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作者 董磊磊 王宦婷 王莹莹 《装备环境工程》 CAS 2024年第8期127-135,共9页
目的考虑聚氨酯材料非线性的影响,建立一种简单高效的柔性立管限弯器设计方法。方法首先确定限弯器的初始尺寸,在此基础上进行参数分析,并根据分析结果绘制设计图谱,然后通过插值获得最佳的设计尺寸。结果针对深水与浅水2种典型环境,分... 目的考虑聚氨酯材料非线性的影响,建立一种简单高效的柔性立管限弯器设计方法。方法首先确定限弯器的初始尺寸,在此基础上进行参数分析,并根据分析结果绘制设计图谱,然后通过插值获得最佳的设计尺寸。结果针对深水与浅水2种典型环境,分别采用本方法与基于遗传算法的优化设计方法进行限弯器设计,通过结果对比验证了方法的有效性。同时发现,深水环境条件设计出的限弯器相对短粗,而浅水条件设计出的限弯器则较为细长,且考虑材料非线性后,2种环境下限弯器的设计尺寸均有所减小。结论本文建立的限弯器设计方法具有广泛的适用性,且能够在确保得到理想设计方案的前提下,显著提高设计效率。与基于遗传算法的优化设计方法相比,采用线性材料和考虑材料非线性时的设计效率可分别提高约10倍和20倍。 展开更多
关键词 限弯 结构设计 优化 遗传算法 细长梁模型 非线性响应分析
作者 钟科星 王贤成 盛洁 《机械制造》 2024年第6期12-16,共5页
为了预测限弯器的疲劳寿命,分析其失效模式,设计了面向海底柔性管缆的限弯器弯矩测试机。对限弯器原理进行理论分析,采用Abaqus软件进行三维建模,设计限弯器弯矩测试机的结构,并开展测试。研究表明,限弯器弯矩测试机各模块能够有序协调... 为了预测限弯器的疲劳寿命,分析其失效模式,设计了面向海底柔性管缆的限弯器弯矩测试机。对限弯器原理进行理论分析,采用Abaqus软件进行三维建模,设计限弯器弯矩测试机的结构,并开展测试。研究表明,限弯器弯矩测试机各模块能够有序协调工作,检测精度高,可以实现限弯器弯矩与曲率的自动化检测,满足使用需求。 展开更多
关键词 管缆 限弯 测试机 设计
基于拓扑优化方法的海洋柔性管缆限弯器新型设计研究 被引量:2
作者 朱鹏程 杨志勋 +3 位作者 阎军 史冬岩 王立夫 曹鹏 《船舶力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期415-426,共12页
限弯器是保护海洋柔顺性管缆端部连接处在位过程中避免破坏的重要海洋工程装备之一。传统限弯器的结构形式较为固定,而且设计方法仅仅依赖于尺寸设计,因此,传统限弯器结构设计通常偏于保守且经济性较差。本文提出一种基于拓扑优化理论... 限弯器是保护海洋柔顺性管缆端部连接处在位过程中避免破坏的重要海洋工程装备之一。传统限弯器的结构形式较为固定,而且设计方法仅仅依赖于尺寸设计,因此,传统限弯器结构设计通常偏于保守且经济性较差。本文提出一种基于拓扑优化理论的限弯器结构优化设计方法。基于传统限弯器结构几何形式定义设计变量空间,以柔度最小化为优化目标,在强度约束的条件下构建优化列式。通过该优化设计方法可以在初始设计阶段实现限弯器的新构型结构设计。同时,开展优化结构与原始结构的数值模拟分析,通过力学性能分析对比发现:在相同的工况荷载下,优化后的限弯器结构整体质量降低了16.0%,承载能力提高了18.6%。 展开更多
关键词 柔性管缆 限弯 拓扑优化 新构型
不同本构模型限弯器非线性力学分析 被引量:7
作者 李博 李文博 +1 位作者 郭江艳 张玉 《石油机械》 北大核心 2019年第7期48-53,共6页
在外载荷作用下管缆会发生大变形,且管缆与限弯器间出现接触非线性,难以建立管缆与限弯器耦合理论模型进行求解。为此,考虑聚氨酯材料超弹性特性,采用ABAQUS有限元软件研究不同本构模型与不同温度下限弯器对柔性管缆曲率半径的影响。研... 在外载荷作用下管缆会发生大变形,且管缆与限弯器间出现接触非线性,难以建立管缆与限弯器耦合理论模型进行求解。为此,考虑聚氨酯材料超弹性特性,采用ABAQUS有限元软件研究不同本构模型与不同温度下限弯器对柔性管缆曲率半径的影响。研究结果表明:安装限弯器时管缆最小曲率半径为4.90~6.00 m,符合安全工作要求;采用Ogden本构模型管缆最大应变为0.011,与其他本构模型有较大差异,因此采用Ogden本构模型获得数据较为保守;限弯器数量对管缆最小曲率半径有影响,当限弯器由4个增至10个时,管缆最小弯曲半径从4.61 m增加到4.87 m,且增加趋势逐渐减缓;聚氨酯的力学性能随温度的变化而变化,分别选取3种温度(0、10和20℃)进行计算,管缆最小曲率半径分别为5.40、5.25和5.00 m;随着温度升高,聚氨酯材料塑性增强,使得限弯器作用逐渐减小,管道曲率半径也随之减小,因此安装限弯器时一定要考虑环境温度,采取相应隔热措施,这样有助于增强限弯效果。研究结果可为水下限弯器的设计提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 限弯 聚氨酯 超弹性 本构模型 温度 柔性管缆 曲半径
柔性管缆限弯器等效弯曲刚度研究 被引量:3
作者 丁乐声 陈金龙 +2 位作者 张聪 卢青针 岳前进 《船舶力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期1515-1522,共8页
由于限弯器设计涉及多参数且缺乏理论模型与设计依据,导致设计效率低下。本文首先基于欧拉-伯努利梁理论建立了限弯器等效刚度的总体模型,同时采用板弯曲理论与Hertz接触理论建立局部锁合结构的弯曲模型,通过简化得到了模型的半经验求... 由于限弯器设计涉及多参数且缺乏理论模型与设计依据,导致设计效率低下。本文首先基于欧拉-伯努利梁理论建立了限弯器等效刚度的总体模型,同时采用板弯曲理论与Hertz接触理论建立局部锁合结构的弯曲模型,通过简化得到了模型的半经验求解形式,并定性研究了公头端部高度、有效节长、母头尾部厚度、材料弹性模量四类参数对等效弯曲刚度的影响规律。然后建立有限元分析模型验证了上述半经验求解形式,并引入正交试验研究上述四类参数对等效弯曲刚度的影响程度,验证了理论分析得到的各参数影响趋势。研究获得的限弯器等效弯曲刚度理论模型,以及上述四类参数变化对限弯器等效弯曲刚度的影响规律及程度,可为设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 限弯 元分析 正交试验设计 参数分析
基于半数值方法的限弯器剪弯刚度分析 被引量:1
作者 丁乐声 陈金龙 +2 位作者 陈潇 郭豪 张聪 《海洋工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期152-159,共8页
柔性管缆限弯器存在接触非线性导致剪弯刚度分析困难。为此先基于悬臂梁方程建立剪弯刚度理论模型;然后构建考虑接触边界的锁合结构数值模型,得到其扭转刚度曲线;最后结合理论分析和数值计算求得考虑接触非线性的限弯器剪弯刚度曲线,并... 柔性管缆限弯器存在接触非线性导致剪弯刚度分析困难。为此先基于悬臂梁方程建立剪弯刚度理论模型;然后构建考虑接触边界的锁合结构数值模型,得到其扭转刚度曲线;最后结合理论分析和数值计算求得考虑接触非线性的限弯器剪弯刚度曲线,并同传统的整体数值方法相比较,验证该半数值分析方法的有效性。对比发现基于半数值方法的限弯器剪弯计算效率远高于传统数值方法,其结果误差也满足工程需求;并且限弯器锁合结构处受接触边界影响有明显的非线性;限弯器子梁这一短梁结构基于Timoshenko梁理论计算的结果精度更高也更保守。相较于传统数值方法,该半数值方法用方程直接表达部分参数与剪弯刚度关系,并可以高效地分析限弯器剪弯刚度,使设计工作更加高效。 展开更多
关键词 柔性管缆 限弯 接触非线性 TIMOSHENKO梁理论 Euler-Bernoulli梁理论 半数值方法
作者 刘磊 吕镖 +2 位作者 王浩旭 刘增华 胡振峰 《电镀与涂饰》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期9-17,共9页
[目的]为了更好地理解弯液面限域电沉积铜的动态过程,以硫酸铜溶液电沉积铜为研究对象,建立二维轴对称电沉积模型。[方法]使用COMSOL有限元软件对弯液面限域电沉积铜进行模拟,考虑多物理场协同作用,并研究了环境相对湿度、电压和沉积时... [目的]为了更好地理解弯液面限域电沉积铜的动态过程,以硫酸铜溶液电沉积铜为研究对象,建立二维轴对称电沉积模型。[方法]使用COMSOL有限元软件对弯液面限域电沉积铜进行模拟,考虑多物理场协同作用,并研究了环境相对湿度、电压和沉积时间对动态电沉积铜的影响。[结果]环境相对湿度影响蒸发通量和离子通量,电压会改变阴极过电位,进而影响电沉积铜的品质和效率。随着电沉积时间的延长,弯液面的边缘铜沉积快于中心部位的铜沉积,出现边缘择优生长现象。[结论]通过调整弯液面限域电沉积铜的工艺参数可以优化电沉积铜的品质和效率。 展开更多
关键词 液面域电沉积 相对湿度 电压 仿真分析
光纤弯曲特性及其应用 被引量:2
作者 黎志刚 卢文全 《光通信技术》 北大核心 2016年第8期60-62,共3页
为了对光纤弯曲形态进行全面系统地归纳与描述,提出在临界弯曲半径的基础上,把光纤的宏弯细分成了断弯、允弯和限弯三种情况进行讨论与分析,并重点讲述了这三种弯曲形态的定义和相应弯曲半径的测试方法与结果。通过对G.652光纤限弯范围... 为了对光纤弯曲形态进行全面系统地归纳与描述,提出在临界弯曲半径的基础上,把光纤的宏弯细分成了断弯、允弯和限弯三种情况进行讨论与分析,并重点讲述了这三种弯曲形态的定义和相应弯曲半径的测试方法与结果。通过对G.652光纤限弯范围特性的研究,设计并实现了一种可望获得广泛应用的在线光纤损耗微调器。最后,指出允弯半径应该列为每种光纤的基本特征参数之一。 展开更多
关键词 光纤曲形态 限弯 在线光纤损耗微调器
作者 蔡晔 黄小卫 +2 位作者 李晓骏 李翔 吴高波 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2024年第2期0109-0113,共5页
本文探究修复后海缆回放入海底过程中的关键问题,对回放过程中的各种弯曲保护装置和维修船运动参数进行数值计算。基于Orcaflex建立仿真模型,对回放过程进行仿真模拟,得到长度、外径、内径、水下长度质量、转向刚度、弯曲刚度、扭转刚... 本文探究修复后海缆回放入海底过程中的关键问题,对回放过程中的各种弯曲保护装置和维修船运动参数进行数值计算。基于Orcaflex建立仿真模型,对回放过程进行仿真模拟,得到长度、外径、内径、水下长度质量、转向刚度、弯曲刚度、扭转刚度、摩擦系数等参数对海缆回放过程中海缆受力状况的影响,并依此对回放过程中限弯器的设计和选型提出建议:增大限弯器的长度可以有效的降低沿缆最大曲率,防止电缆弯曲失效。通过计算分析可得,在初始张力、速度比和限弯器的长度保持不变的情况下,电缆回放过程中,限弯器的锁合半径越大越容易在限弯器两端发生弯曲失效。在速度比为1.3时,限弯器长度为16m。通过本次研究结果,可以对海缆回放过程中的关键参数进行设计,避免海缆在回放过程中的弯曲失效,降低海缆维护成本,提高海缆维护效率。 展开更多
关键词 海缆 数值计算 仿真模拟 限弯
Fabrication of lightweight 3D interpenetrated NiTi@Mg composite with superior bending properties
作者 Yu-jing LIU Xiao-chun LIU +4 位作者 Kun-mao LI Xiang WU Sheng-feng ZHOU Wei LI Wen-cai ZHANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期3569-3584,共16页
A NiTi@Mg interpenetrating phase composite with high strength and lightweight was prepared by additive manufacturing(AM)and infiltration technology,and the interface bonding,three-point bending properties and cyclic c... A NiTi@Mg interpenetrating phase composite with high strength and lightweight was prepared by additive manufacturing(AM)and infiltration technology,and the interface bonding,three-point bending properties and cyclic compressive properties of NiTi@Mg composites were investigated.The results show that the metallurgically bonded interface is formed at the NiTi/Mg interfaces.The bending strength and compressive strength of the NiTi@Mg composite are 2.5 and 1.7 times higher than those of the NiTi scaffold,respectively.During the bending deformation process,a large number of dislocations are observed to accumulate in the soft Mg area at the interface.Furthermore,the finite element model showed that the stress accumulation area,where the bending crack is initiated,is located at the interface of NiTi and Mg.The strengthening mechanism of NiTi@Mg composites is attributed to the twinning strengthening of Mg and heterogeneous structure strengthening. 展开更多
关键词 metal composites NiTi@Mg bending properties finite element simulation strengthening mechanism
Experimental study on ultimate flexural capacity of steel encased concrete composite beams 被引量:8
作者 肖辉 李爱群 杜德润 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期191-196,共6页
Based on the experimental study and inelastic theory, the ultimate flexuralcapacity of steel encased concrete composite beams are derived. The difference between steel encasedconcrete composite beams with full shear c... Based on the experimental study and inelastic theory, the ultimate flexuralcapacity of steel encased concrete composite beams are derived. The difference between steel encasedconcrete composite beams with full shear connection and beams with partial shear connection,together with the relationship between the inelastic neutral axis of steel parts and concrete parts,are considered in the formulae. The calculation results of the eight specimens with full shearconnection and the three specimens with partial shear connection are in good agreement with theexperimental data, which validates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed calculationmethods. Furthermore, the nonlinear finite element analysis of the ultimate flexural capacity of thesteel encased concrete composite beams is performed. Nonlinear material properties and nonlinearcontact properties are considered in the finite element analysis. The finite element analyticalresults also correlate well with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 steel encased concrete composite beam ultimate flexural capacity finiteelement analysis
Ultimate load bearing capacity evaluation of concrete beams subjected to freeze-thaw cycles 被引量:1
作者 秦晓川 孟少平 +1 位作者 涂永明 曹大富 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第4期522-528,共7页
A theoretical prediction method based on the change of concrete material is proposed to evaluate the ultimate bending moment of concrete beams which have undergone freeze-thaw cycles (PTCs). First, the freeze-thaw d... A theoretical prediction method based on the change of concrete material is proposed to evaluate the ultimate bending moment of concrete beams which have undergone freeze-thaw cycles (PTCs). First, the freeze-thaw damage on concrete material is analyzed and the residual compressive strength is chosen to indicate the freeze-thaw damage. Then, the equivalent block method is employed to simplify the compressive stress-strain curve of the freeze-thaw damaged concrete and the mathematical expression for the ultimate bending moment is obtained. Comparisons of the predicted results with the test data indicate that the ultimate bending moment of concrete beams affected by FTC attack can be predicted by this proposed method. However, the bond-slip behavior and the randomness of freeze-thaw damage will affect the accuracy of the predicted results, especially when the residual compressive strength is less than 50%. 展开更多
关键词 concrete beam freeze-thaw cycles ultimate bending moment structural analysis
深海柔性立管附件研究现状 被引量:5
作者 王偲偲 《粉煤灰综合利用》 CAS 2020年第1期41-44,共4页
在海洋油气资源的开发过程中,海洋柔性立管以其易弯曲、防腐蚀、方便铺设和可回收等优点占据了立管的主要市场。由于海洋中波浪流荷载的长期作用和立管本身的应力弯曲,立管容易产生弯曲过度和疲劳断裂等问题,造成重大的经济损失和环境... 在海洋油气资源的开发过程中,海洋柔性立管以其易弯曲、防腐蚀、方便铺设和可回收等优点占据了立管的主要市场。由于海洋中波浪流荷载的长期作用和立管本身的应力弯曲,立管容易产生弯曲过度和疲劳断裂等问题,造成重大的经济损失和环境破坏。柔性立管附件安装在柔性立管上,对降低立管荷载响应、减小立管最大曲率、防止管道过度弯曲和疲劳失效有显著的效果。本文介绍了不同种类的深海柔性立管附件的基本结构、主要材料和研究意义,并且从理论结构分析、有限元模拟、非线性分析、动力疲劳响应、结构优化设计等方面,总结了国内外至今关于柔性立管附件的研究成果。 展开更多
关键词 柔性立管附件 限弯 聚氨酯弹性体
Experimental and numerical study on flexural behaviors of steel reinforced engineered cementitious composite beams 被引量:8
作者 蔡景明 潘金龙 袁方 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第3期330-335,共6页
To investigate the flexural behaviors of steel reinforced engineered cementitious composite (ECC) beams, the behaviors of the steel reinforced ECC beam and the conventional steel reinforced concrete beam subjected t... To investigate the flexural behaviors of steel reinforced engineered cementitious composite (ECC) beams, the behaviors of the steel reinforced ECC beam and the conventional steel reinforced concrete beam subjected to flexural load are experimentally compared. The experimental results show that the flexural strength and ductility of the steel reinforced ECC beam are 24.8% and 187.67% times larger than those of the steel reinforced concrete beam, and the substitution of concrete with ECC can significantly delay the propagation of cracks. Additionally, a simplified constitutive model of the ECC material is used to simulate the flexural behaviors of beams by the finite element analysis (FEA). The results show a good agreement between the simulation and test results. The crack width of the steel reinforced ECC beam can be limited to 0.4 mm under the service load conditions. The application of ductile ECC can significantly increase the flexural performance in terms of flexural strength, deformation capacity and ductility of the beams. 展开更多
关键词 engineered cementitious composites (ECC) DUCTILITY flexural behavior finite element
Effect of geometrical parameters on forming quality of high-strength TA18 titanium alloy tube in numerical control bending 被引量:7
作者 方军 梁闯 +1 位作者 鲁世强 王克鲁 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期309-318,共10页
The forming quality of high-strength TA18 titanium alloy tube during numerical control bending in changing bending angle β, relative bending radius R/D and tube sizes such as diameter D and wall thickness t was clari... The forming quality of high-strength TA18 titanium alloy tube during numerical control bending in changing bending angle β, relative bending radius R/D and tube sizes such as diameter D and wall thickness t was clarified by finite element simulation. The results show that the distribution of wall thickness change ratio Δt and cross section deformation ratio ΔD are very similar under different β; the Δt and ΔD decrease with the increase of R/D, and to obtain the qualified bent tube, the R/D must be greater than 2.0; the wall thinning ratio Δto slightly increases with larger D and t, while the wall thickening ratio Δti and ΔD increase with the larger D and smaller t; the Δto and ΔD firstly decrease and then increase, while the Δti increases, for the same D/t with the increase of D and t. 展开更多
关键词 high-strength TA18 tube geometrical parameters forming quality finite element simulation numerical control bending
作者 郭烈恩 赵亚莉 涂文斌 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2009年第1期16-22,共7页
Flat metal strips are deformed progressively into profiles with certain geometry sections by a series of successive rotating rolls at the room temperature, and it is called the cold roll-forming. An effective method i... Flat metal strips are deformed progressively into profiles with certain geometry sections by a series of successive rotating rolls at the room temperature, and it is called the cold roll-forming. An effective method is given for roll design to avoid major defects via finite element method (FEM) simulation using a booting model. The simulation gives reasonable fit to the actual product in the two major roll-forming defects, i.e. , edge wave and springback. The redesigned rolls using the approach of multi-stand FEM simulation can effectively control these two defects. 展开更多
关键词 finite element method(FEM) optimization design roll-forming
L~∞-Error Estimate of a Nonconfoming Rectangular Plate Element 被引量:1
作者 邓庆平 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1992年第2期23-28,共6页
In this paper,a nonconforming rectangular plate element,the modified incomplete biquadratic plate element,is considered. The asympotic optimal L~∞-error estimate is obtained for the plate bending problem. This proof ... In this paper,a nonconforming rectangular plate element,the modified incomplete biquadratic plate element,is considered. The asympotic optimal L~∞-error estimate is obtained for the plate bending problem. This proof is based on the method of regularized Green's function and 'the trick of auxiliary element'. 展开更多
关键词 Nonconfowning plate element L~∞-error estimate
An analytical model for predicting sheet springback after V-bending 被引量:8
作者 ZHANG Dong-juan CUI Zhen-shan +1 位作者 CHEN Zhi-ying RUAN Xue-yu 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期237-244,共8页
Springback is caused by the redistribution of stress in sheet material after the tooling is removed. Precise prediction of sheet springback is very important in die design. Based on Hill’s yielding criterion and plan... Springback is caused by the redistribution of stress in sheet material after the tooling is removed. Precise prediction of sheet springback is very important in die design. Based on Hill’s yielding criterion and plane strain condition, an analytical model is proposed in this paper which takes into account the effects of contact pressure, the length of bending arm between the punch and die, transverse stress, neutral surface shifting and sheet thickness thinning on the sheet springback of V-bending. The predicted results by this analytical model indicated that the contact pressure and transverse stress have much effect on the springback when the bending ratio (the ratio of punch radius to sheet thickness) is less than five. The contact pressure declined when the length of bending arm goes up, which means that shorter length of bending arm will result in larger springback. The effect of neutral surface shifting on the springback is less than that of contact pressure and decreases with the bending ratio. However, this research showed that the influence of thickness thinning on the springback can be ignored. Comparison with finite element method (FEM) simu-lating results shows that the predicted results by the analytical model accord well with simulation results by FEM. In addition to that, the bending ability—the limit bending ratio for a given sheet thickness and material properties was also determined. 展开更多
关键词 SPRINGBACK V-bending Contact pressure Neutral surface shifting Transverse stress Bending ratio
Semi analytical modeling of springback in arc bending and effect of forming load 被引量:8
作者 S.K.PANTHI N.RAMAKRISHNAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第10期2276-2284,共9页
The analytical model for springback in arc bending of sheet metal can serve as an excellent design support.The amount of springback is considerably influenced by the geometrical and the material parameters associated ... The analytical model for springback in arc bending of sheet metal can serve as an excellent design support.The amount of springback is considerably influenced by the geometrical and the material parameters associated with the sheet metal.In addition,the applied load during the bending also has a significant influence.Although a number of numerical techniques have been used for this purpose,only few analytical models that can provide insight into the phenomenon are available.A phenomenological model for predicting the springback in arc bending was proposed based on strain as well as deformation energy based approaches.The results of the analytical model were compared with the published experimental as well as FE results of the authors,and the agreement was found to be satisfactory. 展开更多
关键词 SPRINGBACK sheet metal bending finite element simulation analytical modeling
Significance-based optimization of processing parameters for thin-walled aluminum alloy tube NC bending with small bending radius 被引量:13
作者 XU Jie YANG He +1 位作者 LI Heng ZHAN Mei 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期147-156,共10页
Thin-walled aluminum alloy tube numerical control (NC) bending with small bending radius is a complex process with multi-factor coupling effects and multi-die constraints. A significance-based optimization method of... Thin-walled aluminum alloy tube numerical control (NC) bending with small bending radius is a complex process with multi-factor coupling effects and multi-die constraints. A significance-based optimization method of the parameters was proposed based on the finite element (FE) simulation, and the significance analysis of the processing parameters on the forming quality in terms of the maximum wall thinning ratio and the maximum cross section distortion degree was implemented using the fractional factorial design. The optimum value of the significant parameter, the clearance between the tube and the wiper die, was obtained, and the values of the other parameters, including the friction coefficients and the clearances between the tube and the dies, the mandrel extension length and the boost velocity were estimated. The results are applied to aluminum alloy tube NC bending d50 mm×1 mm×75 mm and d70 mm×1.5 mm×105 mm (initial tube outside diameter D0 × initial tube wall thickness t0 × bending radius R), and qualified tubes are produced. 展开更多
关键词 thin-walled aluminum alloy tube OPTIMIZATION finite element (FE) numerical control bending processing parameters significance analysis small bending radius
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