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2002年南海季风建立及其雨带变化的天气学研究 被引量:9
作者 闫俊岳 唐志毅 +3 位作者 姚华栋 张秀芝 柳艳菊 李江龙 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期569-579,共11页
利用南海海 气通量观测试验资料结合NCEP ,GPCP以及GMS - 5云图资料 ,综合分析了 2 0 0 2年 5~ 6月南海西南季风建立过程及其雨带变化 ,确定 5月 14日西沙及北部海区西南季风爆发 ,5月 15日整个南海季风爆发 ,季风爆发时间属于正常年 ... 利用南海海 气通量观测试验资料结合NCEP ,GPCP以及GMS - 5云图资料 ,综合分析了 2 0 0 2年 5~ 6月南海西南季风建立过程及其雨带变化 ,确定 5月 14日西沙及北部海区西南季风爆发 ,5月 15日整个南海季风爆发 ,季风爆发时间属于正常年 ;季风爆发时风向、风速、云量、降水、湿度、辐射及海面温度等要素都发生突变。这种突变是由大气环流的突变造成的。季风爆发前后大气环流变化过程是 :80~ 90°E越赤道气流加强 ,同时印缅低压加深 ,孟加拉湾南北向气压梯度增大 ,而后东亚大陆上气旋发展东移 ,副热带高压东撤 ,孟加拉湾低压槽前的赤道西风突然加强越过中南半岛 ,南海北部首先出现强西南风 ,继而南海季风迅速地全面爆发。孟加拉湾西南风加强到南海季风爆发是一个连续的过程 ,大陆冷空气南下起了重要的作用。南海季风爆发时呈现单雨带型 ,而后由单雨带型转变为双雨带型 ,雨带受副热带高压和季风系统共同影响 ,并且随着副热带高压移动位置变化。 展开更多
关键词 南海 季风 雨带变化 天气学
中国东部夏季降水特征及其与西太副高的关系 被引量:12
作者 肖艳林 池再香 +2 位作者 杨冬冬 陈蕴 孔德璇 《中低纬山地气象》 2018年第3期44-50,共7页
利用中国东部160个气象观测站1951—2012年夏季(6—8月)的月平均降水资料,采用EOF分析方法,分析中国东部夏季降水的时空分布特征及其与西太平洋副热带高压的关系。结果表明:中国东部夏季降水大值区具有从华南—江淮流域—华北—东北的... 利用中国东部160个气象观测站1951—2012年夏季(6—8月)的月平均降水资料,采用EOF分析方法,分析中国东部夏季降水的时空分布特征及其与西太平洋副热带高压的关系。结果表明:中国东部夏季降水大值区具有从华南—江淮流域—华北—东北的分布特征。EOF第1模态空间分布为长江以北与黄河以南之间存在一个降水大值雨带,而EOF第2模态显示出以长江为界,长江以南降水量偏少,长江以北降水量偏多,且呈反位相。在西太平洋副热带高压强度较强的年份,江淮流域降水量偏少,华北地区降水量偏多;西太平洋副热带高压强度较弱的年份,江淮流域降水量偏多,华南地区降水量偏少。 展开更多
关键词 夏季雨带变化 EOF方法 西太平洋副热带高压 中国东部
Weakened interannual variability of the contrast in rainfall between the eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic since 2000 被引量:1
作者 WANG Lei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2017年第3期198-205,共8页
Recent studies suggest that the interannual variability in the tropical Pacific associated with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation has weakened since 2000. In this study, the authors report that the interannual variabil... Recent studies suggest that the interannual variability in the tropical Pacific associated with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation has weakened since 2000. In this study, the authors report that the interannual variability of the contrast in rainfall between the eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic has also weakened remarkably since 2000, attributable to the weakened interannual variability in the zonal sea surface temperature gradient between the eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic and in the associated equatorial low-level zonal wind across South America linking the two ocean basins. Diagnosis of a column-integrated moisture budget indicates that the weakening in the interannual variability of the contrast in rainfall is primarily attributable to the changes in moisture convergence associated with vertical motion. The results highlight the clear weakened interannual variability in the coupled equatorial Pacific-Atlantic climate system since 2000, including the Pacific El Nino, Atlantic Nino, equatorial zonal wind across South America, and rainfall over the eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic. 展开更多
关键词 Interannual variability tropical rainfall Pacific-Atlantic coupling El Nino-Southern OscillationAtlantic Nino twenty-first century climate shift
Weakening of the biennial relationship between Central American and equatorial South American rainfall in recent decades 被引量:1
作者 WANG Lei WU Min-Min 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2017年第6期427-434,共8页
There is a rainfall variability biennial relationship between Central America (CA) and equatorial South America (ESA) over the tropical western hemisphere, which is known to have arisen due to the combined effects... There is a rainfall variability biennial relationship between Central America (CA) and equatorial South America (ESA) over the tropical western hemisphere, which is known to have arisen due to the combined effects of ENSO and tropical North Atlantic (TNA) SST. Here, the authors report that this biennial rainfall relationship between CA and ESA has weakened remarkably since 2000, with weakening in both in-phase and out-of-phase rainfall transitions. The observed decadal changes in the biennial relationship between CA and ESA rainfall can be attributed to changes in the effects of ENSO and TNA SST since 2000, which may be associated with more frequent occurrences of the central Pacific or'Modoki' type El Ni^o. The weakening of the association with ENSO for CA rainfall since 2000 might have given rise to the weakening of the in-phase rain transition from CA rainfall to the following ESA rainfall. The weakened linkage between boreal-winter ESA rainfall and the subsequent boreal-summer TNA SST since 2000 may have resulted in the weakening of the out- of-phase rainfall transition from boreal-winter ESA rainfall to the subsequent boreal-summer CA rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 Biennial variability tropicalrainfall ENSO tropicalNorth Atlantic twenty-firstcentury climate shift CentraAmerica equatorial SouthAmerica
Onset of East Asian subtropical summer monsoon and rainy season in China 被引量:17
作者 ZHU CongWen ZHOU XiuJi +2 位作者 ZHAO Ping CHEN LongXun HE JinHai 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期1845-1853,共9页
Here we use harmonic analyses to examine seasonal variations of China land rainfall, low-level winds, and atmospheric heating over East Asia during spring to summer and the associated subtropical summer monsoon activi... Here we use harmonic analyses to examine seasonal variations of China land rainfall, low-level winds, and atmospheric heating over East Asia during spring to summer and the associated subtropical summer monsoon activities. Our results indicate that the South China spring rainfall (SCSR) in March is the prophase of East Asian sub-tropical summer monsoon (EASSM), and the onset of EASSM and China summer rainy season starts in early April, characterized by the enhanced rainfall in South China and the seasonal reverse of zonal land-sea thermal contrast in sub-tropical East Asia. The EASSM onset is earlier than that of South China Sea summer monsoon, and it is active in east of 100?E and north of 20?N. Our analyses suggest that the subsequent heating appears over India-China Peninsula in March and South China in April and causes the low-level atmospheric warming and the zonal land-sea thermal contrast seasonal reverse in East Asian subtropics. The atmospheric heating over South China is the main force to drive the southwesterly winds, updrafts and strengthen the summer precipitation in South China. 展开更多
关键词 seasonal cycle East Asian sub-tropical summer monsoon China summer rainy season onset
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