In this study, the East Asian summer climate changes under the 1.5 ℃ global warming (1.5 GW) target in 30 simulations derived from 15 coupled models within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Program phase 5 (CMIP5...In this study, the East Asian summer climate changes under the 1.5 ℃ global warming (1.5 GW) target in 30 simulations derived from 15 coupled models within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Program phase 5 (CMIP5) are examined. Compared with the current summer climate (1975-2005), both surface air temperature and precipitation increase significantly over the East Asian continent during the 1.5 GW period (average period 2021-2051). In northeastern China this is particularly pronounced with regional averaged precipitation increases of more than 7.2%, which is greater than that for the whole East Asian continent (approximately 4.2%). Due to stronger enhancement of precipitation north of 40°N, the leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF) mode of summer precipitation over the East Asian continent changes from tripolar-like mode to dipole mode. As there is stronger surface warming over the East Asian continent than that over surrounding ocean, the land-sea thermal contrast is enhanced during the 1.5 GW period. As a result, the monsoon circulation in the lower troposphere is significantly strengthened, which causes the increased summer precipitation over the East Asian continent. In addition, larger interannual variabilities of East Asian summer monsoon circulation and associated precipitation are also suggested for the 1.5 GW period.展开更多
The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), thres...The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), threshold wet bulb temperature (WBT) and Koistinen and Saltikoff (KSS) methods. Dot graphs are plotted to acquire the threshold air temperature or the threshold wet bulb temperature using daily averaged air temperature, wet bulb temperature and precipitation data at 643 stations from 1961 to 1979 (precipitation types are not labeled in the database from 1980 to present) in China. The results indicate that the threshold AT or WBT methods are not able to differentiate rain, sleet and snow in the most regions in China; sleet is difficult to differentiate from other precipitation types based on the two threshold methods. Therefore, one threshold AT and WBT method was used in this study to differentiate rain and snow. Based on Gaussian- Kriging interpolation of threshold air temperature (To) and wet bulb temperature (Tw), the To and Tw contour lines and contour surfaces are calculated for China. Finally, a comparison between the KSS, AT and WBT methods are provided in which the KSS method is calculated based on air temperature and relative humidity. The results suggest that the KSS method is more appropriate for water phase estimation than are the other methods; the maximum precision for rain and snow is 99% and 94%, respectively. The AT method performs better than the WBT method when the critical air temperature is 2℃.展开更多
Reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR are used to systematically study preceding signals of monthly precipitation anomalies in the early raining season of Guangdong province, from the viewpoints of 500-hPa geopotential heigh...Reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR are used to systematically study preceding signals of monthly precipitation anomalies in the early raining season of Guangdong province, from the viewpoints of 500-hPa geopotential height field, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) field, sea surface temperature (SST) and fourteen indexes of general circulation depicting atmosphere activity at high, middle and low latitutes. Being multiple tools of information, a number of conceptual models are formulated that are useful for prediction of the magnitude of monthly precipitation (drought, flood and normal conditionss).展开更多
Monthly mean temperatures at 562 stations in China are estimated using a statistical downscaling technique. The technique used is multiple linear regressions (MLRs) of principal components (PCs). A stepwise screen...Monthly mean temperatures at 562 stations in China are estimated using a statistical downscaling technique. The technique used is multiple linear regressions (MLRs) of principal components (PCs). A stepwise screening procedure is used for selecting the skilful PCs as predictors used in the regression equation. The predictors include temperature at 850 hPa (7), the combination of sea-level pressure and temperature at 850 hPa (P+T) and the combination of geo-potential height and temperature at 850 hPa (H+T). The downscaling procedure is tested with the three predictors over three predictor domains. The optimum statistical model is obtained for each station and month by finding the predictor and predictor domain corresponding to the highest correlation. Finally, the optimum statistical downscaling models are applied to the Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 (HadCM3) outputs under the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenarios to construct local future temperature change scenarios for each station and month, The results show that (1) statistical downscaling produces less warming than the HadCM3 output itself; (2) the downscaled annual cycles of temperature differ from the HadCM3 output, but are similar to the observation; (3) the downscaled temperature scenarios show more warming in the north than in the south; (4) the downscaled temperature scenarios vary with emission scenarios, and the A2 scenario produces more warming than the B2, especially in the north of China.展开更多
Recent findings indicate that rainfall variability over West Africa is characterized by more positive anomalies in the last four decades.The authors demonstrate that the recent interannual rainfall variability is link...Recent findings indicate that rainfall variability over West Africa is characterized by more positive anomalies in the last four decades.The authors demonstrate that the recent interannual rainfall variability is linked to an air–sea phenomenon that occurs in the tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific Ocean,and then propose the Trans-Atlantic-Pacific Ocean Dipole(TAPOD)index as a measure for this tropical ocean phenomenon,which is found to be closely correlated with the West African summer rainfall anomalies.Using observational and reanalysis datasets,composite analysis suggests that enhanced precipitation in West Africa is associated with the positive phase of the TAPOD,which is characterized by warm sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTAs)in the tropical Atlantic and cool SSTAs in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean.During the positive phase of the TAPOD,there are significant westerly anomalies over the tropical Atlantic Ocean,which drives anomalous water vapor convergence over West Africa,leading to enhanced precipitation in the region.展开更多
In this work,the effects of degradation time,temperature,and pH value on the degradation of Salvianolic acid B in aqueous solution were determined.Higher pH values,higher extraction temperature,and longer extraction t...In this work,the effects of degradation time,temperature,and pH value on the degradation of Salvianolic acid B in aqueous solution were determined.Higher pH values,higher extraction temperature,and longer extraction time led to more degradation of Salvianolic acid B.Danshensu concentration increased as Salvianolic acid B degraded.A mechanism model was developed considering the degradation of Salvianolic acid E and lithospermic acid,which were two degradation products of Salvianolic acid B.The reverse reactions of Salvianolic acid B degradation were also considered.Degradation kinetic constants were calibrated.The degradation kinetics of Salvianolic acid B,lithospermic acid,and Danshensu in a Salvia miltiorrhiza extract aqueous solution were predicted using the mechanism model.The predicted concentrations agreed well with the experimental results.This model was developed using degradation data obtained from simple composition systems,but it can be applied in a complex botanical mixture with high prediction accuracy.展开更多
The impacts of future climate change on streamflow of the Dongliao River Watershed located in Jilin Prov-ince, China have been evaluated quantitatively by using a general circulation model (HadCM3) coupled with the ...The impacts of future climate change on streamflow of the Dongliao River Watershed located in Jilin Prov-ince, China have been evaluated quantitatively by using a general circulation model (HadCM3) coupled with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model. The model was calibrated and validated against the historical monitored data from 2005 to 2009. The streamflow was estimated by downscaling HadCM3 outputs to the daily mean temperature and precipitation series, derived for three 30-year time slices, 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. Results suggest that daily mean temperature increases with a changing rate of 0.435~C per decade, and precipitation decreases with a changing rate of 0.761 mm per decade. Compared with other seasons, the precipitation in summer shows significant downward trend, while a significant upward trend in autumn. The annual streamflow demonstrates a general down-ward trend with a decreasing rate of 0.405 m^3/s per decade. The streamflow shows significant downward and upward trends in summer and in autumn, respectively. The decreasing rate of streamflow in summer reaches 1.97 m^3/s per decade, which contributes primarily to the decrease of streamflow. The results of this work would be of great benifit to the design of economic and social development planning in the study area.展开更多
We conducted a systematic census of leaf N for 102 plant species at 112 research sites along the North-South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) following the same protocol, to explore how plant functional types (PFT...We conducted a systematic census of leaf N for 102 plant species at 112 research sites along the North-South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) following the same protocol, to explore how plant functional types (PFTs) and environmental factors affect the spatial pattern of leaf N. The results showed that mean leaf N was 17.7 mg g^-1 for all plant species. The highest and lowest leaf N were found in deciduous-broadleaf and evergreen-conifer species, respectively, and the ranking of leaf N from high to low was: deciduous 〉 evergreen species, broadleaf 〉 coniferous species, shrubs ≈ trees 〉 grasses. For all data pooled, leaf N showed a convex quadratic response to mean annual temperature (MAT), and a negative linear relationship with mean annual precipitation (MAP), but a positive linear relationship with soil nitrogen concentration (Nsoil). These patterns were similar when PFTs were examined individually. Importantly, PFTs, climate and Nsoil, jointly explained 46.1% of the spatial variation in leaf N, of which the independent explanatory powers of PFTs, climate and Nsoil, were 15.6%, 2.3% and 4.7%, respectively. Our findings suggest that leaf N is regulated by climate and Nsoil, mainly via plant species composition. The wide scale empirical relationships developed here are useful for understanding and modeling of the effects of PFTs and environmental factors on leaf N.展开更多
Accompanied by global climate change, the annual mean air temperature has experienced a strongly increasing trend in the western China, especially in Xinjiang. The Global Climate Model (GCM) provides an efficient an...Accompanied by global climate change, the annual mean air temperature has experienced a strongly increasing trend in the western China, especially in Xinjiang. The Global Climate Model (GCM) provides an efficient and direct method to assess the process of global climate change and project future climate driven by various factors, especially human activity. Since GCMs' low spatial resolution cannot capture the characteristics of local climate change due to the land surface's complexity, downscaling methods, including Regional Climate Model (RCM), Bias Correction method and Statistical Method, are proposed to process raw data from GCMs for local climate change assessment. This study applied the delta method, one of Bias Correction methods, to make horizonta! resolution of 24 GCMs models' monthly outputs into 0.5~C for analyzing Xinjiang's future climate pattern under three IPCC SRES. A comparison between the results from downscaled dada and raw data from GCMs shows that downscaling methods can improve local climate changing feature in complex land surface and topography and to reduce the uncertainty of climate data generated from GCMs in Xinjiang. The results showed that scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 generated similar patterns and trends in annual mean air temperature and annual precipitation in the early 21st century with fluctuations in the middle of the 21st century. The annual mean air temperature will reach 10℃ 11.1℃ and 8.5℃ in A1B, A2 and B1 by the end of the 2Pt century, respectively, while the annual precipitation during the projection period will experience an increasing trend with a little fluctuation. During 2020 and 2070, the annual temperature in A1B scenario is greater than the other scenarios on regional average. The annual precipitation in the A1B scenario is also greater than other scenarios during 2020 and 2040 on regional average. However, there exists a large uncertainty within different SRES with an range of 6℃ in annual temperature and about 200 mm in annual precipitation. Regionally, annual temperature increases less in the middle Tianshan Mountains, Yili River Basin, the Southern Tianshan Mountains, and downstream of Tarim River than in the Junggar Basin, Pamirs and the northern slope of Kunlun Mountains by the late 21st century. In the western portion of southern Xinjiang, the annual precipitation shows a slightly decreasing trend, but a significant increasing trend was found in eastern Changji, Turpan, Hami and northern Kunlun-Altun Mountains.展开更多
To investigate the effect of moderate hypothermia on respon ses of axonal cytoskeleton to axonal injury in the acute stage of injury. Methods: Of fifteen adult guinea pigs, twelve animals were subj ected to stretch in...To investigate the effect of moderate hypothermia on respon ses of axonal cytoskeleton to axonal injury in the acute stage of injury. Methods: Of fifteen adult guinea pigs, twelve animals were subj ected to stretch injury to the right optic nerves and divided into the normother mic group (n=6) in which the animals core temperature was maintained at 36.0 37.5℃ and the hypothermia group (n=6) in which the core temperature was red uced to 32.0 32.5℃ after stretch injury. Remaining three animals sustained no injury to the right optic nerves and served as control group. Half of injure d animals (n=3) of either normothermic group or hypothermic group were killed at either 2 hours or 4 hours after injury. The ultrastructural changes of axonal c ytoskeleton of the right optic nerve fibers from the animals were examined under a transmission electron microscope and analyzed by quantitative analysis with a computer image analysis system. Results: At 2 hours after stretch injury, there was a significa nt reduction in the mean number of microtubules (P< 0.001 ), and a significant increase in the mean intermicrotubule spacing (P< 0.05 or P< 0.01 ) in axons of all siz es in normothermic animals. The mean number of neurofilaments also decreased sta tistically (P< 0.01 ) in large and medium subgroups of a xons in the same experimental group at 2 hours. By 4 hours, the large subgroup o f axons in normothermic animals still demonstrated a significant decline in the mean number of microtubules (P< 0.01 ) and an increase i n the mean intermicrotubule spacing (P< 0.05 ), while th e medium and small subgroups of axons displayed a significant increase in the me an number of neurofilaments (P< 0.05 ) and reduction in the mean interneurofilament spacing (P< 0.05 ). On the c ontrary, either the mean number of microtubules and the mean intermicrotubule sp acing, or the mean number of neurofilaments and interneurofilament spacing in ax ons of all sizes in hypothermic stretch injured animals was not significant dif ferent from the mean values of sham operated animals. Conclusions: Posttraumatic moderate hypothermia induced immedia tely after axonal injury results in substantial protection of axonal cytoskeleto n and ameliorates axonal damage.展开更多
This study constructed a mathematic model of a variable frequency centrifugal chiller using Simulink software. By running the simulation, it was discovered that when the other factors are constant, the EER(Energy Effi...This study constructed a mathematic model of a variable frequency centrifugal chiller using Simulink software. By running the simulation, it was discovered that when the other factors are constant, the EER(Energy Efficiency Ratio) of the chiller increases with decreases in the temperature of the cooling water and increases in the temperature of the chilled water. The effect of changes in the cooling water temperature on the EER of the chiller is stronger than that of changes in the chilled water temperature. In addition, as the chiller load decreases, the EER increases until reaching a maximum, after which it decreases. Furthermore, the EER of chillers working under a constant flow rate is slightly higher than that of those working under varying flow rates.展开更多
基金This research was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0603802), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41661144005 and 41320104007), and the CAS-PKU Joint Research Program. We would like to thanks the IPCC for providing the CMIP5 datasets (
文摘In this study, the East Asian summer climate changes under the 1.5 ℃ global warming (1.5 GW) target in 30 simulations derived from 15 coupled models within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Program phase 5 (CMIP5) are examined. Compared with the current summer climate (1975-2005), both surface air temperature and precipitation increase significantly over the East Asian continent during the 1.5 GW period (average period 2021-2051). In northeastern China this is particularly pronounced with regional averaged precipitation increases of more than 7.2%, which is greater than that for the whole East Asian continent (approximately 4.2%). Due to stronger enhancement of precipitation north of 40°N, the leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF) mode of summer precipitation over the East Asian continent changes from tripolar-like mode to dipole mode. As there is stronger surface warming over the East Asian continent than that over surrounding ocean, the land-sea thermal contrast is enhanced during the 1.5 GW period. As a result, the monsoon circulation in the lower troposphere is significantly strengthened, which causes the increased summer precipitation over the East Asian continent. In addition, larger interannual variabilities of East Asian summer monsoon circulation and associated precipitation are also suggested for the 1.5 GW period.
基金supported by National asic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 013CBA01806)National Natural Sciences oundation of China (Grant Nos. 91025011, 1222001)
文摘The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), threshold wet bulb temperature (WBT) and Koistinen and Saltikoff (KSS) methods. Dot graphs are plotted to acquire the threshold air temperature or the threshold wet bulb temperature using daily averaged air temperature, wet bulb temperature and precipitation data at 643 stations from 1961 to 1979 (precipitation types are not labeled in the database from 1980 to present) in China. The results indicate that the threshold AT or WBT methods are not able to differentiate rain, sleet and snow in the most regions in China; sleet is difficult to differentiate from other precipitation types based on the two threshold methods. Therefore, one threshold AT and WBT method was used in this study to differentiate rain and snow. Based on Gaussian- Kriging interpolation of threshold air temperature (To) and wet bulb temperature (Tw), the To and Tw contour lines and contour surfaces are calculated for China. Finally, a comparison between the KSS, AT and WBT methods are provided in which the KSS method is calculated based on air temperature and relative humidity. The results suggest that the KSS method is more appropriate for water phase estimation than are the other methods; the maximum precision for rain and snow is 99% and 94%, respectively. The AT method performs better than the WBT method when the critical air temperature is 2℃.
基金Short-term Climate Prediction Study for Guangdong Province a key project of Guangdong Science and Technology Committee in the national 9th five-year economic development plan Research on Long-term Tendency Prediction System for Floods/Drought and Typh
文摘Reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR are used to systematically study preceding signals of monthly precipitation anomalies in the early raining season of Guangdong province, from the viewpoints of 500-hPa geopotential height field, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) field, sea surface temperature (SST) and fourteen indexes of general circulation depicting atmosphere activity at high, middle and low latitutes. Being multiple tools of information, a number of conceptual models are formulated that are useful for prediction of the magnitude of monthly precipitation (drought, flood and normal conditionss).
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No.40705030the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2006CB400504)
文摘Monthly mean temperatures at 562 stations in China are estimated using a statistical downscaling technique. The technique used is multiple linear regressions (MLRs) of principal components (PCs). A stepwise screening procedure is used for selecting the skilful PCs as predictors used in the regression equation. The predictors include temperature at 850 hPa (7), the combination of sea-level pressure and temperature at 850 hPa (P+T) and the combination of geo-potential height and temperature at 850 hPa (H+T). The downscaling procedure is tested with the three predictors over three predictor domains. The optimum statistical model is obtained for each station and month by finding the predictor and predictor domain corresponding to the highest correlation. Finally, the optimum statistical downscaling models are applied to the Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 (HadCM3) outputs under the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenarios to construct local future temperature change scenarios for each station and month, The results show that (1) statistical downscaling produces less warming than the HadCM3 output itself; (2) the downscaled annual cycles of temperature differ from the HadCM3 output, but are similar to the observation; (3) the downscaled temperature scenarios show more warming in the north than in the south; (4) the downscaled temperature scenarios vary with emission scenarios, and the A2 scenario produces more warming than the B2, especially in the north of China.
基金jointly supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)[grant number XDA19030403]the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 41575095 and41661144032]+1 种基金the CAS ‘Belt and Road Initiatives’ Program on International Cooperation [grant number134111KYSB20160010]Victor Nnamdi DIKE acknowledges the support of a CAS-TWAS President Fellowship
文摘Recent findings indicate that rainfall variability over West Africa is characterized by more positive anomalies in the last four decades.The authors demonstrate that the recent interannual rainfall variability is linked to an air–sea phenomenon that occurs in the tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific Ocean,and then propose the Trans-Atlantic-Pacific Ocean Dipole(TAPOD)index as a measure for this tropical ocean phenomenon,which is found to be closely correlated with the West African summer rainfall anomalies.Using observational and reanalysis datasets,composite analysis suggests that enhanced precipitation in West Africa is associated with the positive phase of the TAPOD,which is characterized by warm sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTAs)in the tropical Atlantic and cool SSTAs in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean.During the positive phase of the TAPOD,there are significant westerly anomalies over the tropical Atlantic Ocean,which drives anomalous water vapor convergence over West Africa,leading to enhanced precipitation in the region.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81273992)the Public Service Technology Research and Social Development Project of Science Technology Department of Zhejiang Province of China(2015C33128)
文摘In this work,the effects of degradation time,temperature,and pH value on the degradation of Salvianolic acid B in aqueous solution were determined.Higher pH values,higher extraction temperature,and longer extraction time led to more degradation of Salvianolic acid B.Danshensu concentration increased as Salvianolic acid B degraded.A mechanism model was developed considering the degradation of Salvianolic acid E and lithospermic acid,which were two degradation products of Salvianolic acid B.The reverse reactions of Salvianolic acid B degradation were also considered.Degradation kinetic constants were calibrated.The degradation kinetics of Salvianolic acid B,lithospermic acid,and Danshensu in a Salvia miltiorrhiza extract aqueous solution were predicted using the mechanism model.The predicted concentrations agreed well with the experimental results.This model was developed using degradation data obtained from simple composition systems,but it can be applied in a complex botanical mixture with high prediction accuracy.
基金Under the auspices of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment(No.2009ZX07526-006-04-01)
文摘The impacts of future climate change on streamflow of the Dongliao River Watershed located in Jilin Prov-ince, China have been evaluated quantitatively by using a general circulation model (HadCM3) coupled with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model. The model was calibrated and validated against the historical monitored data from 2005 to 2009. The streamflow was estimated by downscaling HadCM3 outputs to the daily mean temperature and precipitation series, derived for three 30-year time slices, 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. Results suggest that daily mean temperature increases with a changing rate of 0.435~C per decade, and precipitation decreases with a changing rate of 0.761 mm per decade. Compared with other seasons, the precipitation in summer shows significant downward trend, while a significant upward trend in autumn. The annual streamflow demonstrates a general down-ward trend with a decreasing rate of 0.405 m^3/s per decade. The streamflow shows significant downward and upward trends in summer and in autumn, respectively. The decreasing rate of streamflow in summer reaches 1.97 m^3/s per decade, which contributes primarily to the decrease of streamflow. The results of this work would be of great benifit to the design of economic and social development planning in the study area.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program (2010CB833504)the CAS Strategic Priority Research Program (XDA05050602)
文摘We conducted a systematic census of leaf N for 102 plant species at 112 research sites along the North-South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) following the same protocol, to explore how plant functional types (PFTs) and environmental factors affect the spatial pattern of leaf N. The results showed that mean leaf N was 17.7 mg g^-1 for all plant species. The highest and lowest leaf N were found in deciduous-broadleaf and evergreen-conifer species, respectively, and the ranking of leaf N from high to low was: deciduous 〉 evergreen species, broadleaf 〉 coniferous species, shrubs ≈ trees 〉 grasses. For all data pooled, leaf N showed a convex quadratic response to mean annual temperature (MAT), and a negative linear relationship with mean annual precipitation (MAP), but a positive linear relationship with soil nitrogen concentration (Nsoil). These patterns were similar when PFTs were examined individually. Importantly, PFTs, climate and Nsoil, jointly explained 46.1% of the spatial variation in leaf N, of which the independent explanatory powers of PFTs, climate and Nsoil, were 15.6%, 2.3% and 4.7%, respectively. Our findings suggest that leaf N is regulated by climate and Nsoil, mainly via plant species composition. The wide scale empirical relationships developed here are useful for understanding and modeling of the effects of PFTs and environmental factors on leaf N.
基金supported by the Natural Sciences Foundation of China (No. 40871027)the Project of State Key Basic R & D Program of China (973 Program, 2012CB956204)supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Funding
文摘Accompanied by global climate change, the annual mean air temperature has experienced a strongly increasing trend in the western China, especially in Xinjiang. The Global Climate Model (GCM) provides an efficient and direct method to assess the process of global climate change and project future climate driven by various factors, especially human activity. Since GCMs' low spatial resolution cannot capture the characteristics of local climate change due to the land surface's complexity, downscaling methods, including Regional Climate Model (RCM), Bias Correction method and Statistical Method, are proposed to process raw data from GCMs for local climate change assessment. This study applied the delta method, one of Bias Correction methods, to make horizonta! resolution of 24 GCMs models' monthly outputs into 0.5~C for analyzing Xinjiang's future climate pattern under three IPCC SRES. A comparison between the results from downscaled dada and raw data from GCMs shows that downscaling methods can improve local climate changing feature in complex land surface and topography and to reduce the uncertainty of climate data generated from GCMs in Xinjiang. The results showed that scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 generated similar patterns and trends in annual mean air temperature and annual precipitation in the early 21st century with fluctuations in the middle of the 21st century. The annual mean air temperature will reach 10℃ 11.1℃ and 8.5℃ in A1B, A2 and B1 by the end of the 2Pt century, respectively, while the annual precipitation during the projection period will experience an increasing trend with a little fluctuation. During 2020 and 2070, the annual temperature in A1B scenario is greater than the other scenarios on regional average. The annual precipitation in the A1B scenario is also greater than other scenarios during 2020 and 2040 on regional average. However, there exists a large uncertainty within different SRES with an range of 6℃ in annual temperature and about 200 mm in annual precipitation. Regionally, annual temperature increases less in the middle Tianshan Mountains, Yili River Basin, the Southern Tianshan Mountains, and downstream of Tarim River than in the Junggar Basin, Pamirs and the northern slope of Kunlun Mountains by the late 21st century. In the western portion of southern Xinjiang, the annual precipitation shows a slightly decreasing trend, but a significant increasing trend was found in eastern Changji, Turpan, Hami and northern Kunlun-Altun Mountains.
文摘To investigate the effect of moderate hypothermia on respon ses of axonal cytoskeleton to axonal injury in the acute stage of injury. Methods: Of fifteen adult guinea pigs, twelve animals were subj ected to stretch injury to the right optic nerves and divided into the normother mic group (n=6) in which the animals core temperature was maintained at 36.0 37.5℃ and the hypothermia group (n=6) in which the core temperature was red uced to 32.0 32.5℃ after stretch injury. Remaining three animals sustained no injury to the right optic nerves and served as control group. Half of injure d animals (n=3) of either normothermic group or hypothermic group were killed at either 2 hours or 4 hours after injury. The ultrastructural changes of axonal c ytoskeleton of the right optic nerve fibers from the animals were examined under a transmission electron microscope and analyzed by quantitative analysis with a computer image analysis system. Results: At 2 hours after stretch injury, there was a significa nt reduction in the mean number of microtubules (P< 0.001 ), and a significant increase in the mean intermicrotubule spacing (P< 0.05 or P< 0.01 ) in axons of all siz es in normothermic animals. The mean number of neurofilaments also decreased sta tistically (P< 0.01 ) in large and medium subgroups of a xons in the same experimental group at 2 hours. By 4 hours, the large subgroup o f axons in normothermic animals still demonstrated a significant decline in the mean number of microtubules (P< 0.01 ) and an increase i n the mean intermicrotubule spacing (P< 0.05 ), while th e medium and small subgroups of axons displayed a significant increase in the me an number of neurofilaments (P< 0.05 ) and reduction in the mean interneurofilament spacing (P< 0.05 ). On the c ontrary, either the mean number of microtubules and the mean intermicrotubule sp acing, or the mean number of neurofilaments and interneurofilament spacing in ax ons of all sizes in hypothermic stretch injured animals was not significant dif ferent from the mean values of sham operated animals. Conclusions: Posttraumatic moderate hypothermia induced immedia tely after axonal injury results in substantial protection of axonal cytoskeleto n and ameliorates axonal damage.
基金supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research through grant number KM200610016003 from the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
文摘This study constructed a mathematic model of a variable frequency centrifugal chiller using Simulink software. By running the simulation, it was discovered that when the other factors are constant, the EER(Energy Efficiency Ratio) of the chiller increases with decreases in the temperature of the cooling water and increases in the temperature of the chilled water. The effect of changes in the cooling water temperature on the EER of the chiller is stronger than that of changes in the chilled water temperature. In addition, as the chiller load decreases, the EER increases until reaching a maximum, after which it decreases. Furthermore, the EER of chillers working under a constant flow rate is slightly higher than that of those working under varying flow rates.