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“闪婚闪离”打工经济背景下的农村婚姻变革--基于多省农村调研的讨论 被引量:24
作者 王会 欧阳静 《中国青年研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期56-61,共6页
本文在对农村闪婚闪离现象的特征进行归纳分析的基础上,认为打工潮带来的跨省婚姻、婚恋及生育年龄的超前、青年群体的婚姻期待等因素,共同塑造了闪婚闪离现象在农村的不断增多。在此基础上,本文分析了闪婚闪离的区域差异及其原因,并预... 本文在对农村闪婚闪离现象的特征进行归纳分析的基础上,认为打工潮带来的跨省婚姻、婚恋及生育年龄的超前、青年群体的婚姻期待等因素,共同塑造了闪婚闪离现象在农村的不断增多。在此基础上,本文分析了闪婚闪离的区域差异及其原因,并预测其未来发展趋势。最后指出,随着传统村落共同体不断瓦解、家庭不断核心化到个人化,当下农村青年的情感何以寄托是值得深思的问题。 展开更多
关键词 闪婚 闪离 打工经济 区域差异 情感寄托 婚姻变革
闪婚-闪离:农村青年的婚姻异化及其社会基础——赣南B村的新型婚姻模式 被引量:12
作者 冯小 陈靖 《南方人口》 CSSCI 2012年第1期34-41,共8页
传统婚姻模式与家庭和村庄稳定的具有密切的关系,因而围绕婚姻模式形成了诸多的支持机制。而在打工经济引起青年农民大量流动的背景下,村庄与家庭结构发生了迅速的变迁,农村青年的婚姻支持机制逐渐走向衰落。本文分析了赣南B村的"... 传统婚姻模式与家庭和村庄稳定的具有密切的关系,因而围绕婚姻模式形成了诸多的支持机制。而在打工经济引起青年农民大量流动的背景下,村庄与家庭结构发生了迅速的变迁,农村青年的婚姻支持机制逐渐走向衰落。本文分析了赣南B村的"闪婚"与"闪离"现象,探讨这种婚姻模式在宗族性的村庄是如何可能的。当传统的婚姻支持机制逐渐走向瓦解,农村青年的婚姻得不到支持与整合,在"闪婚"这一新现象之后,随即走向"闪离",农村青年则在面对自身婚姻时感到了无奈和无力感。 展开更多
关键词 婚姻支持 闪婚 闪离 打工经济
“闪婚闪离”:农村青年婚姻变革的社会基础及趋势——基于赣南Y村个案调查 被引量:7
作者 魏程琳 赵晓峰 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期15-22,共8页
一向重视婚姻家庭的赣南客家宗族性村落近十年来出现大量"闪婚"家庭。打工经济和村落惯习的互动共同形成"闪婚"的社会基础,"闪婚"重效率不重感情的市场逻辑难以保证婚姻幸福,从而导致"闪离"家... 一向重视婚姻家庭的赣南客家宗族性村落近十年来出现大量"闪婚"家庭。打工经济和村落惯习的互动共同形成"闪婚"的社会基础,"闪婚"重效率不重感情的市场逻辑难以保证婚姻幸福,从而导致"闪离"家庭的出现。"闪婚闪离"表现出婚姻观念自主开放、婚姻仪式简化、个人权利意识增强离婚增多、彩礼飞涨代际剥削越来越严重等现象,表明迈向核心家庭化和私人化的农村青年婚姻变革的某种趋势。 展开更多
关键词 闪婚 闪离 农村青年 打工经济 村落惯习 核心家庭化 私人化
高职毕业生初次就业“闪离”现象研究 被引量:1
作者 徐济陆 梁咏梅 汝勇 《甘肃教育》 2017年第7期38-39,共2页
高职毕业生初次就业“闪离”现象明显,应从毕业生自身、高职院校、用人单位等几个方面,分析这一现象发生的原因。作为人才培养主体的高职院校,应加强教育教学改革,提高人才培养质量,加强职业与就业教育,协调相关主管部门、用人单位通力... 高职毕业生初次就业“闪离”现象明显,应从毕业生自身、高职院校、用人单位等几个方面,分析这一现象发生的原因。作为人才培养主体的高职院校,应加强教育教学改革,提高人才培养质量,加强职业与就业教育,协调相关主管部门、用人单位通力合作,减少“闪离”现象发生。 展开更多
关键词 高职 毕业生 就业 闪离”现象 问题 原因
“80后”青年“闪婚闪离”现象的社会学分析 被引量:3
作者 常进锋 《山西青年管理干部学院学报》 2013年第3期4-7,共4页
"80后"青年"闪婚闪离"现象近年来逐渐成为社会关注的重点和学界研究的难点问题之一。"闪婚闪离"既折射出"80后"青年婚恋观变迁的基本状态,也回应着社会转型背景下婚姻家庭结构稳定所遭遇的挑战... "80后"青年"闪婚闪离"现象近年来逐渐成为社会关注的重点和学界研究的难点问题之一。"闪婚闪离"既折射出"80后"青年婚恋观变迁的基本状态,也回应着社会转型背景下婚姻家庭结构稳定所遭遇的挑战。"80后"青年"闪婚闪离"现象的出现并非偶然,而是由婚恋观变化、自我意识增强、婚姻替代资源增多、父母干预、离婚成本降低和程序简化等多重因素共同促成的结果。 展开更多
关键词 “80后”青年 “闪婚闪离 社会学
高职毕业生就业“闪离”现象及其原因探究 被引量:6
作者 张琴 《中国青年研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期78-82,共5页
高校毕业生"就业难"已经成为一个重要的社会问题,但相关统计数据显示,在近些年就业难的情况下,大学生尤其是高职院校毕业生就业后快速离职的比例非常高,这种就业"闪离"的现象是劳动力的非理性流动。本文通过对相关... 高校毕业生"就业难"已经成为一个重要的社会问题,但相关统计数据显示,在近些年就业难的情况下,大学生尤其是高职院校毕业生就业后快速离职的比例非常高,这种就业"闪离"的现象是劳动力的非理性流动。本文通过对相关数据的分析和对北京、天津、湖南等地区部分高职毕业生的访谈,从个人、组织、环境等三个方面进行研究,系统地分析高职毕业生"闪离"现象的深层次原因,为高职毕业生的就业和职业发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 高职毕业生 闪离 快速离职
高职化工类毕业生就业“闪离”问题原因探析 被引量:3
作者 陈卫东 陈艳丽 《中国市场》 2015年第50期197-197,199,共2页
近年来,高职毕业生就业后"闪离"现象已成为社会热点之一。毕业生"闪离"给学校、用人单位、社会都带来了许多不良影响。文章通过甘肃省三所高职院校化工类毕业生就业调查情况,从个人、社会、行业、单位、学院等因素... 近年来,高职毕业生就业后"闪离"现象已成为社会热点之一。毕业生"闪离"给学校、用人单位、社会都带来了许多不良影响。文章通过甘肃省三所高职院校化工类毕业生就业调查情况,从个人、社会、行业、单位、学院等因素分析了当前化工类毕业生"闪离"的原因。 展开更多
关键词 高职 化工类毕业生 闪离
作者 陈卫东 陈艳丽 《中国市场》 2017年第9期47-47,49,共2页
关键词 高职 化工类毕业生 就业“闪离
《农村新技术》 2021年第7期66-66,共1页
湖南省临湘市人民法院近日审理了一起原告小方(均为化名)诉被告小莉离婚纠纷案,法院判决准予两人离婚,并由小莉返还部分彩礼。法院审理查明,小方和小莉是2020年1月经人介绍认识并成为男女朋友,2月底依照习俗举行订婚仪式,8月领证成为合... 湖南省临湘市人民法院近日审理了一起原告小方(均为化名)诉被告小莉离婚纠纷案,法院判决准予两人离婚,并由小莉返还部分彩礼。法院审理查明,小方和小莉是2020年1月经人介绍认识并成为男女朋友,2月底依照习俗举行订婚仪式,8月领证成为合法夫妻. 展开更多
关键词 彩礼 法院判决 临湘市 订婚 法院审理 人民法院 “闪婚闪离 返还
农村青年“闪婚闪离”现象及其原因探析 被引量:37
作者 王会 欧阳静 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期87-94,共8页
"闪婚闪离"现象是近年来农村青年婚恋家庭领域的新现象。本文在呈现农村青年"闪婚闪离"现象的基础上,探讨了这种现象发生并不断增多的社会背景,重点分析了该现象不断增多的深层次原因。分析发现,在中国底层群体资... "闪婚闪离"现象是近年来农村青年婚恋家庭领域的新现象。本文在呈现农村青年"闪婚闪离"现象的基础上,探讨了这种现象发生并不断增多的社会背景,重点分析了该现象不断增多的深层次原因。分析发现,在中国底层群体资源稀缺的背景下,激烈的社会竞争使农村青年群体形成了独特的阶层地位焦虑,农村青年不同以往的成长环境及社会环境造成他们的责任意识有限,两者共同催生了农村青年的"闪婚闪离"现象;农村家庭的核心化及个体化带来的情感无处寄托的状况使得农村青年对婚姻的期待更高,从而加剧了"闪婚闪离"现象的发展。 展开更多
关键词 “闪婚闪离 婚姻期待 责任意识 阶层地位
作者 毕维明 陈艳 《幸福(下)》 2023年第1期34-36,共3页
随着社会的不断开放与发展,人们的思想也随之发生着转变,社会也变得愈加包容与开放。正是在现代观念的影响之下,“离婚”也不再像旧时那般受人秤击或歧视,人们在面对失败的婚姻时,有了更多的选择,所以,“闪婚”“闪离”的现象十分普遍... 随着社会的不断开放与发展,人们的思想也随之发生着转变,社会也变得愈加包容与开放。正是在现代观念的影响之下,“离婚”也不再像旧时那般受人秤击或歧视,人们在面对失败的婚姻时,有了更多的选择,所以,“闪婚”“闪离”的现象十分普遍。同时,随着社会的发展,“男女平等”不再是一句空洞的口号,而是从社会中的方方面面体现出来,在学习工作中如此,在婚姻家庭关系之中亦如此。 展开更多
关键词 婚姻家庭关系 闪婚 闪离 男女平等 现代观念 离婚 冷静期
作者 崔杰 《青年与社会(中)》 2014年第3期349-350,共2页
改革开放以来,随着市场经济制度的确立,社会开放程度的提高,婚俗文化呈现出新的特点,结婚仪式向多元化发展,择偶方式多样化,城市中出现了“剩男剩女”、“闪婚”、“闪离”等新的现象,对传统婚俗提出了新的挑战。通过对当代中国... 改革开放以来,随着市场经济制度的确立,社会开放程度的提高,婚俗文化呈现出新的特点,结婚仪式向多元化发展,择偶方式多样化,城市中出现了“剩男剩女”、“闪婚”、“闪离”等新的现象,对传统婚俗提出了新的挑战。通过对当代中国婚俗变化的研究,我们发现婚俗的变化直接折射出该时期社会经济、政治、文化的变化。人们的思想观念也随之改变。文章旨在通过分析当代中国婚俗变化的结果,对中国社会的变化提出一些自己的观点。 展开更多
关键词 婚俗剩女 闪婚 闪离 红娘
Analysis of GPS ionospheric scintillation signal amplitude fading characteristics at low latitude 被引量:2
作者 祝雪芬 陈熙源 +2 位作者 黄浩乾 陈建锋 徐斌铖 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期484-488,共5页
The received satellite signal amplitude is attenuated greatly due to the strong ionospheric scintillation for lowlatitude regions, which causes the GPS tracking loop's loss of lock, the positioning errors to increase... The received satellite signal amplitude is attenuated greatly due to the strong ionospheric scintillation for lowlatitude regions, which causes the GPS tracking loop's loss of lock, the positioning errors to increase, and navigation to be interrupted. To solve the above problems, a novel signal processing algorithm is proposed based on the GPS L1 software receiver during strong ionospheric scintillation using the multi-channel intermediate frequency(IF) data sampling system. Tens of thousands of fading events are obtained based on the signal intensity measurement. The amplitude fading characteristics in the lowlatitude region are analyzed,including fading duration, time separation between fades and the numbers of signal intensity fading events. The fading thresholds are set to be 15 and 10 dB, respectively. The main fading time is very short in- 15 dB fading threshold, which generally is less than 20 ms. The main time separation between fades is less than 2 s in a single one-hour period from the time 23: 00 to 24: 00. Therefore, it has the characteristic of a short reacquisition time for the receiver designed to reduce the probability of simultaneous loss of lock for some satellites.Subsequently, the acquisition, tracking and PVT(position,velocity and time) calculations are completed by the customdesigned software receiver. The results show that the impact analysis of ionospheric scintillation on GPS amplitude attenuation in the lowlatitude region is helpful for designing the advanced tracking algorithm and to improve the robustness and accuracy of the GPS receiver. 展开更多
关键词 GPS L1 ionospheric scintillation amplitude fading characteristics
Passive Q-Switching in a Flash-Lamp Pumped Nd∶YAG Laser with Ion-Implanted GaAs Wafer
作者 王勇刚 李朝阳 +1 位作者 马骁宇 张志刚 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期148-151,共4页
A passive Q-switched flash-lamp-pumped Nd∶YAG laser with the ion-implanted semi-insulating GaAs wafer is reported.The wafer is implanted with 400keV As+ ions in the concentration of 10 16cm -2.Using GaAs wafer as a... A passive Q-switched flash-lamp-pumped Nd∶YAG laser with the ion-implanted semi-insulating GaAs wafer is reported.The wafer is implanted with 400keV As+ ions in the concentration of 10 16cm -2.Using GaAs wafer as an absorber and an output coupler,62ns pulse duration of single pulse is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 ion-implanted GaAs passive Q-switching flash-lamp-pumped
Laser Flash Photolysis Mechanism of Anthraquinone-2-Sodium Sulfonate in Pyridine Ionic Liquid/Water Mixed System
作者 朱光来 张良伟 +3 位作者 刘艳成 崔执凤 许新胜 吴国忠 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期140-146,I0003,共8页
The photochemical reaction process of anthraquinone-2-sodium sulfonate (AQS) in the mixture of water (H2O) and N-butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate ([BPy] [BF4]) was studied using the laser flash photolysis techn... The photochemical reaction process of anthraquinone-2-sodium sulfonate (AQS) in the mixture of water (H2O) and N-butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate ([BPy] [BF4]) was studied using the laser flash photolysis technique. Experimental results show that the excited triplet of AQS (3AQS*) could react rapidly with H2O and the transient absorption spectra greatly changed by increasing the volume fraction of the ionic liquid (VIL) in [BPy][BF4]/H2O mixtures. The absorbance at 510 nm increased gradually with increasing VIL when 0〈VIL〈0.1. By contrast, the absorbance decreased gradually when VIL〉0.1. Otherwise, the absorbance of the band near 380 nm steadily increased. The apparent kinetic parameters of transient species B and ^3AQS* are obtained approximately. 3AQS* abstracting hydrogen from [BPy]+ was also explored. It was deduced that the 350-420 nm band was the superposition of the peaks of 3AQS* and AQSH'. The two reactions of 3AQS* with [BPy][BF4] and H2O are a pair of competitive reactions. We also concluded that the entire reaction processes slow down in the case of high [BPy] [BF4] concentrations. 展开更多
关键词 Laser flash photolysis Anthraquinone-2-sodium sulfonate Ionic liquids Tran- sient absorption Hydrogen abstraction
Effects of copper ions on dissolution mechanism of marmatite 被引量:2
作者 Xiao-yu MENG Hong-bo ZHAO +3 位作者 Yi-sheng ZHANG Shuai WANG Guo-hua GU Guan-zhou QIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期4099-4112,共14页
The dissolution mechanism of marmatite in the presence of Cu^(2+)was intensively studied by experiments and density functional theory(DFT) calculations. Leaching experiments showed that Cu^(2+)accelerated marmatite di... The dissolution mechanism of marmatite in the presence of Cu^(2+)was intensively studied by experiments and density functional theory(DFT) calculations. Leaching experiments showed that Cu^(2+)accelerated marmatite dissolution at high temperatures(above 55 ℃), but the trend was reversed at low temperatures(below 45 ℃), which may be because the reaction mechanism between Cu^(2+)and marmatite changed from surface adsorption to bulk substitution with increasing temperature. The substitution reaction caused more zinc atoms in the marmatite crystal lattice to be released and enhanced the electrochemical reactivity, while the adsorption of copper ions at low temperatures would passivate marmatite, thus inhibiting the reaction process. DFT calculations showed that the energy of the substitution reaction was more negative than that of the adsorption reaction at high temperatures, which further verified the proposed mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 dissolution mechanism SPHALERITE MARMATITE copper ion
Influence of high concentration Zn^(2+) on floatability of sphalerite in acidic system 被引量:2
作者 Ting-sheng QIU Guo-dong LI +2 位作者 Xiao-bo LI Hua-shan YAN Chen LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期2128-2138,共11页
The influence of high concentration Zn^(2+) on the floatability of sphalerite in an acidic system was investigated via flotation experiments,zeta potential measurements,contact angle measurements,and X-ray photoelectr... The influence of high concentration Zn^(2+) on the floatability of sphalerite in an acidic system was investigated via flotation experiments,zeta potential measurements,contact angle measurements,and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.The results indicated that Zn^(2+) was adsorbed on the sphalerite surface and a Zn-hydroxyl complex was formed at a pH of 4 and a Zn^(2+) concentration of 4×10^(-2) mol/L.The zeta potential increased and the contact angle decreased from 84.80°to 36.48°,strongly inhibiting the floatability of sphalerite.When S^(2−) or Cu^(2+) activator was used alone,sphalerite was not activated after Zn^(2+) was adsorbed,and its contact angle did not change significantly.However,by using a combination of S^(2−) and Cu^(2+) activators,its floatability was realized after Zn^(2+) adsorption.This result was attributed to the removal of the Zn-hydroxyl complex on the surface of sphalerite by S^(2-).After this removal,Cu^(2+) was adsorbed on the sphalerite surface to form a Cu_(2)S·S^(0) hydrophobic film. 展开更多
关键词 acidic system high concentration Zn^(2+) SPHALERITE FLOTATION
Optimization of the Production Process of Flash-Spinning UHMWPE Superfine Fiber by Response Surface Methodology 被引量:3
作者 夏磊 西鹏 程博闻 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第2期209-212,共4页
In this paper, statistical optimization method was used to optimize the flash-spinning process conditions. Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) superfine fiber was fabricated by flash-spinning method us... In this paper, statistical optimization method was used to optimize the flash-spinning process conditions. Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) superfine fiber was fabricated by flash-spinning method using UHMWPE as the fiberforming polymer, 1, 2-dichloroethane as the main solvent. The important parameters of the flash-spinning were filtered by Plackett-Burman experimental design based on the single factor experiments. After determining the best regions of the fiber properties, the optimum level of the important parameters were determined by Box-Behnken design. The results of the design showed that the important parameters influencing on the properties of the flash.spinning fiber were spinning temperature, spinning pressure, and spinning solution concentration. The optimum technical parameters were: spinning temperature 186. 4 ~C, spinning pressure 6. 16 MPa, spinning solution concentration 3.06 %. The highest combination property of the flash-spinning fiber was 86.39 under this condition. 展开更多
关键词 flash-spinning ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) superfine fiber response surface OPTIMUM
Selective depression of copper-activated sphalerite by polyaspartic acid during chalcopyrite flotation 被引量:9
作者 Qian WEI Fen JIAO +2 位作者 Liu-yang DONG Xue-duan LIU Wen-qing QIN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期1784-1795,共12页
Environmentally friendly flotation reagent,polyaspartic acid(PAPA),was tested as a potential selective depressant in the flotation separation of chalcopyrite and Cu-activated sphalerite.The depression mechanism of PAP... Environmentally friendly flotation reagent,polyaspartic acid(PAPA),was tested as a potential selective depressant in the flotation separation of chalcopyrite and Cu-activated sphalerite.The depression mechanism of PAPA was revealed by contact angle measurements,Zeta potential measurements,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR)analysis and inductively coupled plasma(ICP)measurement.The micro-flotation tests with single minerals showed that PAPA selectively depressed Cu-activated sphalerite,while chalcopyrite remained floatable.Moreover,a concentrate containing 31.40%Cu with a recovery of 92.43%was obtained in flotation tests of artificially mixed minerals.Results of contact angle measurements,Zeta potential measurements and FT-IR spectrum revealed that PAPA exerted a much stronger adsorption on Cu-activated sphalerite surface than on chalcopyrite surface,preventing the further adsorption of sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate(DDTC)on its surface.ICP measurements indicated that PAPA had an excellent complexing ability with Cu^(2+)in flotation pulp,weakening the activation of Cu species on sphalerite surface and producing selective depression. 展开更多
关键词 CHALCOPYRITE SPHALERITE flotation separation depressant polyaspartic acid
Adsorption mechanism of sodium oleate and styryl phosphonic acid on rutile and amphibole surfaces 被引量:4
作者 Wei XIAO Ya-xin REN +4 位作者 Juan YANG Pan CAO Jun WANG Wen-qing QIN Guan-zhou QIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期1939-1947,共9页
A reagent combination of sodium oleate(NaOl)and salicyl hydroximic acid was employed as the roughing and scavenging collectors,whereas styryl phosphoric acid(SPA)and octanol were employed as the cleaning collectors.Re... A reagent combination of sodium oleate(NaOl)and salicyl hydroximic acid was employed as the roughing and scavenging collectors,whereas styryl phosphoric acid(SPA)and octanol were employed as the cleaning collectors.Results of bench-scale flotation demonstrate that the dosage of SPA can be reduced by about 80%,and that a better flotation index can be obtained using the proposed reagent system.The results of adsorption amount and contact angle measurements indicate that the rutile surface adsorbed not only a large amount of residual NaOl but also SPA and a small amount of NaOl remained on the amphibole surface in strong acidic solution.The hydrophobic difference between rutile and amphibole surfaces was therefore amplified in cleaning,and their further separation became much easier consequently. 展开更多
关键词 RUTILE amphibole flotation separation combined collector synergistic adsorption mechanism
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