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作者 任辛喜 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第4期57-62,共6页
不可逆是复杂世界的本质属性,因而具有普遍性。通过对复杂性科学领域的理论分析和不同学科的案例考察,阐述了自组织和随机性是不可逆过程的两个特征性质,三者之间有机地联系在一起并具有不同的特征表现。随机性效应和自组织理论有其重... 不可逆是复杂世界的本质属性,因而具有普遍性。通过对复杂性科学领域的理论分析和不同学科的案例考察,阐述了自组织和随机性是不可逆过程的两个特征性质,三者之间有机地联系在一起并具有不同的特征表现。随机性效应和自组织理论有其重要的认识意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 自组织理论 随机性效应 不可逆性 自然科学 人文科学
辐射防护的生物学基础——辐射生物效应 被引量:10
作者 周永增 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期90-101,共12页
人类必须研究电离辐射的生物效应 ,以保护其自身及其它物种免受电离辐射的有害影响 ,同时在应用中最大限度地获取利益。辐射生物效应 ,作为辐射防护的生物学基础 ,一直受到国内外辐射防护界的极大关注。本文就辐射防护密切相关的辐射随... 人类必须研究电离辐射的生物效应 ,以保护其自身及其它物种免受电离辐射的有害影响 ,同时在应用中最大限度地获取利益。辐射生物效应 ,作为辐射防护的生物学基础 ,一直受到国内外辐射防护界的极大关注。本文就辐射防护密切相关的辐射随机效应、辐射致癌概率。 展开更多
关键词 生物学 辐射生物效应 辐射防护 小剂量率照射 组织权重因子 随机性效应
介入诊疗过程中的确定性效应监控方法 被引量:9
作者 刘彬 白玫 彭明辰 《医疗设备信息》 2006年第2期25-27,共3页
关键词 介入诊疗 辐射伤害 辐射效应 确定性效应 随机性效应 辐射剂量监控方法 峰值剂量
浅谈基层部队X线检查的防护 被引量:1
作者 秦志强 田兴 何湘 《医疗卫生装备》 CAS 2011年第11期108-109,111,共3页
目的:探讨有效加强基层部队X线检查防护的措施和方法。方法:通过分析X线对人体造成损害的具体原理以及基层部队的防护现状,根据X线防护的基本原则,针对性地提出基层部队的X线检查防护措施。结果:总结了包括合理设计布置机房、工作人员... 目的:探讨有效加强基层部队X线检查防护的措施和方法。方法:通过分析X线对人体造成损害的具体原理以及基层部队的防护现状,根据X线防护的基本原则,针对性地提出基层部队的X线检查防护措施。结果:总结了包括合理设计布置机房、工作人员提高操作水平、严格控制不必要的射线、加强管理监督等在内的基层部队X线检查防护的具体措施。结论:基层部队要加强X线检查的防护,切实做好防护工作,确保人员安全。 展开更多
关键词 基层部队 X线 生物学作用 确定性效应 随机性效应 剂量阈值
辐射防护的生物学基础 被引量:11
作者 周永增 《辐射防护通讯》 2006年第4期1-7,共7页
电离辐射生物效应是辐射防护的生物学基础。辐射产生的有害健康效应分为两种类型①组织反应(也称确定性效应);②癌症及遗传效应(也称随机性效应)。为了辐射防护目的,ICRP将继续把辐射防护的实际体系建立在“线性无阈”剂量响应关系假设... 电离辐射生物效应是辐射防护的生物学基础。辐射产生的有害健康效应分为两种类型①组织反应(也称确定性效应);②癌症及遗传效应(也称随机性效应)。为了辐射防护目的,ICRP将继续把辐射防护的实际体系建立在“线性无阈”剂量响应关系假设之上。在吸收剂量高至100mGy的剂量范围内(低LET或高LET),组织不会显现出这样的辐射敏感性,以致足以使临床相关功能损伤的阈剂量被超过。另外,还对非癌症疾病和宫内照射的辐射效应作了简单的介绍。 展开更多
关键词 随机性效应 组织反应 非癌症疾病 宫内照射 基因组不稳定性 效应
电离辐射性白内障的临床观察 被引量:2
作者 陈玉浩 傅宝华 +2 位作者 李盈祺 王桂林 张健 《中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 北大核心 1992年第S1期314-315,共2页
关键词 电离辐射 眼晶体 临床观察 原子弹爆炸 随机性效应 外照射 后囊 赤道部 ICRP 前囊
千伏级锥形束计算机断层扫描低剂量扫描模式的应用 被引量:3
作者 曾凌云 黄翌航 《医疗装备》 2021年第1期17-19,共3页
目的探究图像引导放射治疗(IGRT)中千伏级锥形束计算机断层扫描(kV-CBCT)低剂量扫描模式的应用价值。方法选择2018年6-11月于医院临床肿瘤中心放疗科接受IGRT的45例体部肿瘤患者作为研究对象,应用医科达公司Synergy®直线加速器自带... 目的探究图像引导放射治疗(IGRT)中千伏级锥形束计算机断层扫描(kV-CBCT)低剂量扫描模式的应用价值。方法选择2018年6-11月于医院临床肿瘤中心放疗科接受IGRT的45例体部肿瘤患者作为研究对象,应用医科达公司Synergy®直线加速器自带的kV-CBCT系统及XVI软件,于放射治疗前采用低剂量扫描模式获取患者的kV-CBCT容积影像并自动重建成三维CT图像,再与计划CT图像进行匹配,从而获取左右(X)、前后(Y)、上下(Z)轴方向的摆位误差,分析并纠正。结果45例患者共实施了727次kV-CBCT扫描(226次胸部摆位误差、126次腹部摆位误差、375次盆腔摆位误差),胸部、腹部和盆腔X、Y、Z轴方向的平均摆位误差均<0.5 cm,其中,胸部X、Y、Z轴方向的平均摆位误差分别为(-0.0008±0.2897)、(-0.0414±0.4428)、(-0.0194±0.2163)cm;腹部X、Y、Z轴方向的平均摆位误差分别为(-0.0571±0.2651)、(-0.0999±0.4476)、(-0.0108±0.1972)cm;盆腔X、Y、Z轴方向的平均摆位误差分别为(-0.0413±0.2561)、(-0.1016±0.4451)、(0.0948±0.2626)cm。结论低剂量扫描模式可获得与标准模式下一致的摆位误差范围,同时能有效降低kV-CBCT的辐射剂量。 展开更多
关键词 图像引导放射治疗 辐射剂量 千伏级锥形束计算机断层扫描 摆位误差 随机性效应
应警惕介入手术操作时眼晶状体所受的辐射剂量 被引量:14
作者 V.Eliseo L.Gonzalez +2 位作者 J.M.Fernández Z.J.Haskal 陈志丰 《国际医学放射学杂志》 2008年第A06期490-490,共1页
关键词 眼晶状体 辐射剂量 放射防护 放射介入 散射辐射 随机性效应 铅眼镜 晶状体混浊 防护屏 辐射量
作者 于雷 郝伟 《中国辐射卫生》 北大核心 2007年第3期381-382,共2页
关键词 放射治疗 全身 远期并发症 靶区剂量 高能加速器 患者 随机性效应
作者 姜建其 彭永军 《企业管理》 2019年第S02期148-149,共2页
辐射防护的目的是防止确定性效应的发生,使随机性效应的发生几率降至合理可能尽量低,工作实践遵循辐射防护"三原则"(防护的正当性,防护最优化,剂量限值)。为提高辐射防护绩效,方法有制度约束、技能培训、绩效考核等措施,缺少... 辐射防护的目的是防止确定性效应的发生,使随机性效应的发生几率降至合理可能尽量低,工作实践遵循辐射防护"三原则"(防护的正当性,防护最优化,剂量限值)。为提高辐射防护绩效,方法有制度约束、技能培训、绩效考核等措施,缺少专门针对人员行为偏差的根本原因分析机制。人员行为偏差产生的原因是复杂的,不同地区、不同文化氛围、不同电厂各有特点。具体到人,偏差的发生又有其生理上和心理上的原因。为分析辐射工作人员在辐射防护行为中出现偏差的根本原因. 展开更多
关键词 绩效考核 行为偏差 根本原因分析 辐射防护 确定性效应 剂量限值 随机性效应 核电厂
作者 袁红霞 陈真维 蔡育新 《广东建材》 2002年第11期55-60,共6页
  随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对生存、生活环境质量的要求越来越高,人们的环保意识越来越强,为了保障公众健康,维护公共利益,并预防和控制民用建筑材料和装饰装修材料产生的室内环境污染,中华人民共和国国家质量监督检...   随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对生存、生活环境质量的要求越来越高,人们的环保意识越来越强,为了保障公众健康,维护公共利益,并预防和控制民用建筑材料和装饰装修材料产生的室内环境污染,中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局于2001年颁布了GB6566-2001<建筑材料放射性核素限量>、GB18580<室内装饰装修材料人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量>等十项国家标准,并于2002年1月1日执行,过渡期6个月,自2002年7月1日起强制执行.…… 展开更多
关键词 建筑材料 内照射 辐射损害 躯体效应 遗传效应 质量数 原子序数 子体核素 基因型效应 母体核素 放射性同位素 放射性核素 随机性效应
作者 华如升 《健康博览》 2016年第11期24-24,共1页
X线的危害来源于它会产生辐射,医用X线检查就是将X线与医学结合,实现诊断或治疗的目的,那么实现这个目的的过程我们称为医用X线检查。我们从辐射的生物效应考虑分为确定性效应和随机性效应。能确定的是小于百量的时候观察不到确定性,只... X线的危害来源于它会产生辐射,医用X线检查就是将X线与医学结合,实现诊断或治疗的目的,那么实现这个目的的过程我们称为医用X线检查。我们从辐射的生物效应考虑分为确定性效应和随机性效应。能确定的是小于百量的时候观察不到确定性,只有受到大于1000量的时候才会出现明显问题。 展开更多
关键词 随机性效应 确定性效应 生物效应 放射科医生 西弗 放射性辐射 个人剂量 电离辐射 剂量限值 有效剂量
作者 陈志 《环境经济》 2014年第10期35-35,共1页
人类所受照射主要有两个来源,一个是天然辐射,另一个是人工辐射。其中天然辐射是主要辐射源,主要来自宇宙射线、宇生放射性核素、原生放射性核素以及人类活动引起天然辐射的增加等。人工辐射源主要包括医疗照射和核动力生产等。还有一... 人类所受照射主要有两个来源,一个是天然辐射,另一个是人工辐射。其中天然辐射是主要辐射源,主要来自宇宙射线、宇生放射性核素、原生放射性核素以及人类活动引起天然辐射的增加等。人工辐射源主要包括医疗照射和核动力生产等。还有一些用于工业、农业、地质调查、科研和教学等领域的放射性装置也对公众造成一定剂量的照射。其实,人类一直生活在电离辐射的环境中,在人体内每秒种都会有几千个原子发生衰变,有几十个宇宙射线粒子和几十万个γ光子射向人体表面。 展开更多
关键词 天然辐射 人工辐射源 医疗照射 电离辐射 放射性核素 地质调查 γ光子 Γ射线 统计报告 随机性效应
作者 曹中申 《内蒙古医学杂志》 1989年第1期40-41,共2页
为探讨和分析长期小剂量率照射条件下对职业人员的近期和远期效应问题,我们于1983年对265名放射线职业人员进行了健康检查,受检者男245女20,平均工龄7.3年,临床检查包括症状、体征包括血液分析、免疫功能,外周血淋巴细胞微核测定。及眼... 为探讨和分析长期小剂量率照射条件下对职业人员的近期和远期效应问题,我们于1983年对265名放射线职业人员进行了健康检查,受检者男245女20,平均工龄7.3年,临床检查包括症状、体征包括血液分析、免疫功能,外周血淋巴细胞微核测定。及眼晶体检查,结果与非从事此职业的80名成年进行了比较。 展开更多
关键词 职业人员 眼晶体 平均工龄 微核率 血液分析 照射条件 远期效应 外周血淋巴细胞 细胞微核 随机性效应
Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is as safe and feasible as open procedure:A meta-analysis 被引量:23
作者 Kun Xie Yi-Ping Zhu +3 位作者 Xiao-Wu Xu Ke Chen Jia-Fei Yan Yi-Ping Mou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第16期1959-1967,共9页
AIM:To evaluate the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy(LDP) compared with open distal pancreatectomy(ODP).METHODS:Meta-analysis was performed using the databases,including PubMed,the Cochrane... AIM:To evaluate the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy(LDP) compared with open distal pancreatectomy(ODP).METHODS:Meta-analysis was performed using the databases,including PubMed,the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,Web of Science and BIOSIS Previews.Articles should contain quantitative data of the comparison of LDP and ODP.Each article was reviewed by two authors.Indices of operative time,spleen-preserving rate,time to fluid intake,ratio of malignant tumors,postoperative hospital stay,incidence rate of pancreatic fistula and overall morbidity rate were analyzed.RESULTS:Nine articles with 1341 patients who underwent pancreatectomy met the inclusion criteria.LDP was performed in 501(37.4%) patients,while ODP was performed in 840(62.6%) patients.There were significant differences in the operative time,time to fluid intake,postoperative hospital stay and spleen-preserving rate between LDP and ODP.There was no difference between the two groups in pancreatic fistula rate [random effects model,risk ratio(RR) 0.996(0.663,1.494),P = 0.983,I2 = 28.4%] and overall morbidity rate [random effects model,RR 0.81(0.596,1.101),P = 0.178,I2 = 55.6%].CONCLUSION:LDP has the advantages of shorter hospital stay and operative time,more rapid recovery and higher spleen-preserving rate as compared with ODP. 展开更多
关键词 LAPAROSCOPY Distal pancreatectomy Pancreatic fistula SPLEEN-PRESERVING MORBIDITY
Effect of telehealth interventions on major cardiovascular outcomes: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials 被引量:3
作者 Xiang GU Ye ZHU +8 位作者 Yi ZHANG Lei SUN Zheng-Yu BAO Jian-Hua SHEN Fu-Kun CHEN Hong-Xiao LI Shu-Hang MIAO Jing-Wu WANG Qing-Qing SHI 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第8期501-508,共8页
Background Telehealth interventions (THI) were associated with lower levels of cardiovascular risk factors in adults, whereas the effect of THI on cardiovascular disease (CVD) still remains controversial. A meta-a... Background Telehealth interventions (THI) were associated with lower levels of cardiovascular risk factors in adults, whereas the effect of THI on cardiovascular disease (CVD) still remains controversial. A meta-analysis was conducted to summarize the evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCT) which investigated potential impact of THI on the incidence of CVD in patients with or without prior CVD. Methods PubMed, EmBase, and the Cochrane Library were searched to identify RCTs to fit our analysis through December 2016. Relative risk (RR) with its 95% confidence interval (CI) was used to measure the effect of THI using a random-effect model. Sensitivity analysis, subgroup analysis, heterogeneity tests, and tests for publication bias were also conducted. Results Eight RCTs were included and with a total of 1635 individuals. The summarized results indicated that participants who received THI showed a significant reduction of the CVD incidence as compared with usual care (RR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.47-0.74; P 〈 0.001). Furthermore, the effect of THI was greater in patients with history ofCVD (RR: 0.55; 95% CI: 0.44-0.70; P 〈 0.001) than in patients without history ofCVD (RR: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.51-1.94; P = 0.977). Sensitivity analysis suggested that the intervention effect persisted and the conclusion was not changed. Subgroup analysis indi- cated mean age, study quality might play an important role on the risk of CVD. Conclusions The findings of this study indicated THI could reduce the recurrence of CVD. Further large-scale trials are needed to verify the effect of THI on CVD in healthy individuals. 展开更多
关键词 Cardiovascular disease META-ANALYSIS Telehealth interventions
A meta-analytic review of the approach-avoidance achievement goals and performance relationships in the sport psychology literature 被引量:2
作者 Marc Lochbaum Jarrett Gottardy 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期164-173,共10页
Purpose: To summarize the approach-avoidance achievement goal and performance in the sport psychology literature.Methods: A total of 17 published studies, two of which provided two samples, were located. Accepted me... Purpose: To summarize the approach-avoidance achievement goal and performance in the sport psychology literature.Methods: A total of 17 published studies, two of which provided two samples, were located. Accepted meta-analytic procedures were used with Hedges g as the effect size metric. From the 17 studies, 73 effect sizes were calculated.Results: Results based on a random effects model indicated that the performance goal contrast had the largest facilitative impact on performance followed by the mastery and performance approach goals. Both of the avoidance goals performance and mastery had small non-significant and detrimental effects on performance. The homogeneity statistics revealed significant heterogeneity for the approach and avoidance performance goals. Categorical moderator variables were examined for study sex composition(male, female, or mixed), mean age of sample(〈18 years or 18 years), study setting(lab or naturalistic), and nature of performance variable(objective or subjective).Conclusion: The performance goal contrast holds value for sport performance research. Contrary to approach-avoidance predictions, the mastery-approach goal and performance effect size was significant and of equal magnitude as the performance approach goal and performance effect size. Thus, future research should closely test the efficacy of both the mastery- and performance contrasts in impacting performance of sport tasks. Last, the significant effect sizes reported in this review are in stark contrast to contemporary meta-analytic findings in education.Differences in the approach-avoidance goals in sport and education relative to performance should be researched further. 展开更多
关键词 Mastery approach goals Performance approach goals Performance enhancement Performance goal contrast
Comparison of plastic and self-expandable metal stents in the palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruction: a meta-analysis
作者 Kui Li Zhongyin Zhou +1 位作者 Ximing Xu Hesheng Luo 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2014年第8期375-378,共4页
Objective: Stent placement is one of the main methods in the palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruc- tion, including plastic and self-expandable metal stents. The comparison of stent patency between self-e... Objective: Stent placement is one of the main methods in the palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruc- tion, including plastic and self-expandable metal stents. The comparison of stent patency between self-expandable metal and plastic stents in palliation of malignant biliary obstruction is meaningful. We carried out a meta-analysis to summarize current evidence for clinical efficacy of self-expandable metal and plastic stents in the treatment of malignant biliary obstruc- tion. Methods: A comprehensive search of several databases including CNKI, Wanfang Data, Sino MED. A fixed-effects or random-effects model was used to pool data of aU study endpoint. Sensitivity analysis was also performed. Results: Eight randomized clinical trials were identified, including 633 patients. These results suggested that the self-expandable metal stents were associated with a significantly longer stent patency (OR = 8.15; 95% CI: 2.80-23.76; 12 = 85%). No publication bias was observed. Conclusion: Self-expanding metal stents have a longer patency than plastic stents and offer adequate palliation in patients with malignant bUiary obstruction. 展开更多
关键词 ERCP stant placement malignant biliary obstruction META-ANALYSIS
A Study on Stochastic Resonance in Biased Subdiffusive Smoluchowski Systems within Linear Response Range
作者 李逸娟 康艳梅 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第8期292-296,共5页
The method of matrix continued fraction is used to investigate stochastic resonance (SR) in the biasedsubdiffusive Smoluchowski system within linear response range.Numerical results of linear dynamic susceptibility an... The method of matrix continued fraction is used to investigate stochastic resonance (SR) in the biasedsubdiffusive Smoluchowski system within linear response range.Numerical results of linear dynamic susceptibility andspectral amplification factor are presented and discussed in two-well potential and mono-well potential with differentsubdiffusion exponents.Following our observation,the introduction of a bias in the potential weakens the SR effect inthe subdiffusive system just as in the normal diffusive case.Our observation also discloses that the subdiffusion inhibitsthe low-frequency SR,but it enhances the high-frequency SR in the biased Smoluchowski system,which should reflect a'flattening' influence of the subdiffusion on the linear susceptibility. 展开更多
关键词 linear response SUBDIFFUSION stochastic resonance matrix continued fraction
Rifaximin vs conventional oral therapy for hepatic encephalopathy:A meta-analysis 被引量:9
作者 Karim M Eltawil Marie Laryea +1 位作者 Kevork Peltekian Michele Molinari 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第8期767-777,共11页
AIM: To characterize the efficacy of rifaximin in the management of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) as several randomized controlled studies have shown contradictory results on its effectiveness in comparison to other ora... AIM: To characterize the efficacy of rifaximin in the management of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) as several randomized controlled studies have shown contradictory results on its effectiveness in comparison to other oral agents. METHODS: We performed a systematic review and random effects meta-analysis of all eligible trials identifi ed through electronic and manual searches. Twelve randomized controlled trials met the inclusion criteria with a total of 565 patients. RESULTS: The clinical effectiveness of rifaximin was equivalent to disaccharides or other oral antibiotics[odds ratio (OR) 0.96; 95% CI: 0.94-4.08] but with a better safety profi le (OR 0.27; 95% CI: 0.12-0.59). At the completion of treatment protocols, patients receiving rifaximin showed lower serum ammonia levels [weighted mean difference (WMD) = -10.65; 95% CI: -23.4-2.1; P = 0.10], better mental status (WMD = -0.24; 95% CI: -0.57-0.08; P = 0.15) and less asterixis (WMD -0.1; 95% CI -0.26-0.07; P = 0.25) without reaching statistical signifi cance. On the other hand, other psychometric outcomes such as electroencephalographic response and grades of portosystemic encephalopathy were superior in patients treated with rifaximin in comparison to the control group (WMD = 0.21, 95% CI: -0.33-0.09, P = 0.0004; and WMD = -2.33, 95% CI: -2.68-1.98, P = 0.00001, respectively). Subgroup and sensitivity analysis did not show any signifi cant difference in the above fi ndings. CONCLUSION: Rifaximin appears to be at least as effective as other conventional oral agents for the treatment of HE with a better safety profi le. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic encephalopathy LACTULOSE Neo-mycin Non-absorbable disaccharides RIFAXIMIN
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