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作者 穆罕默德.法提和 盛丽 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第5期37-40,共4页
汉语"把"字句是阿拉伯学生习得汉语的难点之一。在各种使用"把"字句的偏误中,遗漏偏误的情况最为常见,遗漏的有方位词、中心动词、补语以及语气词等。遗漏偏误的产生与阿位伯学生对汉语"把"字句特征的不... 汉语"把"字句是阿拉伯学生习得汉语的难点之一。在各种使用"把"字句的偏误中,遗漏偏误的情况最为常见,遗漏的有方位词、中心动词、补语以及语气词等。遗漏偏误的产生与阿位伯学生对汉语"把"字句特征的不够了解有关,从而在动词使用、补语使用及语气词使用等方面产生偏误。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯学生 汉语习得 “把”字句 偏误 语法
阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词的确定标准分析研究 被引量:2
作者 Samah Mohamed Korashy(芙蓉) 《国际汉语教学研究》 2016年第4期68-76,共9页
本文首次采用语料库计量统计、语言对比、语言测试及调查问卷等多种研究方法,对阿拉伯学生汉语使用中的词汇偏误进行考察,针对阿拉伯学生汉语易混词的选取步骤和确定标准进行专项调查和研究。本文通过一定的操作步骤和特定的标准来确定... 本文首次采用语料库计量统计、语言对比、语言测试及调查问卷等多种研究方法,对阿拉伯学生汉语使用中的词汇偏误进行考察,针对阿拉伯学生汉语易混词的选取步骤和确定标准进行专项调查和研究。本文通过一定的操作步骤和特定的标准来确定阿拉伯学生的汉语易混淆词,最终确定了140个误用词,这些误用词与当用词构成158个词对。笔者希望本研究能够填补阿拉伯学生汉语词汇偏误研究的一项空白,为有针对性地对阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词进行辨析提供有价值的参考、依据。 展开更多
关键词 词汇偏误 阿拉伯学生 易混淆词 误用词
作者 芙蓉 《国际汉语教学研究》 2019年第1期48-56,91,共10页
本文以初步确定的阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词作为研究对象,分别从意义关系、词类分布、误用方向及词际关系四个角度观察、分析了阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词的主要特征。通过量化分析发现:阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词主要集中于意义较近的同词类词... 本文以初步确定的阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词作为研究对象,分别从意义关系、词类分布、误用方向及词际关系四个角度观察、分析了阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词的主要特征。通过量化分析发现:阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词主要集中于意义较近的同词类词之间,其中动词性易混淆词最多;从误用方向来看,阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词大多表现为单向误用;从混淆词的词际关系来看,阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词以一对一的混淆为主。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯学生 易混淆词 分类 汉阿对比 混淆特征
作者 刘中阳 Samar Sayed 《教育教学论坛》 2023年第44期30-35,共6页
我国高校阿拉伯留学生的数量不断增加,英语作为其日常学习交流的主要语言,重要性不言而喻。通过Oxford语言学习策略量表(SILL),对阿拉伯留学生英语学习过程中的元认知、认知、社交、补偿、情感、记忆等六个方面策略的使用频率,了解阿拉... 我国高校阿拉伯留学生的数量不断增加,英语作为其日常学习交流的主要语言,重要性不言而喻。通过Oxford语言学习策略量表(SILL),对阿拉伯留学生英语学习过程中的元认知、认知、社交、补偿、情感、记忆等六个方面策略的使用频率,了解阿拉伯留学生在我国这样的非英语国家进行专业课程学习时的英语学习策略,结果发现元认知策略是最常用的策略,而记忆策略很少被主动用到。因此,在英语课堂上,教师可以考虑充分调动学生的积极性,使其日常所用和所学相结合,进一步提升学习效果。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯学生 SILL 英语学习策略 中国 EFL
作者 钱多 《萍乡高等专科学校学报》 2013年第1期62-64,68,共4页
关键词 汉字教学 孔子学院 阿拉伯学生
阿拉伯学生汉语语法使用不当举例 被引量:2
作者 伊斯拉.阿卜杜.赛义德.哈桑 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期63-68,共6页
This paper discusses the confusion of Arabic students when study Chinese grammar. Due to the semantic and structural differences between Chinese and Arabic, Arabic students can not grasp the principles of Chinese gram... This paper discusses the confusion of Arabic students when study Chinese grammar. Due to the semantic and structural differences between Chinese and Arabic, Arabic students can not grasp the principles of Chinese grammar, specifically, they have difficulty in learning Chinese syntax, adverbs, attributive and adverbial adjuncts and complements. It also focuses on the analysis of errors committed by Arabic students when they study Chinese sentence structures. 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯学生 汉语 语法 对外汉语教学 句法
高校阿拉伯国家留学生的教育管理探析 被引量:1
作者 许迎春 方芳 《高校辅导员学刊》 2012年第5期55-57,共3页
关键词 阿拉伯国家留学生 学生管理 宗教信仰 文化差异
阿拉伯留学生汉语声调的感知偏误分析 被引量:2
作者 吴燕萍 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2014年第3期54-58,共5页
文章通过对阿拉伯留学生汉语声调的听辨实验,指出母语为阿拉伯语的学习者在感知汉语声调时存在较大困难,其难度顺序为:阳平>阴平>去声>上声。阳平和上声、阴平和阳平、阴平和去声是阿拉伯学生最容易产生双向混淆的3组声调。对... 文章通过对阿拉伯留学生汉语声调的听辨实验,指出母语为阿拉伯语的学习者在感知汉语声调时存在较大困难,其难度顺序为:阳平>阴平>去声>上声。阳平和上声、阴平和阳平、阴平和去声是阿拉伯学生最容易产生双向混淆的3组声调。对阿拉伯留学生进行声调教学时应加强听辨训练,在感知系统中强化各调类的调型特征,才有利于汉语声调的正确输出。 展开更多
关键词 对外汉语教学 阿拉伯学生 汉语声调 听辨实验
作者 王东营 杨津津 陈欣 《绥化学院学报》 2013年第8期104-106,共3页
关键词 阿拉伯学生 汉语语音 中介语 偏误
作者 芙蓉 《汉语应用语言学研究》 2016年第1期69-80,共12页
本文以初步确定的阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词作为参照,从目的语词汇特征影响和母语词汇知识影响两个方面分析研究阿拉伯学生汉语词语混淆的原因,通过考察及分析发现,阿拉伯学生汉语词语由于受母语影响而发生混淆的比较明显,其中,母语... 本文以初步确定的阿拉伯学生汉语易混淆词作为参照,从目的语词汇特征影响和母语词汇知识影响两个方面分析研究阿拉伯学生汉语词语混淆的原因,通过考察及分析发现,阿拉伯学生汉语词语由于受母语影响而发生混淆的比较明显,其中,母语词义误推是造成阿拉伯学生汉语词语混淆的主要原因;还有一部分词语混淆是由于受目的语词汇特征影响而发生的。同时,文章从教学方法和教学工具两个角度人手,提出一些处理方法和教学对策,有效地预防和减少阿拉伯学生汉语词语的混淆。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯学生 词语混淆 汉语词汇特征母语影响教学对策
作者 杨阳 《内江科技》 2021年第7期30-31,共2页
中国对阿拉伯国家的汉语教学可以追溯到20世纪60年代末,汉语教学为中国与阿拉伯国家在经济、文化和社会发展合作带来了积极的影响。"一带一路"倡议在阿拉伯国家得到积极呼应,中阿共建"一带一路"取得了丰硕成果。本... 中国对阿拉伯国家的汉语教学可以追溯到20世纪60年代末,汉语教学为中国与阿拉伯国家在经济、文化和社会发展合作带来了积极的影响。"一带一路"倡议在阿拉伯国家得到积极呼应,中阿共建"一带一路"取得了丰硕成果。本文通过对阿拉伯国家汉语教学的发展历程与现实状况进行分析,提出目前阿拉伯学生在学习汉语时在语音、词汇、语法和汉字时所遇到的难点及干扰,并给出了相应的教学建议,旨在更好地为阿拉伯学生学习汉语提供帮助,为中阿之间经济社会和文化交流合作提供有益的帮助。 展开更多
关键词 汉语教学 阿拉伯学生 学习汉语 教学建议 阿拉伯 一带一路 文化交流合作 发展历程
作者 冉晓丽 《南方论刊》 2013年第4期111-112,85,共3页
关键词 阿拉伯国家留学生 汉字习得 问题 对策
作者 李睿恒 刘欣路 《阿拉伯研究论丛》 2015年第2期173-181,共9页
近年来,赴华阿拉伯留学生数量不断增多,阿拉伯留学生在跨文化适应过程中的各种问题逐渐凸显。本文以在京阿拉伯留学生为研究对象,借助跨文化适应的相关理论,制定相应的调查问卷,总结出影响在京阿拉伯留学生跨文化适应的主要因素,深入分... 近年来,赴华阿拉伯留学生数量不断增多,阿拉伯留学生在跨文化适应过程中的各种问题逐渐凸显。本文以在京阿拉伯留学生为研究对象,借助跨文化适应的相关理论,制定相应的调查问卷,总结出影响在京阿拉伯留学生跨文化适应的主要因素,深入分析各个影响因素中所包含的具体问题,着重关注中阿文化差异给跨文化适应带来的阻碍,以及留学生个人主观因素对跨文化适应的影响,从而提出相应的解决方案与建议,为相关部门决策提供参考与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 跨文化适应 在京高校 阿拉伯学生 文化差异
作者 李晓斐 《工业和信息化教育》 2017年第10期30-34,共5页
本文旨在围绕阿拉伯留学生群体的社会文化适应问题进行分析,在此基础上提出创新国际化人才培养模式的建议与对策,首先从生活、学习、交往、宗教4个维度调查分析了阿拉伯留学生的社会文化适应性现状及存在的问题,然后提出加强阿拉伯留学... 本文旨在围绕阿拉伯留学生群体的社会文化适应问题进行分析,在此基础上提出创新国际化人才培养模式的建议与对策,首先从生活、学习、交往、宗教4个维度调查分析了阿拉伯留学生的社会文化适应性现状及存在的问题,然后提出加强阿拉伯留学生群体学习管理和学业要求、尊重阿拉伯留学生的宗教信仰和生活方式、创新阿拉伯语培养模式、加强中阿高校师生互访、扩大中阿学生合作交流的层次、建立基地或智库并深化阿拉伯文化研究等对策。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯学生 文化适应 人才培养 模式创新
作者 郅溥浩 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 2020年第5期74-77,共4页
杨孝柏这个名字,在中国阿拉伯语界几乎无人不知。他毕生从事阿拉伯语教育,不仅在中国桃李满天下,而且培育了为数众多的阿拉伯学生。他编著了多本阿拉伯语教科书。晚年积极参与创办新天方学校,继续培育阿拉伯语人才。他同时投身阿拉伯文... 杨孝柏这个名字,在中国阿拉伯语界几乎无人不知。他毕生从事阿拉伯语教育,不仅在中国桃李满天下,而且培育了为数众多的阿拉伯学生。他编著了多本阿拉伯语教科书。晚年积极参与创办新天方学校,继续培育阿拉伯语人才。他同时投身阿拉伯文学翻译和研究。 展开更多
关键词 翻译和研究 阿拉伯文学 阿拉伯 阿拉伯学生 毕生精力 积极参与 教科书 培育
School-to-Work Transition in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study of Youth Cohorts 被引量:1
作者 Abdulmonem Alzalabani RejiD. Nair 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第7期483-496,共14页
The paper addresses the youth's perception towards jobs and career opportunities in Saudi Arabia, based on the school-to-work transition model. The study is based on a sample survey covering 600 youth cohorts in Yanb... The paper addresses the youth's perception towards jobs and career opportunities in Saudi Arabia, based on the school-to-work transition model. The study is based on a sample survey covering 600 youth cohorts in Yanbu and Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study reveals that school-to-work transition is not a smooth one and is influenced by the perception of youth towards employment and its various dimensions along with the ambitions towards career improvement. The 14 indicators framed in the paper reveal that essentiality, confidence to get a job that satisfies the needs, job availability, and qualifications are found to be important determinants of youth's attitude towards work; whereas, willingness to do any job did not get much acclaim. Job selection of youth is determined by location (especially hometown job), sectoral preferences, training options, and work environment. 展开更多
关键词 attitude towards work career opportunity job selection school-to-work transition youth cohorts youthperception
Depression Among Arab Students in Israel: The Contribution of Religiosity, Happiness, Social Support and Self-control 被引量:1
作者 Qutaiba Agbaria 《Sociology Study》 2013年第10期721-738,共18页
This study examines the correlation ~mong a number of personal and environmental resources that can recluce u^pz-~on, These are: religiosity, happiness, social support, and self-controL The participants in the study ... This study examines the correlation ~mong a number of personal and environmental resources that can recluce u^pz-~on, These are: religiosity, happiness, social support, and self-controL The participants in the study consisted of 219 Arab students from teacher training colleges in the Triangle region in central Israel. The findings indicate that all the resources that were examined contribute to reducing the level of depression; in other words, significant negative correlations were found between the level of religiosity, happiness, social support and self-control on the one hand, and the level of depression on the other hand. These findings are consistent with those of other studies conducted elsewhere in the world on different populations CChristian and lewish, as well as Muslim). The present study and its findings are, however, the first to address the understanding of depression among the populace in question. The findings were discussed in accordance with a number of different theories. 展开更多
关键词 Arab adolescents DEPRESSION religiosity HAPPINESS social support SELF-CONTROL
The Effect of Using L1 (Arabic Language) in the L2 (English Language) Classroom on the Achievement in General English of Foundation Year Students in King Abdulaziz University
作者 Salameh Saleem Mahmoud 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1733-1738,共6页
This study aims at investigating the effect of using L 1 (Arabic Language) while teaching a target language (English Language) on the achievement in General English of foundation year students in King Abdulaziz Un... This study aims at investigating the effect of using L 1 (Arabic Language) while teaching a target language (English Language) on the achievement in General English of foundation year students in King Abdulaziz University. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher used an experimental design: an experimental group and a control group. The independent variable is using L1 while teaching English in very limited and specified areas. The dependent variable is students' achievement in general English. The statistics used is the t-test. The population of the study was all students enrolled in the foundation year 1431/1432 in the ELI (English Language Institute) at King Abdulaziz University. The sample of the study consisted of 50 students taking North Star in the sections A and B as a university requirement in the foundation year 1431/1432 in King Abdulaziz University. The results of the study were in favor of banning Arabic in the English language classroom as shown in the mean scores of the control and experimental groups in the tables. It is recommended that teachers and instructors should be trained to use teaching strategies that help them use English only in the English language classroom. 展开更多
关键词 L1 (Arabic Language) L2 (English Language) ELI (English Language Institute) foundation year(the first year for students at the university where they take general courses)
A Structural Analysis of the Writing Errors Committed by Foundation Students at Arab Open University, Oman
作者 Elnaz Valaei Bakhshayesh 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期525-532,共8页
English is considered as Arab students' second language which is not used frequently in their daily conversations. Since writing in English is a challenging experience for Omani students, errors in grammar and senten... English is considered as Arab students' second language which is not used frequently in their daily conversations. Since writing in English is a challenging experience for Omani students, errors in grammar and sentence structures were identified in bridging language courses (foundation level 2) in the field of ESL (English as a Second Language}. Learners' errors were considered positively as the best sources to identify students' limitations in English writing. The present study investigates the structure errors of Omani students' writings in English in foundation level 2 at Arab Open University. The focal aim is to study the errors that Ornani students commit when they are using adjectives + nouns, indefinite articles, and subordinate conjunction "because". Results show that Omani students committed the following common errors: misplacement of adjectives, omission of the indefinite articles, and wrong structure of the subordinate conjunction (because). The prime aim of this study is to examine the students' aforementioned structural errors which are the result of the interference of their mother-tongue. In order to achieve these aims, students were asked to write two different topics. Finally, this research suggests further recommendations for further studies which might ameliorate students' learning by adopting appropriate strategies for teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Writing errors analysis foundation English Omani students
Using Arabic in an EFL Class: Bringing a New Approach to Using L1 in a Foreign Language Class
作者 Suad Essam W. Mizher 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期692-703,共12页
Can Arabic be an unconventional method for teaching English? This research will describe how the teacher used some Arabic language methods as a teaching strategy to improve her EFL students' reading, writing, and un... Can Arabic be an unconventional method for teaching English? This research will describe how the teacher used some Arabic language methods as a teaching strategy to improve her EFL students' reading, writing, and understanding of English grammar. The research took place over a period of two years in Lebanon and four years in Saudi Arabia. Data consists of comparative tables, videos of two samples of students using Arabic to learn English, and pictures of the teacher using Arabic for comparative in grammar. Results revealed an increase in the level of understanding and comprehension of students in both the elementary and intermediate levels. 展开更多
关键词 ARABIC diacritics sentence structure GRAMMAR VOWELS
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