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作者 陈绍录 《农村科学实验》 2021年第19期170-172,共3页
草地贪夜蛾是威胁玉米生长的害虫之一,由于其具有繁殖速度快、迁飞能力强、适应性强等方面的特点,一旦在玉米田出现,会对玉米造成大面积的伤害。本文主要对几种杀虫剂对玉米田草地贪夜蛾的田间防效效果进行分析,希望为草地贪夜蛾化学防... 草地贪夜蛾是威胁玉米生长的害虫之一,由于其具有繁殖速度快、迁飞能力强、适应性强等方面的特点,一旦在玉米田出现,会对玉米造成大面积的伤害。本文主要对几种杀虫剂对玉米田草地贪夜蛾的田间防效效果进行分析,希望为草地贪夜蛾化学防治工作的开展,提供一定的参考建议。 展开更多
关键词 杀虫剂 玉米田 草地贪夜蛾 防效效果
不同除草措施对辣椒地杂草防除效果 被引量:1
作者 冉海燕 叶照春 +2 位作者 陈仕红 兰献敏 何永福 《杂草学报》 2019年第1期46-50,共5页
为明确不同除草措施对辣椒地杂草防除效果,采用田间小区试验方法,研究单独施用除草剂、地膜覆盖、除草剂+地膜覆盖不同除草措施对辣椒地杂草防除效果。结果表明,单用除草剂960 g/L精异丙甲草胺乳油、330 g/L二甲戊灵乳油对辣椒地杂草30 ... 为明确不同除草措施对辣椒地杂草防除效果,采用田间小区试验方法,研究单独施用除草剂、地膜覆盖、除草剂+地膜覆盖不同除草措施对辣椒地杂草防除效果。结果表明,单用除草剂960 g/L精异丙甲草胺乳油、330 g/L二甲戊灵乳油对辣椒地杂草30 d群体株防效分别为68.75%、65.07%,60 d杂草群体株防效、鲜重防效分别为76.50%、82.88%,82.99%、87.35%。白膜覆盖、黑膜覆盖、白膜覆盖+960 g/L精异丙甲草胺乳油、白膜覆盖+330 g/L二甲戊灵乳油、黑膜覆盖+960 g/L精异丙甲草胺乳油、黑膜覆盖+330 g/L二甲戊灵乳油对辣椒地杂草30 d群体株防效均达97.00%以上,60 d群体株防效均达96.00%以上,鲜重防效除白膜覆盖+960 g/L精异丙甲草胺乳油处理外,均达93.00%以上。综合试验结果表明,地膜覆盖、除草剂+地膜覆盖均能较好地防除辣椒地杂草,实际生产应用中为减少农药使用可直接覆盖地膜防除辣椒地杂草。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒 除草剂 地膜覆膜 杂草 防效效果
不同药剂处理对小麦叶锈病的防治效果及产量的影响 被引量:2
作者 李雷雷 范志业 +6 位作者 陈琦 侯艳红 刘迪 陈莉 王文豪 沈海龙 李世民 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2021年第10期138-139,156,共3页
为了明确生产上常用的6种杀菌剂对小麦叶锈病的防治效果及产量的影响,2019—2020年在漯河市农业科学院试验基地进行药剂防治试验。结果表明,在小麦叶锈病发病初期施药,药后29 d,200 g/L氟唑菌酰羟胺+25%丙环唑对小麦叶锈病的防效最高,达... 为了明确生产上常用的6种杀菌剂对小麦叶锈病的防治效果及产量的影响,2019—2020年在漯河市农业科学院试验基地进行药剂防治试验。结果表明,在小麦叶锈病发病初期施药,药后29 d,200 g/L氟唑菌酰羟胺+25%丙环唑对小麦叶锈病的防效最高,达83.86%,其次是40%丙硫·戊唑醇,防效为79.27%;200 g/L氟唑菌酰羟胺+25%丙环唑对小麦的增产效果最为明显,比对照增产14.09%。该地区防治小麦叶锈病,最佳配方为200 g/L氟唑菌酰羟胺+25%丙环唑,不仅有很好的防治效果,同时可显著提高小麦产量。 展开更多
关键词 药剂 小麦叶锈病 防效效果 增产
棉田三棱草药剂防除效果试验 被引量:2
作者 程萍 王映山 陈前文 《农村科技》 2017年第5期33-34,共2页
关键词 三棱草 药剂 防效效果
4种药剂对二点委夜蛾幼虫的田间防治效果研究 被引量:1
作者 陈秀双 贾彦华 +2 位作者 张星璨 吕书亮 李秀芹 《河北农业科学》 2012年第12期16-17,45,共3页
二点委夜蛾幼虫对夏玉米为害严重,在生产上主要通过喷施辛硫磷、敌敌畏、高效氯氟氰菊酯和毒死蜱4种药剂进行化学除治,但这些药剂防效差异较大。为摸清上述农药对二点委夜蛾的田间防治效果,为生产提供有效的防治技术,在河北省故城县玉... 二点委夜蛾幼虫对夏玉米为害严重,在生产上主要通过喷施辛硫磷、敌敌畏、高效氯氟氰菊酯和毒死蜱4种药剂进行化学除治,但这些药剂防效差异较大。为摸清上述农药对二点委夜蛾的田间防治效果,为生产提供有效的防治技术,在河北省故城县玉米田进行了喷雾防治田间试验,以明确除治效果较好的药剂种类和药液施用量。结果表明:高效氯氟氰菊酯和毒死蜱对二点委夜蛾幼虫的防治效果均>90%,且防效随单位面积药液施用量的增加而提高。 展开更多
关键词 夏玉米 农药 二点委夜蛾 防效效果
作者 杨生华 张芸 +1 位作者 李龙 郭延平 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期276-278,共3页
为了筛选防治蚕豆病毒病的有效药剂,选用0.06%甾烯醇ME、0.5%香菇多糖AS、30%毒氟磷WP、8%宁南霉素AS、20%吗胍·乙酸铜WP等5种药剂进行田间药效试验。结果表明:5种抗病毒药剂对蚕豆病毒病均有较好的防治效果,其中30%毒氟磷WP防效最... 为了筛选防治蚕豆病毒病的有效药剂,选用0.06%甾烯醇ME、0.5%香菇多糖AS、30%毒氟磷WP、8%宁南霉素AS、20%吗胍·乙酸铜WP等5种药剂进行田间药效试验。结果表明:5种抗病毒药剂对蚕豆病毒病均有较好的防治效果,其中30%毒氟磷WP防效最佳,3次施药后,防治效果分别为67.87%、70.59%和75.39%,并能有效增加蚕豆产量和百粒重,在蚕豆生产中具有一定的推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 蚕豆病毒病 抗病毒剂 防效效果
作者 茆邦根 《安徽农学通报》 2016年第1期52-53,共2页
通过对60%丁草胺EC100m L加5.16%五氟磺草胺·丁草胺GR进行田间效果比较试验,结果表明:整田时每667m^2撒施60%丁草胺EC100m L加田间杂草2~3叶期撒施5.16%五氟磺草胺·丁草胺GR1 000g对田间杂草总体防效达95%以上。
关键词 直播稻 杂草 防效效果 药剂
几种生物农药对高海拔茶区茶饼病的防效试验初报 被引量:9
作者 李向阳 齐普应 +1 位作者 陈凯 王庆森 《茶叶学报》 2017年第4期201-203,共3页
为筛选出安全有效地防治高海拔茶区茶饼病的药剂,开展了生物农药氨基寡糖素、申嗪霉素、多抗霉素和矿物油4种药剂及氨基寡糖素与多抗霉素混配剂对贵州湄潭和德江茶园茶饼病的防效试验研究。结果表明:供试生物农药10%多抗霉素处理对贵州... 为筛选出安全有效地防治高海拔茶区茶饼病的药剂,开展了生物农药氨基寡糖素、申嗪霉素、多抗霉素和矿物油4种药剂及氨基寡糖素与多抗霉素混配剂对贵州湄潭和德江茶园茶饼病的防效试验研究。结果表明:供试生物农药10%多抗霉素处理对贵州湄潭和德江高海拔茶区的茶饼病均有一定的防效(分别为62.43±5.84%和58.17±2.93%);若与5%氨基寡糖素混配后的防效有显著提升(分别为67.3±2.19%和72.77±2.93%),与对照药剂吡唑醚菌酯的防效差异不显著。表明供试生物药剂10%多抗霉素、或10%多抗霉素与5%氨基寡糖素混配使用防治茶饼病可以替代化学农药吡唑醚菌酯,可在我国高海拔茶区大面积应用。 展开更多
关键词 高海拔茶区 茶饼病 生物农药 药剂混配 防效效果
作者 赖荣丰 《农家致富顾问》 2019年第4期100-100,共1页
关键词 稻飞虱 三氟苯嘧啶 防效效果
Control Effect of Bio-guide Wasp Virus Missile on Ostrinia furnacalis and Its Benefits for Maize Production in Nanchong City
作者 彭昌家 白体坤 +8 位作者 丁攀 冯礼斌 尹怀中 龙维国 杨宇衡 杨建华 何海燕 苟建华 罗怀海 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期662-666,共5页
In order to promote "green plant protection", reduce the administration dosage and residue of pesticides and control cost of environment pollution, and improve maize production, quality and agricultural ecological e... In order to promote "green plant protection", reduce the administration dosage and residue of pesticides and control cost of environment pollution, and improve maize production, quality and agricultural ecological environment safety. In this study, the control effect and benefit of bio-guide wasp virus missile(BGWVM) on Ostrinia furnacalis in Nanchong City was investigated by using insect light traps and combined method of field investigation and experimental demonstration. According to the results, applying 30-37 pairs of BGWVM per hectare exhibited an average control efficiency of 78.0%, and the control cost was 139.50-172.50 CNY/hm2, which was reduced by 142.50-168.00 CNY/hm^2 compared with conventional chemical control. Average maize yield in BGWVM demonstration plot was 817.8 kg/hm2 higher and improved by 11.0% compared with blank control plot. The output value was improved by 1 799.16 CNY/hm^2 and the revenue increased by 1 941.66-1 967.16CNY/hm2. During 2003-2014, the cumulative demonstration and popularization area of BGWVM technique in Nanchong City had reached 24 507.33 hm^2, and the cumulative yield increment reached 20.042 1 million kg. BGWVM application improved total output value by 44.092 6 million CNY and saved control cost by 3.492 3-4.117 2 million CNY, thus increasing the revenue by 47.584 9-48.209 8 million CNY. BGWVM application reduced 551.41 t of 5% dimehypo GG or 12.87 t of 90%monosultap WP. In addition, BGWVM technique is simple to use, labor-saving and safe for human, animals, environment and crops, with significant economic, ecological and social benefits and without any side effect, which has become an ideal substitute for controlling O. furnacalis and reducing chemical pesticides in organic agriculture industry, modern agriculture industry, production of green and pollution-free agricultural products and IBM prevention and control demonstration gardens. 展开更多
关键词 Ostrinia furnacalis Bio-guide wasp virus missile Prevention and control Effect BENEFIT Evaluation
Control Effects of 9 Fungicides on Citrus Canker 被引量:1
作者 HUANG Ze-pei ZHOU Ya-lin +2 位作者 LONG Jian-guo MO Jun-ping SUN Wei-si 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2021年第1期37-41,共5页
In order to screen out effective fungicides for controlling citrus canker,the control effects of 9 fungicides on Jinhong bingtang orange canker were studied.The results showed that 77%cupric calcium sulfate WP,30%copp... In order to screen out effective fungicides for controlling citrus canker,the control effects of 9 fungicides on Jinhong bingtang orange canker were studied.The results showed that 77%cupric calcium sulfate WP,30%copper oxychloride SC,46%copper hydroxide WG,30%thiodiazole-copper SC and 40%zinc thiazole SC had better comprehensive control effect on citrus canker,6%benziothiazolinone WG had an average effect,3%zhongshengmycin AS,2%kasugamycin AS and 33.5%oxine-copper SC had poor control effect.Therefore,fungicides could be used alternately or choose compounded preparation.In addition,adjuvants could be considered in use,which was an effective way to enhance efficacy,reduced dosage and delayed pesticide resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Citrus canker Copper preparation Biological agents THIAZOLES HETEROCYCLIC Control effect Efficacy test
Control Effect of 80% Nicosulfuron·Atrazine Water-dispersible Granules on Weeds in Spring Maize Field
作者 Yueqi SHEN Rende QI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1596-1598,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the control effect of different concentrations of 80% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules on weeds in spring maize field. [Method] Maize field was sprayed ... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the control effect of different concentrations of 80% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules on weeds in spring maize field. [Method] Maize field was sprayed with 300, 375, 450, 750 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules respectively, with 40 g/L nicosulfuron suspending concentrate and 38% atrazine suspending concentrate as control agents. Artificial weeding and control(CK) plots were set. [Result] Fresh weight control efficiency of 375-750 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules was significantly higher than that of 40 g/L nicosulfuron suspending concentrate and 38% atrazine suspending concentrate; no obvious phytotoxicity symptoms were observed after application of 300-450 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine waterdispersible granules; 750 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules posed certain impact on the growth of maize seedlings. Compared with control plots, various doses of 80% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules significantly improved the yield of maize. [Conclusion] In the present study, 375-450 g/hm280% nicosulfuron·atrazine water-dispersible granules exhibited high control effect on weeds in maize field and were safe for the growth of maize seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 Nicosulfuron-atrazine Maize WEEDS Control effect
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