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作者 刘爱英 刘丽娟 +4 位作者 姜向阳 任利华 孙伟 宋秀凯 孙国华 《中国兽药杂志》 2010年第11期22-25,共4页
建立了包括生长稀释和生物消除机制在内的渔药降解双元动力学模型,并以呋喃唑酮代谢物为例介绍了该模型建立、模拟的步骤。双元降解模型的消除速率常数"剥除"了生长稀释影响,相比于经典一级动力学模型更能真实表达污染物降解... 建立了包括生长稀释和生物消除机制在内的渔药降解双元动力学模型,并以呋喃唑酮代谢物为例介绍了该模型建立、模拟的步骤。双元降解模型的消除速率常数"剥除"了生长稀释影响,相比于经典一级动力学模型更能真实表达污染物降解速率,尤其描述难降解污染物在生物生长过程中的降解规律时,双元模型更有必要。 展开更多
关键词 渔药 降解 动力学模型 生长稀释
数字化背景下领导授权赋能通往员工创新绩效双元路径模型 被引量:3
作者 王思明 廉串德 《决策咨询》 2022年第2期55-59,共5页
基于社会信息加工理论,通过知识共享与积极挑战行为,构建双元路径模型,采用问卷调查法验证了领导授权赋能对员工创新绩效的作用路径。研究结果表明:第一,领导授权赋能能够对员工创新绩效产生显著的正向影响;第二,知识共享中介了领导授... 基于社会信息加工理论,通过知识共享与积极挑战行为,构建双元路径模型,采用问卷调查法验证了领导授权赋能对员工创新绩效的作用路径。研究结果表明:第一,领导授权赋能能够对员工创新绩效产生显著的正向影响;第二,知识共享中介了领导授权赋能对创新绩效的作用过程;第三,积极挑战行为中介了领导授权赋能对创新绩效的作用过程。 展开更多
关键词 领导授权赋能 知识共享 积极挑战行为 创新绩效 路径模型
作者 诸大建 《国际大都市发展研究(中英文)》 2024年第1期53-64,共12页
建设具有世界影响力的社会主义现代化国际大都市,是上海城市发展的战略目标。过去40多年是上海建设国际大都市的初级阶段,面向2035年和2050年,上海需要进一步提高其世界影响力。对于什么是“具有世界影响力”,这值得进行理论探讨。本文... 建设具有世界影响力的社会主义现代化国际大都市,是上海城市发展的战略目标。过去40多年是上海建设国际大都市的初级阶段,面向2035年和2050年,上海需要进一步提高其世界影响力。对于什么是“具有世界影响力”,这值得进行理论探讨。本文对国际大都市及其相关概念进行梳理和溯源,回顾上海自主建设国际大都市的历史进程,描述上海建设国际大都市的已有成效和存在的问题。在此基础上,提出由全球经济竞争力和城市可持续性竞争力两个维度组成的国际大都市双元竞争力概念模型,认为上海需不断强化强全球经济竞争力和强可持续性竞争力的双强象限,才能在新的高度上建设社会主义现代化的引领型国际大都市。 展开更多
关键词 引领型国际大都市 全球城市 超大城市 可持续性 竞争力模型
作者 葉光輝(Kung-Hui Yeh) 《本土心理學研究》
由於孝道概念在华人文化中源远流长且几经转折,为求周延把握其内涵,并消解过往国内、外许多孝道研究结果彼此冲突之争议,「孝道双元模型」在兼顾社会科学者对孝道的定义及测量构面,与人文学者对孝道之历史意义演变的追溯探讨下,由... 由於孝道概念在华人文化中源远流长且几经转折,为求周延把握其内涵,并消解过往国内、外许多孝道研究结果彼此冲突之争议,「孝道双元模型」在兼顾社会科学者对孝道的定义及测量构面,与人文学者对孝道之历史意义演变的追溯探讨下,由华人亲子互动的关系运作特徵切入,厘清孝道所含括的不同属性或具体行为内容,并以「相互性」与「权威性」两面向,取代笼统概括的孝道概念,阐释在概念内涵与运作效果上可明显区隔的孝道双元特徵。 目前孝道双元模型理论的建构与验证已有初步成果,本文目的即是对此理论模型进行较全面性的介绍,并侧重呈现系列实徵研究成果与理论发展历程之间的密切关联,让读者能从心理学的角度深入理解孝道概念。全文依序分为以下三部分:(1)先就双元孝道模型之建构历程,阐释两类孝道概念的定义内涵、性质、动力来源与关联,并兼及介绍测量工具之发展;(2)再就系列实徵研究成果的相关发现,具体说明两类孝道在个体层次上的心理运作机制与效果,以凸显双元孝道模型在理论上的特色;(3)最後则整合曾引用孝道双元模型的国内、外文献,让读者了解此模型多元的应用价值,并考量前全球化趋势,提出较具发展潜力的未来研究议题与方向。 根据本文的回顾评论可知,孝道双元模型的主要贡献即在於兼顾孝道概念的心理与文化原理,并对以往不一致的研究结果提出整合性解释。目前其应用范畴已延伸至亲子冲突、青少年问题行为、老年安养、代间交换及家庭谘商实务等议题,在理论模型与测量工具的信、效度上也持续获致验证。其兼具整合力与解释力之理论优势,确实值得後续研究者引用此观点作为孝道研究的基本定论,以厘清研究议题或用以作为对相关现象的诠释架构。 展开更多
关键词 本土心理學 相互性孝道 華人文化 雙元模型 權威性孝道
犯罪预防的经济学最优模型实证 被引量:1
作者 郭东 《广西社会科学》 2007年第5期48-51,共4页
犯罪预防是在保证财产一定安全系数的前提下进行收入与遭受损失的权衡。在整个社会可能受到犯罪侵害的情况下,犯罪预防双元模型旨在研究如何使自由支配的总收入达到最大化,亦即经济学最优。实证表明:犯罪预防应遵循边际收益递减规律;犯... 犯罪预防是在保证财产一定安全系数的前提下进行收入与遭受损失的权衡。在整个社会可能受到犯罪侵害的情况下,犯罪预防双元模型旨在研究如何使自由支配的总收入达到最大化,亦即经济学最优。实证表明:犯罪预防应遵循边际收益递减规律;犯罪预防要强调公共预防与私人预防相结合;需要采取多种手段以实现犯罪预防的经济学最优;应关注犯罪预防中的公平与效率的问题。 展开更多
关键词 犯罪预防 模型 安全系数 经济学最优 均衡
企业成长的双元模型:平台增长及其内在机理 被引量:87
作者 刘江鹏 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期148-160,共13页
中国企业借助互联网技术,依托平台突破产业边界运营,以不同方式获得内涵式、跨界型快速增长,其中小米、阿里、奇虎360、腾讯等企业就是这种成长类型的典范。本文认为,在需求面以及供给面上,价值链的设计、制造、营销、运营各个区段都可... 中国企业借助互联网技术,依托平台突破产业边界运营,以不同方式获得内涵式、跨界型快速增长,其中小米、阿里、奇虎360、腾讯等企业就是这种成长类型的典范。本文认为,在需求面以及供给面上,价值链的设计、制造、营销、运营各个区段都可以有不同的平台形式,并且随着互联网技术的持续发展,平台的具体表现形式也在不断地细化为具体产品、服务或独特资源。而且,在大规模商业化、创新方面,平台与企业、市场之间存在替代效应。本文基于价值链、价值网络理论,围绕商业生态系统、平台增长、供给面、需求面等相关概念,从关联链和价值形成两个维度构建双元模型:结合当前互联网背景下一些企业快速成长的实践,探索依托平台实现企业成长的具体形式和内在机理,并从打造商业生态系统、建设大数据分析能力、提升价值专属特性、培育动态能力四个层面对企业如何实现平台增长提出对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 企业成长 模型 平台增长 内在机理
作者 焦开山 马子恒 《宁夏党校学报》 2021年第6期81-92,共12页
子女与父母的代际互动是提供数字支持的重要桥梁,代际互动不仅是技术反哺的本质,也承载着我国以孝为核心的亲子关系,因此,对孝的不同理解有可能对技术反哺产生重要影响。基于双元孝道模型与社会调查数据,探索权威性关系、相互性关系与... 子女与父母的代际互动是提供数字支持的重要桥梁,代际互动不仅是技术反哺的本质,也承载着我国以孝为核心的亲子关系,因此,对孝的不同理解有可能对技术反哺产生重要影响。基于双元孝道模型与社会调查数据,探索权威性关系、相互性关系与技术反哺之间的关系发现:对子代来说,不论是强调亲情和代际对等关系的相互性关系,还是强调辈分权威和子女义务的权威性关系,都可以对技术反哺起到正向作用;父代样本呈现了相同的规律,相互性关系和权威性关系都能显著提高父代接收到的技术反哺。 展开更多
关键词 数字鸿沟 技术反哺 亲子关系 孝道模型
作者 宋旭东 叶嘉阳 胡瑜 《社会科学前沿》 2022年第1期67-73,共7页
“孝道”是中国的传统核心价值观之一,该研究用双元孝道理论来解释中国的孝道文化的内涵,并采用代际传递的视角来解读孝道观念的文化影响机制。通过采用双元孝道量表和父母教养方式量表调查的422份亲子配对调查数据,探究了双元孝道模式... “孝道”是中国的传统核心价值观之一,该研究用双元孝道理论来解释中国的孝道文化的内涵,并采用代际传递的视角来解读孝道观念的文化影响机制。通过采用双元孝道量表和父母教养方式量表调查的422份亲子配对调查数据,探究了双元孝道模式的结构统一性,验证了权威性和互惠性两种不同类型的孝道模式在两代人之间稳定的代际传递效应。此外,研究发现父母对子女的情感温暖在互惠性孝道的代际传递中起显著中介作用,且父代权威性孝道对子代互惠性孝道起到正向调节作用。中国传统孝道文化既是统一的,又具有不同的特点,且家庭教养方式在其中起着特殊的作用。 展开更多
关键词 孝道模型 互惠性孝道 权威性孝道 代际传递效应 家庭教养方式
Cyclic test and numerical study of seismic performance of precast segmental concrete double-columns 被引量:1
作者 ZOU Shuang WENLIUHAN Hei-sha +2 位作者 MAO Yong-ping YU Bi-peng ZHANG Chong-bin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2502-2512,共11页
The comparative research on the seismic performance of grouted sleeve connected pier(GS)and prestressed precast segmental concrete pier(PC)is mostly carried out by numerical simulation.In this study,the GS pier and th... The comparative research on the seismic performance of grouted sleeve connected pier(GS)and prestressed precast segmental concrete pier(PC)is mostly carried out by numerical simulation.In this study,the GS pier and the PC pier of the new railway project from Hetian to Ruoqiang are taken into consideration.Two kinds of 1/5-scale assembled double-column specimens are made,and the quasi-static tests are carried out.The overall seismic performance of the two spliced piers is studied,and compared in terms of failure mechanism,bearing capacity,ductility,stiffness and energy dissipation capacity.The results show that the failure modes of both GS pier and PC pier are characterized by bending.However,the specific failure location and form are different.The GS pier presents a complete hysteretic curve,large equivalent stiffness and strong energy dissipation capacity.The hysteretic area of the PC pier is small.However,it has good self-reset ability and quasi-static residual displacement.Finite element models are set up using DispBeamColumn fiber elements and ZeroLength elements.The models that are calibrated with the test data can effectively simulate the damage development under monotonic loading.The load−displacement curves are in good agreement with the backbone curves of the test results. 展开更多
关键词 pseudo static test seismic performance prestressed precast segmental concrete double-column piers steel sleeve connection precast concrete prestressed steel
Plastic forming behavior of axisymmetric bimetal products with rotary swaging
作者 Song Tao Zhao Shengdun +1 位作者 Yan Guanhai Liu Hongbao 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第1期44-47,共4页
In this paper,an elasto-viscoplastic three-dimension(3D) finite element model is developed to simulate the processing of bimetal tube with rotary swaging. Through simulation,the effects of high-frequency pulse strokin... In this paper,an elasto-viscoplastic three-dimension(3D) finite element model is developed to simulate the processing of bimetal tube with rotary swaging. Through simulation,the effects of high-frequency pulse stroking on the distribution and histories of stress,stain and loading are clarified. The stress in inner tube is compressive and higher than the minimum bonding force. Meanwhile,the stiffness of inner tube impacts outer tube extension in length. 展开更多
关键词 bimetal products rotary swaging radial forging finite element DEFORM 3D
Rapid Prediction of Structural Responses of Double-Bottom Structures in Shoal Grounding Scenario
作者 Zhiqiang Hu Ge Wang +1 位作者 Qi Yao Zhaolong Yu 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第1期73-85,共13页
This study presents a simplified analytical model for predicting the structural responses of double-bottom ships in a shoal grounding scenario. This solution is based on a series of analytical models developed from el... This study presents a simplified analytical model for predicting the structural responses of double-bottom ships in a shoal grounding scenario. This solution is based on a series of analytical models developed from elastic-plastic mechanism theories for different structural components, including bottom girders, floors, bottom plating, and attached stiffeners. We verify this simplified analytical model by numerical simulation, and establish finite element models for a typical tanker hold and a rigid indenter representing seabed obstacles. Employing the LS-DYNA finite element solver, we conduct numerical simulations for shoal-grounding cases with a wide range of slope angles and indentation depths. In comparison with numerical simulations, we verify the proposed simplified analytical model with respect to the total energy dissipation and the horizontal grounding resistance. We also investigate the interaction effect of deformation patterns between bottom structure components. Our results show that the total energy dissipation and resistances predicted by the analytical model agree well with those from numerical simulations. 展开更多
关键词 shoal grounding simplified analytical method numerical simulation structural response energy dissipation resistance
共享型领导的概念、测量与作用机制 被引量:24
作者 蒿坡 龙立荣 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期87-101,共15页
随着组织管理结构的扁平化以及团队管理的流行,共享型领导这一水平的、非正式的、分布于团队成员之间的集体领导力模式开始受到大量学者和管理者的关注。本文通过对现有共享型领导研究文献的系统梳理,明确了共享型领导的理论起源、概念... 随着组织管理结构的扁平化以及团队管理的流行,共享型领导这一水平的、非正式的、分布于团队成员之间的集体领导力模式开始受到大量学者和管理者的关注。本文通过对现有共享型领导研究文献的系统梳理,明确了共享型领导的理论起源、概念内涵、与其他相关概念的区别和测量方法;了解了共享型领导形成的理论基础以及实证研究现状,并在此基础上构建了一个共享型领导的双元模型;最后提出了共享型领导对组织管理实践的启示,总结了现有研究的局限性以及未来的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 共享型领导 概念 测量 作用机制 模型
The Diversification of Children's Support for Their Parents in the Context of an Aging Society: Concepts and Behavior
作者 Hu Anning 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第4期114-136,共23页
China's aging society and the family-based model of basic aged care determine that children's support for their parents directly affects the standard of living of the majority of the aging population. Existing theor... China's aging society and the family-based model of basic aged care determine that children's support for their parents directly affects the standard of living of the majority of the aging population. Existing theories indicate that in this era of social transition, the implications of filial piety have shifted from the traditional emphasis on the parent- child generational relationship and children's duty to obey their parents to a dual mode in which family love coexists with the authority of the elders. Using data from the Chinese General Social Survey of 2006, we explore the ways in which the two basic dimensions of authoritarian filial piety and reciprocal filial piety connect with various types of filial behavior. The results of our multivariate linear model show that on average, authoritarian filial piety, which emphasizes authority relationships and children's duty, increases children's financial support for their parents, while reciprocal filial piety, stressing family love and generational equality, significantly increases children's emotional support for their parents. A comparison of the basic dimensions of filial piety shows that neither significantly increases children's physical support for their parents. Further analysis of the interaction effect indicates that the link between authoritarian filial piety and financial support is more significant among younger groups. In addition, for males, a marginally significant positive relation exists between authoritarian filial piety and physical support for their parents. 展开更多
关键词 dual model of filial piety authoritarian filial piety reciprocal filial piety emotional support financial support
Radial breathing modes of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by an atomic beam-spring model 被引量:2
作者 MIAO ChunYang LI HaiJun GUO WanLin 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期940-946,共7页
Based on molecular force fields,a new finite element model is constructed for multi-walled carbon nanotubes where the interlayer interactions and C--C bonds are simulated by the elements of piece-wise linear spring an... Based on molecular force fields,a new finite element model is constructed for multi-walled carbon nanotubes where the interlayer interactions and C--C bonds are simulated by the elements of piece-wise linear spring and rectangular cross section beam,respectively.For high computation efficiency and atomic reification,the radial breathing modes of multi-walled carbon nanotubes are studied systemically using this model.The results show the correspondence between carbon nanotube structures and vibrational modes,which provide unequivocal data for the experimental characterization of carbon nanotubes.An empirical relationship of radial breathing modes frequencies with the nanotube radius are also obtained for two-layer carbon nanotubes. 展开更多
关键词 radial breathing modes multi-walled carbon nanotube atomic beam-spring model
Dual reciprocity boundary element based block model for discontinuous deformation analysis 被引量:2
作者 FU GuoYang MA GuoWei QU XiaoLei 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1575-1586,共12页
This paper presents a further development of the dual reciprocity boundary element method(DRBEM) with stepwise updating to pave the way for the introduction of boundary element mesh into the discontinuous deformation ... This paper presents a further development of the dual reciprocity boundary element method(DRBEM) with stepwise updating to pave the way for the introduction of boundary element mesh into the discontinuous deformation analysis(DDA). The advantage of the proposed method lies in its adoption of static fundamental solutions and reduction in the size of the governing equations by transforming the inertial term domain integrals to boundary integrals in the dynamic large displacement analysis. The unconditionally stable Newmark-β time integration method involving numerical damping to enhance the numerical stability is implemented for the dynamic analysis. In order to be coupled with the DDA to improve the deformability of the DDA block domains, a stepwise updating algorithm of the system variables is introduced. The stress updating in the analysis involved in the calculation of a domain integral and internal cells are used for the integration of the initial stress term. Several examples are used to verify the geometry-updated DRBEM model and satisfactory results have been obtained. 展开更多
关键词 boundary element method stepwise updating initial stress large displacement
A new cellular automaton model for traffic flow considering realistic turn signal effect 被引量:3
作者 SHANG HuaYan PENG Yu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1624-1630,共7页
In real traffic,any vehicle must give lane-changing signal(i.e.the turn signal) before changing lanes;at this time,the vehicles behind the lane-changing vehicle will be hindered and may form "plugs" due to t... In real traffic,any vehicle must give lane-changing signal(i.e.the turn signal) before changing lanes;at this time,the vehicles behind the lane-changing vehicle will be hindered and may form "plugs" due to the turn signal effect.However,few studies focus on exploring the effect.In this paper,the turn signal effect was taken into account by proposing a new symmetric two-lane cellular automaton(T-STCA) model,and the new model was set to compare with the STCA,H-STCA and A-STCA models.Numerical results show that using the T-STCA model to describe lane-changing or overtaking,the process appeared in several consecutive time steps;while using the other three models,the process appeared only in one time step.In addition,the T-STCA model could describe the mixed traffic flow more realistically and the turn signal effect could help the plugs to dissolve more quickly. 展开更多
关键词 turn signal effect cellular automaton mixed traffic flow
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