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甘孜地区雅拉河段地热系统特征及控制因素 被引量:16
作者 林正良 肖鹏飞 +2 位作者 李弘 俞建宝 吕慧 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期764-771,共8页
综合应用区域地质、地震、地球化学等资料,对甘孜地区雅拉河段地热系统及其主控因素进行研究。分析认为,甘孜地区地热属于典型的对流型地热系统,雅拉河断裂破碎带及板岩中发育的大量裂隙共同构成了研究区的热储体,这些热储体沿雅拉河断... 综合应用区域地质、地震、地球化学等资料,对甘孜地区雅拉河段地热系统及其主控因素进行研究。分析认为,甘孜地区地热属于典型的对流型地热系统,雅拉河断裂破碎带及板岩中发育的大量裂隙共同构成了研究区的热储体,这些热储体沿雅拉河断裂带不均匀分布。研究区充沛的大气降水以及季节性的冰雪融水为地热系统提供充足的水源。雅拉河断裂与色拉哈断裂之间大范围相对平坦的区域以及大量储水洼地为地热系统中的水源提供存储空间。该地区地表裂隙发育,利于地表水向下渗透,是地下水的主要补给通道。色拉哈断裂的强烈活动为浅层地下水在重力作用下进一步向深层运移提供重要流体通道。雅拉河断裂带的地势相对低,断裂破碎带是深层流体上涌的重要通道。在流体供给区与出露区的重力势能差以及两条走滑断裂带压力差共同作用下,流体经深部热源加热后在流体通道内形成持续的热流体循环系统。 展开更多
关键词 甘孜地区 雅拉河断裂 色拉哈断裂 构造特征 地热系统
鲜水河断裂带雅拉河段晚第四纪活动性 被引量:17
作者 梁明剑 陈立春 +5 位作者 冉勇康 李彦宝 王栋 高帅坡 韩明明 曾蒂 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期513-525,共13页
走滑断裂几何结构的复杂性往往影响着断裂上的应变积累与分配、大地震的破裂过程等。鲜水河断裂带是青藏高原东南缘一条强烈活动的次级块体边界断裂带,其在惠远寺—康定之间叉分为3支次级断层:雅拉河断层、色拉哈断层和折多塘断层。前... 走滑断裂几何结构的复杂性往往影响着断裂上的应变积累与分配、大地震的破裂过程等。鲜水河断裂带是青藏高原东南缘一条强烈活动的次级块体边界断裂带,其在惠远寺—康定之间叉分为3支次级断层:雅拉河断层、色拉哈断层和折多塘断层。前人认为这3条断层不均匀地分配了鲜水河断裂慧远寺以北段的应变。然而,关于雅拉河断层晚第四纪活动性的分歧制约了对这种应变分配模式的认识。文中通过遥感解译和野外调查发现:在雅拉措一带仍残留有一段长约10km的地震地表破裂带,同震水平位错2.5~3.5m;断层晚第四纪地表活动行迹一直向S延至雅拉乡附近。这些证据表明雅拉河断层为全新世活动断层,与色拉哈断层、折多塘断层一样具有孕育和发生强震、大地震的构造能力,同样参与鲜水河断裂带的应变分配。 展开更多
关键词 鲜水断裂 雅拉河断层 晚第四纪活动性 地震地表破裂
联袂应用地气、射气与壤中α测量探测雅拉河地区隐伏断裂 被引量:8
作者 周四春 刘晓辉 +3 位作者 谷江波 吕少辉 王自运 吴丽荣 《物探与化探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期298-302,共5页
在四川康定雅拉河拟选择建设水利工程的区域,联袂应用地气、射气与壤中α三种物化探方法,开展了探测隐伏断裂的工作。采用剖面控制方式,大致按线距2 km,点距20 m,完成沿雅拉河12 km长区域的探测工作。射气、土壤α强度、稀土、重金属等1... 在四川康定雅拉河拟选择建设水利工程的区域,联袂应用地气、射气与壤中α三种物化探方法,开展了探测隐伏断裂的工作。采用剖面控制方式,大致按线距2 km,点距20 m,完成沿雅拉河12 km长区域的探测工作。射气、土壤α强度、稀土、重金属等12种参数的探测结果表明,沿雅拉河流域确实有隐伏断裂存在,而且由至少两条分支断裂组成,断裂宽度在40~120 m左右。 展开更多
关键词 地气测量 射气测量 土壤α测量 雅拉河地区 隐伏断裂探测
康定雅拉河无名沟崩滑坡面泥石流峰值流速流量的沿程变化特征 被引量:2
作者 陈宁生 王旭 王晓颖 《成都理工学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期674-679,共6页
在分析崩滑坡面泥石流的基本特征和其峰值流速流量一般规律的基础上 ,以康定雅拉河无名沟 1 995年的百年一遇泥石流为研究示范 ,在了解该流域的基本特征 ,分析该次泥石流的形成、容重、颗粒组成等基本特性的基础上 ,用弯道超高的理论和... 在分析崩滑坡面泥石流的基本特征和其峰值流速流量一般规律的基础上 ,以康定雅拉河无名沟 1 995年的百年一遇泥石流为研究示范 ,在了解该流域的基本特征 ,分析该次泥石流的形成、容重、颗粒组成等基本特性的基础上 ,用弯道超高的理论和用古乡沟泥石流建立的流速计算公式 ,计算测量断面的流速及泥石流峰值流速沿程变化。用形态调查法分析计算不同断面的泥石流流量 ,并分析其沿程变化。通过分析可知崩滑坡面泥石流峰值流速与流量在整个流通过程是逐步变化的 ,在靠近物源区 ,流量随着物源的加入逐步增加 ,而流速随着能量的消耗逐渐减少 ;在靠近堆积区由于坡降的减小 ,流速与流量呈减小的趋势。崩滑坡面泥石流峰值流速泥石流流速也有一个相对的匀速段 ,但这个匀速段的长度较短。崩滑坡面泥石流峰值流量过程的沿程变化曲线接近于正态分布。此类泥石流防治中的拦挡措施要注意充分利用其在坡降减小的过程中流速和流量迅速降低的特征 ;而其排导措施要注意到此类泥石流的高阻力特征 ,注意保证排导槽的足够坡度。 展开更多
关键词 康定雅拉河 坡面泥石流 流速 流量 容重 颗粒
雅拉河隐伏断裂活动性研究 被引量:1
作者 谷江波 曹建平 +1 位作者 张运达 周四春 《水电站设计》 2012年第4期103-105,共3页
隐伏断裂的活动性研究是一个比较复杂的问题,目前还缺乏十分有效的解决方法。本文通过分析雅拉河隐伏断裂的活动地貌特征、覆盖层断面特征、平硐勘探成果,以及采用物化探测等方法,对雅拉河隐伏断裂的活动性进行了分析研究,并取得了相对... 隐伏断裂的活动性研究是一个比较复杂的问题,目前还缺乏十分有效的解决方法。本文通过分析雅拉河隐伏断裂的活动地貌特征、覆盖层断面特征、平硐勘探成果,以及采用物化探测等方法,对雅拉河隐伏断裂的活动性进行了分析研究,并取得了相对应的成果。 展开更多
关键词 雅拉河 隐伏断裂 特征 四川
作者 陈其伟 周明德 《水电站设计》 2001年第2期70-73,共4页
介绍了瓦斯河主源雅拉河的水电规划概况 ,重点阐述了木格措·金盖龙头水库梯级电站的重大效益及其存在的三大问题与对策 ,特别提出了水电开发与风景旅游“双赢”的思路和方法。
关键词 雅拉河 梯级开发 水电资源开发规划
作者 南蔻 《中国民商》 2016年第3期88-91,共4页
"围城"并非拆或者建这么简单而孤立,还与城市管理和开发的模式相关,与经济水平和就业模式相关今年2月21日,《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见》第十六条中指出要优化街区路网结构,加强街区的规划和建设,... "围城"并非拆或者建这么简单而孤立,还与城市管理和开发的模式相关,与经济水平和就业模式相关今年2月21日,《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见》第十六条中指出要优化街区路网结构,加强街区的规划和建设,推广街区制,原则上不再建设封闭住宅小区,已建成的住宅小区和单位大院要逐步打开, 展开更多
关键词 就业模式 路网结构 城市管理 十六条 建设管理工作 内部道路 郊区化 雅拉河 交通路网 交通模式
作者 石以 《今日四川》 1995年第1期34-35,共2页
出康定城北行约几公里,山势渐险,峭岩陡壁,几接青天.盘行在山上的公路,呈接连不断的S形.眼看到了尽头,前面空荡荡的,只垂挂着大幅蓝得无比的天,车子行上去,似乎要奔那幅天幕去了,可是一回头,又是坡路,又是一重天,蓝得无比的天.我们是往... 出康定城北行约几公里,山势渐险,峭岩陡壁,几接青天.盘行在山上的公路,呈接连不断的S形.眼看到了尽头,前面空荡荡的,只垂挂着大幅蓝得无比的天,车子行上去,似乎要奔那幅天幕去了,可是一回头,又是坡路,又是一重天,蓝得无比的天.我们是往木格错地带去.木格错,藏语意为“野人海”,是康定颇具特色的国家级风景区.越过一道山梁,车开始下行,忽然一股硫磺气味袭来,主人说,快到了.果然这座山谷与众不同。 展开更多
关键词 野人 国家级风景区 康定 康巴文化 康巴藏族 蒙古文化 雅拉河 高山湖泊 CAPITAL 有吸引力
作者 南蔻 《中华建设》 2016年第4期30-32,共3页
从墨尔本的"十米小街"谈起 工业革命之后的城市不再强调防御的功能,而商业、工业、物流中心的作用越来越被重视。1837年,澳大利亚墨尔本开始建设。没有旧城的城市只能采用新城规划的模式,平地起路网,起楼房。规划师Robert Hoddle采... 从墨尔本的"十米小街"谈起 工业革命之后的城市不再强调防御的功能,而商业、工业、物流中心的作用越来越被重视。1837年,澳大利亚墨尔本开始建设。没有旧城的城市只能采用新城规划的模式,平地起路网,起楼房。规划师Robert Hoddle采用了当时尚属前沿的"格网"概念,沿雅拉河的流向划出了一块1英里X半英里的方格,主街宽30m,街区201m X201m(10链X10链)。 展开更多
关键词 雅拉河 新城规划 格网 郊区化 邻里单位 雅各布斯 人车分流 可达性 就这样 现代城市发展
《车世界》 2005年第11期138-139,共2页
我们将这一次的旅行定在了一个不很热门的地方,获得了从未有过的感受。从没有驾车穿行于丛林郊外,旷野悠悠,全身体验大自然的美:从没有如此无忧无虑,自由自在开着车,轻松愉快。看着蓝天白云慢慢落在后面,花草树木挥手呼唤,耳边流水潺潺... 我们将这一次的旅行定在了一个不很热门的地方,获得了从未有过的感受。从没有驾车穿行于丛林郊外,旷野悠悠,全身体验大自然的美:从没有如此无忧无虑,自由自在开着车,轻松愉快。看着蓝天白云慢慢落在后面,花草树木挥手呼唤,耳边流水潺潺配马达轰鸣,竟这样和谐、动听。才发现, 澳洲,原来最宜自驾车旅游一道路直,路况好,沿途景色风光无限…… 展开更多
关键词 流水潺潺 花草树木 自驾车旅游 雅拉河 西澳 令人垂涎 阿德 旅游线路 农家菜 黄昏时分
作者 何正 《广西商业经济》 1996年第2期46-47,共2页
访澳大利亚散记(一)何正去年炎热酷暑的仲夏之夜,匆匆闯入香港启德机场乘QF88航班,步入8号闸门,登上舷梯,寻找38E座位,恰一位坐38D座的衣着华贵而大方得体的中年妇女站起笑而让座,顿感温暖情怀,得悉此位热情女士,... 访澳大利亚散记(一)何正去年炎热酷暑的仲夏之夜,匆匆闯入香港启德机场乘QF88航班,步入8号闸门,登上舷梯,寻找38E座位,恰一位坐38D座的衣着华贵而大方得体的中年妇女站起笑而让座,顿感温暖情怀,得悉此位热情女士,是9年前慕墨尔本这一教育之城,携子... 展开更多
关键词 澳大利亚 墨尔本 商业经济学 散记 东南亚 维省 消费市场 悉尼 雅拉河 亿万富翁
《中国商界》 2009年第6X期6-6,共1页
关键词 五矿集团 集团收购 雅拉河 北钢铁集团 钢铁主业 贵州茅台酒 唐钢股份 达能集团 邯郸钢铁 整体上
Habitat Range of two Alpine Medicinal Plants in a Trans-Himalayan Dry Valley,Central Nepal 被引量:2
作者 Bharat Babu SHRESTHA Pramod Kumar JHA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期66-77,共12页
Understanding of the habitat range of threatened Himalayan medicinal plants which are declining in their abundance due to high anthropogenic disturbances is essential for developing conservation strategies and agrotec... Understanding of the habitat range of threatened Himalayan medicinal plants which are declining in their abundance due to high anthropogenic disturbances is essential for developing conservation strategies and agrotechnologies for cultivation. In this communication, we have discussed the habitat range of two alpine medicinal plants, Aconitum naviculare (Bruehl) Stapf and Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Pennel) Hong in a trans-Himalayan dry valley of central Nepal, Manang district. They are the most prioritized medicinal plants of the study area in terms of ethnomedicinal uses. A. naviculare occurs on warm and dry south facing slopes between 4090-4650 m asl along with sclerophyllous and thorny alpine scrubs, while N. scrophulariiflora is exclusively found on cool and moist north facing slope between 4000 and 4400 m asl where adequate water is available from snow melt to create a suitable habitat for this wetland dependent species. The soil in rooting zone of the two plants differs significantly in organic carbon (OC), organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (N) and carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio. Due to cool and moist condition of N. scrophulariiflora habitat, accumulation of soil OC is higher, but soil N content is lower probably due to slow release from litter, higher leaching loss and greater retention in perennial live biomass of the plant. The C/N ratio of soil is more suitable in A. navuculare habitat than that of N scrophulariiflora for N supply. Warm and sunny site with N rich soil can be suitable for cultivation ofA. naviculare, while moist and cool site with organic soil for N. scrophulariiflora. The populations of both the plants are fragmented and small. Due to collection by human and trampling damage by livestock, the population of A. naviculare was found absent in open areas in five of the six sampling sites and it was confined only within the bushes of alpine scrubs. For N. serophulariiflora, high probability of complete receding of small glaeiers may be a new threat in future to its habitat. The information about habitat conditions, together with the information from other areas, ean be useful to identify potential habitats and plan for cultivation or domestication of the two medieinal plants. 展开更多
关键词 Aconitum naviculare Neopicrorhizascrophulariiflora habitat degradation nitrogen organic carbon radiation Manang Nepal
Trend in Observed and Projected Maximum and Minimum Temperature over N-W Himalayan Basin 被引量:1
作者 Dharmaveer SINGH Sanjay K JAIN Rajan Dev GUPTA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期417-433,共17页
Recently, study in past trends of climate variables gained significant consideration because of its contribution in adaptions and mitigation strategies for potential future changes in climate, primarily in the area of... Recently, study in past trends of climate variables gained significant consideration because of its contribution in adaptions and mitigation strategies for potential future changes in climate, primarily in the area of water resource management. Future interannual and inter-seasonal variations in maximum and minimum temperature may bring significant changes in hydrological systems and affect regional water resources. The present study has been performed to observe past(1970-2010) as well as future(2011-2100)spatial and temporal variability in temperature(maximum and minimum) over selected stations of Sutlej basin located in North-Western Himalayan region in India. The generation of future time series of temperature data at different stations is done using statistical downscaling technique. The nonparametric test methods, modified Mann-Kendall test and Cumulative Sum chart are used for detecting monotonic trend and sequential shift in time series of maximum and minimum temperature. Sen's slope estimator test is used to detect the magnitude of change over a period of time on annual and seasonal basis. The cooling experienced in annual TMax and TMin at Kasol in past(1970-2010) would be replaced by warming in future as increasing trends are detected in TMax during 2020 s and 2050 s and in TMin during 2020 s, 2050 s and 2080 s under A1 B and A2 scenarios. Similar results of warming are also predicted at Sunnifor annual TMin in future under both scenarios which witnessed cooling during 1970-2010. The rise in TMin at Rampur is predicted to be continued in future as increasing trends are obtained under both the scenarios. Seasonal trend analysis reveals large variability in trends of TMax and TMin over these stations for the future periods. 展开更多
关键词 Statistical downscaling model Canadian Coupled Global Climate Model Temperature MannKendall test Sen’s slope estimator
Field evidences showing rapid frontal degeneration of the Kangriz glacier,western Himalayas,Jammu&Kashmir
作者 GARG Siddhi SHUKLA Aparna +4 位作者 MEHTA Manish KUMAR Vinit SAMUEL Shruti Anna BARTARYA S.K. SHUKLA Uma Kant 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1199-1208,共10页
Life cycle of glaciers in the Himalayan region has notably changed due to the climatic variability since last few decades. Glaciers across the world and specially the Himalayan glaciers have shown large scale degenera... Life cycle of glaciers in the Himalayan region has notably changed due to the climatic variability since last few decades. Glaciers across the world and specially the Himalayan glaciers have shown large scale degeneration in the last few decades. Himalayan glaciers serve as an important fresh water resource for the downstream communities, who are dependent on this water for domestic and other purposes. Therefore, glacier shrinkage and the associated hydrological changes pose a significant problem for regional-scale water budgets and resource management. These issues necessitate the regular and rigorous monitoring of the wastage pattern of the Himalayan glaciers in field and using satellite remote sensing data. In this work, we report rapid and enhanced degeneration of the frontal part of the Kangriz glacier, Jammu and Kashmir(J & K), in terms of surface melting, debris cover, snout characteristics and meltwater discharge. Ablation data acquired during 2016-2017 shows the average lowering of the frontal part of the glacier to be ~148 ± 34 cm, one-third of which was found to have occurred within a 13 day time period in September, 2017. Also, the quantum of ice melt was found to be inversely influenced(r =-0.84) by the debris thickness. 15 day meltwater discharge measurement revealed its strong relationship with snout disintegration pattern, evidenced twice during the said time period. Volume of water discharged from the glacier was estimated to be 7.91×10~6 m^3 for the measurement duration. Also, mean daily discharge estimated for the 15 days interval showed good positive correction(r = 0.78) with temperature indicating the direct dependency of the former on land surface temperature conditions of the region. Besides the lowering and discharge observations, the frequent ice-block break-offs at the glacier snout further enhance its overall drastic degeneration. The study suggests that, being the largest glacier in the Suru basin, the Kangriz glacier needs to be continuously monitored in order to understand its glacio-hydrological conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Glacier shrinkage Western Himalayas Surface lowering DEGENERATION Meltwater discharge
Decadal glacial lake changes in the Koshi basin, central Himalaya, from 1977 to 2010, derived from Landsat satellite images
作者 Finu SHRESTHA GAO Xiao +5 位作者 Narendra Raj KHANAL Sudan Bikash MAHARJAN Rajendra Bahadur SHRESTHA WU Li-zong Pradeep Kumar MOOL Samjwal Ratna BAJRACHARYA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第10期1969-1984,共16页
Changes in glacial lakes and the consequences of these changes, particularly on the development of water resources and management of glacial lake outburst flood(GLOF) risk, has become one of the challenges in the sust... Changes in glacial lakes and the consequences of these changes, particularly on the development of water resources and management of glacial lake outburst flood(GLOF) risk, has become one of the challenges in the sustainable development of high mountain areas in the context of global warming. This paper presents the findings of a study on the distribution of, and area changes in, glacial lakes in the Koshi basin in the central Himalayas.Data on the number of glacial lakes and their area was generated for the years 1977, 1990, 2000, and 2010 using Landsat satellite images. According to the glacial lake inventory in 2010, there were a total of 2168 glacial lakes with a total area of 127.61 km^2 and average size of 0.06 km^2 in the Koshi basin. Of these,47% were moraine dammed lakes, 34.8% bedrock dammed lakes and 17.7% ice dammed lakes. The number of glacial lakes increased consistently over the study period from 1160 in 1977 to 2168 in 2010, an overall growth rate of 86.9%. The area of glacial lakes also increased from 94.44 km^2 in 1977 to 127.61 km^2 in 2010, a growth rate of 35.1%. A large number of glacial lakes in the inventory are small in size(≤ 0.1km^2). End moraine dammed lakes with area greater than 0.1 km^2 were selected to analyze the change characteristics of glacial lakes in the basin. The results show that, in 2010, there were 129 lakes greater than 0.1 km^2 in area; these lakes had a total area of 42.92km^2 in 1997, increasing to 63.28 km^2 in 2010. The distribution of lakes on the north side of the Himalayas(in China) was three times higher than on the south side of the Himalayas(in Nepal).Comparing the mean growth rate in area for the 33 year study period(1977-2010), the growth rate on the north side was found to be a little slower than that on the south side. A total of 42 glacial lakes with an area greater than 0.2 km^2 are rapidly growing between 1977 and 2010 in the Koshi basin, which need to be paid more attention to monitoring in the future and to identify how critical they are in terms of GLOF. 展开更多
关键词 Glacial lake Decadal glacial lake GLOF Inventory Landsat Koshi basin Nepal China
Snow Cover Variation and Streamflow Simulation in a Snow-fed River Basin of the Northwest Himalaya 被引量:5
作者 Vaibhav SHARMA V.D.MISHRA P.K.JOSHI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期853-868,共16页
Snowmelt is an important component of any snow-fed river system.The Jhelum River is one such transnational mountain river flowing through India and Pakistan.The basin is minimally glacierized and its discharge is larg... Snowmelt is an important component of any snow-fed river system.The Jhelum River is one such transnational mountain river flowing through India and Pakistan.The basin is minimally glacierized and its discharge is largely governed by seasonal snow cover and snowmelt.Therefore,accurate estimation of seasonal snow cover dynamics and snowmeltinduced runoff is important for sustainable water resource management in the region.The present study looks into spatio-temporal variations of snow cover for past decade and stream flow simulation in the Jhelum River basin.Snow cover extent(SCE) was estimated using MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) sensor imageries.Normalized Difference Snow Index(NDSI) algorithm was used to generate multi-temporal time series snow cover maps.The results indicate large variation in snow cover distribution pattern and decreasing trend in different sub-basins of the Jhelum River.The relationship between SCE-temperature,SCE-discharge and discharge-precipitation was analyzed for different seasons and shows strong correlation.For streamflow simulation of the entire Jhelum basin Snow melt Runoff Model(SRM) used.A good correlation was observed between simulated stream flow and in-situ discharge.The monthly discharge contribution from different sub-basins to the total discharge of the Jhelum River was estimated using a modified version of runoff model based on temperature-index approach developed for small watersheds.Stream power - an indicator of the erosive capability of streams was also calculated for different sub-basins. 展开更多
关键词 Snow cover extent(SCE) Streamflow Snow Melt Runoff Model(SRM) Normalized Difference Snow Index(NDSI) Jhelum basin Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MODIS)
Size and spatial distribution of landslides induced by the2015 Gorkha earthquake in the Bhote Koshi river watershed 被引量:6
作者 GUO Chen-wen HUANG Yi-dan +1 位作者 YAO Ling-kan ALRADI Helal 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第10期1938-1950,共13页
The Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015, produced thousands of landslides in the Himalayan mountain range. After the earthquake, two field investigations along Araniko Highway were conducted. Then, usi... The Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015, produced thousands of landslides in the Himalayan mountain range. After the earthquake, two field investigations along Araniko Highway were conducted. Then, using remote sensing technology and geographic information system(GIS)technology, 1481 landslides were identified along the Bhote Koshi river. Correlations between the spatial distribution of landslides with slope gradient and lithology were analyzed. The power-law relationship of the size distribution of earthquake-induced landslides was examined in both the Higher Himalaya and Lesser Himalaya. Possible reasons for the variability of the power exponent were explored by examining differences in the geological situations of these areas. Multi-threshold cellular automata were introduced to model the complexity of system components. Most of the landslides occurred at slope gradients of 30°–40°, and the landslide density was positively correlated with slope gradient. Landslides in hard rock areas were more common than in soft rock areas. The cumulative number-area distribution of landslides induced by the Gorkha earthquake exhibited a negative power-law relationship, but the power exponents were different: 1.13 in the Higher Himalaya, 1.36 and Lesser Himalaya. Furthermore,the geological conditions were more complex and varied in the Lesser Himalaya than in the Higher Himalaya, and the cellular automata simulation results indicated that, as the complexity of system components increased, the power exponent increased.Therefore, the variability of the power exponent of landslide size distribution should ascribe to the complexity of geological situations in the Bhote Koshi river watershed. 展开更多
关键词 Landslide distribution Gorkha earthquake Himalaya Cellular automata self-organized criticality
作者 贺群禄 刘德权 苏刚 《地壳构造与地壳应力文集》 1996年第1期18-24,共7页
关键词 滑动速率 乾宁 活动断裂带 全新世 构造地貌 惠远寺 左旋走滑 雅拉河 形变带 陡坎
系统施策 擦亮美丽甘孜生态底色
作者 马雨 《廉政瞭望》 2023年第16期70-71,共2页
盛夏时节,在甘孜州康定市雅拉河畔的雅拉乡,嵯峨黛绿的群山、满山蓊郁荫翳的树木与湛蓝辽阔的天空构成了一幅美丽的山水画。然而在此之前,由于当地矿产资源丰富,一些人受利益驱使非法采矿119.5万余吨,破坏林地143.01亩,使当地林地荒芜... 盛夏时节,在甘孜州康定市雅拉河畔的雅拉乡,嵯峨黛绿的群山、满山蓊郁荫翳的树木与湛蓝辽阔的天空构成了一幅美丽的山水画。然而在此之前,由于当地矿产资源丰富,一些人受利益驱使非法采矿119.5万余吨,破坏林地143.01亩,使当地林地荒芜凋敝。 展开更多
关键词 矿产资源 甘孜州 雅拉河 山水画
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