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铸钢转向架双随机变量概率疲劳设计方法研究 被引量:2
作者 吕彭民 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期98-101,共4页
根据铸钢转向架疲劳寿命计算特点,将铸钢材料疲劳试验寿命的离散性和实物结构危险部位疲劳强度影响系数的离散性看作为随机变量,建立了铸钢转向架承载构件双随机变量概率疲劳设计模型。用实测的载荷谱结合材料和实物疲劳试验数据,对... 根据铸钢转向架疲劳寿命计算特点,将铸钢材料疲劳试验寿命的离散性和实物结构危险部位疲劳强度影响系数的离散性看作为随机变量,建立了铸钢转向架承载构件双随机变量概率疲劳设计模型。用实测的载荷谱结合材料和实物疲劳试验数据,对转8A铸钢侧架和摇枕疲劳寿命进行了可靠性分析,计算结果与实测吻合。 展开更多
关键词 转向架 疲劳设计 机车 铸钢件 随机变量概率
“稚化思维”,促进教学“共振”——以“随机变量及其概率分布”的教学为例 被引量:1
作者 杨志文 李萍 《教育研究与评论(中学教育教学)》 2016年第3期35-38,共4页
教学"随机变量及其概率分布"时,从必修模块中关注随机现象的某一结果的概率,到选修模块中关注随机现象的所有结果的概率分布,对学生来说存在一定的认知困难。教师可以在"建立随机变量概念"环节中"稚化"思维起点,在"理解随机变量... 教学"随机变量及其概率分布"时,从必修模块中关注随机现象的某一结果的概率,到选修模块中关注随机现象的所有结果的概率分布,对学生来说存在一定的认知困难。教师可以在"建立随机变量概念"环节中"稚化"思维起点,在"理解随机变量概率分布"环节中"稚化"思维基点,在"运用知识解决问题"环节中关注思维发展,从而促进学生主动参与探究学习,实现教与学的"共振"。 展开更多
关键词 “稚化思维” 随机变量及其概率分布 教学设计
作者 蒋烨 张立新 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期917-925,共9页
{X,Xn;n≥1}为独立同分布的随机变量序列, EX=0,0<EX2=σ2<∞.记Sn=X1+X2+…+Xn.如果对1<p<2,r>1+p/2满足E|X|r<∞,且E|X|3<∞,那么其中Z服从均值为0,方差为σ2的正态分布.
关键词 矩完全收敛性 独立同分布随机变量的尾概率 Berry-Essen不等式
把握数学本质 导向核心素养——以人教A版“离散型随机变量及其分布列”的教学为例
作者 孟昕 刘明 《数学通讯》 2024年第17期12-15,共4页
理解数学本质是数学学习的首要任务,培养核心素养是数学教学的根本目标。在“离散型随机变量及其分布列”教学中,结合具体实例,让学生感受到引入随机变量表示随机事件的可行性;并从函数这一大概念出发,引导学生将函数的知识与方法类比... 理解数学本质是数学学习的首要任务,培养核心素养是数学教学的根本目标。在“离散型随机变量及其分布列”教学中,结合具体实例,让学生感受到引入随机变量表示随机事件的可行性;并从函数这一大概念出发,引导学生将函数的知识与方法类比迁移到新知识的学习当中,在此过程中,培养学生的数学抽象、逻辑推理、数学建模、数据分析和数学运算等核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 随机变量 随机变量概率分布 数学本质 核心素养
A Statistical Method for Characterizing CMOS Process Fluctuations in Subthreshold Current Mirrors 被引量:2
作者 张雷 余志平 贺祥庆 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期82-87,共6页
A novel method to characterize CMOS process fluctuations in subthreshold current mirrors (SCM) is reported. The proposed model is succinct in methodology and calculation complexity compared with previous statistical... A novel method to characterize CMOS process fluctuations in subthreshold current mirrors (SCM) is reported. The proposed model is succinct in methodology and calculation complexity compared with previous statistical models. However,it provides favorable estimations of CMOS process fluctuations on the SCM circuit, which makes it promising for engineering applications. The model statistically abstracts physical parameters, which depend on the IC process, into random variables with certain mean values and standard deviations, while aggregating all the random impacts into a discrete martingale. The correctness of the proposed method is experimentally verified on an SCM circuit implemented in an SMIC 0.18μm CMOS 1P6M mixed signal process with a conversion factor of 100 in an input range from 100pA to lμA. The pro- posed theory successfully predicts - 10% of die-to-die fluctuation measured in the experiment, and also suggests the -lmV of threshold voltage standard deviation over a single die,which meets the process parameters suggested by the design kit from the foundry. The deviations between calculated probabilities and measured data are less than 8%. Meanwhile, pertinent suggestions concerning high fluctuation tolerance subthreshold analog circuit design are also made and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 CMOS process fluctuations subthreshold current mirror random variable PROBABILITY discrete martingale
基于集对分析的区间概率随机多准则决策方法 被引量:8
作者 王坚强 龚岚 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1877-1880,共4页
定义了区间概率空间以及区间概率随机变量.针对准则权重确知且准则值为区间概率随机变量的多准则决策问题,提出一种基于集对分析的决策方法.该方法首先根据离差最大化,确定各随机变量的概率,将区间型概率问题转化为经典的确定型概率问题... 定义了区间概率空间以及区间概率随机变量.针对准则权重确知且准则值为区间概率随机变量的多准则决策问题,提出一种基于集对分析的决策方法.该方法首先根据离差最大化,确定各随机变量的概率,将区间型概率问题转化为经典的确定型概率问题;然后利用集对分析建立规划模型,将区间状态值用联系数表示,并根据集对势序准则对方案进行排序;最后通过实例说明该方法的有效性和可行性. 展开更多
关键词 区间概率随机变量 集对分析 离差最大化 多准则决策
基于期望值-混合熵的区间概率模糊随机多准则决策方法 被引量:4
作者 王坚强 龚岚 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1065-1069,共5页
定义了区间概率模糊随机变量及其期望值和混合熵.针对准则权重确知并且准则值为区间概率模糊随机变量的多准则决策问题,提出一种基于期望值-混合熵的决策方法.该方法首先给出了区间概率模糊随机变量的期望值-混合熵度量;然后基于此度量... 定义了区间概率模糊随机变量及其期望值和混合熵.针对准则权重确知并且准则值为区间概率模糊随机变量的多准则决策问题,提出一种基于期望值-混合熵的决策方法.该方法首先给出了区间概率模糊随机变量的期望值-混合熵度量;然后基于此度量建立优化模型,通过计算得到各方案的期望值-混合熵区间;再采用可能度的方法得到方案集的排序.最后通过实例说明了该方法的有效性和可行性. 展开更多
关键词 区间概率模糊随机变量 期望值 混合熵 多准则决策
在最少条件下的对数律精确渐近性(英文) 被引量:2
作者 张立新 林正炎 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期311-320,共10页
关键词 独立随机变量和的尾概率 对数律 强逼近
φ-混合序列的Hájeck-Rènyi不等式 被引量:1
作者 邱德华 《经济数学》 2004年第1期64-67,共4页
得到了 -混合随机变量序列的 Hájeck- Rènyi不等式及强大数律 ,所得结果是独立随机变量情形时相应结果的推广 .
关键词 Hájeck-Rènyi不等式 φ-混合随机变量序列 概率1收敛
作者 徐明周 程琨 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期807-824,共18页
设{X,X_(n),n>1}是取值于一般实可分希尔伯特空间(H,‖·‖)的具有协方差算子的独立同分布随机变量列,记S_(n)=X_(1)+X_(2)+···+X_(n),n>1.对任意m>0和a_(n)=O((ln ln n)^(−2m)),我们得到了P{‖S_(n)‖>... 设{X,X_(n),n>1}是取值于一般实可分希尔伯特空间(H,‖·‖)的具有协方差算子的独立同分布随机变量列,记S_(n)=X_(1)+X_(2)+···+X_(n),n>1.对任意m>0和a_(n)=O((ln ln n)^(−2m)),我们得到了P{‖S_(n)‖>(ϵ+a_(n))σ√n(ln ln n)^(m)}的一类加权无穷序列的重对数律的精确速率.设β_(n)(ϵ)=o(√1/ln ln n).我们也得到了对任意r>1和α>−d/2,limϵ↘√r−1[ϵ^(2)−(r−1)]^(α+d)/2∞Σn=11/n(ln n)^(r−2)(ln ln n)^(α)P{‖S_(n)‖>σψ(n)[ϵ+β_(n)(ϵ)]}=Г^(−1)(d/2)K(Σ)(r−1)^((d−2)/2)Г(α+d/2)成立,若EX=0,E[‖X‖^(2)(ln‖X‖)^(r−1)]<∞. 展开更多
关键词 完全收敛 独立同分布随机变量和的尾概率 精确速率 重对数律 强估计
Characteristic Functions over C*-Probability Spaces
作者 王勤 李绍宽 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期39-41,共3页
Various properties of the characteristic functions of random variables in a non-commutative C*-probability space are studied in this paper. It turns out that the distributions of random variables are uniquely determin... Various properties of the characteristic functions of random variables in a non-commutative C*-probability space are studied in this paper. It turns out that the distributions of random variables are uniquely determined by their characteristic functions. By using the properties of characteristic functions, a central limit theorem for a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables in a C*-probability space is established as well. 展开更多
关键词 non-commutative probability space C* -algebra random variable characteristic function central limit theorem
Monte Carlo Simulation for Slope Stabilization Using Drilled Shafts
作者 Lin Li 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第11期1467-1472,共6页
A reliability based analysis method for a drilled shaft stabilized slope system is presented in this paper. The drilled shaft stabilization mechanisms for the slope were treated as the drilled shaft induced soil archi... A reliability based analysis method for a drilled shaft stabilized slope system is presented in this paper. The drilled shaft stabilization mechanisms for the slope were treated as the drilled shaft induced soil arching, which was quantified by the load transfer factor in the limited equilibrium analysis. However, due to the inherent uncertainties of the soil properties and the model error of the semi-empirical load transfer equation, an extension modification of the deterministic method into a probabilistic method is developed in this paper. The MCS (Monte Carlo simulation) with log-normal random variables has been employed to calculate the probability of failure (Pf) for the drilled shafts/slope system. The developed theories were coded into a computer program for analyzing complex slope geometry and slope profile conditions. Finally, a case study has been performed to illustrate the application analysis of the developed probability approach in drilled shafts/slope system. 展开更多
关键词 Monte Carlo drilled shafts slope stability arching.
圣彼得堡概率学派和大数定理理论的奠基 被引量:3
作者 徐传胜 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期50-56,127,共7页
圣彼得堡概率学派对大数定理的研究奠定了概率论的理论基础。切比雪夫(Pierre-Simon marquisde Laplace,1749-1827)的研究动机就是试图应用不等式来精密估计确定试验下极限定理所产生的偏差,于1845年首先严格证明了伯努利大数定理,并于1... 圣彼得堡概率学派对大数定理的研究奠定了概率论的理论基础。切比雪夫(Pierre-Simon marquisde Laplace,1749-1827)的研究动机就是试图应用不等式来精密估计确定试验下极限定理所产生的偏差,于1845年首先严格证明了伯努利大数定理,并于1866年给出一般情形下的切比雪夫大数定理。马尔可夫不满足于切比雪夫所要求随机变量方差值一致有界之条件,进一步改进了切比雪夫的结果,于1907年得到马尔可夫大数定理。圣彼得堡概率学派对大数定理理论的相关研究为概率论发展带来了生机,拓展了概率论的研究领域和发展空间,提升了俄罗斯乃至世界的概率论研究水平。 展开更多
关键词 圣彼得堡概率学派概率随机变量 大数定理
作者 WANGYuebao YANGYang 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2005年第2期224-232,共9页
This paper shows the structure of the random variables with dominatedly varying tails and that of the associated random variables, and obtains some results on these r.v.s' precise moderate deviations with random c... This paper shows the structure of the random variables with dominatedly varying tails and that of the associated random variables, and obtains some results on these r.v.s' precise moderate deviations with random centralizing constants, which extend the boundary γλ(t)of large deviations to γ(λ(t)^1/s,whereγ>0,1<s<2,λ(t)is the expectation of the random index N(t),t>0. 展开更多
关键词 STRUCTURE precise moderate deviations dominatedly varying tails
Asymptotic Results for Tail Probabilities of Sums of Dependent and Heavy-Tailed Random Variables 被引量:2
作者 Kam Chuen YUEN Chuancun YIN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期557-568,共12页
Abstract Let X1, X2,... be a sequence of dependent and heavy-tailed random variables with distributions F1, F2,.. on (-∞,∞), and let T be a nonnegative integer-valued random variable independent of the sequence {X... Abstract Let X1, X2,... be a sequence of dependent and heavy-tailed random variables with distributions F1, F2,.. on (-∞,∞), and let T be a nonnegative integer-valued random variable independent of the sequence {Xk, k 〉 1}. In this framework, the asymptotic behavior of the tail probabilities of the quantities Sn = fi Xk and S(n) =∑ k=1 n 〉 1, and their randomized versions ST and S(τ) are studied. Some risk theory are presented. max Sk for 1〈k〈n applications to the 展开更多
关键词 Asymptotic tail probability COPULA Heavy-tailed distribution Partialsum Risk process
作者 LIANG HANYING 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2000年第1期83-88,共6页
Under some conditions on probability, this note discusses the equivalence between the complete convergence and the law of large number for B-valued independent random elements. The results of [10] become a simple coro... Under some conditions on probability, this note discusses the equivalence between the complete convergence and the law of large number for B-valued independent random elements. The results of [10] become a simple corollary of the results here. At the same time, the author uses them to investigate the equivalence of strong and weak law of large numbers, and there exists an example to show that the conditions on probability are weaker. 展开更多
关键词 Complete convergence B-valued random element Law of large number EQUIVALENCE
Asymptotics for the Tail Probability of Random Sums with a Heavy-Tailed Random Number and Extended Negatively Dependent Summands 被引量:3
作者 Fengyang CHENG Na LI 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期69-78,共10页
Let (X, Xk : k ≥ 1) be a sequence of extended negatively dependent random variables with a common distribution F satisfying EX 〉 0.Let τ be a nonnegative integer-valued random variable, independent of {X, Xk :... Let (X, Xk : k ≥ 1) be a sequence of extended negatively dependent random variables with a common distribution F satisfying EX 〉 0.Let τ be a nonnegative integer-valued random variable, independent of {X, Xk : k ≥ 1}. In this paper, the authors obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for the random sums Sτ=∑n=1^τ Xn to have a consistently varying tail when the random number τ has a heavier tail than the summands, i.e.,P(X〉x)/P(τ〉x)→0 as x →∞. 展开更多
关键词 Asymptotic behavior Random sums Heavy-Tailed distribution
A collocation reliability analysis method for probabilistic and fuzzy mixed variables
作者 XU MengHui QIU ZhiPing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1318-1330,共13页
The main bottleneck of the reliability analysis of structures with aleatory and epistemic uncertainties is the contradiction between the accuracy requirement and computational efforts.Existing methods are either compu... The main bottleneck of the reliability analysis of structures with aleatory and epistemic uncertainties is the contradiction between the accuracy requirement and computational efforts.Existing methods are either computationally unaffordable or with limited application scope.Accordingly,a new technique for capturing the minimal and maximal point vectors instead of the extremum of the function is developed and thus a novel reliability analysis method for probabilistic and fuzzy mixed variables is proposed.The fuzziness propagation in the random reliability,which is the focus of the present study,is performed by the proposed method,in which the minimal and maximal point vectors of the structural random reliability with respect to fuzzy variables are calculated dimension by dimension based on the Chebyshev orthogonal polynomial approximation.First-Order,Second-Moment(FOSM)method which can be replaced by its counterparts is utilized to calculate the structural random reliability.Both the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method are validated by numerical examples and engineering applications introduced in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 RELIABILITY membership function probabilistic variable fuzzy variable mixed uncertain variables FOSM
Heavy tails of a Lévy process and its maximum over a random time interval
作者 LIU Yan TANG QiHe 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第9期1875-1884,共10页
Let {Xt,t ≥ 0} be a Levy process with Levy measure v on (-∞,∞), and let τ be a nonnegative random variable independent of {Xt,t ≥ 0}. We are interested in the tail probabilities of Xτ and X(τ) = sup0≤t≤τ... Let {Xt,t ≥ 0} be a Levy process with Levy measure v on (-∞,∞), and let τ be a nonnegative random variable independent of {Xt,t ≥ 0}. We are interested in the tail probabilities of Xτ and X(τ) = sup0≤t≤τ Xt. For various cases, under the assumption that either the Levy measure v or the random variable T has a heavy right tail we prove that both Pr(XT 〉 x) and Pr(X(τ) 〉 x) are asymptotic to ETv((x, ∞)) + Pτ(τ 〉 x/(0 V EX1)) as x → ∞, where Pr(τ 〉 x/x) = 0 by convention. 展开更多
关键词 heavy-tailed distribution Levy process MAXIMUM tail asymptotics
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