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香港地区海陆地震联测及深部地壳结构研究 被引量:27
作者 夏少红 丘学林 +3 位作者 赵明辉 徐辉龙 叶春明 陈营华 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1389-1397,共9页
为了探明南海北部海陆过渡带的深部地壳结构,我们在香港外海域进行了一次海陆地震联测的实验,利用固定地震台网远距离接收海上气枪信号,接收距离远达200多km,并利用此次实验的测线1剖面模拟得到了海陆过渡带的深部地壳速度结构.速度结... 为了探明南海北部海陆过渡带的深部地壳结构,我们在香港外海域进行了一次海陆地震联测的实验,利用固定地震台网远距离接收海上气枪信号,接收距离远达200多km,并利用此次实验的测线1剖面模拟得到了海陆过渡带的深部地壳速度结构.速度结构模型表明:研究区海陆过渡带的地壳结构非均匀性较明显,由陆至海沉积层有一个突然增厚的特点;莫霍面深度约为26-29 km,上地壳P波速度约为5.5-6.4 km/s,下地壳P波速度为6.5-6.9 km/s.在担杆列岛往海方向有一个低速破碎带,其上地壳P波速度为5.2-6.1 km/s,下地壳P波速度为6.2-6.4 km/s,结合野外地质调查的结果,推测它可能为滨海断裂带.在担杆列岛往陆方向香港和深圳之间的研究区域,莫霍面有较大起伏,可能与此处发育的海丰断裂有关. 展开更多
关键词 陆地震联测 深部地壳结构 香港地区 滨海断裂带 震相
珠江口外潜在强震区海陆地震联测的初步结果 被引量:7
作者 曹敬贺 夏少红 +2 位作者 孙金龙 朱俊江 徐辉龙 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期71-78,共8页
海陆地震联测是研究海陆过渡带深部地壳结构的有效的地球物理方法。为了研究珠江口外潜在强震区的深部发震构造,对比分析了2004年和2010年珠江口外海陆地震联测的数据特征,重点对2010年海陆地震联测实验的OBS2010-1测线进行分析。通过... 海陆地震联测是研究海陆过渡带深部地壳结构的有效的地球物理方法。为了研究珠江口外潜在强震区的深部发震构造,对比分析了2004年和2010年珠江口外海陆地震联测的数据特征,重点对2010年海陆地震联测实验的OBS2010-1测线进行分析。通过对该测线采集数据的初步分析可知,此次实验数据质量较高且完善性好,多道地震探测获得了清晰的浅部结构,固定地震台、流动地震台和海底地震仪记录的震相信息丰富,固定台接收气枪信号的最远接收距离约为360km,为研究该潜在强震区的深部发震构造打下了良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 陆地震联测 珠江口外 潜在强震区 地壳结构 滨海断裂带
海陆地震联测流动台站布设及信号分析 被引量:3
作者 夏少红 林伟 +2 位作者 陈建涛 徐辉龙 丘学林 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期48-57,共10页
利用海上大容量气枪作为震源,陆上固定台网和流动台站作为接收台阵的海陆地震联测试验在南海北部已开展多次,其中流动台站的布设一直是野外试验中至关重要的工作之一。作者以2011年海南岛海陆地震联测试验为基础,对野外流动台站的布设... 利用海上大容量气枪作为震源,陆上固定台网和流动台站作为接收台阵的海陆地震联测试验在南海北部已开展多次,其中流动台站的布设一直是野外试验中至关重要的工作之一。作者以2011年海南岛海陆地震联测试验为基础,对野外流动台站的布设过程及注意事项进行了分析总结;从同一震源不同台基记录信号的差异性、不同震源同一台基记录信号的变化特征以及相近接收距离不同台基记录的信号特征等方面对以下3个不同类型台基上流动台站接收到的气枪信号进行了对比分析,发现接收到的气枪信号与台基的稳定性、环境噪音的大小存在紧密关系。在相近接收距离下,当布设台基为山脚成片的基性岩石时,流动台站接收到的信号信噪比很高,且波形持续时间较短,能量较为集中;当布设台基为河边冲积的岩石时,流动台站接收到的信号信噪比较差,且波形持续时间较长,能量较为分散,导致信号的到时难以分辨;而当布设台基为山顶半悬浮大块岩石时,流动台接收到的信号的信噪比最差。从处理的地震剖面可知,台基为成片出露的基性岩石时,震相数据最为清晰,拾取也更准确。 展开更多
关键词 南海北部 陆地震联测 流动台 信噪比 气枪信号
海陆地震联测:相邻地震台站的信号及震相特征对比 被引量:2
作者 黄海波 夏少红 +3 位作者 丘学林 赵明辉 卫小冬 陈国耀 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期153-161,共9页
2004年作者在香港外海域进行了一次海陆地震联测实验,文章利用此次实验中的两个相邻固定台站珠海台和澳门台所记录的气枪信号数据,从波形、波谱特性和震相等方面分析了相邻地震台站对气枪信号的响应特征。结果显示,来自不同距离处的地... 2004年作者在香港外海域进行了一次海陆地震联测实验,文章利用此次实验中的两个相邻固定台站珠海台和澳门台所记录的气枪信号数据,从波形、波谱特性和震相等方面分析了相邻地震台站对气枪信号的响应特征。结果显示,来自不同距离处的地震波波形和波谱特征在同一台站上变化不大,但在不同台站上的响应有所差别,珠海台受背景噪声影响更为强烈,其信号波形扰动大,具有较多高频成分,优势频率响应比较尖锐,而澳门台响应则比较平缓。对研究区下方速度结构进行了二维结构模拟,分析了台站附近速度结构对地震波到时的影响。珠海台PmP震相走时相对滞后,由于深圳断裂带穿过两台站之间,其引起的花岗岩基底破碎或上地壳厚度的差异都可能导致珠海台基底地震波速度的降低,这可能也是引起两台站对相同震源信号具有不同波形及波谱响应的因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 陆地震联测 深部地壳结构 震相 功率谱
珠江口海域滨海断裂带的地震学特征 被引量:47
作者 曹敬贺 孙金龙 +1 位作者 徐辉龙 夏少红 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期498-508,共11页
利用2010年珠江口外海陆地震联测数据,探测到滨海断裂带在担杆岛外12km处发育,断裂带主体倾向东南、宽约20km,沉积层在断裂带内迅速增厚引起陆上固定地震台站的Pg震相在对应断裂带位置的走时明显滞后.通过震相分析和走时正演拟合,获得... 利用2010年珠江口外海陆地震联测数据,探测到滨海断裂带在担杆岛外12km处发育,断裂带主体倾向东南、宽约20km,沉积层在断裂带内迅速增厚引起陆上固定地震台站的Pg震相在对应断裂带位置的走时明显滞后.通过震相分析和走时正演拟合,获得了滨海断裂带两侧由浅至深的纵波速度结构模型,断裂带内部沉积层速度为1.8~3.5km/s,上地壳速度5.2~6.1km/s,下地壳速度为6.3~6.6km/s,莫霍面的埋深由滨海断裂带陆侧的29km抬升至其海侧的27km.滨海断裂带两侧的地壳结构特征明显不同,证实了该断裂带是华南陆区正常型陆壳与南海减薄型陆壳分界断裂的性质.在华南沿海和海陆过渡带的下地壳顶部探测到厚约3km、层速度为5.5~5.9km/s的低速层,往海域逐渐减薄尖灭.壳内低速层是地壳中的力学软弱带,与近似正交的NEE向滨海断裂带和NW向断裂带共同组构成了该区地震活动的孕震构造. 展开更多
关键词 珠江口 滨海断裂带 陆地震联测 地壳结构
海洋广角地震数据校正方法探讨 被引量:16
作者 夏少红 敖威 +2 位作者 赵明辉 丘学林 徐辉龙 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期487-491,共5页
海洋广角地震数据的采集具有高投入、高风险及高难度等特点,这使得从海洋上采集到的地震数据显得异常宝贵,但往往由于各种客观条件(如气候条件、定时定位条件、仪器条件及人为因素等)的限制,导致采集到的地震数据存在一些缺陷。以南海... 海洋广角地震数据的采集具有高投入、高风险及高难度等特点,这使得从海洋上采集到的地震数据显得异常宝贵,但往往由于各种客观条件(如气候条件、定时定位条件、仪器条件及人为因素等)的限制,导致采集到的地震数据存在一些缺陷。以南海地区开展的海陆地震联测及海底地震仪(OBS)探测的试验数据为例,对导航数据时间误差、部分陆地固定台站的时间误差、海底地震仪定位偏差等问题进行了分析,并提出了具体的数据校正方法,同时对这些校正方法的原理也进行了相应的分析和探讨。从校正后的结果看,原本存在明显问题的数据得到了有效解决,为更深入地解决海洋人工地震数据存在的各种问题提供了技术路线。 展开更多
关键词 海洋广角地震数据 校正 海底地震 陆地震数据
1815年10月23日山西平陆63/4级地震及发震构造初步探讨 被引量:5
作者 丁学文 高树义 马秀芳 《山西地震》 2017年第1期1-6,43,共7页
1815年10月23日,山西平陆发生63/4级强烈地震,该地震标志华北地震区进入一轮新的活跃期。在地震发生前后的20年间,同一地点或附近又相继发生3次43/4~51/2级地震,这些地震的发生由特殊的深部地震构造背景决定,受华北地区NEE—SWW应力场... 1815年10月23日,山西平陆发生63/4级强烈地震,该地震标志华北地震区进入一轮新的活跃期。在地震发生前后的20年间,同一地点或附近又相继发生3次43/4~51/2级地震,这些地震的发生由特殊的深部地震构造背景决定,受华北地区NEE—SWW应力场的控制,产生了NEE向的张性正断裂和NW向的挤压逆断裂,温塘张性正断裂与位村逆断裂交汇区应力闭锁、释放成为该地震发生的构造原因。 展开更多
关键词 构造背景 发震构造 陆地震
永安西南5.1级地震前尤溪电磁辐射异常特征的研究 被引量:1
作者 黄其昌 《福建地震》 1998年第4期28-31,共4页
本文通过研究1997年5月31日永安西南M_L=5.1级地震前尤溪电磁辐射异常特征及其与本次地震三要素的关系,探讨利用数字采集仪PP40打印机记录电磁辐射信息,比起模拟记录的优势所在,总结出利用震前电磁辐射异常信息,进行短临地震预报的一些... 本文通过研究1997年5月31日永安西南M_L=5.1级地震前尤溪电磁辐射异常特征及其与本次地震三要素的关系,探讨利用数字采集仪PP40打印机记录电磁辐射信息,比起模拟记录的优势所在,总结出利用震前电磁辐射异常信息,进行短临地震预报的一些规律。 展开更多
关键词 电磁辐射 陆地震 异常持续时间 异常特征
基于人工地震资料的珠江口地区最小一维P波速度模型 被引量:4
作者 王力伟 王宝善 +3 位作者 叶秀薇 张云鹏 王小娜 吕作勇 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期123-143,共21页
珠江口地区位于南海北部大陆的边缘,具有洋陆过渡型地壳特征,且NE向滨海断裂带从其中穿过,强震风险不可忽视。文中基于2015年珠江口海陆联合三维人工地震探测数据,人工进行初至P波震相拾取,并使用VELEST程序分别反演了陆域和海域的最小... 珠江口地区位于南海北部大陆的边缘,具有洋陆过渡型地壳特征,且NE向滨海断裂带从其中穿过,强震风险不可忽视。文中基于2015年珠江口海陆联合三维人工地震探测数据,人工进行初至P波震相拾取,并使用VELEST程序分别反演了陆域和海域的最小一维P波速度模型(走时残差均方根最小)和台站校正结果。台站校正结果的空间分布与区域地形、地质构造和沉积厚度相关较好,正值多分布在珠江三角洲沉积盆地和珠江口盆地内,而负值多分布在花岗岩等基岩出露地区以及滨海断裂带北侧和北部断阶带内的部分隆起地区。新模型对人工地震走时的拟合精度较高,陆域走时残差均方根为0.07s,海域为0.21s。与华南模型相比,新模型对区域地震定位的效果更好,重定位后,陆域的P波地震走时残差降低了22.6%、S波降低了21.2%;海域的P波地震走时残差降低了25.7%、S波降低了15.6%。新模型可为区域地震定位、地震参数和三维成像研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 珠江口 陆地震联测 最小一维速度模型 台站校正
作者 郭长辉 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2021年第13期190-191,共2页
平陆地区在1815年发生过63/4级地震,目前对于该地区的地震地质构造模式尚不清楚,因此分析该地区断裂带分布情况及活动性对于分析1815年平陆63/4级地震有重要的参考作用。本文通过结合平陆地区地震地质资料对研究区域断裂带进行分析认为... 平陆地区在1815年发生过63/4级地震,目前对于该地区的地震地质构造模式尚不清楚,因此分析该地区断裂带分布情况及活动性对于分析1815年平陆63/4级地震有重要的参考作用。本文通过结合平陆地区地震地质资料对研究区域断裂带进行分析认为中条山南麓断裂和温塘断裂可能影响平陆地区地震活动的发生。 展开更多
关键词 陆地震 断裂带 活动性
南海北部海陆过渡带地壳平均速度及莫霍面深度分析 被引量:25
作者 夏少红 丘学林 +2 位作者 赵明辉 徐辉龙 施小斌 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期63-70,共8页
南海北部海陆过渡带是一条深地震探测的空白带,其地壳结构研究不仅可以揭示华南沿海地区地震活动规律和构造活动特征,而且可以将以往在海上和陆上使用深地震探测所获得的地壳结构模型进行有效的衔接。鉴于南海北部海陆过渡带地壳结构的... 南海北部海陆过渡带是一条深地震探测的空白带,其地壳结构研究不仅可以揭示华南沿海地区地震活动规律和构造活动特征,而且可以将以往在海上和陆上使用深地震探测所获得的地壳结构模型进行有效的衔接。鉴于南海北部海陆过渡带地壳结构的重要性,2004年我们在香港外海域进行了一次海陆地震联测实验。本文以此次实验中广东和香港地区固定地震台网以及担杆岛流动台所获得的数据为基础,对各台站接收到的Pg和PmP震相进行了近似横向均一的二维结构模拟,获得了各台站对应的地壳平均速度和PmP反射点处的莫霍面深度值。其结果显示研究区地壳平均速度普遍为6.2km·s-1左右,比全球地壳平均速度6.45km·s-1要低,这可能与普遍发育于华南沿海地带的中地壳低速层有关。研究区东边的SHW台所获得的地壳平均速度为6.7km·s-1左右,要明显高于全球地壳平均速度,它可能是由于局部异常结构所造成的,其与地幔岩浆的侵入作用可能存在一定联系。研究区莫霍面深度在26—35km左右,变化趋势较为明显,从北西向南东方向逐渐变浅,属于地壳减薄型结构,推测其可能与南海北部边缘的形成演化有密切联系。研究表明南海北部海陆过渡带是一个明显的转换地带,它的深部地壳结构特征应该与南海的扩张演化有密切联系,这些认识推进了华南地区和南海北部陆缘地壳结构和构造属性的深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 南海北部海陆过渡带 地壳平均速度 陆地震联测 莫霍面
南海北部海陆过渡带地壳结构的研究现状及展望 被引量:8
作者 夏少红 赵明辉 丘学林 《华南地震》 2008年第4期9-17,共9页
首先总结了前人在南海北部海陆过渡带获得的研究成果:由重磁异常、水深及卫星影像等资料推测滨海断裂带存在于南海北部海陆过渡地区;介绍了最近在南海北部海陆过渡地区开展的海陆地震联测试验,其结果显示有一个穿透整个地壳的低速破碎... 首先总结了前人在南海北部海陆过渡带获得的研究成果:由重磁异常、水深及卫星影像等资料推测滨海断裂带存在于南海北部海陆过渡地区;介绍了最近在南海北部海陆过渡地区开展的海陆地震联测试验,其结果显示有一个穿透整个地壳的低速破碎带发育于海陆过渡地区,推测它为滨海断裂带在速度上的表现,另外广泛分布于华南大陆的中地壳低速层在海陆过渡处也有较好发育;总结了天然地震层析成像在南海北部海陆过渡带的研究成果。最后结合目前的研究现状,指出了今后我们的研究方向:在逐步完善目前海陆地震联测试验的基础上,同时开展海陆过渡带的多道地震数据采集及地球化学研究;加强海陆过渡带的地震监测,进行震源机制解和人工地震与天然地震联合成像的研究。 展开更多
关键词 地壳结构 南海北部 海陆过渡带 滨海断裂带 陆地震联测
Using 4C OBS to reveal the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates at the northern continental slope of South China Sea 被引量:7
作者 沙志彬 张明 +2 位作者 张光学 梁金强 苏丕波 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期555-563,628,629,共11页
To investigate the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates in the northern continental slope of South China Sea, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey conducted four-component (4C) ocean-bottom seismometer... To investigate the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates in the northern continental slope of South China Sea, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey conducted four-component (4C) ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) surveys. A case study is presented to show the results of acquiring and processing OBS data for detecting gas hydrates. Key processing steps such as repositioning, reorientation, PZ summation, and mirror imaging are discussed. Repositioning and reorientation find the correct location and direction of nodes. PZ summation matches P- and Z-components and sums them to separate upgoing and downgoing waves. Upgoing waves are used in conventional imaging, whereas downgoing waves are used in mirror imaging. Mirror imaging uses the energy of the receiver ghost reflection to improve the illumination of shallow structures, where gas hydrates and the associated bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) are located. We developed a new method of velocity analysis using mirror imaging. The proposed method is based on velocity scanning and iterative prestack time migration. The final imaging results are promising. When combined with the derived velocity field, we can characterize the BSR and shallow structures; hence, we conclude that using 4C OBS can reveal the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates. 展开更多
关键词 gas hydrates velocity attributes ocean-bottom seismometer PZ summation mirror imaging
Self-organized ordering of earthquakes(M≥8) in China's Mainland 被引量:10
作者 Xu Daoyi Men Kepei Deng Zhihui 《Engineering Sciences》 2010年第4期13-17,共5页
The paper presented a new regular pattern (network structure ) of great earthquakes occurred in China's Mainland during the past 700 years, which may be helpful to improve the understanding of great earthquakes ... The paper presented a new regular pattern (network structure ) of great earthquakes occurred in China's Mainland during the past 700 years, which may be helpful to improve the understanding of great earthquakes and can serve as a base for the study of prediction of future great earthquakes. It can be done because there are quite complete and confident records of historical and recent earthquakes in a wide extent in China. 展开更多
关键词 China's Mainland great earthquake self-organized ordering network structure constrained generating procedures (CGP)
Some thoughts on seismotectonics of major earthquake occurrence zones in China
作者 Li Ping Huang Guangsi Yang Mei'e 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第4期2-10,共9页
A major earthquake occurrence zone means a place where M ≥6 events have occurred since the Holocene and similar shocks may happen again in the future. The dynamic context of the major earthquake occurrence zones in C... A major earthquake occurrence zone means a place where M ≥6 events have occurred since the Holocene and similar shocks may happen again in the future. The dynamic context of the major earthquake occurrence zones in China is primarily associated with the NNE-directed push of the India plate, next with the westward subduction of the Pacific plate. The Chinese mainland is a grand mosaic structure of many crust blocks bounded by faults and sutures. When it is suffered from boundary stresses, deformation takes place along these faults or sutures while the block interiors remain relatively stable or intact. Since the Quaternary, for example, left slip on the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault zone in southwestern China has produced a number of fault-depression basins in extensional areas during periods Q1 and Q2. In the Q3, the change of stress orientation and enhancement of tectonic movement made faults of varied trends link each other, and continued to be active till present day, producing active fanlt zones in this region. Usually major earthquakes occur at some special locations on these active fault zones. During these events, in the epicenter areas experience intensive deformation character- ized by large-amplitude rise and fall of neighboring sections, generation of horst-graben systems and dammed rivers. The studies on palaeoearthquakes suggest that major shocks of close magnitudes often repeated for several times at a same place. By comparison of the Chi-Chi, Taiwan event in 1999 and Yuza, Yunnan event in 1955, including contours of accelerations and intensities, destruction of buildings, and in contrast to the Xigeda formation in southwestern China, a sandwich model is established to account for the mechanism of deformation caused by major earthquakes. This model consists of three layers, i.e. the two walls of a fault and the ruptured zone intercalated between them. This ruptured zone is just the loci where stress is built up and released, and serves as a channel for seismic waves. 展开更多
关键词 major earthquake occurrence zone mosaic structure active fault zone Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan Yuza Earthquake in Yunnan
Deformation Model Inferred from Focal Mechanisms in the Chinese Mainland and Its Adjacent Areas 被引量:1
作者 Li Zhangjun Ren Jinwei +2 位作者 Zhou Lin Qin Shanlan Chai Xuchao 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第2期145-157,共13页
We collect seismic moment tensors of the earthquakes occurring from 1900 to 2013 in and around the Chinese mainland and summarize the surface ruptures and displacements of 70 earthquakes with M S≥7. 0. We divide thes... We collect seismic moment tensors of the earthquakes occurring from 1900 to 2013 in and around the Chinese mainland and summarize the surface ruptures and displacements of 70 earthquakes with M S≥7. 0. We divide these large earthquakes into three types. Type A contains earthquakes with surface ruptures and displacements. Type B is earthquakes without displacements and Type C is those without any of this data. We simulate a triangular distribution of displacements for Type B and C. Then,we segment these large earthquakes by using their displacements and surface ruptures. Finally,kinematic models are determined from earthquake data and Bicubic Bessel spline functions. The results show that,first of all,the reasonability and spatial consistency of defined models are advanced.Strain rates have better continuity and are comparable with geologic and geodetic results in Himalaya thrust fault zones. The strain rates decrease in the Tarim basin and the Altun Tagh fault zones because of their low seismicity. The direction of compressional deformation in Gobi-Altay is changed from SE to NE and its extensional direction is changed from NE to NW. The extensional deformation in the Ordos block is diminished obviously. Secondly,earthquakes account for 30- 50% of expected motion of India relative to Eurasia determined from the NUVEL-1A model,with a missing component of 20 mm / a which may contain aseismic deformation such as fault creep and folds,the missing parts of earthquake data and elastic strain energy released by potential earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Bicubic Bessel spline function Earthquake segmentation Kinematic modelSurface rupture
Wavelet Analysis of Earthquake Activity in the West of the Chinese Mainland and Its Adjacent Area1
作者 ShaoHuicheng FuZhengxiang +1 位作者 WangXiaoqing JiangZaisen 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第1期22-28,共7页
Wavelets are a useful tool for analyzing the time-frequency of a non-stable series and are widely applied in many fields. The process of earthquake preparation and occurrence is a non-linear process. In the paper, the... Wavelets are a useful tool for analyzing the time-frequency of a non-stable series and are widely applied in many fields. The process of earthquake preparation and occurrence is a non-linear process. In the paper, the wavelet method is used to analyze the series of earthquake data for the time period from 1900 to 2003 in the west of the Chinese mainland and its adjacent area (WCMAA), and to obtain the characteristic information for different time scales. In the past 103 years, there were four primary periods of regional earthquake activity in the area with durations of 42, 22, 7 and 14 years, respectively and the intensity of earthquake activity changing with time. It doesn’t make sense to talk about active or quiet periods of earthquake activity unless it is based on a specific time scale. In addition, the tendency analysis of earthquake activity using the primary period of seismic activity and wavelet coefficients of varied time scales indicates that the earthquake activity in this region will be high in the forthcoming years. 展开更多
关键词 west chinese mainland wavelet analysis earthquake activity time-variant
Relationship between M_S≥7.0 Earthquakes in the Chinese Mainland and Tidal Coulomb Failure Stress
作者 Zhang Hui Zhang Langping +1 位作者 Xu Hui Wang Yixi 《Earthquake Research in China》 2013年第4期447-457,共11页
In this paper,we focused on earthquakes with M S≥7.0 in the Chinese mainland from1900 to 2012,calculated the lunisolar tidal Coulomb failure stress on the seismic fault plane and got the tidal phase through Schuster&... In this paper,we focused on earthquakes with M S≥7.0 in the Chinese mainland from1900 to 2012,calculated the lunisolar tidal Coulomb failure stress on the seismic fault plane and got the tidal phase through Schuster's test,then quantitatively analyzed the correlation between strong earthquakes in the Chinese mainland and tidal Coulomb failure stress.Research shows that among 57 strong earthquakes with focal mechanism solutions,over 71.9%took place within the tidal loading phase,with the p-value of 3.83%,indicating that strong earthquakes with M S≥7.0 in Chinese mainland have a certain correlation with lunisolar tidal Coulomb failure stress.In the active period,the p-value is4.56%,75.5%of earthquakes occurred in the tidal loading phase zone,and 50%of earthquakes occurred in the quiescence period,indicating that strong earthquakes in the active period were obviously triggered with the tidal Coulomb failure stress loading. 展开更多
关键词 Lunisolar tide TRIGGER Tidal phase Coulomb failure stress
Numerical Simulation of Annual Change Patterns of Contemporary Tectonic Stress-Strain Field of the Chinese Mainland
作者 Chen Lianwang Yang Shuxin +2 位作者 Xie Furen Lu Yuanzhong Guo Ruomei 《Earthquake Research in China》 2006年第2期127-137,共11页
Based on the active crustal block structures, the Holocene active faults and the wave velocity structures with a resolution of 1°×1°, a two-dimensional finite element model for the tectonic stress-strai... Based on the active crustal block structures, the Holocene active faults and the wave velocity structures with a resolution of 1°×1°, a two-dimensional finite element model for the tectonic stress-strain field of the Chinese mainland is constructed in the paper. Using GPS measurements, the velocity boundary conditions for the model are deduced, then, the annual change patterns of the present-day stress-strain field of the Chinese mainland are simulated. The results show that (1) the general pattern of the recent tectonic deformation in the Chinese mainland is governed by the interactions of its surrounding plates, of which, the Indian Plate plays a major role. There is a NNE-directed velocity distribution in the west of the Chinese mainland. The maximum slip rate appears at the collision boundary. The north-directed components decrease, while the east-directed components increase gradually from south to north and from west to east. In the east part, there is a general east-directed movement, with a certain amount of south-directed components. (2) The present-day tectonic stress field in the Chinese mainland has undergone the process of enhancement in recent years, and this process presents a general pattern of radiating eastwards from the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau as the center. The general pattern is similar to the ambient tectonic stress field, indicating the inheritance of contemporary tectonic deformation on the Chinese mainland. (3) The maximum principal strain presents an obvious pattern of being high in the west and low in the east. The tectonic movement in the west is stronger than that in the east. Large active faults are all located in the high-value zones of maximum principal strain. However, the magnitude of strain is smaller in the interior of the active crustal blocks, which are enclosed by these faults. (4) The stress-strain field of the Sichuan-Yunnan region is unique. It may not be governed by collision of plates alone but a combination of the movement of peripheral active blocks, material flow in the lower crust or upper mantle and special tectonic geometry (such as the eastern Himalayan syntax) as well. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese mainland Tectonic stress-strain field GPS data Numerical simulation Annual change
Discussion on the Abnormally Low Active Fault Slip Rate of the M_S 8. 0 Wenchuan Earthquake
作者 Fu Zhengxiang LU Xiaojian +3 位作者 Jin Xueshen Dai Yinghua Shao Huicheng Hao Ping 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第3期272-280,共9页
Based on the collection of active fault slip rate data of large intra-continental shallow thrust earthquakes occurring in the triangular seismic region of the East Asia continent,a preliminary analysis has been perfor... Based on the collection of active fault slip rate data of large intra-continental shallow thrust earthquakes occurring in the triangular seismic region of the East Asia continent,a preliminary analysis has been performed with results showing that the Wenchuan,Sichuan, China earthquake ( MS = 8.0) of May 12,2008 occurred on the Longmenshan Mountain active fault with an abnormally low slip rate. 展开更多
关键词 Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake Fault slip rates Longmenshan fault zone Thetriangular region of the East Asia continent
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