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哈尔滨师范大学美术学院 陆洋 胡婧 孙树娟作品
《艺术研究(哈尔滨师范大学艺术学报)》 2011年第3期I0013-I0013,共1页
关键词 美术学院 哈尔滨师范大学 陆洋
未来机器人:专注研发 决胜未来——专访未来机器人(深圳)有限公司CEO李陆洋
作者 孙昊 《中国储运》 2020年第11期98-99,共2页
作为一家非常有潜力的AGV制造企业,未来机器人在行业内可谓是声名鹊起。在这个发展与变革的时代,未来机器人将会采取怎样的战略进一步发展,又将如何应对客户不断变化的复杂需求?我们请未来机器人(深圳)有限公司CEO李陆洋博士与大家一起... 作为一家非常有潜力的AGV制造企业,未来机器人在行业内可谓是声名鹊起。在这个发展与变革的时代,未来机器人将会采取怎样的战略进一步发展,又将如何应对客户不断变化的复杂需求?我们请未来机器人(深圳)有限公司CEO李陆洋博士与大家一起关注未来。努力开发新产品李陆洋博士介绍,未来机器人一直以来都专注于研发新产品,并致力于满足客户的各种需求。 展开更多
关键词 机器人 开发新产品 陆洋 客户 CEO 发展与变革 深圳 专注
《治淮》 2021年第6期F0003-F0003,共1页
重庆陆洋工程设计有限公司,成立于1985年,曾隶属于重庆市土木建筑学会,现为水发集团有限公司的权属公司。公司在水利、电力、建筑、市政等行业拥有多项甲乙级从业资质,已通过ISO三大体系认证,先后获得21项实用新型专利与5项计算机软件著... 重庆陆洋工程设计有限公司,成立于1985年,曾隶属于重庆市土木建筑学会,现为水发集团有限公司的权属公司。公司在水利、电力、建筑、市政等行业拥有多项甲乙级从业资质,已通过ISO三大体系认证,先后获得21项实用新型专利与5项计算机软件著作,被评定为国家高新技术企业,被授予"纳税信用等级A级纳税企业"称号,是水利建设市场主体信用评价AA级勘察设计单位。公司凝聚了一支经验丰富、职业道德良好的专业队伍,员工中本科以上学历达77%,中级以上职称人员占专业人员65%,其中高级职称占36%(教授级高工7人);人员结构合理,专业配置齐全,专业化水平和能力满足差异化服务要求。 展开更多
关键词 勘察设计单位 纳税企业 实用新型专利 计算机软件 土木建筑学会 水利建设市场 差异化服务 陆洋
断块开合说——我国大地构造研究的新思维 被引量:19
作者 张抗 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第5期449-455,共7页
对板块说应持分析态度,既充分肯定它的创见,又看到它的不足。张文佑倡导的断块说强调地质演化中的陆洋地壳转化,即拉张造洋、挤压造陆。近年来提出的开会说,继承了板块说、断块说和新地槽—地台说的合理内核。笔者认为,断块—开合大地... 对板块说应持分析态度,既充分肯定它的创见,又看到它的不足。张文佑倡导的断块说强调地质演化中的陆洋地壳转化,即拉张造洋、挤压造陆。近年来提出的开会说,继承了板块说、断块说和新地槽—地台说的合理内核。笔者认为,断块—开合大地构造说是中国大地构造研究中有代表性的思潮。本文概括了它的基本观点,强调了开合中的多模式、多旋回,开合中的非封闭性及不可逆性。 展开更多
关键词 板块说 断块说 开合说 地壳-岩石圈 陆洋地壳转化
断块开合说——中国大地构造研究的新思维 被引量:7
作者 张抗 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期208-213,共6页
对板块说应持分析态度,既充分肯定它的创见,又要看到其不足。张文佑倡导的断块说强调地质演化中的陆洋地壳转化,即拉张造洋、挤压造陆。近年来提出的开合说,继承了板块说、断块说和新地槽-地台说的合理内核。笔者认为,断块-开合大地构... 对板块说应持分析态度,既充分肯定它的创见,又要看到其不足。张文佑倡导的断块说强调地质演化中的陆洋地壳转化,即拉张造洋、挤压造陆。近年来提出的开合说,继承了板块说、断块说和新地槽-地台说的合理内核。笔者认为,断块-开合大地构造说是中国大地构造研究中有代表性的思潮。本文概括了其基本观点,强调了开合中的多模式、多旋回和非封闭性、不可逆性。 展开更多
关键词 板块说 断块说 开合说 地壳-岩石圈 陆洋地壳转化
《城市交通》 北大核心 2016年第2期102-102,共1页
城市弹性与地域重建作者:林良嗣铃木康弘译者:陆化普陆洋出版单位:清华大学出版社出版时间:2016年2月近年来,世界范围内各种异常气候频繁出现,对城市生产和生活带来了巨大影响,城市和城市交通的防灾减灾和灾后恢复能力即城市弹性问... 城市弹性与地域重建作者:林良嗣铃木康弘译者:陆化普陆洋出版单位:清华大学出版社出版时间:2016年2月近年来,世界范围内各种异常气候频繁出现,对城市生产和生活带来了巨大影响,城市和城市交通的防灾减灾和灾后恢复能力即城市弹性问题已经成为城市和交通研究领域的热点。 展开更多
关键词 陆洋 出版单位 交通研究 世界城市 清华大学出版社 铃木 城市网络 城市研究 林良 恢复能力
作者 臧克强 《铁路计算机应用》 1994年第3期26-26,共1页
现代化仓储管理是条码应用的重要领域。它是以立体货架为主体,以计算机控制及条码技术为手段,形成一套高效率、大容量的物流、储藏系统。 由国家地震局陆洋软件中心研制开发的仓储管理系统,是以DOS平台、FORPRO2.5关系数据库为开发环境... 现代化仓储管理是条码应用的重要领域。它是以立体货架为主体,以计算机控制及条码技术为手段,形成一套高效率、大容量的物流、储藏系统。 由国家地震局陆洋软件中心研制开发的仓储管理系统,是以DOS平台、FORPRO2.5关系数据库为开发环境,采用条码技术,为仓储工作者提供了一套完善的管理手段。可以实现对整个仓库的货箱、货架及往来财物的计算机管理。它包括:自动识别和记帐。 展开更多
关键词 条码技术 仓储管理 立体仓库 关系数据库 开发环境 仓储工 自动识别 陆洋 计算机控制 计算机管理
作者 刘笑嘉 陆洋 《中国对外贸易》 2014年第10期84-86,共3页
伴随着埃博拉病毒来袭的新闻,塞拉利昂这个西非小国的拗口名字被人们常挂在了嘴边。上一次人们听说这里,还是因为一部莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥主演的电影《血钻》。塞拉利昂的面积只有7万平方公里,还不如重庆市大。塞拉利昂地图的轮廓... 伴随着埃博拉病毒来袭的新闻,塞拉利昂这个西非小国的拗口名字被人们常挂在了嘴边。上一次人们听说这里,还是因为一部莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥主演的电影《血钻》。塞拉利昂的面积只有7万平方公里,还不如重庆市大。塞拉利昂地图的轮廓像一颗钻石,暗合了这个国家最出名的矿藏,但是它的盛名一直被非洲另一个盛产钻石的国家所掩,屈居第二。目前,世界上发现的第一大钻石,产于南非,第二大的就产于塞拉利昂。毕竟是第二,大家能够牢记的永远只有第一。如今的塞拉利昂依旧是一个陌生、神秘的国度。 展开更多
关键词 莱昂纳 埃博拉病毒 屈居第二 里奥 卡普 黎巴嫩人 家族企业 水洼 出点 陆洋
《视听界》 1993年第S2期175-176,共2页
关键词 平民百姓 陆洋 新闻媒介 小星星 波涛汹涌 不知道 给你 回家以后 亲在 东鲍乡
作者 阿男 《校园心理》 2007年第1期40-41,共2页
关键词 卓尔 桔梗花 陆洋 骨肉瘤
作者 童喜喜 《河南教育(基教版)(上)》 2017年第2期20-21,共2页
2016年岁末,由人民日报社、《环球人物》杂志社等主办的“大地之爱”新教育专场诗会在北京举行。诗会上,一个沉静真挚的女声响起——教室,我的家园一个不大的地方聚集了一群孩子也就聚集了我的梦想从此我心无旁骛,为了梦想飞翔……这首... 2016年岁末,由人民日报社、《环球人物》杂志社等主办的“大地之爱”新教育专场诗会在北京举行。诗会上,一个沉静真挚的女声响起——教室,我的家园一个不大的地方聚集了一群孩子也就聚集了我的梦想从此我心无旁骛,为了梦想飞翔……这首由新教育实验的发起人朱永新创作的《教室,我的家园》诗作,经过朗诵者的演绎,直抵现场近两千观众的心灵。 展开更多
关键词 大地之爱 新教育实验 人民日报社 陆洋 《致橡树》 《雨巷》 戴望舒 舒婷 喷薄而出 朱永新
Recent sedimentary records in the East China Sea inner shelf and their response to environmental change and human activities 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Kaidi LI Anchun +2 位作者 ZHANG Jin LU Jian WANG Hongli 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1537-1555,共19页
The East China Sea continental shelf is a unique area for the study of land-sea interactions and paleoenvironmental change because it receives a large amount of terrestrial material inputs. In recent decades, human ac... The East China Sea continental shelf is a unique area for the study of land-sea interactions and paleoenvironmental change because it receives a large amount of terrestrial material inputs. In recent decades, human activities and global climate change have greatly aff ected river discharges into the sea. However, changes in the deposition process caused by these factors in the East China Sea continental shelf are unclear. We collected eight short sediment cores from the East China Sea inner shelf(ECSIS) using a box core sampler in 2012 and 2015. The grainsize, 2 10 Pb, and 1 37 Cs of these cores were analyzed in order to reconstruct the deposition history since the 1950 s, and to reveal human activity and climate change influences on sediment deposition in the ECSIS. Results indicated that sediment grain size became finer after 1969, turned coarser after 1987, and then further coarser since 2003, corresponding well to the three steps of sediment load drop in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River, which are mainly caused by human activities(particularly the closure of the Three Gorges Dam). Simultaneously, the East Asian Monsoon influenced the deposition process in the ECSIS by changing the intensity of coastal currents. Mean grain size variations in the fine-grained population(divided by grain size vs. standard deviation method) coincided with that of the East Asian Winter Monsoon strength and reflected its weakness in 1987. Abrupt changes in sediment grain size over a short time scale in these sediment cores were generally caused by floods and typhoons. Spectral analyses of the sediment cores showed periodicities of 10–11 and 20–22 years, corresponding to the periodicity of solar activity(Schwabe cycle and Hale cycle). Mean grain size time series also displayed a 3–8 year periodicity corresponding to El Ni?o Southern Oscillation periodic change. 展开更多
关键词 East China Sea inner shelf grain size sedimentary records human activities environmental change
An Ensemble-Based Three-Dimensional Variational Assimilation Method for Land Data Assimilation 被引量:6
作者 TIAN Xiang-Jun XIE Zheng-Hui 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第3期125-129,共5页
Land surface models are often highly nonlinear with model physics that contain parameterized discontinuities. These model attributes severely limit the application of advanced variational data assimilation methods int... Land surface models are often highly nonlinear with model physics that contain parameterized discontinuities. These model attributes severely limit the application of advanced variational data assimilation methods into land data assimilation. The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been widely employed for land data assimilation because of its simple conceptual formulation and relative ease of implementation. An updated ensemble-based three-dimensional variational assimilation (En3-DVar) method is proposed for land data assimilation.This new method incorporates Monte Carlo sampling strategies into the 3-D variational data assimilation framework. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) technique is used to efficiently approximate a forecast ensemble produced by the Monte Carlo method in a 3-D space that uses a set of base vectors that span the ensemble. The data assimilation process is thus significantly simplified. Our assimilation experiments indicate that this new En3-DVar method considerably outperforms the EnKF method by increasing assimilation precision. Furthermore, computational costs for the new En3-DVar method are much lower than for the EnKF method. 展开更多
关键词 land data assimilation En3-DVar POD ENKF
作者 邱明宇 陆维松 +1 位作者 陈汇林 蔡亲波 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2007年第1期73-76,共4页
Numerical experiments on forcing dissipation and heating response of dipole (unipole) are carried out using global spectral models with quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equations. For each experiment model integ... Numerical experiments on forcing dissipation and heating response of dipole (unipole) are carried out using global spectral models with quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equations. For each experiment model integration is run for 90 days on the condition of three-wave quasi-resonance. The results are given as follows: Under the effects of dipole (unipole) forcing source and basic flow intensity, there exist strong interactions among the three planetary waves and quasi-biweekly and intraseasonal oscillation of the three planetary waves. In the meantime, the changes in the intensity of dipole or unipole forcing source and basic flow have different frequency modulation effects on LFO in the middle and higher latitudes. The results of the stream function field of three quasi-resonant waves evolving with time confirm that the low-frequency oscillation exists in extratropical latitude. 展开更多
关键词 Indian Ocean temperature dipole (unipole) frequency modulation waves quasi-resonance atmospheric low-frequency oscillation
Methane seepages in the northern South China Sea: evidence from in situ measurements 被引量:1
作者 QIU Zhongyan HAN Xiqiu WANG Yejian 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1556-1561,共6页
Continental margins in world oceans contain large amounts of marine gas hydrates. Changes in the temperature and pressure of sediment may destabilize the methane hydrate, leading to its release and seepage into the se... Continental margins in world oceans contain large amounts of marine gas hydrates. Changes in the temperature and pressure of sediment may destabilize the methane hydrate, leading to its release and seepage into the sea. This process would increase the dissolved methane in the ambient seawater. In this study, a methane sensor was used to detect methane anomalies in the water column in southwestern Dongsha and Shenhu, northern slope of the South China Sea. Methane plumes were detected at stations SCS001 and T001 in the southwestern Dongsha area, and station SCS002 in the Shenhu area, respectively. The maximum methane concentrations were 8.8 nmol/L in southwestern Dongsha and 10.1 nmol/L in Shenhu, which are about 4–5 times higher than the background methane concentration. This indicates that there are active methane seepages present in both the southwestern Dongsha and Shenhu areas, which are likely related to a methane hydrate reservoir beneath the seafloor. A methane sensor with a low detection limit is a practical instrument with which to detect methane plumes in oceanic environments and to monitor methane leakage from the seafloor. 展开更多
关键词 northern slope of the South China Sea methane leakage in situ measurement methane sensor
作者 庞重光 胡敦欣 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期101-106,共6页
The determinant role of upwelling in fine sediment patches is examined from the viewpoints of physical process and biological process respectively. It is pointed out that physical and biological processes are usually ... The determinant role of upwelling in fine sediment patches is examined from the viewpoints of physical process and biological process respectively. It is pointed out that physical and biological processes are usually coexistent and interact with each other during the sedimentation of suspended matters. This study used available figures showing the circulation pattern and surface sediment distribution in the whole China Seas, the Gulf of Maine, the Irish Sea and the North Sea, and additional data to verify that wherever upwelling exists on the continental shelf, mud must occur; and that wherever downwelling occurs, coarse sediment substitutes for mud. 展开更多
关键词 MUD UPWELLING China Seas Gulf of Maine the North Sea the Irish Sea
Shift of the principal mode of Pan-Asian monsoon summer precipitation in terms of spatial pattern 被引量:2
作者 GAO Ya 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2017年第3期221-227,共7页
This paper documents that the principal mode of Pan-Asian monsoon summer precipitation experienced a prominent interdecadal shift around 1992/1993 in terms of spatial pattern and major driving factors. During 1979-19... This paper documents that the principal mode of Pan-Asian monsoon summer precipitation experienced a prominent interdecadal shift around 1992/1993 in terms of spatial pattern and major driving factors. During 1979-1992 (Period 1, P1), Pan-Asian monsoon summer precipitation anomalies mainly display a meridional dipole pattern from north to south, whereas in the period 1993-2016 (Period 2, P2), it shows a meridional tripole pattern instead. The summer precipitation in P1 is primarily associated with a combination of the developing phase (central-eastern Pacific type) and decaying phase (eastern Pacific type) of El Nino-Southem Oscillation (ENSO); while in P2, it is mainly associated with the decaying phase of central-eastern-Pacific-type ENSO. 展开更多
关键词 Pan-Asian monsoon summer precipitation interdecadal shift ENSO phase Maritime Continent SST
作者 袁佳双 郑庆林 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2004年第2期113-122,共10页
By employing the CCM1(R15L12)long-range spectral model, study is undertaken of the effects of sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) for tropical Indian ocean on circulation transformation in the early summer in East A... By employing the CCM1(R15L12)long-range spectral model, study is undertaken of the effects of sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) for tropical Indian ocean on circulation transformation in the early summer in East Asia in 1991. The results indicate that warmer SSTA contributes to the increasing of the temperature over the Plateau in early summer, resulting in the intensification of tropical easterly jet on 100 hPa and northward shift of Northern Hemisphere subtropical westerly jet in May. It is obviously favorable for the subtropical high enhancement over western Pacific Ocean in May and subtropical westerly jet maintaining at 35~40 °N in June, making the Mei-Yu come earlier and stay over the Changjiang basin in 1991. Furthermore, warmer SSTA is also advantageous to averaged temperature rise in East Asia land region and Nanhai monsoon development. These roles are helpful in accelerating the seasonal transition for East Asia in early summer. 展开更多
关键词 persistent warmer SSTA season transition in early summer numerical simulations
Marine and Inland Water Resources in Eneolithic Communities. New Data from Sardinia (Italy)
作者 Maria Grazia Melis Marco Zedda Laura Manca 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第6期679-693,共15页
This paper presents research aimed at identifying the methods with which prehistoric man interacted with marine and inland water environments. The objective is to determine the degree to which resources from these env... This paper presents research aimed at identifying the methods with which prehistoric man interacted with marine and inland water environments. The objective is to determine the degree to which resources from these environments influenced the socio-economic organization of these peoples. The coastline around Cagliari and its hinterland (southern Sardinia, Italy) were chosen as the subject, on the basis of the presence of both the sea and several ponds. The territory is noted as being home to both Neolithic and Eneolithic settlements. Among these the archaeological excavation of the village of Su Coddu/Canelles produced a large quantity of malacofauna. Data has been processed from part of the settlement that gave radiocarbon dating from the period between 3640 and 2900 cal. BC, and in which it was possible to carry out the level of sampling that was necessary to complete the research. In particular this interdisciplinary project, which aims to make an overall study of the settlement, the data relating to the geography of the area, the archaeological documentation, the fauna and shell artefacts will be extrapolated. Numerous methods are applied above all in reference to the marines and ponds resources. Additionally, the morphological anatomical-comparative analysis (in order to determine the typology of the faunal remains and to identify each individual species) and the technological analysis of the manufactured shells (so as to detect the selection and the transformation type of raw materials) are accomplished. The research has led to the identification of a settlement model in which agriculture formed the primary means of subsistence, that was complemented by the rearing of livestock, through hunting and gathering. The exploitation of marine and inland waters resources, as food source, have to be important because 99% of the faunal remains are shells. Different shell species are recognized, among those the Ostrea edulis provides the raw material to produce bevelled objects, which are documented inside the settlement in considerable number. Some plant species, typical of the lagoon ecosystem, were used for building and craft production. 展开更多
关键词 SARDINIA Eneolithic PALEO-ENVIRONMENT archaeozoology production of shell artefacts resources of sea and inland waters.
Variability of the Continental Water Boundary near the Prydz Bay 被引量:3
作者 蒲书箴 董兆乾 +2 位作者 胡筱敏 于非 赵新 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2002年第1期1-10,共10页
Based on the data obtained during the 15th Antarctic Expedition of China between November 1998 and February 1999, the paper discusses the water masses distributed on both sides of the Continental Water Boundary (CWB) ... Based on the data obtained during the 15th Antarctic Expedition of China between November 1998 and February 1999, the paper discusses the water masses distributed on both sides of the Continental Water Boundary (CWB) as well as the spacial variability of the physical characteristics of the central location, the frontal width, the frontal strength, the vertical depth, and the vertical thickness for CWB. The above results are compared with the results from the data obtained during the 9th Antarctic Expedition of China between December 1992 and February 1993, and the temporal variability of those characteristics is discussed. In addition, the inhomogeneity of the kinematic characteristics and the patterns of the dynamic heights for those water masses located on both sides of CWB are illustrated. As it is pointed out in the paper, the trough in the dynamic height field is identified with the frontal location of CWB and the oceanic current shear. Furthermore, the dynamic reason for the upwelling of the circumpolar deep water can be understood by the explanation described in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Pryze Bay oceanic front Continental Water Boundary VARIABILITY
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