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中国东部的降水区划及备区旱涝变化的特征 被引量:54
作者 陈烈庭 吴仁广 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第5期587-595,共9页
为了研究我国旱涝发生的规律、成因和预测,事先掌握降水的气候型区和各区降水变化的气候特征是十分必要的。本文利用1951—1986年中国东部140个站的月降水资料,分析了下半年降水相对系数、月际和年际标准差等参量时空变化... 为了研究我国旱涝发生的规律、成因和预测,事先掌握降水的气候型区和各区降水变化的气候特征是十分必要的。本文利用1951—1986年中国东部140个站的月降水资料,分析了下半年降水相对系数、月际和年际标准差等参量时空变化的特征,并综合应用逐级归并法和成批调整法,对中国东部地区进行了降水气候区的划分。在此基础上,进一步探讨了各区旱涝的频数和长期变化的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 降水区 聚类分析 旱涝变化
一个缓慢移动的中尺度对流复合体内层状降水区的微结构分析 被引量:11
作者 叶家东 范蓓芬 +1 位作者 W.R. Cotton M.A.Fortune 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1992年第4期464-475,共12页
本文对一个中纬中尺度对流复合体层状降水区的微物理结构,结合雷达、卫星和其他飞机观测资料进行了分析.结果表明,MCC层状区内某些部位盛行冰晶聚合体,它们分布在相当厚的过冷气层内(0.5—-14℃或更冷).冰晶聚并过程足层状区内降水质点... 本文对一个中纬中尺度对流复合体层状降水区的微物理结构,结合雷达、卫星和其他飞机观测资料进行了分析.结果表明,MCC层状区内某些部位盛行冰晶聚合体,它们分布在相当厚的过冷气层内(0.5—-14℃或更冷).冰晶聚并过程足层状区内降水质点增长的主要机制.它起源于较高较冷的气层,在冰晶聚合体下降途中聚并效率渐趋增强,在0℃层附近形成一大的冰晶聚合带. 层状区中云滴液态含水量一般低于0.3g·m^(-3).0℃层以下降水质点数浓度较低,平均为0.8L^(-1)(2D-P资料)和2.3L^(-1)(2D-C资料),相应的平均体积中值直径分别为1.0和0.6mm.在0—-10c气层内,冰质点平均数浓度为27L^(-1)(2D-P资料)和133L^(-1)(2D-C),远人于0℃层以下的雨滴数浓度,相应的平均体积中值直径为0.8和0.4mm.冰质点数浓度随高度向上增加,在飞机垂直探测的顶部(6600m高度)观测到最大数浓度52L^(-1)(2D-P资料)和289L^(-1)(2D-C资料).冰质点大小则相反,是随高度下降而增大的.在0℃层附近冰晶聚合体较大较多,冰质点中15%以上是聚合体,2D-P探头观测的冰质点平均体积中值直径达1.8mm. 滴谱分析表明,负指数律分布能较好地拟合所有观测的降水质点大小谱分布.对水滴,斜率参数λ平均为17(±3.6)cm^(-1),相对变差不超过20%。 展开更多
关键词 降水区 微结构 对流 复合体 中尺度
广东候降雨量的相关性和降水区划 被引量:2
作者 高绍凤 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第S2期135-138,共4页
用3种方法计算了广东候降水相关性,发现用候降水量距平计算的相关系数能较科学划分广东区域降水区划;西江流域与东江流域及沿海地区各有较好的降水正相关,同时降水可能性大,易致洪涝;北江降水相关性差,应多设测点.同时指出,气... 用3种方法计算了广东候降水相关性,发现用候降水量距平计算的相关系数能较科学划分广东区域降水区划;西江流域与东江流域及沿海地区各有较好的降水正相关,同时降水可能性大,易致洪涝;北江降水相关性差,应多设测点.同时指出,气候平均降水的相关概率不宜用于预报. 展开更多
关键词 降水 相关性 广东 降水区
基于REOF的青藏高原东侧降水区划分析 被引量:6
作者 张平 《四川气象》 2007年第3期1-2,8,共3页
本文运用青藏高原东侧35个基本站常规观测50年(1951-2000)年降水资料,采用REOF(旋转主分量)分析方法对高原东侧降水的区域性特征进行分析,把高原东侧分为七种气候模态,既是中-北部型、川东型、西部型、西北型、重庆型、西南型和南... 本文运用青藏高原东侧35个基本站常规观测50年(1951-2000)年降水资料,采用REOF(旋转主分量)分析方法对高原东侧降水的区域性特征进行分析,把高原东侧分为七种气候模态,既是中-北部型、川东型、西部型、西北型、重庆型、西南型和南部型。根据这个结果,按照一定临界值,把高原东侧地区分为七个降水区。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原东侧 降水区 REOF
1978-2018年青藏高原降水区划及各区降水量时空演变特征 被引量:13
作者 龚成麒 董晓华 +2 位作者 魏冲 欧阳习军 吴寒雨 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期96-108,共13页
针对全球气候变化对区划降水时空演变动态影响的问题,选取青藏高原内部及周边85个气象站点1978-2018年共41 a的日降水资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)、旋转经验正交函数(REOF)、Sen’s斜率估计、滑动t检验和Morlet小波分析等方法,分析了青... 针对全球气候变化对区划降水时空演变动态影响的问题,选取青藏高原内部及周边85个气象站点1978-2018年共41 a的日降水资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)、旋转经验正交函数(REOF)、Sen’s斜率估计、滑动t检验和Morlet小波分析等方法,分析了青藏高原年降水量典型分布型以及区域降水量的时空演变特征。结果表明:1978-2018年青藏高原整体年降水量主要存在南北差异、东南-西北差异两种典型分布型,且存在以雅鲁藏布江下游、澜沧江下游以及川西为中心逐渐向四周减少的干湿差异性。采用REOF将青藏高原分为8个降水区,Ⅴ区、Ⅵ区的降水量呈减少趋势,减幅分别为1.5%、3.7%,Ⅳ区的降水量变化平稳,Ⅰ区、Ⅱ区、Ⅲ区、Ⅶ区和Ⅷ区的降水量呈增多趋势,增幅分别为8.6%、28.3%、10.0%、3.8%和6.0%。青藏高原西北干旱地区和北部干旱地区的降水量有增加趋势,形成喀喇昆仑山脉地区、柴达木盆地地区、四川西部地区、高原东南地区和羌塘高原地区5个降水异常区。8个降水量分区的年平均降水量有多个突变年份,各区有着不同程度的年代际变化以及不同时间尺度的周期特征。 展开更多
关键词 降水区 降水量时空演变 气候变化 旋转经验正交函数 突变检验 小波分析 青藏高原
近45a东北地区春季降水异常的气候特征 被引量:30
作者 杨素英 孙凤华 陈岩 《南京气象学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期197-204,共8页
利用1959—2003年我国东北地区93站春季降水资料,将降水场分成5个区域,并在此基础之上分析了春季降水的时空变化特征,发现:降水量年际变化及长期趋势有明显的区域差异,呈东多西少的分布特征;西部是旱涝易发生区,近45a来降水量略有增多;... 利用1959—2003年我国东北地区93站春季降水资料,将降水场分成5个区域,并在此基础之上分析了春季降水的时空变化特征,发现:降水量年际变化及长期趋势有明显的区域差异,呈东多西少的分布特征;西部是旱涝易发生区,近45a来降水量略有增多;降水量的周期振荡存在明显的区域差异。 展开更多
关键词 东北地区 降水区 REOF
1970—2012年河南省初秋降水特征分析 被引量:11
作者 朱玉周 张录军 +1 位作者 廖荣伟 李元寿 《气象与环境学报》 2015年第6期93-100,共8页
利用1970—2012年河南省114个气象站9月日降水量、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料及海温数据,采用统计诊断与合成方法对河南省初秋降水的气候特征、异常年份大气环流特征及降水与ENSO的关系进行分析。结果表明:河南省初秋(9月)降水有明显的年际和... 利用1970—2012年河南省114个气象站9月日降水量、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料及海温数据,采用统计诊断与合成方法对河南省初秋降水的气候特征、异常年份大气环流特征及降水与ENSO的关系进行分析。结果表明:河南省初秋(9月)降水有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,20世纪70年代前期和80年代前期降水偏多,70年代后期、80年代后期至2003年降水偏少,2000年后降水呈波动变化。河南省初秋的降水场可以划分为南北两个降水区,两个分区降水无显著的线性趋势和突变,20世纪80年代后期至2003年两个降水分区降水均偏少。旱涝年合成高度的差值场表明欧洲地区、西伯利亚地区、蒙古至中国北方地区及西太平洋区域均是影响河南省初秋降水的关键区;西伯利亚地区为正高度异常、中国北方至蒙古为负高度异常及西太平洋副热带高压偏北的环流形势易造成河南省初秋降水偏多;降水偏少年份的环流形势则相反。ENSO为冷位相年,河南省初秋降水易偏多;河南省初秋降水偏少年除受ENSO的影响外,中高纬度环流的影响可能起主导作用。 展开更多
关键词 初秋降水 降水区 趋势分析 大气环流异常 ENSO
焦作市4—9月短期降水精细化预报系统 被引量:3
作者 司福意 刘跃红 +3 位作者 黄克磊 罗楠 李艳红 苗卫东 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期77-80,共4页
在降水时空变化研究的基础上,完成辖区降水区划;用计算机识别T213风场中槽线、切变线等影响系统,并按其相对于预报站方位,确定对其影响强度指数,组合预报因子,建立判别方程,制作分县0~12小时、12~24小时降水分级预报。经检验... 在降水时空变化研究的基础上,完成辖区降水区划;用计算机识别T213风场中槽线、切变线等影响系统,并按其相对于预报站方位,确定对其影响强度指数,组合预报因子,建立判别方程,制作分县0~12小时、12~24小时降水分级预报。经检验,系统对降水落区有较强预报能力。 展开更多
关键词 降水区 风预报场 计算机识别 降水分级
两强震涡中点的“拍涡”引发致洪暴雨初探 被引量:4
作者 汤懋苍 廖留峰 +1 位作者 梁丰 郭维栋 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期2241-2246,共6页
两个强震震涡中心连线的中点处,因为共振和“拍”的作用,会形成“地热涡”,它使得位于其上的地幔与地壳抬升,地温升高(3.2m地温亦升高),因此将其称为“拍地热涡”(简称“拍涡”).本文对近30年出现在我国的“拍涡”进行了统... 两个强震震涡中心连线的中点处,因为共振和“拍”的作用,会形成“地热涡”,它使得位于其上的地幔与地壳抬升,地温升高(3.2m地温亦升高),因此将其称为“拍地热涡”(简称“拍涡”).本文对近30年出现在我国的“拍涡”进行了统计,结果表明:凡两个强震符合下述条件者:1)两强震的震级差≤1.5级,其最强地震≥6.5级(除1982年12月6.4级例外);2)两强震的震中距相差1500-6000km;3)两强震的时间差≤2个月.半年之内在其“拍涡”的数百公里范围内会出现一块R’%〉100%的强大多雨区,这为水灾预测提供了依据.同时对少数不符合上述条件的个例进行了成因解释. 展开更多
关键词 强震 拍地热涡 降水区 外核脉冲 致洪暴雨预报
Interdecadal variability of summer precipitation in the Three River Source Region: Influences of SST and zonal shifts of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet 被引量:1
作者 Yumeng Liu Xianhong Meng +5 位作者 Lin Zhao S-Y.Simon Wang Lixia Zhang Zhaoguo Li Chan Wang Yingying An 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第5期47-53,共7页
Summer precipitation in the Three Rivers Source Region(TRSR)of China is vital for the headwaters of the Yellow,Yangtze,and Lancang rivers and exhibits significant interdecadal variability.This study investigates the i... Summer precipitation in the Three Rivers Source Region(TRSR)of China is vital for the headwaters of the Yellow,Yangtze,and Lancang rivers and exhibits significant interdecadal variability.This study investigates the influence of the East Asian westerly jet(EAWJ)on TRSR rainfall.A strong correlation is found between TRSR summer precipitation and the Jet Zonal Position Index(JZPI)of the EAWJ from 1961 to 2019(R=0.619,p<0.01).During periods when a positive JZPI indicates a westward shift in the EAWJ,enhanced water vapor anomalies,warmer air,and low-level convergence anomalies contribute to increased TRSR summer precipitation.Using empirical orthogonal function and regression analyses,this research identifies the influence of large-scale circulation anomalies associated with the Atlantic–Eurasian teleconnection(AEA)from the North Atlantic(NA).The interdecadal variability between the NA and central tropical Pacific(CTP)significantly affects TRSR precipitation.This influence is mediated through the AEA via a Rossby wave train extending eastward along the EAWJ,and another south of 45°N.Moreover,the NA–CTP Opposite Phase Index(OPI),which quantifies the difference between the summer mean sea surface temperatures of the NA and the CTP,is identified as a critical factor in modulating the strength of this teleconnection and influencing the zonal position of the EAWJ. 展开更多
关键词 Summer precipitation East Asian subtropical westerly jet Three River Source Region Atlantic-Eurasian teleconnection
1998年5月23~24日暴雨过程的Q矢量分析 被引量:1
作者 刘春霞 《广东气象》 2000年第z1期26-28,共3页
关键词 暴雨过程 散度 次级环流 雨带 中尺度涡旋 锋面过境 中尺度系统 降水区 垂直运动 铅直运动 地壳运动 垂直上升 中尺度云团 暴雨区
作者 刘素洁 马福全 +1 位作者 董桂兰 蒋大凯 《气象与环境学报》 1997年第4期12-14,共3页
关键词 热带风暴 特大暴雨 过程分析 热带气旋 东北大风 降水区 9711号台风 暖平流 低空急流 水汽通量
Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Precipitation during Crop Growing Season in Northeast China 被引量:2
作者 李秀芬 李帅 +2 位作者 纪瑞鹏 郭春明 姜丽霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期137-140,168,共5页
[Objective] The aims were to understand variation characteristics of water resources and provide theoretical guidance for the formulation of agricultural irrigation methods.[Method] Taking the precipitation records du... [Objective] The aims were to understand variation characteristics of water resources and provide theoretical guidance for the formulation of agricultural irrigation methods.[Method] Taking the precipitation records during crop growing season(from April to September)observed by 177 weather stations from 1971 to 2008 in the three provinces of Northeast China(Heilongjiang,Jilin and Liaoning)as research data,annual change and spatial distribution characteristics of precipitation during crop growing season were analyzed by means of small grid interpolation and climatic trend rate.[Result] The precipitation during crop growing season general exhibited the decreasing trend and the precipitation trend rate was-8.6 mm/10a in Northeast China.In addition,there was lack of rain from 1971 to 1980 and relatively abundant of rain during 1981 and 1990 respectively.Moreover,the precipitation obviously exhibited decreasing trend from 1991 to 2008.But the decreasing trend was inconsistent in spatial distributions,that was,the precipitation slightly increased in relatively rainless areas and obviously decreased in relatively rainy areas.[Conclusion] The areas with obvious decreasing trend of precipitation during crop growing season are the main grain producing zones in Northeast China,so the problem of food production security caused by the precipitation changes should be paid enough attention. 展开更多
关键词 Regions in the Northeast China Precipitation during crop growing season Temporal and spatial Variations
作者 胡林娜 《气象与减灾研究》 1995年第4期21-23,共3页
关键词 新余市 数值预告 综合预报方法 气象要素分析 天气过程 天气背景 指导预报 降水区 西南气流 暖湿气流
Temporal-Spatial Variances of Holocene Precipitation at the Marginal Area of the East Asian Monsoon Influences from Pollen Evidence 被引量:6
作者 刘鸿雁 崔海亭 +1 位作者 田育红 徐丽宏 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第7期864-871,共8页
The woodland-steppe ecotone in the. southern Nei Mongol Plateau is located at the northern edge of the east Asian monsoon influences. A marked southeastern - northwestern (SE - NW) precipitation gradient exists in thi... The woodland-steppe ecotone in the. southern Nei Mongol Plateau is located at the northern edge of the east Asian monsoon influences. A marked southeastern - northwestern (SE - NW) precipitation gradient exists in this region. Quantitative reconstruction of palaeo-precipitation of this region is helpful to reveal the development of monsoon climate and to predict die future desertification. Based on modern vegetation and surface pollen studies, a pollen-precipitation transfer function in the study region was established. Pollen data from three sediment sequences within the ecotone were used to reconstruct palaeo-precipitation during the Holocene. The processes of precipitation changes in the three sequences were quite different. There was a tendency of precipitation declined from the onset of the Holocene to 1 100 a BP in Haoluku. But, in Liuzhouwan and Xiaoniuchang, both located south of Haoluku, the annual precipitation reached highest values during 7 800 - 6 200 a BP and 7 200 - 5 000 a BP, respectively. The influences of southwestern (SW) monsoon and the variances of topographical conditions have possibly caused these temporal-spatial variances. 展开更多
关键词 marginal area of the monsoon climate WOODLAND steppe ecotone Nei Mongol Plateau pollen-climate transfer function
作者 郑汝玉 李玉萍 《中山大学学报论丛》 1994年第5期104-106,共3页
关键词 耗散结构 秋季连阴雨 天气系统 降水区 开放系统 流场 不可逆过程 秋季降水 河南省 气象中心
作者 项目组 《吉林气象》 1999年第S1期34-35,共2页
关键词 降水概率预报 短期天气 方法研究 日本数值预报产品 吉林省 预报模型 预报方程 预报因子 天气预报 降水区
Effects of Enhanced Ultraviolet Radiation-B on Maize in Arid Regions of Middle-high Elevation 被引量:13
作者 张磊 王连喜 +2 位作者 李福生 车晶晶 杜宏娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期11-14,73,共5页
[Objective] The experiment aimed to explore the influence of enhanced ultraviolet radiation-B on maize in arid regions of middle-high elevation for correct assessing the influence of enhanced ultraviolet radiation-B o... [Objective] The experiment aimed to explore the influence of enhanced ultraviolet radiation-B on maize in arid regions of middle-high elevation for correct assessing the influence of enhanced ultraviolet radiation-B on maize and providing scientific reference to make proper countermeasures. [ Method] The location test in field and lift lamp of UV-B were used to observe the changes of maize height, leaf area and number of green leaves under influences of different UV-B radiation. [ Result] In arid regions of middle-high elevation, enhanced ultraviolet radiation-B could dwarf maize plant, decrease leaf area, decline number of green leaves and yield. The reason of decreasing leaf area was that enhanced ultraviolet radiation-B shortened leaf length and leaf width while the reason of declining yield was that yield components were all negatively influ- enced and with the increase of ultraviolet radiation-B, the yield declined dramatically. [ Concluslonl The result of this experiment would be good for maize production in arid regions of middle-high elevation. 展开更多
关键词 UV-B Middle-high elevation Arid area MAIZE
Analysis of Short-term Heavy Precipitations in a Regional Heavy Rainstorm in Shannxi Province
作者 王楠 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期411-416,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze the cause of the generation of short-term heavy precipitations in a regional heavy rainstorm in Shannxi Province. [Method] Taking a heavy rainstorm covering most parts of Shaanx... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze the cause of the generation of short-term heavy precipitations in a regional heavy rainstorm in Shannxi Province. [Method] Taking a heavy rainstorm covering most parts of Shaanxi Province in late July 2010 as an example, data of five Doppler weather radars in Shaanxi Province were employed for a detailed analysis of the evolution of the heavy rainstorm pro- cess. [Result] Besides the good large-scale weather background conditions, the de- velopment and evolution of some mesoscale and small-scale weather systems direct- ly led to short-term heavy precipitations during the heavy rainstorm process, involv- ing the intrusion of moderate IS-scale weak cold air and presence of small-scale wind shear, convergence and adverse wind area. In addition, small-scale convection echoes were arranged in lines and formed a "train effect", which would also con- tribute to the generation of short-term heavy precipitation. [Conclusion] This study provided basic information for more clear and in-depth analysis of the formation mechanism of short-term heavy precipitations. 展开更多
关键词 Short-term heavy precipitation Doppler weather radar Adverse wind area: Train effect
The runoff characteristics and harmonic analysis of the soil moisture dynamics in Robinia pseudoacacia stand 被引量:1
作者 高鹏 刘作新 陈伏生 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期295-298,共4页
Robinia pseudoacacia stands act as a typical ecological protection forest in hilly semi-arid area of China. Two fields of surface runoff were separately set up in R. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area in the wes... Robinia pseudoacacia stands act as a typical ecological protection forest in hilly semi-arid area of China. Two fields of surface runoff were separately set up in R. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area in the western Liaoning Province (1850-12225 E, 4024-4234 N) for measuring the characteristics of runoff and sediment as well as soil moisture dynamics. Contractive analysis of the two land types showed that there existed a significant difference in volumes of runoff and sediment between the sites of R. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area. The runoff volume and sediment volume in clearcut area were much bigger than those in R. pseudoacacia stand, with an increase amount of 40%-177% for runoff and 180%-400% for sediment. Hydrograph of surface runoff of typical rainfall showed that the peak value of runoff in R. pseudoacacia stand was decreased by 1.0-2.5?0-3m3s-1 compared with that in its clearcut area, and the occurring time of peak value of runoff in R. pseudoacacia stand was 10-20 min later than that in its clearcut area. Harmonic analysis of soil moisture dynamics indicated that the soil moisture in R. pseudoacacia stand was 2.3 % higher than that in clearcut area, and the soil moisture both in R. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area could be divided into dry season and humid season and varied periodically with annual rainfall precipitation. It was concluded that R. pseudoacacia stand plays a very important role in storing water, increasing soil moisture, and reducing surface runoff and soil erosion. 展开更多
关键词 Hilly semi-arid area Robinia pseudoacacia stand Runoff generation characteristics Soil moisture dynamics Harmonic analysis
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