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110kV干式空心并联电抗器地震模拟震动台试验 被引量:5
作者 张猛 王红雨 +3 位作者 刘成柱 王银岭 孙国华 奚晶亮 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期186-193,共8页
110 kV干式空心并联电抗器肩负着改善轻负载线路中的无功分布、降低有功损耗以及提高送电效率等重要作用,是1000 kV特高压交流输电工程主变压器第三绕组110 kV无功补偿关键设备之一,其抗震性能至关重要。文中基于锡盟—山东1000 kV特高... 110 kV干式空心并联电抗器肩负着改善轻负载线路中的无功分布、降低有功损耗以及提高送电效率等重要作用,是1000 kV特高压交流输电工程主变压器第三绕组110 kV无功补偿关键设备之一,其抗震性能至关重要。文中基于锡盟—山东1000 kV特高压交流输变电工程,首先阐述了110 kV干式空心并联电抗器主要技术参数以及抗震要求,然后详细介绍了地震台参数、地震输入波形以及位移和应变测点布置位置,并对110 kV干式空心并联电抗器进行了地震模拟震动台试验。试验结果表明:①台面最大加速度实测值大于0.4g,抗震试验地震波满足9度地震要求;②抗震试验前后对比,电抗器水平向(X向)基频变化较小,可认为电抗器在试验前后刚度保持不变,几乎没有损伤;③考虑自重、端子拉力荷载以及风荷载并乘以相应组合系数后,绝缘子构件最小安全系数为2.94,大于标准要求的1.67,满足9度抗震设防烈度要求。110 kV干式空心并联电抗器地震模拟震动台试验可为后期干式空心电抗器抗震特性方面研究提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 干式空心电抗器 模拟震动台 基频 瓷质绝缘子 荷载组合 安全系数
复合绝缘子倾斜支撑干式空心电抗器地震模拟震动台试验 被引量:4
作者 张猛 刘成柱 +3 位作者 孙国华 张月华 王银岭 王红雨 《南方电网技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期69-75,共7页
为研究复合绝缘子倾斜支撑干式空心电抗器在地震作用下的机械结构特性,依托于榆横—潍坊1000 kV特高压交流输变电工程,对干式空心电抗器进行地震模拟震动台试验,并对各部件的加速度响应、应变响应以及位移响应结果进行分析。结果表明:1... 为研究复合绝缘子倾斜支撑干式空心电抗器在地震作用下的机械结构特性,依托于榆横—潍坊1000 kV特高压交流输变电工程,对干式空心电抗器进行地震模拟震动台试验,并对各部件的加速度响应、应变响应以及位移响应结果进行分析。结果表明:1)地震模拟震动台试验时,电抗器上支架根部加速度放大系数为2.80,是各部件中加速度放大系数最大位置;2)荷载效应组合后,绝缘子计算应力最大值为35.73 MPa,安全系数为2.18,满足标准大于1.67的要求,是支撑体系最薄弱环节;3)抗震试验后,线圈本体通风条无掉落,绑扎带无断裂,防雨帽未掉落,星形架无变形,复合绝缘子表面无裂纹和破损,胶装位置无裂缝,抗震试验合格。该地震模拟震动台试验可为干式空心电抗器抗震特性方面的研究提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 复合绝缘子 干式空心电抗器 设防烈度 地震模拟震动台 安全系数 基频
作者 卜灵 《国外核新闻》 北大核心 1996年第9期25-25,共1页
【《日本原子》1996年5月号第20页报道】 由于最近日本群岛周围地震区的地震活动频繁(最突出的是1995年1月发生的神户大地震),所以日本急需对现有事故预防措施进行改进。鉴于此,日本科技厅(STA)决定研制世界上最大的震动试验设施。今年... 【《日本原子》1996年5月号第20页报道】 由于最近日本群岛周围地震区的地震活动频繁(最突出的是1995年1月发生的神户大地震),所以日本急需对现有事故预防措施进行改进。鉴于此,日本科技厅(STA)决定研制世界上最大的震动试验设施。今年将开始该设施震动机制的基础技术研究工作,此工作将持续三年。设施的设计和建造工作将于1998财政年度开始。 展开更多
关键词 震动台 设施的设计和建造 日本 事故预防措施 地震活动 基础技术 震动试验 核电厂 试验设施 震动
作者 曾维成 《四川建材》 2016年第1期213-214,216,共3页
基坑工程是一门综合性、实践性较强的工程,然而,在现实施工过程中,基坑深度日益增加,再加上越来越严格的建筑要求和环保要求,我们必须根据具体情况,以科学研究的态度来重视深基坑支护问题。本文分析了震动台中深基坑支护工程概述、支护... 基坑工程是一门综合性、实践性较强的工程,然而,在现实施工过程中,基坑深度日益增加,再加上越来越严格的建筑要求和环保要求,我们必须根据具体情况,以科学研究的态度来重视深基坑支护问题。本文分析了震动台中深基坑支护工程概述、支护设计及支护施工方案,并对其中遇到的问题进行详细阐述。从而为深基坑工程研究理论和实践指导奠定一定的基础。 展开更多
关键词 震动台 深基坑 支护施工
研究局部场地条件对地震动影响的响嘡遥测台阵 被引量:10
作者 周雍年 谢礼立 +1 位作者 章文波 吴惟廉 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期1-4,共4页
对原有的响嘡三维场地条件影响台阵进行了扩建改造。增设了一个深度为47m的测井,对钻孔土样进行了土动力学测试,弥补了缺乏详细土层特性资料的缺陷。新老测井观测点均架设了电话线路,实现了观测中心与台阵之间的远程监控和数据传输。已... 对原有的响嘡三维场地条件影响台阵进行了扩建改造。增设了一个深度为47m的测井,对钻孔土样进行了土动力学测试,弥补了缺乏详细土层特性资料的缺陷。新老测井观测点均架设了电话线路,实现了观测中心与台阵之间的远程监控和数据传输。已经获取的一批中小地震近场记录可以用来进行盲测研究。 展开更多
关键词 局部场地影响 三维强震动台 肓测
小型地震模拟振动台教学试验的课堂实践与探讨 被引量:1
作者 陈伟 王欣宇 叶继红 《科教导刊》 2024年第14期116-118,共3页
随着科技教育的持续进步,学生创新与实践综合能力的提升日益受到关注。本研究旨在探索实践微试验课堂新型教学模式。该模式以“地震模拟振动台试验”的设计、实践与答辩为核心内容对传统课堂进行了深度改革。教学设计中突出强调学生参... 随着科技教育的持续进步,学生创新与实践综合能力的提升日益受到关注。本研究旨在探索实践微试验课堂新型教学模式。该模式以“地震模拟振动台试验”的设计、实践与答辩为核心内容对传统课堂进行了深度改革。教学设计中突出强调学生参与调研资料及试验设计的主观能动性,将专业知识融入实验实践操作过程,激发学生自主学习的意愿和专业知识运用能力,培养学生的创新思维。该模式为新型教学革新提供了一个可行的范式。 展开更多
关键词 课堂微试验 地震模拟试验 小型震动台试验
高裂度地震区铁路液化地基处理措施的试验研究 被引量:4
作者 蒋楚生 李庆海 +1 位作者 贺钢 曹新文 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2012年第12期42-47,共6页
研究目的:玉蒙铁路通过通海湖相沉积盆地,以粉细砂和粉质黏土为主,属典型的地震液化地基。针对设计采用的碎石桩加固处理措施,通过动三轴试验研究粉细砂两种密实度和排水条件的液化强度,验证采用挤密排水法处理加固的可行性;采用振动台... 研究目的:玉蒙铁路通过通海湖相沉积盆地,以粉细砂和粉质黏土为主,属典型的地震液化地基。针对设计采用的碎石桩加固处理措施,通过动三轴试验研究粉细砂两种密实度和排水条件的液化强度,验证采用挤密排水法处理加固的可行性;采用振动台试验模拟地基液化的孔隙水压力随地震裂度的变化情况,从孔压比的变化验证地基抗液化能力。研究结论:(1)通过动三轴试验和振动台试验,验证了碎石桩复合地基对通海盆地的粉细砂液化地基加固的可行性;(2)碎石桩的挤密和排水作用对提高粉细砂液化地基抗液化强度效果明显;(3)地震荷载作用时,通海盆地粉细砂液化地基的液化范围主要是路堤坡脚以外的范围,而路堤内的地基的孔压比则远远低于0.8(通常认为液化的孔压比),没有液化;(4)通海盆地粉细砂液化地基发生液化时,坡脚外地基的孔压比随加载时间迅速增加;(5)对于液化地基上的路堤,复合地基的加固范围仍是一个需要研究的课题;(6)液化地基其它加固措施(如:水泥土搅拌桩、CFG桩等)的抗液化效果尚待进一步研究;(7)建议在坡脚外采用隔震措施,再进行深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 液化地基 地基处理 动三轴试验 震动台试验
作者 宋晓春 姜慧 +1 位作者 朱嘉健 赵贤任 《科技资讯》 2015年第35期100-102,105,共4页
为研究发电机组运行对新丰江大坝频率的影响,需对大坝的频率进行连续识别。新丰江大坝上架设的监测系统为强震动台阵,相较于其他健康监测系统测点较少,因此该文选取新丰江大坝强震动台阵信号质量较优、受干扰小的测点,采用2014年7月5日... 为研究发电机组运行对新丰江大坝频率的影响,需对大坝的频率进行连续识别。新丰江大坝上架设的监测系统为强震动台阵,相较于其他健康监测系统测点较少,因此该文选取新丰江大坝强震动台阵信号质量较优、受干扰小的测点,采用2014年7月5日的加速度数据,利用平均正规化功率谱法(ANPSD)、频域分解法(FFD)和协方差驱动的随机子空间(SSI-cov)3种频率识别方法对大坝的频率进行连续识别,并比较它们的优缺点。识别结果可用于观测和研究新丰江大坝水电机组运行与停机情况下,新丰江大坝模态频率的变化。 展开更多
关键词 新丰江大坝 水电机组 模态频率识别 震动台阵系统
桥面板约束条件对钢筋混凝土拱桥力学性能影响的试验研究 被引量:4
作者 范颖芳 胡志强 +2 位作者 周晶 朱彤 张学志 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期146-152,共7页
针对某服役30余年的六跨钢筋混凝土拱桥制作了有机玻璃单跨缩尺模型,考虑桥面板不同约束情况(连续和分段)对拱桥模型开展了静、动力力学性能的试验研究。讨论了不同桥面板约束条件对结构静、动力力学性能的影响。研究表明,桥面板的约束... 针对某服役30余年的六跨钢筋混凝土拱桥制作了有机玻璃单跨缩尺模型,考虑桥面板不同约束情况(连续和分段)对拱桥模型开展了静、动力力学性能的试验研究。讨论了不同桥面板约束条件对结构静、动力力学性能的影响。研究表明,桥面板的约束情况对结构的刚度有很大程度的影响,桥面板约束越强,结构的频率越高,结构的动力性能越好;桥面板的约束情况对结构水平向动力特性(包括频率和振型)的影响高于竖直方向;桥面板中部的约束情况对整个结构基本频率的影响最为显著。通过试验结果与原型观测结果的比较,确定了能够较好反映原型结构力学性能的模型结构;为进一步开展钢筋混凝土拱桥损伤识别的模型试验和理论分析研究建立了基础。 展开更多
关键词 拱桥 桥面板 水下震动模拟 力学特性 模型试验 有机玻璃
作者 黄小红 《广东建材》 2010年第7期22-24,共3页
本文结合广东省重点工程——广东科学中心工程,分析了在工程建设中进行抗震设防的必要性;在探讨结构分析方法及内容的基础上,对该区结构进行了模拟震动台试验。本文通过广东科学中心E区隔震与非隔震结构的动力特性和地震反应进行的对比... 本文结合广东省重点工程——广东科学中心工程,分析了在工程建设中进行抗震设防的必要性;在探讨结构分析方法及内容的基础上,对该区结构进行了模拟震动台试验。本文通过广东科学中心E区隔震与非隔震结构的动力特性和地震反应进行的对比,表明在广东科学中心这样结构复杂,功能特殊的结构中采用隔震技术,不仅可以保证结构物本身的安全,也可以确保其内部展品的安全,具有较大的价值意义。 展开更多
关键词 隔震 夹层橡胶垫 震动台试验 SAP2000
作者 薛祖玲 《防灾博览》 2001年第1期33-33,共1页
关键词 混凝土空心砌块 抗震实验 中国地震局 模拟实验室 结构抗震 震动台 动力实验 力学研究所 砖混结构楼房 保护土壤
Analysis of Earthquake-Triggered Failure Mechanisms of Slopes and Sliding Surfaces 被引量:11
作者 WANG Jian YAO Lingkan Arshad Hussain 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期282-290,共9页
Earthquake-induced landslides along the Dujiangyan-Yingxiu highway after the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 were investigated. It was found that: (1) slopes were shattered and damaged during the earthquake a... Earthquake-induced landslides along the Dujiangyan-Yingxiu highway after the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 were investigated. It was found that: (1) slopes were shattered and damaged during the earthquake and open tension cracks formed on the tops of the slopes; (2) the upper parts of slopes collapsed and slid, while the lower parts remained basically intact, indicating that the upper parts of slopes would be damaged more heavily than the lower parts during an earthquake. Large-scale shaking table model tests were conducted to study failure behavior of slopes under the Wenchuan seismic wave, which reproduced the process of deformation and failure of slopes. Tension cracks emerged at the top and upper part of model, while the bottom of the model remained intact, consistent with field investigations. Depth of the tension crack at the top of model is 32 cm, i.e., 3.2 m compared to the prototype natural slope with a height of 14 m when the length scale ratio (proto/model) is lo. Acceleration at the top of the slope was almost twice as large as that at the toe when the measured accelerations on shaking table are 4.85 m/s2 and 6.49 m/s2, which means that seismic force at the top of the slope is twice the magnitude of that at the toe. By use of the dynamic-strength-reduction method, numerical simulation was conducted to explore the process and mechanism of formation of the sliding surface, with other quantified information. The earthquake-induced failure surfaces commonly consist of tension cracks and shear zones. Within 5 mfrom the top of the slope, the dynamic sliding surface will be about 1 m shallower than the pseudo-static sliding surface in a horizontal direction when the peak ground acceleration (PGA) is 1 m/s2; the dynamic sliding surface will be about 2 m deeper than the pseudo-static sliding surface in a horizontal direction when the PGA is lo m/sL and the depths of the dynamic sliding surface and the pseudo-static sliding surface will be almost the same when the PGA is 2 m/s2. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the key point of anti-seismic design, as well as for mitigation of post-earthquake, secondary mountain hazards, is to prevent tension cracks from forming in the upper part of the slope. Therefore, the depth of tension cracks in slope surfaces is the key to reinforcement of slopes. The depth of the sliding surface from the pseudo-static method can be a reference for slope reinforcement mitigation. 展开更多
关键词 Subgrade engineering slope failuremechanism shaking table model test: seismicsliding surface Wenchuan earthquake
Seismic response of tunnel under normal fault slips by shaking table test technique 被引量:13
作者 FAN Ling CHEN Jie-ling +3 位作者 PENG Shu-quan QI Bin-xi ZHOU Qi-wen WANG Fan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第4期1306-1319,共14页
Mountain tunnel crossing a normal fault in seismically active zone is easily affected by normal fault slip and earthquake. It is necessary to study tunnel dynamic response under action of normal fault slip and earthqu... Mountain tunnel crossing a normal fault in seismically active zone is easily affected by normal fault slip and earthquake. It is necessary to study tunnel dynamic response under action of normal fault slip and earthquake. In this paper, a three-dimensional normal fault sliding device was designed, and a shaking table test was carried out to study tunnel seismic performance under normal fault slip. The results show that peak acceleration of lining is dominated by an existence of fault and direction of seismic excitation, not normal fault slip. And the incremental strains of lining in critical zone with 1.7 times fault thickness and centered in faults induced by normal fault slip and seismic excitation are larger than ones only by seismic excitation. And the incremental strains in critical zone increase with the increase of normal fault slip magnitude ranging from 0 to 2 mm. And normal fault slip results in a significant reduction of overall tunnel stiffness subjected to an earthquake. These experimental results provide a scientific reference for prevention and control measurement of tunnel damage under earthquake and normal fault slip. 展开更多
关键词 TUNNEL normal fault EARTHQUAKE fault slip shaking table test peak acceleration
Study on mine earthquake activity rules for Laohutai coal mine in Fushun of Liaoning 被引量:2
作者 HAN Xiaomin CHEN Li SUN Wenda 《Global Geology》 2011年第2期102-105,共4页
According to earthquake data of Fushun earthquake administration,the seismic analysis and statistical methods are utilized in order to analyze earthquake frequency,"b"-value timing and energy creep trends in... According to earthquake data of Fushun earthquake administration,the seismic analysis and statistical methods are utilized in order to analyze earthquake frequency,"b"-value timing and energy creep trends in Laohutai coal mine. By using least squares linear regression method,the relational expression between frequency and magnitude of mine earthquake in Laohutai coal mine is given. And the possible largest magnitude mine earthquake inferred has also been calculated. And this paper also provides a theoretical basis for further study of mine earthquake activity. 展开更多
关键词 mine earthquake earthquake frequency energy creep curve "b"-value method magnitude prediction
Seismological Research in Singapore 被引量:1
作者 Mah King Kheong Lim Lay Eng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第3期243-252,共10页
The Singapore seismic network and the seismicity of Singapore are briefly described, the four tremor events experienced by Singapore are discussed and the ground responses of different stations are compared. The tremo... The Singapore seismic network and the seismicity of Singapore are briefly described, the four tremor events experienced by Singapore are discussed and the ground responses of different stations are compared. The tremor incident standing operation procedure is also presented. 展开更多
关键词 Singapore seismic network TREMOR Ground response
Novel dynamic test system for simulating high-speed train moving on bridge under earthquake excitation 被引量:1
作者 LIU Han-yun YU Zhi-wu +1 位作者 GUO Wei JIANG Li-zhong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2485-2501,共17页
China’s high-speed railways are always facing the potential damage risk induced by strong earthquakes.And the route design concept of“using bridge instead of embankment”has also greatly increased the probability of... China’s high-speed railways are always facing the potential damage risk induced by strong earthquakes.And the route design concept of“using bridge instead of embankment”has also greatly increased the probability of high speed trains moving on bridges when a strong earthquake happens.In the past decades,a bunch of theoretical and numerical studies have been conducted in the seismic dynamic field of high-speed railway.However,the effective dynamic test system for verifying the given method and theoretical results is still lacking.Therefore,a novel dynamic test system(DTS)consisting of a shaking table array and a train-pass-bridge reduced-scale model is proposed in this paper.Through some crucial technical problems discussion,the effectiveness of similar design scheme and the feasibility of reduced-scale DTS are elaborated,and then the detailed DTS structures are given and displayed as part-by-part.On this basis,the demonstration tests are conducted and compared with the numerical simulation.The results show that the proposed DTS is accurate and effective.Therefore,the DTS can provide a new physical simulation approach to study the high-speed train’s running safety on bridges under earthquakes and can also provide a reference for the construction of related systems. 展开更多
关键词 strong earthquake high-speed train shaking table test dynamic test system similar design BRIDGE
Spherical pattern of tide-isostasy model and its application 被引量:3
作者 YANGDong-hong WANGYe YANGXue-xiang 《Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia》 2004年第2期188-195,共8页
In this paper, a calculation formula on spherical pattern of tide-isostasy model is established. The calculation indicated that for the oceanic crust plate which central angle is over 90°, a huge value(its equiva... In this paper, a calculation formula on spherical pattern of tide-isostasy model is established. The calculation indicated that for the oceanic crust plate which central angle is over 90°, a huge value(its equivalence is 108 N)of accumulative force moment in the crustal isostatic movement caused by tide can trigger off relative motion of plate, resulting in earthquake and volcanic eruption. The seismic wave features during the year 2001-2004 is an obvious example. The paracycles, i.e. 4, 12, 60, 36, 243, 372 and 396 years of tidal fluctuation can provide an explanation for some respective natural disasters. For example, La Madre paracycle about 60 years corresponds to the global disasters,earthquake and typhoon disasters. 展开更多
关键词 tide-isostasy model seesaw motion Pacific Decade Oscillation earthquake TYPHOON
Progress in Earthquake Science and Technology in China: Review and Prospect (II)
作者 Chen ZhangliChina Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100036, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第1期1-19,共19页
关键词 EARTHQUAKE Science and technology PROGRESS Review and prospect
Scaled down model design of shaking table test of Taizhou Bridge 被引量:1
作者 Yan Jukao Han Lei Zhao Yi Peng Tianbo 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第3期33-37,共5页
Taizhou Bridge is the first kilometer level three-pylon two-span suspension bridge in the world and the structural complexity has significant effects on the seismic performance of the bridge. Shaking table test of Tai... Taizhou Bridge is the first kilometer level three-pylon two-span suspension bridge in the world and the structural complexity has significant effects on the seismic performance of the bridge. Shaking table test of Taizhou Bridge is arranged to investigate the effects of non-uniform ground motion input, collision between main and side spans and optimal seismic structural system. It's very important and difficult to design and manufacture the scaled down model of Taizhou Bridge used during the shaking table test. The key point is that the girder and pylons are very hard to be manufactured if the similarity ratio is strictly followed. Based on the finite element method (FEM) analysis, a simplified scaled down model is designed and the bending stiffness of the girder and pylon are strictly simulated, and the torsion stiffness and axial stiffness are not strictly simulated. The inner forces and displacements of critical sections, points of simplified model and theoretical model are compared by FEM analysis, and it's found out that the difference between the seismic responses is relatively small. So, the simplified model can be used to conduct the shaking table test by the FEM verification. 展开更多
关键词 three-pylon two-span suspension bridge shaking table test stiffness equivalence simplified scaled down model FEM verification
Seismic Network, Seismic Activity and Seismological Research of Vietnam
作者 Nguyen Ngoc Thuy 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第3期268-270,共3页
In this paper, a historical review of the seismic network of Vietnam and the ability of the network to monitor earthquakes is presented. The seismic activity of Vietnam as a country of high seismicity in the last cent... In this paper, a historical review of the seismic network of Vietnam and the ability of the network to monitor earthquakes is presented. The seismic activity of Vietnam as a country of high seismicity in the last century and since the beginning of the new century is described. The current state of seismological research in Vietnam and cooperation with institutions outside of Vietnam is outlined. 展开更多
关键词 VIETNAM Seismic network SEISMICITY Seismological research
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