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作者 刘祥 何军 +2 位作者 庞玥 孔德璇 夏佰成 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期421-433,共13页
水电是重庆重要的产电形式之一,研究重庆水电流域夏季降水的强弱和分布对做好夏季电力气象保障服务具有重要意义,目前的研究主要聚焦于西南地区或四川盆地,较少以水电流域为单位进行研究,对做好精细化的电力气象服务参考作用有限。本文... 水电是重庆重要的产电形式之一,研究重庆水电流域夏季降水的强弱和分布对做好夏季电力气象保障服务具有重要意义,目前的研究主要聚焦于西南地区或四川盆地,较少以水电流域为单位进行研究,对做好精细化的电力气象服务参考作用有限。本文利用1981-2022年重庆水电流域115个气象观测站点降水数据、ERA5再分析资料,通过EOF分析、回归分析、合成分析等方法,对重庆水电流域夏季降水模态和成因进行了分析,并进一步探究了各模态水汽输送特征。结果表明:重庆水电流域夏季降水主要有全区一致型和南北反向型两个模态,全区一致型中一致偏多型环流特征主要表现为中高纬高度场波动振幅较大,中纬度西风急流偏强、偏南,中低纬南亚高压偏强、偏南,西太平洋副热带高压偏西,同时流域内配合有异常的西南水汽输送和水汽辐合,一致偏少型则与之相反,此外,影响全区一致型的水汽通道共有4条,分别为孟加拉湾西部南风通道、中南半岛北部的南风通道、高原东侧的西风通道、菲律宾以西的东风通道,其中以菲律宾以西的东风通道影响最为显著;南北反向型中北多南少型环流特征主要表现为中高纬高度场西高东低,中纬度西风急流偏北,中低纬南亚高压表现为东部型,西太平洋副热带高压容易西伸、北跳,同时流域内配合有较强的向北输送的水汽通量,且北部有水汽辐合、南部有水汽辐散,南多北少型则与之相反,此外,影响南北反向型的水汽通道共有2条,分别为流域中部南风通道和菲律宾东部南风通道,且二者表现出一致变化的特征。 展开更多
关键词 水电流域 降水模态 水汽输送 环流
四川盆地夏季降水年际变化的主模态分析 被引量:6
作者 郑然 陈丽娟 +4 位作者 李维京 王顺久 马振峰 梁宁 刘嘉慧敏 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1454-1468,共15页
利用1979~2018年四川盆地134站夏季降水观测资料、ERA-Interim再分析资料以及英国气象局哈德莱中心的海表温度及海冰资料,对比分析了四川盆地夏季降水异常主模态及其同期大气环流和前期海温海冰演变特征的差异,以探讨其形成机制及前期... 利用1979~2018年四川盆地134站夏季降水观测资料、ERA-Interim再分析资料以及英国气象局哈德莱中心的海表温度及海冰资料,对比分析了四川盆地夏季降水异常主模态及其同期大气环流和前期海温海冰演变特征的差异,以探讨其形成机制及前期预测信号。结果表明:四川盆地夏季降水存在两类优势空间模态:全区一致型和东西反相型,在20世纪80年代多出现东西反相型,90年代到21世纪初以一致型为主,进入21世纪10年代后又多表现为东西反相型。不同模态所对应的大气环流和海温海冰的演变具有明显差异,全区一致型降水分布受低纬系统影响显著,在500 hPa高度场上主要表现为西太平洋副热带高压的位置及强度异常;850 hPa风场为辐合或辐散特征,受到来自孟加拉湾、南海、西太平洋三条水汽通道的共同影响,其中与南海水汽通道的相关性最高,一致型降水多/少年水汽在盆地区域南北边界为同收/同支;环流可能受到前期ENSO事件衰减的显著影响。东西反相型降水分布受中高纬环流的影响较大,在500 hPa高度场上的特征类似于极地欧亚型(POL)遥相关;水汽在区域南北边界为一收一支,西多东少型为南收北支,而西少东多型为北收南支,与西太平洋水汽通道关系显著;环流可能受到前期北极海冰异常的影响。 展开更多
关键词 夏季降水模态 环流特征 水汽输送 海温 海冰
积云参数化方案对热带降水年循环模态模拟的影响 被引量:11
作者 张丽霞 周天军 +2 位作者 曾先锋 陈昊明 包庆 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期777-790,共14页
本文利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)发展的大气环流模式(SAMIL),采用Zhang-McFarlane(ZM)和Tiedtke(TDK)两种积云对流参数化方案,讨论了积云对流参数化方案对热带降水年循环模态模拟... 本文利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)发展的大气环流模式(SAMIL),采用Zhang-McFarlane(ZM)和Tiedtke(TDK)两种积云对流参数化方案,讨论了积云对流参数化方案对热带降水年循环模态模拟的影响。结果表明,两种积云对流参数化方案均能合理再现热带降水年循环模态的基本分布特征。SAMIL两种对流方案中热带太平洋地区的春秋非对称模态偏差较大,印度季风以及北澳季风区季风模拟强度偏弱,西北太平洋季风以及非洲季风、美洲季风模态偏强。SAMIL两种参数化方案模拟的季风模态偏差主要来自于模式对北半球夏季西北太平洋降水的模拟。西北太平洋夏季,SAMIL两种参数化方案的对流层温度低层偏暖,高层偏冷,如此造成的对流不稳定是西北太平洋对流异常偏强,降水偏多的原因之一,同时模式中经向温度梯度模拟偏低,直接影响到东亚副热带西风急流偏弱,是急流出口区右侧的西北太平洋对流异常的动力条件。两种参数化方案的差异主要体现在ZM方案中的西北太平洋地区季风模态降水强于TDK方案,ZM方案低层比湿明显强于TDK方案与观测,是ZM方案夏季西北太平洋季风降水强于TDK方案与观测的重要因子之一。西北太平洋地区温度和湿度场的改进是SAMIL后续发展过程中需要重点解决的问题之一。 展开更多
关键词 积云对流参数化 全球季风 降水年循环模态
BCC_CSM模式对热带降水年循环模态的模拟 被引量:11
作者 张莉 吴统文 +4 位作者 辛晓歌 张洁 房永杰 王在志 魏敏 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期994-1012,共19页
本文评估了国家气候中心发展的两个不同分辨率海—陆—气—冰多圈层耦合气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)对热带降水两个年循环模态——揭示降水冬夏季节差异的季风模态和揭示过渡季节春季和秋季非对称特征的春秋非对称模态的模... 本文评估了国家气候中心发展的两个不同分辨率海—陆—气—冰多圈层耦合气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)对热带降水两个年循环模态——揭示降水冬夏季节差异的季风模态和揭示过渡季节春季和秋季非对称特征的春秋非对称模态的模拟能力,讨论了模拟偏差产生的可能原因。分析结果表明,BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)均能合理再现全球年平均降水的基本分布特征,也能较合理再现热带降水年循环模态的基本分布特征,尤其季风模态中降水与环流关于赤道反对称的特征;能够较合理再现春秋非对称模态与热带海洋表面温度(SST)年循环之间的关系。大气温度场、环流场以及热带SST的模拟偏差对降水季风模态有影响;热带SST年循环的偏差对降水春秋非对称模态的模拟偏差有贡献;模式分辨率对降水年循环模态的模拟也有一定影响。对比分析显示,大气模式和陆面模式水平分辨率提高之后模式在某些模拟性能上有所提高,这表现在:BCC_CSM1.1(m)模拟的1~12月降水气候态的空间变率更接近观测;热带海表温度年循环总体上更接近观测;模拟的热带降水年循环模态的部分特征更合理。但BCC_CSM1.1(m)的模拟结果相对观测仍存在较大偏差,有待进一步改进。 展开更多
关键词 降水年循环模态 气候系统模式 季风 分辨率
气候系统模式FGOALS_s1.1对热带降水年循环模态的模拟 被引量:12
作者 张丽霞 周天军 +1 位作者 吴波 包庆 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期968-981,共14页
文中评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)新一代耦合气候模式Fgoals_s1.1对热带降水年循环模态的模拟能力。通过与观测表层海温(SST)强迫的大气模式SAMIL试验结果比较,分析了海气耦... 文中评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)新一代耦合气候模式Fgoals_s1.1对热带降水年循环模态的模拟能力。通过与观测表层海温(SST)强迫的大气模式SAMIL试验结果比较,分析了海气耦合过程对年循环模态模拟效果的影响。结果表明Fgoals_s1.1能合理再现热带地区降水年循环模态的基本特征。Fgoals_s1.1模拟出了年平均降水场中的主要降水中心,但模拟的赤道和南太平洋降水偏多,而北太平洋降水则偏少。Fgoals_s1.1的季风模态降水呈现与观测一致的关于赤道反对称的特征,其模拟偏差大部分来自大气分量,尤其是在赤道外。Fgoals_s1.1的主要缺陷在于它对春秋非对称模态模拟能力低于单独大气模式,这主要是由于耦合模式模拟的SST距平的年循环位相与观测相反。SST纬向梯度的位相偏差使得太平洋沃克环流和印度洋的反沃克环流在春季强于秋季,最终导致模拟的春秋非对称模态的偏差。Fgoals_s1.1模拟的季风区范围接近观测,存在的问题在于模拟的西北太平洋季风区、东亚季风区都偏小。本文结果表明,大气模式偏差仅是Fgoals_s1.1在降水年循环模态模拟上的偏差的部分来源,改进模式模拟的SST,特别是赤道地区SST季节循环,是今后Fgoals_s1.1发展过程中急需解决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 气候系统模式 降水年变化模态 全球季风
中国东部降水的气候模态及雨季划分 被引量:3
作者 于群 吴炜 +1 位作者 周发琇 王启 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期378-384,共7页
应用中国东部地面观测气候平均候降水量数据和谐波分析方法,研究了华南、长江中下游、淮河流域、华北四个区域降水的年变化特征,特别是夏季风降水的阶段性和区域特征,并对构成降水年变化的气候分量进行分析,将各区降水年变化分解为年循... 应用中国东部地面观测气候平均候降水量数据和谐波分析方法,研究了华南、长江中下游、淮河流域、华北四个区域降水的年变化特征,特别是夏季风降水的阶段性和区域特征,并对构成降水年变化的气候分量进行分析,将各区降水年变化分解为年循环模态、季节模态、季节内振荡和月内振荡四个气候模态。结果表明:不同模态间的相互调制对降水的阶段性和区域性具有重要影响,年循环是影响雨季的主要模态,季节和季节内振荡模态对决定主汛期起重要作用。基于气候模态划分中国东部雨季和主汛期,方法简单,结果客观合理。 展开更多
关键词 中国东部 降水气候模态 区域特征 雨季划分
海温异常对云南5月降水主要模态的影响 被引量:2
作者 晏红明 《高原山地气象研究》 2022年第2期1-11,共11页
利用1961~2016年云南125个气象观测站逐月降水数据,结合同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和英国Hadley中心海表温度资料,在揭示云南5月降水主要模态特征的基础上,分析发现北太平洋、赤道中东太平洋和赤道印度洋是影响云南5月降水的三个主要关键... 利用1961~2016年云南125个气象观测站逐月降水数据,结合同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和英国Hadley中心海表温度资料,在揭示云南5月降水主要模态特征的基础上,分析发现北太平洋、赤道中东太平洋和赤道印度洋是影响云南5月降水的三个主要关键海区,由此定义了对应不同关键区的类PDO指数、类ENSO指数、Dsst指数和Esst指数,进一步探究云南5月降水主要模态与海温异常的关系。结果表明:(1)云南5月降水的主要模态为全区一致型和东西差异型,其中东西差异型模态表现出明显不对称特征,东多西少时的东西差异特征比较明显,而东少西多时西部地区降水偏多的范围很小,主要以中东部地区降水偏少为主。(2)北太平洋地区的类PDO和类ENSO海温异常模态是影响云南降水全区一致型变化的主要因子,类PDO主要影响水汽输送变化,而类ENSO主要影响冷空气活动,即当北美沿岸海温偏低、北太平洋中部海温偏高和赤道中东太平洋海温偏低时,有利于云南全区一致型降水偏多,反之则有利于降水偏少。(3)Dsst指数表征的赤道印度洋海温变化是影响云南降水出现东西差异的主要因子,当印度洋海温偏高时,有利于云南降水西多东少,反之则有利于云南降水西少东多,而Esst指数表征的赤道中东太平洋海温变化却会减弱Dsst指数对降水东西差异型的影响,使云南降水更趋向于全区一致型的变化。 展开更多
关键词 海温异常 云南5月降水 雨季开始期早晚 降水主要模态 季节转换
作者 于群 孙越 +3 位作者 李建平 王建波 张可 朱晓清 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期547-558,共12页
为探讨2021年秋季黄河中下游极端降水的气候背景,基于中国160站降水资料、NCEP/NCAR大气环流和NOAA海表温度(SST)再分析资料,分析了黄河中下游秋季降水主模态的时空特征及2021年极端降水的可能成因。经验正交函数分解表明,秋季黄河中下... 为探讨2021年秋季黄河中下游极端降水的气候背景,基于中国160站降水资料、NCEP/NCAR大气环流和NOAA海表温度(SST)再分析资料,分析了黄河中下游秋季降水主模态的时空特征及2021年极端降水的可能成因。经验正交函数分解表明,秋季黄河中下游降水主模态在空间分布上西至甘肃省东南部,东至山东省西部,主体位于黄河中下游地区,2021年是黄河中下游降水主模态的典型表现。采用黄河中下游秋季降水指数(ARYR)表征主模态时间变化,其年际、年代际变化分别与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)存在相关,拉尼娜年和PDO负位相时降水偏多。秋季黄河中下游降水偏多主模态与北太平洋SST异常偏高的区域和强度相关密切,选取关键区定义中纬度北太平洋SST(MNPSST)指数,当MNPSST偏高时,海洋性大陆(MC)区域存在强的上升运动,黄河中下游地区出现显著的低(高)空辐合(散),指数偏低则降水偏少。其中2021年MNPSST指数为1951年以来最高,2021年MC对流区北侧的中国南海北部有较强上升运动,中纬度北太平洋偏东气流异常偏强,水汽通量异常分为偏南和偏东两支到达黄河流域中游和下游。中纬度北太平洋SST正异常是2021年秋季黄河中下游极端降水的重要影响因子之一。 展开更多
关键词 黄河中下游地区 秋季降水模态 2021年极端降水 北太平洋海表温度异常
中蒙干旱半干旱区降水的时空变化特征(Ⅱ):综合气候分区及各分区降水周期变化的进一步分析 被引量:26
作者 陈豫英 陈楠 +1 位作者 钱正安 王式功 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期13-21,共9页
利用中蒙干旱半干旱区106站1954-2005年降水资料和1961-1997年气温资料,本文在文献[1]的基础上进一步分析了该区的综合气候分区及各分区降水周期变化的特征。结果表明,(1)主要根据降水REOF分析的各异常模态等,将全区综合划分为关中汉中... 利用中蒙干旱半干旱区106站1954-2005年降水资料和1961-1997年气温资料,本文在文献[1]的基础上进一步分析了该区的综合气候分区及各分区降水周期变化的特征。结果表明,(1)主要根据降水REOF分析的各异常模态等,将全区综合划分为关中汉中、河东、河西及蒙古戈壁、北疆、南疆、柴达木、青海高原南部、以及蒙古国中北部和西北部等9个气候分区。(2)几乎各分区都不同程度地存在降水的准3年的短周期变化,且是大部分分区的主要周期。另外,一些分区也有准16年的中周期及8年的周期。其中,关中汉中、蒙古中北部及西北部3个分区的降水周期变化更清楚、更稳定;河东、河西及蒙古戈壁和北疆区降水的周期变化也较清楚;而南疆、柴达木及青海高原南部3个分区的周期性较差;(3)对近期关注的"西北气候转型"说,考虑到明显变湿还不是全西北区尺度的;似已结束了的近期变湿期可能仅是新疆地区降水20年左右周期(即年代际)变化的反映;还考虑到干旱区降水气候预测的复杂性和不确定性,其预测要更加审慎。 展开更多
关键词 中蒙干旱半干旱区 综合气候分区 降水的REOF分析模态 小波分析 西北气候转型
Dominant variation modes associated with Yangtze–Huai River Basin summer heavy rainfall events 被引量:1
作者 LIU Hong-Bo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第6期464-471,共8页
The Yangtze–Huai River Basin(YHRB)always suffers from anomalously heavy rainfall during the warm season,and has been well explored as a whole area during the past several decades.In this study,the YHRB is divided int... The Yangtze–Huai River Basin(YHRB)always suffers from anomalously heavy rainfall during the warm season,and has been well explored as a whole area during the past several decades.In this study,the YHRB is divided into two core regions-the northern YHRB(nYHRB)and southern YHRB(sYHRB)-based on 29-year(1979–2007)June–July–August(JJA)temporally averaged daily rainfall rates and the standard deviation of rainfall.A spectral analysis of JJA daily rainfall data over these 29 years reveals that a 3–7-day synoptic-timescale high-frequency mode is absolutely dominant over the nYHRB,with 10–20-day and 15–40-day modes playing a secondary role.By contrast,3–7-day and 10–20-day modes are both significant over the sYHRB,with 7–14-day,15–40-day,and 20–60-day modes playing secondary roles.Based on a comparison between bandpass-filtered rainfall anomalies and original rainfall series,a total of 42,1,5,and 3 heavy rainfall events(daily rainfall amounts in the top 5%of rainy days)are detected over the nYHRB,corresponding to 3–7-day,7–14-day,10–20-day,and 15–40-day variation disturbances.Meanwhile,a total of 28,8,12,and 6 heavy rainfall events are detected over the sYHRB,corresponding to 3–7-day,7–14-day,10–20-day,and 20–60-day variation disturbances.The results have important implications for understanding the duration of summer heavy rainfall events over both regions. 展开更多
关键词 Variation modes heavy rainfall Yangtze–Huai River Basin SUMMER
Evaluation of the zonal wind stress response to SST in the CMIP5 AMIP simulations
作者 TANG Shao-Lei YU Yong-Qiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第2期157-164,共8页
Zonal wind stress plays an important role in the evolution of El Ni(n)o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events;however,a comprehensive comparison and analysis in terms of model performance and related bias in the inte... Zonal wind stress plays an important role in the evolution of El Ni(n)o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events;however,a comprehensive comparison and analysis in terms of model performance and related bias in the interannual variability of zonal wind stress across the tropical Pacific has yet to be performed.In this study,the authors evaluate how well the individual atmospheric models participating in phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project simulate zonal wind stress.It is found that the wind stress anomalies simulated by the multi-model ensemble are weaker than those in the observation in both El Ni(n)o and La Ni(n)a events,with a larger bias in the former.Further analysis indicates that the bias associated with El Ni(n)o events may be mainly attributable to the weaker negative precipitation anomalies in the AMIP simulations,compared with observations,over the eastern Indian Ocean.Through the Gill-like responses in atmospheric circulation,the rainfall bias over the eastern Indian Ocean results in an easterly wind stress anomaly in the western and central equatorial Pacific,which to some extent offsets the westerly wind stress anomalies associated with El Ni(n)o events.Consequently,the responses of zonal wind stress anomalies to warm SST anomalies are much underestimated in AMIP simulations during El Niffo events. 展开更多
关键词 ENSO zonal wind stress PRECIPITATION Gill mode
The link between the Victoria mode in the preceding boreal winter and spring precipitation over the southeastern USA and Gulf of Mexico
作者 PU Xiu-Shu CHEN Quan-Liang +1 位作者 DING Rui-Qiang GUO Yi-Peng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第4期285-291,共7页
The sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) associated with the Victoria mode (VM) can persist into the following season and then influence climate variability in the tropical Pacific. This paper demonstrates th... The sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) associated with the Victoria mode (VM) can persist into the following season and then influence climate variability in the tropical Pacific. This paper demonstrates the connection between the preceding boreal winter VM and precipitation in the following spring over the southeastern United States (SE USA) and the Gulf of Mexico (GM). The results indicate that a positive (negative) preceding winter VM is usually followed by increased (reduced) precipitation over the SE USA and GM during the following spring. The corresponding mechanism is similar, but slightly different to, the seasonal footprinting mechanism. For positive VM cases, the preceding-winter VM-related SSTAs appear to persist into the following spring via air- sea interactions, which then induce low-level convergence and vigorous ascending motion, leading to an adjustment of the zonal and meridional circulation. This adjustment can then influence the local Hadley cell by weakening the downward branch. These anomalous patterns of vertical airflow enhance spring precipitation over the SE USA and GM under suitable moisture conditions. Hence, this work demonstrates that the preceding-winter VM has the potential to regulate precipitation over the SE USA and GM in the following spring. 展开更多
关键词 Victoria mode springprecipitation southeasternUSA Gulf of Mexico air-seainteraction
Recognition of two dominant modes of EASM and its thermal driving factors based on 25 monsoon indexes
作者 YE Mao CHEN Haishan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第4期278-285,共8页
Based on three reanalysis datasets—ERA-Interim,NCAR–NCEP and JRA-55—the classification of25 commonly used indexes of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)was investigated.The physical nature of two categories of mons... Based on three reanalysis datasets—ERA-Interim,NCAR–NCEP and JRA-55—the classification of25 commonly used indexes of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)was investigated.The physical nature of two categories of monsoon index,together with their circulation pattern,climate anomalies,and driving factors,were investigated.Results suggest that the selected 25 monsoon indexes can be classified into two typical categories(CategoryⅠandⅡ),which are dominated by interannual and decadal variabilities of the EASM,respectively.The anomalous circulation patterns and summer rainfall patterns related to the two categories of index also exhibit evident differences.CategoryⅠis closely linked to the low-latitude circulation system and the anomalous circulation pattern is a typical East Asia–Pacific teleconnection pattern.The summer rainfall anomaly exhibits a typical tripole pattern.However,CategoryⅡmainly reflects the impacts of the middle–high latitude circulation system on the summer monsoon and is closely linked to a typical Eurasian teleconnection pattern,which corresponds to a dipole of summer rainfall anomalies.Further analysis suggests that the underlying thermal driving factors of the two categories of monsoon are distinct.The main driving factors of CategoryⅠare the tropical sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTAs),especially ENSO-related SSTAs in the preceding winter and summer SSTAs in the tropical Indian Ocean.The winter signal of Category II summer monsoon anomalous activity mainly originates from the polar region and the middle and high latitudes of the Eurasian continent.CategoryⅡmonsoon activity is also associated with summer SSTAs in the equatorial central Pacific. 展开更多
关键词 East Asian summer monsoon dominant modes summer rainfall anomaly anomalous atmospheric general circulation pattern thermal driving factors
Soil Respiration of Biologically-Crusted Soils in Response to Simulated Precipitation Pulses in the Tengger Desert, Northern China 被引量:3
作者 LI Xiaojun ZHAO Yang +2 位作者 YANG Haotian ZHANG Peng GAO Yongping 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期103-113,共11页
Soil respiration(SR) is a major process of carbon loss from dryland soils, and it is closely linked to precipitation which often occurs as a discrete episodic event. However, knowledge on the dynamic patterns of SR of... Soil respiration(SR) is a major process of carbon loss from dryland soils, and it is closely linked to precipitation which often occurs as a discrete episodic event. However, knowledge on the dynamic patterns of SR of biologically-crusted soils in response to precipitation pulses remains limited. In this study, we investigated CO_2 emissions from a moss-crusted soil(MCS) and a cyanobacterialichen-crusted soil(CLCS) after 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 mm precipitation during the dry season in the Tengger Desert, northern China.Results showed that 2 h after precipitation, the SR rates of both MCS and CLCS increased up to 18-fold compared with those before rewetting, and then gradually declined to background levels; the decrease was faster at lower precipitation amount and slower at higher precipitation amount. The peak and average SR rates over the first 2 h in MCS increased with increasing precipitation amount, but did not vary in CLCS. Total CO_2 emission during the experiment(72 h) ranged from 1.35 to 5.67 g C m-2 in MCS, and from 1.11 to3.19 g Cm^(-2) in CLCS. Peak and average SR rates, as well as total carbon loss, were greater in MCS than in CLCS. Soil respiration rates of both MCS and CLCS were logarithmically correlated with gravimetric soil water content. Comparisons of SR among different precipitation events, together with the analysis of long-term precipitation data, suggest that small-size precipitation events have the potential for large short-term carbon losses, and that biological soil crusts might significantly contribute to soil CO_2 emission in the water-limited desert ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 biological soil crusts C cycling CO2 emission desert ecosystem precipitation amount soil water content
Asymmetrical response of summer rainfall in East Asia to CO_(2)forcing 被引量:3
作者 Se-Yong Song Sang-Wook Yeh +4 位作者 Soon-Il An Jong-Seong Kug Seung-Ki Min Seok-Woo Son Jongsoo Shin 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第2期213-222,M0004,共11页
Understanding the regional hydrological response to varying CO_(2)concentration is critical for cost-benefit analysis of mitigation and adaptation polices in the near future. To characterize summer monsoon rainfall ch... Understanding the regional hydrological response to varying CO_(2)concentration is critical for cost-benefit analysis of mitigation and adaptation polices in the near future. To characterize summer monsoon rainfall change in East Asia in a changing CO_(2)pathway, we used the Community Earth System Model(CESM) with28 ensemble members in which the CO_(2)concentration increases at a rate of 1% per year until its quadrupling peak, i.e., 1468 ppm(ramp-up period), followed by a decrease of 1% per year until the present-day climate conditions, i.e., 367 ppm(ramp-down period). Although the CO_(2)concentration change is symmetric in time, the amount of summer rainfall anomaly in East Asia is increased 42% during a rampdown period than that during a ramp-up period when the two periods of the same CO_(2)concentration are compared. This asymmetrical rainfall response is mainly due to an enhanced El Ni?o-like warming pattern as well as its associated increase in the sea surface temperature in the western North Pacific during a ramp-down period. These sea surface temperature patterns enhance the atmospheric teleconnections and the local meridional circulations around East Asia, resulting in more rainfall over East Asia during a ramp-down period. This result implies that the removal of CO_(2)does not guarantee the return of regional rainfall to the previous climate state with the same CO_(2)concentration. 展开更多
关键词 CO_(2)concentration East Asian summer monsoon Asymmetric rainfall El Ni?o-like warming
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