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作者 徐丽君 马波 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)医药卫生》 2021年第6期280-281,共2页
探究MRI联合DWI用于CT难定性肺结节诊断中的临床价值。方法:随机抽取本院82例CT难定性肺结节患者,对照组采取MRI检查,研究组采取MRI联合DWI检测,对比分析两组的检验结果。结果:经检验,对照组患者其检查差错率高于研究组,差异具有显著差... 探究MRI联合DWI用于CT难定性肺结节诊断中的临床价值。方法:随机抽取本院82例CT难定性肺结节患者,对照组采取MRI检查,研究组采取MRI联合DWI检测,对比分析两组的检验结果。结果:经检验,对照组患者其检查差错率高于研究组,差异具有显著差异,P<0.05。结论:对CT难定性肺结节患者,采取MRI联合DWI检测,可以降低误诊率,对患者的病情进行准确判断,具有显著价值。 展开更多
关键词 MRI DWI CT难定性肺结节 检查差错率
作者 秦家乐 朱军 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》 2023年第6期36-45,共10页
作为经济犯罪侦查部门管辖的常见案件,职务侵占犯罪案件具有作案主体复杂、手段隐蔽、作案时间连续及主体趋于年轻化等特点。随着经济社会的发展,职务侵占案件的数量和危害程度不断上升,严重损害了公司、企业及其他单位的经济利益。在... 作为经济犯罪侦查部门管辖的常见案件,职务侵占犯罪案件具有作案主体复杂、手段隐蔽、作案时间连续及主体趋于年轻化等特点。随着经济社会的发展,职务侵占案件的数量和危害程度不断上升,严重损害了公司、企业及其他单位的经济利益。在案件侦办过程中,经常出现难以确定罪名的疑难复杂情况,给司法实践带来了严峻挑战。分析公安机关经侦部门在侦办职务侵占犯罪案件实践中出现的定性难问题,探讨定性难的特点、现状及解决对策,可以为侦查人员更好地办理该类案件提供参考和帮助。 展开更多
关键词 经济犯罪侦查 职务侵占罪 职务便利 定性
作者 陈丹琰 《科技资讯》 2007年第32期216-217,共2页
长期以来,"信、达、雅","等值","等效"被当作翻译的标准,成了人们衡量译文质量的标准。本文试从多角度分析文本意义的不确定性,及其引起的翻译标准的难确定性。从而得出,传统的翻译标准只是纯客观的,理... 长期以来,"信、达、雅","等值","等效"被当作翻译的标准,成了人们衡量译文质量的标准。本文试从多角度分析文本意义的不确定性,及其引起的翻译标准的难确定性。从而得出,传统的翻译标准只是纯客观的,理想化的,是译者努力接近却未必能达到的标准。在各国文化交流日趋频繁的新时期,我们能做的是为翻译确立一个最低标准。 展开更多
关键词 意义的不确定性 标准的定性 翻译的最低标准
作者 李淑欢 《科技经济市场》 1997年第6期8-11,共4页
在商品经济条件下,任何商品或商品化劳动都必须有价格,确定技术商品的合理价格,对促进科技与生产的紧密结合,加速技术成果的推广应用,增强科研与生产部门的活力,活跃我国的技术市场,具有重要意义。本文试就技术商品价格的确定这个问题... 在商品经济条件下,任何商品或商品化劳动都必须有价格,确定技术商品的合理价格,对促进科技与生产的紧密结合,加速技术成果的推广应用,增强科研与生产部门的活力,活跃我国的技术市场,具有重要意义。本文试就技术商品价格的确定这个问题做一些初步探讨。一、技术商品价格的难定性技术商品是指实现了商品化而作为商品进行买卖的技术。价格是商品进入市场的前提。商品的价格是由价值规律和市场供求关系决定的,价格规律要求按照价值量进行交换。一般商品的价值量是由生产该商品所花费的社会必要劳动时间决定的,而决定社会必要劳动时间的是以一定的市场需求为前提,以全部商品都可以销售出去,供给与需求相一致为基本条件的,市场价格,总是要受到供求关系的影响而围绕价值上下波动。然而,技术商品的价值和价格与一般商品是不同的。 展开更多
关键词 难定性 评价 影响因素 技术商品价格 确定
作者 陈默 《武汉公安干部学院学报》 2001年第4期19-24,共6页
关键词 民警素质滞后 适用法律 定性追赃 协作机制不强 后勤保障差等经济犯罪 特点 对策
Rock roadway complementary support technology in Fengfeng mining district 被引量:3
作者 Zeng Xiantao Jiang Yaodong +4 位作者 Jiang Cong Ma Zhenqian Zhan Shaojian Zhang Kexue He Changhai 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第6期791-798,共8页
This paper takes No.52 return uphill roadway of Yangquhe coal mine as a research project. Based on the research, especially its geological condition, indoor experiments, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis w... This paper takes No.52 return uphill roadway of Yangquhe coal mine as a research project. Based on the research, especially its geological condition, indoor experiments, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis were employed to determine the difficult coefficients of Yangquhe project. By using these means,the difficult coefficients of the deep rock engineering were determined. From a study of the effects of crustal stress and the roof mechanism on roadway stability, the transformation mechanism in Yangquhe coal mine has been determined. As a result of this research, the interactive support technology of prestressed cable mesh was developed and the technology tested in mining engineering, which proved to be feasible. 展开更多
关键词 Deep mining Return airway Destruction mechanism High strength Complementary support
Speed, Uncertainty, and Origin of Disaster
作者 Thomas Hauer 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第6期282-286,共5页
Progress and disaster are two sides of the same coin. Text analyzes the two main themes. Firstly, the treatise attempts at a philosophical analysis of the categories--speed and disaster in Paul Virilio dromology. The ... Progress and disaster are two sides of the same coin. Text analyzes the two main themes. Firstly, the treatise attempts at a philosophical analysis of the categories--speed and disaster in Paul Virilio dromology. The development of high technical speeds would thus result in the disappearance of consciousness as the direct perception of phenomena that inform us of our own existence. Dromological research by Paul Virilio presents a critical analysis of the consequences for our perception and logistics caused by polar inertia, inertia of absolute speed. The second part of the study discusses the word--accident. Accident is inseparable from the speed. Virilio's texts deal with the impact of speed, disaster, and accident on the contemporary world. Speed and accident create a new form of uncertainty in society. 展开更多
关键词 DISASTER SPEED ACCIDENT post-democracy dromology UNCERTAINTY
Uncertainty and universality in the power-law singularity as a precursor of catastrophic rupture 被引量:2
作者 JIN Yuan XIA MengFen WANG HaiYing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1098-1102,共5页
The prediction of catastrophic rupture of heterogeneous brittle material has been investigated by researchers in the past.In this work,the acoustic emission generated by marble samples under compression was analyzed t... The prediction of catastrophic rupture of heterogeneous brittle material has been investigated by researchers in the past.In this work,the acoustic emission generated by marble samples under compression was analyzed to verify a power law singularity of index 1/2 as a catastrophe precursor.It is found that prior to catastrophe,the variation of the system response to the controlling parameter follows a power law of negative index,which proves the power law singularity as a common precursor of catastrophe.However,the power indexes vary with variables and samples.The uncertainty reflects sample specificity of an evolution induced catastrophe (EIC) process. 展开更多
关键词 UNCERTAINTY UNIVERSALITY power-law singularity catastrophic rupture acoustic emission
Human Mobility in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 被引量:1
作者 Lorenzo Guadagno 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期30-40,共11页
This article looks at how population movements are addressed by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030(SFDRR), and highlights some of the potential implications of the SFDRR on disaster risk reduc... This article looks at how population movements are addressed by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030(SFDRR), and highlights some of the potential implications of the SFDRR on disaster risk reduction(DRR) and mobility management work. The article looks at the operational implications of the SFDRR text and covers issues of including migrants in DRR work;informing urban development about current and future mobility trends; managing relocations, evacuations, and displacement to prevent future risks and reduce existing ones; and preparing for and managing disaster-induced population movements to reduce the direct and indirect impacts of natural hazards. Overall, the references to human mobility within the SFDRR show an evolution in the way the issue is considered within global policy dialogues. Both the potential of population movements to produce risk and their role in strengthening the resilience of people and communities are now clearly recognized. This is an evolution of previously prevailing views of mobility as the consequence of disasters or as a driver of risk. While some implications of the DRR-mobility nexus might still be missing from DRR policy, population movements are now recognized as a key global risk dynamic. 展开更多
关键词 Disaster risk reduction DISPLACEMENT Human mobility MIGRATION RELOCATION Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction
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