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地面气旋影响下两次华北暴雪(雨)过程分析 被引量:9
作者 张楠 易笑园 +1 位作者 朱立娟 王庆元 《气象与环境学报》 2014年第5期7-14,共8页
利用GRAPES模式、常规观测和NCEP再分析资料对2010年1月3日和2012年11月3日两次气旋影响华北地区暴雪(雨)天气过程的形成机理进行对比分析。结果表明:两次暴雪(雨)过程中降水落区与地面气旋的相对位置有较大差别,"0103"过程... 利用GRAPES模式、常规观测和NCEP再分析资料对2010年1月3日和2012年11月3日两次气旋影响华北地区暴雪(雨)天气过程的形成机理进行对比分析。结果表明:两次暴雪(雨)过程中降水落区与地面气旋的相对位置有较大差别,"0103"过程发生在气旋的东部,"1103"过程发生在气旋的北部。通过检验,GRAPE模式能较好模拟两次降水的落区。通过数值模拟的结果分析造成这种落区差异的原因,从热力方面来看,气旋的热力性质不同,"0103"过程一直保持暖心结构,"1103"过程冷空气不断被气旋卷入,使气旋逐渐变为冷心结构,造成冷暖空气相互作用方式不同。另一方面,"0103"过程冷暖空气的交汇发生在气旋与高压系统之间,且在气旋中心附近形成锢囚;而"1103"过程冷暖空气的交汇发生在气旋内部,过程的锋面系统由北向南倾斜。另外,"1103"过程水汽是被近地层气旋不断卷入;从风场垂直分布来看,两次过程发生前均有近地面层偏东风建立,结束时均伴随中低层系统过境,风向由南风转为北风,但降水过程中风场的演变明显不同。 展开更多
关键词 地面气旋 雪() 动力热力结构 水汽分布 数值模拟
甘肃省长江流域大(暴)雨引发泥石流危险程度评价 被引量:4
作者 马鹏里 蒲金涌 辛吉武 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期67-70,共4页
运用甘肃省长江流域11个气象站1971—2000年30 a整编气象资料及5个农业气象观测站1981—2000年1 m土层内的土壤湿度资料,分析了该地大(暴)雨发生频率及大(暴)雨易发时段不同深度层次的土壤含水量、可容纳水量的变化,构建了评价当地大(暴... 运用甘肃省长江流域11个气象站1971—2000年30 a整编气象资料及5个农业气象观测站1981—2000年1 m土层内的土壤湿度资料,分析了该地大(暴)雨发生频率及大(暴)雨易发时段不同深度层次的土壤含水量、可容纳水量的变化,构建了评价当地大(暴)雨引发泥石流的评价指数。结果表明,在发生大雨时,西汉水流域的泥石流发生可能性大于白龙江流域。发生暴雨时,白龙江发生泥石流的可能性大于西汉水流域。 展开更多
关键词 甘肃省 大() 泥石流 危险程度
宝天高速公路西段大(暴)雨引发泥石流危险程度评价 被引量:2
作者 姚小英 蒲金涌 +2 位作者 田广旭 尤志刚 朱恩超 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1270-1275,共6页
大(暴)雨可能引发的泥石流等地质灾害,是宝天高速公路西段安全运行的最大威胁.根据宝天高速公路西段1965-2008年麦积国家基本气象站、街子气象哨降水资料及1980-2008年天水农业气象试验站历年土壤水分含量观测资料,分析了宝天高速公... 大(暴)雨可能引发的泥石流等地质灾害,是宝天高速公路西段安全运行的最大威胁.根据宝天高速公路西段1965-2008年麦积国家基本气象站、街子气象哨降水资料及1980-2008年天水农业气象试验站历年土壤水分含量观测资料,分析了宝天高速公路沿线降水、大(暴)雨及土壤含水量分布规律,建立了大(暴)雨引发泥石流可能发生的危险性的评价模式.结果表明:天宝高速公路西段是地质灾害高危险区,也是天水市地区的大(暴)雨中心.自20世纪60年代以来,宝天高速公路段的年降水呈20 a周期变化,大(暴)雨出现次数与年降水量距平百分率呈正相关.大(暴)雨的出现具有明显的季节性,在大(暴)雨出现的4-10月,100 cm土层土壤最大水分容纳量为86-172 mm,40 cm土层为41-69 mm.大(暴)雨引发泥石流的危险性7月最高,4月最低.7-10月泥石流发生的危险程度高于4-6月,主汛期是该线路段泥石流等地质灾害的重点防御时段. 展开更多
关键词 宝天高速公路 大() 引发 泥石流 评价
2009年隆冬辽宁雨转暴雪和大雪过程对比分析 被引量:22
作者 赵雅轩 梁军 +2 位作者 石小龙 朱晶 刘小初 《气象与环境学报》 2010年第5期30-35,共6页
针对2009年2月辽宁中旬旬初雨转暴雪过程和旬末大雪过程,利用常规观测资料和NCEP 1°×1°逐6 h分析资料,从环流形势、影响系统、水汽和动力条件及热力结构等入手,进行对比分析。结果表明:两次过程在许多方面显著不同。两... 针对2009年2月辽宁中旬旬初雨转暴雪过程和旬末大雪过程,利用常规观测资料和NCEP 1°×1°逐6 h分析资料,从环流形势、影响系统、水汽和动力条件及热力结构等入手,进行对比分析。结果表明:两次过程在许多方面显著不同。两次过程均发生在乌山阻高稳定的形势下,均受中纬度东移的中尺度低值系统影响,但雨转暴雪过程中高纬度为两脊一槽型,中纬度短槽与南支低槽结合携强冷空气东移,与低空急流在辽宁上空交汇。大雪过程为东低西高型,中纬度气旋性波动东移,切变线北抬过程中与西南暖湿气流作用影响辽宁。两次过程均发生在600 hPa以下相对湿度为80%以上的大气中,均具有低层辐合高层辐散的特征和深厚的上升运动,但雨转暴雪过程水汽含量更高,辐合层更深厚、强度更强,垂直速度较大雪过程大一个量级。两次过程均有明显的风垂直切变特征,但雨转暴雪过程发生在风垂直切变迅速增大的条件下,大雪过程风垂直切变相对稳定;雨转暴雪过程降水随湿位涡的发展而增强,两者有较好的对应关系,而大雪过程湿位涡表现微弱。雨转暴雪过程槽前0℃层达到850 hPa,槽后各层温度迅速下降至0℃以下,而大雪过程整层温度始终在0℃以下。 展开更多
关键词 雪过程 大雪过程 环流形势 低空急流 风垂直切变 湿位涡 对比分析
2020年初夏中天山一次罕见雨转暴雪天气成因分析 被引量:1
作者 周雪英 仇会民 +2 位作者 温春 努加 张云惠 《沙漠与绿洲气象》 2022年第6期67-76,共10页
利用常规观测、FNL、ERA5再分析等资料,探讨2020年6月28—29日中天山巴音布鲁克山区雨转暴雪天气成因。结果表明:(1)天气发生在100 hPa南压高压双体型和500 hPa两脊一槽的环流背景下,冷锋过境气温骤降造成雨转暴雪,暴雪落区位于200 hPa... 利用常规观测、FNL、ERA5再分析等资料,探讨2020年6月28—29日中天山巴音布鲁克山区雨转暴雪天气成因。结果表明:(1)天气发生在100 hPa南压高压双体型和500 hPa两脊一槽的环流背景下,冷锋过境气温骤降造成雨转暴雪,暴雪落区位于200 hPa西风急流出口区左侧、500 h Pa西南暖湿急流、600 hPa中尺度涡旋锋生、700 hPa东南急流出口区及切变辐合线叠置区。(2)降雪时冷暖平流交汇长时间维持利于层结不稳定,最大水汽辐合带在650~550 hPa并长时间维持,为强降雪提供有利水汽条件。(3)锋区垂直方向倾斜发展增强斜升运动,致使垂直涡度增加;局地锋生造成中尺度与天气尺度次级环流叠加发展,上升运动进一步增强,对降雪强度起增幅作用。(4)巴音布鲁克山区辐合线触发多个中尺度对流云团不断合并增强,TBB≤-50℃稳定维持,是降雪时间长、强度大的原因之一。 展开更多
关键词 中天山 中尺度涡旋 锋生次级环流
2020年初山东一次雨转暴雪天气过程分析 被引量:5
作者 宿秋兰 郑丽娜 《陕西气象》 2021年第1期15-20,共6页
利用2020年1月常规天气图、地面降水、加密自动站和欧洲中心细网格等资料,分析了2020年初山东一次雨转暴雪的天气过程。研究发现,这次过程前期主要是降雨阶段,后期是降雪阶段:降雨阶段,山东处于高空槽前,水汽主要来源于高空槽前的西南气... 利用2020年1月常规天气图、地面降水、加密自动站和欧洲中心细网格等资料,分析了2020年初山东一次雨转暴雪的天气过程。研究发现,这次过程前期主要是降雨阶段,后期是降雪阶段:降雨阶段,山东处于高空槽前,水汽主要来源于高空槽前的西南气流,上升运动弱,气流的不稳定层位于800 hPa以下;降雪阶段,山东内陆地区近地面层形成冷垫,700~500 hPa槽前暖湿空气沿冷垫爬升,不稳定层较降雨时明显抬升,上升运动加强。山东半岛在降雪阶段受黄海气旋外围影响,水汽来源主要是气旋外围的偏东气流。近地面冷层厚度能引起该层温度的变化:当冷层厚度在2 km以下时,降水相态为雨;超过2 km时,降水相态为雪;当冷层厚度达到5 km以上时,降水过程结束。这次过程中山东多地存在雨雪相态转换,近地层温度与0℃层高度是判定降水相态的有效要素指标。 展开更多
关键词 影响系统 回流形势 降水相态
一次历史罕见的雨转暴雪天气过程分析 被引量:2
作者 王智宇 江虹 宋玉明 《吉林气象》 2010年第4期2-8,共7页
受强冷空气和低空切变共同影响,2009年2月12日17时至13日08时,集安市出现了历史同期最强的冬季大到暴雨天气,其它市县出现了历史同期最强的雨转暴雪天气过程,本文以常规气象资料及数值预报资料为基础,从大尺度环流特征、影响天气系统、... 受强冷空气和低空切变共同影响,2009年2月12日17时至13日08时,集安市出现了历史同期最强的冬季大到暴雨天气,其它市县出现了历史同期最强的雨转暴雪天气过程,本文以常规气象资料及数值预报资料为基础,从大尺度环流特征、影响天气系统、雨转暴雪的前期气温分析、温度场结构特征、各气压层大气温度结构特征,动力条件及高低空急流配置、水汽条件、卫星云图等方面对此次天气过程进行分析。结果表明:本次强降水是产生在欧亚中高纬度呈一槽一脊经向环流形势下,500hPa北涡南槽、地面江淮气旋、850hPa切变线是主要影响天气系统;地面江淮气旋东移加强北上对雨转暴雪天气的形成和维持起到重要作用,2月12日最高气温上升到6~8℃,如此高温为通化地区降水积累了强大动力和能量来源,也是本次降水开始是雨原因。降水开始时我省的东南部受暖锋控制,降水以雨的性质为主,随着冷锋东移南下,我区自北到向南依次转为降雪。高低空急流的动力耦合作用、低空的西南急流水汽输送带从孟加拉湾、南海、东海、黄海带来异常充沛的水汽和强烈的辐合所产生的垂直上升运动是本次强降水的重要原因;低层北方冷空气与南方暖湿气流交汇使低层形成强锋区,为雨转暴雪的产生提供了动力。 展开更多
关键词 大尺度环流特征 温度场特征 高低空急流
朝阳地区2009年2月12~13日一次雨转暴雪天气过程分析 被引量:1
作者 隋景跃 依航 +1 位作者 冯书霞 张黎 《吉林农业(下半月)》 2018年第3期101-101,共1页
本文阐述了朝阳地区2009年2月12~13日雨转暴雪天气过程,重点分析了降水过程中高空及地面天气形势、卫星云图、数值预报产品的预报分析情况。结果表明:海上副热带高压西伸北抬,高压后部西南气流为这场暴雪提供了充沛的水汽等条件,较强的... 本文阐述了朝阳地区2009年2月12~13日雨转暴雪天气过程,重点分析了降水过程中高空及地面天气形势、卫星云图、数值预报产品的预报分析情况。结果表明:海上副热带高压西伸北抬,高压后部西南气流为这场暴雪提供了充沛的水汽等条件,较强的冷空气,稳定的环流形势,是产生此次雨转暴雪的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 雪过程 天气形势 预报产品
和政县近30年大(暴)雨气候演变特征及灾害分析 被引量:2
作者 赵月兰 何临平 《甘肃农业科技》 2013年第10期26-28,共3页
利用1983—2012年气象资料,分析了和政县大(暴)雨灾害的演变特征,结果表明,和政县出现暴雨的频率较低,年均仅为0.5次,但大雨出现频率高,年均3.6次,且大(暴)雨日数呈明显的增长趋势,尤其近10 a暴雨日数剧增,由暴洪灾害造成的直接经济损... 利用1983—2012年气象资料,分析了和政县大(暴)雨灾害的演变特征,结果表明,和政县出现暴雨的频率较低,年均仅为0.5次,但大雨出现频率高,年均3.6次,且大(暴)雨日数呈明显的增长趋势,尤其近10 a暴雨日数剧增,由暴洪灾害造成的直接经济损失占各类气象灾害总损失的36%,居和政县气象灾害之首。 展开更多
关键词 大() 年际变化 气候特征 灾害分析 和政县
作者 格日乐 哈斯塔木嘎 王学强 《现代农业科技》 2013年第18期232-233,236,共3页
利用常规气象资料、区域自动站雨量资料、FY-2D卫星资料,对2012年7月20—22日内蒙古锡林郭勒盟出现的一次大(暴)雨天气过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:此次大(暴)雨是由高空低涡、地面气旋共同影响产生的,700 hPa西南涡是这次大(暴)雨的... 利用常规气象资料、区域自动站雨量资料、FY-2D卫星资料,对2012年7月20—22日内蒙古锡林郭勒盟出现的一次大(暴)雨天气过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:此次大(暴)雨是由高空低涡、地面气旋共同影响产生的,700 hPa西南涡是这次大(暴)雨的影响系统,北部下滑冷空气的加入和西南暖湿气流的加强是影响系统加强维持的原因。低层强盛的低空急流将南方西南暖湿气流源源不断地向大雨区输送。各物理量场的高低空合理配置和高能、高湿是此次降水出现必备的动力和能量条件。 展开更多
关键词 大() 急流 低涡 气旋 2012年7月20—22日
作者 爆雪 《中学生电脑》 2005年第1期38-39,共2页
关键词 “宠物” 北欧式疾走 减肥效果 奔跑方式 运动方式 木棒 健身运动
Relationship between Regional Rainstorm Index and Flood Disaster Ratio of Crop 被引量:8
作者 姜会飞 廖树华 +1 位作者 潘学标 候双双 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第3期429-434,共6页
According to the daily precipitation data in Beijing area from 1985 to 2008,rainstorm weather index (10.4-38.8 mm) and climate index (daily precipitation ≥27.5 mm) in Beijing area were obtained by using the deter... According to the daily precipitation data in Beijing area from 1985 to 2008,rainstorm weather index (10.4-38.8 mm) and climate index (daily precipitation ≥27.5 mm) in Beijing area were obtained by using the determination method of extreme climate event index recommended by IPCC. Based on rainstorm weather index,rainstorm climate index and national rainstorm standard,the number of rainstorm days and rainfall amount in past years were calculated,and the correlation of annual number of rainy days,rainstorm days,precipitation and rainstorm amount with the flood disaster ratio of crop was analyzed,and the results showed that annual number of rainy days and rainstorm days couldn't reflect flood disaster ratio of crop truly,while annual precipitation and rainstorm amount had obvious linear positive correlation with the flood disaster ratio of crop. In addition,the correlation degree between rainstorm amount calculated by regional climate index and flood disaster ratio of crop was the highest,so it was suggested that rainstorm amount calculated by regional rainstorm climate index could be used to predict and evaluate flood disaster. 展开更多
关键词 RAINSTORM Rainstorm index Number of rainstorm days Rainstorm amount Flood disaster
作者 程应镠 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1990年第1期130-131,共2页
关键词 史话 笑貌 南北朝 音容 十九岁 汉书 后援工作 朋友 北平 雨暴
Analysis of a Wenzhou-Hitting Exceptionally Strong Rainstorm Associated with a Typhoon Inverted Trough in September,1999
作者 郑峰 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2010年第1期39-47,共9页
Using T106 numerical products, MM5 simulations in conjunction of Q-vector scheme-computed NCEP results, observations and satellite cloud images, study is undertaken for an exceptionally intense rainstorm event afflict... Using T106 numerical products, MM5 simulations in conjunction of Q-vector scheme-computed NCEP results, observations and satellite cloud images, study is undertaken for an exceptionally intense rainstorm event afflicting the Wenzhou region of Zhejiang province far away from the tropical storm center happening early on the morning of September 4, 1999 (TS9909 hereinafter). Evidence suggests that, like previously-studied typhoons landing in autumn south of Xiamen to the eastern part of Guangdong, TS9909 has an inverted trough in the central south of the coastal belt of Zhejiang province that produces the rainstorm from the meso convective complex (MCC) on the warm, moist shear inside; the time and order of the magnitude of the rainfall are bound up with the development of the pattern of strong Q-vector divergence gradients during the event for the study area; the NE - SW coastline and the unique topography of the Yandang mountains inside the region are favorable for air lifting are the major contributors to the torrential rains. 展开更多
关键词 long-distance-away typhoon rainstorm inverted trough MCC Q-vector divergence gradient
作者 赵月明 《农电管理》 2000年第7期46-46,共1页
关键词 雨暴 帆樯 风狂 海风 险滩 海洋 暗礁
Application of constructed wetlands treatment technique for stormwater runoff pollution control 被引量:2
作者 王建富 杜晓丽 李俊奇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第2期197-201,共5页
In order to improve the pollution control effect of nitrogen phosphorus and heavy metals in stormwater runoff by using the constructed wetlands factors such as medium plants pretreatments etc.that may influence the re... In order to improve the pollution control effect of nitrogen phosphorus and heavy metals in stormwater runoff by using the constructed wetlands factors such as medium plants pretreatments etc.that may influence the removal efficiency are discussed based on the current studies. The pollution control effect can be enhanced by the improvement of the design methods the components and management of constructed wetlands.The design methods aimed at controlling the stormwater runoff should be based on the hydrological data accumulated for years.The development of novel medium and the selection of plants i.e. flood-tolerant and economical should be considered in advance. The management of constructed wetlands should be enhanced and the database of the stormwater in wetlands should be built.The discussion above should be effective in improving the pollution control effect in stormwater runoff by applying constructed wetlands. 展开更多
关键词 STORMWATER RUNOFF CONSTRUCTED wetlands improvement methods
Characterizing urban road runoff quality in South China:a case study in Shenzhen 被引量:3
作者 张健君 蒋沂孜 +2 位作者 刘安 管运涛 叶少华 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第2期181-185,共5页
In order to have an in-depth understanding of road runoff characteristics and the linkages to their influential factors this paper investigates the road runoff quality in a city of South China Shenzhen.Four rainfall e... In order to have an in-depth understanding of road runoff characteristics and the linkages to their influential factors this paper investigates the road runoff quality in a city of South China Shenzhen.Four rainfall events with different characteristics are monitored on a typical urban road.It is noted that the road runoff quality is worse than Grade Ⅳ of environmental quality standards for surface water.This means that the road runoff has posed a serious risk to water environment health. Furthermore the research outcomes indicate that first flush highly varies with rainfall patterns and pollutant species.This means that for road runoff treatment design rainfall patterns as well as pollutant species should be taken into consideration and this is particularly essential to design first flush capturing devices. Additionally the threshold of an initial 3 to 5 mm rainfall depth is suggested to the first flush capturing device design.These results provide useful suggestions to the effective road runoff treatment design. 展开更多
关键词 STORMWATER pollution road RUNOFF quality characteristics first flush low impact development LID
Influence of Land Use/Cover Change on Storm Runoff—A Case Study of Xitiaoxi River Basin in Upstream of Taihu Lake Watershed 被引量:8
作者 WAN Rongrong YANG Guishan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期349-356,共8页
Land use/cover change (LUCC) is one of the main boundary conditions which influence many hydrologic processes. In view of the importance of Taihu Lake Watershed in China and the urgency of discovering the impacts of L... Land use/cover change (LUCC) is one of the main boundary conditions which influence many hydrologic processes. In view of the importance of Taihu Lake Watershed in China and the urgency of discovering the impacts of LUCC on storm runoff, two flood events under five land cover scenarios in the Xitiaoxi River Basin of the upstream of Taihu Lake watershed were simulated by distributed hydrologic modeling system HEC-HMS. The influences of each land cover on storm runoff were discussed. It was concluded that under the same rainstorm the ascending order of runoff coefficient and peak flow produced by the 5 different land covers were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land; the descending order of swelling time were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land. Scenario of built-up land was the first to reach peak flow, then arable land, grassland, shrub, and woodland. There were close relationships between the runoff coefficients produced by the 5 different land covers. The degrees of impacts on runoff coefficient of land cover change modes were sorted by descending: woodland to built-up land, shrub to built-up land, grassland to built-up land, arable land to built-up land, woodland to arable land, shrub to arable land, arable land to grassland, shrub to grassland, grassland to arable land, and woodland to shrub. Urbanization will contribute to flood disaster, while forestation will mitigate flood disaster. 展开更多
关键词 land-use/cover change (LUCC) storm runoff flood events hydrologic model Xitiaoxi River Basin
State of China’s climate in 2021 被引量:5
作者 Wei Li Shanshan Zhao +5 位作者 Yu Chen Ling Wang Wei Hou Yundi Jiang Xukai Zou Shuai Shi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第4期52-57,共6页
This report is a summary of China’s climate,as well as major weather and climate events,during 2021.In 2021,the mean temperature in China was 10.5°C,which was 1.0°C above normal(1981–2010 average)and broke... This report is a summary of China’s climate,as well as major weather and climate events,during 2021.In 2021,the mean temperature in China was 10.5°C,which was 1.0°C above normal(1981–2010 average)and broke the highest record since 1951.The annual rainfall in China was 672.1 mm,which was 6.7%above normal.Also,the annual rainfall in northern China was 40.2%above normal,which ranked second highest since 1961.The rainstorm intensity in the rainy season was strong and featured significant extremes,and disasters caused by rainstorms and flooding were more serious than the average in the past decade.In particular,the extremely strong rainstorm in Henan during July and autumn caused flooding in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River with severe consequences.Heatwaves occurred more frequently than normal,and their durations in southern China were longer than normal in summer and autumn.Phased drought was obvious,and caused serious impacts in South China.The number of generated and landfalling typhoons was lower than normal;however,Typhoon In-fa broke the record for the longest overland duration,held since 1949,and affected a wide area.Severe convective weather and extreme windy weather occurred frequently,causing serious impacts.The number of cold waves was more than normal,which caused wide-ranging extremely low temperatures in many places.Sandstorms appeared earlier than normal in 2021,and the number of strong dust storm processes was more than normal. 展开更多
关键词 Climate state Meteorological disasters RAINSTORM Convective weather events 2021
Sensitivity of warm-sector heavy precipitation to the impact of anthropogenic heating in South China 被引量:3
作者 LI Shu-Wen YANG Shuai LIU Hai-Wen 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第3期236-245,共10页
Previous studies have mostly focused on the effect of anthropogenic heating(AH) on air pollution events. However, few studies have investigated the impact of AH on the warm-sector precipitation over South China. By ... Previous studies have mostly focused on the effect of anthropogenic heating(AH) on air pollution events. However, few studies have investigated the impact of AH on the warm-sector precipitation over South China. By using the Weather Research and Forecasting model(WRF)coupled with an urban canopy model with appropriate AH release values, the warm-sector heavy rainfall event that occurred over the Pearl River Delta(PRD) during 8 May 2014 was investigated.The results show that the warm-sector precipitation of the PRD is sensitive to the impact of AH.By affecting the convection in the initiation of precipitation, AH can reduce the total precipitation of urban areas by approximately 10%. The possible mechanism by which AH influences the warm-sector heavy precipitation is described as follows: AH induced local convergence shifts towards the border of the PRD and intensified the convection and precipitation therein, by rearranging the thermal distributions of the flow field. In addition, AH changed the local convergence within the urban PRD areas, which was weakened by the homogenous urban thermal environment, and thereby decreased the total urban precipitation. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy precipitation anthropogenic heating numerical simulation
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