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作者 郑建栋 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期107-120,共14页
唐太宗昭陵陪葬墓众多,陵山上除魏征墓外,陪葬墓埋葬的是妃嫔、公主及宫女;陵山南麓陪葬墓埋葬的主要是文武功臣,以及许多亲王、公主、县主等皇室成员。截至2022年,唐昭陵经考古调查或生产建设中发现的陪葬墓共203座,其中已明确墓主的... 唐太宗昭陵陪葬墓众多,陵山上除魏征墓外,陪葬墓埋葬的是妃嫔、公主及宫女;陵山南麓陪葬墓埋葬的主要是文武功臣,以及许多亲王、公主、县主等皇室成员。截至2022年,唐昭陵经考古调查或生产建设中发现的陪葬墓共203座,其中已明确墓主的有70座[1]。 展开更多
关键词 唐昭 陵山南麓陪葬墓 布局 唐长安城皇城
作者 张南金 袁江玉 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期64-76,共13页
明十三陵博物馆藏有一件成化玉简、两件石匮和一件石匮盖,依据口述资料、《道藏》和相关考古发现,可确认十三陵长陵园村还曾出土龙、璧、钮、绳及其他玉简和石匮等器物。这批器物器类丰富,数量众多,存在一定的年代跨度,是多次投龙仪式... 明十三陵博物馆藏有一件成化玉简、两件石匮和一件石匮盖,依据口述资料、《道藏》和相关考古发现,可确认十三陵长陵园村还曾出土龙、璧、钮、绳及其他玉简和石匮等器物。这批器物器类丰富,数量众多,存在一定的年代跨度,是多次投龙仪式的遗存。其中坐姿金龙和作为容器的石匮为既往未见,具有较高的学术价值。一般而言,投龙仪式多在名山大川举行,于帝陵周边投龙颇不寻常。分析认为,明人在帝陵附近投龙,实为向陵寝所依之陵山祈告,陵寝前方的朝山则是进行投龙仪式的场所,可称之“陵山投龙”。在为帝后超度的度亡斋醮之后,需举行向山川祷告的投龙仪式,促使人们在山川与亡人之间找寻联结,从而选择了以陵山为祈告对象进行投龙。此外,陵山在明代被纳入国家山川祭祀体系,其地位仅次岳镇,与岳镇海渎共同受祭,让陵山具备了成为投龙对象的基本条件。 展开更多
关键词 明代帝 陵山 玉简 石匮 道教投龙
金朝陵山封祀刍论 被引量:1
作者 姜子强 韩笑 《地域文化研究》 2019年第2期130-135,156,共7页
金朝是由女真族建立的一个封建王朝,其礼制渊源及发展演变过程体现了明显的蕃俗与汉礼杂糅的特征,作为金朝礼制的一部分,陵山封祀是金朝礼制的一个缩影。对陵山的封祀是金朝创立的一种独特的山川封祀文化,其不但继承了历代山川封祀制度... 金朝是由女真族建立的一个封建王朝,其礼制渊源及发展演变过程体现了明显的蕃俗与汉礼杂糅的特征,作为金朝礼制的一部分,陵山封祀是金朝礼制的一个缩影。对陵山的封祀是金朝创立的一种独特的山川封祀文化,其不但继承了历代山川封祀制度,而且还根据实际情况对此加以改造。从而形成了一种多民族的、多元的山川封祀文化,并对后世的陵山之制产生了深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 金朝 陵山 封祀
赵陵山良渚纪事 组章
作者 夏杰 《散文诗世界》 2019年第7期88-90,共3页
那时,江水无名,时间无名。一块石头,把自己撞碎,与时间一起生活。锋利还未取代斧子之名,如同方言还在喉结里等待。这些时光的倒影,在大直江的涟漪中划动;在高高的祭台,向着天空划动;在广袤的环太湖平原深处划动。它不经意地遁入思想内部... 那时,江水无名,时间无名。一块石头,把自己撞碎,与时间一起生活。锋利还未取代斧子之名,如同方言还在喉结里等待。这些时光的倒影,在大直江的涟漪中划动;在高高的祭台,向着天空划动;在广袤的环太湖平原深处划动。它不经意地遁入思想内部,为新石器晚期遗存. 展开更多
关键词 玉饰 孔洞 沉积构造 陵山
作者 张利军 《旅游纵览》 2004年第10期23-23,共1页
一声惊雷,一道电闪,陵山太师椅般的山峰,在大地的震颤中,承受风雨的洗礼,过后是夜色褪去,然后是黎明到来,太阳在万道霞光中升起,这时,紫岚在山峰上,在断崖头,在绿树间,冉冉升腾;——好一处神话中的博山。人猿追逐,鹰兔相望,"博山炉... 一声惊雷,一道电闪,陵山太师椅般的山峰,在大地的震颤中,承受风雨的洗礼,过后是夜色褪去,然后是黎明到来,太阳在万道霞光中升起,这时,紫岚在山峰上,在断崖头,在绿树间,冉冉升腾;——好一处神话中的博山。人猿追逐,鹰兔相望,"博山炉"的诞生一定是能工巧匠受陵山的启示而创。走近山脚,会清晰听到溪水奔流的悦耳之音,数十年来,有谁看过陵山石缝间清泉汨汨而出,巨石上有溪流淙淙流淌,鸟雀的欢噪,山鸡的鸣叫一下子婉转了许多,悠长了许多,热烈了许多。陵山复活了。 展开更多
关键词 陵山 复活
作者 刘巍 高国平 孙妍 《防护林科技》 2007年第2期20-22,24,共4页
经过对整个东陵天柱山区域内的天柱山区、植物园区、校园的教学区3个区域内所有树木的广泛调查,共采集到裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune)、平伏刷革菌(Xylobolus annousum)、截头炭团菌(Hypoxylon annulatum)、香栓菌(Trametes suaveole... 经过对整个东陵天柱山区域内的天柱山区、植物园区、校园的教学区3个区域内所有树木的广泛调查,共采集到裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune)、平伏刷革菌(Xylobolus annousum)、截头炭团菌(Hypoxylon annulatum)、香栓菌(Trametes suaveolens)、绒毛栓菌(Trametes pubesens)、科普锐齿菌(Oxydonderma applanatum)、裂口平伏菌(Poria versipora)等21种引起活立木腐朽病的病原菌;从分类学上来看,这21种病原菌属于真菌和细菌2大门类。真菌当中又可以分成担子菌和子囊菌2个亚门,其中担子菌涉及到伞菌目、非褶菌目、多孔菌目、木耳目8科15个属17种;子囊菌仅2目2科3属3种;细菌类仅1属1种。 展开更多
关键词 沈阳东天柱 木材 腐朽菌 防治措施
关于定陵陵制的几个新因素 被引量:11
作者 姜捷 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期69-74,82,共7页
关键词 唐代 陵山 镇墓石 陪葬墓
琼东南盆地深水区潜山油气成藏条件分析及有利目标预测——以陵南低凸起为例 被引量:1
作者 卫志杰 甘军 +3 位作者 吴怡 李金池 何文涛 王文博 《天然气地球科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期313-326,共14页
古潜山是南海西部琼东南盆地深水区重要的油气勘探领域,其中陵南低凸起古潜山领域天然气资源探明程度低,勘探潜力大。为加快陵南低凸起古潜山领域勘探进程,开展烃源条件、储盖组合、输导体系等油气成藏条件的综合评价,同时结合多种地球... 古潜山是南海西部琼东南盆地深水区重要的油气勘探领域,其中陵南低凸起古潜山领域天然气资源探明程度低,勘探潜力大。为加快陵南低凸起古潜山领域勘探进程,开展烃源条件、储盖组合、输导体系等油气成藏条件的综合评价,同时结合多种地球物理手段预测潜山裂缝型储层,提出后续评价有利目标。结果表明:①陵南低凸起古潜山紧邻乐东—陵水富生烃凹陷,发育新生界厚层海相泥岩盖层与中生界花岗岩潜山储层优势储盖组合,具有大型沟源断裂、潜山内幕断裂、继承性构造脊等组成的复合运移模式以及源储压差大、近源充注的优势,成藏条件优越;②应用似然体、蚂蚁体、曲率体以及属性融合技术,结合区域构造应力场以及主要断层产状,综合预测陵南低凸起潜山裂缝型储层的展布特征,圈定有利勘探区带陵1构造、陵4构造,有助于推动后续勘探评价工作的进行。陵南低凸起古潜山整体油气成藏条件优越,预测多个构造储层发育,规模成藏概率大,是琼东南盆地继中央峡谷水道之外又一深水油气勘探新的有利方向。 展开更多
关键词 南低凸起潜 琼东南盆地 深水油气勘探 油气成藏条件 属性体 属性融合 裂缝型储层预测
Community Structure and Diversity Distributions of Small Mammals in Different Sample Plots in the Eastern Part of Wuling Mountains 被引量:13
作者 刘井元 杜红 +3 位作者 田耕百 余品红 王身文 彭红 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期637-645,共9页
Five years' (2000-2004) continuous study has been carried out on small mammals such as rodents in seven different sample plots, at three different altitudes and in six different ecological environment types in the ... Five years' (2000-2004) continuous study has been carried out on small mammals such as rodents in seven different sample plots, at three different altitudes and in six different ecological environment types in the eastern part of the Wuling Mountains, south bank of the Three Gorges of Yangtze River in Hubei. A total of 29 297 rat clamps/times were placed and 2271 small mammals such as rodents were captured, and 26 small mammals were captured by other means. All the small mammals captured belonged to 8 families 19 genera and 24 species, of which rodentia accounted for 70.83% and insectivora 29.17%. Through analysis of the data, the results showed that: 1 ) although the species richness had a trend of increasing along different sample plots as altitude increased from south to north, quite a few species showed a wide habitat range in a vertical distribution ( 15 species were dispersed over three zones and two species over two zones) , indicating a strong adaptability of small mammals such as rOdents at lower altitudes in most areas and comparatively less vertical span of entire mountains; 2) whether in seven different sample plots or six different ecological types, Apodemus agrarius and Rattus norvegicus were dominant species below 1200m, and Anourosorex squamipes, Niviventer confucianus and Apodemus draco were dominant above altitudes of 1300m, however, in quantity they were short of identical regularity, meaning they did not increase as the altitude did, or decrease as the ecological areas changed; 3)the density in winter was obviously greater than that in spring, and the distribution showed an increasing trend along with altitude, but the density in different sample plots was short of identical regularity, showing changes in different seasons and altitude grades had an important impact on small mammals such as rodents; 4) in species diversity and evenness index, there were obvious changes between the seven different sample plots, probably caused by frequent human interference in this area. Comparatively speaking, there was less human interference at high altitudes where vegetation was rich and had a high diversity and evenness index, and the boundary effect and community stability were obvious. Most ecological types have been seriously interfered with due to excessive assart at low altitudes with singular vegetation and low diversity and evenness index and poor community stability, showing an ecosystem with poor anti-reversion. If human interference can be reduced in those communities at high altitudes with low diversity and evenness index, the biological diversity in the communities will gradually recover to similar levels of other ecological areas. 展开更多
关键词 Small mammals Community structure Species diversity Sample plots Eastern part of Wuling Mountains
柿广翅蜡蝉生物学特性及防治初报 被引量:12
作者 刘永生 张清良 《亚热带植物科学》 2001年第2期39-41,共3页
关键词 柿广翅蜡蝉 生物学特性 防治 果树害虫 形态特征
广西北海涠洲岛陵水山海绵Mycale lingshuiensis的化学成分研究 被引量:2
作者 王嘉慧 王春华 +3 位作者 王建荣 姚励功 郭跃伟 刘海利 《中国海洋药物》 CAS CSCD 2017年第5期28-32,共5页
目的对采自中国广西北海涠洲岛海域的陵水山海绵Mycale lingshuiensis的化学成分进行研究。方法采用薄层层析、硅胶柱层析、凝胶柱色谱等分离手段,通过核磁共振等现代波谱技术以及铜靶单晶X-衍射分析,并结合文献数据,对陵水山海绵M.ling... 目的对采自中国广西北海涠洲岛海域的陵水山海绵Mycale lingshuiensis的化学成分进行研究。方法采用薄层层析、硅胶柱层析、凝胶柱色谱等分离手段,通过核磁共振等现代波谱技术以及铜靶单晶X-衍射分析,并结合文献数据,对陵水山海绵M.lingshuiensis中的化学成分进行分离和结构鉴定。结果从陵水山海绵M.lingshuiensis中共分离鉴定了5个含氮化合物,包括4个单吲哚生物碱:3-吲哚甲醛(1),3-吲哚甲酸(2),3-(hydroxylacetyl)-indole(3),4-hydroxy-5-(indole-3-yl)-5-oxo-pentan-2-one(4)和1个核苷:胸苷(5)。结论化合物1~5均为首次从该种海绵中分离得到。 展开更多
关键词 海绵 含氮类化合物 单吲哚生物碱
Seismic Data Acquisition Techniques on Loess Hills in the Ordos Basin 被引量:4
作者 YaoZonghui ChenJianxin +2 位作者 RenWenjun OianHanlin LiMaicheng 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期115-121,共7页
High-resolution exploration for lithologic targets confronted with difficulties due to the original brought out from geophysical and geologic characteristics of the loess hills and the very thick deserts in Ordos. Sci... High-resolution exploration for lithologic targets confronted with difficulties due to the original brought out from geophysical and geologic characteristics of the loess hills and the very thick deserts in Ordos. Scientific research since mid 1990s has conducted three acquisition techniques including the high-resolution crooked line survey in valleys, high-resolution multiple straight line survey and 3D survey, under different surface conditions and for different geological targets. 展开更多
关键词 oess hills HIGH-RESOLUTION crooked line in valleys multiple straight lines reticular 3D acquisition technique
Tourism resource assessment and spatial analysis of wine tourism development: a case study of the eastern foothills of China's Helan Mountains 被引量:10
作者 WANG Lei LIU Jia-ming +2 位作者 WANG Ling-en ZHU He LIN Jing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期645-656,共12页
The reasonable development and utilization of mountainous regions closely relates to local economic development and ecological security. The wine production region in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains in Ni... The reasonable development and utilization of mountainous regions closely relates to local economic development and ecological security. The wine production region in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains in Ningxia, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with its excellent terroir, is emerging as one of China's three major geographical attractions. Based on surveys of tourism resources and spatial analysis for this wine producing region, we propose a highly representative and practicable path for wine tourism development. Based on China's national standard in Classification, Investigation and Evaluation of Tourism Resources(GB/T 18972-2003), which recommended the types and grades of tourism resources in one area, we conduct an analysis of resource characteristics and the current state of development. Using Arc GIS software, spatialautocorrelation analysis, average nearest neighbor analysis, as well as clustering and outlier analysis, we are able to derive the spatial distribution characteristics of tourism resources. Our survey showed that tourism resources in this area are relatively abundant and have good quality and clear combination advantages. Nonetheless, there are resources shortage for wine tourism and poor integration of wine production with the tourism industry. Regarding the spatial distribution of resources, we revealed the current states of and issues surrounding regions with concentrated resources, as well as characteristics of this clustering. Finally, we proposed a development path for wine tourism in this region based on the five dimensions of management mode, industrial path, product development, spatial optimization, and market development. 展开更多
关键词 Development path Helan Mountains Resource assessment Wine tourism
Relationships Between Fractal Road and Drainage Networks in Wuling Mountainous Area:Another Symmetric Understanding of Human-Environment Relations 被引量:2
作者 LIU Cheng-liang DUAN De-zhong ZHANG Hong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期1060-1069,共10页
Symmetrical relationships between humans and their environment have been referred to as an extension of symmetries in the human geographical system and have drawn great attention. This paper explored the symmetry betw... Symmetrical relationships between humans and their environment have been referred to as an extension of symmetries in the human geographical system and have drawn great attention. This paper explored the symmetry between physical and human systems through fractal analysis of the road and drainage networks in Wuling mountainous area. We found that both the road and drainage networks reflect weak clustering distributions. The evolution of the road network shared a significant self-organizing composition, while the drainage network showed obvious double fraetal characteristics. The geometric fractal dimension of the road network was larger than that of the drainage network. In addition, when assigned a weight relating to hierarchy or length, neither the road network nor drainage network showed a fractal property. These findings indicated that the fractal evolution of the road network shared certain similarities with fractal distribution of the drainage network. The symmetry between the two systems resulted from an interactive process of destroying symmetry at the lower order and reconstructing symmetry at the higher order. The relationships between the fractal dimensions of the rural-urban road network, the drainage network andthe urban system indicated that the development of this area was to achieve the symmetrical isomorphism of physical-human geographical systems. 展开更多
关键词 Fractal road network Fractal drainagenetwork SYMMETRY Human-environment relation SELF-ORGANIZATION
Public choice on coordinated development of border regions and its empirical research:a case study of Wuling mountain area 被引量:2
作者 Feng Quanguang Tu Shan 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第3期281-289,共9页
Due to the difficult segmentation of land destiny, popularity destiny, industry destiny on the platform of common interests demand, the regional governance of production and living for the needs of the people in cross... Due to the difficult segmentation of land destiny, popularity destiny, industry destiny on the platform of common interests demand, the regional governance of production and living for the needs of the people in cross-regional areas, such as in the aspects of security, education, assignment and management of water resources, transportation, energy, environment protection and public health, the administrative border regional cooperation is relatively easy. These aspects are equivalent to public products. Just because of this, it leads to problems that nobody will not control. The governments, in order to realize regional economic coordinated development and to eliminate the regional interests parties of administrative regions economy in microcosmic, were adapting various self-protection measures, even including that "you may have your policy but I have my countermeasures" that is derived from inter-regional economic relations. The action of market segmentation has limited the flow of various economic development elements, especially the condition of "dead end highway", resource exploitation and use, difficult social security work in social living of the administrative boundary zone. This paper studies the typical economical district of Wuling mountain area in the obvious strategic position at the junction of Chongqing, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei provinces from the angle of regional public management and public choice to present issue awareness and academic purpose. 展开更多
关键词 Border regions market Regional coordinated development Public choice Wuling mountain area
Fertility Restoration of Red Soils in Low-Hilly Region of Middle Subtropical China 被引量:3
作者 SUNBO ZHANGTAOLIN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第3期205-212,共8页
There are about 1.27 million ha of upland red soils derived from Quaternary red clay facing the degradation in the low-hilly region of the middle subtropical China. From the aspects of chemistry, physics and microbiol... There are about 1.27 million ha of upland red soils derived from Quaternary red clay facing the degradation in the low-hilly region of the middle subtropical China. From the aspects of chemistry, physics and microbiology, the processes of soil fertility restoration in the surface layer (0~20 cm) under three types of land use patterns (i.e. citrus orchard, tea garden and upland) in two provinces were studied in this work. Results showed that the reclamation of eroded waste land improved most of soil properties. Soil organic matter, total N and P, available P and K, and exchangeable Ca and Mg increased, but soil total K and exchangeable Al decreased. Soil PH decreased by 0.5 unit in the pure tea plantation for 20 years. Soil reclamation increased the percentage of soil microaggregates (<0.25 mm), especially those with a diameter of 0.02~0.002 mm. Soil total porosity increased in the cultivated lands with the increase of soil aeration and capillary porosity. The number of soil microorganisms increased with reclamation caused mainly by the huge increase of the total amount of bacteria. With the cultivation, the activity of soil urease and acid phosphatase increased, but that of invertase dropped. 展开更多
关键词 FERTILITY low-hilly region red soils RESTORATION subtropical China
Changes of local agricultural landscape patterns induced by land consolidation in hilly and mountainous Southwestern China 被引量:1
作者 张贞 魏朝富 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第3期151-164,共14页
Land consolidation (LC), as a type of human disturbance, improves land production efficiency and changes landscape distribution through land parcel reallocation. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyz... Land consolidation (LC), as a type of human disturbance, improves land production efficiency and changes landscape distribution through land parcel reallocation. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze the changes of landscape patches before and after a land consolidation project (LCP) and the effects of land levelling, irrigation and drainage work and road engineering on the landscape structure. FRAGSTAT3.3 and buffer zone analysis were used to investigate those changes. The results suggest that the heterogeneity of landscape depressed, and tended to simplification after LC. Dry land was the most highly variable land use pattern, and the change of forestland was least due to its locations at a gradient larger than 25°. LC resulted in a more rational use of land, and could be an important step in promoting rural development in depressed and fragmented agricultural areas through unused land exploitation, small-patch combination, irrigation and water conservancy, and road construction. Land levelling leveled off the gradient field surface and decreased the slope. The fragmentized patches were much more incorporated with increasing slope. On the other hand, the ridge of a field became longer so that the length of field surface and area of patch were increased. Land levelling regulated, simplified and combined patches, so that the complexity degree was reduced. It is found that the buffer distance of 35 m was a turning point of human disturbance by irrigation and drainage systems, and patches presented flaky distribution when the buffer distance was smaller than 35 m. Meanwhile, the distance range between 25 m to 50 m was an impressible area for road engineering, which was sensitive to human actions, and the changes of all landscape metrics were larger than those in other buffer zones. In general, LC not only reallocated fragmented parcels, but also improved agricultural conditions. 展开更多
关键词 land consolidation land use local agricultural landscape pattern landscape patch hilly and mountainous in Southwestern China
《明世學山》與《百陵學山》編者及版本關係考 被引量:1
作者 賈大偉 《文津学志》 2019年第1期63-71,共9页
《明世學山》與《百陵學山》是明代嘉靖至萬曆年間編纂的兩部叢書。歷代書目及史料對兩部書的編者著録不一,存有争議,對兩書的版本關係亦無詳細説明。考察兩書内容及版本情况,可知這兩部書實皆爲王文禄編纂。且《明世學山》與《百陵學... 《明世學山》與《百陵學山》是明代嘉靖至萬曆年間編纂的兩部叢書。歷代書目及史料對兩部書的編者著録不一,存有争議,對兩書的版本關係亦無詳細説明。考察兩書内容及版本情况,可知這兩部書實皆爲王文禄編纂。且《明世學山》與《百陵學山》兩書版本相同,《百陵學山》爲《明世學山》的後印、增補之書。 展开更多
关键词 王文禄 明世學
Demographic and Infrastructure Problems of Villages in the Hilly-Mountainous Areas of Prilep
作者 Cane Koteski Dushko Josheski Zlatko Jakovlev Snezana Bardarova Vladimir Kitanov 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第8期569-581,共13页
In this paper it has been investigated the issue of the dynamics of the rural population in villages in the mountainous areas of the municipality of Prilep height distribution of the mountainous villages, the area siz... In this paper it has been investigated the issue of the dynamics of the rural population in villages in the mountainous areas of the municipality of Prilep height distribution of the mountainous villages, the area size, absolute density and agrarian population in hilly-mountainous villages, the distance of the hill-mountain villages of the municipality center and institutional infrastructure hilly-mountainous areas in Prilep. Despite the demographic decline that was made in the past 45 years, the municipality and the country will have even more incentive in the coming years to invest in infrastructure to improve little very bad living conditions and foremost here we think of infrastructure, roads, water drinking, clinics, veterinary stations, public transportation, gas stations, stores, construction of ethnic restaurants and small hotels so that at least the older generations of the cities as the least retirement to spend at home, to create minimum conditions for living and so that villages in hilly and mountainous villages to be attractive to younger generations of the cities and migrant workers from European countries and America Australia frequently to visit home, and to be able to invest in small commercial buildings in the area of tourism. 展开更多
关键词 Demographic structure geographical location agricultural density institutional structure Prilep.
Identifying Scale-location Specific Control on Vegetation Distribution in Mountain-hill Region 被引量:3
作者 QIU Bing-wen ZENG Can-ying +2 位作者 TANG Zheng-hong LI Wei-jiao Aaron HIRSH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期541-552,共12页
vegetation continuous The scale-location specific control on distribution was investigated through wavelet transforms approaches in subtropical mountain-hill region, Fujian, China. The Normalized Difference Vegetatio... vegetation continuous The scale-location specific control on distribution was investigated through wavelet transforms approaches in subtropical mountain-hill region, Fujian, China. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated as an indicator of vegetation greenness using Chinese Environmental Disaster Reduction Satellite images along latitudinal and longitudinal transects. Four scales of variations were identified from the local wavelet spectrum of NDVI, with much stronger wavelet variances observed at larger scales. The characteristic scale of vegetation distribution within mountainous and hilly regions in Southeast China was around 20 km. Significantly strong wavelet coherency was generally examined in regions with very diverse topography, typically characterized as small mountains and hills fractured by rivers and residents. The continuous wavelet based approaches provided valuable insight on the hierarchical structure and its corresponding characteristic scales of ecosystems, which might be applied in defining proper levels in multilevel models and optimal bandwidths in Geographically Weighted Regression. 展开更多
关键词 NDVI Continuous wavelet transform Characteristic scale Mountain-hill region Scale-location specific
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