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作者 孙立萍 余杰 《现代预防医学》 CAS 2002年第5期681-682,共2页
目的 :了解雅润消毒洗液 (含有 2 0 0 0 m g/ L 苯扎溴铵的消毒剂 )杀灭微生物效果与贮藏稳定性。方法 :进行载体定量杀灭微生物试验与稳定性试验。结果 :以其 1∶ 10稀释液对布片上金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌作用 5 min,对布片上白色念... 目的 :了解雅润消毒洗液 (含有 2 0 0 0 m g/ L 苯扎溴铵的消毒剂 )杀灭微生物效果与贮藏稳定性。方法 :进行载体定量杀灭微生物试验与稳定性试验。结果 :以其 1∶ 10稀释液对布片上金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌作用 5 min,对布片上白色念珠菌作用 2 0 min杀灭率均达 99.98%。染布片菌悬液中含体积分数 5 0 %小牛血清对该剂杀菌效果无明显影响。置 5 4℃下放置 14 d,杀菌作用无明显变化。结论 :该剂属于杀菌效果不受有机物影响 。 展开更多
关键词 雅润消毒洗液 消毒效果 稳定性 金黄色葡萄球菌 大肠杆菌 白色念珠菌
尤卓尔联合三重修护特润霜治疗婴幼儿湿疹的疗效 被引量:6
作者 李琳 张悦 +2 位作者 程岩峰 杨帆 韩秀萍 《实用药物与临床》 CAS 2013年第5期419-421,共3页
目的观察尤卓尔联合雅漾三重修护特润霜治疗婴幼儿湿疹的疗效。方法采用随机对照开放试验,将患儿分为联合治疗组、尤卓尔组及特润霜组。联合治疗组应用尤卓尔和雅漾三重修护特润霜分别涂抹于患处,2次/d,并且根据患儿皮疹状况逐渐减少尤... 目的观察尤卓尔联合雅漾三重修护特润霜治疗婴幼儿湿疹的疗效。方法采用随机对照开放试验,将患儿分为联合治疗组、尤卓尔组及特润霜组。联合治疗组应用尤卓尔和雅漾三重修护特润霜分别涂抹于患处,2次/d,并且根据患儿皮疹状况逐渐减少尤卓尔用量及次数,痊愈后改为单独外用雅漾三重修护特润霜维持治疗。尤卓尔组单独外用尤卓尔,2次/d,同样根据患儿皮疹情况逐渐减量。特润霜组单独外用雅漾三重修护特润霜,2次/d。于用药7、14 d及痊愈后1周复诊记录皮疹状况,观察有无不良反应。结果 7 d后,联合治疗组有效率和痊愈率分别为66.18%和45.59%,高于特润霜组(P<0.05);14 d后,联合治疗组有效率和痊愈率分别为88.24%和67.65%,高于尤卓尔组及特润霜组(P<0.05)。结论尤卓尔联合雅漾三重修护特润霜治疗婴幼儿湿疹效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 尤卓尔 漾三重修护特 湿疹 婴幼儿
《文心雕龙·明诗》三题 被引量:3
作者 王柯平 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期66-71,共6页
关键词 文体 折衷 求通 感物吟志 自然 雅润 清丽
雅漾三重修护特润霜联合丁酸氢化可的松乳膏治疗婴幼儿湿疹/特应性皮炎临床观察 被引量:7
作者 卢井发 黄雪娇 +2 位作者 曾招林 万春雷 叶小英 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期585-587,共3页
目的评价雅漾三重修护特润霜联合丁酸氢化可的松乳膏治疗婴幼儿湿疹和特应性皮炎的临床疗效和安全性。方法将入选的121例患者按就诊顺序编号后,采用随机数字表法入选将患者分为三组,治疗组(37例)予雅漾三重修护特润霜联合丁酸氢化可的... 目的评价雅漾三重修护特润霜联合丁酸氢化可的松乳膏治疗婴幼儿湿疹和特应性皮炎的临床疗效和安全性。方法将入选的121例患者按就诊顺序编号后,采用随机数字表法入选将患者分为三组,治疗组(37例)予雅漾三重修护特润霜联合丁酸氢化可的松乳膏外搽,对照1组(41例)予雅漾三重修护特润霜外搽,对照2组(43例)予丁酸氢化可的松乳膏外搽,均2次/d,疗程2周,分别于治疗1周、2周后观察其疗效及不良反应。结果治疗2周后治疗组、对照1组和对照2组有效率依次为94.6%、63.41%和79.07%,治疗组有效率高于其他两组患儿的有效率,且差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。三组患儿均未出现明显不良反应。结论雅漾三重修护特润霜对治疗婴幼儿湿疹和异位性皮炎有良好的辅助治疗作用,联合应用丁酸氢化可的松软膏后可明显提高临床疗效,值的临床医生选用。 展开更多
关键词 漾三重修护特 丁酸氢化可的松乳膏 湿疹 特应性皮炎 婴幼儿
Contemporary and Historic Population Structure of Abies spectabilis at Treeline in Barun Valley,Eastern Nepal Himalaya 被引量:11
作者 Parveen Kumar CHHETRI David M.CAIRNS 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期558-570,共13页
Treeline ecotone dynamics of Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Mirb. in the Barun valley, Makalu Barun National Park, eastern Nepal Himalaya were studied by establishing seven plots (20 m x variable length) from the fore... Treeline ecotone dynamics of Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Mirb. in the Barun valley, Makalu Barun National Park, eastern Nepal Himalaya were studied by establishing seven plots (20 m x variable length) from the foresfline to the tree species limit: three plots on the south- and north-facing slopes each (S1-S3, N1-N3), and one plot on the east- facing slope (E) in the relatively undisturbed forests. A dendroecological method was used to study treeline advance rate and recruitment pattern. In all the plots, most trees established in the early 20th century, and establishment in the second half of the 20th century was confined to the foresfline area. Treeline position has not advanced substantially in the Barun valley, with 0nly 22 m average elevational shift in the last 13o years, and with average current shifting rate of 14 cm/yr. Moreover, no significant relationship was found between tree age and elevation on the south-, north-, and east-facing slopes. The number of seedlings and saplings in near the treeline area was negligible compared to that near the foresfline area. Therefore, A. spectabilis treeline response to the temperature change was slow, despite the increasing temperature trend in the region. Beside the temperature change, factors such as high inter-annual variability in temperature, dense shrub cover, and local topography also play an important role in treeline advance and controlling recruitment pattern above the treeline. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change Treeline ecotone Treeline advance Recruitment pattern
Expansion of Small Terrestrial Mammals and Their Parasites into the Barun Valley (Makalu Mt. Region, Nepal Himalaya) Linked with Changes in Glaciation and Human Activities 被引量:1
作者 Milan DANIEL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期14-29,共16页
The article is based on collection of small terrestrial mammals(Soriculus nigrescens,Episoriculus caudatus, Neodon sikimensis,Alticola stoliczkanus, Niviventer eha and Ochotona roylei) collected in the Barun Valley, e... The article is based on collection of small terrestrial mammals(Soriculus nigrescens,Episoriculus caudatus, Neodon sikimensis,Alticola stoliczkanus, Niviventer eha and Ochotona roylei) collected in the Barun Valley, east Nepal in the pre-monsoon period of 1973.Zoogeographic and ecological characteristics and altitudinal stratification of these species are analysed, depending both on abiotic(geomorphological and climatic) and biotic(vegetation, and human presence and activities)factors. All the captured mammals were examined for ecto- and endoparasities. Infestations of Trombiculid mites and Ixodid ticks were tightly linked to the local habitat where these ectoparasites must survive during their nonparasitic phase. Analysis of their occurrence completes the reconstruction of migration routes during the expansion of small mammals into the Barun Valley and the exacerbating influence of human activities(summer pasturing,mountaineering expeditions and trekking parties).An indicator of anthropogenic influence was the occurrence of synantropic flies. The potential medical importance of these findings is discussed.It is assumed a possible occurrence of arboviruses transmitted by ticks and also rickettsioses(transmitted by ticks and chigger mites). As far bacteriological infections, plague cannot be excluded. 展开更多
关键词 HIMALAYA Barun Makalu region Small mammal PARASITE ECOLOGY Medicalimportance
《质量与市场》 2005年第10期59-59,共1页
雅芳香薰润唇膏和水果润唇膏备受消费者青睐,产品不但在价格方面较优势,而且产品中含有羊毛脂和蓖麻籽油等天然滋润保湿成分,能长效保湿,减少唇纹,透明薄色和清新香甜的味道让双唇时刻散发动人气息,绝对是女性保持迷人双唇的心水... 雅芳香薰润唇膏和水果润唇膏备受消费者青睐,产品不但在价格方面较优势,而且产品中含有羊毛脂和蓖麻籽油等天然滋润保湿成分,能长效保湿,减少唇纹,透明薄色和清新香甜的味道让双唇时刻散发动人气息,绝对是女性保持迷人双唇的心水选择。 展开更多
关键词 芳香薰唇膏 水果唇膏 消费需求 品种 品牌形象
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