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作者 王祖龙 王曼苏 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期36-42,共7页
楚简书迹是文字应用从铭文铸制转向书于竹帛的产物,最能反映和体现这一书写方式变化的,除了书手、工具、材料、场域等因素外,笔形是最为直观和直接的因素。楚简书迹对古文篆书的书写性简化都可以通过笔形去追溯。楚简书迹的书写性简化... 楚简书迹是文字应用从铭文铸制转向书于竹帛的产物,最能反映和体现这一书写方式变化的,除了书手、工具、材料、场域等因素外,笔形是最为直观和直接的因素。楚简书迹对古文篆书的书写性简化都可以通过笔形去追溯。楚简书迹的书写性简化主要体现在化曲为直、简化转折,顺应笔势、斜置笔形,顺应笔顺、改逆为顺等方面。楚简书迹的笔形之变潜伏着文字趋方的趋势,是孕育隶变的母机。 展开更多
关键词 笔形 楚简书迹 书写性简 隶化
作者 常益铭 《青少年书法(青年版)》 2022年第12期55-60,共6页
孝文帝于太和十八年(494)迁都洛阳后,北魏迅速进入汉化高峰,同时形成了极具时代特色的魏碑楷书,洛阳墓志因书刻俱佳而成为魏楷的典型。然而在其后的北齐墓志中,隶书、隶楷杂书体式样的重新出现,将隶书典型性点画掺入魏楷之中,中断了魏... 孝文帝于太和十八年(494)迁都洛阳后,北魏迅速进入汉化高峰,同时形成了极具时代特色的魏碑楷书,洛阳墓志因书刻俱佳而成为魏楷的典型。然而在其后的北齐墓志中,隶书、隶楷杂书体式样的重新出现,将隶书典型性点画掺入魏楷之中,中断了魏楷进一步向着法度更为严谨、楷法更加成熟、新妍的隋楷与唐楷演进的脚步。笔者认为魏楷的隶化,是在北齐时期汉化逆潮的影响下书体演进历史中短暂的倒退现象,并不符合书体演进的一般规律;同样大量隶楷杂书体式样的墓志出现,也并非书手、刻手对此种书体式样的自觉追求。 展开更多
关键词 逆潮 墓志 北魏楷书 隶化
作者 刘海鹏 简圣宇 《湖北函授大学学报》 2014年第9期189-190,共2页
近年来学界对《书谱》的研究有大量的成果,笔者发现由于不同作者知识结构的差异性、学养的不同,以致对《书谱》的研究各执一角,以往大量文献多分别从考据、书法技法或单纯从美学、哲学角度分别探讨《书谱》,似乎缺乏独立出各种必要的系... 近年来学界对《书谱》的研究有大量的成果,笔者发现由于不同作者知识结构的差异性、学养的不同,以致对《书谱》的研究各执一角,以往大量文献多分别从考据、书法技法或单纯从美学、哲学角度分别探讨《书谱》,似乎缺乏独立出各种必要的系统的历史语境进行探究。因而本文将试图从梳理《书谱》产生的书法史背景方面为《书谱》的美学思想研究勾勒出一个较完整的框架,为《书谱》的进一步研究奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 书体 隶化 门阀士族 书风
马王堆帛书《战国纵横家书》书法特征探析 被引量:1
作者 廖敦涛 《收藏与投资》 2022年第4期75-78,共4页
秦汉时期在汉字发展演变史上是非常重要的隶变时期。马王堆出土帛书《战国纵横家书》作为这次演变进程中的过渡体貌,有着非篆、非隶而又似篆、似隶的特有的书体混合之美。文章从书体的隶化情况、字形特征、章法风格特征等方面分析西汉... 秦汉时期在汉字发展演变史上是非常重要的隶变时期。马王堆出土帛书《战国纵横家书》作为这次演变进程中的过渡体貌,有着非篆、非隶而又似篆、似隶的特有的书体混合之美。文章从书体的隶化情况、字形特征、章法风格特征等方面分析西汉早期过渡的古隶体貌,为追溯隶书起源提供确实的依据。马王堆帛书书法为后人的学习和研究提供了极好的范本。 展开更多
关键词 战国纵横家书 隶化 字形 章法
作者 石恺 《美术教育研究》 2015年第2期25-26,共2页
厍狄回洛在《北齐书》《北史》中均有传,乃高氏基业的主干。厍狄回洛墓志属于北齐时期。东魏北齐时期对于墓志而言是一个特殊的时期,其特殊之处在于该时期出现了数量众多的隶化作品,这种现象在书体演变上显得似乎有悖于发展的趋势。所... 厍狄回洛在《北齐书》《北史》中均有传,乃高氏基业的主干。厍狄回洛墓志属于北齐时期。东魏北齐时期对于墓志而言是一个特殊的时期,其特殊之处在于该时期出现了数量众多的隶化作品,这种现象在书体演变上显得似乎有悖于发展的趋势。所以不论从史料还是书法来说,《厍狄回洛墓志铭》都是一块有重要意义的墓志。文章从章法、字法、笔法三方面分析该墓志的书法风格。 展开更多
关键词 北齐 厍狄回洛 隶化
作者 吴抒炜 《书法赏评》 2022年第6期16-19,共4页
马王堆帛书中的《战国纵横家书》抄写时间在西汉前期,正是文字隶变的发展期,在有明确写手数量和抄写顺序的前提下,通过该帛书与前朝手写墨迹的比较性研究,可直观反映书写的相似和差异,从而探寻写手字法使用上的取向。文章立足于马王堆... 马王堆帛书中的《战国纵横家书》抄写时间在西汉前期,正是文字隶变的发展期,在有明确写手数量和抄写顺序的前提下,通过该帛书与前朝手写墨迹的比较性研究,可直观反映书写的相似和差异,从而探寻写手字法使用上的取向。文章立足于马王堆帛书与楚文字、秦文字的关联,选取同为墨迹作品的秦、楚简牍,对比书写特征的异同,梳理该帛书在书写特征延续上的差异,分析潜在的原因和时代价值,延伸探讨秦、楚文字元素在《战国纵横家书》艺术特征呈现上发挥的作用。 展开更多
关键词 战国纵横家书 秦简 楚简 比较 隶化
Fuzzy logic controller design with unevenly-distributed membership function for high performance chamber cooling system 被引量:2
作者 曹健鹏 Seok-Kwon Jeong Young-Mi Jung 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2684-2692,共9页
Fuzzy logic controller adopting unevenly-distributed membership function was presented with the purpose of enhancing performance of the temperature control precision and robustness for the chamber cooling system.Histo... Fuzzy logic controller adopting unevenly-distributed membership function was presented with the purpose of enhancing performance of the temperature control precision and robustness for the chamber cooling system.Histogram equalization and noise detection were performed to modify the evenly-distributed membership functions of error and error change rate into unevenly-distributed membership functions.Then,the experimental results with evenly and unevenly distributed membership functions were compared under the same outside environment conditions.The experimental results show that the steady-state error is reduced around 40% and the noise disturbance is rejected successfully even though noise range is 60% of the control precision range.The control precision is improved by reducing the steady-state error and the robustness is enhanced by rejecting noise disturbance through the fuzzy logic controller with unevenly-distributed membership function.Moreover,the system energy efficiency and lifetime of electronic expansion valve(EEV) installed in chamber cooling system are improved by adopting the unevenly-distributed membership function. 展开更多
关键词 chamber cooling system fuzzy logic controller unevenly-distributed membership function steady-state error reduction ROBUSTNESS variable speed refrigeration system
Determination of coal mine mechanization using fuzzy logic 被引量:4
作者 Ataei M Khalokakaei R Hossieni M 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第2期149-154,共6页
Two of the most important tasks in coal mines are to improve efficiency and to increase production besides keeping safety constantly in mind.In order to obtain these goals,mine mechanization is required.Mine mechaniza... Two of the most important tasks in coal mines are to improve efficiency and to increase production besides keeping safety constantly in mind.In order to obtain these goals,mine mechanization is required.Mine mechanization needs high levels of investment and should therefore be studied carefully before final decisions about mechanization are made.When analysizing the potential for mechanization the following,rather imprecise,factors should be considered:seam inclination and thickness,geological disturbances,seam floor conditions,roof conditions,water at the working face and the extension of seams.In our study we have used fuzzy logic,membership functions and created fuzzy rule-based methods and to considered the ultimate objective:mechanization of mining.As a case study,the mechanization of the Takht coal seams in Iran was investigated.The results show a high potential for mechanization in most of the Takht coal seams. 展开更多
The Role of Memory and Tradition in the Construction of Identity in the Nineteenth-Century Bahamas
作者 Paul Famsworth 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第7期411-426,共16页
Tradition has been defined as practices brought forward from the past into the present. In the context of enslavement and the cultural dislocation that accompanied it, memory became critical in the recreation of tradi... Tradition has been defined as practices brought forward from the past into the present. In the context of enslavement and the cultural dislocation that accompanied it, memory became critical in the recreation of tradition. Individual memory contributed to the practices that created new traditions to be carried forward by subsequent generations. Archaeological evidence from Clifton Plantation, Bahamas, illustrates how memory and tradition shaped the identities of both enslaver and enslaved, and influenced the construction of an African Bahamian identity in the early nineteenth-century. In their consumer selections, the enslaved people of Clifton were constructing artifact assemblages that reflected their memories of their traditional cultural background. In the process they were creating an Afro-Bahamian aesthetic that would become a tradition for future generations of Bahamians. While the goods were not of their own manufacture, the choices were theirs from the selection available to them. At the same time, those of British heritage were signaling their British identity through their consumer choices. However, Clifton was unusual in being owned by a reformer who sought to ameliorate the conditions of slavery. The paper also briefly discusses whether these concepts are useful in understanding the material culture of enslaved Africans at other sites. 展开更多
关键词 African Diaspora African-Baharnian identity memory and tradition historical archaeology consumer choices
作者 贺进 《书法》 2008年第12期79-82,共4页
关键词 魏晋 探微 隶化 书法史
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