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作者 张忠石 《体育视野》 2023年第22期16-18,共3页
对中国足球协会治理的研究围绕组织管理改革和相关制度创新展开。研究提出:相关主体应重视和协调中国足球协会内部普遍存在难以弥合的冲突,以“目的—手段”为治理逻辑的起点和基点,重构足协社会约制运行机制,从社会行为的角度,思考政... 对中国足球协会治理的研究围绕组织管理改革和相关制度创新展开。研究提出:相关主体应重视和协调中国足球协会内部普遍存在难以弥合的冲突,以“目的—手段”为治理逻辑的起点和基点,重构足协社会约制运行机制,从社会行为的角度,思考政府、足协、公众在足球协会运行与治理过程中的互动与约制。 展开更多
关键词 中国足协治理 主体间性关系 多元主体
政府、行业在高职教育办学活动中的角色定位及关系分析 被引量:18
作者 邹林斌 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2007年第21期18-20,共3页
高职教育是以培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的技术应用型人才为目标,为承接世界制造中心在我国的凸现提供重要的人才保障。高职教育的内在性质和作用又决定着政府、行业在其办学活动中扮演着重要角色。文章循着这一思路,着重明晰... 高职教育是以培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的技术应用型人才为目标,为承接世界制造中心在我国的凸现提供重要的人才保障。高职教育的内在性质和作用又决定着政府、行业在其办学活动中扮演着重要角色。文章循着这一思路,着重明晰了政府、行业在高职人才培养中的角色定位,阐明了它们与学校三者的间性关系。 展开更多
关键词 政府 行业 角色定位 间性关系
走向社会实践的艺术:参与式艺术的批评话语与理论启示 被引量:1
作者 李丹舟 《艺术传播研究》 2024年第3期79-90,共12页
随着我国城镇化从外延式扩张转向内涵式建设,艺术介入城乡发展新格局的一系列具体实践也催生了对关于“艺术之社会参与”的理论的需求。以参与式艺术作为分析对象,立足前卫美学的三股理论思潮和两派批评论争,可以通过审美的自律与他律... 随着我国城镇化从外延式扩张转向内涵式建设,艺术介入城乡发展新格局的一系列具体实践也催生了对关于“艺术之社会参与”的理论的需求。以参与式艺术作为分析对象,立足前卫美学的三股理论思潮和两派批评论争,可以通过审美的自律与他律之辩来反思艺术与社会之间的内在关系。参与式艺术在艺术美学上的最大突破体现为对间性关系的开启,它使艺术成为在作者、作品、观众与世界之间进行沟通的关系媒介。参与式艺术的理论研究有助于促进艺术学与社会学、人类学的学科跨界融合,而当前国内涌现的许多创作案例也说明当代艺术在继承文艺“为人民”传统的基础上,正在深度融入城乡空间重构和日常生活重建。 展开更多
关键词 参与式艺术 前卫美学 间性关系 学科融合 文艺“为人民”
社会互动视野中的新型师生关系 被引量:7
作者 赵含韫 《安徽教育学院学报》 2004年第2期88-91,共4页
关键词 社会互动 师生互动 主体间性关系
作者 杨晓睿 《哈尔滨职业技术学院学报》 2024年第4期69-71,共3页
大学生感恩教育关涉学生个体人格的健全和社会建设的需要,亟待受到重视。感恩教育不同于知识传递与技能训练,需要通过教育场域平等真诚的对话交往,实现学生思想意识的深度转变。基于哈贝马斯交往行为理论视角,当前我国高校感恩教育尚存... 大学生感恩教育关涉学生个体人格的健全和社会建设的需要,亟待受到重视。感恩教育不同于知识传递与技能训练,需要通过教育场域平等真诚的对话交往,实现学生思想意识的深度转变。基于哈贝马斯交往行为理论视角,当前我国高校感恩教育尚存在因主体间性关系缺失造成话语困境、脱离生活世界造成语境差异、教育会话未能满足有效性条件影响接受效果等问题。提高感恩教育实效,需要从重视教育交往、建立师生主体间性关系,消弭语境差异、扩展师生共享话语背景,关注学生视角、提高感恩教育可接受性等方面加以改善。 展开更多
关键词 大学生感恩教育 交往行为理论 教育交往 主体间性关系
翻译的主体与主体间性 被引量:1
作者 宋燕 《青岛职业技术学院学报》 2010年第4期74-76,共3页
作为译学界的新课题,翻译的主体间性的研究结果能更好地揭示翻译的本质。近年来,翻译的主体与主体间性问题研究逐渐受到译学界重视,译者地位也逐步提升,而协调好翻译各主体之间的关系是译者面临的至关重要的课题,只有将各个主体置于平... 作为译学界的新课题,翻译的主体间性的研究结果能更好地揭示翻译的本质。近年来,翻译的主体与主体间性问题研究逐渐受到译学界重视,译者地位也逐步提升,而协调好翻译各主体之间的关系是译者面临的至关重要的课题,只有将各个主体置于平等互动的平台上,方可将主体间性研究推向纵深发展。 展开更多
关键词 译学 翻译主体 译者 主体间性关系
岭南文化外译的多模态语用路径——以CGTN纪录短片A Lion Dance Life为例
作者 陈琴 《东莞理工学院学报》 2024年第2期52-59,共8页
民族文化在走向世界的过程中不免遭受文化亏损,多模态翻译可对此予以补偿。以中国国际电视台(CGTN)的岭南文化纪录片A Lion Dance Life:The Awaken Lion Interprets the Meaning of Life的翻译为例,从多模态语用视角重新审视岭南文化的... 民族文化在走向世界的过程中不免遭受文化亏损,多模态翻译可对此予以补偿。以中国国际电视台(CGTN)的岭南文化纪录片A Lion Dance Life:The Awaken Lion Interprets the Meaning of Life的翻译为例,从多模态语用视角重新审视岭南文化的外译路径,探究岭南文化外译中理解和转换阶段的多模态语用策略。此类多模态翻译先从模态间性关系入手,通过“解码+推理”理解源语文本各模态协同产生的整体意义,继而在译语文本生成阶段,通过对模态间性关系的复制、替换、繁化或简化等途径达成原文与译文之间的阐释性相似。 展开更多
关键词 岭南文化 多模态语用 模态间性关系 外译
作者 郑碧强 叶耀源 《福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第6期8-19,共12页
新时代文明实践中心是推动新思想落地生根的重要载体,新时代文明实践中心建设是提升人民思想觉悟、道德水准、文明素养和全社会文明程度的重要举措。基于行动者网络理论的研究,分析新时代文明实践中心建设的过程与机制,指出各行动者在... 新时代文明实践中心是推动新思想落地生根的重要载体,新时代文明实践中心建设是提升人民思想觉悟、道德水准、文明素养和全社会文明程度的重要举措。基于行动者网络理论的研究,分析新时代文明实践中心建设的过程与机制,指出各行动者在实践中具有平等地位,通过“转译”环节,使得多元主体形成合力。由于行动者的异质性,要维系新时代文明实践中心建设的行动者网络,需要政治、经济、文化和社会四种外部力量的“嵌入”。新时代文明实践中心建设的多元参与意味着行动主体自觉性的增强,与传统精神文明建设相比,新时代文明实践中心建设实现了从“主客体关系”到“主体间性关系”的思维转向。 展开更多
关键词 新时代文明实践中心 行动者网络理论 行动逻辑 “主体间性关系
政府与市场界分的法律规制 被引量:3
作者 吕清正 郭志远 《理论视野》 CSSCI 2014年第4期42-45,共4页
政府与市场的关系是市场经济国家发展的基本问题.合理界分政府与市场对致力于转变经济发展方式、健全市场机制的中国来说具有重要的理论价值和实践意义. 一、政府与市场界分的一般法律准则 “法无禁止即可为”和“法无授权不可为”,是... 政府与市场的关系是市场经济国家发展的基本问题.合理界分政府与市场对致力于转变经济发展方式、健全市场机制的中国来说具有重要的理论价值和实践意义. 一、政府与市场界分的一般法律准则 “法无禁止即可为”和“法无授权不可为”,是一枚硬币的两个面和不可分割的有机体,意在阻止公权力对私权领域的任意侵入.倘若人为将二者割裂开来,忽视针对的问题,将是一个“充满诱惑的陷阱”,[1]真理再向前一步就变成谬误. 展开更多
关键词 界分 行政相对人 自由裁量权 行政机关 具体行政行为 主体间性关系 参与式治理模式 行政审批改革 规范性文件 行政程序 控制行政权力 私权利 抽象行政行为 制定规范性文件
论高校思想政治课教学新型主体间性师生关系的构建 被引量:4
作者 徐腊梅 《理论导报》 2010年第7期45-46,共2页
高校思想政治课教学必须尝试改变传统师生关系,一是师生双方要在民主平等的基础上互动交往,二是要充分尊重师生双方在话语权上的平等地位,三是要肯定师生主体之间的差异性,最终构建新型主体间性师生关系,从而使师生关系更加和谐,使高校... 高校思想政治课教学必须尝试改变传统师生关系,一是师生双方要在民主平等的基础上互动交往,二是要充分尊重师生双方在话语权上的平等地位,三是要肯定师生主体之间的差异性,最终构建新型主体间性师生关系,从而使师生关系更加和谐,使高校思想政治课教学的效果更加突显。 展开更多
关键词 高校思想政治课教学 师生关系 新型主体间性关系
作者 张伟德 《中国图书评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第1期68-69,共2页
关键词 理论与实践 世界观 美国哲学 思维 历史运动 历史本体论 解决问题 回归 主体间性关系 日常生活
Employing temporal channel correlation in user selection for MIMO broadcast systems
作者 王静 蒋占军 +1 位作者 王炎 尤肖虎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期1-5,共5页
Taking the time varying nature of wireless channels into account, two user selection schemes with lower complexity are developed for multiple-input multiple-output broadcast (MIMO BC)systems. According to the relati... Taking the time varying nature of wireless channels into account, two user selection schemes with lower complexity are developed for multiple-input multiple-output broadcast (MIMO BC)systems. According to the relationship between coherence time and Doppler frequency, an information frame is divided into several segments. At the beginning of each segment, the user selection is carded out with the greedy selection algorithm. In the simplified user selection algorithms employing the temporal correlation (SUSTC), the selection results are applied for all the remaining slots in each segment. But in the improved simplified user selection algorithms employing the temporal correlation(ISUSTC), at the remaining slots, users are kept with favorable channel conditions selected at the previous slot, and other users are updated from the candidate pool to communicate simultaneously. Simulations show that compared with the greedy user selection method, the proposed algorithms can reduce the selection complexity with a little sum capacity loss. 展开更多
关键词 user selection multiple-input multiple-outputbroadcast temporal channel correlation
作者 吴湘红 《新课程》 2016年第7期26-27,共2页
所谓研究型德育课程教学方式是针对传统的理论灌输的德育课程教学而言的,即运用研究型教学模式进行教学。在小学高年级应用研究型德育课程教学方式,是将研究型教学的优势与小学德育课程的特点相结合,运用"小组工作"方式来创建教学方... 所谓研究型德育课程教学方式是针对传统的理论灌输的德育课程教学而言的,即运用研究型教学模式进行教学。在小学高年级应用研究型德育课程教学方式,是将研究型教学的优势与小学德育课程的特点相结合,运用"小组工作"方式来创建教学方式。教学中建立师生间的主体间性关系,以培养学生的自主创新能力,并引入社区、家长多方参与。这种教学方式不但有利于学生的全面发展和教师的专业进步,而且能促进小学德育工作的不断完善。 展开更多
关键词 研究型德育课程 小学高年级 教学方式 主体间性关系
Fundamental Theories of Spatial Similarity Relations in Multi-scale Map Spaces 被引量:18
作者 YAN Haowen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期18-22,共5页
Similarity relation is one of the spatial relations in the community of geographic information science and cartography.It is widely used in the retrieval of spatial databases, the recognition of spatial objects from i... Similarity relation is one of the spatial relations in the community of geographic information science and cartography.It is widely used in the retrieval of spatial databases, the recognition of spatial objects from images, and the description of spatial features on maps.However, little achievements have been made for it by far.In this paper, spatial similarity relation was put forward with the introduction of automated map generalization in the construction of multi-scale map databases;then the definition of spatial similarity relations was presented based on set theory, the concept of spatial similarity degree was given, and the characteristics of spatial similarity were discussed in detail, in-cluding reflexivity, symmetry, non-transitivity, self-similarity in multi-scale spaces, and scale-dependence.Finally a classification system for spatial similarity relations in multi-scale map spaces was addressed.This research may be useful to automated map generalization, spatial similarity retrieval and spatial reasoning. 展开更多
关键词 similarity relation spatial relation multi-scale map spaces
On-Off Intermittency Route to Chaos Synchronization and Spatial Periodic Synchronization of Chaos in Coupled Arrays of Chaotic Systems
作者 邓晓龙 袁春华 +1 位作者 具睿 黄洪斌 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第1期95-98,共4页
Chaos synchronization of coupled nonlinear systems is ubiquitous in nature and science. Dynamic behaviors of coupled ring and linear arrays of unidirectionally coupled Lorenz oscillators are studied numerically. We fi... Chaos synchronization of coupled nonlinear systems is ubiquitous in nature and science. Dynamic behaviors of coupled ring and linear arrays of unidirectionally coupled Lorenz oscillators are studied numerically. We find that chaos synchronization in circular arrays of chaotic systems can occur through the on off intermittent synchronization with a power law distribution of laminar phases. And in the coupled ring and linear array it is found that the chaotic rotating waves generated from the ring propagate with spatial periodic synchronization along the linear array. 展开更多
关键词 Lorenz oscillator chaos synchronization intermittency chaos spatio periodic chaos
Generalization Rough Set Theory 被引量:2
作者 肖迪 张军峰 胡寿松 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第6期654-658,共5页
In order to avoid the discretization in the classical rough set theory, a generlization rough set theory is proposed. At first, the degree of general importance of an attribute and attribute subsets are presented. The... In order to avoid the discretization in the classical rough set theory, a generlization rough set theory is proposed. At first, the degree of general importance of an attribute and attribute subsets are presented. Then, depending on the degree of general importance of attribute, the space distance can be measured with weighted method. At last, a generalization rough set theory based on the general near neighborhood relation is proposed. The proposed theory partitions the universe into the tolerant modules, and forms lower approximation and upper approximation of the set under general near neighborhood relationship, which avoids the discretization in Pawlak's rough set theory. 展开更多
关键词 generalization rough set theory the degree of general importance general near neighborhood relation
A software cost model with maintenance and risk costs for safety-critical systems
作者 刘宏伟 杨孝宗 +1 位作者 曲峰 董剑 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第5期584-587,共4页
According to the consequences of software failures, software faults remaining in safety-critical systems can be classified into two sets: common faults and fatal faults. Common faults cause slight loss when they are ... According to the consequences of software failures, software faults remaining in safety-critical systems can be classified into two sets: common faults and fatal faults. Common faults cause slight loss when they are activated. A fatal fault can lead to significant loss, and even damage the safety-crltical system entirely when it is activated. A software reliability growth model for safety-critical systems is developed based on G - 0 model. And a software cost model is proposed too. The cost model considers maintenance and risk costs due to software failures. The optimal release policies are discussed to minimize the total software cost. A numerical exampie is provided to illustrate how to use the results we obtained. 展开更多
关键词 safety-critlcal system software reliability growth model software cost model optimal software release time
A new measure for evaluating spatially related properties of traffic information credibility 被引量:1
作者 李海舰 董宏辉 +2 位作者 贾利民 仁墨羽 秦勇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2511-2519,共9页
With the wide applications of sensor network technology in traffic information acquisition systems,a new measure will be quite necessary to evaluate spatially related properties of traffic information credibility.The ... With the wide applications of sensor network technology in traffic information acquisition systems,a new measure will be quite necessary to evaluate spatially related properties of traffic information credibility.The heterogeneity of spatial distribution of information credibility from sensor networks is analyzed and a new measure,information credibility function(ICF),is proposed to describe this heterogeneity.Three possible functional forms of sensor ICF and their corresponding expressions are presented.Then,two feasible operations of spatial superposition of sensor ICFs are discussed.Finally,a numerical example is introduced to show the calibration method of sensor ICF and obtain the spatially related properties of expressway in Beijing.The results show that the sensor ICF of expressway in Beijing possesses a negative exponent property.The traffic information is more abundant at or near the locations of sensor,while with the distance away from the sensor increasing,the traffic information credibility will be declined by an exponential trend.The new measure provides theoretical bases for the optimal locations of traffic sensor networks and the mechanism research of spatial distribution of traffic information credibility. 展开更多
关键词 traffic engineering information credibility function traffic information credibility spatially related properties sensor networks
Multi-Embed Nonlinear Scale-Space for Image Trust Root Generation 被引量:1
作者 Lizhao Liu Wentu Gao +3 位作者 Jian Liu Huayi Yin Huarong Xu Shunzhi Zhu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期170-179,共10页
An image trust root is a special type of soft trust root for trusted computing. However,image trust root generation is difficult,as it needs a corresponding stable logic feature generation model and algorithm for dyna... An image trust root is a special type of soft trust root for trusted computing. However,image trust root generation is difficult,as it needs a corresponding stable logic feature generation model and algorithm for dynamical and sustained authentication. This paper proposes a basic function of constructing new scale-spaces with deep detecting ability and high stability for image features aimed at image root generation. According to the heat distribution and spreading principle of various kinds of infinitesimal heat sources in the space medium,a multi-embed nonlinear diffusion equation that corresponds to the multi-embed nonlinear scale-space is proposed,a HARRIS-HESSIAN scale-space evaluation operator that aims at the structure acceleration characteristics of a local region and can make use of image pixels' relative spreading movement principle was constructed,then a single-parameter global symmetric proportion(SPGSP) operator was also constructed. An authentication test with 3000 to 5000 cloud entities shows the new scale-space can work well and is stable,when the whole cloud has 5%-50% behavior with un-trusted entities. Consequently,it can be used as the corresponding stable logic feature generation model and algorithm for all kinds of images,and logic relationships among image features for trust roots. 展开更多
关键词 image trust root SCALE-SPACE diffusion equation evolution operator feature detection
The Amplitude-Duration Relation of Observed El Nio Events
作者 Wu Yu-Jie DUAN Wan-Suo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第5期367-372,共6页
The authors demonstrate that the E1 Nifio events in the pre- and post-1976 periods show two ampli- tude-duration relations. One is that the stronger E1 Nifio events have longer durations, which is robust for the moder... The authors demonstrate that the E1 Nifio events in the pre- and post-1976 periods show two ampli- tude-duration relations. One is that the stronger E1 Nifio events have longer durations, which is robust for the moderate E1 Nifio events; the other is that the stronger E1 Nifio events have shorter durations but for strong E1 Nifio events. By estimating the sign and amplitude of the nonlinear dynamical heating (NDH) anomalies, the au- thors illustrate that the NDH anomalies are negligible for moderate E1 Nifio events but large for strong E1 Nifio events. In particular, the large NDH anomalies for strong E1 Nifio events are positive during the growth and mature phases, which favor warmer E1 Nifio events. During the decay phase, however, the negative NDH anomalies start to arise and become increasingly significant with the evolution of the E1 Nifio events, in which the negative NDH anomalies dampen the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) and cause the E1 Nifio events to reach the SST normal state earlier. This pattern suggests that the nonlinearity tends to increase the intensities of strong E1 Nifio events and shorten their duration, which, together with the previous results showing a positive correlation between the strength of E1 Nifio events and the signifi- cance of the effect of nonlinear advection on the events (especially the suppression of nonlinearity on the SSTA during the decay phase), shows that the strong E1 Nifio events tend to have the amplitude-duration relation of the stronger E1 Nifio events with shorter durations. This result also lends support to the assertion that moderate E1 Nifio events possess the amplitude-duration relation of stronger E1 Nifio events with longer durations. 展开更多
关键词 climatic oscillation E1 Nifio events AMPLITUDE DURATION
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