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“詈词”标注及其他 被引量:6
作者 刘福根 《辞书研究》 CSSCI 1999年第2期40-41,共2页
关键词 《汉语大词典》 詈词 阿木林 规范词典 朗曼当代英语词典 《现代汉语词典》 人之词 委婉语 古代用法 外来词
鲁迅书信中若干“骂人”的土话 被引量:1
作者 陶沙 《鲁迅研究月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第2期61-62,共2页
鲁迅书信中若干“骂人”的土话●陶沙论者谓鲁迅以“骂人”独擅胜场,这其实是一个不错的观察,“站在沙漠上,看看飞沙走石,乐则大笑,悲则大叫,愤则大骂”(《华盖集》题记),这是鲁迅的神韵,反之,温温吞吞,“该出口时不出口”... 鲁迅书信中若干“骂人”的土话●陶沙论者谓鲁迅以“骂人”独擅胜场,这其实是一个不错的观察,“站在沙漠上,看看飞沙走石,乐则大笑,悲则大叫,愤则大骂”(《华盖集》题记),这是鲁迅的神韵,反之,温温吞吞,“该出口时不出口”,无非是“赶紧打拱作揖,让坐献茶”... 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 顾颉刚 书信 阿木林 精神文明建设 国民党 精神胜利法 许广平 文化心理 打拱作揖
葡萄牙的软木生产 被引量:1
作者 蒋咸康 《世界农业》 1986年第3期43-45,共3页
1981年,美国航天飞机哥伦比亚号首航太空,成了当时举世瞩目的新闻。据美国《纽约时报》报道,该航天飞机燃料箱的隔热层,就是用葡萄牙阿连特茹地区的优质软木做的。 葡萄牙软木产量占全世界的56%,居首位。软木加工业也很发达,全国有600... 1981年,美国航天飞机哥伦比亚号首航太空,成了当时举世瞩目的新闻。据美国《纽约时报》报道,该航天飞机燃料箱的隔热层,就是用葡萄牙阿连特茹地区的优质软木做的。 葡萄牙软木产量占全世界的56%,居首位。软木加工业也很发达,全国有600多家软木工厂,1.6万多名工人。其阿木林兄弟软木公司是世界上最大的软木企业,能生产现有的一切软木产品。这些产品销往世界上123个国家和地区,故葡萄牙有软木王国之称。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄牙 软木砖 软木板 阿木林 栓皮 天然软木 木加工 《纽约时报》 软木制品 木产品
作者 竹林 《创作与评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第6期27-28,共2页
塔塔先生的玫瑰好梦──读萧乾的《红毛长谈》竹林现在书多得读不过来,我之所以从众多的书中抽出这一本完全是被这怪怪的书名所吸引。“红毛”──以我的年龄和阅历,已不能望文生义,一下子明了这个词的含义,直到看了书才晓得,“红... 塔塔先生的玫瑰好梦──读萧乾的《红毛长谈》竹林现在书多得读不过来,我之所以从众多的书中抽出这一本完全是被这怪怪的书名所吸引。“红毛”──以我的年龄和阅历,已不能望文生义,一下子明了这个词的含义,直到看了书才晓得,“红毛”。便是过去年代的“老外”──这... 展开更多
关键词 萧乾 玫瑰 毛长 阿木林 原子能火箭 黄浦江 人治社会 “老外” 生活习性 人治与法治
大音稀声 至味是真——访喜剧名星陈国庆
作者 雨茗 《上海调味品》 2003年第4期42-43,共2页
在约定访问陈国庆的前一天,电视里正播放“今天谁会赢”明星场,陈国庆是参赛者之一。想不到一位曲艺演员也有颇为深厚的知识储备,陈国庆一路领先,虽然中途“遇劫”,被换去一个好分数,但最终还是取得了第二名的佳绩。给笔者印象最深的是... 在约定访问陈国庆的前一天,电视里正播放“今天谁会赢”明星场,陈国庆是参赛者之一。想不到一位曲艺演员也有颇为深厚的知识储备,陈国庆一路领先,虽然中途“遇劫”,被换去一个好分数,但最终还是取得了第二名的佳绩。给笔者印象最深的是一道关于不宜空腹吃何种蔬果的饮食题,六位选手中只有陈国庆答出了正确的“西红柿”,连主持人林海也戏称其为“美食家”。看来,请陈国庆出任“ 展开更多
关键词 陈国 阿木林 曲艺演员 喜剧 至味 名星 大音 独脚戏 滑稽演员 豆腐
The Floristic Diversity of the Tlemcen Southern Slope Scrublands (Western Algeria)
作者 Belhacini Fatima Bouazza Mohammed 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第10期1167-1173,共7页
This work was completed on the study of the southern slope scrublands (matorrals) of Tlemcen region in the northwest of Algeria (Western Algeria). These scrublands are under various states of degradation, made up ... This work was completed on the study of the southern slope scrublands (matorrals) of Tlemcen region in the northwest of Algeria (Western Algeria). These scrublands are under various states of degradation, made up of Quercus ilex, Juniperus oxycedrus, Thymus ciliatus, Rosmarinus officinalis. The problems sought in this study are to give the actual position of vegetable cover and in particular that of the formations to matorrals currently existing in the southern slope of the area of Tlemcen, while being based on the phytoecological aspect of the vegetable groupings which constitute this inheritance. Sampling is the first phase of work based on the analysis of the spatial variations of the structure and composition floristic and considering the nature of the problem to be treated, the authors considered to be useful to use the method Zuricho Montpeli6raine developed at the point by Braun-Blanquet, the method usually used consists to collect all the plant species and to make the list of the species on a small square of surface 100 m2 (have it minimal). The floristic readings (150 on the whole) were taken according to the method of Braun-Blanquet. Our results show that there exists a therophytisation marked by a general invasion of annual species as show us as the synergistic action of the aridity and the anthropic action generated important modifications on the level of the vegetation in the dynamic direction. This advanced degradation leads a steppisation which results in a substitution of the elements of the matorrals by species more adapted much the xericity. 展开更多
关键词 SCRUBLANDS FLORISTIC DIVERSITY phanerophyte chamaephyte anthropical Tlemcen Algeria.
Impact of Droughts on Cedrus atlantica Forests Dieback in the Auras (Algeria)
作者 Dalila Kherchouche Mahdi Kalla +2 位作者 Emilia M. Gutierrez Said Attalah Madj i d B ouzghaia 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第11期1262-1269,共8页
Cedar forests area in northeastern Algeria (Aures) is decreasing by the massive tree mortality. In some localities more than 95% of the trees have recently died (e.g. Boumerzoug in Belezma National Park). Three re... Cedar forests area in northeastern Algeria (Aures) is decreasing by the massive tree mortality. In some localities more than 95% of the trees have recently died (e.g. Boumerzoug in Belezma National Park). Three reported episodes of massive tree mortality in 1880, 1980, and 2000 were attributed to drought at least as the triggering factor. Our main objective was to reconstruct drought events that could be linked to Atlas cedar tree mortality using tree-ring series. We developed a Cedrus atlantica tree-ring width chronology in Chelia with a reliable period spanning from 1502 to 2008. Based on the relationship between chronology indices and instrumental precipitation data, we reconstructed total October-June precipitation. Dry events were identified using a threshold of 90% of the October-June mean instrumental precipitation. The unique drought event of 3-year period (1877-1879) could explain the tree mortality occurred in 1880. In terms of severity and frequency of droughts, the later half of the twentieth century seems to be the worst and may be responsible for the recent tree mortality. 展开更多
关键词 Atlas cedar tree mortality meteorological drought dendrochronology precipitation reconstruction.
作者 萧英华 《纵横》 1997年第6期38-40,共3页
漫画家朋弟(冯棣)(1908~1984),活跃在画坛上的时代距今已相当久远了,13年前他走完了人生旅途成为古人。他在天津时创作的《老白薯》、《老夫子》、《阿木林》等漫画集,在十年浩劫中也遭到毁灭性的灾难,在民间销声匿迹了。 历史的痕迹... 漫画家朋弟(冯棣)(1908~1984),活跃在画坛上的时代距今已相当久远了,13年前他走完了人生旅途成为古人。他在天津时创作的《老白薯》、《老夫子》、《阿木林》等漫画集,在十年浩劫中也遭到毁灭性的灾难,在民间销声匿迹了。 历史的痕迹是不能磨灭的,尤其是已经深入人心的东西,更是不能抹掉的。所以朋弟和他的作品并没有消失,老人们每当看漫画时,自然就想到当年的《老白薯》。 展开更多
关键词 漫画家 阿木林 通俗读物 天津 白薯 连环漫画 法租界 抗日爱国思想 全面抗战 “九一八”事变
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