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作者 黄炜 《贵州文史丛刊》 1995年第5期94-82,共2页
关键词 难胞 招待所 日本帝国主义 日本侵略者 “黔南事变” 物资管理 青年服务队 黔桂边境 社会部 国民党政府
作者 章海粟 《传媒观察》 CSSCI 2023年第S01期115-119,共5页
抗战时期,随着中国大量领土沦陷,大批民众成为难胞,难胞救济成为战时重要的社会问题。《新华日报》高度关注难胞救济问题,倡导政府、社会和民众合力救济,呼吁国际社会给予积极援助。《新华日报》作为中国共产党的机关报,坚持办报的党性... 抗战时期,随着中国大量领土沦陷,大批民众成为难胞,难胞救济成为战时重要的社会问题。《新华日报》高度关注难胞救济问题,倡导政府、社会和民众合力救济,呼吁国际社会给予积极援助。《新华日报》作为中国共产党的机关报,坚持办报的党性原则,高举抗日、民主和团结三大旗号,鞭策和督促国民党政府改进难胞救济工作,难胞救济报道充分体现了人民性、公正性和广泛性。 展开更多
关键词 抗日战争 《新华日报》 难胞救济 宣传报道
中国红十字会上海国际救济会工作报告(1937年8月—1938年2月) 被引量:3
作者 孙武 龙锋 《民国档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第1期27-38,共12页
上海国际救济会六个月工作报告 (193年8月13 B—1938月2月15日) 第一章 本会成立经过自芦沟桥事变发生以还,平津相继沦陷,淞沪一带,风云紧急,一夕数惊,战事有一触即发之虞。华洋义赈会鉴于上海一旦卷入旋涡,战区人民,必致流离失所,呼... 上海国际救济会六个月工作报告 (193年8月13 B—1938月2月15日) 第一章 本会成立经过自芦沟桥事变发生以还,平津相继沦陷,淞沪一带,风云紧急,一夕数惊,战事有一触即发之虞。华洋义赈会鉴于上海一旦卷入旋涡,战区人民,必致流离失所,呼吁无门,爱于八月四日召开董事会,讨论救济办法。当经公决联合各善团通力合作,以厚实力,并推定顾吉生、陆伯鸿、朱吟江、饶家驹、柏韻士等五君,分向各善团接洽,当时深蒙各善团赞许,允予合作。翌日,华洋义赈会乃邀集各善团开联席会议,应邀出席者计有中国红十字总会、慈善团体联合救灾会,世界红卐字会、中国济生会、中华公教进行会、华洋义赈会等六团体代表十一人,经议决为应时势之需要组织“上海国际救济会”,共谋救济工作,以收群策群力之效,同时并邀请各国驻沪领事、各国商会暨上海各公团,一致参加筹备关于组织国际救济会之一切事宜。其时,平津方面。 展开更多
关键词 难民收容所 救济会 中国红十字会 华洋义赈会 工作报告 交通大学 难胞 慈善团体 生产工作 1938年
Eosinophilic esophagitis: A newly established cause of dysphagia 被引量:1
作者 Brian M Yan Eldon A Shaffer 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第15期2328-2334,共7页
Eosinophilic esophagitis has rapidly become a recognized entity causing dysphagia in young adults. This review summarizes the current knowledge of eosinophilic esophagitis including the epidemiology, clinical presenta... Eosinophilic esophagitis has rapidly become a recognized entity causing dysphagia in young adults. This review summarizes the current knowledge of eosinophilic esophagitis including the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosis. An extensive search of PubMed/Medline (1966-December 2005) for available English literature in humans for eosinophilic esophagitis was completed. Appropriate articles listed in the bibliographies were also attained. The estimated incidence is 43/10s in children and 2.5/10s in adults. Clinically, patients have a long history of intermittent solid food dysphagia or food impaction. Some have a history of atopy. Subtle endoscopic features may be easily overlooked, including a "feline" or corrugated esophagus with fine rings, a diffusely narrowed esophagus that may have proximal strictures, the presence of linear furrows, adherent white plaques, or a friable (crepe paper) mucosa, prone to tearing with minimal contact. Although no pathologic consensus has been established, a histologic diagnosis is critical. The accepted criteria are a dense eosinophilic infiltrate (〉20/high power field) within the superficial esophageal mucosa. In contrast, the esophagitis associated with acid reflux disease can also possess eosinophils but they are fewer in number. Once the diagnosis is established, treatment options may include specific food avoidance, topical corticosteroids, systemic corticosteroids, leukotriene inhibitors, or biologic treatment. The long-term prognosis of EE is uncertain; however available data suggests a benign, albeit inconvenient, course. With increasing recognition, this entity is taking its place as an established cause of solid food dysphagia. 展开更多
关键词 Eosinophilic esophagitis ALLERGY DYSPHAGIA
Gefitinib in the treatment of 41 cases with refractory non-small cell lung cancer
作者 Jianfang Xu Caicun Zhou Aiwu Li 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第6期314-316,共3页
Objective: We observe the curative effect, median survival time, time to progression, quality of life and adverse effect of patients with advanced refractory non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after gefitinib (Ire... Objective: We observe the curative effect, median survival time, time to progression, quality of life and adverse effect of patients with advanced refractory non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after gefitinib (Iressa) treatment. Methods: Forty-one patients with grade Ⅲb to Ⅳ NSCLC previously treated with two chemotherapy including 85.4% of patients after second line therapy were chosen. The regimen was oral intake of gefitinib 250 mg once daily until the disease progression or toxic reaction has become intolerable. The patients were required to receive tumor evaluation before the treatment, one month, two month and every three months after Iressa administration. Results: All of 41 patients were evaluable for therapeutic effect. Without complete regression being observed, partial response rate (PR), stable disease (SD) and progression of disease (PD) were 43.9% (18/41), 34.1% (14/41) and 22.1% (9/41), respectively. The overall response rate was 43.9% (18141) and disease control rate (PR + SD) was 78% (32/41). The response rate in male was 42.1%, while it in female was 45.5% (P 〉 0.05). Twenty-two of them (53.7%, 22/41) were still alive with 10.1 months of MST when the follow-up ended in November 2006. TTP and MST of patients who died was 2.7 and 5.0 months, respectively. The rate of symptom improvement was 78% of all patients with 13 months of MST of PR patients. The Karnofsky enhanced 20 + 5 after 28 days treatment without 3-4 degree of reactive toxicity. Conclusion: Iressa has significant antitumor activity in advanced NSCLC patients who have previously failed in second or third line chemotherapy. Iressa is effective and safe for patients with poor performance status. 展开更多
关键词 GEFITINIB non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) epidermal growth factor receptor
Fecal microbiota transplantation for Clostridium difficile infection in patients with ileal pouches 被引量:1
作者 Nan Lan Jean Ashburn Bo Shen 《Gastroenterology Report》 SCIE EI 2017年第3期200-207,I0002,共9页
Background:Clostridium difficile infection(CDI)in patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis(IPAA)has been increasingly recognized.The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of fecal microbiota transplantation(... Background:Clostridium difficile infection(CDI)in patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis(IPAA)has been increasingly recognized.The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of fecal microbiota transplantation(FMT)in patients with pouch and CDI.Methods:All consecutive patients that underwent FMT for CDI from 2012 to 2016 were extracted from our IRB-approved,prospectively maintained Registry of Pouch Disorders.The primary outcome was negative stool tests for Clostridium difficile after FMT and the secondary outcomes were symptomatic and endoscopic responses.Results:A total of 13 patients were included in this study,with 10 being Caucasian males(76.9%).All patients had underlying ulcerative colitis for J pouch surgery.After a mean of 2.8±0.8 courses of antibiotic treatments was given and failed,22 sessions of FMT were administered with an average of 1.7±1.1 sessions each.Within the 22 sessions,16 were given via pouchoscopy,4 via esophagogastroduodenoscopy and 2 via enemas.All patients tested negative on C.difficile polymerase chain reaction(PCR)after the initial FMT with a total of 7/12(58.3%)documented patients showed symptomatic improvements and 3/11(27.3%)patients showed endoscopic improvement according to the modified Pouchitis Disease Activity Index.During the follow-up of 1.2±1.1 years,there were a total of five patients(38.5%)that had recurrence after the successful initial treatment and four of them were successfully treated again with FMT.Conclusions:FMT appeared to be effective in eradication of CDI in patients with ileal pouches.However,FMT had a modest impact on endoscopic inflammation and recurrence after FMT and recurrence was common. 展开更多
关键词 Clostridium difficile fecal microbiota transplantation ileal pouch POUCHITIS
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