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作者 沙宗平 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第1期20-34,188,共16页
所谓"中东学"和"阿拉伯学"即是关于"中东地区"和"阿拉伯地区"的学术研究。具体指研究阿拉伯(或中东)地区的政治经济、社会历史、哲学宗教、语言文字、文学艺术、天文地理、工艺科技等各种学问... 所谓"中东学"和"阿拉伯学"即是关于"中东地区"和"阿拉伯地区"的学术研究。具体指研究阿拉伯(或中东)地区的政治经济、社会历史、哲学宗教、语言文字、文学艺术、天文地理、工艺科技等各种学问的综合性学科。所谓"中国特色"则应包括中国政治特色、中国经济特色、中国文化特色、中国思维特色、中国历史特色和中国当代特色以及中国语言特色等共同构成的中国学者研究与观察上述阿拉伯(或中东)地区的独特视角。笔者以为,这一研究阿拉伯(或中东)地区各种学问的综合性学科,究竟如何称谓值得进一步研究。较为流行的名称有两个,其一是"中东学",其二是"阿拉伯学"。 展开更多
关键词 中东 中东 阿拉伯 阿拉伯学
作者 林麗娟 《文史》 北大核心 2024年第1期154-187,共34页
本文討論元《秘書監志》中所提及回回書籍和儀器,嘗試對尚未被破譯和釋讀存在争議的條目提供解決方案。鑒於大部分書籍與儀器的希臘淵源,將結合希臘—阿拉伯學最新成果,闡述其傳入伊斯蘭世界的經過和發展情況。通過比對中世紀伊斯蘭學... 本文討論元《秘書監志》中所提及回回書籍和儀器,嘗試對尚未被破譯和釋讀存在争議的條目提供解決方案。鑒於大部分書籍與儀器的希臘淵源,將結合希臘—阿拉伯學最新成果,闡述其傳入伊斯蘭世界的經過和發展情況。通過比對中世紀伊斯蘭學科分類體系,可知回回書籍乃依循當時主流學科分類標準,精選若干學科中最有代表性的權威著作匯集而成,堪稱代表當時世界前沿知識水平的圖書館。這些書籍的傳入在中西文化交流史上具有重要意義。 展开更多
关键词 《秘書監志》 回回書籍 希臘—阿拉伯 中西文化交流 元代
巴格达翻译运动中的希腊哲学和医学——希腊-阿拉伯学的学术史考察 被引量:2
作者 林丽娟 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期144-162,I0007,共20页
在西方文明史上,公元8—10世纪的巴格达翻译运动具有特殊重要的意义,因它保存和发展了古希腊的哲学和科学,又将其再度传回欧洲,对后来的文艺复兴运动有深远影响。希腊-阿拉伯学领域即以这一运动中诞生的古典希腊作品之中世纪阿拉伯语译... 在西方文明史上,公元8—10世纪的巴格达翻译运动具有特殊重要的意义,因它保存和发展了古希腊的哲学和科学,又将其再度传回欧洲,对后来的文艺复兴运动有深远影响。希腊-阿拉伯学领域即以这一运动中诞生的古典希腊作品之中世纪阿拉伯语译本为主要研究对象。针对希腊-阿拉伯学主要研究成果的学术史考察需要特别以希腊哲学和医学著作为重心。希腊-阿拉伯学的研究进展不仅对于希腊学、阿拉伯学和叙利亚学具有不可或缺的重要性,也为诸多相关领域如古代晚期研究、中世纪研究、拜占庭研究等提供了重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 巴格达翻译运动 希腊-阿拉伯学 希腊哲 叙利亚 亚里士多德 盖伦
马坚先生译著《阿拉伯通史》三版序言及最新版后记 被引量:1
作者 马志学 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 2008年第5期75-81,共7页
1979年,美国著名中东学者希提教授的《阿拉伯通史》中译本由商务印书馆首次出版,填补了当时国内相关学术领域的一个空白。事隔近三十年后,新世界出版社在对北大已故马坚教授的这个译本进行适当编辑加工的基础上,于2008年7月又重新推出... 1979年,美国著名中东学者希提教授的《阿拉伯通史》中译本由商务印书馆首次出版,填补了当时国内相关学术领域的一个空白。事隔近三十年后,新世界出版社在对北大已故马坚教授的这个译本进行适当编辑加工的基础上,于2008年7月又重新推出这部长达75万字的阿拉伯历史鸿篇巨著。这无论对于相关的专业学习和学术研究,还是对于帮助国内读者全面准确地了解阿拉伯民族悠久丰富的历史文化,都具有一定的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯通史》 马坚 阿拉伯学 阿拉伯文化
作者 何琦 《北方工业大学学报》 2021年第6期51-56,80,共7页
埃及著名学者萨阿德·玛斯鲁哈关于布斯曼统计公式的研究与运用打开了阿拉伯风格学新的研究视域,该公式将阿拉伯风格学与阿拉伯语数理语言学相结合,借助统计学中有理有据的数理计算,为精确化分析散文、诗歌、小说等阿拉伯文学作品... 埃及著名学者萨阿德·玛斯鲁哈关于布斯曼统计公式的研究与运用打开了阿拉伯风格学新的研究视域,该公式将阿拉伯风格学与阿拉伯语数理语言学相结合,借助统计学中有理有据的数理计算,为精确化分析散文、诗歌、小说等阿拉伯文学作品中作者文学风格和语言风格提供了新的研究方法。 展开更多
关键词 布斯曼统计公式 阿拉伯风格 统计方法
作者 解雅楠 程弋洋 《亚非研究》 2020年第1期170-196,共27页
东方学在西班牙的发展渊源已久,主要包括汉学、日本学、韩国学、印度学和阿拉伯学。它们的发展虽然在时间上没有同步性,但从总体上看从未中断。大批先锋研究者曾投入东亚、南亚和阿拉伯与伊比利亚半岛关系的研究:从致力于宗教传播的传... 东方学在西班牙的发展渊源已久,主要包括汉学、日本学、韩国学、印度学和阿拉伯学。它们的发展虽然在时间上没有同步性,但从总体上看从未中断。大批先锋研究者曾投入东亚、南亚和阿拉伯与伊比利亚半岛关系的研究:从致力于宗教传播的传教士、欧洲国家早期殖民,到西方对自我救赎的探寻,再到各国建交推动双边交流以及高校研究人员对这一领域研究的坚持,现今的西班牙东方学已初具规模。在第一代探路人的努力下,更多的年轻人也投入该领域的研究,各研究模块有了越来越多的中坚力量。本文按时间顺序,梳理了从15世纪到21世纪各个阶段西班牙东方学发展的主要情况,主要方向有汉学、日本学、韩国学(以及朝鲜研究)、阿拉伯学以及印度学。具体的研究内容更是涉猎广泛:从宗教到历史,从文学到音乐,从词典编纂到译作发表,从古典到现当代,从人类学到大众媒体,从农业到数字出版等不胜枚举。本文在介绍相关历史背景的前提下,对各个领域主要代表人物的研究内容和方向做了详细介绍,以期对了解东方学在西班牙的整体发展情况提供有价值的参考。 展开更多
关键词 西班牙 东方 东亚研究 阿拉伯学 印度
“回回石头”与阿拉伯宝石学的东传 被引量:5
作者 宋岘 《回族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第3期58-63,共6页
元人陶宗仪《南村辍耕录》记载了十余种“回回石头”即阿拉伯宝石名称及色泽、质地等,这表明在元代阿拉伯宝石学就已传到了亚洲东方。元代朝野人士不仅学阿拉伯人佩带宝石,也接受了有关外国宝石的科学知识。阿拉伯宝石学对当时中国的... 元人陶宗仪《南村辍耕录》记载了十余种“回回石头”即阿拉伯宝石名称及色泽、质地等,这表明在元代阿拉伯宝石学就已传到了亚洲东方。元代朝野人士不仅学阿拉伯人佩带宝石,也接受了有关外国宝石的科学知识。阿拉伯宝石学对当时中国的科学技术和社会生活产生过怎样具体而积极的影响,还有待进一步考察。 展开更多
关键词 回回石头 阿拉伯宝石
Hydrothermal synthesis of silver nanoparticles in Arabic gum aqueous solutions 被引量:3
作者 黎应芬 甘卫平 +3 位作者 周健 鲁志强 杨超 戈田田 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期2081-2086,共6页
Finely divided silver nanoparticles were synthesized via the hydrothermal method. Arabic gum (AG) was used as both the reductant and steric stabilizer without any other surfactant. By adjusting the reaction temperat... Finely divided silver nanoparticles were synthesized via the hydrothermal method. Arabic gum (AG) was used as both the reductant and steric stabilizer without any other surfactant. By adjusting the reaction temperature, mass ratio of AG to AgNO3, and reaction time, silver nanoparticles with different morphological characteristics could be obtained. The products were characterized by UV-Vis, FTIR, TEM, SEM, and XRD measurements. It was found that temperature and AG played an important role in the synthesis of mono-disperse silver nanoparticles. Well dispersed and quasispherical silver nanoparticles were obtained under the optimal synthesis conditions of 10 mmol/L AgNO3, m(AG)/m(AgN03)= l:1, 160 ℃ and 3 h. 展开更多
关键词 silver nanoparticles hydrothermal method Arabic gum green chemistry
珠宝艺术与中外文化交流 被引量:11
作者 林梅村 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期76-88,共13页
由于缺乏宝石资源,中国传统文化通常用软玉替代宝石作为装饰。唐代又将缅甸翡翠引入中国。随着佛教的传入,印度宝石开始对中国文化产生重要影响。蒙元帝国开启了中外文化交流的又一个黄金时代。随着中东、中亚穆斯林大举东迁黄河、长江... 由于缺乏宝石资源,中国传统文化通常用软玉替代宝石作为装饰。唐代又将缅甸翡翠引入中国。随着佛教的传入,印度宝石开始对中国文化产生重要影响。蒙元帝国开启了中外文化交流的又一个黄金时代。随着中东、中亚穆斯林大举东迁黄河、长江流域,西方宝石及阿拉伯宝石学开始在中国流行。据史书记载,元代流行中国的西域宝石计有:红色宝石四种(红尖晶石、石榴石、锡兰石、杂色石榴石),绿色宝石三种(祖把碧、祖母绿、浅绿色祖母绿),各类刚玉七种(红宝石、优质金刚石、深蓝宝石、海蓝宝石、浅蓝刚玉、黄刚玉、白刚玉),猫眼石两种(金绿宝石、亚历山大变色石),绿松石两种(尼沙普尔绿松石、克尔曼绿松石)。明代朝贡贸易将中外文化交流推向又一巅峰。湖北钟祥明代梁庄王墓出土了数以千计的金银珠宝,不仅有世界四大名宝(金绿宝石、祖母绿、蓝宝石、红宝石),而且包括波斯出产的尼沙普尔绿松石。据我们研究,这些宝石实乃郑和下西洋在锡兰、印度、波斯采买的"诸番宝货",当即朱瞻垍出生、封王或大婚时永乐帝赏赐之物。 展开更多
关键词 印度宝石 阿拉伯宝石 郑和下西洋采买的“番国宝物”
Changing patterns of hepatitis A prevalence within the Saudi population over the last 18 years 被引量:2
作者 Faleh Al Faleh Suliman Al Shehri +4 位作者 Saleh Al Ansari Mohammed Al Jeffri Yaqoub Al Mazrou Ahmad Shaffi Ayman A Abdo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第48期7371-7375,共5页
AIM: To determine the seroprevalence of Hepatitis A (HAV) amongst Saudi children and compare it with previously reported prevalence data from the same population. METHODS: A total of 1357 students were randomly se... AIM: To determine the seroprevalence of Hepatitis A (HAV) amongst Saudi children and compare it with previously reported prevalence data from the same population. METHODS: A total of 1357 students were randomly selected between the ages of 16 and 18 years (689 males and 668 females) from three different regions of Saudi Arabia (Madinah, AI-Qaseem, and Aseer) and tested for anti-HAV-IgG.RESULTS: The overall prevalence of anti-HAV-IgG among the study population was 18.6%. There was no difference between males and females but there was a significant difference in the seroprevalence (P = 0.0001) between the three different regions, with Madinah region showing the highest prevalence (27.4%). When classified according to socioeconomic status, lower class students had a prevalence of 36.6%, lower middle class 16.6%, upper middle class 9.6%, and upper class 5.9% (P = 0.0001). Comparing the current study results with those of previous studies in 1989 and 1997 involving the same population, there was a marked reduction in the overall prevalence of HAV from 52% in 1989, to 25% in 1997, to 18.6% in 2008 (P 〈 0.0001).CONCLUSION: Over the last 18 years, there has been a marked decline in the prevalence of HAV in Saudi children and adolescents. The current low prevalence rates call for strict adherence to vaccination policies in high-risk patients and raises the question of a universal HAV vaccination program. 展开更多
School-to-Work Transition in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study of Youth Cohorts 被引量:1
作者 Abdulmonem Alzalabani RejiD. Nair 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第7期483-496,共14页
The paper addresses the youth's perception towards jobs and career opportunities in Saudi Arabia, based on the school-to-work transition model. The study is based on a sample survey covering 600 youth cohorts in Yanb... The paper addresses the youth's perception towards jobs and career opportunities in Saudi Arabia, based on the school-to-work transition model. The study is based on a sample survey covering 600 youth cohorts in Yanbu and Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study reveals that school-to-work transition is not a smooth one and is influenced by the perception of youth towards employment and its various dimensions along with the ambitions towards career improvement. The 14 indicators framed in the paper reveal that essentiality, confidence to get a job that satisfies the needs, job availability, and qualifications are found to be important determinants of youth's attitude towards work; whereas, willingness to do any job did not get much acclaim. Job selection of youth is determined by location (especially hometown job), sectoral preferences, training options, and work environment. 展开更多
关键词 attitude towards work career opportunity job selection school-to-work transition youth cohorts youthperception
The Influence of the First Language (Arabic) on Learning English as a Second Language in Jordanian Schools, and Its Relation to Educational Policy: Structural Errors 被引量:1
作者 Dalai Mohamad Al-Zoubi Mohamad Ahmad Abu-Eid 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第5期355-372,共18页
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of the L 1 (first language) (Arabic) on learning ESL (English as a second language) in Jordanian schools, and its relation to education policy. The sample of... This study was conducted to investigate the influence of the L 1 (first language) (Arabic) on learning ESL (English as a second language) in Jordanian schools, and its relation to education policy. The sample of the study consisted of 266 high school graduates Jordanian students in the academic year 2013-2014. A translation test consisted of 24 items and divided to eight areas was constructed to arrive at the objectives of the study. The study concluded that the percentage of total errors committed by the study sample in all areas exceeds percentage of correct answers (wrong answers is 52.48'%, correct answers is 47.52%), and the students committed more transfer errors in the types of verb to be, addition to, andpassive voice than other types of errors as a result of the effect of the L1. 展开更多
关键词 English language Arabic language education policy
Depression Among Arab Students in Israel: The Contribution of Religiosity, Happiness, Social Support and Self-control 被引量:1
作者 Qutaiba Agbaria 《Sociology Study》 2013年第10期721-738,共18页
This study examines the correlation ~mong a number of personal and environmental resources that can recluce u^pz-~on, These are: religiosity, happiness, social support, and self-controL The participants in the study ... This study examines the correlation ~mong a number of personal and environmental resources that can recluce u^pz-~on, These are: religiosity, happiness, social support, and self-controL The participants in the study consisted of 219 Arab students from teacher training colleges in the Triangle region in central Israel. The findings indicate that all the resources that were examined contribute to reducing the level of depression; in other words, significant negative correlations were found between the level of religiosity, happiness, social support and self-control on the one hand, and the level of depression on the other hand. These findings are consistent with those of other studies conducted elsewhere in the world on different populations CChristian and lewish, as well as Muslim). The present study and its findings are, however, the first to address the understanding of depression among the populace in question. The findings were discussed in accordance with a number of different theories. 展开更多
关键词 Arab adolescents DEPRESSION religiosity HAPPINESS social support SELF-CONTROL
Manifestations of the Arab Spring in Literature: "Video Clip Poems" on YouTube as a Model
作者 Eman Younis 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第1期33-42,共10页
This article will discuss the manifestation of the Arab Spring in Arab literature and sheds light on what has become known as "Video Clips Poems" or "Flash Poems" on YouTube. We shall attempt to answer a number of... This article will discuss the manifestation of the Arab Spring in Arab literature and sheds light on what has become known as "Video Clips Poems" or "Flash Poems" on YouTube. We shall attempt to answer a number of questions concerning Arab Spring literature in general and the video clips in particular: What role did this literature plays in the political transformations witnessed by the Arab world in recent years? What are the means it used in order to inflame the masses? What are the features of the Arab Spring video clips as a new genre different from printed genres? Will the Arab Spring continue to be a literary theme after the end of these uprisings? These clips possess rich and dense semantics content and meaning as it will be shown in this article. 展开更多
关键词 Arab Spring Video clip poems YOUTUBE literature and revolution
Using Arabic in an EFL Class: Bringing a New Approach to Using L1 in a Foreign Language Class
作者 Suad Essam W. Mizher 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期692-703,共12页
Can Arabic be an unconventional method for teaching English? This research will describe how the teacher used some Arabic language methods as a teaching strategy to improve her EFL students' reading, writing, and un... Can Arabic be an unconventional method for teaching English? This research will describe how the teacher used some Arabic language methods as a teaching strategy to improve her EFL students' reading, writing, and understanding of English grammar. The research took place over a period of two years in Lebanon and four years in Saudi Arabia. Data consists of comparative tables, videos of two samples of students using Arabic to learn English, and pictures of the teacher using Arabic for comparative in grammar. Results revealed an increase in the level of understanding and comprehension of students in both the elementary and intermediate levels. 展开更多
关键词 ARABIC diacritics sentence structure GRAMMAR VOWELS
The Effect of Using L1 (Arabic Language) in the L2 (English Language) Classroom on the Achievement in General English of Foundation Year Students in King Abdulaziz University
作者 Salameh Saleem Mahmoud 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1733-1738,共6页
This study aims at investigating the effect of using L 1 (Arabic Language) while teaching a target language (English Language) on the achievement in General English of foundation year students in King Abdulaziz Un... This study aims at investigating the effect of using L 1 (Arabic Language) while teaching a target language (English Language) on the achievement in General English of foundation year students in King Abdulaziz University. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher used an experimental design: an experimental group and a control group. The independent variable is using L1 while teaching English in very limited and specified areas. The dependent variable is students' achievement in general English. The statistics used is the t-test. The population of the study was all students enrolled in the foundation year 1431/1432 in the ELI (English Language Institute) at King Abdulaziz University. The sample of the study consisted of 50 students taking North Star in the sections A and B as a university requirement in the foundation year 1431/1432 in King Abdulaziz University. The results of the study were in favor of banning Arabic in the English language classroom as shown in the mean scores of the control and experimental groups in the tables. It is recommended that teachers and instructors should be trained to use teaching strategies that help them use English only in the English language classroom. 展开更多
关键词 L1 (Arabic Language) L2 (English Language) ELI (English Language Institute) foundation year(the first year for students at the university where they take general courses)
The Implications of Authenticity and Intensity in EFL Teaching: A Study of the Intensive-Year Programme at the College of Telecom and Electronics (CTE), in Saudi Arabia
作者 Khaloufah Alshehri 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第6期409-439,共31页
The current study endeavours to examine the extent to how authenticity, usage, and intensity of native English instruction impact EFL students behaviourally and linguistically at the preparatory year programme in CTE,... The current study endeavours to examine the extent to how authenticity, usage, and intensity of native English instruction impact EFL students behaviourally and linguistically at the preparatory year programme in CTE, where students undertake an intensive English course for one year. The programme is managed by an American company called Interlink and is entirely staffed by native English teachers. The implementation of this English instruction encompasses motivational, pedagogical, and administrative challenges that hinder its practicality for positive and achievable learning outcomes. To this end, this paper will attempt to address the sociolinguistic and historical profile of EFL in Saudi Arabia in order to present an overall picture of this study's context. 展开更多
关键词 EFL AYP INTENSIVE authentic PEDAGOGY linguistic students' needs
A Structural Analysis of the Writing Errors Committed by Foundation Students at Arab Open University, Oman
作者 Elnaz Valaei Bakhshayesh 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期525-532,共8页
English is considered as Arab students' second language which is not used frequently in their daily conversations. Since writing in English is a challenging experience for Omani students, errors in grammar and senten... English is considered as Arab students' second language which is not used frequently in their daily conversations. Since writing in English is a challenging experience for Omani students, errors in grammar and sentence structures were identified in bridging language courses (foundation level 2) in the field of ESL (English as a Second Language}. Learners' errors were considered positively as the best sources to identify students' limitations in English writing. The present study investigates the structure errors of Omani students' writings in English in foundation level 2 at Arab Open University. The focal aim is to study the errors that Ornani students commit when they are using adjectives + nouns, indefinite articles, and subordinate conjunction "because". Results show that Omani students committed the following common errors: misplacement of adjectives, omission of the indefinite articles, and wrong structure of the subordinate conjunction (because). The prime aim of this study is to examine the students' aforementioned structural errors which are the result of the interference of their mother-tongue. In order to achieve these aims, students were asked to write two different topics. Finally, this research suggests further recommendations for further studies which might ameliorate students' learning by adopting appropriate strategies for teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Writing errors analysis foundation English Omani students
Lexical Relations: Measuring the Proficiency of the Saudi EFL Learners and Analysing the Obstacles
作者 Nisreen Juma'a Hamed Al-Mashaqba 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第3期175-186,共12页
As teachers of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we are sometimes flabbergasted by the errors that the/earners make in their English scripts. Apparently, there was no pattern to the... As teachers of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we are sometimes flabbergasted by the errors that the/earners make in their English scripts. Apparently, there was no pattern to these errors. However, when the researcher observed the frequency of similar error over a few years of her experience as an EFL faculty for Saudi learners, the theory of Lexical Relations appeared to offer an answer. Therein also lies the genesis of the current study. In a positive development, the study did bring to light certain factors that directly played a role in the Saudi EFL learners' English errors. These have been presented in this paper with the hope that with the diagnosis in hand, it will be easier for the EFL teachers to find a solution to the dearth of English proficiency among the Saudi EFL learners. 展开更多
关键词 words MEANINGS lexis lexical relations lexical choice
Muhammad Dib and Algerian Resistance Literature
作者 Geula Elimelekh 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第9期463-470,共8页
Modern Algerian literature, unique among Arab national literary traditions, features a cultural blend of Arabic, Berber and French influences. The literature reflects their love of Algerian culture and thought, and th... Modern Algerian literature, unique among Arab national literary traditions, features a cultural blend of Arabic, Berber and French influences. The literature reflects their love of Algerian culture and thought, and their revolt against French colonialism. The Algerian-born Arab author Muhammad Dib (1920-2003) wrote in French, mainly about the Algerian struggle for independence. Expelled in 1959 for supporting the Algerian revolution, he settled in Paris. Considered a pioneer of Algerian literature, he was the first Arab Algerian to write Western-style novels. His Algerian trilogy, La Grande Maison, L 'lncendie, and Le Mktier ~ tisser, was published between 1952 and 1957. Though autobiographical, the books trace both rural and urban life in pre-revolutionary times. Dib's 1959 thematically driven novel Un Otd Africaine (An African Summer), analyzed here, rather than depicting the Algerian revolution itself, describes its effect on the characters and their lives. Nevertheless, the novel, framed around a cross-section of Algerian society, reflects colonial government abuses and the common people's sacrifices for their dream of independence. Dib also depicts France's colonialist attitudes as a betrayal of the ideals of the French Revolution and claims to humanitarian values. 展开更多
关键词 Muhammad Dib Algerian Revolution Modem Algerian Arabic literature Resistance literature Frenchcolonialism
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