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作者 张欣 李春智 +2 位作者 薛明 李方洲 倪豪 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2023年第7期168-175,共8页
群体机器人可依靠群智能有效分工协作完成复杂和大规模任务,在物流、制造、交通和军事等领域有极大的应用价值。然而,目前已有电能补给方式均无法满足其持续不间断充电的需求,导致强大的协同工作能力得不到充分发挥。为此,提出一种基于... 群体机器人可依靠群智能有效分工协作完成复杂和大规模任务,在物流、制造、交通和军事等领域有极大的应用价值。然而,目前已有电能补给方式均无法满足其持续不间断充电的需求,导致强大的协同工作能力得不到充分发挥。为此,提出一种基于阵列式发射模组的群体机器人动态无线充电方式,可为群体机器人工作过程中实时供给电能。分析了机器人动态无线充电过程中效率和功率的波动特性,以充电效率最优为目标,提出一种带有惩罚机制改进的蚁群算法以及协同工作模式,并应用于群体机器人协同动态无线充电系统。最后,进行仿真实验,验证了所提出的方法可实现群体机器人在动态无线充电过程中稳定可靠协同工作。文中的研究对群体智能的研究具有极大的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 群体机器人 阵列式发射模 动态无线充电 改进的蚁群算法 协同工作模式
阵列微分方程组初值问题的数值解法 被引量:1
作者 张丽丽 雷友发 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2006年第03S期92-92,共1页
关键词 四阶Runge—Kutta方法 阵列微分方程 初值问题
机器人随机位置下动态无线供电阵列式发射模组优化设计 被引量:1
作者 薛明 杨庆新 +2 位作者 章鹏程 郭建武 侯虎 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第24期6319-6331,共13页
为群智能行为研究和货物分拣场景中随机移动的多机器人实时补给电能,满足其不间断工作的需求是一个重要问题。该文提出一种基于有效耦合区域定量分析的阵列式电磁发射模组优化设计方法,可满足机器人在工作区域任意位置实时补给电能的需... 为群智能行为研究和货物分拣场景中随机移动的多机器人实时补给电能,满足其不间断工作的需求是一个重要问题。该文提出一种基于有效耦合区域定量分析的阵列式电磁发射模组优化设计方法,可满足机器人在工作区域任意位置实时补给电能的需求。首先,分析了机器人运动过程中收发线圈存在的耦合情形以及相应的接收功率解析式。其次,提出了以满足机器人额定功率需求为基准,界定有效耦合区域的划分方法,并采用有限元分析方法定量表述了不同激励模式下的有效耦合区域,进而得到阵列式发射模组空间结构排布方法以及相应的线圈激励导通工作模态。最后,搭建了基于2×2阵列发射模组的小功率动态无线供电平台,验证了机器人随机位置动态无线获取电能补给的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 阵列发射模 动态无线供电 有效耦合区域 耦合机构 机器人
多组阵列天线相位校准方法 被引量:2
作者 蔺占中 路志勇 《无线电通信技术》 2017年第2期71-73,93,共4页
提出了利用多次幅度测量实现多组阵列天线相位校准的方法,解决了多组阵列在天线辐射方向需要同相位合成的难题,保证了多组阵列实现高效率合成。介绍了校准方法的工作原理,给出了多组阵列天线进行相位校准的工作过程。对校准前后的天线... 提出了利用多次幅度测量实现多组阵列天线相位校准的方法,解决了多组阵列在天线辐射方向需要同相位合成的难题,保证了多组阵列实现高效率合成。介绍了校准方法的工作原理,给出了多组阵列天线进行相位校准的工作过程。对校准前后的天线测试结果进行对比分析,得出校准精度符合工程设计要求,且无需调试,易于实现远场自动校准,适用于多组阵列天线研制过程中的相位校准工作。 展开更多
关键词 阵列天线 相位校准 自动校准
基于Pro/E圆周阵列特征的设计技巧 被引量:3
作者 童森林 白剑宇 陈俊华 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2003年第9期29-30,共2页
阵列是CAD设计中常用的方法。在使用Pro/Engineer参数化设计软件过程中 ,经常会发生阵列失败现象 ,尤其是沿圆周方向阵列时更是如此。本文着重阐述使用该软件阵列圆周特征的一般规律和技巧 ,分析阵列失败的原因 ,提出修改设计的意见 ,... 阵列是CAD设计中常用的方法。在使用Pro/Engineer参数化设计软件过程中 ,经常会发生阵列失败现象 ,尤其是沿圆周方向阵列时更是如此。本文着重阐述使用该软件阵列圆周特征的一般规律和技巧 ,分析阵列失败的原因 ,提出修改设计的意见 ,并详细介绍了四种类型的圆周阵列方法和适用场合。 展开更多
关键词 CAD 圆周阵列 PRO/E 阵列组 草绘 产品设计
作者 詹春毅 赖兴余 邹伟全 《制造业自动化》 北大核心 2011年第12期31-33,共3页
在Pro/E中对于重复创建一组相同或相似的特征,阵列是一种高效的操作,可以大大提高设计效率。但其应用需要相当的技巧,不易掌握。本文以铁链的设计为例,说明创建复杂阵列的思路与方法,灵活应用各种阵列、复制和组命令,来实现快速设计。... 在Pro/E中对于重复创建一组相同或相似的特征,阵列是一种高效的操作,可以大大提高设计效率。但其应用需要相当的技巧,不易掌握。本文以铁链的设计为例,说明创建复杂阵列的思路与方法,灵活应用各种阵列、复制和组命令,来实现快速设计。最后用旋转楼梯的制作为例将该方法推广应用至双方向阵列。 展开更多
关键词 PRO/E 阵列组 复制 参考阵列
作者 刘孝先 《广东通信技术》 2024年第5期55-60,共6页
主要介绍了光伏组件的选择、逆变器的选择、地面光伏电站的总图设计、光伏阵列组串计算、光伏支架基础选型和计算以及光伏电站的电气设计等方面的内容;在选择光伏组件时,需从安装方式、成本、转换效率等方面考虑;逆变器的选择则需要从... 主要介绍了光伏组件的选择、逆变器的选择、地面光伏电站的总图设计、光伏阵列组串计算、光伏支架基础选型和计算以及光伏电站的电气设计等方面的内容;在选择光伏组件时,需从安装方式、成本、转换效率等方面考虑;逆变器的选择则需要从成本、转换效率、谐波含量、维护及可靠性等方面考虑;地面光伏电站的总图需根据功能区划分、光伏方阵的布置、高压进出线的便利性等方面考虑;同时,光伏组件支架及基础也是需要重点考虑的因素之一,支架的安装方式及基础的稳固性是电站可靠运行的基石;最后,光伏电站的电气设计需要包括配电系统、电缆的选择和布置、开关设备的设计等内容。 展开更多
关键词 光伏 逆变器 地面光伏电站 光伏阵列组 支架基础 电气设计
Pro/E阵列技术在机械结构设计中的应用 被引量:2
作者 李燕 周雄刚 《机械研究与应用》 2005年第3期87-88,共2页
关键词 PRO/E 阵列 关系阵列 曲线阵列
串并联个数和温度对光伏电池结电容的影响研究 被引量:3
作者 赵志刚 张纯杰 +2 位作者 高溥 桑虎堂 李晓黔 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1394-1400,共7页
研究光伏电池的动态参数对设计光伏发电系统相应后级控制器至关重要。从分析光伏电池物理机理出发,推导出光伏电池单体/模组/阵列的结电容与偏置电压之间的较精确表达式;在提取模型中等效串联电阻和饱和电流的值的基础上,使用Lambert W... 研究光伏电池的动态参数对设计光伏发电系统相应后级控制器至关重要。从分析光伏电池物理机理出发,推导出光伏电池单体/模组/阵列的结电容与偏置电压之间的较精确表达式;在提取模型中等效串联电阻和饱和电流的值的基础上,使用Lambert W函数推导出偏置电压与输出电压之间的显式表达式;采用工程数学模型结合本征载流子浓度表达式推导了结电容与温度的较精确关系式;分别在不同串并联个数和温度下对结电容的影响做了仿真分析。仿真结果与部分文献的实验结果相吻合,验证了理论的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 光伏电池 光伏模(阵列) 动态模型 结电容 温度
两种自动插纸隔板包装形式的分析 被引量:2
作者 李存良 韩晨 王晔 《酒.饮料技术装备》 2019年第5期71-73,共3页
通过对市场上两种自动插纸隔板包装形式的分析,从工艺原理、产能、适应性和适合领域方面进行对比分析和总结,阐明了各自拥有的特点和优势。能够更好为纸隔板包装的定位、选型、设计和改进提供参考。并对纸隔板包装技术的提升和发展起到... 通过对市场上两种自动插纸隔板包装形式的分析,从工艺原理、产能、适应性和适合领域方面进行对比分析和总结,阐明了各自拥有的特点和优势。能够更好为纸隔板包装的定位、选型、设计和改进提供参考。并对纸隔板包装技术的提升和发展起到推动和借鉴的作用。 展开更多
关键词 纸隔板 阵列组 后包装 包装机械
《传感器世界》 2005年第2期53-53,共1页
该产品为一个传感器阵列组,可以安装在管道中测量液体的体积流量以及存在于液体和连续相工艺流体中的空气/气体含量。通过对浸着在液体中的气体和空气进行补偿计算,该系统可以对液体的任一部分进行单独测量。其流速的测量范围是3-30... 该产品为一个传感器阵列组,可以安装在管道中测量液体的体积流量以及存在于液体和连续相工艺流体中的空气/气体含量。通过对浸着在液体中的气体和空气进行补偿计算,该系统可以对液体的任一部分进行单独测量。其流速的测量范围是3-30fps,读数准确率(带校正)是±0.5%,重复性是总读数的±0.3%,可测量的夹带空气/气体范围是0%-20%。 展开更多
关键词 SONARtrac型 流体检测系统 传感器阵列组 流速
溶液pH和温度对X65管线钢焊缝非均匀腐蚀的影响 被引量:3
作者 朱烨森 刘梁 +3 位作者 徐云泽 王晓娜 刘刚 黄一 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期150-156,共7页
本工作利用阵列多环组腐蚀监测传感器对X65管线钢焊缝在不同溶液pH和温度的饱和二氧化碳溶液中的非均匀腐蚀行为进行了研究。实验结果表明,管线钢焊缝的360°全周向区域以及沿管长轴向区域的非均匀腐蚀情况可以被有效监测。结合电... 本工作利用阵列多环组腐蚀监测传感器对X65管线钢焊缝在不同溶液pH和温度的饱和二氧化碳溶液中的非均匀腐蚀行为进行了研究。实验结果表明,管线钢焊缝的360°全周向区域以及沿管长轴向区域的非均匀腐蚀情况可以被有效监测。结合电化学测试及腐蚀形貌表征发现,在溶液pH为5.85时,管线钢焊缝表面难以形成具有保护性的腐蚀产物膜,随着溶液温度升高,焊缝三个区域(母材区、热影响区和焊缝区)的二氧化碳腐蚀加剧,其中焊缝区腐蚀最为严重;在溶液pH为6.86时,随着溶液温度升高,焊缝三个区域的腐蚀速率由于保护性腐蚀产物膜的形成而降低。魏氏体和针状铁素体在焊缝区的富集,导致焊缝区的成膜时间滞后于母材区和热影响区。 展开更多
关键词 阵列多环腐蚀监测传感器 管线钢焊缝 二氧化碳腐蚀 非均匀腐蚀
光净化用紫外LED阵列模组的均匀照度优化设计 被引量:5
作者 经周 樊嘉杰 +3 位作者 陈威 刘杰 吴伟子 熊衍建 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第19期218-227,共10页
针对紫外光净化系统应用提出了一种紫外发光二极管(LED)阵列模组的均匀照度优化设计方法。该方法首先基于单颗LED的光强度分布采用几何光学理论计算净化层接收面上的照度;再结合阵列模组与净化层的间距、净化层最小照度与最大照度之比... 针对紫外光净化系统应用提出了一种紫外发光二极管(LED)阵列模组的均匀照度优化设计方法。该方法首先基于单颗LED的光强度分布采用几何光学理论计算净化层接收面上的照度;再结合阵列模组与净化层的间距、净化层最小照度与最大照度之比、单颗LED发光角度等要求,采用二分法和TracePro仿真分别得到最佳LED阵列间距和照度分布模拟结果;最后,还进行了阵列模组均匀照度测量实验,用于验证仿真模拟结果的准确性。研究结果表明:提出的设计方法能够实现不同照度均匀性、结构、光源要求下的LED阵列排布优化设计,对紫外光净化系统设计和开发有重要指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 光学器件 紫外LED 阵列 紫外光净化 均匀照度
Survey of molecular profiling during human colon cancer development and progression by immunohistochemical staining on tissue microarray 被引量:12
作者 Wei-Chang Chen Mao-Song Lin +4 位作者 Bao-Feng Zhang Jing Fang Qiong Zhou Ying Hu Heng-Jun Gao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期699-708,共10页
AIM: To explore the molecular events taking place during human colon cancer development and progression through high-throughput tissue microarray analysis. METHODS: We constructed two separate tissue microarrays con... AIM: To explore the molecular events taking place during human colon cancer development and progression through high-throughput tissue microarray analysis. METHODS: We constructed two separate tissue microarrays containing 1.0 mm or 1.5 mm cylindrical samples acquired from 112 formalin-fixed and paraffinembedded blocks, including carcinomas (n = 85), adenomatous polyps (n = 18), as well as normal paracancerous colon tissues (n = 9). Immunohistochemical staining was applied to the analysis of the consecutive tissue microarray sections with antibodies for 11 different proteins, including p53, p21, bcl-2, bax, cyclin D1, PTEN, p-Aktl, β-catenin, c-myc, nm23-h1 and Cox-2. RESULTS: The protein expressions of p53, bcl-2, bax, cyclin D1, β-catenin, c-myc, Cox-2 and nm23-h1 varied significantly among tissues from cancer, adenomatous polyps and normal colon mucosa (P = 0.003, P = 0.001, P = 0.000, P = 0.000, P = 0.034, P = 0.003, P = 0.002, and P = 0.007, respectively). Chi-square analysis showed that the statistically significant variables were p53, p21, bax, β-catenin, c-myc, PTEN, p-Aktl, Cox-2 and nm23-h1 for histological grade (P = 0.005, P = 0.013, P = 0.044, P = 0.000, P = 0.000, P = 0.029, P = 0.000, P = 0.008, and P = 0.000, respectively), β-catenin, comyc and p-Akt1 for lymph node metastasis (P = 0.011, P =0.005, and P = 0.032, respectively), β-catenin, c-myc, Cox-2 and nm23-h1 for distance metastasis (P = 0.020, P = 0.000, P = 0.026, and P = 0.008, respectively), and cyclin D1, β-catenin, c-myc, Cox-2 and nm23h1 for clinical stages (P = 0.038, P = 0.008, P = 0.000, P = 0.016, and P = 0.014, respectively). CONCLUSION: Tissue microarray immunohistochemical staining enables high-throughput analysis of genetic alterations contributing to human colon cancer development and progression. Our results implicate the potential roles of p53, cyclin D1, bcl-2, bax, Cox-2, β-catenin and c-myc in development of human colon cancer and that of bcl-2, nm23-h1, PTEN and p-Akt1 in progression of human colon cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Colon cancer IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY Tissuemicroarray
Overexpression of the M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase is an adverse prognostic factor for signet ring cell gastric cancer 被引量:19
作者 Jae Yun Lim Sun Och Yoon +4 位作者 So Young Seol Soon Won Hong Jong Won Kim Seung Ho Choi Jae Yong Cho 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第30期4037-4043,共7页
AIM:To investigate M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase(PKM2) expression in gastric cancers and evaluate its potential as a prognostic biomarker and an anticancer target.METHODS:All tissue samples were derived from gastric c... AIM:To investigate M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase(PKM2) expression in gastric cancers and evaluate its potential as a prognostic biomarker and an anticancer target.METHODS:All tissue samples were derived from gastric cancer patients underwent curative gastrectomy as a primary treatment.Clinical and pathological information were obtained from the medical records.Gene expression microarray data from 60 cancer and 19 noncancer gastric tissues were analyzed to evaluate the expression level of PKM2 mRNA.Tissue microarrays were constructed from 368 gastric cancer patients.Immunohistochemistry was used to measure PKM2 expression and PKM2 positivity of cancer was determined by proportion of PKM2-positive tumor cells and staining intensity.Association between PKM2 expression and the clinicopathological factors was evaluated and the correlation between PKM2 and cancer prognosis was evaluated.RESULTS:PKM2 mRNA levels were increased more than 2-fold in primary gastric cancers compared to adjacent normal tissues from the same patients(log transformed expression level:7.6 ± 0.65 vs 6.3 ± 0.51,P < 0.001).Moreover,differentiated type cancers had significantly higher PKM2 mRNA compared to undifferentiated type cancers(log transformed expression level:7.8 ± 0.70 vs 6.7 ± 0.71,P < 0.001).PKM2 protein was mainly localized in the cytoplasm of primary cancer cells and detected in 144 of 368(39.1%) human gastric cancer cases.PKM2 expression was not related with stage(P = 0.811),but strongly correlated with gastric cancer differentiation(P < 0.001).Differentiated type cancers expressed more PKM2 protein than did the undifferentiated ones.Well differentiated adenocarcinoma showed 63.6% PKM2-positive cells;in contrast,signet-ring cell cancers showed only 17.7% PKM2-positive cells.Importantly,PKM2 expression was correlated with shorter overall survival(P < 0.05) independent of stage only in signet-ring cell cancers.CONCLUSION:PKM2 expression might be an adverse prognostic factor for signet-ring cell carcinomas.Its function and potential as a prognostic marker should be further verified in gastric cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase Biomarker Signet ring cell carcinoma Prognosis
Identification of p63 expression in human lung cancer: analysis by complementary DNA and tissue microarray
作者 余永伟 Mitch Garber +2 位作者 Karsten Schlüns Manuela Pacyna-Gengelbach lver Petersen 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2004年第1期51-54,共4页
Objective: To evaluate p63 expression at mRNA transcripts and protein levels in lung squamous cell cancer (SCC), adenocarcinoma, large cell lung cancer (LCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and their matched metast... Objective: To evaluate p63 expression at mRNA transcripts and protein levels in lung squamous cell cancer (SCC), adenocarcinoma, large cell lung cancer (LCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and their matched metastatic tumors. The association between p63 expression and p63 locus at chromosomal 3q27 q29 was also investigated. Methods: p63 mRNA expression levels in a large series of lung cancers including SCC, adenocarcinoma, LCLC, SCLC and their matched metastatic tumors were analyzed by cDNA microarray technology. A tissue microarray from 150 primary lung cancer specimens was constructed and used for immunohistochemical detection of p63 protein expression. Chromosomal imbalances at the p63 locus in 70 primary lung cancers samples were studied by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) technology. Results: mRNA levels were 10 fold in SCC compared to LCLC, SCLC, and adenocarcinoma. Interestingly, the mRNA expression of p63 in metastatic carcinomas was significantly higher than that in their matched primary tumors ( P <0 001). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that p63 expression was 94.64% in SCC but only 1 79% in lung adenocarcinoma and 2 of 4 LCLC were positive staining. All the results in of SCLC were negative. There was a statistically significant difference for p63 positivity between pT1 tumors and those of higher stage ( P =0 035). The CGH results indicated that p63 locus at chromosomal 3q27 q29 was overrepresented in SCC. p63 immunopositivity correlated significantly with pronounced gains of the p63 locus at chromosomal 3q27 q29 (P=0.0001), indicating that strong expression of p63 in lung SCC correlated with increased gene amplification. Conclusion: p63 might play an important role not only in squamous differentiation of lung cancer but also in tumor development and progression. 展开更多
关键词 lung cancer cDNA microarray tissue microarray p63 comparative genomic hybridization
Reliability of a Tissue Microarray in Detecting Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 Protein in Lung Carcinomas 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoyan Bai Hong Shen 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2007年第1期9-15,共7页
OBJECTIVE To compare the expression of the thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) in human normal adult type Ⅱ alveolar epithelial cells, embryonic pneumocytes and cancer cells of lung carcinoma and metastatic lymp... OBJECTIVE To compare the expression of the thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) in human normal adult type Ⅱ alveolar epithelial cells, embryonic pneumocytes and cancer cells of lung carcinoma and metastatic lymph nodes using a tissue microarray (TMA) along with paired conventional full sections, and to investigate the reliability of tissue microarrays in detecting protein expression in lung carcinoma. METHODS A lung carcinoma TMA including 765 cores was constructed. TTF-1 protein expression in both TMA and paired conventional full sections were detected by the immunohistochemical SP method using a monoclonal antibody to TTF-1. A PU (Positive Unit) of TTF-1 protein was assessed quantitatively by the Leica Q500MC image analysis system with results from the paired conventional full sections as controls. RESULTS There was no significance between TMA and paired conventional full sections in TTF-1 expression in different nuclei of the lung tissue. CONCLUSION TTF-1 protein expression in lung carcinoma detected by TMA was highly concordant with that of paired full sections. TMA is a reliable method in detecting protein expression. 展开更多
关键词 lung carcinoma transcription factor-1(TTF-1) liability. tissue microarray thyroid immunohistochemistry reliability.
空间粒子辐射引起存储单元多位比特纠错方案 被引量:1
作者 赵建超 于伦正 《微机发展》 2005年第12期154-156,共3页
介绍了汉明码检/纠错的原理,并以IDT公司开发的具有检测两位错误和纠正一位错误的IDT49C465检/纠错电路单元为基础,针对主存储器某地址单元遭遇高能粒子轰击导致两位或多位比特出错的情况,提出了解决这类错误的一种方案。此方案通过利... 介绍了汉明码检/纠错的原理,并以IDT公司开发的具有检测两位错误和纠正一位错误的IDT49C465检/纠错电路单元为基础,针对主存储器某地址单元遭遇高能粒子轰击导致两位或多位比特出错的情况,提出了解决这类错误的一种方案。此方案通过利用阵列移位寄存器组对存储区数据进行转置来实现,并对此方案的数据可靠性做了概率分析。 展开更多
关键词 粒子辐射 汉明检/纠错 阵列移位寄存器
miRNA studies in in vitro and in vivo activated hepatic stellate cells 被引量:12
作者 Gunter Maubach Michelle Chin Chia Lim Henry Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第22期2748-2773,共26页
AIM: To understand which and how different miRNAs are implicated in the process of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation. METHODS: We used microarrays to examine the differential expression of miRNAs during in vitro ... AIM: To understand which and how different miRNAs are implicated in the process of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation. METHODS: We used microarrays to examine the differential expression of miRNAs during in vitro activation of primary HSCs (pHSCs). The transcriptome changes upon stable transfection of rno-miR-146a into an HSC cell line were studied using cDNA microarrays. Selected differentially regulated miRNAs were investigated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction during in vivo HSC activation. The effect of miRNA mimics and inhibitor on the in vitro activation of pHSCs was also evaluated.RESULTS: We found that 16 miRNAs were upregulated and 26 were downregulated significantly in 10-d in vitro activated pHSCs in comparison to quiescent pHSCs. Overexpression of rno-miR-146a was characterized by marked upregulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3, which is implicated in the regulation of tumor necrosis factor-α activity. Differences in the regulation of selected miRNAs were observed comparing in vitro and in vivo HSC activation. Treatment with miR-26a and 29a mimics, and miR-214 inhibitor during in vitro activation of pHSCs induced significant downregulation of collagen type Ⅰ transcription. CONCLUSION: Our results emphasize the different regulation of miRNAs in in vitro and in vivo activated pHSCs. We also showed that miR-26a, 29a and 214 are involved in the regulation of collagen type I mRNA. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic stellate cells MIRNA MIR-146A Nuclear factor-κB
Determination of expressions of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 proteins in gallbladder carcinoma by tissue microarrays
作者 Zhiqiang Lv Quangen Gao +4 位作者 Jianping Qju Guangming Zhao Canrong Ni Guanzhen Yu Houzhong Ding 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第6期336-340,共5页
Objective: We investigated the expression levels of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 in gallbladder carcinoma and their relationship with clinicopathologic parameters and metastasis potential. Methods: Pathological specimens from 59 ... Objective: We investigated the expression levels of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 in gallbladder carcinoma and their relationship with clinicopathologic parameters and metastasis potential. Methods: Pathological specimens from 59 gallbladder carcinoma tissues (including 23 invasion tissues), matched 7 para-tumor and 6 normal gallbladder tissues were examined for the expression of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 protein by tissue microarray technique and immunohistochemistry (EnVision). Results: The positive rate of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 was down-regulated (P < 0.05) in tumor tissues, compared with non-tumor tissues. The positive rate of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 were down-regulated (P < 0.01) in invasion tissues, compared with para-tumor tissues. Down-regulating expression levels of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 were significantly correlated with some malignant behavior of gallbladder carcinoma. The positive rate of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 were all negatively correlated with the Nevin staging of gallbladder carcinoma (P < 0.01). Moreover, a strong positive correlation was found between the positive expression of KiSS-1 and KAI-1 in gallbladder carcinoma (P < 0.001). It was indicated that KiSS-1 and KAI-1 were all associated with high metastasis potential of gallbladder carcinoma. Conclusion: KiSS-1 and/or KAI-1 may be important markers of reflecting invasive and metastatic potential and prognosis in gallbladder carcinoma, and may be the target genes to inhibit metastasis of gallbladder carcinoma. Detection of the expression of KiSS-1 and/or KAI-1 may have important clinical value for finding early-stage and evaluating the prognosis of gallbladder carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 tissue microarray gallbladder carcinoma KISS-1 KAI-1
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