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作者 吴浩 罗红胜 《书法》 2016年第10期69-71,共3页
《吴越所见书画录》是陆时化一生游心赏会书画的精心之作,由三部分组成:《书画说铃》二十九则,《吴越所见书画录》六卷,《书画作伪日奇论》一则。体现了他"鉴赏心态之旷达","鉴赏目的之绝其虚罔、归于真实","... 《吴越所见书画录》是陆时化一生游心赏会书画的精心之作,由三部分组成:《书画说铃》二十九则,《吴越所见书画录》六卷,《书画作伪日奇论》一则。体现了他"鉴赏心态之旷达","鉴赏目的之绝其虚罔、归于真实","鉴赏境界之慧心"的鉴赏观。此书为陆氏手书上版,点画工整娴熟,圆法温润,笔致疏朗匀称,体势方正工稳,与其鉴赏观亦相表里。 展开更多
关键词 陆时化 《吴越所见书画录》 鉴赏观
作者 潘文勰 《西泠艺丛》 2022年第4期9-25,共17页
纵观中国绘画鉴藏史,鉴赏家关于书画的言论,大多散见于题跋之中,且多是一时兴到之语。又往往出于场合和人情的因素,对于书画的评述,往往褒多贬少、语多泛泛。至于像赫赫有名的鉴赏家如明之项元汴、清之梁清标之伦,虽一生鉴藏佳作无数,... 纵观中国绘画鉴藏史,鉴赏家关于书画的言论,大多散见于题跋之中,且多是一时兴到之语。又往往出于场合和人情的因素,对于书画的评述,往往褒多贬少、语多泛泛。至于像赫赫有名的鉴赏家如明之项元汴、清之梁清标之伦,虽一生鉴藏佳作无数,却连一本著录都没有留下,更不用说具体关于绘画鉴赏的议论了。这些要么失之于散、要么失之简的缺憾,在陆时化《书画说铃》中得到了弥补。 展开更多
关键词 书画鉴定 项元汴 陆时化 鉴赏家 说铃
高明卒年再考辨 被引量:3
作者 刘祯 《阴山学刊》 1989年第3期12-17,共6页
《琵琶记》作者高明(字则诚)卒年,今存三说。宗典编《柯九思史料》,吴海林、李延沛编《中国历史人物辞典》都认为高明卒于约1380年。不知其所据。概以推测,故置匆论。湛之依据清代陆时化《吴越所见书画录》所收《题【晨起】诗卷》一文,... 《琵琶记》作者高明(字则诚)卒年,今存三说。宗典编《柯九思史料》,吴海林、李延沛编《中国历史人物辞典》都认为高明卒于约1380年。不知其所据。概以推测,故置匆论。湛之依据清代陆时化《吴越所见书画录》所收《题【晨起】诗卷》一文,认为“高明是在明朝建立前九年的至正十九年(1359)逝世的”。此说一出,影响颇大,为游国思、王起等《中国文学史》,中国社会科学院文学所《中国文学史》,张庚。 展开更多
关键词 卒年 《琵琶记》 《中国文学史》 宗典 吴越所见书画录 余尧臣 《南词叙录》 陆时化 贡师泰 至正
作者 黄泳 《人文论丛》 CSSCI 2018年第2期188-197,共10页
苏州书画装裱业一向发达,北宋末年已有'吴匠''苏州背匠'之名,到明后期苏裱或称'吴装',形成自成一家的风格,工艺技术和质量声誉在全国取得了领先地位。余既作《明清苏州装裱师系谱》一文①,今再进一步考察明清... 苏州书画装裱业一向发达,北宋末年已有'吴匠''苏州背匠'之名,到明后期苏裱或称'吴装',形成自成一家的风格,工艺技术和质量声誉在全国取得了领先地位。余既作《明清苏州装裱师系谱》一文①,今再进一步考察明清苏州装裱师与书画家的交往,探讨苏州装裱业发达的社会经济影响,以从较多层面展呈苏州装裱业的发达,深化明清匠作技艺的研究。 展开更多
关键词 书画装裱 明后期 文震亨 收藏家 明中期 书画创作 文人群体 陆时化
作者 汪平 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2015年第10期18-21,共4页
20世纪80年代初,安徽省文物总店在接收芜湖市文物商店移交的一批文物中,发现有明代仇英《九歌图》册壹本。据说此册系建国后在芜湖市郊一居民家拆迁的老房子屋檐里发现的,后被芜湖市文物商店征集。经鉴定属明代作品。仇英《九歌图》册,... 20世纪80年代初,安徽省文物总店在接收芜湖市文物商店移交的一批文物中,发现有明代仇英《九歌图》册壹本。据说此册系建国后在芜湖市郊一居民家拆迁的老房子屋檐里发现的,后被芜湖市文物商店征集。经鉴定属明代作品。仇英《九歌图》册,共九开(画8页,字10页),纸本,白描人物、水墨行书,每页纵25.8厘米,横24.3厘米。册名《九歌图》为明代文徵明所题。 展开更多
关键词 九歌图 仇英 文物商店 安徽省文物总店 文徵明 《九歌》 陆时化 吴越所见书画录 李公麟 纸本
Effects of Vegetation Restoration on Soil Organic Carbon in China:A Meta-analysis 被引量:7
作者 GONG Li LIU Guohua +3 位作者 WANG Meng YE Xin WANG Hao LI Zongshan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期188-200,共13页
Vegetation restoration has been proposed as an effective method for increasing both plant biomass and soil carbon(C) stocks. In this study, 204 publications(733 observations) were analyzed, focusing on the effects of ... Vegetation restoration has been proposed as an effective method for increasing both plant biomass and soil carbon(C) stocks. In this study, 204 publications(733 observations) were analyzed, focusing on the effects of vegetation restoration on soil organic carbon(SOC) in China. The results showed that SOC was increased by 45.33%, 24.43%, 30.29% and 27.98% at soil depths of 0–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm and > 60 cm after vegetation restoration, respectively. Restoration from both cropland and non-cropland increased the SOC content. The conversion of non-cropland was more efficient in SOC accumulation than the conversion of cropland did, especially in > 40 cm layers. In addition, the conversion to planted forest led to greater SOC accumulation than that to other land use did. Conversion period and initial SOC content extended more influence on soil C accumulation as the main factors after vegetation restoration than temperature and precipitation did. The SOC content significantly increased with restoration period after long-term vegetation restoration(> 40 yr), indicating a large potential for further accumulation of carbon in the soil, which could mitigate climate change in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 soil carbon content vegetation restoration land-use change conversion period restoration approach China
Variations of Terrestrial Water Storage in the Yangtze River Basin under Climate Change Scenarios 被引量:1
作者 MA Qian XIE Zheng-Hui ZHAO Lin-Na 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第6期293-298,共6页
In this study, the water balance-based Precipitation-Evapotranspiration-Runoff (PER) method combined with the land surface model Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) was used to estimate the spatiotemporal variations ... In this study, the water balance-based Precipitation-Evapotranspiration-Runoff (PER) method combined with the land surface model Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) was used to estimate the spatiotemporal variations of terrestrial water storage (TWS) for two periods, 1982-2005 (baseline) and 2071-2100, under future climate scenarios A2 and B2 in the Yangtze River basin. The results show that the estimated TWS during the baseline period and under the two future climate scenarios have similar seasonal amplitudes of 60-70 mm. The higher values of TWS appear in June during the baseline period and under the B2 scenario, whereas the TWS under A2 shows two peaks in response to the related precipitation pattern. It also shows that the TWS is recharged from February to June during the baseline period, but it is replenished from March to June under the A2 and B2 scenarios. An analysis of the standard derivation of seasonal and interannual TWS time series under the three scenarios demonstrates that the seasonal TWS of the southeastern part of the Yangtze River basin varies remarkably and that the southeastern and central parts of the basin have higher variations in interannual TWS. With respect to the first mode of the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF), the inverse-phase change in seasonal TWS mainly appears across the Guizhou-Sichuan-Shaanxi belt, and the entire basin generally represents a synchronous change in interannual TWS. As a whole, the TWS under A2 presents a larger seasonal variation whereas that under B2 displays a greater interannual variation. These results imply that climate change could trigger severe disasters in the southeastern and central parts of the basin. 展开更多
关键词 terrestrial water storage the Yangtze River basin climate change VARIATIONS
The New Challenges on the Silk Road
作者 Bogdana Todorova 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期911-916,共6页
In his book Out of Control, Brzezinski speaks about a vacuum in Eurasia, with important geopolitical consequences. Which are the new challenges and risks on the Silk Road in the time of globalization, radicalization, ... In his book Out of Control, Brzezinski speaks about a vacuum in Eurasia, with important geopolitical consequences. Which are the new challenges and risks on the Silk Road in the time of globalization, radicalization, and freedom of movement? The paper will stress three challenges: the project "Economic zone on the Silk Road" (the leadership in economic performance is held by China and therefore the eastern political cultures have the necessary economic basis for asserting their independence), the influence of ETIM and IMU on the region and the role and place of Xinjiang, as a bridge between Central and South Asia; how they reflected on this way of old traditions and cultures and whether there is a "clash" between the Eastern religions on the "Silk Road" and Islam with its multi dimensions, between the thick black chador and the silk veil, called "tissue of wind", between spiritual, transcendental cognition (Daoism) and pragmatic mundane faith of Islam. I will conclude that the new challenges on the Silk Road create new borders between people--religious, linguistic, ethnical, and new identities. The main question is as follows: Shall we keep the cultural plurality and authenticity of the region? 展开更多
关键词 Silk Road CHALLENGES radical Islam IDENTITY
Numerical Simulation of a Landfall Typhoon Using a Bogus Data Assimilation Scheme
作者 LU Bing WANG Bin ZHAO Ying 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第4期242-246,共5页
A typhoon bogus data assimilation scheme (BDA) using dimension-reduced projection four-dimen-sional variational data assimilation (DRP-4-DVar),called DRP-BDA for short,is built in the Advanced Regional Eta Model (AREM... A typhoon bogus data assimilation scheme (BDA) using dimension-reduced projection four-dimen-sional variational data assimilation (DRP-4-DVar),called DRP-BDA for short,is built in the Advanced Regional Eta Model (AREM).As an adjoint-free approach,DRP-BDA saves time,and only several minutes are taken for the full BDA process.To evaluate its performance,the DRP-BDA is applied to a case study on a landfall ty-phoon,Fengshen (2008),from the Northwestern Pacific Ocean to Guangdong province,in which the bogus sea level pressure (SLP) is assimilated as a kind of observa-tion.The results show that a more realistic typhoon with correct center position,stronger warm core vortex,and more reasonable wind fields is reproduced in the analyzed initial condition through the new approach.Compared with the control run (CTRL) initialized with NCEP Final (FNL) Global Tropospheric Analyses,the DRP-BDA leads to an evidently positive impact on typhoon track forecasting and a small positive impact on typhoon inten-sity forecasting.Furthermore,the forecast landfall time conforms to the observed landfall time,and the forecast track error at the 36th hour is 32 km,which is much less than that of the CTRL (450 km). 展开更多
作者 聂崇正 《新美域》 2005年第3期1-2,共2页
“清初六家”的作品都以强调师承为主,注重于对古代名家绘画作品的临摹,是中国绘画史上重要的一个流派和一个非常值得研究的艺术现象。其中的王翚又是“四王”中名气及对后世影响最大的一位。此手卷画即为王翚所作,共六幅,装裱成一纸,... “清初六家”的作品都以强调师承为主,注重于对古代名家绘画作品的临摹,是中国绘画史上重要的一个流派和一个非常值得研究的艺术现象。其中的王翚又是“四王”中名气及对后世影响最大的一位。此手卷画即为王翚所作,共六幅,装裱成一纸,卷首有王翚自题签,上书:“王耕烟仿唐宋元诸名贤横景六幅”,下钤:“王翚之印”(白方)、“石谷”(朱方)二印。此图流传有绪,曾见于清乾隆年间梓行之陆时化《吴越所见书画录》一书,又见于民国时福开森氏所著之《历代著录画目》一书(1933年),还见于今人徐邦达编纂之《改订历代流传绘画编年表》一书。另有短札一纸,言说此图之特色及装裱等情形:“六相公有嗜痂癖,蒙委横景六幅,俱刻意摹仿古人工细一派笔墨溪径设色渲染之法,另开生面,非甜俗陋习者比,自谓晚年得意笔。装潢极其整齐,用绫料各色亦甚妥,须必楠木匣乃妙,乞转致之,因乏便人迟送,幸曲谅为感,忙甚不及另拜,即以此札致览可也。”书后无款,同纸上有收藏印章一方:“张研樵家珍藏”(朱方)。画心部分分别画有仿王维、仿关仝、仿李成、仿范宽、仿惠崇、仿赵孟頫六位前代画家的山水画。画后有近代学者余绍宋题跋一段。王翚此图作于“康熙乙未”,即康熙五十四年(1715年),属于他很晚年的作品,笔墨十分精到,丝毫不见老态,相当难得。陆时化《吴越所见书画录》一书中有一段文字,对了解此画的创作、装裱经过等有所裨益录如下:“宣德纸,高皆九寸,长之尺寸微不同,载每幅之首;此先君朴茔老人嘱石谷画,石谷惨淡经营而成,并倩名手顾若思装成,又自题签,然后作札于若思,托其致我府君。今铭旗兄什袭。” 展开更多
关键词 王翚 吴越所见书画录 陆时化 中国绘画史 四王 绘画作品 艺术现象 画心 惠崇 徐邦达
试论潘天寿画上的题跋与用印 被引量:1
作者 刘江 《新美术》 1984年第1期44-47,共4页
中国画的题款与用印始于何时,尚无明确结论,从文物考察,汉代石刻的题名可算是最早的画上题记了。如武梁祠画像石“曾参杀人”的赞语等。其后,如魏晋南北朝的石刻题字(龙门等处石刻)以及敦煌莫高窟壁画上供养人的题字。唐宋以后,花鸟画兴... 中国画的题款与用印始于何时,尚无明确结论,从文物考察,汉代石刻的题名可算是最早的画上题记了。如武梁祠画像石“曾参杀人”的赞语等。其后,如魏晋南北朝的石刻题字(龙门等处石刻)以及敦煌莫高窟壁画上供养人的题字。唐宋以后,花鸟画兴起,诗词之学盛行,相互影响,开始有人将诗句题入画内,如此可为画作标题,亦可释意。到了明代,沈灏总结了这方面的经验,他在《画尘》中说:“题与画,互为注脚”。画上用印,大略始于宋。清,陆时化《书画说钤》中有“宋人书名不用印,用印不书名”。宋元以后,由于文人画的兴起,逐步将诗、书、印用于画上。如苏东坡喜长跋,并以大行楷书题之;赵孟頫几乎每画必题,诗、书并茂。明清以降,画家几乎无画不题,长篇累牍,有题有跋,或诗或文,有的画甚至是以题跋为主。画上钤印。 展开更多
关键词 潘天寿 画尘 陆时化 武梁祠画像石 书题 赵孟 曾参杀人 钤印 石涛 敦煌莫高窟
作者 潘文协 《新美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期35-47,共13页
中国是竹子的故乡,古代文人,未有寄意风雅而不爱竹者,或绕屋而种之,或就竹而居之。先秦之时,君子比德于玉;唐代以后,君子比德于竹。随着比德观念的变迁,竹子便成为君子的典型象征。宋代以来,文人多喜画竹,以墨竹为主流,以文同为宗师,清... 中国是竹子的故乡,古代文人,未有寄意风雅而不爱竹者,或绕屋而种之,或就竹而居之。先秦之时,君子比德于玉;唐代以后,君子比德于竹。随着比德观念的变迁,竹子便成为君子的典型象征。宋代以来,文人多喜画竹,以墨竹为主流,以文同为宗师,清风生于指间,人品关乎画品。文同之表弟苏东坡,元之赵孟頫、李衎、柯九思、吴镇,明之王绂、夏昶,皆是卓然名家。到了明代,墨竹在技法和理论上,可以说已经基本发展完备。清代鉴赏家陆时化认为,文徵明乃是继吴镇、夏昶之后,画竹之道统。 展开更多
关键词 文徵明 夏昶 柯九思 绘画传统 吴镇 陆时化 画竹 古代文人 停云馆 赵孟
《荣宝斋》 2023年第8期272-283,共12页
王时敏武夷山接笋峰图尺寸:51 cm×111.5cm王时敏著录:1、《历代着录画目》第41页,武夷山接笋峰图。2、《吴越所见书画录》清·陆时化六卷P71。3、《荣宝斋》P8《古法浸灌笔墨盘礴(上)王时敏早期及中期画作品浅析》,2016年出版,... 王时敏武夷山接笋峰图尺寸:51 cm×111.5cm王时敏著录:1、《历代着录画目》第41页,武夷山接笋峰图。2、《吴越所见书画录》清·陆时化六卷P71。3、《荣宝斋》P8《古法浸灌笔墨盘礴(上)王时敏早期及中期画作品浅析》,2016年出版,第136期。4、《鉴画随笔》P74,劳继雄著,上海古籍出版社,2006年出版。5、《中国名画家全集——王时敏(上)》P180,河北教育出版社,2009年出版。 展开更多
关键词 上海古籍出版社 河北教育出版社 王时敏 吴越所见书画录 陆时化 接笋峰 P18 武夷山
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