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门静脉高压性肠病的研究现状 被引量:3
作者 胡美迪 郭贵海 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第20期2054-2057,共4页
肝硬化门静脉高压性肠病(portal hypertensive enteropathy,PHE)的2大主要发病机制是肝内门脉血流阻力增加和流经门脉血流增多.PHE的基本特征是组织病理学上的特征性血管病变.临床表现无特异性,但却是下消化道出血的主要原因.目前为止,... 肝硬化门静脉高压性肠病(portal hypertensive enteropathy,PHE)的2大主要发病机制是肝内门脉血流阻力增加和流经门脉血流增多.PHE的基本特征是组织病理学上的特征性血管病变.临床表现无特异性,但却是下消化道出血的主要原因.目前为止,PHE的诊断和分级尚无统一标准,治疗上也仅限于小样本经验总结,因此,关于PHE的进一步研究非常必要.本文就PHE的研究现状作一综述. 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压 门静脉高压性 肝硬化
作者 董乐妹 倪银 吴建胜 《医学综述》 2008年第10期1515-1517,共3页
肝门静脉高压性肠病是在肝门静脉高压基础上发生的,以肠道血管扩张为特征的一种病变。临床上其可无明显症状,亦可解释部分消化道出血、贫血原因。目前其诊断、治疗尚无统一标准。一般肝门静脉高压者内镜下见肠道血管扩张即考虑此诊断,... 肝门静脉高压性肠病是在肝门静脉高压基础上发生的,以肠道血管扩张为特征的一种病变。临床上其可无明显症状,亦可解释部分消化道出血、贫血原因。目前其诊断、治疗尚无统一标准。一般肝门静脉高压者内镜下见肠道血管扩张即考虑此诊断,治疗上可降门压,必要时行内镜下及介入治疗。为进一步认识该疾病,尽快建立其诊断、分级标准是必要的。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压性 门静脉高压 血管扩张
作者 霍丽娟 《健康向导》 2011年第3期17-18,共2页
一直以来,临床上多把肝硬化、肝癌并发上消化道出血归咎于食管静脉曲张破裂出血,而事实上,门脉高压性胃病及肝源性溃疡则是另一类不容忽视的主要病因之一。而近年来,门脉高压性肠黏膜病变的报道逐渐增多,由其引起的下消化道出血也不在... 一直以来,临床上多把肝硬化、肝癌并发上消化道出血归咎于食管静脉曲张破裂出血,而事实上,门脉高压性胃病及肝源性溃疡则是另一类不容忽视的主要病因之一。而近年来,门脉高压性肠黏膜病变的报道逐渐增多,由其引起的下消化道出血也不在少数。长期门脉高压症(PHT)可引起胃肠道包括胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠及肛门直肠的病变,其中发生于结肠者称门静脉高压性结肠病(PHC)。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压性 门静脉高压性结 门脉高压性胃病 食管静脉曲张破裂出血 黏膜病变 诊治 上消化道出血 下消化道出血
门静脉高压性肠病---一种不该忽视的门静脉高压并发症 被引量:2
作者 李姗姗 杨长青 《临床肝胆病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期1237-1241,共5页
门静脉高压性肠病虽与门静脉高压性胃病类似,但由于其内镜下表现多种多样且缺乏特异性,诊断标准并未统一,个体差异性大,患者可在相当长的时间内没有症状,临床易漏诊。根据患者病情及经治专家经验,在治疗方面主要包括对症支持治疗、药物... 门静脉高压性肠病虽与门静脉高压性胃病类似,但由于其内镜下表现多种多样且缺乏特异性,诊断标准并未统一,个体差异性大,患者可在相当长的时间内没有症状,临床易漏诊。根据患者病情及经治专家经验,在治疗方面主要包括对症支持治疗、药物治疗、内镜治疗以及放射性介入治疗和外科手术治疗。虽然近年来门静脉高压性肠病的内镜表现及治疗相关研究已有所报道,但临床医师对该病的诊治及预后仍缺乏应有的重视。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压性 门静脉高压 诊断 治疗学
门、脾、肠系膜上静脉控制在胰腺钩突癌的手术切除中的应用 被引量:4
作者 冯雪冬 彭淑牖 +1 位作者 李江涛 刘颖斌 《肝胆外科杂志》 2009年第1期27-31,共5页
目的探讨门静脉、肠系膜上静脉、脾静脉控制下进行胰腺钩突部肿瘤切除的可行性、作用和意义。方法对28例原发于胰腺钩突部的肿瘤行胰十二指肠切除。在手术中均预置门静脉、脾静脉、肠系膜上静脉阻断带。其中男性19例、女性9例。结果所... 目的探讨门静脉、肠系膜上静脉、脾静脉控制下进行胰腺钩突部肿瘤切除的可行性、作用和意义。方法对28例原发于胰腺钩突部的肿瘤行胰十二指肠切除。在手术中均预置门静脉、脾静脉、肠系膜上静脉阻断带。其中男性19例、女性9例。结果所有28例均成功切除肿瘤,平均手术时间4.6小时;平均出血量400毫升。无术中、术后严重并发症发生。术后中位生存时间22个月。其中12例联合血管切除,联合血管切除与单纯胰十二指肠切除组术后生存期无显著差异。结论门静脉、脾静脉、肠系膜上静脉控制下进行胰腺钩突部肿物手术治疗,可以提高手术的根治性。增加手术安全性。 展开更多
关键词 钩突癌 胰十二指切除术 门静脉肠 系膜上静脉 静脉
门静脉高压性肠病临床分析 被引量:1
作者 杨佐南 张勇 蒋宁 《浙江中西医结合杂志》 2004年第4期247-248,共2页
关键词 门静脉高压性 临床分析 诊断 治疗 肝硬化门脉高压 内窥镜检查
作者 白婷婷 文良志 +1 位作者 陈东风 张慧茹 《解放军医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期625-630,共6页
门静脉高压性肠病(PHE)是在门静脉高压(PH)患者中出现的肠黏膜毛细血管淤血、扩张,黏膜上皮细胞超微结构改变,以及异位静脉曲张等,其范围仅限于以血管改变为特征的肠道病变。PHE包括门静脉高压性小肠病及门静脉高压性结肠病(PHC),是PH... 门静脉高压性肠病(PHE)是在门静脉高压(PH)患者中出现的肠黏膜毛细血管淤血、扩张,黏膜上皮细胞超微结构改变,以及异位静脉曲张等,其范围仅限于以血管改变为特征的肠道病变。PHE包括门静脉高压性小肠病及门静脉高压性结肠病(PHC),是PH并发消化道出血的重要原因之一。PHE的发病机制尚不完全清楚,其组织病理学表现缺乏特异性,临床症状不典型,且病变解剖位置独特,导致其诊断具有一定难度。腹部CT、多层螺旋CT灌注成像、^(99m)Tc标记红细胞及单光子发射CT(SPECT)/CT等检查手段能提供一定的诊断信息并有助于指导后续治疗。本文从发病机制、组织病理学表现、临床表现、检查与诊断及治疗方法等方面总结PHE的研究进展,以加深临床医师对该疾病的认识。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压 门静脉高压性 门静脉高压性结 出血 内镜检查
门静脉高压症的外科治疗进展 被引量:5
作者 兰荫桃 邓美海 《岭南现代临床外科》 2009年第5期353-356,共4页
门静脉高压症是指各种肝内外因素引起的门静脉压力升高.继而出现食道胃底静脉曲张、脾肿大脾功能亢进、腹水、门静脉高压性胃病和门静脉高压性肠病等临床症候群。门静脉高压症的治疗历来以解决上消化道出血和脾功能亢进为重点目标,同... 门静脉高压症是指各种肝内外因素引起的门静脉压力升高.继而出现食道胃底静脉曲张、脾肿大脾功能亢进、腹水、门静脉高压性胃病和门静脉高压性肠病等临床症候群。门静脉高压症的治疗历来以解决上消化道出血和脾功能亢进为重点目标,同时兼顾肝功能的改善和腹水的治疗。总体上,可以将门静脉高压症的治疗分为两大类, 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压症 外科治疗 食道胃底静脉曲张 门静脉高压性 门静脉高压性胃病 脾功能亢进 静脉压力升高 上消化道出血
TNF-α与CGRP在门脉高压大鼠肠组织中的表达及其意义 被引量:1
作者 李科 鲍民生 孟俊鹏 《山西职工医学院学报》 CAS 2008年第3期4-6,共3页
目的:在大鼠门脉高压模型上,观察肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)和降钙素基因相关肽(calcitonin gene-related peptide,CGRP)在门脉高压大鼠肠组织中的表达,探讨其在门脉高压性肠病中的意义。方法:雄性SD大鼠随机分... 目的:在大鼠门脉高压模型上,观察肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)和降钙素基因相关肽(calcitonin gene-related peptide,CGRP)在门脉高压大鼠肠组织中的表达,探讨其在门脉高压性肠病中的意义。方法:雄性SD大鼠随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组采用门静脉两步结扎法加左肾上腺静脉结扎,并于门静脉完全结扎后两周测量门静脉压力;采用免疫组织化学的方法观察TNF-α和CGRP在肠组织中的表达。结果:实验组大鼠门静脉压力明显高于对照组,P<0.05;实验组大鼠肠组织中的TNF-α、CGRP呈强阳性表达,而对照组呈阴性和弱阳性表达。结论:TNF-α、CGRP在门静脉高压症的肠黏膜病变中可能具有一定的作用。 展开更多
关键词 TNF-Α CGRP 门静脉高压性
门静脉高压性胃肠病的诊治进展 被引量:2
作者 王明辉 李文波 刘晓峰 《中华消化病与影像杂志(电子版)》 2018年第5期228-231,共4页
门静脉高压性胃病和肠病通常指继发于门静脉高压的胃肠道黏膜病变,可导致消化道出血。其发病机制不明,可能与血流动力学改变及其分子机制有关,药物治疗、内镜治疗、手术治疗是主要的治疗手段。本文就门静脉高压性胃肠病的发病机制、内... 门静脉高压性胃病和肠病通常指继发于门静脉高压的胃肠道黏膜病变,可导致消化道出血。其发病机制不明,可能与血流动力学改变及其分子机制有关,药物治疗、内镜治疗、手术治疗是主要的治疗手段。本文就门静脉高压性胃肠病的发病机制、内镜表现、治疗方案等方面进行文献回顾,以期为临床诊治提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压性胃病 门静脉高压性
Improved Method for Pancreaticoduodenal Transplantation in Rat Model
作者 朱军 徐泽宽 苗毅 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第6期308-311,共4页
Objective: To improve the method of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation and to establish a more physiological rat model. Methods: SD rats served as donors and recipients. The vein was reconstructed by end-to-side anas... Objective: To improve the method of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation and to establish a more physiological rat model. Methods: SD rats served as donors and recipients. The vein was reconstructed by end-to-side anastomosis between the donor portal vein and the recipient superior mesenteric vein, and arterial reconstruction was carried out by end-to-side anastomosis of the donor to the recipient abdominal aorta. Enteric drainage was performed by side-to-side anastomosis between the duodenum of donors and that of recipients. Results: Fifty experiments were performed. The successful rate of transplantation which restored the recipients euglycemia were 78%. Conclusion: This model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats was stable and reliable, which was in accordance with the trend of clinical pancreas transplantation and could be applied for further scientific research. 展开更多
关键词 pancreaticoduodenal transplantation RAT MODEL
Extensive hepatic-portal and mesenteric venous gas due to sigmoid diverticulitis 被引量:4
作者 Meral Sen Ayhan Akpinar +3 位作者 Aydin Snan Mete Sisman Cenap Dener Kayihan Akin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期879-881,共3页
Hepatic portal venous gas is most often associated with extensive bowel necrosis due to mesenteric infarction.Mortality exceeds 75% with this condition.The most common precipitating factors include ischemia,intra-abdo... Hepatic portal venous gas is most often associated with extensive bowel necrosis due to mesenteric infarction.Mortality exceeds 75% with this condition.The most common precipitating factors include ischemia,intra-abdominal abscesses and inflammatory bowel disease.In this report,we present a 75-year-old woman with extensive hepatic portal and mesenteric venous gas due to colonic diverticulitis.She had a 10-year history of type diabetes mellitus and hypertension.She was treated by sigmoid resection and Hartmann's procedure and discharged from the hospital without any complications. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic portal vein GAS Sigmoid diverticulitis Computed tomography
Acute extensive portal and mesenteric venous thrombosis after splenectomy:Treated by interventional thrombolysis with transjugular approach 被引量:9
作者 Mao-Qiang Wang Han-Ying Lin Li-Ping Guo Feng-Yong Liu Feng Duan Zhi-Jun Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第24期3038-3045,共8页
AIM:To present a series of cases with symptomatic acute extensive portal vein(PV)and superior mesenteric vein(SMV)thrombosis after splenectomy treated by transjugular intrahepatic approach catheter-directed thrombolys... AIM:To present a series of cases with symptomatic acute extensive portal vein(PV)and superior mesenteric vein(SMV)thrombosis after splenectomy treated by transjugular intrahepatic approach catheter-directed thrombolysis. METHODS:A total of 6 patients with acute extensive PV-SMV thrombosis after splenectomy were treated by transjugular approach catheter-directed thrombolysis. The mean age of the patients was 41.2 years.After access to the portal system via the transjugular approach,pigtail catheter fragmentation of clots, local urokinase injection,and manual aspiration thrombectomy were used for the initial treatment of PV-SMV thrombosis,followed by continuous thrombolytic therapy via an indwelling infusion catheter in the SMV,which was performed for three to six days. Adequate anticoagulation was given during treatment, throughout hospitalization,and after discharge. RESULTS:Technical success was achieved in all 6 patients.Clinical improvement was seen in these patients within 12-24 h of the procedure.No complications were observed.The 6 patients were discharged 6-14 d(8±2.5 d)after admission.The mean duration of follow-up after hospital discharge was 40±16.5 mo.Ultrasound and contrast-enhanced computed tomography confirmed patency of the PV and SMV,and no recurrent episodes of PV-SMV thrombosis developed during the follow-up period. CONCLUSION:Catheter-directed thrombolysis via transjugular intrahepatic access is a safe and effective therapy for the management of patients with symptomatic acute extensive PV-SMV thrombosis. 展开更多
关键词 Mechanical thrombectomy Portal vein SPLENECTOMY Superior mesenteric vein THROMBOLYSIS THROMBOSIS
Interventional treatment for symptomatic acute-subacute portal and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis 被引量:21
作者 Feng-Yong Liu Mao-Qiang Wang Qing-Sheng Fan Feng Duan Zhi-Jun Wang Peng Song 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第40期5028-5034,共7页
AIM: To summarize our methods and experience with interventional treatment for symptomatic acute-sub-acute portal vein and superior mesenteric vein throm-bosis (PV-SMV) thrombosis. METHODS: Forty-six patients (30 male... AIM: To summarize our methods and experience with interventional treatment for symptomatic acute-sub-acute portal vein and superior mesenteric vein throm-bosis (PV-SMV) thrombosis. METHODS: Forty-six patients (30 males, 16 females, aged 17-68 years) with symptomatic acute-subacute portal and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis were ac-curately diagnosed with Doppler ultrasound scans, com-puted tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. They were treated with interventional therapy, including direct thrombolysis (26 cases through a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt; 6 through percutane-ous transhepatic portal vein cannulation) and indirect thrombolysis (10 through the femoral artery to superior mesenteric artery catheterization; 4 through the radial artery to superior mesenteric artery catheterization). RESULTS: The blood reperfusion of PV-SMV was achieved completely or partially in 34 patients 3-13 d after thrombolysis. In 11 patients there was no PV-SMV blood reperfusion but the number of collateral vessels increased signif icantly. Symptoms in these 45 patients were improved dramatically without severe operationalcomplications. In 1 patient, the thrombi did not respond to the interventional treatment and resulted in intestinal necrosis, which required surgical treatment. In 3 patients with interventional treatment, thrombi reformed 1, 3 and 4 mo after treatment. In these 3 patients, indirect PV-SMV thrombolysis was performed again and was successful. CONCLUSION: Interventional treatment, including direct or indirect PV-SMV thrombolysis, is a safe and effective method for patients with symptomatic acutesubacute PV-SMV thrombosis. 展开更多
关键词 Portal thrombosis Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis THROMBOLYSIS Interventional treatment
胶囊内镜在肝硬化门静脉高压性消化道疾病中的应用现状与评价 被引量:2
作者 蒋熙 潘骏 +1 位作者 廖专 李兆申 《中华消化内镜杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期678-682,共5页
胶囊内镜(capsule endoscopy,CE)具有无创、舒适度高的特点,随着CE技术的不断提升,先后有多项临床研究对CE检查肝硬化患者门静脉高压性消化道疾病的可行性和诊断效能进行了探索。食管CE应用于食管静脉曲张筛查安全可行,但其探查食管静... 胶囊内镜(capsule endoscopy,CE)具有无创、舒适度高的特点,随着CE技术的不断提升,先后有多项临床研究对CE检查肝硬化患者门静脉高压性消化道疾病的可行性和诊断效能进行了探索。食管CE应用于食管静脉曲张筛查安全可行,但其探查食管静脉曲张以及对静脉曲张大小分级的效能与传统胃镜比有一定差距。系线CE提高了胶囊在食管中检查的主动性,检查食管静脉曲张效能有所提升,但研究样本量相对较少,结果有待进一步验证。胃腔较大,现有CE评估胃静脉曲张、门静脉高压性胃病的研究多为胶囊被动性检查胃腔,效能较低。同时,多项研究将CE应用于门静脉高压性肠病的筛查,并且对门静脉高压性肠病的表现进行了初步分类,加深了临床医师对门静脉高压性肠病的认识。 展开更多
关键词 胶囊内窥镜 肝硬化 高血压 门静脉 食管和胃静脉曲张 门静脉高压性胃病 门静脉高压性
Portal hypertensive colopathy is associated with portal hypertension severity in cirrhotic patients 被引量:7
作者 Antonio Diaz-Sanchez Oscar Nuez-Martinez +8 位作者 Cecilia Gonzalez-Asanza Ana Matilla Beatriz Merino Diego Rincon Inmaculada Beceiro Maria Vega Catalina Magdalena Salcedo Rafael Baares Gerardo Clemente 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第38期4781-4787,共7页
AIM: To assess the prevalence of portal hypertension (PH) related colorectal lesions in liver transplant candidates, and to evaluate its association with the severity of PH. METHODS: Between October 2004 and Decem... AIM: To assess the prevalence of portal hypertension (PH) related colorectal lesions in liver transplant candidates, and to evaluate its association with the severity of PH. METHODS: Between October 2004 and December 2005, colonoscopy was performed in 92 cirrhotic liver transplant candidates. We described the lesions resulting from colorectal PH and their association with the grade of PH in 77 patients who underwent measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG). RESULTS: Mean age was 55 years and 80.7% of patients were men. The main etiology of cirrhosis wasalcoholism (45.5%). Portal hypertensive colopathy (PHC) was found in 23.9%, colonic varices in 7.6% and polyps in 38% of patients (adenomatous type 65.2%). One asymptomatic patient had a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. The manifestations of colorectal PH were not associated with the etiology of liver disease or with the Child-Pugh grade. Ninety percent of patients with colopathy presented with gastroesophageal varices (GEV), and 27.5% of patients with GEV presented with colopathy (P = 0.12). A relationship between higher values of HVPG and presence of colopathy was observed (19.9:1:6.2 mmHg vs 16.8 ± 5.4 mmHg, P = 0.045), but not with the grade of colopathy (P = 0.13). Preneoplastic polyps and neoplasm (P = 0.02) and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (P = 0.006) were more prevalent in patients with colopathy. We did not observe any association between previous β-blocker therapy and the presence of colorectal portal hypertensive vasculopathy. CONCLUSION: PHC is common in cirrhotic liver transplant candidates and is associated with higher portal pressure. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cirrhosis Portal hypertension POLYPS Colopathy Liver transplantation
Per rectal portal scintigraphy as a useful tool for predicting esophageal variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients 被引量:2
作者 Taned Chitapanarux Ong-ard Praisontarangkul +2 位作者 Satawat Thongsawat Pises Pisespongsa Apinya Leerapun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期791-795,共5页
AIM: To investigate potential roles of per rectal portal scintigraphy in diagnosis of esophageal varices and predicting the risk of bleeding.METHODS: Fifteen normal subjects and fifty cirrhotic patients with endoscopi... AIM: To investigate potential roles of per rectal portal scintigraphy in diagnosis of esophageal varices and predicting the risk of bleeding.METHODS: Fifteen normal subjects and fifty cirrhotic patients with endoscopically confirmed esophageal varices were included. Patients were categorized into bleeder and non-bleeder groups according to history of variceal bleeding. All had completed per rectal portal scintigraphy using 99mTechnetium pertechnetate. The shunt index was calculated from the ratio of 99mTechnetium pertechnetate in the heart and the liver. Data were analyzed using Student’s t-test and receiver operating characteristics.RESULTS: Cirrhotic patients showed a higher shunt index than normal subjects (63.80 ± 25.21 vs 13.54 ± 6.46, P < 0.01). Patients with variceal bleeding showed a higher shunt index than those without bleeding (78.45 ± 9.40 vs 49.35 ± 27.72, P < 0.01). A shunt index of over 20% indicated the presence of varices and that of over 60% indicated the risk of variceal bleeding.CONCLUSION: In cirrhotic patients, per rectal portal scintigraphy is a clinically useful test for identifying esophageal varices and risk of variceal bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 Portal scintigraphy Portal hypertension CIRRHOSIS Esophageal varices BLEEDING
门脉高压症治疗新进展 被引量:1
作者 余其先 邱琼雄 +4 位作者 李杰 邓儒倍 王瑞云 钟键 夏春波 《现代医药卫生》 2011年第21期3276-3277,共2页
门静脉高压症是指各种肝内外因素引起的门静脉压力升高,继而出现食道胃底静脉曲张、脾肿大、脾功能亢进、腹水、门静脉高压性胃病和门静脉高压性肠病等临床症候群,一直是国内外的研究热点之一[1,2]。本文就门静脉高压症的药物、外科和... 门静脉高压症是指各种肝内外因素引起的门静脉压力升高,继而出现食道胃底静脉曲张、脾肿大、脾功能亢进、腹水、门静脉高压性胃病和门静脉高压性肠病等临床症候群,一直是国内外的研究热点之一[1,2]。本文就门静脉高压症的药物、外科和中医药治疗等方面进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 中医药治疗 门脉高压症 食道胃底静脉曲张 门静脉高压性 门静脉高压性胃病 门静脉高压症 静脉压力升高 脾功能亢进
Gastrointestinal bleeding caused by extrahepatic arterioportal fistula associated with portal vein thrombosis 被引量:4
作者 Ling Nie Xue-Feng Luo Xiao Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第44期6501-6503,共3页
An extrahepatic arterioportal fistula(APF) involving the gastroduodenal artery and superior mesenteric vein is rare and mostly results from iatrogenic injuries.The clinical symptoms associated with APFs may include ab... An extrahepatic arterioportal fistula(APF) involving the gastroduodenal artery and superior mesenteric vein is rare and mostly results from iatrogenic injuries.The clinical symptoms associated with APFs may include abdominal pain,gastrointestinal bleeding,ascites,nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,or even congestive heart failure.We present the case of a 70-year-old man who presented with chronic abdominal pain and gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to APF and portal vein thrombosis.The endovascular embolization of APF was accomplished successfully,and symptoms of portal hypertension resolved immediately after intervention.Unfortunately,the patient did not respond well to anticoagulation therapy with warfarin.Therefore,the patient underwent implantation of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt,and the complications of portal hypertension resolved.In conclusion,the embolization of APF is technically feasible and effective and can be considered the first-choice therapy in selected patients. 展开更多
关键词 Extrahepatic arterioportal fistula Portal veinthrombosis EMBOLIZATION Transjugular intrahepaticportosystemic shunt
Ischemic colitis secondary to inferior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula and portal vein stenosis in a liver transplant recipient 被引量:2
作者 In Hee Kim Dae Ghon Kim +3 位作者 Hyo Sung Kwak Hee Chul Yu Baik Hwan Cho Ho Sung Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第26期4249-4252,共4页
Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) involving the inferior mesenteric vessels is rare, and the affected patients usually present with abdominal pain, mass, or features of established portal hypertension. Colonic ischemia is... Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) involving the inferior mesenteric vessels is rare, and the affected patients usually present with abdominal pain, mass, or features of established portal hypertension. Colonic ischemia is a less common and more serious manifestation of AVE We report a case of ischemic colitis secondary to inferior mesentedc AVF in a patient who underwent a previous liver transplantation, subsequently developed portal vein stenosis, and then presented with acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding. He underwent percutaneous transhepatic placement of a portal vein stent and left colectomy. 展开更多
关键词 Ischemic colitis Inferior mesenteric Arteriovenous fistula Portal vein stenosis
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