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高校后勤部门标前工作若干问题的思考 被引量:1
作者 王潇庆 高国民 《中国招标》 2017年第47期24-27,共4页
目前,采购招投标已在我国高校后勤系统中广泛应用,高校后勤的工程建设、维修改造、工程货物、配套家具等业务工作都广泛推进采购招投标。实践证明,采购招投标制度极大地促进了高校后勤管理工作的程序化和规范化,促进了管理领域的廉政建... 目前,采购招投标已在我国高校后勤系统中广泛应用,高校后勤的工程建设、维修改造、工程货物、配套家具等业务工作都广泛推进采购招投标。实践证明,采购招投标制度极大地促进了高校后勤管理工作的程序化和规范化,促进了管理领域的廉政建设与法制建设,提高了高校资源的利用效率和资金的使用效益,提升了师生员工的工作生活品质。 展开更多
关键词 招投标活动 招投标制度 后勤系统 后勤部 门标 招投标管理 工程建设 招标文件 投标工作 法制建设
作者 邓茗文 《留学》 2014年第1期22-25,共4页
头两次的SAT成绩,对应申请时的保底学校;通过刷分能达到的最好成绩,对应申请的预期学校;最后冲分的目标成绩,对应申请中的冲刺学校。高二结束前搞定标考成绩,是赴美读本科的一条金科玉律。为了申请到更好的美国大学,对于作为标准化考试... 头两次的SAT成绩,对应申请时的保底学校;通过刷分能达到的最好成绩,对应申请的预期学校;最后冲分的目标成绩,对应申请中的冲刺学校。高二结束前搞定标考成绩,是赴美读本科的一条金科玉律。为了申请到更好的美国大学,对于作为标准化考试重头戏的学术能力评估测试SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test),人人都有冲击高分的冲动。那么如何准备SAT更有效?哪些是提分需要攻克的桥头堡?高分考生。 展开更多
关键词 SAT 门标 美读 学术能力 评估测试 杜克大学 英文原版 英文阅读 康奈尔大学 芝加哥大学
新的起点 新的目标
作者 陈焕友 《人民论坛》 1994年第10期11-11,共1页
我们的共和国已经走过了45年的历程。45年来,江苏和全国各地一样,在经济,社会以及人民生活等方面,都发生了巨大的变化。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,人们的思想和社会生产力获得了极大解放,社会主义现代化建设进入了加快发展的新阶段... 我们的共和国已经走过了45年的历程。45年来,江苏和全国各地一样,在经济,社会以及人民生活等方面,都发生了巨大的变化。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,人们的思想和社会生产力获得了极大解放,社会主义现代化建设进入了加快发展的新阶段,取得了令人瞩目的成就。 展开更多
关键词 现代化建设 十一届三中全会 小康标准 小康水平 科技进步 术达 门标 均水 八比 小康型
作者 许建周 《四川档案》 北大核心 1994年第6期4-4,共1页
加强档案工作的几点意见绵阳市人民政府秘书长许建周编者按该文是许建周同志1994年4月26日在绵阳市档案工作会议上讲话的第三部分.标题有改动.内容有删节。一、加强档案干部队伍建设,在当前形势下.各级档案部门要增加编制和... 加强档案工作的几点意见绵阳市人民政府秘书长许建周编者按该文是许建周同志1994年4月26日在绵阳市档案工作会议上讲话的第三部分.标题有改动.内容有删节。一、加强档案干部队伍建设,在当前形势下.各级档案部门要增加编制和人员难度是加大了。因此.建设支稳定... 展开更多
关键词 档案工作 档案干部队伍 档案事业 单位档案 档案基础 许建 民国档案 安全保管 门标 卜人
作者 雷学彬 《区域经济评论》 1987年第12期47-,共1页
作为一名领导干部,要要在当今变革的时代里,使自己适应新的形势,成为一名优秀的管理者,我认为应该做到以下几点: 一、要不断更新观念。观念陈旧,思想僵化,光凭老经验、老套套,是搞不好现代化大生产管理的。应该不断更新观念,抛弃旧的、... 作为一名领导干部,要要在当今变革的时代里,使自己适应新的形势,成为一名优秀的管理者,我认为应该做到以下几点: 一、要不断更新观念。观念陈旧,思想僵化,光凭老经验、老套套,是搞不好现代化大生产管理的。应该不断更新观念,抛弃旧的、落后的东西,以科学的态度、科学的方法进行管理。二、要有广泛的知识。一个好的管理者,要养成勤学好问的习惯,博学多采,知识丰富,以适应工作的需要。三、要敢于负责,敢于决策。正确的决策作出后,要毫不含糊地去贯彻执行。不迥避矛盾,不惧怕困难。敢于对决策负责,不怕担风险。四、要目的明确,勇于进取。 展开更多
关键词 思想僵化 现代化大生产 勤学好问 毫不含糊 领导干部 怕得罪人 门标 一切从实际出发 日标 在公
《电子产品维修与制作》 2000年第7期A019-A020,共2页
关键词 门标系统 DDS 建筑
《今日教育(作文大本营)》 2022年第4期F0004-F0004,共1页
关键词 马球运动 门标 娱乐
作者 贾宗苹 张健丽 《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1991年第11期11-12,共2页
近年来,我园开展的小组数学活动使我们清楚地认识到:接龙卡片是数学教育活动的好助手,通过接龙游戏,能大大提高幼儿主动参与操作活动的兴趣,并进而使幼儿获得一定的数学知识。为此,我们将接龙卡片的玩法作了归纳,以期同行们在数学教学... 近年来,我园开展的小组数学活动使我们清楚地认识到:接龙卡片是数学教育活动的好助手,通过接龙游戏,能大大提高幼儿主动参与操作活动的兴趣,并进而使幼儿获得一定的数学知识。为此,我们将接龙卡片的玩法作了归纳,以期同行们在数学教学活动中也能多多加以运用。 展开更多
关键词 数学教学活动 操作活动 教育活动 加减运算 应要求 排列形式 教师组织 门标 相邻数 等齿
《福建金融》 1989年第11期29-36,共2页
根据人民银行总行的要求,省人行于1988年颁发了《货币发行专业目标管理方案》(以下简称《方案》),试行以来,在各级行的共同努力下,已初步取得了一些成效。如促进了人们思想观念的转变,增强了管理意识;激发了发行人员学习的积极性,人员... 根据人民银行总行的要求,省人行于1988年颁发了《货币发行专业目标管理方案》(以下简称《方案》),试行以来,在各级行的共同努力下,已初步取得了一些成效。如促进了人们思想观念的转变,增强了管理意识;激发了发行人员学习的积极性,人员的业务素质有了较大的提高;健全了规章制度,各种资料的收集、管理进一步完善;有力地推动了发行专业基础工作的发展和管理水平的提高,愈来愈显示出科学管理的生命力。 展开更多
关键词 货币发行 专业目标 人民银行总行 发行人员 门标 金银管理 思想观念 业务素质 目标管理 库房管理
武林街道 全力打造和谐一流的城区街道
《杭州(生活品质)》 2006年第1期4-4,共1页
关键词 环城西路 环城北路 庆春路 东至 西子湖畔 社区居委会 城市管理 居民住户 税收分成 门标
作者 王玉泉 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 1989年第1期28-30,共3页
关键词 重要经济指标 生产经营计划 日标 计划要求 原煤产量 采掘机械化 重大技术改造 门标 作业对象 管理素质
《南京市人民政府公报》 2005年第5期31-37,共7页
各区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位: 市政府同意市市政公用局、发改委、公安局、劳动和社会保障局拟定的《关于加快城市出租汽车升级出新的实施意见》,现转发给你们,请认真遵照执行。
关键词 城市出租汽车 公用局 直属单位 委办局 客运行业 车身颜色 标准实施 服务卡 门标 行业管理部门
Multi-Criterion Optimal Design of Automotive Door Based on Metamodeling Technique and Genetic Algorithm 被引量:1
作者 崔新涛 王树新 +1 位作者 毕凤荣 张连洪 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第3期169-174,共6页
A method for optimizing automotive doors under multiple criteria involving the side impact, stiffness, natural frequency, and structure weight is presented. Metamodeling technique is employed to construct approximatio... A method for optimizing automotive doors under multiple criteria involving the side impact, stiffness, natural frequency, and structure weight is presented. Metamodeling technique is employed to construct approximations to replace the high computational simulation models. The approximating functions for stiffness and natural frequency are constructed using Taylor series approximation. Three popular approximation techniques,i.e.polynomial response surface (PRS), stepwise regression (SR), and Kriging are studied on their accuracy in the construction of side impact functions. Uniform design is employed to sample the design space of the door impact analysis. The optimization problem is solved by a multi-objective genetic algorithm. It is found that SR technique is superior to PRS and Kriging techniques in terms of accuracy in this study. The numerical results demonstrate that the method successfully generates a well-spread Pareto optimal set. From this Pareto optimal set, decision makers can select the most suitable design according to the vehicle program and its application. 展开更多
关键词 automotive door multi-criterion optimal design uniform design metamodeling technique genetic algorithm
Safety and effectiveness of propofol sedation during and after outpatient colonoscopy 被引量:15
作者 Akira Horiuchi Yoshiko Nakayama +4 位作者 Masashi Kajiyama Naoyuki Kato Tetsuya Kamijima Yasuyuki Ichise Naoki Tanaka 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第26期3420-3425,共6页
AIM:To study the safety and effectiveness of propofol sedation for outpatient colonoscopy.METHODS:Propofol was given by bolus injection with an age-adjusted standard protocol consisting of 60 mg for patients < 70 y... AIM:To study the safety and effectiveness of propofol sedation for outpatient colonoscopy.METHODS:Propofol was given by bolus injection with an age-adjusted standard protocol consisting of 60 mg for patients < 70 years old,40 mg for patients age 70-89 years,and 20 mg for those ≥ 90 years,and additional injections of 20 mg propofol were given up to a maximum of 200 mg.The principal parameters were the occurrence of adverse events within 24 h after colonoscopy and overall satisfaction for this procedure.Secondary parameters included successful procedure,respiratory depression,and other complications.RESULTS:Consecutive patients were entered prospectively and all 2101 entered successfully completed outpatient colonoscopy.The mean dose of propofol used was 96.4 mg(range 40-200 mg).Younger patients required higher doses of propofol than older patients(20-40 years vs ≥ 61 years:115.3 ± 32 mg vs 89.7 ± 21 mg,P < 0.001).Transient supplemental oxygen supply was needed by five patients(0.2%);no other complications occurred.The questionnaires were completed by 1820(87%) of 2101 patients and most rated their overall satisfaction as excellent(80%) or good(17%).The majority(65%) of patients drove home or to their office after their colonoscopy.Most(99%) were willing to repeat the same procedure.No incidents occurred within 24 h after colonoscopy.CONCLUSION:Propofol sedation using a dose < 200 mg proved both safe and practical for outpatient colonoscopy. 展开更多
关键词 COLONOSCOPY PROPOFOL Colorectal cancer
Azithromycin-containing versus standard triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication:A meta-analysis 被引量:5
作者 Jie Dong Xiao-Feng Yu Jian Zou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第48期6102-6110,共9页
AIM: To evaluate whether adding azithromycin to firstline Helicobacter pylori (H pylorl) eradication improved eradication and reduced side effects. METHODS: Eligible articles were identified by searches of electro... AIM: To evaluate whether adding azithromycin to firstline Helicobacter pylori (H pylorl) eradication improved eradication and reduced side effects. METHODS: Eligible articles were identified by searches of electronic databases. We included all randomized trials that compared azithromycin-containing with standard triple-therapy regimens for first-line treatment of H pylori infection. Statistical analysis was performed with Review Manager 5.0.10. Sub-analyses were also performed. RESULTS: We identified 14 randomized trials (1431 patients). Pooled Hpylori eradication rates were 72.01% (95% CI: 58.09%-85.93%) and 69.78% (95% CI: 66.47%-73.09%) for patients with or without azithromycin by intention-to-treat analysis, and the odds ratio (OR) was 1.17 (95% CI: 0.64-2.14). The occurrence of side effects differed significantly and was 15.81% (95% CI: 12.50%-19.12%) and 25.20% (95% CI: 21.44%-28.96%) for treatment with or without azithromycin, respectively, and the summary OR was 0.58 (95% CI: 0.41-0.82). Furthermore, the azithromycin-containing group had a lower occurrence of diarrhea, nausea and taste disturbance. CONCLUSION: Our review suggests that azithromycincontaining triple-therapy regimens could be equally effective in eradication of Hpylori compared with standard first-line triple-therapy regimens. 展开更多
关键词 AZITHROMYCIN He/icobacter pylori Combination drug therapy Adverse effects
Comparative outcome of stapled trans-anal rectal resection and macrogol in the treatment of defecation disorders 被引量:3
作者 Ivano Biviano Danilo Badiali +6 位作者 Laura Candeloro Fortunée Irene Irene Habib Massimo Mongardini Angelo Caviglia Fiorella Anzini Enrico S Corazziari 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第37期4199-4205,共7页
AIM:To prospectively assess the eff icacy and safety of stapled trans-anal rectal resection(STARR) compared to standard conservative treatment,and whether preoperative symptoms and findings at defecography and anorect... AIM:To prospectively assess the eff icacy and safety of stapled trans-anal rectal resection(STARR) compared to standard conservative treatment,and whether preoperative symptoms and findings at defecography and anorectal manometry can predict the outcome of STARR.METHODS:Thirty patients(Female,28;age:51 ± 9 years) with rectocele or rectal intussusception,a defecation disorder,and functional constipation were submitted for STARR.Thirty comparable patients(Female,30;age 53 ± 13 years),who presented with symptoms of rectocele or rectal intussusception and were treated with macrogol,were assessed.Patients were interviewed with a standardized questionnaire at study enrollment and 38 ± 18 mo after the STARR procedure or during macrogol treatment.A responder was def ined as an absence of the Rome Ⅲ diagnostic criteria for functional constipation.Defecography and rectoanal manometry were performed before and after the STARR procedure in 16 and 12 patients,respectively.RESULTS:After STARR,53% of patients were responders;during conservative treatment,75% were responders.After STARR,30% of the patients reported the use of laxatives,17% had intermittent anal pain,13% had anal leakage,13% required digital facilitation,6% experienced defecatory urgency,6% experienced fecal incontinence,and 6% required re-intervention.During macrogol therapy,23% of the patients complained of abdominal bloating and 13% of borborygmi,and 3% required digital facilitation.No preoperative symptom,defecographic,or manometric finding predicted the outcome of STARR.Post-operative defecography showed a statistically significant reduction(P < 0.05) of the rectal diameter and rectocele.The postoperative anorectal manometry showed that anal pressure and rectal sensitivity were not significantly modified,and that rectal compliance was reduced(P = 0.01).CONCLUSION:STARR is not better and is less safe than macrogol in the treatment of defecation disorders.It could be considered as an alternative therapy in patients unresponsive to macrogol. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTIPATION Obstructed defecation RECTOCELE Rectal intussusception Stapled trans-anal rectal resection
Study of Helicobacter pylori genotype status in saliva,dental plaques,stool and gastric biopsy samples 被引量:22
作者 Hassan Momtaz Negar Souod +1 位作者 Hossein Dabiri Meysam Sarshar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第17期2105-2111,共7页
AIM:To compare genotype of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) isolated from saliva,dental plaques,gastric biopsy,and stool of each patient in order to evaluate the mode of transmission of H.pylori infection.METHODS:This cr... AIM:To compare genotype of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) isolated from saliva,dental plaques,gastric biopsy,and stool of each patient in order to evaluate the mode of transmission of H.pylori infection.METHODS:This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on 300 antral gastric biopsy,saliva,dental plaque and stool samples which were obtained from patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy referred to endoscopy centre of Hajar hospital of Shahrekord,Iran from March 2010 to February 2011.Initially,H.pylori strains were identified by rapid urease test(RUT) and polymerase chain reaction(PCR) were applied to determine the presence of H.pylori(ureC) and for genotyping of voculating cytotoxin gene A(vacA) and cytotoxin associated gene A(cagA) genesin each specimen.Finally the data were analyzed by using statistical formulas such as Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests to find any significant relationship between these genes and patient's diseases.P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant,RESULTS:Of 300 gastric biopsy samples,77.66% were confirmed to be H.pylori positive by PCR assay while this bacterium were detected in 10.72% of saliva,71.67% of stool samples.We were not able to find it in dental plaque specimens.The prevalence of H.pylori was 90.47% among patients with peptic ulcer disease(PUD),80% among patients with gastric cancer,and 74.13% among patients with none ulcer dyspepsia(NUD) by PCR assay.The evaluation of vacA and cagA genes showed 6 differences between gastric biopsy and saliva specimens and 11 differences between gastric and stool specimens.94.42% of H.pylori positive specimens were cagA positive and all samples had amplified band both for vacA s and m regions.There was significant relationship between vacA s1a/m1a and PUD diseases(P = 0.04),s2/m2 genotype and NUD diseases(P = 0.05).No statically significant relationship was found between cagA status with clinical outcomes and vacA genotypes(P = 0.65).The evaluation of vacA and cagA genes showed 6 differences between gastric biopsy and saliva specimens and 11 differences between gastric and stool specimens,CONCLUSION:Regard to high similarity in genotype of H.pylori isolates from saliva,stomach and stool,this study support the idea which fecal-oral is the main route of H.pylori transmission and oral cavity may serve as a reservoir for H.pylori,however,remarkable genotype diversity among stomach,saliva and stool samples showed that more than one H.pylori genotype may exist in a same patient. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori Gastric biopsy Saliva Dental plaque Stool
Resected specimen evaluation,anorectal manometry,endoanal ultrasonography and clinical follow-up after STARR procedures 被引量:6
作者 Gabriele Naldini Guido Cerullo +4 位作者 Claudia Menconi Jacopo Martellucci Simone Orlandi Nicola Romano Mauro Rossi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第19期2411-2416,共6页
AIM:To investigate stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) procedures as surgical techniques for obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) by analyzing specimen evaluation,anorectal manometry,endoanal ultrasonography an... AIM:To investigate stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) procedures as surgical techniques for obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) by analyzing specimen evaluation,anorectal manometry,endoanal ultrasonography and clinical follow-up.METHODS:From January to December 2007,we have treated 30 patients.Fifteen treated with double PPH-01 staplers and 15 treated using new CCS 30 contour.Resected specimen were measured with respect to average surface and volume.All patients have been evaluated at 24 mo with clinical examination,anorectal manometry and endoanal ultrasonography.RESULTS:Average surface in the CCS 30 group was 54.5 cm2 statistically different when compared to the STARR group (36.92 cm2).The average volume in the CCS 30 group was 29.8 cc,while in the PPH-01 it was23.8 cc and difference was statistically significant.The mean hospital stay in the CCS 30 group was 3.1 d,while in the PPH-01 group the median hospital stay was 3.4 d.As regards the long-term follow-up,an overall satisfactory rate of 83.3% (25/30) was achieved.Endoanal ultrasonography performed 1 year following surgery was considered normal in both of the studied groups.Mean resting pressure was higher than the preoperative value (67.2 mmHg in the STARR group and 65.7 mmHg in the CCS30 group vs 54.7 mmHg and 55.3 mmHg,respectively).Resting and squeezing pressures were lower in those patients not satisfied,but data are not statistically significant.CONCLUSION:The STARR procedure with two PPH-01 is a safe surgical procedure to correct ODS.The new Contour CCS 30 could help to increase the amount of the resected tissue without differences in early complications,post-operative pain and in hospital stay compared to the STARR with two PPH-01 technique. 展开更多
关键词 Stapled transanal rectal resection Contour CCS Obstructed defecation
Analysis of expressed sequence tags from the Ulva prolifera (Chlorophyta) 被引量:4
作者 牛建峰 胡海岩 +3 位作者 胡松年 王广策 彭光 孙松 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期26-36,共11页
In 2008, a green tide broke out before the sailing competition of the 29th Olympic Games in Qingdao. The causative species was determined to be Enteromorpha prolifera (Ulva prolifera O. F. Miiller), a familiar green... In 2008, a green tide broke out before the sailing competition of the 29th Olympic Games in Qingdao. The causative species was determined to be Enteromorpha prolifera (Ulva prolifera O. F. Miiller), a familiar green macroalga along the coastline of China. Rapid accumulation of a large biomass of floating U. prolifera prompted research on different aspects of this species. In this study, we constructed a nonnormalized cDNA library from the thalli of U. prolifera and acquired 10072 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs). These ESTs were assembled into 3 519 nonredundant gene groups, including 1 446 clusters and 2 073 singletons. After annotation with the nr database, a large number of genes were found to be related with chloroplast and ribosomal protein, GO functional classification showed 1 418 ESTs participated in photosynthesis and 1 359 ESTs were responsible for the generation of precursor metabolites and energy. In addition, rather comprehensive carbon fixation pathways were found in U. prolifera using KEGG. Some stress-related and signal transduction-related genes were also found in this study. All the evidences displayed that U. prolifera had substance and energy foundation for the intense photosynthesis and the rapid proliferation. Phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I revealed that this green-tide causative species is most closely affiliated to Pseudendoclonium akinetum (Ulvophyceae). 展开更多
关键词 green tide Ulva Prolifera expressed sequence tag (EST) filamentous green alga rapid growth PROLIFERATION
Realization of Two-Qutrit Quantum Gates with Control Pulses 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Jie DI Yao-Min WEI Hai-Rui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期653-658,共6页
We investigate the realization of 2-qutrit logic gate in a bipartite 3-level system with qusi-Ising interaction. On the basis of Caftan decomposition of matrices, the unitary matrices of 2-qutrit are factorized into p... We investigate the realization of 2-qutrit logic gate in a bipartite 3-level system with qusi-Ising interaction. On the basis of Caftan decomposition of matrices, the unitary matrices of 2-qutrit are factorized into products of a series of realizable matrices. It is equivalent to exerting a certain control field on the system, and the control goal is usually gained by a sequence of control pulses. The general discussion on the realization of 2-qutrit logic gate is made first, and then the realization of the ternary SWAP gate and the ternary √SWAP gate are discussed specifically, and the sequences of control pulses and drift processes implementing these gates are given. 展开更多
关键词 Caftan decomposition 2-qutrit system ternary SWAP gate ternary √SWAP gate
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