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《素问·阴阳离合论》“厥阴根起于大敦,阴之绝阳”渊源考释 被引量:5
作者 李建宇 董时军 +2 位作者 吕红 刘士敬 赵艳玲 《中医学报》 CAS 2011年第9期1040-1042,共3页
目的:探讨《内经》"大敦""阴之绝阳"与《周髀算经》"北极璇玑"的关系。方法:受大汶口文化遗址之"玉璇玑"覆于死者胸前启发,将《素问.阴阳离合论》"厥阴根起于大敦,阴之绝阳""罢... 目的:探讨《内经》"大敦""阴之绝阳"与《周髀算经》"北极璇玑"的关系。方法:受大汶口文化遗址之"玉璇玑"覆于死者胸前启发,将《素问.阴阳离合论》"厥阴根起于大敦,阴之绝阳""罢极"与《尚书》《周髀算经》"北极""璇玑"概念相比较,进行深入分析。结果:《内经》"大敦""阴之绝阳"与5 000年前的玉璇玑有渊源关系。结论:从《尚书》《周髀算经》"北极""璇玑"这一天文和地理概念去理解《内经》有关条文则可加深对厥阴在人体中作用和地位的理解。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 尚书 周髀算经 厥阴 阴之 璇玑 罢极 四极 大敦 大汶口文化 红山文化
作者 韦其麟 《技术经济信息(广西)》 1997年第3期48-48,共1页
关键词 韦其麟 可思议 冰融化 稻草人 浓雾 阳绝 去头 洼地 无水
作者 贾佩琰 《家庭中医药》 2014年第11期33-34,共2页
补法,是中医治病的重要法则之一,临床应用相当广泛,深受医家所重视。它的内容十分丰富,历代医家论述既多且详,《医学心语》云:"补之为义大矣哉!然有当补不补误人者,有不当补而补误人者,亦有当补而不分气血、不辨寒热、不识开阖、不知... 补法,是中医治病的重要法则之一,临床应用相当广泛,深受医家所重视。它的内容十分丰富,历代医家论述既多且详,《医学心语》云:"补之为义大矣哉!然有当补不补误人者,有不当补而补误人者,亦有当补而不分气血、不辨寒热、不识开阖、不知缓急、不分五脏、不明根干、不深求调摄之方以误人者。"可见掌握补法的适应范围,运用时机以及配合方法等,都至为重要,未可掉以轻心。 展开更多
关键词 配合方法 中医治病 为义 明根 黄帝内经 虚损 虚者补之 临床应用 不足 阳绝
作者 于光远 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 1993年第3期25-25,共1页
关键词 诗人王维 身材苗条 蜂蝶 几味 香附
作者 徐磊 《吉林中医药》 1989年第1期33-35,共3页
中风病病位在脑之络脉,无论脑络阻塞或脑络破裂,皆可导致中风病的发生。随着对本病病因、病理、病位认识的不断深化,其治疗方法也不断向纵深发展,作为中风病治法之一的络脉病变治法(以下简称治络法)也从理论和临床上得到相应发展。爰就... 中风病病位在脑之络脉,无论脑络阻塞或脑络破裂,皆可导致中风病的发生。随着对本病病因、病理、病位认识的不断深化,其治疗方法也不断向纵深发展,作为中风病治法之一的络脉病变治法(以下简称治络法)也从理论和临床上得到相应发展。爰就其源流及应用作简要叙述。一、祖国医学对中风病络脉病变的有关论述祖国医学对中风病络脉病变的认识应当追溯至《史记·扁鹊传》,扁鹊谓虢太子尸厥证曰:“上有绝阳之络,下有破阴之纽。”张锡纯认为此“络” 展开更多
关键词 中风病 络脉 张锡纯 活血通络 尸厥 中风先兆 中风偏瘫 通络汤 解语丹
作者 LiChunguang GaoYong DongNingli 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2004年第5期437-440,共4页
Niobium capacitor uses electrolytic Nb2O5 as dielectric layer formed on surface of porous niobium anode through electrolytic reaction. Analysis of Scanning Electronics Microscope (SEM) combined with X-ray Photoemissio... Niobium capacitor uses electrolytic Nb2O5 as dielectric layer formed on surface of porous niobium anode through electrolytic reaction. Analysis of Scanning Electronics Microscope (SEM) combined with X-ray Photoemission Spectrum(XPS) shows that the formed niobium oxide dielectric consists of not only Nb2O5, but also two kinds of low valence niobium NbO2 and NbO oxide. When using different electrolytic reaction conditions, different valence niobium oxide shows different relative content. The fact provides an important basis for analyzing and improving performances of niobium capacitor. 展开更多
关键词 Niobium anode Niobium capacitor
作者 张艺 许坚 《数字世界》 2006年第4期86-89,共4页
"在旅途中捕捉美好瞬间,用镜头记录下来,成为珍藏的旅途记忆对于热爱旅行的朋友,这是过程,也是结果,更是下一次精彩旅行的开始。"摄影师许坚今天做客《数字世界》,将和你分享记录旅途美好瞬间的所思所想。DW:许老师,近几年在... "在旅途中捕捉美好瞬间,用镜头记录下来,成为珍藏的旅途记忆对于热爱旅行的朋友,这是过程,也是结果,更是下一次精彩旅行的开始。"摄影师许坚今天做客《数字世界》,将和你分享记录旅途美好瞬间的所思所想。DW:许老师,近几年在一些报刊上常见到你拍摄的国外风光,有欧洲各国的、澳大利亚的,还有东南亚等地的,你好像哪儿都去了。这可是需要相当长的历史积淀才能做出来的吧。许:因为我一直喜欢旅游加摄影,说句玩笑话,历史还很悠久呢,所以积累了不少资料,这次算是零存整取吧。 展开更多
关键词 许坚 旅游摄影 数字世界 在旅途中 玩笑话 桑托林 石翼 三谷 内极
Solar-Assisted Space Heating and Small Pond-Assisted Space Cooling of a Highly Insulated Energy Efficient House
作者 Toktam Saeid Hessam Taherian +1 位作者 Alan S. Fung Humphrey Tse 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第8期974-984,共11页
For three weeks in October 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy hosted the Solar Decathlon Competition in which 20 teams of college and university students competed to design, build, and operate their own version of a ... For three weeks in October 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy hosted the Solar Decathlon Competition in which 20 teams of college and university students competed to design, build, and operate their own version of a solar-powered house. Team North's mission was to deliver North House, a compelling, marketable solar powered home for people with active lifestyles, while building Canada's next generation of leaders in sustainable engineering, business and design. This paper deals with a solar-assisted space heating system that was studied as a potential design for the competition. Among several other conclusions, it was found that using a solar-assisted in-floor heating system can decrease the energy consumption to only 8% of the case without the in-floor loop. 展开更多
关键词 Net-zero energy house TRNSYS software energy modeling.
Techniques to Reduce the Energy Consumption in Building in Hot Arid Rejoin (Iraq) 被引量:1
作者 Ghanim Kadhem Abdulsada Abdul Sada 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第6期1052-1057,共6页
The Iraqi climate is extremely hot and arid zone covers a belt between latitude (29°N to 36°N). The energy required for air conditioning of Iraqi buildings is about 60% of the entire energy consumption in ... The Iraqi climate is extremely hot and arid zone covers a belt between latitude (29°N to 36°N). The energy required for air conditioning of Iraqi buildings is about 60% of the entire energy consumption in buildings. This research deals with the possibility of using different technics for the reducing energy consumption in buildings by blocking or eliminates the effect of direct solar radiation in summer season. This study deals with different local insulation materials which were added to the south face of walls surface of Iraqi buildings, as well as built water spray system upon the exterior roof surface to minimize the effect of incident solar radiation upon the roofs and wall surfaces. The results showed that thermal conductivity of local insulation materials (papyrus) are very low, also the results showed that when using water spray roof system, gives good indication to use this method in hot arid rejoins. 展开更多
关键词 Passive system insulation materials water spray system.
伤寒论评话 第36章 阳明不仅可蓄水 尚有柴胡气郁证——阳明病蓄水、气郁等证的辨证治疗
作者 梁华龙 《中医学报》 CAS 2014年第12期1736-1739,共4页
1阳明经表风寒邪气,过经入腑结于阳明胃,使津液之腑不能正常游溢精气,寒水互结于胃,形成阳明蓄水证。寒气与饮邪互结与胃,与膀胱无碍,故小便数及因小便数而致的大便硬,口渴较轻者少少与饮水,重者以化气、行水、生津的五苓散进行治疗。... 1阳明经表风寒邪气,过经入腑结于阳明胃,使津液之腑不能正常游溢精气,寒水互结于胃,形成阳明蓄水证。寒气与饮邪互结与胃,与膀胱无碍,故小便数及因小便数而致的大便硬,口渴较轻者少少与饮水,重者以化气、行水、生津的五苓散进行治疗。太阳蓄水与阳明蓄水,均以口渴为主症,所蓄部位不同,就有小便数与小便不利的区别。2阳明胃肠虚实更替,以降为顺,以通为用,若邪入阳明,气机郁滞,更替失常,升降无节,不仅阳明胃肠本身的功能失常,也可连带其他经络脏腑的气机不能调畅。不大便是阳明腑实证的见症,但阳明气郁证也可出现不大便。小柴胡汤证可见于六经病的多个病群中,也可见于六经病以外的其他疾病中。3"得汤反剧者,属上焦",其病名称作"上焦吐",呕吐虽与胃气上逆密切相关,但有时并非胃家本身病变,是由其他原因导致的气机逆乱所致。 展开更多
关键词 明病 蓄水证 气郁证 阳绝 虚寒证 寒湿证
沈佳妮 解读体重秤背后的秘密
作者 为民 《婚姻与家庭(婚姻情感版)》 2005年第9期37-37,共1页
关键词 联通用户 朝夕相伴 锻炼习惯 骨胳 静脉壁 动脉壁 阳绝 针对措施 围度 资任
Time constant optimization of solar irradiance absolute radiometer 被引量:1
作者 唐潇 方伟 +2 位作者 王玉鹏 杨东军 衣小龙 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2017年第3期179-183,共5页
We experimentally evaluate and optimize the time constant of solar irradiance absolute radiometer(SIAR). The systemic error introduced by variable time constant is studied by a finite element method. The results shown... We experimentally evaluate and optimize the time constant of solar irradiance absolute radiometer(SIAR). The systemic error introduced by variable time constant is studied by a finite element method. The results shown that, with a classic time constant of 30 s for SIAR, the systemic errors are 0.06% in the midday and 0.275% in the morning and afternoon. The uncertainty level which can be considered negligible for SIAR is also investigated, and it is suggested that the uncertainty level has to be less than 0.02%. Then, combining the requirement of international comparison with these two conclusions, we conclude that the suitable time constant for SIAR is 20 s. 展开更多
关键词 radiometer absolute classic uncertainty negligible afternoon morning requirement optimize meaningful
Design and Optimization of a Single Stage Centrifugal Compressor for a Solar Dish-Brayton System 被引量:5
作者 Yongsheng Wang Kai Wang +3 位作者 Zhiting Tong Feng Lin Chaoqun Nie Abraham Engeda 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期404-412,共9页
According to the requirements of a solar dish-Brayton system,a centrifugal compressor stage with a minimum total pressure ratio of 5,an adiabatic efficiency above 75% and a surge margin more than 12% needs to be desig... According to the requirements of a solar dish-Brayton system,a centrifugal compressor stage with a minimum total pressure ratio of 5,an adiabatic efficiency above 75% and a surge margin more than 12% needs to be designed.A single stage,which consists of impeller,radial vaned diffuser,90° crossover and two rows of axial stators,was chosen to satisfy this system.To achieve the stage performance,an impeller with a 6:1 total pressure ratio and an adiabatic efficiency of 90% was designed and its preliminary geometry came from an in-house one-dimensional program.Radial vaned diffuser was applied downstream of the impeller.Two rows of axial stators after 90° crossover were added to guide the flow into axial direction.Since jet-wake flow,shockwave and boundary layer separation coexisted in the impeller-diffuser region,optimization on the radius ratio of radial diffuser vane inlet to impeller exit,diffuser vane inlet blade angle and number of diffuser vanes was carried out at design point.Finally,an optimized centrifugal compressor stage fulfilled the high expectations and presented proper performance.Numerical simulation showed that at design point the stage adiabatic efficiency was 79.93% and the total pressure ratio was 5.6.The surge margin was 15%.The performance map including 80%,90% and 100% design speed was also presented. 展开更多
关键词 Single Stage Centrifugal Compressor Design OPTIMIZATION
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