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作者 纪彩卿 张德峰 +1 位作者 张桂英 王向静 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2003年第S1期81-95,共2页
产后排尿困难和尿潴留是产科常见的并发症之一。尤其是第二产程延长和器械助产的产妇发生率更高。一旦发生,充盈的膀胱影响子宫收缩造成产后出血,留置尿管不但给产妇增加痛苦和不便,而且增加感染机会。护理工作重在预防。我科对观察对... 产后排尿困难和尿潴留是产科常见的并发症之一。尤其是第二产程延长和器械助产的产妇发生率更高。一旦发生,充盈的膀胱影响子宫收缩造成产后出血,留置尿管不但给产妇增加痛苦和不便,而且增加感染机会。护理工作重在预防。我科对观察对象积极采取康复护理措施,收到了满意效果。现介绍如下。 展开更多
关键词 康复护理 排尿困难 防产 尿潴留 效果观察 电脑脉冲 后排尿 护理工作 观察组
作者 志刚 《办公室业务》 1994年第4期34-34,共1页
美国心理学家德西经过长期观察实验发现,人们在从事有内在要求的工作受到额外奖励时,反而会产生相反的作用,这一现象心理学上称为“德西效应”。 在实际工作中,有些单位的表彰评比活动过多过滥,其实这并不一定能有好的效果。其主要原因... 美国心理学家德西经过长期观察实验发现,人们在从事有内在要求的工作受到额外奖励时,反而会产生相反的作用,这一现象心理学上称为“德西效应”。 在实际工作中,有些单位的表彰评比活动过多过滥,其实这并不一定能有好的效果。其主要原因,就是这种评比表彰往往流于形式,没有真正起到树立典型、弘扬先进的作用。如果对干部职工完成了应完成的任务,履行了应履行的义务。 展开更多
关键词 防产 现象心理学 额外奖励 送人情 长期观察 西经 评比 美国心理学 心理心 受到严厉批评
作者 郑萍 于萍 《青岛医药卫生》 1997年第11期35-36,共2页
产褥感染是产科常见并发症,预防产后感染仍然是我们值得关注的问题。本文针对这一问题探讨了中药抗炎汤在预防产后感染的临床意义。1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 1994年12月~1996年1月间,在我院妇产科行会阴侧切助娩的178例产妇,随机分2... 产褥感染是产科常见并发症,预防产后感染仍然是我们值得关注的问题。本文针对这一问题探讨了中药抗炎汤在预防产后感染的临床意义。1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 1994年12月~1996年1月间,在我院妇产科行会阴侧切助娩的178例产妇,随机分2组。Ⅰ组:108例,产后常规给中药抗炎汤50ml,每日2次口服,服5天。会阴切口给0. 展开更多
关键词 防产 抗炎 临床意义 后感染 经阴分娩 发热病 行会 助娩 会阴切口 性用药
作者 李凯年 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 1998年第21期7-7,共1页
最近,美国研究人员对一种可以防止同种和异种沙门氏菌定植和侵袭鸡的强毒活△cya△crp鼠伤寒沙门氏菌株×3985对鸡的长期保护效力进行了评价。测定了在2和4周龄口服接种鸡对在3、6、9和12月龄时用野生型鼠伤寒沙门氏菌或肠炎沙门氏... 最近,美国研究人员对一种可以防止同种和异种沙门氏菌定植和侵袭鸡的强毒活△cya△crp鼠伤寒沙门氏菌株×3985对鸡的长期保护效力进行了评价。测定了在2和4周龄口服接种鸡对在3、6、9和12月龄时用野生型鼠伤寒沙门氏菌或肠炎沙门氏菌株口服攻击的保护。比较攻击后从接种和未接种鸡分离的沙门氏菌,证明△cya△crp鼠伤寒沙门氏菌×3985对沙门氏菌在肠、内脏。 展开更多
关键词 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌 鸡沙门氏菌 沙门氏菌感染 肠炎沙门氏菌 未接种 病理学 保护效力 口服接种 蛋鸡 防产
公路施工中预防产生桥端跳车的措施 被引量:1
《运输经理世界》 2002年第11期12-13,共2页
桥端跳车越来越引起人们的高度重视,要解决这个问题,就必须从预防入手,不论是设计还是施工,都要从每项工艺和工序中消除产生桥端跳车的隐患,共同提高工程质量,对桥端跳车应采取以下预防措施。 1.从设计上减少道路与桥梁(涵)
关键词 防产 公路施工 桥连 压实 桥台 松铺厚度 回填土 路基下沉 夯实机 回填料
作者 李树林 《健康》 1995年第3期20-21,共2页
一些身材苗条的年轻妇女,往往在怀孕分娩、初为人母之后便开始逐渐发胖,失去了昔日匀称窈窕的体形。究其产后发胖的原因,大都是因为没有正确处理好饮食、睡眠、活动等关系,从而导致体内新陈代谢失调,脂肪、糖过剩积聚所致。如对以下诸... 一些身材苗条的年轻妇女,往往在怀孕分娩、初为人母之后便开始逐渐发胖,失去了昔日匀称窈窕的体形。究其产后发胖的原因,大都是因为没有正确处理好饮食、睡眠、活动等关系,从而导致体内新陈代谢失调,脂肪、糖过剩积聚所致。如对以下诸条多加注意,是可以预防产后发胖的。 展开更多
关键词 防产 乳喂养 新陈代谢 年轻妇女 褥期 后肥 食物 情志舒 可预 后便秘
《中国禽业导刊》 1999年第2期65-65,共1页
最近,美国研究人员对一种可以防止同种和异种沙门氏菌定植和侵袭鸡的强毒活△cya△crp鼠伤寒沙门氏菌株×3985对鸡的长期保护效力进行了评价。测定了在2和4周龄口服接种鸡对在3、6、9和12月龄时用野生型鼠伤寒沙... 最近,美国研究人员对一种可以防止同种和异种沙门氏菌定植和侵袭鸡的强毒活△cya△crp鼠伤寒沙门氏菌株×3985对鸡的长期保护效力进行了评价。测定了在2和4周龄口服接种鸡对在3、6、9和12月龄时用野生型鼠伤寒沙门氏菌或肠炎沙门氏菌株口服攻击的保护。... 展开更多
关键词 鸡沙门氏菌 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌 肠炎沙门氏菌 沙门氏菌感染 病理学 未接种 防产 生殖器官 沙门菌 保护时间
风沙地玉米粮饲用带状间作提产与防风蚀效应研究 被引量:1
作者 赵立仁 于国庆 +6 位作者 王海新 姜涛 王慧新 孙陶 吴增华 蔡立夫 张宇 《农业科技通讯》 2017年第1期74-76,共3页
利用同一玉米品种辽单565进行了玉米粮饲用带宽9 m:9 m间作种植试验,玉米粮用密度3 705株/亩,饲用密度5 558株/亩。玉米饲用田8月23日刈割青贮留茬高8 cm覆盖,粮用田9月25日收获秸秆站立覆盖。研究表明,玉米粮用界面1~3行籽粒平均比单... 利用同一玉米品种辽单565进行了玉米粮饲用带宽9 m:9 m间作种植试验,玉米粮用密度3 705株/亩,饲用密度5 558株/亩。玉米饲用田8月23日刈割青贮留茬高8 cm覆盖,粮用田9月25日收获秸秆站立覆盖。研究表明,玉米粮用界面1~3行籽粒平均比单作增产2.4%,饲用界面1~3行生物产量平均比单作增产3.9%。玉米秸秆覆盖到翌年下季作物播前粉碎直接还田,粮用带削弱近地表风速率达85%以上,土壤免受风蚀,浅层土壤水分蒸发量减少11.4个百分点;饲用带削弱近地表风速率达77%以上,土壤风蚀率降低80%以上,浅层土壤水分蒸发量减少6.1个百分点。风沙地玉米粮饲用带状间作是一种生态与生计友好型模式。 展开更多
关键词 风沙地 玉米 粮饲间作 风蚀
产后出血的护理体会 被引量:1
作者 许晓东 翁大伟 +1 位作者 张艳玲 梁振亚 《中国现代药物应用》 2010年第6期170-170,共1页
关键词 防产 后出血
作者 马涛 耿鲁营 《试采技术》 2003年第1期45-47,共3页
孤东油田开发至今,先后应用了多种化学防砂方法,取得了一定的效果。但是,对于近年来大量油井出现的粒径小于0.10mm的粉细砂甚至粘土砂、一直没有较好的防砂方法。主要介绍了ZJ-I型胶结砂的防砂机理和现场应用情况,并且对其进行了... 孤东油田开发至今,先后应用了多种化学防砂方法,取得了一定的效果。但是,对于近年来大量油井出现的粒径小于0.10mm的粉细砂甚至粘土砂、一直没有较好的防砂方法。主要介绍了ZJ-I型胶结砂的防砂机理和现场应用情况,并且对其进行了适应性分析,说明胶结砂能够有效地防住粉细砂和粘土砂,并且有明显的降水和增油效果。 展开更多
关键词 堵水 化学液剖面 ZJ-I型 胶结砂 粉细砂 孤东油田
作者 刘世民 《消防月刊》 1995年第3期32-32,共1页
关键词 防产 职能
甲基营养型芽孢杆菌的分离鉴定及在防蝇产蛆环境防治中的应用 被引量:5
作者 谭泽文 郜晨 +3 位作者 张逸凡 云露 彭桂香 谭志远 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期631-635,共5页
从华南农业大学试验基地土壤筛选芽孢杆菌,得到17株芽孢杆菌,结合插入序列指纹图谱对分离获得的芽孢杆菌进行聚类分析,共分为3个类群;测定各类群代表菌株的16S rDNA序列,分析其系统发育,结果表明类群Ⅰ代表菌株RF2与甲基营养型芽孢杆菌... 从华南农业大学试验基地土壤筛选芽孢杆菌,得到17株芽孢杆菌,结合插入序列指纹图谱对分离获得的芽孢杆菌进行聚类分析,共分为3个类群;测定各类群代表菌株的16S rDNA序列,分析其系统发育,结果表明类群Ⅰ代表菌株RF2与甲基营养型芽孢杆菌(Bacillus methylotrophicus CBMB 205~T)相似性为99.48%;类群Ⅱ代表菌株RF10与好氧芽孢杆菌(Bacillus aerophilus 28K^T)相似性为99.61%;类群Ⅲ代表菌株RF16与蜡样芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus ATCC14579~T)相似性为99.87%.餐厨垃圾试验表明类群Ⅰ RF2具有餐厨垃圾防蝇产蛆效果;并且生理生化、碳源利用以及抗菌谱试验表明菌株RF2在碱性条件下可以将葡萄糖分解成丙酮酸并脱羧氧化生成二乙酰,既能够将氨转化为氨基酸和胞内其他含氮化合物,也利用多种碳源供自身生长,能够拮抗多种植物病原菌(水稻纹枯病、尖刀廉孢菌、香蕉枯萎病).而RF2在含有难溶性的磷酸盐[Ca_3(PO_4)_2]条件下可分泌出有机酸降低pH值,使难溶性磷酸盐溶解供自身利用.因此本研究获得的菌株RF2是一株具有较强促生作用和应用于防蝇产蛆的芽孢杆菌,具有很好的应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 甲基营养型芽孢杆菌 餐厨垃圾 生物特性
Efficacy of intramuscular diclofenac and fluid replacement in prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis 被引量:20
作者 Altug Senol Ulku Saritas Halil Demirkan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第32期3999-4004,共6页
AIM: TO assess the efficacy of intramuscular diclofenac and fluid replacement for prevention of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis.METHODS: A prospective, placebo-controlled st... AIM: TO assess the efficacy of intramuscular diclofenac and fluid replacement for prevention of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis.METHODS: A prospective, placebo-controlled study was conducted in 80 patients who underwent ERCP. Patients were randomized to receive parenteral diclofenac at a loading dose of 75 mg followed by the infusion of 5-10 mL/kg per hour isotonic saline over 4 h after the procedure, or the infusion of 500 mL isotonic saline as placebo. Patients were evaluated clinically, and serum amylase levels were measured 4, 8 and 24 h after the procedure.RESULTS: The two groups were matched for age, sex, underlying disease, ERCP findings, and type of treatment. The overall incidence of pancreatitis was 7.5% in the diclofenac group and 17.5% in the placebo group (12.5% in total). There were no significant differences in the incidence of pancreatitis and other variables between the two groups. In the subgroup analysis, the frequency of pancreatitis in the patients without sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) was significantly lower in the diclofenac group than in the control group (ρ = 0.047).CONCLUSION: Intramuscular diclofenac and fluid replacement lowered the rate of pancreatitis in patients without SOD. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography PANCREATITIS DICLOFENAC Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs Fluid replacement
Warranty Cost Model Based on Optimal Preventive Maintenance Operations for Repairable Products 被引量:1
作者 周炳海 王佳跃 潘尔顺 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期575-579,共5页
Most warranty cost models based on preventive maintenance operations are assumed that products improve at each preventive maintenance (PM) operation and the failure rate is reduced to the failure rate of new product... Most warranty cost models based on preventive maintenance operations are assumed that products improve at each preventive maintenance (PM) operation and the failure rate is reduced to the failure rate of new products or to some specified level. To make warranty cost models more suitable to real operations, a modeling method of the PM warranty cost was proposed with the situation where each PM operation slowed the rate of product degradation. A warranty cost model was built on PM operations. On the basis of the cost model, both without and with reliability limit PM warranty policy, algorithms were presented to derive the optimal PM number and the optimal PM interval with an objective of minimizing expected total warranty cost over a t'mite warranty period. Finally, to demonstrate the feasibility of the presented modeling method, Weibuil distribution cases were tested by numerical simulations. The simulation results indicate that the proposed modeling method is feasible and valid for resolving the optimal solution of the product warranty cost. 展开更多
关键词 warranty cost preventive maintenance repairable products failure rate
Effects of Agricultural Meteorological Disasters on Agricultural Production in Chuzhou City of Anhui Province
作者 陈磊 任竹 江懿 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2427-2429,2457,共4页
According to data of agricultural disasters in Chuzhou City of Anhui Province during 1988-2012, types, characteristics and effects on agricultural produc- tion of major major meteorological disasters in the city were ... According to data of agricultural disasters in Chuzhou City of Anhui Province during 1988-2012, types, characteristics and effects on agricultural produc- tion of major major meteorological disasters in the city were analyzed, and then measures to prevent meteorological disasters adopted by meteorological departments of the city in recent years were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Meteorological disasters Agricultural production INFLUENCE Preventionmeasures
Formaldehyde Donor Preservatives in Cosmetics
作者 Xin Qu 《China Detergent & Cosmetics》 2016年第1期59-63,共5页
Formaldehyde donor preservatives are under debate because formaldehyde at high concentration is known to the public as a toxic substance to humans and the environment, inducing mutation in living organisms. Chemical m... Formaldehyde donor preservatives are under debate because formaldehyde at high concentration is known to the public as a toxic substance to humans and the environment, inducing mutation in living organisms. Chemical methods, such as using acetylacetone (Nash reagent), are commonly used to determine total formaldehyde concentration in cosmetics. However, these methods will perturb the equilibrium between formaldehyde and formaldehyde donor. A new method, based on C-13 NMR, not perturbing the equilibrium and more suitable for formaldehyde measurement, is reviewed. This review describes the background, distinction, and applications of formaldehyde and formaldehyde donor in cosmetics. 展开更多
关键词 formaldehyde donor PRESERVATIVES EU regulatory developments c-13 nmr
Major hazard sources analysis and prevention measures of packaging emulsion explosive production line
作者 Wu Xiaomeng 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第6期90-95,共6页
Emulsion explosive with favorable water-resistance performance,storage performance and detonation stability has been widely used in all over the world.The development actuality and production technique characteristics... Emulsion explosive with favorable water-resistance performance,storage performance and detonation stability has been widely used in all over the world.The development actuality and production technique characteristics of emulsion explosive in China were introduced firstly.Taken the technique characteristics of packaging emulsion explosive into account,major hazard sources of emulsion explosive production line were analyzed.Finally,prevention measures based on inherent safety of emulsion explosive production were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 emulsion explosive major hazard sources prevention measures
Formula Development for Baby Sunscreen Products
作者 Bao Fang An Dong +1 位作者 Bao Xi Jun Guo Fang 《China Detergent & Cosmetics》 2018年第3期75-79,共5页
Based on the special users of baby sunscreen cosmetics, the review shows how to choose forms, UV filters and how to match UV filters emphatically according to the characteristics of baby skin. Then the choosing of emo... Based on the special users of baby sunscreen cosmetics, the review shows how to choose forms, UV filters and how to match UV filters emphatically according to the characteristics of baby skin. Then the choosing of emollient, emulsifier, soothing, the design of water-resistance and the using of controversial ingredients were introduced. The review shows guidance for cosmetic formulator to design baby sunscreen cosmetics. 展开更多
关键词 SUNSCREEN BABY formula development
Piglet Diarrhea and Technology Transfers to Prevent E. coli Infection at Small-Holder Pig Farms in Binh Dinh, Vietnam 被引量:2
作者 Nguyen Quang Linh Hoang Nghia Duyet +1 位作者 Tran Quang Vui Du Thanh Hang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第8期696-705,共10页
The study aims at finding alternative interventions for the prevention ofE. coli infection in piglets so as to boost farmers' benefits and improve environment in the area. Data were collected from one experimental gr... The study aims at finding alternative interventions for the prevention ofE. coli infection in piglets so as to boost farmers' benefits and improve environment in the area. Data were collected from one experimental group consisting of 210 small pig holder farms and one control group of 70 farms. All of 280 litters and sows were analyzed and the techniques of early vaccination at 60-80 d of pregnant (time 1) were applied and repeated after 10 d with E. coli vaccine to produce antibodies through milk. The percentage of piglets with diarrhea caused by E. coli significantly decreased from 75.7% to 18.9%. Injection of E. coli vaccine for the pregnant sows created antibodies for young piglets through colostrums. The treatment of E. coli cost 45,420 Vietnam Dong (VND) per litter in the experimental group and that was 156,000 VND/litter in the control group. Use of betel-bokashi (bio-product as plant antibiotics and Lactobacillus) to treat piglet diarrhea was proved safe and effective. Litter size and average weight at birth and weaning were improved significantly (P 〈 0.05). The average weaned weight of piglets and sows were 11.2 kg and 118.6 kg in the experimental group, compared to 9.4 kg and 89.9 kg in the control group, respectively. Piglets in the experimental group had good health, no diarrhea and a shorter weaning time (2 d) and mating interval 2.22 days earlier than those in the control group. The average profit of 210 households was significantly higher in the experiment group: feed-cost was much lower than that in the control group. Small-holder farms implementing the experiments of applying the techniques received more financial profit, which was 1,502,000 VND per year per sow, while those who did not apply the techniques gained only 223,000 VND per year per sow. 展开更多
关键词 PIGLETS SOWS E. coli INFECTION households benefit.
Shelf-Life Extension of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) and Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Using Aqueous Extracts of Some Ethnomedicinal Plants
作者 Olaleye Oluremi Nurudeen Omotayo Mutiat Adetayo Olanlege Abdullateef Olatunde Longe Adeteju Olufunmilayo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第10期806-810,共5页
This research aimed at the use of natural products to extend the shelf life of perishable vegetables. Studies were conducted on the preservative effects of four plant extracts--Xylopia aethiopica, Piper nigrum, Tetrap... This research aimed at the use of natural products to extend the shelf life of perishable vegetables. Studies were conducted on the preservative effects of four plant extracts--Xylopia aethiopica, Piper nigrum, Tetrapleura tetraptera and Carica papaya seeds on tomato and pepper. Tomato and pepper were dipped into four different concentrations of aqueous extracts of the four plants as well as water serving as control. The result of the study showed that aqueous extract of all plants extended the shelf life of tomato and pepper with increasing concentration of the extracts, except for Carica papaya seeds which produced significant elongation of 12.0 ±0.6 d and 14.0 ± 0.7 d on tomato and pepper, respectively, at the least concentration of 0.25 mg/mL. The results showed that these ethnomedicinal plants can serve as good and potent sources of natural preservatives which can be used to substitute existing synthetics used in the food industry. 展开更多
关键词 Shelf life ethnomedicinal plants tomato and pepper.
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