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作者 龙正荣 《原生态民族文化学刊》 2014年第2期88-92,共5页
养猪是我国南方山地民族比较普遍的生产方式之一。通过对生活在黔东南锦屏县皆阳村苗族养猪方式的调查,提出受山地环境和资源条件影响,山地民族养猪具有散户圈养、熟食喂养、商品率低等特点。从经济学的角度看,皆阳村民散养生猪缺乏经... 养猪是我国南方山地民族比较普遍的生产方式之一。通过对生活在黔东南锦屏县皆阳村苗族养猪方式的调查,提出受山地环境和资源条件影响,山地民族养猪具有散户圈养、熟食喂养、商品率低等特点。从经济学的角度看,皆阳村民散养生猪缺乏经济效益,但由于养猪具有环境保护、社会交往、农业增产、保障生活等功能,在农村仍然有较大的发展空间。相关部门应该重视山地民族养猪的非经济价值,通过发展农业种植带动生猪养殖的发展。 展开更多
关键词 南方山地民族 养猪 锦屏县皆阳村
作者 张庆麟 洪令厘 《管理观察》 2015年第18期18-20,共3页
本文以2014年夏季中国劳动力动态调查为研究背景,重点关注了江苏省高邮市汤庄镇缦阳村和南京市六合区横梁街道新篁社区两个采样点的社会保障建设情况,并以此作为样本探究中国农村社区的社会保障发展状况。笔者在问卷调查、访谈、观察的... 本文以2014年夏季中国劳动力动态调查为研究背景,重点关注了江苏省高邮市汤庄镇缦阳村和南京市六合区横梁街道新篁社区两个采样点的社会保障建设情况,并以此作为样本探究中国农村社区的社会保障发展状况。笔者在问卷调查、访谈、观察的基础上,深入探究分析了两地实际的社会保障覆盖情况,梳理了目前两地社会保障所存在的问题以及可行的解决对策,并反思了该现象背后地区差距、城乡差距扩大以及城乡二元结构桎梏对我国社会主义现代化建设所产生的负面效应。 展开更多
关键词 社会保障 中国劳动力动态调查 阳村 新篁社区
作者 史耀增 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期41-45,共5页
清顺治二年,代理合阳县令刘汉卿于危急中搭救了和阳村全村人的性命,村人感其恩德,立祠祭祀,由此形成该村独有的刘公信仰,一直延续至今。和阳村刘公信仰具有地域性、广泛性、延续性的特点。随着社会经济的发展和人们观念的更新,和阳村人... 清顺治二年,代理合阳县令刘汉卿于危急中搭救了和阳村全村人的性命,村人感其恩德,立祠祭祀,由此形成该村独有的刘公信仰,一直延续至今。和阳村刘公信仰具有地域性、广泛性、延续性的特点。随着社会经济的发展和人们观念的更新,和阳村人尤其是年轻人对刘公的信仰日趋淡化。 展开更多
关键词 阳村 刘公信仰
象征地权与文化经济——福建阳村的历史地权个案研究 被引量:107
作者 张小军 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期121-135,共15页
本文通过福建阳村的田野研究 ,运用象征地权的概念重新理解中国历史上的土地产权结构和社会结构。象征地权是一种象征资本的产权形式 ,具有象征资本的再生产性。象征地权的分析 ,令我们思考中国历史上不公平的地权结构及其社会观念。象... 本文通过福建阳村的田野研究 ,运用象征地权的概念重新理解中国历史上的土地产权结构和社会结构。象征地权是一种象征资本的产权形式 ,具有象征资本的再生产性。象征地权的分析 ,令我们思考中国历史上不公平的地权结构及其社会观念。象征地权的过度膨胀会压缩契约地权以及相关法律、合同的效果 ,形成权力占有者利用制度和政策的掌控权 ,通过造制度、玩政策来公开寻租 ,瓦解社会公平 。 展开更多
关键词 象征地权 文化经济 福建 阳村 象征资本 象征产权 土地产权结构 社会结构 社会观念 产权形式
象征资本的再生产——从阳村宗族论民国基层社会 被引量:19
作者 张小军 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期51-62,共12页
Based on fieldwork in Yang Village in eastern Fujian province,this paper utilizes the concept of symbolic capital from Pierre Bourdieu to reflect upon Prasenjit Duara’s thesis known as “cultural nexus of power”.The... Based on fieldwork in Yang Village in eastern Fujian province,this paper utilizes the concept of symbolic capital from Pierre Bourdieu to reflect upon Prasenjit Duara’s thesis known as “cultural nexus of power”.The material under discussion is concerned with social changes at the level of grassroots societies in the Republican period.The central argument to be made is that the reproduction of symbolic capital was fundamentally redefined and transformed by misunderstanding of cultural issues on the part of local elite. 展开更多
关键词 阳村宗族 民国时期 基层社会 资本 再生产 乡村社会
作者 蒋华林 《中山大学法律评论》 2011年第2期3-62,共60页
农村问题是中国作为一个大国的最大问题,农村问题解决的好坏直接影响中国的未来路向。对农村中"真问题"的发现是对阻滞农村发展/进步症结化解的必然前设。循此理路,以阳村为样本,将其作为中国农村的一个表述对象,深入具象农... 农村问题是中国作为一个大国的最大问题,农村问题解决的好坏直接影响中国的未来路向。对农村中"真问题"的发现是对阻滞农村发展/进步症结化解的必然前设。循此理路,以阳村为样本,将其作为中国农村的一个表述对象,深入具象农民的日常生活世界进行田野观察。搁置传统先在理论,通过对"赤裸裸"的经验、个案的深度阐释、发掘,采用社会规范微观民族志研究农村场景中的水政、村俗、教育、非正式制度(习惯法)及乡村政治运作等片断为中心的典型集结叙事,兼及拉伸外在于阳村的时空维度,试图经由对阳村活生生的、未经剪裁的经验或深描或白描的爬梳,让农民生活经验本身获得一种对输入或强加的话语及理论的对抗权利——一种修正它/它们的权利,为"非均衡的中国"三农研究积累素材,期冀找准农村问题的病灶所在,试图提出新农村建设方案的要素纲目,使中国农民真正过上体面而有尊严的秩序生活,最终以理性而充满活力的基层力量助推民族国家美好图景的实现。 展开更多
关键词 田野观察 阳村 经验 秩序 微观民族志
作者 张小军 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期41-54,共14页
本文通过福建阳村的田野研究,运用象征地权的概念重新理解中国历史上的土地产权结构和社会结构。象征地权是一种象征资本的产权形式,具有象征资本的再生产性。象征地权的分析,令我们思考中国历史上不公平的地权结构及其社会观念。象... 本文通过福建阳村的田野研究,运用象征地权的概念重新理解中国历史上的土地产权结构和社会结构。象征地权是一种象征资本的产权形式,具有象征资本的再生产性。象征地权的分析,令我们思考中国历史上不公平的地权结构及其社会观念。象征地权的过度膨胀会压缩契约地权以及相关法律、合同的效果,形成权力占有者利用制度和政策的掌控权,通过造制度、玩政策来公开寻租,瓦解社会公平,引起广泛的社会问题。 展开更多
关键词 象征地权 文化 福建 阳村 历史 中国 地权结构
作者 史耀增 《民艺》 2019年第3期80-92,共13页
在陕西省合阳县城略偏东北方12.5千米处,有一个近三千口人的大村庄,叫和阳村。和阳村西北方靠着徐水沟的两条支沟,按方位分别称为东沟和西沟,村庄往东十里便是中华民族的母亲河——黄河。和阳村是一个历史悠久的文明古村,这里是宋代力... 在陕西省合阳县城略偏东北方12.5千米处,有一个近三千口人的大村庄,叫和阳村。和阳村西北方靠着徐水沟的两条支沟,按方位分别称为东沟和西沟,村庄往东十里便是中华民族的母亲河——黄河。和阳村是一个历史悠久的文明古村,这里是宋代力荐“三苏”、被誉为“旷世伯乐”的雷简夫的故里,明末清初又出过著名的女诗人雷敬儿(史夫人)。 展开更多
关键词 三苏 手工艺 东沟 簸箕 阳村 柳条 村庄
作者 金永银 《诗词月刊》 2019年第2期28-28,共1页
关键词 咏公阳村 仙果 红柿 柿子
作者 方爱玲 《城市地理┿城乡规划》 2019年第2期35-40,共6页
本文将研究区划分为村内建设用地、村内发展备用地和村庄外部用地三个独立空间,构建了村域土地利用分类体系。以首阳村2005年、2010年和2016年空间分辨率优于0.5m的遥感影像、土地调查、社会、经济等数据为基础,利用互联网+3S等技术,全... 本文将研究区划分为村内建设用地、村内发展备用地和村庄外部用地三个独立空间,构建了村域土地利用分类体系。以首阳村2005年、2010年和2016年空间分辨率优于0.5m的遥感影像、土地调查、社会、经济等数据为基础,利用互联网+3S等技术,全面调查首阳村各时期土地利用结构及用地功能,深入分析近15年来首阳村土地利用结构变化规律及成因。通过村庄调查和村民入户调研,对村庄自然资源、建设现状、村民需求、村庄未来发展等进行全面考察。基于上述调查调研成果,因地制宜,有针对性地提出了首阳村村级土地利用规划、村内建设用地结构调整及布局优化、村庄绿地景观建设、中药材特色农业产业转型升级的重点和方向。 展开更多
关键词 阳村 土地利用 结构及功能 村级规划
麻阳(高村)话两个特殊的语音现象 被引量:3
作者 胡萍 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期84-86,共3页
麻阳(高村)话中有两个较为特殊的语音现象:其一是声母系统中有唇齿清塞擦音pf、pfh,但与有关方言相比,pf、pfh声母的来源不同;其二是韵母系统中舌面前高元音存在舌尖化的倾向。对上述现象的描写和探讨,可为汉语方言pf、pfh声母的生成机... 麻阳(高村)话中有两个较为特殊的语音现象:其一是声母系统中有唇齿清塞擦音pf、pfh,但与有关方言相比,pf、pfh声母的来源不同;其二是韵母系统中舌面前高元音存在舌尖化的倾向。对上述现象的描写和探讨,可为汉语方言pf、pfh声母的生成机制以及高元音音变规律等问题的研究提供新的例证。 展开更多
关键词 麻阳 (高村)话 语音现象
《江苏农村经济》 2005年第9期7-7,共1页
关键词 农药工业产业园 阳村 农民维权热线 林业产业化 江苏
Resettlement's impact on the domestic economy in lake restoration: a case study of Poyang Lake region
作者 YAN Yu-ping YAN Bang-you LI Weng-hua 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第3期254-263,共10页
The Chinese government started a take restoration project in Poyang Lake region 10 years ago, and the expost mOnitor of the migrants' livelihoods was limited, This paper compares the composition difference of domesti... The Chinese government started a take restoration project in Poyang Lake region 10 years ago, and the expost mOnitor of the migrants' livelihoods was limited, This paper compares the composition difference of domestic income and domestic consumption between migration and non-migration villages in Poyang Lake region. The results show that the migrants' domestic income has increased in the last 10 years, which originated from the tncreasing trend of active and extensive rural labor migration, while the resettlement has not influenced the domestic income significantly. The resettlement stimulates younger farmers to work.far away from home whose wages contribute nearly 80% of domestic income, The resettlement decreases their savings due to higher expenditure of daily life for those who work far away from home, and higher expenditure of food for those who stay at home, losing cultivated lands with irrigation system for vegetable. On the other hand. the increase of rural labor migration leads the migrants who stay at home to have access to more cultivated lands for rice and cotton, and the farmers also apply more fertilizer in the same cultivated land for more agriculture products. The resettlement makes most of migrants spend their savings on the improvement of their housing conditions due to not enough governmental financial support for new building. After the analysis, some factors that influence migrants' income and consumption are discussed. The paper may contritbute to the building of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological migration Income Expenditure: Lake restoration. Povang Lake
Social Indicators in Preliminary Studies for the Installation of Solar Panels, Salta, Argentina
作者 Emilce Ottavianelli Marcelo Ibarra Carlos Cadena 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第11期1869-1875,共7页
More than 10% of the population in Salta is regarded as rural. Many rural areas suffer a shortage of energy, and consequently, possibilities of social and economic development of the inhabitants become reduced. The ac... More than 10% of the population in Salta is regarded as rural. Many rural areas suffer a shortage of energy, and consequently, possibilities of social and economic development of the inhabitants become reduced. The activation of renewable energy sources in these areas presents inhabitants the advantages to generate their own energy. Dispersed rural communities create small electricity demands that are not considered by suppliers, because they are not profitable. Although thus far, feasibility analyses to install photovoltaic or thermal solar collectors are based on technical reasons, it seems more convenient that, in the future, projects for the installation of technology based on renewable energy should consider social indicators. As a preliminary step to field work is proposed in this paper using an equation that allows us to obtain a value of"social index". With this analysis and the current survey accompanied by the local people, knowledge will be obtained of the real needs of these rural communities. The results show that there is a variation that would allow a classification or ordering of localities. To validate the results obtained is proposed as the next step to perform field work in each of the localities. 展开更多
关键词 Solar energy social index rural community.
Addressing Barriers to Off-Grid Rural Electrification in Africa: The Botswana and Namibia Experience
作者 Pushpendra K. Jain Prem Jain Philimon Dhafana 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第8期1351-1359,共9页
Africa is the most affected continent with energy poverty. Wood fuel is the main source of energy for remote and rural populations. At the same time, most parts of Africa are endowed with abundant solar energy. Togeth... Africa is the most affected continent with energy poverty. Wood fuel is the main source of energy for remote and rural populations. At the same time, most parts of Africa are endowed with abundant solar energy. Together with a highly developed global solar industry and ever declining cost of solar systems, solar has unprecedented potential to combat energy poverty in Africa. However, dissemination of solar systems is faced with a number of barriers and challenges amongst where sustainable financing and lack of technological support for installation, maintenance and repair of systems are the most significant. This paper discusses the cases of Botswana and Namibia where financing schemes based on different partnership models have been successfully implemented. These schemes have the potential for success and adaptation by countries with similar socio-economic conditions. We conclude with recommendations on training programs for different levels of intervention to overcome the lack of technological support. 展开更多
关键词 Energy poverty off-grid rural electrification solar energy financing mechanisms training needs AFRICA Botswana Namibia.
The Mechanism of Rural Tourism Development-Taking Yangshuo County as an Example
作者 LI Heying WANG Jinye +1 位作者 WEI Qingqing YANG Shuaiqi 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 2024年第5期1240-1250,共11页
Rural tourism plays a crucial role in promoting the process of urban-rural integration and regionally coordinated development.Drawing on theories of tourism system drive and system science,this study constructed a ru... Rural tourism plays a crucial role in promoting the process of urban-rural integration and regionally coordinated development.Drawing on theories of tourism system drive and system science,this study constructed a rural tourism system dynamics model with four subsystems:demand,supply,media,and support.Subsequently,we predicted the optimal mechanism for rural tourism development using scenario simulation methods.The findings were four-fold.(1)The rural tourism development dynamics system constructed in this study overcame the limitations of previous subsystem divisions.(2)Under the development scenarios of Natural development mechanism(NDM),Demand driven mechanism(DDM),Supply driven mechanism(SDMe),Media driven mechanism(MDM),Support driven mechanism(SDMu),and Synergistic driven mechanism(SDMy),the rural tourism development index values in 2035 were 0.678,0.702,0.755,0.715,0.776,and 0.836,respectively.Among these scenarios,SDMy emerged as the ideal mechanism for rural tourism development in Yangshuo County.(3)Based on the characteristics of the rural tourism development index,rural tourism in Yangshuo County has undergone three stages:fluctuating growth,rapid development,and recession.(4)Yangshuo County’s rural tourism supply index grows slowly and is always below 0.8,which is a key link for future structural optimization.This study proposes a direction for rural tourism development in Yangshuo and a later impetus,which can accelerate the process of urban-rural integration in Yangshuo and similar areas. 展开更多
关键词 mechanism rural tourism system dynamics Yangshuo County
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