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阿纳托唑的药理及临床应用 被引量:1
作者 王志宏 李琼 傅得兴 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第11期782-783,共2页
关键词 阿纳托唑 药理 临床应用 抗癌药
作者 Hefler L.A. Grimm C. +3 位作者 Van Trotsenburg M. Nagele F. F. Nagele 李跃萍 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2006年第2期37-38,共2页
In the present nonrandomized pilot study we determined the role of the vaginally administered aromatase inhibitor anastrozole (0.25 mg anastrozole/d for 6 months) in the treatment of women with histologically proven r... In the present nonrandomized pilot study we determined the role of the vaginally administered aromatase inhibitor anastrozole (0.25 mg anastrozole/d for 6 months) in the treatment of women with histologically proven rectovaginal endometriosis. In a series of 10 patients, dysmenorrhea, physical and social functioning, but not chronic pelvic pain and dyspareunia, improved during therapy. 展开更多
关键词 阿纳托唑 子宫内膜异位症 芳香化酶抑制剂 阴道给药 慢性盆腔痛 痛经症状 性交困难 社会功能 组织学
生长激素不足青少年芳香化酶抑制剂治疗后的精液分析:与正常对照的比较性研究 被引量:3
作者 Mauras N. Bell J. +2 位作者 Snow B.G. Winslow K.L. 李跃萍 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第12期35-35,共1页
We performed two semen analyses in each of a small cohort of 11 GH- deficient (GHD) adolescents (mean age 18.1 ± 0.6 yrs), previously treated (mean 29 months prior) with either GH alone or GH and an aromatase inh... We performed two semen analyses in each of a small cohort of 11 GH- deficient (GHD) adolescents (mean age 18.1 ± 0.6 yrs), previously treated (mean 29 months prior) with either GH alone or GH and an aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole) for 12 months and compared their data with those of 10 healthy controls (mean age 18.7 ± 1.8 yrs). Although some adolescents had lower sperm parameters as compared to adult reference values, mean sperm concentrations, motility, and morphology were comparable among the 3 groups, suggestive that this small group of GHD adolescents previously treated with anastrozole has descriptively similar sperm parameters as other GHD and GH- sufficient adolescent controls. 展开更多
关键词 芳香化酶抑制剂 比较性研究 精液分析 精子形态学 精子活力 参考值 阿纳托唑
作者 Leiser A.L. Hamid A.M. +1 位作者 Blanchard R. 刘淑娟 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第2期37-38,共2页
Introduction.Endometrial stromal tumors with sex-cord-like elements are relatively rare.We rep ort a case of this neo-plasm with prolactin as a tumor marker for recurrent dis-ease.We also report response of recu rrent... Introduction.Endometrial stromal tumors with sex-cord-like elements are relatively rare.We rep ort a case of this neo-plasm with prolactin as a tumor marker for recurrent dis-ease.We also report response of recu rrent disease to pro-gesterone and aromatase inhibitor.Case report.A48-year-old woman was diagnosed with St age I endometrial stroma sarcoma with sex-cord compon ent at the time of hysterectomy for presumed fibroid u terus.One and a half years later,she presented with recu rrent disease in the abdomen associated with breast tend erness,galactorrhea,and an elevated prolactin level.She received three cycles of BEP(Bleomycin,Etoposide,Cisplatin)with partial response and followed by an optimal debulking procedure.Two out of a six additional planned cy cles of BEP wereadministered with complete tumor re sponse and normalized prolactin level.Second recurrence,9months later,again presented with galactorrhea and ris ing prolactin.Disease was progressive through three cycle s of Docetaxel and Gemcitabine therapy,but had an obje ctive response to treatment with anastrozole and megestrol acetate.Prolactin level normalized.Two years later th ere is stable disease and the patient remains symptom-fre e.Discussion.En-dometrial stromal sarcoma with sex-cord stromal component may be hormonally functional.Simil arly to pure endome-trial stromal sarcomas,they may respond to hormonal treatment,and further study is warranted. 展开更多
关键词 性索 催乳素 酶抑制剂 基质成分 足叶乙甙 肿瘤标志物 醋酸甲地孕酮 子宫切除术 紫杉萜 阿纳托唑
作者 Hubalek M. Ramoni A. +2 位作者 Mueller-Holz ner E. Marth C. 郭慧芳 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第2期57-57,共1页
The risk of tamoxifen related endome trial neoplasm has been confirmed by multiple studies.Especially rare en-dometrial tumors seem to develop more frequently under tamoxifen therapy.A recent analysis showed a substan... The risk of tamoxifen related endome trial neoplasm has been confirmed by multiple studies.Especially rare en-dometrial tumors seem to develop more frequently under tamoxifen therapy.A recent analysis showed a substantially higher risk for malignant mixed meso dermal tumor(MMMT;designated in the WHO classification of female genital tract neoplasms as carcinosarcoma )in association with tamoxifen intake.We are reporting a case of a 40-year -old multiparous premenopausa l woman who received tamoxifen 20mg daily for 2years afte r the surgical treat-ment of breast cancer and subsequent adjuvant chemother-apy.Two years after initiation of ta moxifen treatment,the patient developed anMMMTof the uterus.More than 64months after radical hysterectomy,salpingo -oophorecto-my,and pelvic lymphadenectomy,she remains recur-rence -free for MMMT.Unfortunately,she developed a local recurrence of her breast cancer in 2003.After surgi-cal treatment,she is currently bein g treated with anastro-zole.We are reporting a rare case of a premenopausal pa-tient who developed a MMMT within short time of tamoxifen exposure for stage I breast cancer. 展开更多
关键词 它莫西芬 乳腺癌手术 混合性 中胚层 癌局部复发 辅助化疗 阿纳托唑 子宫内膜 罕见病例 绝经前期
作者 孙庆岭 《医药知识产权通讯》 2001年第6期18-20,共3页
关键词 Arimidex 阿纳(司) AstraZeneca公司 乳腺癌 药理 索布佐生 抗肿瘤药物
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