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《春秋经传集解》书名与撰著年代考辨 被引量:3
作者 方韬 刘丽群 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期121-125,共5页
杜预《春秋经传集解》是《左传》学史上最重要的著作。该书的命名和撰著年代是历代研究中的两大疑点。通过考察"集解"的注释体例,并结合杜预注释《左传》的宗旨,认为杜氏"集解"乃集合经传作解,进而肯定陆德明、孔... 杜预《春秋经传集解》是《左传》学史上最重要的著作。该书的命名和撰著年代是历代研究中的两大疑点。通过考察"集解"的注释体例,并结合杜预注释《左传》的宗旨,认为杜氏"集解"乃集合经传作解,进而肯定陆德明、孔颖达之说。此外,利用《宋书.州郡志》《晋书.地理志》及《水经注》中的相关材料与杜注中的地名互证,可以推定杜预始注《左传》的时间应不晚于咸宁二年(276),并非太康元年(280)平吴之后。 展开更多
关键词 春秋经传 杜预 集解体 撰著年代 地名
魏晋南北朝时期的史注体式 被引量:1
作者 张焱 《黑龙江史志》 2008年第5期18-18,17,共2页
关键词 注体 解体 训体 考辨体 音义体 集解体 自注体
作者 白帆 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第1期34-38,共5页
梁章钜《三国志旁证》常被视之为初具集解性质的总结之作。然而,将该书与《三国志》研究集大成之作、亦是成就极高的集解体史注《三国志集解》对比可见,无论是征引前人成果的完整程度还是著述的宗旨、研究的方法,均存在根本性差异。《... 梁章钜《三国志旁证》常被视之为初具集解性质的总结之作。然而,将该书与《三国志》研究集大成之作、亦是成就极高的集解体史注《三国志集解》对比可见,无论是征引前人成果的完整程度还是著述的宗旨、研究的方法,均存在根本性差异。《三国志旁证》或具集解面貌,但其体裁并不符合集解体史注的特点,故不宜称初具集解性质。 展开更多
关键词 梁章钜 《三国志旁证》 《三国志解》 集解体史注
何晏《论语集解》研究 被引量:2
作者 徐向群 闫春新 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期127-129,共3页
集汉魏诸多《论语》注于一身,何晏《论语集解》是由五人集体编撰而成的官方"论语学"作品。基于其集解体例,又因编者不同的学术背景与汉魏之际学风的转折,今本《论语集解》的史料价值与思想价值可见一斑:从经学史上看,其经文... 集汉魏诸多《论语》注于一身,何晏《论语集解》是由五人集体编撰而成的官方"论语学"作品。基于其集解体例,又因编者不同的学术背景与汉魏之际学风的转折,今本《论语集解》的史料价值与思想价值可见一斑:从经学史上看,其经文底本应兼有古论、鲁论、齐论三论的痕迹;从思想史上看,《论语集解》又兼容并蓄有汉魏名教、名法、礼法等各种思想,同时,又蕴含着魏晋玄学思潮的萌动。在俯瞰《论语集解》体例特色的基础上,本文认为,就《论语集解》整体在"论语学"的流传地位而言,其是汉魏注的精粹总结,从学术品格上基本属汉注系统,而其中的王肃《论语》注,特具魏晋儒的礼法特色;但就里面的何晏《论语》注而言,又开启了魏晋经学玄学化的先河。 展开更多
关键词 《论语解》 何晏 集解体
Physics of Cold Fusion by TSC Theory
《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2013年第3期191-198,共8页
This paper reviews the author's recent works on the basic physics of cold fusion by the TSC (tetrahedral symmetric condensate) theory. Models of TSC formation conditions in condensed matter are first proposed. Seco... This paper reviews the author's recent works on the basic physics of cold fusion by the TSC (tetrahedral symmetric condensate) theory. Models of TSC formation conditions in condensed matter are first proposed. Secondly formulas for cold fusion rates per D(H)-cluster are explained with typical quantitative results. The 4D/TSC fusion and the 4H/TSC WS fusion are underlying mechanisms, respectively for the D (deuterium)-system and the H (protium)-system. 展开更多
关键词 Cold fusion condensed matter TSC theory D(H)-cluster 4D fusion 4H WS fusion.
The Hospital Assessment Tool: An Integrated Solution to Evaluate and Reduce Solid Medical Waste
作者 M. Franchetti A. Kumar 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第7期67-75,共9页
The Hospital Assessment Tool (HAT) is an assessment technique that provides technical support to the healthcare industry for accessing solid waste generation, selecting products, and work practices to eliminate or r... The Hospital Assessment Tool (HAT) is an assessment technique that provides technical support to the healthcare industry for accessing solid waste generation, selecting products, and work practices to eliminate or reduce environmental hazards and solid waste, and to maintain quality patient care. Since 2007, this tool has been applied as part of an innovative partnership between the Lucas County Solid Waste Management District and College of Engineering of the University of Toledo. The purpose of this paper is to provide a complete overview and framework of this program and the HAT so that other institutions may learn from it and adopt similar concepts to help reduce solid waste generation and improve economic conditions in their regions. A focus of this paper is a discussion of a case study that details the process and results of an assessment conducted at a large hospital in Northwest, Ohio, USA. Also, included in this paper is a discussion of the project's background, a comparison to similar project's between colleges and government agencies, and results and benefits of the program, and an overview of the opportunities and barriers to this type of research. The project demonstrates that through a cooperative effort and a creative alliance, businesses, governments, universities, and industries can work together to improve environmental quality, reduce waste, and improve profitability. The project also educates college students through practical, real-world environmental work experience and trains them to become future environmental leaders 展开更多
关键词 Medical waste assessment tools environment.
作者 張彧 《中国典籍与文化论丛》 2019年第1期77-108,共32页
林之奇的《尚書全解》是宋代《尚書》學史上的一部重要著作,廣博征引孔穎達《尚書正義》、王安石《新經尚書義》、蘇軾《東坡書傳》等前人成説,將前代的《尚書》學發展流變完整呈現並進行疏通。《尚書全解》在關照整個《尚書》學史的基... 林之奇的《尚書全解》是宋代《尚書》學史上的一部重要著作,廣博征引孔穎達《尚書正義》、王安石《新經尚書義》、蘇軾《東坡書傳》等前人成説,將前代的《尚書》學發展流變完整呈現並進行疏通。《尚書全解》在關照整個《尚書》學史的基礎上,往往不受成説的束縛,突破舊説藩籬,展現了獨特的解經體例。通讀全書可以發現,《尚書全解》是一部集解體的經學著作。而這一解經體例,又是通過一定的原則來指導或呈現。筆者將其歸納爲提綱挈領、首尾該貫,關注經文、以意逆志,兼總衆説、下以己意,駁正諸説、以義爲主,多聞闕疑、無徵不信五大解經原則,並逐一考述。 展开更多
关键词 尚書全解 解體 解經體例 解經原則
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