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作者 宣金祥 范正磊 《农村财政与财务》 2013年第6期48-,共1页
"来来来,尝尝咱公司的新产品,这可是好东西哩!"5月2日上午,笔者来到安徽省天长市陆山生态农业开发有限公司,餐桌上,总经理李玉坤笑着拿出两瓶果酱和果醋. 一个以开发精品雪梨、鸭梨、黄桃、葡萄和金牛湖野生鱼而知名的农字号... "来来来,尝尝咱公司的新产品,这可是好东西哩!"5月2日上午,笔者来到安徽省天长市陆山生态农业开发有限公司,餐桌上,总经理李玉坤笑着拿出两瓶果酱和果醋. 一个以开发精品雪梨、鸭梨、黄桃、葡萄和金牛湖野生鱼而知名的农字号龙头企业,何时搞成这些"不沾边"的新鲜"玩意儿"?"这些年来,咱一直在为一个问题苦恼,就是咱们在加工精品水果、鱼类产品的同时,劣次水果、鱼杂碎等‘边角料'全当废品沤肥下田了,怪可惜的.如何变废为宝,把这些‘边角料'也开发利用起来?2012年底,公司终于取得了重大突破!"李玉坤介绍说,3年前,他们开始与上海海洋大学及南京农业大学共同研发雪梨、鸭梨、黄桃、葡萄以及鱼骨深加工系列产品,先后研发出果品饮料醋、调味醋、鱼骨酱、鱼鲜养生酱油等系列产品. 展开更多
关键词 陆山 黄桃 葡萄 系列产品 鸭梨
作者 宋金泰 《中国科技投资》 2010年第5期77-79,共3页
《中国癌症预防与控制规划纲要2004-2010》指出:癌症正在成为21世纪人类的第一杀手。同时,癌症已被列为《国家中长期科学与技术发展规划》中需要重点解决的重大疾病之一。因此,彻底攻克并消除21世纪人类第一杀手——肿瘤(包括其他顽症)... 《中国癌症预防与控制规划纲要2004-2010》指出:癌症正在成为21世纪人类的第一杀手。同时,癌症已被列为《国家中长期科学与技术发展规划》中需要重点解决的重大疾病之一。因此,彻底攻克并消除21世纪人类第一杀手——肿瘤(包括其他顽症),成为首要科学高峰之一。 展开更多
关键词 生物技术 肿瘤 秘书长 联合会 干细胞 技术发展规划 教授 陆山
作者 宋金泰 《中国科技投资》 2011年第6期58-60,共3页
关键词 首席科学家 稳步发展 生物技术 联合会 干细胞 技术发展规划 教授 陆山
作者 喻庆秀 伍堂群 《山西教育(管理版)》 2014年第12期50-52,共3页
在平陆县,有很多来自祖国四面八方,坚守在山区教育第一线的特岗教师,他们用真心、龚晴、真诚关注每个学生的成长与进步,用爱心和责任激发每个学生的学习动力,用智慧和才学点燃农村孩子的希望,用心血和汗水赢得了学生、家长的信任... 在平陆县,有很多来自祖国四面八方,坚守在山区教育第一线的特岗教师,他们用真心、龚晴、真诚关注每个学生的成长与进步,用爱心和责任激发每个学生的学习动力,用智慧和才学点燃农村孩子的希望,用心血和汗水赢得了学生、家长的信任和友谊。他们已经成为平陆农村学校教育教学中的骨干力量和组织领导者。五年来,他们默默坚守在平陆的大山中,无怨无悔,做山里孩子的“点灯人”,为平陆山区教育增添了一道亮丽的色彩。 展开更多
关键词 农村孩子 陆山 山区教育 组织领导者 特岗教师 学习动力 教育教学 农村学校
“动物胚胎”——对瓮安地区陡山沱组微体化石的错误解释 被引量:37
作者 薛耀松 周传明 唐天福 《微体古生物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期1-4,共4页
贵州瓮安磷矿上震旦统陡山沱组上段产出大量球状化石。它们具有明显的细胞壁,八细胞体向中心汇聚的排列方式,单细胞及多细胞定形球体化石大小明显变化,数以亿计的极大丰度,常见化石保存皱缩的细胞壁而原生质已流失。诸多特征表明这... 贵州瓮安磷矿上震旦统陡山沱组上段产出大量球状化石。它们具有明显的细胞壁,八细胞体向中心汇聚的排列方式,单细胞及多细胞定形球体化石大小明显变化,数以亿计的极大丰度,常见化石保存皱缩的细胞壁而原生质已流失。诸多特征表明这些化石是藻类,主要是绿藻,而非动物胚胎。 展开更多
关键词 球状化石 绿藻 陆山沱组 新元古代 贵州瓮安
作者 周玉宁 《戏剧之家》 2014年第10期387-397,共11页
时间:盛唐时期至安史之乱后二十年。地点:湖北竟陵龙盖寺、浙江苕溪茶园、扬州扬子驿、剡中玉真观、京城金銮殿、乐喜寺。人物:陆羽。少年陆羽陆羽少时在龙盖寺时。李季兰玉真观女道士,陆羽女友。刘长卿陆羽朋友。皎然佛家人士,陆羽朋... 时间:盛唐时期至安史之乱后二十年。地点:湖北竟陵龙盖寺、浙江苕溪茶园、扬州扬子驿、剡中玉真观、京城金銮殿、乐喜寺。人物:陆羽。少年陆羽陆羽少时在龙盖寺时。李季兰玉真观女道士,陆羽女友。刘长卿陆羽朋友。皎然佛家人士,陆羽朋友。智积禅师竟陵龙盖寺住持,陆羽师父。法善龙盖寺和尚。唐皇唐朝皇帝。李季卿御史,钦差大臣。真儿玉真观女道士,李季兰徒弟。家僮陆羽家僮。 展开更多
关键词 李季兰 李季卿 刘长卿 皎然 扬子驿 剡中 盛唐时期 二道茶 善龙 陆山
作者 杨志坚 《地球》 2000年第5期24-26,共3页
万里长江奔流出三峡后,豁然开朗,江流浩荡,一泻千里。在烟波江上,耸立着一些风光绮丽的岛山,砥柱中流,气势雄伟。自古矗立江涛的山岛有:安徽宿松的小孤山,江苏镇江的金山和焦山,以及南通的狼(五)山等,其中金山和狼(五)山已在清代以前先... 万里长江奔流出三峡后,豁然开朗,江流浩荡,一泻千里。在烟波江上,耸立着一些风光绮丽的岛山,砥柱中流,气势雄伟。自古矗立江涛的山岛有:安徽宿松的小孤山,江苏镇江的金山和焦山,以及南通的狼(五)山等,其中金山和狼(五)山已在清代以前先后"登陆"了,成了市区附近的风景名胜区。 展开更多
关键词 游记 长江 岛山 海岛 江岛 陆山
作者 陈建国 《农电管理》 2014年第9期68-68,共1页
以一曲悠扬激越的《二泉映月》而名扬江南的盲人阿炳,人们可谓记忆深长。在安徽省天长市西南山区则有一位名叫余树人的八旬老人,几十年身伴二胡为乡民唱戏献艺,被人称为山乡“阿炳”。“国泰民安千家乐,五谷丰登万民欢……”当笔者走近... 以一曲悠扬激越的《二泉映月》而名扬江南的盲人阿炳,人们可谓记忆深长。在安徽省天长市西南山区则有一位名叫余树人的八旬老人,几十年身伴二胡为乡民唱戏献艺,被人称为山乡“阿炳”。“国泰民安千家乐,五谷丰登万民欢……”当笔者走近老人居住地天长市冶山镇陆山村时,远远就能听到悠悠飘来的唱戏声。 展开更多
关键词 阿炳 余树人 《二泉映月》 冶山 陆山 家乐 而名 西南山区 杨门女将 唱扬
Land cover change and carbon stores in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Sierra Madre Oriental,Mexico 被引量:4
作者 Edgar G.LEIJA-LOREDO Numa P.PAVóN +2 位作者 Arturo SáNCHEZ-GONZáLEZ Rodrigo RODRIGUEZ-LAGUNA GregorioáNGELES-PéREZ 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期2136-2147,共12页
Tropical montane cloud forest is one of the ecosystems with the highest biomass worldwide, representing an important carbon store. Globally its deforestation index is –1.1%, but in Mexico it is higher than –3%. Carb... Tropical montane cloud forest is one of the ecosystems with the highest biomass worldwide, representing an important carbon store. Globally its deforestation index is –1.1%, but in Mexico it is higher than –3%. Carbon estimates are scarce globally, particularly in Mexico. The objective of this study was to simulate future land-cover scenarios for the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico, by analyzing past forest cover changes. Another objective was to estimate stored carbon in the two study areas. These objectives involve the generation of information that could be useful inputs to anti-deforestation public policy such as the REDD+ strategy. Remote sensing was used to measure land cover change and estimate carbon stocks. Satellite images from 2015, 2000 and 1986 were used, and Dinamica EGO freeware generatedmodels of future projections. Between 1986 and 2015, 5171 ha of forest were converted to pasture. The annual deforestation rates were –1.5% for Tlanchinol and –1.3% for the San Bartolo Tutotepec sites. Distance to roads and marginalization were highly correlated with deforestation. By 2030, an estimated 3608 ha of forest in these sites will have been converted to pasture. Stored carbon was estimated at 16.35 Mg C ha-1 for the Tlanchinol site and 12.7 Mg C ha-1 for the San Bartolo site. In the Sierra Madre Oriental deforestation due to land cover change(–1.4%) is higher than levels reported worldwide. Besides having high values of stored carbon(14.5 Mg C ha-1), these forests have high biodiversity. The models' outputs show that the deforestation process will continue if action is not taken to avoid the expansion of livestock pasturing. This can be done by paying incentives for forest conservation to the owners of the land. The results suggest that REDD+ is currently the most viable strategy for reducing deforestation rates in tropical montane cloud forests in Sierra Madre Oriental. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud forest Carbon stores C mitigation Climate change Dinamica EGO Forest management Remote sensing.
Soil Development and Fertility Characteristics of Inland Valleys in the Rain Forest Zone of Nigeria: Mineralogical Composition and Particle-Size Distribution 被引量:2
作者 S. S. ABE G. O. OYEDIRAN +3 位作者 T. MASUNAGA S. YAMAMOTO T. HONNA T. WAKATSUKI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期505-514,共10页
The particle-size distribution and mineralogical composition of the clay (〈 2 μm) and fine-sand (0.25-0.10 mm) fractions in soils of two inland valleys in Abakaliki and Bende, Southeast Nigeria, were investigate... The particle-size distribution and mineralogical composition of the clay (〈 2 μm) and fine-sand (0.25-0.10 mm) fractions in soils of two inland valleys in Abakaliki and Bende, Southeast Nigeria, were investigated to provide basic information on soil-forming processes and agricultural potentials. These soils were silty or clayey, deriving from Cretaceous or Tertiary shale materials. The particle-size distribution and its computation on a clay-free basis revealed relatively remarkable lithologic breaks in a couple of pedons. The effect of lithologic discontinuities on soil mineralogical composition was not, however, conspicuous. Petrographic investigation revealed that quartz predominantly comprised the fine-sand fraction in the soils at both study sites. Nevertheless, the clay mineralogical composition of the soils was a mixture of kaolinite, irregularly interstratified smectite-illite intergrades (S/I), hydroxyl-A1 interlayered 2:1 type clays (HICs), vermiculite, smectite, halloysite and illite along with fine-sized quartz in Abakaliki. The soils of Bende predominantly contained smectite, which was partially interlayered with hydroxyl-A1 and kaolinite. It is suggested that seasonal floodwater has slowed the disintegration of weatherable clay minerals inherited from the shale, while quartz originating from the sandstone is predominant in the fine-sand fraction. Additionally, a possible soil-forming process observed at the both study sites was ferrolysis, which was indicated by a clear decreasing pattern of HICs downward in the soil profiles, The entry of S/I and vertical distribution patterns for a couple of clay minerals in the pedon suggested that the soils in Abakaliki have developed under the significant influence of aeolian dust delivered by the Harmattan. The findings might describe a site-specific deposition pattern of Harmattan dusts as well as hydromorphic soil-forming processes in the wetlands of the inland valleys. 展开更多
关键词 aeolian dust ferrolysis hydromorphic soil hydroxyl-A1 interlayered 2:1 type clays Southeast Nigeria
Expansion of Small Terrestrial Mammals and Their Parasites into the Barun Valley (Makalu Mt. Region, Nepal Himalaya) Linked with Changes in Glaciation and Human Activities 被引量:1
作者 Milan DANIEL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期14-29,共16页
The article is based on collection of small terrestrial mammals(Soriculus nigrescens,Episoriculus caudatus, Neodon sikimensis,Alticola stoliczkanus, Niviventer eha and Ochotona roylei) collected in the Barun Valley, e... The article is based on collection of small terrestrial mammals(Soriculus nigrescens,Episoriculus caudatus, Neodon sikimensis,Alticola stoliczkanus, Niviventer eha and Ochotona roylei) collected in the Barun Valley, east Nepal in the pre-monsoon period of 1973.Zoogeographic and ecological characteristics and altitudinal stratification of these species are analysed, depending both on abiotic(geomorphological and climatic) and biotic(vegetation, and human presence and activities)factors. All the captured mammals were examined for ecto- and endoparasities. Infestations of Trombiculid mites and Ixodid ticks were tightly linked to the local habitat where these ectoparasites must survive during their nonparasitic phase. Analysis of their occurrence completes the reconstruction of migration routes during the expansion of small mammals into the Barun Valley and the exacerbating influence of human activities(summer pasturing,mountaineering expeditions and trekking parties).An indicator of anthropogenic influence was the occurrence of synantropic flies. The potential medical importance of these findings is discussed.It is assumed a possible occurrence of arboviruses transmitted by ticks and also rickettsioses(transmitted by ticks and chigger mites). As far bacteriological infections, plague cannot be excluded. 展开更多
关键词 HIMALAYA Barun Makalu region Small mammal PARASITE ECOLOGY Medicalimportance
Mapping and Assessing Typhoon-induced Forest Disturbance in Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve Using Time Series Landsat Imagery 被引量:5
作者 GUO Xiao-yi ZHANG Hong-yan +1 位作者 WANG Ye-qiao John Clark 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期404-416,共13页
Monitoring forest disturbances is important for understanding changes in ecosystems. The 1986 Typhoon Vera was a serious disturbance that severely impacted the forest ecosystems of Changbai Mountain National Nature Re... Monitoring forest disturbances is important for understanding changes in ecosystems. The 1986 Typhoon Vera was a serious disturbance that severely impacted the forest ecosystems of Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve. Although the typhoon disturbance occurred more than two decades ago, the effects of the typhoon still remain within the study area. Few studies have focused on mapping and assessing disturbances across broad spatial and temporal scales. For this study, we first generated a map of forest composition prior to the typhoon disturbance, which served as a baseline data for the extraction of disturbed area. Then, the Disturbance Index(DI) method was tested for mapping the extent and magnitude of disturbance in the study area by applying a Tasseled Cap transformation to the Landsat imagery. The Landsatbased DI method estimated that an area of 13,764.78 ha of forest was disturbed by the typhoon. Based on visual assessments, these results correspond closely with the reference map derived from ground surveys. These results also revealed the influence of local topographic features on the distribution of windthrow areas. Windthrow areas were more pronounced inareas with elevations ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 m, slopes of less than 10 degrees, and southwestern to northwestern aspects. In addition, the relatively long(25 years) post-typhoon recovery period assessed by this study provided a more comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of forest recovery processes over time. Windthrow areas did not recover immediately after the typhoon, likely due to forest management practices enacted at the time. So far, forest recovery has proceeded more rapidly at elevations below 1,400 m, particularly on western slopes within the study area. Finally, a time series of DI values within the study period suggests a secondary disturbance may have occurred between 2000 and 2001. 展开更多
关键词 Typhoon Vera Windthrow areas Disturbance Index(DI) Topographic features Forest recovery process
Relation between structural evolution of the Longmenshan orogenic zone and sedimentation of its foreland basin 被引量:2
作者 LIAO Tai-ping HU Jing-jing +2 位作者 ZHANG Fu-rong CHEN Hong-kai SUN Hong-quan 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期807-812,共6页
In order to determine the area for oil and gas exploration in China’s north Sichuan basin,we have divided the time during which the Longmenshan foreland basin was formed into five periods,based on the sedimentary res... In order to determine the area for oil and gas exploration in China’s north Sichuan basin,we have divided the time during which the Longmenshan foreland basin was formed into five periods,based on the sedimentary response relationship of the foreland basin to structural evolution: 1) a late Triassic Noric period;2) an early-Middle Jurassic period;3) a late Jurassic to early Cretaceous period;4) a late Cretaceous to Paleogene-Neogene period and 5) the Quaternary period. As well,we analyzed the sedimentary environment and lithologic features of every basin-forming period. The results show that there are several favorable source-reservoir-cap assemblages in our study area,making it a major region for future oil and gas exploration in China’s northern Sichuan basin. 展开更多
关键词 structural evolution foreland basin sedimentary response orogenic zone LONGMENSHAN
Evaluation on the Two Filling Functions for the Recovery of Forest Information in Mountainous Shadows on Landsat ETM + Image 被引量:1
作者 SHAHTAHMASSEBI Amir reza MOORE Nathan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期414-426,共13页
In general,topographic shadow may reduce performance of forest mapping over mountainous regions in remotely sensed images.In this paper,information in shadow was synthesized by using two filling techniques,namely,roif... In general,topographic shadow may reduce performance of forest mapping over mountainous regions in remotely sensed images.In this paper,information in shadow was synthesized by using two filling techniques,namely,roifill and imfill,in order to improve the accuracy of forest mapping over mountainous regions.These two methods were applied to Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM +) multispectral image from Dong Yang County,Zhejiang Province,China.The performance of these methods was compared with two conventional techniques,including cosine correction and multisource classification.The results showed that by applying filling approaches,average overall accuracy of classification was improved by 14 percent.However,through conventional methods this value increased only by 9 percent.The results also revealed that estimated forest area on the basis of shadow-corrected images by 'roifill' technique was much closer to the survey data compared to traditional algorithms.Apart from this finding,our finding indicated that topographic shadow was an accentuated problem in medium resolution images such as Landsat ETM+ over mountainous regions. 展开更多
关键词 SHADOW Imfill: Roifill: Landsat ETM+
Distribution and Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Alpine Shrubs along an Altitudinal Gradient in a Small Watershed of the Qilian Mountains, China 被引量:14
作者 LIU Zhang-wen CHEN Ren-sheng +1 位作者 SONG Yao-xuan HAN Chun-tan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期961-971,共11页
Shrublands serve as an important component of terrestrial ecosystems, and play an important role in structure and functions of alpine ecosystem.Accurate estimation of biomass is critical to examination of the producti... Shrublands serve as an important component of terrestrial ecosystems, and play an important role in structure and functions of alpine ecosystem.Accurate estimation of biomass is critical to examination of the productivity of alpine ecosystems, due to shrubification under climate change in past decades.In this study, 14 experimental plots and 42 quadrates of the shrubs Potentilla fruticosa and Caragana jubata were selected along altitudes gradients from 3220 to 3650 m a.s.l.(above sea level) on semi-sunny and semi-shady slope in Hulu watershed of Qilian Mountains, China.The foliage, woody component and total aboveground biomass per quadrate were examined using a selective destructive method, then the biomass were estimated via allometric equations based on measured parameters for two shrub species.The results showed that C.jubata accounted for 1–3 times more biomass(480.98 g/m2) than P.fruticosa(191.21 g/m2).The aboveground biomass of both the shrubs varied significantly with altitudinal gradient(P<0.05).Woody component accounted for the larger proportion than foliage component in the total aboveground biomass.The biomass on semi-sunnyslopes(200.27 g/m2 and 509.07 g/m2) was greater than on semi-shady slopes(182.14 g/m2 and 452.89g/m2) at the same altitude band for P.fruticosa and C.jubata.In contrast, the foliage biomass on semi-shady slopes(30.50 g/m2) was greater than on semi-sunny slopes(27.51 g/m2) for two shrubs.Biomass deceased with increasing altitude for P.fruticosa, whereas C.jubata showed a hump-shaped pattern with altitude.Allometric equations were obtained from the easily descriptive parameters of height(H), basal diameter(D) and crown area(C) for biomass of C.jubata and P.fruticosa.Although the equations type and variables comprising of the best model varied among the species, all equations related to biomass were significant(P < 0.005), with determination coefficients(R2) ranging from 0.81 to 0.96.The allometric equations satisfied the requirements of the model, and can be used to estimate the regional scale biomass of P.fruticosa and C.jubata in alpine ecosystems of the Qilian Mountains. 展开更多
关键词 Aboveground biomass Allometric equations Alpine shrub Altitudinal gradient Qilian Mountains
Seismic volcanostratigraphy of large, extrusive complexes in continental rift basins of Northeast China:Analysis of general bedding patterns in volcanostratigraphy and their seismic reflection configurations 被引量:1
作者 衣健 王璞珺 +2 位作者 高有峰 陈崇阳 赵然磊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1459-1467,共9页
The aim of this work is to establish volcanic seismic reflection configuration models in the rift basins of Northeast China from a new perspective,the volcanostratigraphic structure.Accordingly,the volcanostratigraphi... The aim of this work is to establish volcanic seismic reflection configuration models in the rift basins of Northeast China from a new perspective,the volcanostratigraphic structure.Accordingly,the volcanostratigraphic structure of an outcrop near the Hailaier Rift Basin was analyzed to understand the characteristics and causal factors of physical boundaries.Further,3D seismic reflection data and analysis of deep boreholes in the Songliao Rift Basin were used to establish the relationship between volcanic seismic reflection configurations and volcanostratigraphic structures.These studies suggested that in volcanic successions,physical boundaries coincide with volcanic boundaries,and their distributions are controlled by the stacking patterns of volcanic units.Therefore,volcanic seismic reflection configurations can be interpreted in terms of the stacking patterns of volcanic units.These are also referred to as general bedding patterns in volcanostratigraphy.Furthermore,four typical seismic reflection configurations were identified,namely,the chaotic,the parallel continuous,the hummocky,the multi-mound superimposed and the composite.The corresponding interpretation models comprised single massive unit,vertical,intersectional,lateral multi-mound,and composite stacking patterns.The hummocky and composite reflection configurations with intersectional and composite stacking patterns are the most favorable for the exploration of volcanic reservoirs in rift basins. 展开更多
关键词 seismic volcanostratigraphy volcanostratigraphic structure seismic refection configuration stacking patterns volcanic reservoirs
Assessing adaptability and response of vegetation to glacier recession in the afro-alpine moorland terrestrial ecosystem of Rwenzori Mountains
作者 Tonny J.OYANA Bob R.NAKILEZA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期1584-1597,共14页
The objective of this study was to explore vegetation adaptability in a changing afro-alpine moorland terrestrial ecosystem on Mt. Rwenzori and to determine whether there were any links with response of vegetation to ... The objective of this study was to explore vegetation adaptability in a changing afro-alpine moorland terrestrial ecosystem on Mt. Rwenzori and to determine whether there were any links with response of vegetation to glacier recession. We analyzed the composition and distribution of plant species in relation to soils, geomorphic processes, and landscape positions in the Alpine zone. To accomplish this objective, archival data sources and published reports for this ecosystem were reviewed. A field trip was conducted in 2010 to study in detail seven vegetation sampling plots that were systematically selected using GIS maps and a nested-quadrat sampling design framework along an altitudinal gradient in the lower and upper alpine zones. Using these sampling plots, 105 vegetation and 13 soil samples were assessed in the alpine zone. Soil samples were taken for laboratory testing and analysis. The results show statistically significant differences in pH, OM, N, P, Ca, Mg, and K pools between soils samples drawn from the lower and upper alpine sites (p 〈 0.0033). Furthermore, we observed a significant vegetation formation with numerous structural forms, but there was a limited diversity of speeies. The most significant forms included Alchemilla carpets, Bogs, Dendrosenecio woodland, and Scree slopes. The lower alpine area (3500-3900 masl) had a more diverse plant species than other areas, especially Alchemilla argyrophylla and Dendrosenecio adnivalis species that were evident due to well-drained deeper soils. The Alchemilla subnivalis were evident at a higher altitude of above 4000 mask Shifts in the Astareeeae (e.g. Senecio species) were particularly prominent even on recently deglaciated areas. The spatial variations of species distribution, structure, and composition suggest there are serious implications in terms of ecosystem adaptability, resilience, and stability that require further evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 ALPINE Plant species Species abundance Tropical afro-alpine ecosystems Afro-alpinemoorland
Bimodal Volcano-Plutonic Complexes in the Northern Frames of Eastern Section of MongoI-Okhotsk Orogenic Belt 被引量:1
作者 Inna Derbeko 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第2期84-96,共13页
Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt was formed during almost all the Phanerozoic period. The bimodal late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic formations were stated in the frames of the western section of Mongol-Okhotsk belt. Their for... Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt was formed during almost all the Phanerozoic period. The bimodal late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic formations were stated in the frames of the western section of Mongol-Okhotsk belt. Their formation is connected with the collision of north Asian and Sino-Korean continents. These collision processes were conjugated with the dimensioned intraplate processes in the region. The rocks of the bimodal volcano-plutonic complex were also stated in the frames of the eastern section of Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt. This should proof the identity of geological processes, which accompanied the collision of north Asian and Sino-Korean continents, during all the stage of the formation of the Mongol-Okhotsk belt. 展开更多
关键词 Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt bimodal volcano-plutonic complex cretaceous period.
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forest and Mountain Formations in Auras Area, Algeria
作者 Yassine Beghami Mahdi Kalla +1 位作者 Michel Thinon Hassen Benmessaoud 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第6期663-669,共7页
Contrary to the countries of northern coast, the forest formations on Southern and East coast of the Mediterranean are in regression. With the combined action of the ax, fire and pasture, these ecosystems are subjecte... Contrary to the countries of northern coast, the forest formations on Southern and East coast of the Mediterranean are in regression. With the combined action of the ax, fire and pasture, these ecosystems are subjected to a pressure of permanent degradation. Indeed, the degradation of the forest ecosystems represents one of the most important causes of reduction and erosion of the biodiversity in the world. The massif of Aur6s is located in the North-East of Algeria. The analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of this vulnerable vegetation is not approached yet. This study proposes a focus on the analysis of the dynamics of this vegetation and to study the factors of its degradation. For that, a methodological approach of diachronic follow-up between two dates was adopted by using any kind of old information sources (archives, aerial photographs, topographic maps) and recent (Images satellite of American Landsat and data of land). The results reveal a degradation of vegetable cover thus expressing a very thorough reduction of the formations forest replaced by herbaceous formations very sensitive and threatened by the overgrazing. 展开更多
关键词 Aures diachronic analysis cedar forest formations remote sensing
Spatial distribution of mountainous regions and classifications of economic development in China 被引量:23
作者 FANG Yi-ping YING Bin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期1120-1138,共19页
China is a mountainous country with a great diversity of landform and geomorphology.This diversity underlines the need for regionalization and classification.This study defines the mountain terrains and regions with t... China is a mountainous country with a great diversity of landform and geomorphology.This diversity underlines the need for regionalization and classification.This study defines the mountain terrains and regions with three criteria-elevation,relative height,and slope,and examines the extent of mountainous regions by using county as the basic administrative unit.According to the three parameters of economic base,resident income and development potential,we classified the economic development level in mountainous regions of China.The findings reveal that the extent of the mountainous region accounts for 74.9% of the China's Mainland's total area.The economic development of mountainous regions in China is classified into 4 main types and 23 subtypes. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain terrain Mountainous region Classification system Economic development China
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