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门西观察:日常空间的现象与感知 被引量:1
作者 朱渊 《时代建筑》 2023年第5期58-61,共4页
城市可视为由许多不同时期信息整合而成的整体。大多看似无意识的要素叠加承载了人们在不同时期对生活的需求与意图,从而呈现出城市的变迁,同时,也留下了生动的生活模型。这种源于真实生活的原型化模型成为我们在南京门西地区可以进一... 城市可视为由许多不同时期信息整合而成的整体。大多看似无意识的要素叠加承载了人们在不同时期对生活的需求与意图,从而呈现出城市的变迁,同时,也留下了生动的生活模型。这种源于真实生活的原型化模型成为我们在南京门西地区可以进一步观察、感知和研究的对象。文章从日常观察开始,探索在空间的具象感知与抽象投射过程中,间距化的空间认知、对象化的拟像与重现,以及现象与感知转化中偶然的结构性重构,和在系统局部的对象化关联感知重组下的个体回归。 展开更多
关键词 门西观察 日常空间 现象 感知
南京老城南历史街区风貌的复兴与传承——以南京门东、门西为例 被引量:11
作者 庞劲松 吴冬蕾 《美术教育研究》 2019年第9期105-107,共3页
随着时代的发展和科技的进步,一些新事物逐渐取代旧事物。因此,无论是实体存在的还是精神层面的,我们要避免某些历史文化传统被忽视或遗忘。该文分析城镇化飞速发展的当下,南京老城南历史街区风貌的复兴和保护相关问题,通过对比多次改... 随着时代的发展和科技的进步,一些新事物逐渐取代旧事物。因此,无论是实体存在的还是精神层面的,我们要避免某些历史文化传统被忽视或遗忘。该文分析城镇化飞速发展的当下,南京老城南历史街区风貌的复兴和保护相关问题,通过对比多次改造后的老门东与未经改造的门西,探索老门东在改造过程中如何体现老南京的特色,并在此基础上,提出门西历史文化街区的复兴和传承的措施及建议。 展开更多
关键词 南京 门东 门西 历史文化街区
南京新门西体育文化产业园规划设计研究 被引量:15
作者 吴歆悦 李雪艳 《艺海》 2020年第12期87-89,共3页
关键词 工业遗址 文化产业园 南京门西 改造设计
作者 汪雨萌 何疏悦 +1 位作者 杨笑云 黄晟 《艺术科技》 2021年第12期196-197,共2页
面对新冠肺炎疫情这一突发并且对城市公共安全有一定威胁的公共卫生事件,我国缺少高效的应对措施,在城市规划方面也缺乏对于城市公共安全问题的重视,因此城市系统中出现了一些问题及漏洞。本文结合韧性社区理论,探讨在后疫情时期现代社... 面对新冠肺炎疫情这一突发并且对城市公共安全有一定威胁的公共卫生事件,我国缺少高效的应对措施,在城市规划方面也缺乏对于城市公共安全问题的重视,因此城市系统中出现了一些问题及漏洞。本文结合韧性社区理论,探讨在后疫情时期现代社区营造的策略,通过街巷公共空间景观、基础设施的韧性提升,完善老城区街巷的空间升级。 展开更多
关键词 韧性社区 老旧社区 社区公共空间 南京门西
作者 季炜炜 顾超仪 《中小企业管理与科技》 2015年第23期142-142,共1页
一个国家文化的缩影往往可以从建筑上体现出来,而那些具有悠长历史文化背景的建筑就更加是一个国家的历史文明的见证了。在我国快速的城市化进程中,如何同时处理好历史文物古迹保护与城市更新的关系,充分利用古建筑文化的经济价值,使得... 一个国家文化的缩影往往可以从建筑上体现出来,而那些具有悠长历史文化背景的建筑就更加是一个国家的历史文明的见证了。在我国快速的城市化进程中,如何同时处理好历史文物古迹保护与城市更新的关系,充分利用古建筑文化的经济价值,使得经济发展与文化传承并行是我们的首要任务。 展开更多
关键词 保护 古迹文化 南京 夫子庙 门西
《建筑与文化》 2004年第5期94-94,共1页
关键词 南京市 门西规划 文物保护 历史文化资源
作者 陈菁菁 《才智》 2019年第4期193-193,共1页
关键词 门西地区 空间结构 历史街区
雷尼绍测头系统在西门子840D数控系统上的应用 被引量:9
作者 范芳洪 《科技广场》 2015年第3期96-98,共3页
数控机床在线检测技术的发展,为数控加工过程的质量监控提供了一套更为高效的方法。本文在西门子840D系统数控机床的加工过程中,利用雷尼绍OMP60测头系统对工件、夹具等进行在线检测,通过测量值的分析、计算并反馈,实现对被加工工件定... 数控机床在线检测技术的发展,为数控加工过程的质量监控提供了一套更为高效的方法。本文在西门子840D系统数控机床的加工过程中,利用雷尼绍OMP60测头系统对工件、夹具等进行在线检测,通过测量值的分析、计算并反馈,实现对被加工工件定位状态、加工尺寸的实时监控及自动补偿,从而大大提高数控机床加工效率,确保工件加工质量。 展开更多
关键词 数控机床在线检测 西门子840D 雷尼绍测头系统 补偿
作者 李天予 《天风》 北大核心 2000年第7期36-36,共1页
“众人以为美的事要留心去做。”(罗12:17) “施比受更为有福。”(徒20:35) 这是圣经里耶稣对他门徒的教训,因着这教训,千百年来,基督徒唱出了美好的凯歌。尤其是今天,在改革开放的中国,广大基督徒将信仰实践于生活,用心灵和诚实见证了... “众人以为美的事要留心去做。”(罗12:17) “施比受更为有福。”(徒20:35) 这是圣经里耶稣对他门徒的教训,因着这教训,千百年来,基督徒唱出了美好的凯歌。尤其是今天,在改革开放的中国,广大基督徒将信仰实践于生活,用心灵和诚实见证了对上帝的爱,对人的爱,涌现了许多可歌可泣的事迹。 当你走进长江三峡。 展开更多
关键词 基督徒 赞歌 信徒 座石 见证 年修 门西 困难户 养护 五保户
作者 武裁军 《紫禁城》 2004年第3期26-28,共3页
关键词 天坛 嘉靖 明清 素服 百官 祷雨 韶乐 清世祖 祀典 门西
基于西门子840D sl系统的凸轮轴磨削软件开发 被引量:4
作者 刘倩 韩秋实 彭宝营 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2015年第2期122-124,共3页
选取西门子840D sl数控系统为开发平台,以凸轮轴磨削软件为研究对象,采用西门子公司提供的SINUMERIK Operate编程包提供的Qt Designer设计界面,Visual Studio 2008环境下的C++语言编写底层代码,实现凸轮轴磨削软件界面开发,采用C++接口... 选取西门子840D sl数控系统为开发平台,以凸轮轴磨削软件为研究对象,采用西门子公司提供的SINUMERIK Operate编程包提供的Qt Designer设计界面,Visual Studio 2008环境下的C++语言编写底层代码,实现凸轮轴磨削软件界面开发,采用C++接口技术将凸轮轴磨削HMI嵌入西门子840D sl数控系统,最终实现了凸轮轴磨削软件的应用。 展开更多
关键词 凸轮轴 应用软件
《中国房地产业》 1994年第1期15-16,共2页
京宝花园有售 北京京宝花园独占京都之韵味和风骚。西邻青年湖公园,垂钓、扁舟、鸟语花香尽收眼底,对面是地坛公园,相距100米内是安定门外立交桥,交通便利。公寓设计新颖、别致,布局合理、色调明快。洗手间、厨房均采用国内外优质设备,... 京宝花园有售 北京京宝花园独占京都之韵味和风骚。西邻青年湖公园,垂钓、扁舟、鸟语花香尽收眼底,对面是地坛公园,相距100米内是安定门外立交桥,交通便利。公寓设计新颖、别致,布局合理、色调明快。洗手间、厨房均采用国内外优质设备,装有可视电话、卫星天线。设有购物中心、餐饮、美容、健身等设施。并设有停车场,生活方便舒适。京宝花园系北京市房地产开发经营总公司与澳、台商合资兴建的公寓式楼宇。规格有A、B、C、D等多种户型(一至四居室)及复式单位,面积由72—223平方米。价格每平方米1668美元起。一次付款可享受房价10%优惠。交楼日期为今年下半年。 展开更多
关键词 个人产权 平方 地价 使用权 市街 幅度范围 门西 箭楼 花园 徐汇
作者 张昌建 陈毅贤 王霞 《安徽消防》 1997年第7期7-9,共3页
1997年2月25日21时,江苏省南通市细雨霏霏。 猛然,一阵激烈的警笛声划破寂静的夜空,人们循声望去,9辆闪烁红灯的消防车风驰电掣般地向九圩港方向扑去。 此时,九圩港桥西侧的南通丝绸针织总厂新大楼四楼、五楼窗口正浓烟滚滚,火光闪闪。... 1997年2月25日21时,江苏省南通市细雨霏霏。 猛然,一阵激烈的警笛声划破寂静的夜空,人们循声望去,9辆闪烁红灯的消防车风驰电掣般地向九圩港方向扑去。 此时,九圩港桥西侧的南通丝绸针织总厂新大楼四楼、五楼窗口正浓烟滚滚,火光闪闪。继而,厂门西侧的驻厂保安队员宿舍内也突然腾起浓烟。 展开更多
关键词 纵火案 保安队 针织 江苏南通 丝绸 宿舍 南通市 仓库 光闪 门西
《中国房地产业》 1996年第10期53-53,共1页
关键词 房地产交易市场 新行 住宅楼 北京市 房龙 竣工日期 门西 二房 通县 双桥
Effect of Delay Chilling on μ-calpain Activities and the Tenderness of Bovine M. longissimus
作者 胡鹏 丁玉 +1 位作者 梁荣蓉 罗欣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期90-92,158,共4页
μ-calpain activities and shear force values of bovine M. longissimus from Chinese Yellow crossbred bulls were analyzed,and the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities and the tenderness of beef during postm... μ-calpain activities and shear force values of bovine M. longissimus from Chinese Yellow crossbred bulls were analyzed,and the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities and the tenderness of beef during postmortem aging were studied. The results showed that delay chilling significantly improved μ-calpain activities (P<0.05) and enhanced the tenderness of bovine M. longissimus during earlier aging periods compared with conventional chilling. But in later aging periods,delay chilling weakened the effect on the tenderness of beef because of premature consumption of μ-calpain. The experiment results confirmed that delay chilling improved the rate of postmortem aging of beef and remarkably enhanced the tenderness of beef through the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities. 展开更多
关键词 Delay chilling Shear force values Tendemess μ-calpain activities
Thermal Error Compensation for Telescopic Spindle of CNC Machine Tool Based on SIEMENS 840D System 被引量:8
作者 崔良玉 高卫国 +2 位作者 张大卫 张宏杰 韩林 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第5期340-343,共4页
In this paper, eddy current sensors and thermocouple sensors were employed to measure the thermal field and thermal deformation of a spindle of a telescopic CNC boring-milling machine tool, respectively. A linear regr... In this paper, eddy current sensors and thermocouple sensors were employed to measure the thermal field and thermal deformation of a spindle of a telescopic CNC boring-milling machine tool, respectively. A linear regression method was proposed to establish the thermal error model. Furthermore, two compensation methods were implemented based on the SIEMENS 840D system by using the feed shaft of z direction and telescopic spindle respectively. Experimental results showed that the thermal error could be reduced by 73.79% when using the second compensation method, and the thermal error could be eliminated by using the two compensation methods effectively. 展开更多
关键词 machine tool thermal error linear regression error compensation
Levofloxacin/amoxicillin-based schemes vs quadruple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication in second-line 被引量:9
作者 Simona Di Caro Lucia Fini +6 位作者 Yayha Daoud Fabio Grizzi Antonio Gasbarrini Antonino De Lorenzo Laura Di Renzo Sara McCartney Stuart Bloom 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第40期5669-5678,共10页
Worldwide prevalence of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) infection is approximately 50%,with the highest being in developing countries.We compared cure rates and tolerability(SE) of second-line anti-H.pylori levofloxacin... Worldwide prevalence of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) infection is approximately 50%,with the highest being in developing countries.We compared cure rates and tolerability(SE) of second-line anti-H.pylori levofloxacin/amoxicillin(LA)-based triple regimens vs standard quadruple therapy(QT).An English language literature search was performed up to October 2010.A meta-analysis was performed including randomized clinical trials comparing 7-or 10-d LA with 7-d QT.In total,10 articles and four abstracts were identified.Overall eradication rate in LA was 76.5%(95% CI:64.4%-97.6%).When only 7-d regimens were included,cure rate was 70.6%(95% CI:40.2%-99.1%),whereas for 10-d combinations,cure rate was significantly higher(88.7%;95% CI:56.1%-109.9%;P < 0.05).Main eradication rate for QT was 67.4%(95% CI:49.7%-67.9%).The 7-d LA and QT showed comparable efficacy [odds ratio(OR):1.09;95% CI:0.63-1.87],whereas the 10-d LA regimen was significantly more effective than QT(OR:5.05;95% CI:2.74-9.31;P < 0.001;I 2 = 75%).No differences were reported in QT eradication rates among Asian and European studies,whereas LA regimens were more effective in European populations(78.3% vs 67.7%;P = 0.05).Incidence of SE was lower in LA therapy than QT(OR:0.39;95% CI:0.18-0.85;P = 0.02).A higher rate of side effects was reported in Asian patients who received QT.Our findings support the use of 10-d LA as a simple second-line treatment for H.pylori eradication with an excellent eradication rate and tolerability.The optimal second-line alternative scheme might differ among countries depending on quinolone resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori Second-line treatment LEVOFLOXACIN Quadruple regimen
Different risk factors influence peptic ulcer disease development in a Brazilian population 被引量:8
作者 Rodrigo Buzinaro Suzuki Rodrigo Faria Cola +6 位作者 Larissa Tranquilino Bardela Cola Camila Garcia Ferrari Fred Ellinger Altino Luiz Therezo Luis Carlos da Silva André Eterovic Márcia Aparecida Sperana 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第38期5404-5411,共8页
AIM: To investigate age, sex, histopathology and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) status, as risk factors for gastroduodenal disease outcome in Brazilian dyspeptic patients.tients submitted to upper gastroscopy at Hosp... AIM: To investigate age, sex, histopathology and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) status, as risk factors for gastroduodenal disease outcome in Brazilian dyspeptic patients.tients submitted to upper gastroscopy at Hospital das Clinicas of Marilia, antral biopsy specimens were obtained and subjected to histopathology and H. pylori diagnosis. All patients presenting chronic gastritis (CG) and peptic ulcer (PU) disease localized in the stomach, gastric ulcer (GU) and/or duodenal ulcer (DU) were included in the study. Gastric biopsies (n = 668) positive for H. pylori by rapid urease test were investigated for vacuolating cytotoxin A (vacA ) medium (m) region mosaicism by polymerase chain reaction. Logistic regression analysis was performed to verify the association of age, sex, histopathologic alterations, H. pylori diagnosis and vacA m region mosaicism with the incidence of DU, GU and CG in patients. RESULTS: Of 1466 patients submitted to endoscopy, 1060 (72.3%) presented CG [male/female = 506/554; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.2 ± 17.81], 88 (6.0%) presented DU [male/female = 54/34; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.4 ± 17.14], and 75 (5.1%) presented GU [male/female = 54/21; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.3 ± 17.12] and were included in the comparative analysis. Sex and age showed no detectable effect on CG incidence (overall c 2 = 2.1, P = 0.3423). Sex [Odds ratios (OR) = 1.8631, P = 0.0058] but not age (OR = 0.9929, P = 0.2699) was associated with DU and both parameters had a highly significant effect on GU (overall c 2 = 30.5, P < 0.0001). The histopathological results showed a significant contribution of ageing for both atrophy (OR = 1.0297, P < 0.0001) and intestinal metaplasia (OR = 1.0520, P < 0.0001). Presence of H. pylori was significantly associated with decreasing age (OR = 0.9827, P < 0.0001) and with the incidence of DU (OR = 3.6077, P < 0.0001). The prevalence of m1 in DU was statistically significant (OR = 2.3563, P = 0.0018) but not in CG (OR = 2.678, P = 0.0863) and GU (OR = 1.520, P = 0.2863). CONCLUSION: In our population, male gender was a risk factor for PU; ageing for GU, atrophy and metapla-sia; and H. pylori of vacA m1 genotype for DU. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori Gastric ulcer disease Duodenal ulcer disease Gastric atrophy Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin A medium region mosaicism
Use of SAR interferometry for monitoring illegal mining activities: A case study at Xishimen Iron Ore Mine 被引量:7
作者 Ji Maowei Li Xiaojing +2 位作者 Wu Shunchuan Gao Yongtao Ge Linlin 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第6期781-786,共6页
The development and application of the ''digital mine'' concept in China depends heavily upon the use of remote sensing data as well as domestic expertise and awareness. Illegal mining of mineral resou... The development and application of the ''digital mine'' concept in China depends heavily upon the use of remote sensing data as well as domestic expertise and awareness. Illegal mining of mineral resources has been a serious long term problem frustrating the Xishimen Iron Ore Mine management. This mine is located in Wu'an county in Hebei province, China. Illegal activities have led to enormous economic losses by interfering with the normal operation of the Xishimen mine and have ruined the surrounding environ- ment and the stability of the Mahe riverbed the crosses the mined area. This paper is based on field recon- naissance taken over many years around the mine area. The ground survey data are integrated with Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (D-InSAR) results from ALOS/PALSAR data to pin- point mining locations. By investigating the relationship between the resulting interferometric deforma- tion pattern and the mining schedule, which is known a priori, areas affected by illegal mining activities are identified. To some extent these areas indicate the location of the illegal site. The results clearly dem- onstrate D-InSAR's ability to cost-effectively monitor illegal mining activities. 展开更多
关键词 D-InSAR Monitoring Illegal mines Surface deformation
Evaluation of the systematic set-up errors using electronic portal image device in the radiotherapy procedures
作者 Ehab M. Attalla Rizk Abd El Moneam +2 位作者 Aida R. Tolba Maha H.Mokhtar Medhat W. Ismail 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2013年第9期439-442,共4页
Objective: The aim of this work was to quantify the extent of set-up errors to conduct a quality assurance (QA) aspect of treatment delivery, verification of the treatment field's position on different days using ... Objective: The aim of this work was to quantify the extent of set-up errors to conduct a quality assurance (QA) aspect of treatment delivery, verification of the treatment field's position on different days using electronic portal. Methods: This study was carried out on 12 patients, treated for pelvis tumor; and total of 240 images obtained by electronic portal image device (EPID) were analyzed. The EPIs acquire using EPID attached to the Siemens linear accelerator. The anatomy match- ing software (Theraview) was used and displacement in two dimensions were noted for each treatment field to study patient setup errors. Results: The percentages of mean deviations less than 5 mm in X direction were 65% & 92%, from 5-10 mm were 31% & 19% and more than 10 mm were 11% & 9% forNP and lateral direction respectively. The percentages of mean deviations less than 5 mm in Y direction were 65% & 63%, from 5-10 mm were 33% & 28% and more than 10 mm were 22% & 29%. The mean deviations in 2D-vector errors were 〈 5 mm in 47% and 46%, 5-10 mm in 36% and 37% and 〉 10 mm in 37% and 37% of images in the NP and lateral direction respectively. Conclusion: The results revealed that the ranges of set up errors are immobilization method to improve reproducibility. The observed variations were not within the limits.. 展开更多
关键词 electronic portal imaging device (EPID) setup errors tumor control probability
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