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国内美学、文艺学主体间性研究述评 被引量:3
作者 梁冬华 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期34-38,共5页
国内美学、文艺学主体间性研究兴起于20世纪90年代末,是对80年代形成的主体性理论的修正。近年来,主体间性研究主要从三个方面展开:一是建构知识论形态的美学、文艺学主体间性理论体系;二是着眼"主体间性"中的"间性"... 国内美学、文艺学主体间性研究兴起于20世纪90年代末,是对80年代形成的主体性理论的修正。近年来,主体间性研究主要从三个方面展开:一是建构知识论形态的美学、文艺学主体间性理论体系;二是着眼"主体间性"中的"间性"研究;三是主体间性理论的审美反思和哲学批判。当前的主体间性研究成果丰硕,但也存在着间性研究替代主体间性研究、主体间性理论建构立场的多元选择以及主体间性能否取代主体性理论等诸多问题,这些问题的解决将直接影响主体间性研究未来的发展。从未来的发展而言,主体间性研究应立足本体论的立场,积极深化理论体系的建构,切实推动我国文论的现代转型。主体间性理论虽然完成了修正主体性理论局限、促进现代美学及文艺学转型的任务,却不可能也不必要重复80年代主体性理论一元统治的历史。百家争鸣恰是学术自由发展的前提,也是学术繁荣的表现。 展开更多
关键词 主体间性研究 主体理论 审美反思:哲学批判
主持人序:间性研究——阈限时空中的探险 被引量:5
作者 麦文隽(译) 《东方丛刊》 2019年第2期151-165,共15页
数年前,一个小概率事件发生了:经过在由脑与脑之间的精神场域构成的虚拟"廓落"(khora,源于柏拉图的《蒂迈欧篇》)中的长期孕育,间性(interality)这一概念从东西方哲学之间的间性空间里跃然而生。自从商戈令教授2012年左右创... 数年前,一个小概率事件发生了:经过在由脑与脑之间的精神场域构成的虚拟"廓落"(khora,源于柏拉图的《蒂迈欧篇》)中的长期孕育,间性(interality)这一概念从东西方哲学之间的间性空间里跃然而生。自从商戈令教授2012年左右创造出该词以来,已经出现了一系列基础性文本,其中大部分是英文的,可以在笔者任客座编辑的下列专栏或专辑中找到:《中国传媒研究》[China Media Research 11.2(2015)]、《加拿大传播杂志》[Canadian Journal of Communication41.3(2016)]、《中国传媒研究》[China Media Research 13.4(2017)]、《中国传媒研究》[China Media Research 15.4(2019)]。 展开更多
关键词 小概率事件 东西方哲学 间性研究 柏拉图 主持人
新闻学是一门“间性”学科 被引量:2
作者 方延明 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第3期268-271,共4页
新闻学是一门"间性"学科,这种特点主要体现在"学科间性"和"文本间性"方面。学科间性研究是"大间性"问题,主要是学科外延;文本间性是"小间性"研究,强调文本内容、结构、思维的写作借... 新闻学是一门"间性"学科,这种特点主要体现在"学科间性"和"文本间性"方面。学科间性研究是"大间性"问题,主要是学科外延;文本间性是"小间性"研究,强调文本内容、结构、思维的写作借鉴。另外,新闻学的实践理性也特别强调观念转变,比如从"起源学"向"发生学"转变等。 展开更多
关键词 新闻学 间性研究 学科 文本 实践理
纪录片《中华的故事》的间性分析及反思 被引量:2
作者 戴蔚 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第4期65-72,共8页
纪录片是跨文化交流中文化传播和形象传播的重要形式之一。相较于其他传播中华文化的纪录片文本,BBC纪录片《中华的故事》难能可贵地体现出间性思维模式,在一定程度上实现了中西方文化主体的平等交流,在叙事上保持了较为客观的态度,并... 纪录片是跨文化交流中文化传播和形象传播的重要形式之一。相较于其他传播中华文化的纪录片文本,BBC纪录片《中华的故事》难能可贵地体现出间性思维模式,在一定程度上实现了中西方文化主体的平等交流,在叙事上保持了较为客观的态度,并构建了有利于主体间性实现的互文本。间性视阈下,意义的跨文化传播还受到了文化的差异性及价值观因素、受众的互文能力、话语方式等诸多因素的影响和制约。跨文化传播中重视间性思维的运用,有利于消除文化主体的自我中心主义,实现主体间的相互尊重和平等、合理化交往,促进异质文化积极有效的交流互动,提升传播效果。 展开更多
关键词 跨文化传播 纪录片 《中华的故事》 间性研究 互文本
互为镜像的他者:中西方文学理论的跨文化研究 被引量:6
作者 李娟 《淮北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第3期71-75,共5页
"文化多元主义"是当代全球状况的结构性特征,"全球本土化"所呈现的核心问题具有鲜明的跨文化意味。文化的全球化并不意味着文化的同质化,"全球本土化"已经成为当代世界文化发展的表征,文化的民族化和世... "文化多元主义"是当代全球状况的结构性特征,"全球本土化"所呈现的核心问题具有鲜明的跨文化意味。文化的全球化并不意味着文化的同质化,"全球本土化"已经成为当代世界文化发展的表征,文化的民族化和世界化以及本土文化与世界文化总是共生并存的。文学是文化的表现,跨文化研究具有整体主义立场和对话精神。文学理论的跨文化研究是对中西二元模式的超越,追求的是审美与文化以及自律与他律的结合,最终实现中西方文论的平等对话。跨文化的间性研究与外推策略,对文学共同性的探讨是借异识同,目的是在多元文化语境中寻求文学理论新的生长点,最终建构起世界性诗学体系。 展开更多
关键词 跨文化研究 全球本土化 间性研究 外推策略 总体诗学
继续双边对话 拓展“文学间性”研究 被引量:5
作者 乐黛云 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 2003年第1期15-19,共5页
金秋时节,在北京大学举行了一次别开生面的双边对话会议,6位上海复旦大学关注比较文学的学者和北京大学的数位同行进行了不设防、无顾虑的倾心交谈.这里没有谁想说服谁,没有什么思想要贯彻,没有什么结论一定要得出,没有一定之规,甚至也... 金秋时节,在北京大学举行了一次别开生面的双边对话会议,6位上海复旦大学关注比较文学的学者和北京大学的数位同行进行了不设防、无顾虑的倾心交谈.这里没有谁想说服谁,没有什么思想要贯彻,没有什么结论一定要得出,没有一定之规,甚至也没有固定的议题.我觉得从这样启由开放的对话中受益良多…… 展开更多
关键词 双边对话 “文学研究 比较文学 学术会议
作者 陈涵平 《世界华文文学论坛》 北大核心 2013年第3期66-70,共5页
饶芃子教授的《比较文学与海外华文文学》一书,是作者站在比较文学的立场,致力于学科边界开拓和学术空间扩展的重要成果。这种成果主要体现为,饶先生创造性地将海外华文文学引入比较文学,从而在比较文学和海外华文文学两个学科之间搭建... 饶芃子教授的《比较文学与海外华文文学》一书,是作者站在比较文学的立场,致力于学科边界开拓和学术空间扩展的重要成果。这种成果主要体现为,饶先生创造性地将海外华文文学引入比较文学,从而在比较文学和海外华文文学两个学科之间搭建出崭新的学术平台,并在两个学科的交叉地带挖掘出许多新鲜的学术增长点,从而构建一种学科研究间性律动的新范式。 展开更多
关键词 饶芃子 《比较文学与海外华文文学》 学科研究律动
新文科建设探义——兼论学科场域的间性功能 被引量:21
作者 方延明 《社会科学战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期165-177,共13页
新文科建设勃兴于新时代,是对传统文科的革故鼎新。要着力于经世致用的理念,以方法创新为先导,以学科体系建设为核心,借助媒介融合和技术赋能,突出文科强国的思维能力;要以文、史、哲为基础,将文学对其他学科的基础意义作为切入点,突出... 新文科建设勃兴于新时代,是对传统文科的革故鼎新。要着力于经世致用的理念,以方法创新为先导,以学科体系建设为核心,借助媒介融合和技术赋能,突出文科强国的思维能力;要以文、史、哲为基础,将文学对其他学科的基础意义作为切入点,突出彰显全文科大视野,做好以“文学”为核心的“文学+”;要科学区隔学科场域,精耕细作间性研究,对相近学科和理、工、农、医等学科群组实施优化组合,集约共享。建构新文科的理论体系、学科体系、教学体系,牢牢掌握价值导向,以文化人、资政育人、述学立论、文化立国。 展开更多
关键词 新文科 全文科 文科强国 学科场域 间性研究
公利性公共与公议性公共:“公共”话语研究的两个要点及其范式转型 被引量:5
作者 李河成 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期87-98,共12页
"公利性公共"关注的是以个人内在的德性修养去驯服功利世界的分野,其优势在于以家国同构的礼法规制实现天下之共。忠孝同构的天下模式以"君"主导"贤",其心性构造从纵向维度上掩盖了横向维度的制度构造。&... "公利性公共"关注的是以个人内在的德性修养去驯服功利世界的分野,其优势在于以家国同构的礼法规制实现天下之共。忠孝同构的天下模式以"君"主导"贤",其心性构造从纵向维度上掩盖了横向维度的制度构造。"公议性公共"即多元力量的准入、展示、商谈和共通,"公议"立足公利,成为公共理性的精神守护,它处在与党派、政府等秩序建制的磨合当中;"公议"立足于"利益"之"有"而寻求间性之"无",公共话语研究处在实体哲学朝向主体"间性问题"的转型中,亦即公心与公法处在心性-秩序间的融合中。 展开更多
关键词 公利公共 公议公共 实体 间性研究 公论-共通 公心-公法
百年中国文艺理论的回顾与展望 被引量:1
作者 李庆本 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期150-157,共8页
20世纪中国文艺理论的发展可以概括为主体性的建构与消解以及在此过程中形成的多元化格局。主体性的建构首先是确立个性主体尤其是感性欲望的本体地位,在这一方面,王国维的贡献不可抹杀。主体性的建构与消解的过程,也就是古典主义、浪... 20世纪中国文艺理论的发展可以概括为主体性的建构与消解以及在此过程中形成的多元化格局。主体性的建构首先是确立个性主体尤其是感性欲望的本体地位,在这一方面,王国维的贡献不可抹杀。主体性的建构与消解的过程,也就是古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义、后现代主义在20世纪中国文艺理论中交替发展的过程,从而形成百年中国文艺理论发展的多元化格局。在全球化背景下,未来中国文艺理论的发展,应该着力将文艺理论建设成一门"间性"学科,具体包括文本间性、主体间性、学科间性和文化间性等方面。 展开更多
关键词 文艺理论 20世纪中国 主体 间性研究
《东方丛刊》 2019年第2期150-150,共1页
【主编按】当代世界万花筒式的交往与传播形态,生成了形形色色的跨语境间性关系,经济全球化与文化数字化加速则促使"间性研究"(Interality Studies)的问题与价值日益凸显。"我们正见证着从定栖到新游牧主义、从固体到微... 【主编按】当代世界万花筒式的交往与传播形态,生成了形形色色的跨语境间性关系,经济全球化与文化数字化加速则促使"间性研究"(Interality Studies)的问题与价值日益凸显。"我们正见证着从定栖到新游牧主义、从固体到微细间性的范式转变。" 展开更多
关键词 传播形态 范式转变 经济全球化 数字化 跨语境 间性研究 关系 万花筒
Comparison of biological characteristics of marrow mesenchymal stem cells in hepatitis B patients and normal adults 被引量:9
作者 Liang Peng Hua Li Lin Gu Xiao-Mou Peng Yang-Su Huang Zhi-Liang Gao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第11期1743-1746,共4页
AIM: To establish a culture system of marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)from hepatitis B patients and normal adults and to compare their biological characteristics. METHODS: MSCs were isolated from bone marrow in 34... AIM: To establish a culture system of marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)from hepatitis B patients and normal adults and to compare their biological characteristics. METHODS: MSCs were isolated from bone marrow in 34 male hepatitis B patients and 15 male normal adults and cultivated in vitro. Their biological characteristics including surface markers, shapes and appearances, growth curves, first passage time and passage generations were compared. RESULTS: Cultivation achievement ratio of hepatitis B patients was lower than that of normal adults, no statistical significance (82.35% vs 100%, P > 0.05). Compared with MSCs of normal adults, MSCs of hepatitis B patients presented a statistical lower growth curve, longer first passage time (13.0 ± 1.6 d vs 11.4 ± 1.5 d, P < 0.05), fewer passaging generation numbers (10.5 ± 1.4 generations vs 12.3 ± 1.7 generations, P < 0.05), though both shared same appearances, shapes and surface markers. MSCs in hepatitis B patients would expand, spread out and age more easily and there were more refractive particles in the cytoplasm. CONCLUSION: MSCs from hepatitis B patients can be cultured in vitro. Although their appearance, shape and surface marker are similar to those of MSCs from normal adults, there are differences in their biological characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Marrow mesenchymal stem cells Culture in vitro Biological characters
Numerical Study on Inter-Tidal Transports in Coastal Seas
作者 MAO Xinyan JIANG Wensheng +1 位作者 ZHANG Ping FENG Shizuo 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期379-388,共10页
Inter-tidal(subtidal) transport processes in coastal sea depend on the residual motion, turbulent dispersion and relevant sources/sinks. In Feng et al.(2008), an updated Lagrangian inter-tidal transport equation, as w... Inter-tidal(subtidal) transport processes in coastal sea depend on the residual motion, turbulent dispersion and relevant sources/sinks. In Feng et al.(2008), an updated Lagrangian inter-tidal transport equation, as well as new concept of Lagrangian in- ter-tidal concentration(LIC), has been proposed for a general nonlinear shallow water system. In the present study, the LIC is nu- merically applied for the first time to passive tracers in idealized settings and salinity in the Bohai Sea, China. Circulation and tracer motion in the three idealized model seas with different topography or coastline, termed as ‘flat-bottom', ‘stairs' and ‘cape' case, re- spectively, are simulated. The dependence of the LIC on initial tidal phase suggests that the nonlinearities in the stairs and cape cases are stronger than that in the flat-bottom case. Therefore, the ‘flat-bottom' case still meets the convectively weakly nonlinear condi- tion. For the Bohai Sea, the simulation results show that most parts of it still meet the weakly nonlinear condition. However, the de- pendence of the LIS(Lagrangian inter-tidal salinity) on initial tidal phase is significant around the southern headland of the Liaodong Peninsula and near the mouth of the Yellow River. The nonlinearity in the former region is mainly related to the complicated coast- lines, and that in the latter region is due to the presence of the estuarine salinity front. 展开更多
关键词 inter-tidal transport Lagrangian inter-tidal concentration residual velocity numerical modeling Bohai Sea
A GLKKM Type Theorem for Noncompact Complete L-Convex Metric Spaces with Applications to Variational Inequalities and Fixed Points 被引量:30
作者 WEN Kai Ting 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 2009年第1期19-27,共9页
In this paper,a new GLKKM type theorem is established for noncompact complete L-convex metric spaces.As applications,the properties of the solution set of variational in-equalities,intersection point sets,Ky Fan secti... In this paper,a new GLKKM type theorem is established for noncompact complete L-convex metric spaces.As applications,the properties of the solution set of variational in-equalities,intersection point sets,Ky Fan sections and maximal element sets are shown,and a Fan-Browder fixed point theorem is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 L-convex metric space noncompact measure transfer compactly open (closed) 4variational inequality section maximal element fixed point.
Study of the thermal pain threshold latency of acupoints based on Fei Teng Ba Fa 被引量:2
作者 Wang Hong-bin Zhao Shu +4 位作者 Cui Jian-mei Cao Yan Sun Na Qi Jian-shuai Yu Yue-yue 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2018年第3期140-144,共5页
Objective: By applying moxibustion to the eight confluent points in different periods of time, to observe the changes in thermal pain threshold latency of acupoints based on Fei Teng Ba Fa. Methods: A total of 468 h... Objective: By applying moxibustion to the eight confluent points in different periods of time, to observe the changes in thermal pain threshold latency of acupoints based on Fei Teng Ba Fa. Methods: A total of 468 healthy college student volunteers received moxibustion at the eight confluent points in three different periods of time, i.e. Chen (7:00-9:00), Wu (11:00-13:00) and Xu (19:00-21:00). The thermal pain threshold latency was adopted to measure the changes in pain threshold of the eight confluent points under different conditions (different periods of time, different genders, different acupoints and different states of the acupoints) based on Fei Teng Ba Fa. Results: Finally, thirty subjects dropped out and 438 subjects were included. The comparison of thermal pain threshold latencies of the eight confluent points in the same opening or closing state based on Fei Teng Ba Fa: latencies of the closing points and adjunct points were significantly different in different periods of time (P〈0.05), the latencies of the males were significantly longer than those of the females (P〈0.05); there was no significant difference in the latency between the left and right sides (P〉0.05); in the female group, there was a significant difference in the latency between the lower-limb points and the upper-limb points (P〈0.05). The comparison of thermal point threshold latencies of the eight confluent points in different opening or closing state: in the period of Wu (11:00-13:00), the latencies of the opening points were significantly longer than those of the closing points and adjunct points (P〈0.05); for men, their opening and closing points had significantly longer thermal pain threshold latencies than their adjunct points (P〈0.05); despite the gender, the latencies of the upper limb opening and closing points were significantly longer than the latency of the adjunct points (P〈0.05); in the female group, the latencies of the lower-limb opening points were significantly shorter than those of the lower-limb closing and adjunct points (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Based on Fei Teng Ba Fa, the pain thresholds of the eight confluent points vary in different periods of time, gender, acupoint location and opening/closing state, which can be taken as the evidence of making time-based acu puncture-moxibustion prescriptions. 展开更多
关键词 Moxibustion Therapy Specificity of Acupoints Research on Acupoints Chronomedicine Fei Teng Ba Fa POINTS Eight Confluent Pain Threshold Healthy Volunteers
Numerical study of contacts between a flat-ended punch and a half-space embedded with inhomogeneities 被引量:2
作者 WANG Lei WANG WenZhong +3 位作者 WANG ZhanJiang WANG Hui MA TianBao HU YuanZhong 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期684-697,共14页
This paper presented a numerical approach to solving the problem of a flat-ended punch in contact with a half-space matrix embedded with multiple three dimensional arbitrary-shaped inhomogeneities.Based on the semi-an... This paper presented a numerical approach to solving the problem of a flat-ended punch in contact with a half-space matrix embedded with multiple three dimensional arbitrary-shaped inhomogeneities.Based on the semi-analytical method(SAM)and the equivalent inclusion method,numerical procedures were developed and the effects of inclusion shape and distribution were analyzed.Fast Fourier transform technique was implemented to accelerate the calculation of surface deformation and subsurface stress.Interactions of inter-inclusions and inclusion-matrix were taken into account.Numerical results showed the presence of inhomogeneities(i.e.,microstructures in solids)indeed had a great effect on local contact pressure and a strong disturbance to the subsurface stress field in the vicinity of inclusions.The effects were dependent on the shape and distribution of inclusions and inter-inclusion interactions.The physical significance of this study is to provide an insight into the relation between the material microstructure and its response to the external load,and the solution approach and procedures may find useful applications,for example,the analysis of fatigue and crack propagation for composite materials,prediction of stress field in solids containing material defects,and study of the mechanism of chemical-mechanical polish(CMP)for inhomogeneous materials,etc. 展开更多
关键词 INHOMOGENEITY inhomogeneous inclusions equivalent inclusion method contact mechanics
Area spectra of BTZ black holes via periodicity 被引量:1
作者 LIU XianMing ZENG XiaoXiong ZHOU ShiWei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1627-1631,共5页
Motivated by the recent work that the periodicity of a black hole is responsible for the area spectrum,we exclusively utilize the period of motion of an outgoing wave,which is shown to be related to the vibrational fr... Motivated by the recent work that the periodicity of a black hole is responsible for the area spectrum,we exclusively utilize the period of motion of an outgoing wave,which is shown to be related to the vibrational frequency of the perturbed black hole,to study area spectra of a non-rotating BTZ black hole and a rotating BTZ black hole.It is found that the area spectra and entropy spectra for both space times are equally spaced.In addition,we find that though the entropy spectra of the 3-dimensional BTZ black holes take the same form as those of the 4-dimensional black holes,the area spectra depend on the dimension of space times.Our result confirms that the entropy spectrum of a black hole is more fundamental than the area spectrum. 展开更多
关键词 area spectrum PERIODICITY BTZ black holes
Existence of strong solutions in critical spaces for barotropic viscous fluids in larger spaces Dedicated to the NSFC-CNRS Chinese-French summer institute on fluid mechanics in 2010 被引量:1
作者 HASPOT Boris 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第1期309-336,共28页
This paper is dedicated to the study of viscous compressible barotropic fluids in dimension N ≥ 2. We address the question of well-posedness for large data having critical Besov regularity. Our result improves N the... This paper is dedicated to the study of viscous compressible barotropic fluids in dimension N ≥ 2. We address the question of well-posedness for large data having critical Besov regularity. Our result improves N the analysis of Danchin and of the author inasmuch as we may take initial density in BN/p p,1 with 1 ≤ p 〈 +∞. Our result relies on a new a priori estimate for the velocity, where we introduce a new unknown called effective velocity to weaken one of the couplings between the density and the velocity. In particular, our result is the first in which we obtain uniqueness without imposing hypothesis on the gradient of the density. 展开更多
关键词 partial differential equation harmonic analysis fluid mechanics
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