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超导限流储能系统的原理与有源限流仿真 被引量:12
作者 赵彩宏 郭文勇 +2 位作者 肖立业 林良真 余运佳 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第22期49-53,73,共6页
基于限流集成原理与储能集成原理,共用一个超导磁体,将桥路型超导故障限流器(BSFCL)与超导储能系统(SMES)集成于一体,构成了超导限流储能系统(SFCL-MES)。该系统解决了桥路型故障限流器不能限制故障电流稳态值以及超导储能在系统故障时... 基于限流集成原理与储能集成原理,共用一个超导磁体,将桥路型超导故障限流器(BSFCL)与超导储能系统(SMES)集成于一体,构成了超导限流储能系统(SFCL-MES)。该系统解决了桥路型故障限流器不能限制故障电流稳态值以及超导储能在系统故障时的补偿容量过大的问题。所提出的SFCL-MES既可以限制故障电流峰值和稳态值,也可以补偿系统电压,提高了超导磁体的利用率。文中分析了SFCL-MES的有源限流的原理,给出了它的有源限流等效模型。在此基础上,提出了SFCL-MES的有源限流的2种实现方法:有源电阻限流和有源电压限流。在PSIM上对SFCL-MES有源限流的各种方式进行了仿真。仿真结果验证了它的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 超导限流储能系统 桥路型超导故障限流 超导储能 集成原理 有源限流 有源电阻 有源电压
超导限流储能系统的集成设计与试验 被引量:4
作者 赵彩宏 黄晓华 +4 位作者 李顺 郭文勇 肖立业 林良真 余运佳 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期52-55,共4页
为了试验超导限流储能系统(SFCL—MES)的基本原理,设计了1台220 V/25 A/6 kW的 SFCL-MES模型样机。提出了一种用于配电系统的SFCL—MES的系统结构,它由2个串联于变 电站负荷的故障限流端口及1个并联于变电站母线的储能端口组成,既可... 为了试验超导限流储能系统(SFCL—MES)的基本原理,设计了1台220 V/25 A/6 kW的 SFCL-MES模型样机。提出了一种用于配电系统的SFCL—MES的系统结构,它由2个串联于变 电站负荷的故障限流端口及1个并联于变电站母线的储能端口组成,既可以限制变电站的短路电 流,又可以提高整个变电站的供电质量。分析了SFCL-MES的集成设计原理,讨论了SFCL—MES 的4个组成部分:双向换流器单元、双向电流调节器单元、全波整流桥单元以及高温超导磁体单元 的设计结构以及主要参数。在模型上对SFCL—MES的故障限流原理进行了试验,初步验证了它的 有效性。 展开更多
关键词 超导限流储能系统 故障限流端口 储能端口 集成设计 故障限流
超导限流储能系统的建模与优化 被引量:4
作者 赵彩宏 杜晓纪 +2 位作者 肖立业 林良真 余运佳 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第23期39-43,共5页
超导限流储能系统(SFCL-MES)是将超导储能系统与桥路型超导限流器集成起来实现的, 二者共用一个超导磁体。文中分析了SFCL-MES的集成建模与优化的原理。根据SFCL-MES的 限流集成原理,提出了它的限流集成模型。基于SFCL-MES在故障限流时... 超导限流储能系统(SFCL-MES)是将超导储能系统与桥路型超导限流器集成起来实现的, 二者共用一个超导磁体。文中分析了SFCL-MES的集成建模与优化的原理。根据SFCL-MES的 限流集成原理,提出了它的限流集成模型。基于SFCL-MES在故障限流时的动态拓扑分析,建立 了它的动态数学模型。在此基础上,根据不同的优化目标,建立了相应的优化模型,并对优化结果 进行了比较分析。最后对于SFCL-MES集成后可以减小超导磁体容量的原理进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 超导限流储能系统 限流集成模型 动态数学模型 优化
超导限流储能系统的磁体结构优化 被引量:2
作者 赵彩宏 杜晓纪 +2 位作者 肖立业 林良真 余运佳 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第24期50-54,共5页
超导限流储能系统(SFCL-MES)的能量以磁场的形式存储在超导磁体中,因此漏磁场对于 变电站的电磁干扰问题成为影响其应用的关键问题之一。文中对用于SFCL-MES的多种磁体结 构的漏磁场进行了分析与优化,以选择合适的磁体构型,便于SFCL-ME... 超导限流储能系统(SFCL-MES)的能量以磁场的形式存储在超导磁体中,因此漏磁场对于 变电站的电磁干扰问题成为影响其应用的关键问题之一。文中对用于SFCL-MES的多种磁体结 构的漏磁场进行了分析与优化,以选择合适的磁体构型,便于SFCL-MES安装在变电站中。首先 对于超导限流储能系统磁体的漏磁场进行了勒让德多项式分析。在此基础上,对于多种磁屏蔽型 磁体构型,包括同轴同心、轴向排列、轴线平行组合磁体结构,以减小漏磁场和所用的超导线材最少 为目标,给出了优化模型,并采用序列二次规划(SQP)方法对模型进行求解。最后对优化结果进行 了比较分析。 展开更多
关键词 超导限流储能系统 漏磁场 磁体结构 优化
基于电压补偿原理的超导储能-限流集成系统 被引量:7
作者 赵彩宏 郭风 +5 位作者 郭文勇 黄晓华 刘昕 肖立业 林良真 余运佳 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期68-71,108,共5页
基于电压补偿原理,将串联式超导储能系统和限流电抗器集成起来,提出了一种超导储能- 限流集成系统(SMES-CL)。该系统不仅解决了限流电抗器带来的稳态无功压降问题,而且解决了串联式超导储能系统保护困难的问题。它既可以快速自动投入限... 基于电压补偿原理,将串联式超导储能系统和限流电抗器集成起来,提出了一种超导储能- 限流集成系统(SMES-CL)。该系统不仅解决了限流电抗器带来的稳态无功压降问题,而且解决了串联式超导储能系统保护困难的问题。它既可以快速自动投入限制故障电流以保护整个变电站和自身,还可以对系统进行功率补偿以提高电能质量。文中分析了SMES-CL的集成结构,对于它的工作原理,包括稳态补偿原理和故障限流原理进行了讨论。在一个SMES-CL模型样机上进行了试验,验证了它的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 超导储能-限流集成系统 电压补偿 串联式超导储能系统 限流电抗器 集成结构
带限流功能的DC/DC变换器控制系统研究 被引量:1
作者 王立崇 陈岳林 +1 位作者 陈伟 邹云屏 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期29-31,共3页
针对移相全桥DC/DC变换器,设计了具有限流保护功能的控制系统,整定了PI调节器的参数,详细阐述了电压环与限流环之间的关系,以及两者之间切换工作的过程。该控制系统使用了垂直式和增大式两种限流模式,推导出两种限流模式的指令值计算方... 针对移相全桥DC/DC变换器,设计了具有限流保护功能的控制系统,整定了PI调节器的参数,详细阐述了电压环与限流环之间的关系,以及两者之间切换工作的过程。该控制系统使用了垂直式和增大式两种限流模式,推导出两种限流模式的指令值计算方法,并分别进行了实验分析。实验证明,该控制系统很好地实现了限流功能,设计合理。 展开更多
关键词 变换器 控制系统/限流
作者 王晓明 《水利电力机械》 2003年第3期27-28,53,共3页
通常桥式抓斗起重机故障较多,要彻底解决好抓斗的监控是一个较为复杂的问题。但对于一般桥式抓斗起重机由于整机造价低,应从经济性和技术上着眼,改善开闭、起升的平稳性与负荷的均衡性。采用PLC加变频器运行方式,提高了设备运行性能,改... 通常桥式抓斗起重机故障较多,要彻底解决好抓斗的监控是一个较为复杂的问题。但对于一般桥式抓斗起重机由于整机造价低,应从经济性和技术上着眼,改善开闭、起升的平稳性与负荷的均衡性。采用PLC加变频器运行方式,提高了设备运行性能,改善了操作人员的工作环境,降低了维修强度,节约了能源,但整机工效略有降低。 展开更多
关键词 桥式抓斗起重机 变频控制系统 起动力矩 限流系统 平稳性 负荷
基于SMES-SFCL直驱永磁风电并网故障穿越能力 被引量:5
作者 王敏 周羽生 +1 位作者 杨航 李颖许 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期138-144,共7页
为提高永磁直驱同步风力发电机组功率输出的稳定性和低电压穿越能力,提出了采用超导磁储能-超导故障限流系统来平滑风电机组的有功输出,改善故障穿越能力。当电网故障时,电阻型超导限流器限制故障电流对网侧变流器的冲击,提高网侧变流... 为提高永磁直驱同步风力发电机组功率输出的稳定性和低电压穿越能力,提出了采用超导磁储能-超导故障限流系统来平滑风电机组的有功输出,改善故障穿越能力。当电网故障时,电阻型超导限流器限制故障电流对网侧变流器的冲击,提高网侧变流器的无功输出能力;当电网电压正常时,超导磁储能系统通过吸收和释放功率来平滑风电机组的有功输出,抑制功率波动;当电网电压跌落时,超导磁储能系统吸收直流母线上的多余功率,抑制直流母线电压上升;同时通过控制网侧变流器输出无功功率以支撑电网电压。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 永磁直驱风电机组 低电压故障 超导限流与磁储能系统 有功与无功控制 直流母线电压控制
Analytical and Experimental Studies of Linear MHD Propulsor
作者 柴捷 李朗如 沙次文 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2000年第2期128-133,共6页
A two dimensional mathematical model was developed to predict the performance characteristics for direct current, linear channel MHD propulsion system in a closed loop environment. The results of analytical and exper... A two dimensional mathematical model was developed to predict the performance characteristics for direct current, linear channel MHD propulsion system in a closed loop environment. The results of analytical and experimental studies of the linear channel MHD propulsor are described. Compared with the data of experiment, the correctness of the computation program is validated. 展开更多
关键词 electric field flow field MHD propulsion FE method
Reducing the Short Circuit Levels in Kuwait Transmission Network
作者 W. AI-Hasawi M. Gilany 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第5期45-51,共7页
This paper describes the study analysis performed to evaluate the available and potential solutions to control the highly increasing short circuit (SC) levels in Kuwait power system. The real Kuwait High Voltage (H... This paper describes the study analysis performed to evaluate the available and potential solutions to control the highly increasing short circuit (SC) levels in Kuwait power system. The real Kuwait High Voltage (HV) network was simulated to examine different measures at both 275 kV and 132 kV stations. The simulation results show that the short circuit currents exceed the permissible levels (40 kA in the 132 kV network and 63 kA in the 275 kV network) in some specific points. The examined measures include the a study on changing the neutral point policy, changing some lines from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), dividing specific bus bars in some generating stations and applying current limiters. The paper also presents a new plan for the transmission network in order to manage the expected increase in short circuit levels in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Short circuit level network splitting fault current limiter power transmission planning.
The Application of the Fault Current Limiters in Power Distribution System
作者 T. Madiba W. Siti A.A. Jimoh 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第12期1205-1212,共8页
In this paper, an application of fault current limiter-thyristor controller series reactor (FCL-TCSR) in the distribution network is presented in order to minimize the peak value of current during the fault conditio... In this paper, an application of fault current limiter-thyristor controller series reactor (FCL-TCSR) in the distribution network is presented in order to minimize the peak value of current during the fault condition. This application considers a single fault current limiting action but can also be applied for a three phase system. The maximum contribution of FCL-TCSR quickly clears the abnormal current in the power distribution system when a fault condition occurs. Using a mathematical model of FCL-TCSR, the impact of series impedance used to adjust the amplitude of the fault current action is demonstrated. The performance of the load with the impedance and load in series is also analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 FCL-TCSR distribution network limhing action mathematical model amplitude of the abnormal current.
Fault Current Limiters and Impacts on the System Protection Behavior
作者 J. Jager T. Keil 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第10期54-57,共4页
A deregulated power market is making short-circuit currents likely to exceed the thermal or mechanical permissible limits of switchgear. Consequently fault current limiters (FCL) become more necessary in power syste... A deregulated power market is making short-circuit currents likely to exceed the thermal or mechanical permissible limits of switchgear. Consequently fault current limiters (FCL) become more necessary in power systems. The use of FCLs has an impact on the protection schemes and functions in power systems. Thus, before FCLs can be applied in the network, the impacts on existing protection system must be understood. Depending on the current limiting technique used, today's protection concepts may have to be adapted or revised to ensure proper network protection selectivity. A relationship between fault current limiters and protection schemes should be established by taking into account both protection and network specific issues, such as the impact of different FCL technologies, existing and new protection concepts, selectivity and innovative network. This paper is presenting a frame work for accomplishing this task. 展开更多
关键词 Fault current limiter first cycle behavior follow current protection system PICK-UP processing SELECTIVITY coordination.
Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Restoration by Reducing Minimum Fault Current Limiter Impedance
作者 Saadoun Abdel Aziz Mostafa DoaaKhalil Ibrahim Essam El-Din Abo El-Zahab 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第6期1132-1141,共10页
FCL (fault current limiter) is used to solve relays miscoordination problem arises from DG (distributed generation) installation. In most published researches, different optimization methods are developed to obtai... FCL (fault current limiter) is used to solve relays miscoordination problem arises from DG (distributed generation) installation. In most published researches, different optimization methods are developed to obtain optimal relay settings to achieve coordination in case of not installing DG, then depending on the achieved optimal obtained relay settings, FCL impedance is deduced to ensure relays coordination restoration in case of installing DG. Based on original optimal relay settings, obtained FCL impedance is not the minimum one required to achieve relay coordination. The contribution of this paper is the generation of multi sets of original relay settings that increase the possibility of finding FCL impedance of minimum value which is lower than the calculated value based on original optimal relay settings. The proposed method achieves better economic target by reducing FCL impedance. The proposed approach is implemented and tested on IEEE-39 bus test system. 展开更多
关键词 FCL (fault current limiter) IP (pickup current setting) relays coordination TDS (time-dial setting).
Multi-objective optimal configuration of current limiting strategies 被引量:2
作者 YE ChengJin HUANG MinXiang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期1738-1749,共12页
With the level of short-circuit current of power systems growing increasingly higher,optimal allocation of current limiters has received considerable attention in recent years,especially in China.This paper analyzes t... With the level of short-circuit current of power systems growing increasingly higher,optimal allocation of current limiters has received considerable attention in recent years,especially in China.This paper analyzes two kinds of common used current limiters based on the increment of bus impedance matrix and proposes a multi-objective current limiters configuration model considering the investment of limiters,the level of short-circuit current,as well as the transient stability of power system.An innovative search space reduction technique based on sensitivity factor is introduced to choose better candidate locations for current limiters so as to avoid the curse of dimensionality.The elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II is used to search the Pareto-optimal solutions of the proposed model.In order to further improve optimization efficiency,master-slave parallel modification of NSGA-II program structure is implemented.The satisfactory case study results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed multi-objective method in power system current limiters allocation associated with cost,security and stability. 展开更多
关键词 power system short-circuit current limiter transient stability multi-objective optimization NSGA-II sensitivity factor parallel computing
Characteristic analysis of hydraulic hybrid vehicle based on limit cycle
作者 CHEN YanLi LIU ShunAn +1 位作者 SHANG Tao ZHANG YuanKun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期1031-1036,共6页
The theory of limit cycles was applied to hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV) to analyze the dynamic characteristics of the system. The exact mathematical models based on configuration diagram of HHV were built to study on... The theory of limit cycles was applied to hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV) to analyze the dynamic characteristics of the system. The exact mathematical models based on configuration diagram of HHV were built to study on equilibrium points, nonexistence of limit cycle and stability of equilibrium points. The analysis showed that if the Young's modulus of fluid is neglected, the equilibrium points of the system will be distributed on both sides of the initial function. In addition, there is a unique equilibrium point according to the practical signification of the system parameters. The nonexistence analysis showed that there is no limit cycle for the system, no matter how the viscosity coefficient B changes. The stability analysis of equilibrium points showed that the system is asymptotically stable about the equilibrium point at B≥0 and the equilibrium point is the center point of the system at B=0. Finally, the phase diagrams of global topological structure of HHV system were entirely described according to qualitative analysis of the singular points at infinity. 展开更多
关键词 automotive engineering hydraulic hybrid vehicle limit cycle global structure
Initial-boundary value problem of three phase flow in porous media
作者 YING LungAn 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第12期2799-2807,共9页
We study the mathematical model of three phase compressible flows through porous media. Under the condition that the rock, water and oil are incompressible, and the compressibility of gas is small, we present a finite... We study the mathematical model of three phase compressible flows through porous media. Under the condition that the rock, water and oil are incompressible, and the compressibility of gas is small, we present a finite element scheme to the initial-boundary value problem of the nonlinear system of equations, then by the convergence of the scheme we prove that the problem admits a weak solution. 展开更多
关键词 porous media three phase flow weak solution finite element method
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