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高原优质青稞新品种阿青5号选育报告 被引量:3
作者 张云书 张波 陈丽娟 《大麦科学》 2003年第4期21-23,共3页
阿青 5号是四川省阿坝州农科所青稞研究室和甘肃省甘南州农科所青稞研究室联合选育的高原优质青稞新品种 ,2 0 0 2年 10月 2 1日通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定。 1990年甘肃省甘南州农科所用自育品系 83- 93- 7- 2 - 1作母本 ,四... 阿青 5号是四川省阿坝州农科所青稞研究室和甘肃省甘南州农科所青稞研究室联合选育的高原优质青稞新品种 ,2 0 0 2年 10月 2 1日通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定。 1990年甘肃省甘南州农科所用自育品系 83- 93- 7- 2 - 1作母本 ,四川省阿坝州农科所育成品种川 83- 5 319作父本组配杂交 ,组合为 83- 93- 7- 2 - 1×川 83- 5 319,经 7年 8代系统选育而成。阿青 5号系春性中晚熟青稞品种 ,属四棱裸大麦 ,长芒、勾头、全抽穗 ,穗脖弯垂 ,全生育期 12 2d。株高 85~90cm ,株型半紧凑型 ,幼苗绿色 ,半直立型 ,长势强 ,分蘖多。种子锥型、黄褐色、腊质 ,腹沟浅 ,千粒重 4 0 8g ,穗长 6 0cm ,每穗粒数 37 0粒 ,小穗密度 6 2粒 /cm。籽粒品质好 ,蛋白质含量 8 4 % ,容重 80 5g/L ,粗淀粉 (干基 ) 78% ,氨基酸总量 8 4 9%。抗条锈病和白粉病 ,中抗云纹病和网斑病 ,轻感散黑穗病、斑点病 ,抗倒伏。州区域试验平均产量比对照品种康青 3号增产 11 4 9% ;多点生产试验平均产量 3139.5kg/hm2 ,较对照品种康青 3号增产 19 2 %。生产示范平均产量 4 0 95kg/hm2 ,较对照品种康青 3号增产 33 6 % ,适宜在我州青稞主产区种植 ,也适宜在海拔 2 6 0 0~330 0m之间的云、甘、青、藏等青稞产区种植。 展开更多
关键词 阿青5号 选育 青稞 品种 2002年 杂交 生育期 产量 抗病性 适宜地区
西藏象泉河阿青水电站水文分析 被引量:2
作者 张洪记 《中国水运(下半月)》 2013年第12期247-249,253,共4页
阿青水电站为西藏阿里地区象泉河中游水电规划的第2级电站,流域内分布有大面积土林地貌,流域产沙严重,但水文泥沙资料匮乏。为此,采用象泉河流域札达水文站和邻近的狮泉河流域狮泉河水文站实测资料,进行了阿青水电站水文泥沙分析。首次... 阿青水电站为西藏阿里地区象泉河中游水电规划的第2级电站,流域内分布有大面积土林地貌,流域产沙严重,但水文泥沙资料匮乏。为此,采用象泉河流域札达水文站和邻近的狮泉河流域狮泉河水文站实测资料,进行了阿青水电站水文泥沙分析。首次较为系统的分析了象泉河流域水文泥沙资料情况,可为阿青水电站设计提供技术依据。分析研究的思路、方法和成果可供其它类似工程参考。 展开更多
关键词 阿青水电站 水文 泥沙 西藏 阿里 象泉河
作者 苟才明 张云书 +1 位作者 张波 李智荣 《大麦科学》 2002年第2期22-23,共2页
初步研究了阿青 4号产量与它的主要构成因素 (有效穗、穗粒数、千粒重 )的关系 ,分析出它们之间的最优回归方程式 ,试验结果表明 :穗粒数有极显著效应 ,有效穗有显著效应 ,千粒重无显著效应。初步得出了促其高产、稳产的相应栽培管理措施。
关键词 有效穗 穗粒数 4粒重 阿青4号青稞 产量构成因素
新青稞品种阿青6号选育报告 被引量:1
作者 陶明娟 张云书 李智荣 《阿坝科技》 2010年第1期30-31,共2页
阿青6号是阿坝州科研院农科所选育出的抗倒伏、抗逆性强、优质、高产的中晚熟春性青稞新品种。经品质分析该品种粗蛋白质含量13.7%,粗脂肪含量2.3%,赖氨酸含量0.48%,粗淀粉含量70.8%,容重737g/L。2009年10月通过四川省农作物品种审定委... 阿青6号是阿坝州科研院农科所选育出的抗倒伏、抗逆性强、优质、高产的中晚熟春性青稞新品种。经品质分析该品种粗蛋白质含量13.7%,粗脂肪含量2.3%,赖氨酸含量0.48%,粗淀粉含量70.8%,容重737g/L。2009年10月通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定,定名为"阿青6号",审定编号为川审麦200914。 展开更多
关键词 青稞 阿青6号 选育报告
作者 苟才明 张波 《阿坝科技》 2001年第2期25-27,共3页
初步研究了阿青4号产量与它的主要构成因素(有效穗、穗粒数、千粒重)的关系,分析出它们之间的最优回归方程式,试验结果表明:穗粒数有极显著效应,有效生穗有显著效应,千粒重无显著效应。初步得出了促其高产、稳产的相应栽培管理... 初步研究了阿青4号产量与它的主要构成因素(有效穗、穗粒数、千粒重)的关系,分析出它们之间的最优回归方程式,试验结果表明:穗粒数有极显著效应,有效生穗有显著效应,千粒重无显著效应。初步得出了促其高产、稳产的相应栽培管理措施。 展开更多
关键词 阿青4号 产量 构成因素 裸大麦 青稞
作者 张云书 《阿坝科技》 2002年第1期34-37,共4页
阿青4号是阿州农科所青稞研究室1987年用墨西哥引进大麦品种S-233作母本,三个育成品系F1(2687//3103/5113)作父本组配杂交,经6年8代系统选育而成。阿青4号系春性中熟种,属四棱裸大平,幼苗直立型,叶色为绿色,向上挺直,生长势强... 阿青4号是阿州农科所青稞研究室1987年用墨西哥引进大麦品种S-233作母本,三个育成品系F1(2687//3103/5113)作父本组配杂交,经6年8代系统选育而成。阿青4号系春性中熟种,属四棱裸大平,幼苗直立型,叶色为绿色,向上挺直,生长势强,分蘖力中等,成穗率较高。阿青4号株高73.5-80cm,生育期121d,长方形疏穗,穗长6.9cm,小穗密度6.4粒/cm,长芒,千粒重44-46g,籽粒品质好,蛋白质含量9.36%,容重782g/升,高抗条锈病和白粉病,中抗赤霉病和网斑病,抗倒伏。州区域试验平均产量比对照品种肚里黄增产12.2%,多点生产试验平均产量3202.5kg/hm^2,较对照品种肚里黄增产25%。生产示范平均产量3238.5kg/hm^2,较对照品种肚里黄增产25.2%,适且我州青稞主产区种植,也适应在云、甘、青、藏等省区类似地区种植。 展开更多
关键词 青稞 阿青4号 选育 品种介绍
《青岛理工大学学报》 CAS 2012年第6期I0001-I0008,共8页
关键词 青岛理工大学 阿青 学报 连续出版物 目次 BIM
作者 罗青玲 《中国农垦》 2014年第6期61-62,共2页
走进新疆兵团第一师四团团部小城镇,一个门前绿荫婆娑、院中花团锦簇的“家”颇为引人注目,但最为特殊的是墙上挂着的一张“全家福”,说其特殊,不仅是因为照片中男男女女十二个孩子围坐一团,更因为这些孩子中既有汉族,也有维吾尔族,而... 走进新疆兵团第一师四团团部小城镇,一个门前绿荫婆娑、院中花团锦簇的“家”颇为引人注目,但最为特殊的是墙上挂着的一张“全家福”,说其特殊,不仅是因为照片中男男女女十二个孩子围坐一团,更因为这些孩子中既有汉族,也有维吾尔族,而且其中10名都是孤儿. 展开更多
关键词 眼睛 女儿 孤儿 小花 汉族 民族 阿青 十二个
Fermentation Technology for an Actinomycete Antagonistic to Penicillium viridicatum
作者 李鹿鸣 黄运红 +2 位作者 江云 戴冷 龙中儿 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期444-448,共5页
Objective] This study aimed to determine the effects of medium composi-tion and fermentation condition on the production of antibiotics from an actinomycete antagonistic to Penicil ium viridicatum, which was isolated ... Objective] This study aimed to determine the effects of medium composi-tion and fermentation condition on the production of antibiotics from an actinomycete antagonistic to Penicil ium viridicatum, which was isolated from soil and identified primarily as Streptomyces anandi . [Method] Single-factor experiments and orthogonal array designs were used to optimize the medium composition and fermentation con-ditions. [Result] Culture medium composition and fermentation conditions showed sig-nificant influence on the antibiotic production from S. anandi . The optimum culture medium consisted of soluble starch 10 g/L, soybean cake powder 15 g/L, KH2PO4 0.5 g/L and MgSO4·7H2O 0.1 g/L. The optimized fermentation conditions were tem-perature 30 ℃, initial pH value 7.7, culture medium amount 40 ml/250 ml flask, and fermentation time 144 h. The titer of fermentation broth reached 452.7 U/ml when the S. anandi was cultured under the optimal fermentation medium and conditions. [Conclusion] The study may lay the foundation on further isolation and purification of the antibiotic from S. anandi JXNU02. 展开更多
关键词 Streptomyces anandii Penicilfium viridicatum Fermentation technology
Body Weight Models in a Population-Based Study of Albanian School Adolescents
作者 Enkelejda Shkurti Diamant Shtiza Diederik Aarendonk 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第7期754-759,共6页
The aim of this study was to investigate the body weight models among adolescent school students and to establish the national prevalence of being overweight and obesity in Albanian adolescents. Overweight and obesity... The aim of this study was to investigate the body weight models among adolescent school students and to establish the national prevalence of being overweight and obesity in Albanian adolescents. Overweight and obesity is a global public health concern. There is limited information on overweight and obesity in Albanian adolescents. A cross-sectional study on a stratified sample of 1,786 adolescents who attended school, 705 (39%) males and 1,081 (61%) females was conducted in Albania in January-December 2011. They were interviewed and examined for weight and height using standardized techniques. Referring to the 2007 WHO classification for the BMI scale it resulted that 4.4% 95% CI 3.5 - 5.4 adolescents resulted overweight where 32.9% were females and 67.1% were males with a statistically significant difference among them, P 〈 0.01. The overall prevalence of overweight in adolescent females was 2.4%, while in males was 7.5%. The prevalence of obesity class I resulted 0.4%, the obesity class II was 0.3% and obesity class III was 0.1% 95% CI 0.02 - 0.3 from the total of participants. A remarkable finding of our study was that 70.8% of adolescent school students were in normal weight, 20% of them underweight, where 71.7% were females, P 〈 0.01. 展开更多
关键词 Adolescents overweight OBESITY UNDERWEIGHT PREVALENCE Albania.
Radiation Resistance of Tar Fractions of Bituminous Oil
作者 Nigar Guliyeva Islam Mustafayev Saida Mamedova Samira Aliyeva 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第5期357-362,共6页
The results of studies of radiation chemical transformations of Balakhani bituminous oil of Azerbaijan are adduced. The IR (infrared) spectra of initial and irradiated samples of tar fractions of bituminous oil are ... The results of studies of radiation chemical transformations of Balakhani bituminous oil of Azerbaijan are adduced. The IR (infrared) spectra of initial and irradiated samples of tar fractions of bituminous oil are compared. The kinetics of radiation chemical yields of gas products at the irradiation of bituminous oil and its tar fraction have been investigated. Irradiation is conducted in the gamma-ray source of isotope 60Co at the dose rate of P = 0.27 Gy/s and absorbed doses D = 5-163 kGy. It is found that in comparison with oil faction, tar fraction of bituminous oil has a high resistance to radiation. 展开更多
关键词 Bituminous oil tar faction γ-radiolysis radiation resistance IR spectra CHROMATOGRAPHY gas products.
Use of High Content Fish Silage Wet Food in Final Growth out of PacQ (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg 1887)in Northeast Argentina
作者 Gustavo Wicki Oscar Galli Merino Pablo Calo Facundo Sal 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第3期307-311,共5页
The effect of two diets containing fish acid silage were studied, the first one offered as dry diet and the second one as a wet diet, in final culture cycle of PactS. Previous experiences showed that diets without fis... The effect of two diets containing fish acid silage were studied, the first one offered as dry diet and the second one as a wet diet, in final culture cycle of PactS. Previous experiences showed that diets without fishmeal maintain same growth rate in semi intensive system, compared to diets containing 8% and 20% fish meal. Feeding trials were carried out in CENADAC (27°32′ S, 58030' W) in a semi intensive pond culture system for 122 days. Two experimental feed including fish silage, a liquid product obtained of fish residues treated by enzymes action, were formulated. Fish silage was prepared by mincing and blending fish viscera with sufficient formic acid (2.11% v/w) to attain a stable pH of 3.5. Fish were daily fed initially with the dry ration at 1.3% bw/d and at a rate of 0.55 g of protein/100 g of fish with the wet ration. At the end of the experience the average weight observed for dry fed fish was 1,513.5 g and 1,560.3 g for those wet fed. The daily growth was 3.69 g/d for the first group and 3.9 g/d for the second one. The final FCR was 2.72 and 3.01 for each group without significant differences. These results showed that it is possible to grow out paco with wet self made feed without fish meal and with similar growth that those fed dry diet. 展开更多
关键词 Piaractus mesopotamicus FEED fish acid silage.
作者 谭霈生 文新国 《剧本》 北大核心 2005年第11期22-39,共18页
关键词 阿青 雪红 女儿
作者 焦松林 《辽河》 2007年第9期58-60,共3页
关键词 阿青 许娟 一根
Artemisinin ameliorated proteinuria in rats with adriamycin-induced nephropathy through regulating nephrin and podocin expressions 被引量:5
作者 Xili Wu Peng An +4 位作者 Bingyu Ye Xingmin Shi Huimin Dang Rongguo Fu Chenglin Qiao 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期63-68,共6页
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of artemisinin against proteinuria and glomerular filtration barrier damage in rats with adriamycin-induced nephropathy,and the potential mechanism underpinned the action.METHODS:F... OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of artemisinin against proteinuria and glomerular filtration barrier damage in rats with adriamycin-induced nephropathy,and the potential mechanism underpinned the action.METHODS:Forty adriamycin rats were randomly divided into two groups with the ratio of 1︰3;the small-number group served as control group(n=10),and the rats in the large-number group were treated with adriamycin to induce nephropathy;then they were further randomly assigned into 3subgroups:benazepril group(n=10),artemisiningroup(n=10),and adriamycin group(n=10).The benazepril group and artemisinin group were treated with benazepril suspl(5.0 mg/kg daily)and artemisinin suspl(150 mg/kg daily)respectively after being modeled;those in the control group and adriamycin group were intragastrically administered an equivalent volume of distilled water every day.The treatment after model establishment lasted for a total of 4 weeks.The 24 h uric protein,blood biochemicals,renal pathological changes,renal ultrastrutural changes,Nephrin and Podocin proteins and gene expressions were measured by Coomassie brilliant blue assay,completely automatic biochemical analyzer,light microscope,electron microscopy,Western blot and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction,respectively.RESULTS:The rats in adriamycin group showed a significant increase in 24 h uric protein excretion,serum total cholesterol(TC),triglyceride(TG),blood urea nitrogen(BUN),serum creatinine(Scr)and decrease in albumin(Alb)(P<0.05 or P<0.01).Compared with adriamycin group,artemisinin could reduce uric protein excretion,decrease the serum TC,TG elevation,increase the serum Alb level,up-regulate the expressions of Nephrin and Podocin(P<0.05 or P<0.01),but no statistical significance effects on the levels of BUN,Scr in artemisinin group(P>0.05).The renal pathological and ultrastrutural observation indicate that artemisinin could attenuate the severity of foot process effacement and fusion in the nephropathic rats.CONCLUSION:Artemisinin might have an effect on the nephropathy in rats caused by adriamycin,which may be at least partly correlated with attenu-ation of the severity of foot process effacement and fusion,up-regulation of the expressions of Nephrin and Podocin in the glomeruli in the rats. 展开更多
关键词 ARTEMISININ PROTEINURIA Doxorubicin Kidney diseases NEPHRIN NPHS2 protein
作者 逯斐 《人民文学》 1956年第3期29-33,共5页
刘阿贵十六岁那年,为逃壮丁、避租税,从外乡躲到了这座山里。这座山呀,倒也不是穷山,山柴有的是,尽你去樵去卖。可旧社会那阵,到山下卖一担山柴,就要缴一升米的税,这样,富山也被刮穷了。逃灾避难来山里的人,都只好开荒种田了。刘阿贵也... 刘阿贵十六岁那年,为逃壮丁、避租税,从外乡躲到了这座山里。这座山呀,倒也不是穷山,山柴有的是,尽你去樵去卖。可旧社会那阵,到山下卖一担山柴,就要缴一升米的税,这样,富山也被刮穷了。逃灾避难来山里的人,都只好开荒种田了。刘阿贵也和所有的人一样,年年这样种,年年这样收,却从没有见过什么人的地里能收一担零,也没有想到稻田里还能种热两季庄稼。 展开更多
关键词 阿青 猪仔 山头
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